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Durham Review (1897), 9 Apr 1903, p. 5

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the residents of ity that we have: at the old stand, aylor‘s Store,"*"* and seneral Assortment ries, Boots & Shoes g and Hardware, 108 n‘s Goods in Stock. 1903 r & CGo rels and tent ) at the bridge evâ€" d Saturday. Orâ€" ft at C. McArthur‘s viEw OrFICE,. will DURH A M . HOLSTEIN ;le: them t . I think Â¥ * a Li‘ m PC\ riétl, cARTHUR thers say 6. N nd th re talking cutters P3 TT H. Parkser. pposite Mi d mbton St. & BELL ga@rriagos, and approved Joparalon‘ on Drug Co., . Ont. ON sHARES. od s / . mostly winter the Parker proâ€" For terms and 1€ STORE ORE H JAMES LEASK Ma n ur values is nk it is the best re also feeding it are laying better ime. 1+ pays to 1eet all old our aim to ir trade by elling them n nas Deets r excellence. full lines of rket geared nt of â€"date test specâ€" SNoOwW t Carâ€" wWITy mar 4o & in in hing thens he %’lll. for cn ne attle and . Worâ€" etely and my cows ommend O 1 and Corded Wash Silk Waist lengths in White, Black and Colors eaeh $2 i) U . . . . «« vieu oK â€" Â¥r¥¥ue ts rs sns uin & «OO Black Mercerized Sateen Underâ€" skirts, .... .. .. $1.40, $1 50, $1.75, $2.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY GINGHAM‘S THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. W. H. BEAN with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhope Cutters, Bishep Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleighs. OA ¢@ e Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. Calder‘s Block, â€" Durbam And. look in our Store Window and you will see barâ€" gains for your life. $ *~ #48 * knitted edge "$1.00 i 4 5_‘ w4 &+ #+ 1.40 Rolier Window Shades, each ... ... . .35¢ Table Linen, 54 in. wide, per yd .....25¢ ve 04 * *./ .! se vide White Bed Spreads each ....85¢ & $1.20 Floor Oileloth. 1 ya wide, per yd ....25¢ :fmefs used in the best busiuess housâ€" es of the Dominion. Circulars and full particulars free. Address If you desire to secure a good busâ€" iness education and be ready for a good position You cannot affore to miss this opportunity. Best college premises. Best courâ€" ses of study. Our courses of study in both Business and Shorthand departâ€" ments are upâ€"teâ€"date, practical an(Ll the HE SELLS CHEAP. Calder‘s Blockâ€"Next the Post Office owEN sOUND, ONT. BEGINS APRIL 13, 1903. TWEEDS & YARNS & .Â¥s osk Inspeclion 0 0J itho S$. sSCOTT. GROCERIES Myer‘s Music Method. Adopted by all leading Schools in Toronto. This deservedl ar system means of Chart Drilis, nux{fi.’?&“émm .nc‘i,’ other interâ€" eodni devices brings the wing topics within the child‘s immediate comprehension. ! nc »rGPrOREeE TE :770 c Musical Notation Rhi Keyâ€"board Location For terms apply to Miss Margaret Gun, ; yds long 30 in wide, taped edge p1. 40¢ Don‘t forget us when you want a cod pair of Shoes as we carry a Full iine of Sterling Bros‘. Shoes. T. NOBLE * The Implement Man ‘‘ asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found We can give you Bargain® SPRING TERM STOP ! AT THE OLD STAND~> PEEFI ,, DIG 4 we ask Inspection of our TEAS DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, 390TS & SHOES, &e., T. NOBLE Oft best quality. . FLEMING, Principal. April 9. 1903 AT THE MORTHERA *) ooo NeCn Rhythmic Motion Piano Work o Aiasical History â€" Technique : HE SHOEMAN. ', -o".. ce Bc af Rey Mrs Varley sook tlrg fopic ‘in the Christian Endeavor in thesPresbyterian cbhurch on Suuday eyening last. A vote will be taken o« the 1st Sunday ot May in the Presbyrerisn=ctrarch tor wo asceriain whether ull gaelic speahing hearers desires to have gaelic wouthly or semiâ€"monthly doring the stunmer, no ons to vote but gaelhic speaking mentbers. All anxious to have the gond olds language supported have the oppertunity to speak for themselves, the pastor does uot interâ€" fere in the waiter. j Some of the youngsters in the locality are affiicted with mumps but not seriously. Mrs Jas McDona«ld, who spent the winâ€" ter mouths w*t"\ her nephew Jiin MceDonâ€" ald, returneg to her cwn place on the South Line, Glenelg. last week. Miss Meady Hincks, who spoot a few months in s‘oronto. returned homwe last week looking well and hearty. Our teacher in the Junior department Miss McMillan is lard up for the last week on account of baving mumps. _ We bope to hear of her being alrighty soon. We hear that some of our young men are going to North Gleuelg on speculation which is intended to prove to be of a proâ€" fitable nature in future. The many friends of Augos McDonald will be pleased to hear that he is so much improved after a few weeks nttending the ‘Torouto hbospital for treatment for catarrh, as to be «ble to come home in a week or 20 as he is now visiting friends in the vicimiy ot Toronto. We are sorry to chronicle the death nf Mr and Mre Donald McDougali‘s, S. Line. Glenelg, baby boy, who died on »Thursday morniog of last week, April 20d.. After a few days‘ iliness, aged about si% months. The tuneral was largely attended on Friâ€" day. Rev Mr Matheson preagched the funeral »ermon. _ Mr and Mrs McDougall haye the sympathy of the commusoity in their sud bereayement. . <. 3 / The annual soirre beld in the Presbyterâ€" ian Church on Munuay evening the Soth March was quite a success. ‘The evenâ€" ing being all that could be de:ired at this season of the year afforded opportuniâ€" ty to all who wish to have a ycod evening‘s entertainment to attend. Dr Hutton, who was previously appointed, ably filled the duties of chairman in bis ususl manper. The Dr ueyer torsakes the good people ot Priceyilie whenever called upon to assist at occusions belonging to church matters. more especially as he identified bimseif dnring his career in Priceville to be one of the pillars of the church by way of keeping everything in its proper place, &c. The programme which consistes of singâ€" Ing uuud speeches was well reudered. The Dromore choir under the ‘eaderâ€" ship of Protessor Wm Ramaze acquitted themselves admirably well at interyals during the evening. Solos were giveun by Misses Aunie James and Emwa McLean. bo h of Priceville, aud their sweey and melodious voiees were loudly encored. 3pe@eâ€"ches by Rev Finlay Matheson, of Clatsworthb, subject "the Croiters ot the West," which was well delitered ; Rey. Mr Littie, of Holsteen, who is one of the ablest speaxers in the Presbytery, gave a good address both of a humorous uature and otherwise suilaine for the occusion, &c.. Rev Mr Varley in his usual solid manner gave a short bat well pointed address ; Rev J A Matbeson, pastor, gave a grod sound a«dress, very appropriate iur the occasion. Mises Susan McKinnon, of Durbham. atâ€" tended the entertainment in the Presbyâ€" terian shurch on Monday the 3uth March. We wish to remind the readers of the Ervizw of the entertainment in the school here on the evening of loth April. Good time expected. On Tuesday March 24th the ladies of Latona Church, Dornoch, met to bid farewell to Mrs Graham, who has taken a deep interest in the work of the church since coming to Dornoch,. After conâ€" ducting the business connected with the Ladies Aid Society, Mrs Graham was called forward and the following address was read by the President Mrs Wm. Smith Sr., and the presentation made by Mts. Geo. Ledingham Sr, Mrs. Graham though taken entirely by surprise made a very feeling reply thanking the people for their kindness. With a bherrt so full of gratitude and love, the few words meant a great The ladies, whom we have lefs to the last shouid come in first for they are never behind in doing their share of making the entertainiment a grand success by way of provmling good eatables to satis‘y the appetites of those coming from a distance aud others who required to be fed from the contents of their bountiful baskets which in numbers were many and conâ€" tained the yery best of the season. _ Mesâ€" srs Thos Nichol Jfand Hector MelLean atâ€" tended a} the doors and received there the neat sum of $48. which is considered good at this muddy season of the year. _ After singing the closing hyinu by the Dromre choir and promouncing ot the bemedictiâ€"n by Rev Finlay Matheson the crowd went home well satishied for the evening‘s enâ€" tertainment. id dld tih c usâ€" d Pone o Bd ho t se deal. Afier the presentation the ladies spread a dainty tea and the afternoon was much enjoyed. The purse containâ€" ed over thirty dollars. To Mrs. Wm. Graham, We, your fellowâ€"workers, friends and wellâ€" wishers in Latona congragtgigl{*gn_“lefl_iqu?g wishers in Latona CONETORALO!U "" CARMLUDUSQLL your intended defianure from among us, take this opportunity of showing_ our regret for the loss of an earnest, capable leader in Church work, one who by the hospitality of the home and by her voice and life was ever willing and ready to sid any deserving cause, therefore we would ask you to accept this purse as & slight token of our esteem, trusting that you and your estimable partner, onr pastor, may long be spared to continue the Master‘s work, and assuring you that wherever your future lot may be cast, you bear with you our best wishes and earnest prayers. _ Signed on bekalf of congregation : _ _ Honor Roll for S. S. No. 6. Bentinck. Class 5thâ€"Lizzie Forster. 4thâ€"Ida Pineo, Dan MmcDougall. Uharlie Pineo, Sr. 3rdâ€"Violet_ Forster, John Clark, Jr. 3rdâ€"Albert Lunney, John McKechâ€" nie. 20dâ€"Maud Pineo, Clifford Howell, Sarah McDougall. _ Ptâ€" 2ndâ€"Archie McDougall, Campbell Clark, Arthur Lunney. ISA CAMPBELL, Teacher. 8. A. Crozier, Mrs. R. M. Dargavel ADDRESS and PRESENTATION. Wm. Smith, 8r., PRICEVILLE. Mrs. R. Hay, Mrs. Dr. 8mith Mrs. Geo. Ledingham 8r the Women of Latona Report of 8. S. No. 1. Glenelg. Class 4thâ€"Lizzie Binnie, Kate McArthar, Cassie Kennedy. Sr 3°dâ€"Emma Beaâ€" ton, Annie Whitmore, Laura McGilliâ€" vray. Jr 3rdâ€"Winnme Binnie, Jeannie Mc@Gillivray, Willie Whicmore, David Nichol. Sr 2ndâ€"Archie Kennedy. Anâ€" nie McGillivray. Jr 2ndâ€"Millie fiighy. Laura Beaton, Gertie McComb, Noretta Fallaise. Sr Pt2ndâ€"Thos, Grasby, Ben Whitmore. _Pt Jr 2ndâ€"Geo, Mcinnis Wilfred Nichol, May Grasby, Pt 1st 8Srâ€"George Arnett, Flora McMilien,. Jr Pt lIstâ€"Johnny McKeown. Average attendance 39. AuEx. FirTH, Teacher. Live Stock Markets Toronto. Trade at the Toronto Cattle Markst this morning was slow and dragging in all lines, nnd more e«pecially «o iu export cattle. Brown, Grace Reid. Belle Patterson, Gladys Lawrence, Annie Nelson. Sr. 3rdâ€"Mary Brown, Maggie Hamilton, H. Hunter. Jr. ‘3rdâ€"John Kerguson, Victor Adams, Bert Lawrence. Aggie Adarms, E. McKenzie. 8Sr.2ndâ€"Blanche Reid, Belle Ferguson. F. Patterson, John Brown, Farr Lawrence. M. Reid, Jr. 2ndâ€"Willie Wilson, Charlie Nelson, H. Pattersn, Renten Watson, Edith Patterson. _Pt. 2nd 8Sr.â€"Martin Wiison, Charlie McKenzie, John Davis, Mable Eccles, G. Wilson, J. Ferguson. G. Lawâ€" rence,. A. Lee. Pt. 2n0d Jr.â€"Edgar Henry, Cecil Dayis, Hoy Eccles, Tow Report of 8. 8. No. 1. Normanby. for March. Class 5thâ€"Willie Watson and Maggie Wallace eq., Gertrude Backus. 4thâ€"Cassie Burns, Thos Marshall. Sr 3rdâ€"Nellie Burns and Harry Gadd eq., Janet Kerr, Ethel Fee. Jr3rdâ€"Sydney Fordham, Viola Backus. S8r2ndâ€"Earle McAlister, Arthur Backus, Rob, Webâ€" ber, Willie Mearns. Jr2ndâ€"Willie Mocâ€" Alister, Willie Wallace, Arthur Gadd, Lizzie Buarns. Pt 8r 2ndâ€"Mary Bacâ€" kus, Myrtle Caldwell, Harry Gravy. _Pt Jr 2ndâ€"Thomas Wallace. James Marâ€" shall, Walter McAlister, George Webhâ€" ber. _ 1it Classâ€"Neila Marshall, John Kerr, Marty McAlister, °/ _ MagerE® McCaANNEL. Teacher. The run amounted to 51 cars, including 811 cattle, 227 sheep, 1,090 hogs und 82 calves. Export Cattleâ€"An extra choice lot sold at $4.70, the top price for the day, and choice cattle sold about $4.25 to $4.60 per Cvt. Report of 8 8. No. 12. Egremont for the month Of February and M.«rch. Class 5thâ€"R. D. Henry. 4thâ€"Sarah Butchers‘ Cattleâ€"Trade eased off, the bulk of the detwand having been filled at yesterday‘s market. There was not much stuff offering. however, and prices were fairly well maintained. Choice cattle sold at about $4.10 to $4 40, and common to mediam. of which there was pleaty on hand, brought $8 to 84 per ewt. Henry, Cecil Dayis, mg; Eecles, lowm Bown, Maggie Eccles, lla Lee, Bert Ferguson, M. Hamilton. it Report of Hutton Hill school, Ma«rch 1903. Class 4thâ€"George Hution,. Bella Petty Joe Reid, Alfred Ashley, Elsie Petty, Dollie Hopkins. 3rdâ€"Edw. S. Lawrence, William Morice, Selina Hopâ€" kins. S8r. 2ndâ€"Bsssie Milligan,. Join Picken, Edna Reid, Chas. Lawtence, Will Notle. Jr. 2nd A.â€"Sadie Langril\, Florence Mountain, Willie Wells. Jr. 2nd Bâ€"Robbie Cuff, Perey Aldred, Arthur Morice. _ Pt. 2nd A.â€"Bessie Webber. _ Pt. 2nd B.â€"Jean Picken, Maggie Mountain, Leila Vollet. _ Pt, 1st ®r,â€"Leslie Morice, Willie Langrill. PL 1st Jr.â€"Sadie Lawrence, Ella Cuff, Maggie Donnelly. 4 ®r 2nd John McDonald, May MeDonald, Robert Howell. Jr 2ndâ€"Arthur Wilâ€" son,. Clara Caswell, Maggie Morton. _Sr Pt 2ndâ€"Clirence MeNally, Ross Mcâ€" Donald. _ Jr _ Pt 2ndâ€"Robert Putherâ€" bough, Pearl Wilson, James Brown. latâ€"May Grierson, Perry Caswell, Miss D. E. Davipsoxn, Teacher. Hoxor Roll for No. 10 Glenelg, for March 1903. _ 5th Classâ€"Hector McDonâ€" ald. _ 4thâ€"Bertha Hooper, Sarah :Mcâ€" Kinnon, John L MeéKinnon. J. 8. Mcâ€" Dermid. 3rdâ€"Mary J. McCuaig, Lizzie McCuaig, Edna Chislett, Alex. McBachâ€" ein. Melinda Graspy, Harold McDerâ€" mid,. Br2ndâ€"Charlie McDonald. Wmm Hooper, Isaac Hooper, Sarah ‘McBachâ€" ern, Nellie Sullivan. Jr 2ad â€" Kate McCuaig. E(Pmt 2ndâ€"Annie McDonald, Charlie McKinnon, Eddie Sullivan. _ Pt 1â€"â€"Cassie Sullivan. Milch Cowsâ€"About 20 fairly good cows were on the market and were sokd at from $38 to $60 each. _ Better prices wouid be parid for extra fine stock, but none of this cla«s are offering. Calvesâ€"The run of offerings was again fairly large and prices continued about steady at the recent drop. Sheep and Lambsâ€"The market was steady all round and trade was fairly good. _ There are too many lambs of poor quality offering. Only good spring lambs are wanted. Quotations are unchanged. Report of S, 8. No. 10. Rentinck for March. _ Class 5thâ€"Jessie MeDonald, Annie _ Smith, _ 4thâ€"Mary Morton. Maggie smith Satah MeCormick. 8r 3rdâ€"Jessie Smith, Lizzie Grierson, Annoie Clark,. JIr 3rdâ€"Willie Menally, Ma«rtha Wilson, Thos. Patherbough. Hogsâ€"There was a heary run and hog prices declined 25¢ per ecwt. _ Selects are now quoted at $6 374 per ewt and lights and fate at $6.12}. Notice is hereby given that a Byâ€"law was passed by the Municipal Counâ€" cil of Egremont on the eighteenth day ot March A. D. 1903, providing tor the issue of Debentures to the amount of $1400.00 for the purpose of enabling the Trustees of Union School Section, No. 14 in the Townships of Egremont and Proton to erect a School House in said Section, in the said Township of Egremont. And that said Byâ€"law was registered in the Registry office for the South Riding of the County of Greg, on the twentyâ€"first day of March A. D. 19083. Any mction to quash or to set aside the same or any p&rk thereot, must be made within one month from the date of registration, and cannot be made thereatter. Dated at Holstein, this twentyâ€"first day of March A. D. 1903. f PUBLIC NOTICE. JoOHN A. GRAHAM, Teacher. H. G; HuxTkR. Teacher. W. L. Dixox, Teacher. Davin Aurmax, Clerk. THE UUKKAM REVIEW Intermediate â€" James Lloyd. Earl MacDonald and Viviau Crawford eq. Jr Aâ€"Jobhn Harbottle. Marion Macâ€" Kenzie. Jr Bâ€"Janet Marshall. + Ayerage attendance 306. y W You may firmly count ting the most careftally and well preserved medicaments here at right prices. xive not served you before, why not try now ? Reeliable Qoods, Reasonable Rrofits, Right Treatment DARLING‘S DRUCG STORE HONOR ROLL FOR DURHAM SCHOOL FOR MARCH. Jr. Leaving Pt 2ndâ€"May2McClocklin« Susan McClocklin, Margaret Caldwell, Margaret Hutton, Laura Hutton. _ Jr Leaving Pt Ist B â€"Sara McLean, Lillian Walker, Arthur Webber, Carâ€" man Aljoe, Belle Cameron. Public School Department. Mamie Munro, Mamie Douglas, Frosâ€" sard Benton, Keith Newton, Essel Laidâ€" law. o q f t :1 Jr Leaving Pt 1st Aâ€"John MeNiece, Bella Binnie, Maggie Granr, Llowyin Moran and Charles Farquharson eq., Kate McDonald. 4 _ Sr 3rdâ€"Bessie Teltord, Irene Latimer, %tan)ey McNally, Effie Hunter, Ella ctor. a _ Jr 4thâ€"Wim Lawrence, Bertha Sparâ€" ling. Edith Allan, Fanny Moran, Wm Camptrells :; : ; :.: 00 00 cce sn on 2 _ Jr 3rdâ€"Foster Saunders, Ella Kinnee. Bertha [Downs, Hazel Marshall, Mima Saunders. f _SBr 2ndâ€"Maggie Mitchell, Elvin Ries, Clarence Darling, Bertha Haryey. Vadâ€" die Caldwell. Jr 2ndâ€"Nellie Hepburn, Elma Holt: Nina McFadden. Mary Wright, Harold Aljoe and John McNally, Jr Pt 2nd Bâ€"Ufle Walls, Zetta Marâ€" shall and Gerty Smith eq., Wilhe Clark, Milton Mills and Campbell McLachlan eq. Sr I1stâ€"Agnes Marrs a.n(i May Cliff eq, Carl Lenahan. Annie Vollet, IrenefLawâ€" son, Mamie Mountain. Sr Pt 2n0dâ€"Laudell Lauder. Rita Darâ€" ling, Jamie Farquharson, John V »llet, Raymond Erhardt. Jr Pt 2nd Aâ€"-Mnr{’orie McKenzie, Aggie Becker, Gladys Whitmore, Annie Ector, Ruth Moran, YOUR BREAD SUPPLY Be it large or small, will be al« ways of the best quality if obtained of us. Our product is at once pure wholesome and toothsome. Can‘t be beat. Made from a superior grade of flour and purest ingrediâ€" nets. Our bread, rolls, buns. etc, are baked in absolute cleanliness and are deliciouns.. First class sarâ€" vice. E. A. ROWE High School Departmeni. TLarling, q@. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Stale Drugs HA Voenacs To Jfealth They not only lose their efficacy» but oftentimes become positively poisonous owing â€" to chemical chauges. nature of the security (if any) held b‘)" them, duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors ‘will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard onl{ to the claims of which the{ shall then have notice. Dated this 17th day of March, A.D., 1908. J. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for Executors, { Frederick Shewell, Hugh McGann. day of March, 1903, are required to send by post, pregtid, or to deliver to J. P. Telford of the 'llown of Durham, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before Iit the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the Estate of Joh;! J, Barry, l¢’1le of the To}muhip of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, Armer. yeceaaed. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. O., 1897, cap, 129, sec. 38, and amending acts, that all J;ersom having claims against the Estate of the said John J. Barry, who diec on or about the 12th their names, addresses and descriptions, and a full stetement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securfty (if any) held by them, duly Intending Students should enter at beginning of term, or as soon after as possible. Staff and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following Staff Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Moderns. FEES: $1.00 perâ€"month , Wm. Johnston, C. L. Grant, Chairman. Secretary. Adetrtep h ddbGubk<*®s % 4 # L3 cede 3 = MutARANE & 00. # Eqqq LLLp pipiptLLyr The 18th day of April, A. D., 1903, Durham School TDeople‘s Druggist. Notice to Creditors. Fancy Export Red, Mammoth, _ Alsike, Lucerne, White Dutch and Other Clovers, We aim to supply â€"on" % ly the purest Seeds &# and true to name "if &# quality is a considerâ€" # ation with you as it 4 shoulJ be. 3 Choice Timothy, Orâ€" chard and _ Other Grasses Come to us. at lowest prices. The three R‘s our Store motto : on getâ€" selected If we % | La? "aP 6OR C | A genera % | Drafts is i’ | all points .g, est allowe .g. l SAV-"‘GE savin '§> wu'dsg' ] * 'f.\cilitv a > ‘ dista ce. ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Du nam Pharmscy Calder‘: Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. W.C. PICKERING D. DS., L. D. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronte University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. {ate assistant to the Royal London Ophthalmic . ospital, Bxl’lund. and the Golden Square Noge ud Throat Hospital. 8Â¥. SPECIALIST EYF, KaR, THRoaT & xosil" MIDVLILL32% mromuc.. ... EXCLUSIVELY, «ty Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, = first Wednesday of each month from 12 p. m. 4 p. m. OMceâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN. DURHANM. Jompany and private Funds to Loan â€" Morigages at lowest rates of interest. Valuati made by a competent and carefcl Valuator, dill Charges Moderate MACKAY & DUNN, Barristers, _ â€" _ Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Offices : Hunter‘s New Block, cpâ€" posite Chronicle Office. Garatraxa St., Durham. MONEY TO LOAN A. G. MacKay K.C. W. F. Dunn arrister, Notary, CGo: veyancer, Qtc., éto..... lonedy to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. OFFICEâ€"Melntyre Block, Cioe. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR iN SUPREME COURNY NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, £ETc. CAPITAL, Authorized . ... ...$2,000,00« CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ $50,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontaric, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. STANDARD BAKK OF CANAN1 A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection :made on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed «t onrrent rates SAV'INGi‘B:lI .nwol?:lu&owe: op savings bank deposits 00 and u wards Prompt tion and evel'; f;gcilfitjAsfloMed rs living at Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Lenses, Agreements &c.correctly prepared. Estates of deceased Fcr~ soms louked after and Executor‘s and Adminisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and rnod Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills. Lettere 0f Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all kinds | Farms bough promptly attended to and sold DURMHAM AGENCGCY OFFICEâ€"â€"McHKenzie‘s Old Stand Durham OoFFICE HOURS 9â€"12 4. m. 2â€"4 p. m . RESIDENCE and OFFICEâ€"O!4 Bank UPPER TOWN, DURRAM. J. G, HUTTON, M. D Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate, Arrangements for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. #* Correspondence addressed here or to llofll: P. O., will be promptly attended to, on application to DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Member College Physicians and Surgeons NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, CcCONVEYANCER, vALUVATOR Insurance Agent, ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Pryvsicrian & Surczox, Office over McLachian‘s Store es uies (o 1 of o1 CA 4@~ Special attention given to Diseases f Women and Childrer, BARRISTER, SOoLICiTOR,= NOATRY PUBLIC â€" CONYEYANCER, ac. DENTISTRY. J. P. TELFCRD. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Telephone Connection No.:10 . MePHMAIL or to DR GEO. S. BURT. MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON. Head Office, Torono. HOURS W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. D. MePHAIL, Hopeyille P. 0. C. RAMAGE, Durham Private Money to Loan, ;(Over the Bank , Ageut 44 Y O %1 i

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