West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Apr 1903, p. 9

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) ) THE BIG STORE €>€>04933, Hjen‘s nobby Hats for Spring Mr. Ham, Allen left here a few days ago for Little Current or Sault Ste marâ€" ie as will best suit him, where he was expecting to get a situation in one of the large mills. â€" Ham is a firstâ€"class workâ€" man. _ Before leaving he called around to bid goodâ€"bye to gis old neighbors. His family is still here until he sees what he can do. He will be much missed here especially in Church work. Rev. Mr. Broad bid farewell to the Presbyterian congregation on the first week of this month and we understand he is going to Bnitish Columbia. He was well liked here and many rerret his deâ€" parture. â€" His place will be filled by stuâ€" dents for a short time. Rev. Mr. Alderson, Reeve McArdle, and Mr. Riddell of the mill here, attendâ€" ed the funeral of Mr Geo Deaus in Dunâ€" dalk some time ago. They found the road was in a very bad condition and Reeve McArdle states that it must be fixed up. We have not sent you u:iy news from our town for some time and in commenâ€" cinf agnin part of this may be a little stale. however it will be news to some of your readers. Rev, Mr. Alderson is spending Easter with his parents in Hanwiton. Mr, WV im. Dingwall and Johm’nly Glenâ€" ister toox in Easter holidays in Toronto Mrs, WV m. McMurdo and son Stephen took a trip to Sault Ste. Marie to see her «on James who was sick, WUbaibae in o n n d in 'rei{y Press Soods Hardware and Fresh Groceries always on hand. This Store sells Dress Goods, Wash Good: and Trimâ€" mings to all the best buyers here. We carry the nicest Goods and the ladies will have the good stuff, and we don‘t blame them, for it gives the best satis. faction. Our New Goods are very stylish and we hope you will call and see them next time you pass. We would like to show our Dress Goods to you for they are sure to please. 75 pieces of Mercer Silk worth per yard 20c and 15¢ at 12 yards for $1.00. _ ‘This is a chance in a lifeâ€" time for upâ€"toâ€"date Goods. Correct Muslin Fabrics for Spring in French and American Organdies and Fancy Ginghams to sell from 1o to 20c. 20 Ladies‘ Dress Skirts in black, dark grey, &c., was $2.50, $3.00 for $1.735. :2 Ladies‘ Dress Skirts in black,. navy and dark grey made with a flounce and trimmed with silk and stitching, regular price $4.50 our price $2.90. Be sure and come early as the best Bargains always go first We are Sole Agents in Durham for the Union and Premier brand of stiff and soft Hats. ‘They are up. toâ€"date styles and every hat will give sat‘sfaction. ALEX. RUSSELL PHONE 11. HOPEVILLE. THE BIG STORE SUCCKSSOR TO J. A. HUNTER. _ _On Sunday the 5th, about noon, a fire | broke out in Mr Geo Pallister‘s house on the I4th con,. The house was occupied , by Mr. Pallister and his wife, both old land a little infirm. but with their exerâ€" {tions and those of the neighbors who noticed it, the house was saved with litâ€" tle damage being done. °_ (7/ . & V _ CC HPSL Cclass honor standâ€" ing (i. e. 75 per cent and over. of itne total number of marks) ace :â€" Form 5â€" Nellie Vasey ; Sr 4thâ€"Barrett Vasey ; Sr 3rdâ€"Walter McDonald ; Jr 2ndyâ€" Carrol Hunt ; Pt 2ndâ€"Mary Cummings. Regularity of attendanceâ€" Barrett Vasâ€" ey ; Punctuality. Carrol Hunt. A number of names fail to appear in this promotion list, owing to irregularity of attendance during the winter term, such pupils must, of course, remain in their same classes. School Report of Easter Examination. The following is a list of the promoâ€" tions, to go into effect, after vacation, at Dornoch Selgarate School, as a resule of the recent Eaixter Exam. held in that school. Form 1 to Jr Pt 2ndâ€"Bella Curmmings. Jr Pt 2nd to Sr Pt 2ndâ€" Mary Cammings, Ivy Dargavel. Jr2nd to Sr 2ndâ€"Cairol Hunt. Wilbert Mcâ€" Cartney, Frank Weis. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd â€"Jobhn McKenns, Willie Vasey. Jt 3ra to Sr 3rdâ€"Mary H Vasey, Ma Vasey. 8r 3rd_to Jr 4thâ€"Walter LI;'Donuld. Nellie Barrie, Willie Drew. _ Jr 4th to Sr4thâ€"Maggie McKenna, Willie Vasey. Pupils worthy of special mention, as baving obtained first class honor standâ€" ing (i. e. 75 per cent and over. of the . RYAx. Teacher. TOWN OF DURKAM: NOT /CE To aid the promotion, erection and equipment of a wholesale Dairy Supply Manufacturing eafqblia‘h- ©"The Durham Manufacturing Co.. | Limited" to the extent of a loan ofi $7,000, lpartial exemption from Muâ€" nicipal taxes and a free site and to { issue debentures for the said loan and to authorize the raising of an annual sum for the payment of the said debexiiires and the interest thereon., Whereas by <‘The Municipal Act ‘ of the province of Ontario. 1897 and the amendments thereto, any town in the said Province may grant aid by way of a loun of money, exemption from Municipal taxes, ete., for the enâ€" couragement and Promotion of Manuâ€" factures within its limits and may pay such sum or sums of money either in one sum or otherwise with or without interest and subject to such terms, conâ€" ditions and restrictions as the said town may deem expedient and may take and receive security for the compliance with the terms and conditions upon which such aid is giyen : AND WHEREAS the Corporation eft vhe Town otf Durham is desirous of aiding in the promotion of the Wholeâ€" sale Dairy Supply Manutacturing esâ€" tablishment by the *Durham Manuâ€" facturing Comgany. Limited," to be esâ€" tablished in the said Town of Daurham by granting to the said Company a. loan to the extent of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000.00) and issuing debenâ€". tures therefor, said loan to be repaid by the said The Daurham Manufacturing Company, Limited in the manner folâ€" lowing, that is to say : The sum of One ‘Thousand Dollars at the cend of the Fourth year from the date of the comâ€" ing into force «f this Byâ€"law and the sum of One Thousand Dollars annually thereafter in six consecutive annual inâ€" stalments at the end of the Fitth, Sixth Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth years from the date of the coming into force of this Byâ€"law, without interest, and also by granting to the said Comâ€" pany partial exemption from Munici. pal taxes excepting School taxes on ail the land and buildings of the said Comâ€" pany by allowing the said lands, buildâ€" ings, plant and stockâ€"inâ€"trade to remain at their present assessed value for a period of ten years, Debenture No. 1. 1907 1000 315 1315 Debenture No. 2. 1908 1000 270 1270 Debenture No. 3. 19090 100C 225 1225 Debenture No. 4. 1910 1000 J80 1180 Debenture No. 5. 1911 1000 185 1135 Debenture No. 6. 1912 1000 90 10900 Debenture No. 7. 1913 1000 45 1045 6. That a special rate on the dollar upon the assessed value of all rateable property in the town of Durham over and above and ir addition to all other rates and taxes, which special rate shall be sufficient to produce in each Jeur the sum required as shown by Schedule "A‘ 4. The said Debentures shall be payable on the eleventh d“i; of May in each year in accordance with Schedule * A " of thi«s Byâ€"law and Coupons shall be attached thereto for the payment of interest thereon at the rate of Four and oneâ€"half per centum per annum from the date thereof on the eleventh day of May in each and eyery year during the continuance of said Debaniures or any of them at the Standard Bank in the Town of Durham. > 2. For that purpose it shall be lawâ€" ful for the Mayor of the said Town of Durham to borrow the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000.00) and to issue 3. That the said debentures shall bear date on the day hereinafter apâ€" gointed for the coming into force of this yâ€"law, shall be sealed with the Corporâ€" ate seal of the Town of Durham, be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer thereof and shall bear interest at the rate of Four and one half per centum per annum from the date thereof until respectively dug as hereinafter provided which interest shall be payable yearly on the eleyenth day of Mnty at the Standard Bank in the Town of Durham where the said Debentures shall also be payable. 1. It shall and may be lawful for the Municipal Council of the Corporaâ€" tion of the Town of Durham to ui(Y the said "The UDurham Manufacturing Comâ€" pany, Limited" in the erection and comâ€" letion of a factory for the purposes Kereiuhefnre set forth within the limnits of the said Corporation by lending to the said the * Durham Manufactauring Company, Limited" the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000.00) repayable without interest in seven consecutive annual instalments of One Thousand Dollars (1000.00) each at the end of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth. Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth years from the date of coming into force of this Byâ€"law. debentures of the said Municipalim to the said amount in sums of not less than @ne Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each. AND WHEREAS in order thercto it will be necessary to issue debentures for the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000) as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this byâ€"law) the proâ€" ceeds of said Debentures to be applied to the purposes aforesaid and nouther : THEREFORE the Municipal Counâ€" cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham enacts as follows : AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Durham according to the last revised assessment roll thereof being the Assessmment Roll for the year 1902 is $356,101 00 : AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Town of Durham amounts to the sum of $35,740.34 (including debentures for local assessments and loan debentures) mo principal and no interest being in arrears : BYâ€"LAW NO. 447. y Manufacturing establishâ€" in the Town of Durham by ‘FHE DURHAM REVIEYW Year payable Prin. Int. Total 1904 $315 $315 1905 315 315 1906 315 315 No. 1. 1907 1000 315 1315 No. 2. 1908 1000 270 1270 SCHEDULE "A" 1904 $315 $315 1905 315 315 1906 315 315 1. 1907 1000 315 1315 2. 1908 1000 270 1270 8. 19090 100C 225 1225 4. 1910 1000 J80 1180 5. 1911 1000 135 1135 6. 1912 1000 90 10900 7. 1913 1000 45 1045 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TO HCTEL KEEPERS, SHOP KEEPERS : and all whom it may Concern. s NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of License Commisswners for the License District of South Grey will meet on Thusdoy the 238 doy oi Aprl, 1903. w â€"â€"IN THEâ€" ‘ Village of Holstein, at Klempyp‘s Hotel at 10 o‘clock, a. m. When all applications /or Licenaes. for the License year of 1908 and 1904 will be considered. The number of Licenses issued for year 1902â€"1908 was : Town of Durbam. Tavern 3 Township of Glenelg. ** 2 * ot Normanby, *# 10 ** of Bentinck, *4 2 x* of Egremont, Â¥* 2 ** of Proton, ** 3 Tow: of Durham, Township of Glenelg. ** of Normauby. ** of Bentinck,. ** of Egremont, ** of Proton, Village of Dundalk. ** Hanoyer, The applications for Licenses for 1904 are as follows : Village of Dundaik, th 3 ** of Hanover, $* 3 Of whom Donald MeDonald of the Tawn of Berlin is applying for a new Liâ€" cense for the House and Premises, sitnâ€" nted at Mlinwood in the Township of Bentinck, known as the Royal Hotel, sr All petitions relating to the grantâ€" ing or refusal of Licenses must be fAiled with the Inspector at least four days before April 28. 1908. Parties interested will govern themaselves accordingly. 9. It is hereby declared that the said sum . of Seven Thousand Dollars is loaned and the said land granted and the other benefits and exemptions conâ€" fetred upon the said Company upon the terms and conditions of a certain agreeâ€" ment hereafter to be entered into beâ€" _ _ THOS. A, HARRIS, Inspector. Durham, April 9th, 1903. 8. That it shall be lawful for the Mayor and Council of the Town of Durâ€" ham !and they are bhereby required to allow the assessment on said lot when conveyed to the said the Durham Manuâ€" facturing Company, Limited, under the preceding section of this Byâ€"law, to remain at its present assessed value except for School purposes for a period of ten years from the date of coming into force of this Byâ€"law and they are hereby further required to grant exempâ€" tion from Municipal taxes excepting School taxes,; in favor of the said the Durham Manufacturing â€" Company, Limited, upon all machinery, plant and Stockâ€"inâ€"trade in or upon said Ynnds and premises for the said period of ten years. UV ELV Wz TWz Uz zZ2 zZZ § a GREAT EVENT & 7. That it shall also be lawful for the Mayor and the Council of the Corâ€" poration of the Town of Durham to purchase and convey or cause to he conyeyed and they are hereby required to purchase and convey or cause to be conveyed to the said The Durham Manâ€" ufacturing Company limited by a good and sufficient deed in fee simple all that certain parcel or tract of land and premiâ€" ses situate in the Town of Durham and being that part of Park Lot Number Seyen, North of South Street West, known as the Russell Lot. of this Byâ€"law, shall be annually leyied and collected frow the year 1907 to the year 1913 both years inclusive. 3 H. H. MOCKLER. ® n a®. * NTA || Our Shoe Stock becoming pretty well cleared up during the past few weeks, we were fortunate to be able to buy 18 ° NzEw Lanms of Shoes at a very small part of their origina wholesale prices and we will sell them out in proportion to the price we paid for them and we did get them CHEAP, TORONTO Men‘s Heavy Coarse Boots, Men‘s Kip Boots, Men‘s Fine Boots. All selling below regular wholesale prices. These goods are fully DATE in every respect and of the best makes. To clear the balance of our stock. Then our new stock will be here and i is very large and composed of the NEWEST AND BEST goods to be bought toâ€"day. We have taken great care in choosâ€" ing the goods4&and have succeeded in getting some very exceptional values. Tavern 3 *: %.S', Sir 10 TEN DAYS MORE Is It PRight %u ){’-e w If you don‘t think we have the rony most upâ€"toâ€"date hats in the counâ€" 13, On Tuesday the 2 April 1903 at the hour of ten Nok e id 200 COd W es P 1 place on behalf of the persons desirous of promoting the pussin%of this Byâ€"law and a like number on behalf of persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of ths Byâ€"law. 12. On Saturday the 25th day of April 1903 at the bour of ten o‘clock in the forenoon the Mayor will attend at the office of the Town Clerk in the Town of Durham for the purEOse of appointing in writing signed hg imself, two persons to attend at the final sumâ€" ing up by the Clork of the votes polled on this Byâ€"law and also of ugpointing one person to utt:'nlt_l at eac apo_lling In the East Ward at the Town Hall by Joseph Burnett as Deputy: Returnâ€" ing Officer : In the West Ward at 8. P. Saundâ€" ers‘ Shop by Jobn Smith as Depucy Reâ€" turning Officer : / tween the saud Corporation of the Town of Durbam and the saig The Durhaw Manufacturing Company, Limited, and to be added as Schedule "B" to this Byâ€"law. on this Byâ€"Jaw shall be taken on Monâ€" day the 27th day of April 1903jcommencâ€" at the hour of nine o‘clock in the mornâ€" ing and closing at the hour of five o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day as follows :â€" In the North Ward at Norman Kelâ€" sey‘s House by Clifton Elyidge as Deputy Returning Officer : ~~« â€"10. That this Byâ€"law rull come into force upon the final pas#ing thereof by the Council of the Town of Durham, 11. That poll shallibe held and the votes of the ratepayers ep(._illed to vote THIS LOT COMPRISES o, Sez IN BOOTS AND SHOES ! 371 6'05(1 I d, Ohe Clothier. Yours For Business, ol r most upâ€"toâ€"date readyâ€"toâ€"wear Clothing at a price that will save the buyer money and bring him back to deal with us in everything a man wears, We are not advertising something we know nothing about. But let us tell you right here that what we have we will guarantee to be upâ€"toâ€"date and the price is right. > ;. # You say we dont keep cloth for ordered Tailoring . l ’ We do and the very best. if you call and see our goods, you see the latest patterns that are on the market in the city of ow Work to be bought right here in PQurékam. * «h * _ * Shoe? _ Yes, sir, we have 1 safely say they are the best that can be bought. try. The Newest, The Best, The Chaapest. be laughed at for wearing a Hat outâ€"ofâ€"date. Children‘s Shoes in Job Ladies‘ Oxfords in sizes 6 to 8. 6« 66 3 to 4. th dnz of o‘clock in We mean business. We have the best and NeeA South Grey License Comminci~.... as vfii(l’Lbe_ seen by lzm.‘::o“"" » :?Mnmt:.l?-.?g.l_épfll 23, to consida» lhcenses for another year TAKE NOTICE that the toregoing is a true cogy of a proposed Byâ€"law which will be nnllB passed ty the Council of the Town of Durbham in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto atter one month from the first ublication in the Dorgay Review EYewspuper the date of which first pubâ€" lication is the Otbh day of April A. D. 1903. and that the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will he taken thereon at the respective polling plases named in the said Byâ€"law an the 27th day of April A. D. 1903 eommencmg at nine o‘clock in the forenoon and continuâ€" ing until five o‘clock in the aft »rnoon, Dated at Durham this 6th day of april A. D. 1903, y oLap Wax. B. Vorrer, Cletk of Durham . Council Chamber, Durham, Ont. the forenoon at the Town Hall in the Town of Durham the Clerk of the Town will proceed to sum up the number of votes giyen for and against this Byâ€"law, Read the third time and Anally assed by the Council of the Town of Burhun this eb ce day of 1ave the Geo. A. Slater Invictus Yes, sir, we have them and can x /T y MB APRIL 16, NOTICE. Mayor of Durham Clerk of Durham, 4 y e es |eoel &1 es» Mek ie§ 5s Py &A § «La 3 us af 73# be 36 at l 1f P if 2 VOL. Phone N. The d select from ply Stato It is tota the latest WFDPIPTN Skirts in wtth thre simuvlated Skirts in trimmed Ladies‘ S bottom .. Ladies‘ S! with blac Ladies® cording Ladies‘ V ing and stitching and ever woman 9. Iam,q Ta Th by th at atr pi

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