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Durham Review (1897), 16 Apr 1903, p. 1

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150 wao Hall in the tk of the Town the number of nd it «"[D€p= ts, omin tisen tus Shoe. rina I eeks 1 J th bhe f fro HA W Rainprootf Coats £ Dur Brâ€"law wh the Counci 'bfi wl 6 , 1903 D H ist received a the latest pat ti 90A D Undorwear A V h sioners, nt meet consider ntin day 34 A *J 1 Will D h at eammenmmment â€"emfmopfaepin fi 7" &. d 4 WeKechnic. ‘ n i i e e en ereeearcrrnnen â€" ynsjx:" "NC po re m un 4 k oi ‘Le o Leoal Pn â€" Eoi «s Cae m K c M R HELEL 200 be BE EL IET: MEEY 1B« C * 9 Ames Kolden Co. Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE OUR DISPLAY; OF BOOTS NORTH WINDOW.â€" ALL MaNU FACTURED BY THE ; Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. ‘They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. 3 O O T S THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Rubbersg THE POPULAP CASH STORE to the pleasure of Fine Millinery LAIDLAW‘S O1d Stand ellinesy oK echnie. uTN( are showing «++ .« FryQ ;| _ MuUsicAL.â€"Remember the * Piano § | Recital" toâ€"morrow (Friday ) evemng j , in the Baptist Church at 8 o‘clcck. Mrs s | Newton will be assisted lg Dr. Brown fi;of Holstein. A memorise program of # | brilliant, Xet difficult music will be renâ€" i | dered. dmission 25¢c. Should the S night be unfayorable raincoats and : | umbrellas may be checked at the door. E!Tbis Recital promises to be a " musical 'i|event.” Those who love good music ; | should not miss this treat. _ Mrs Newton | i | will use her own piano. No tickets will i be sold, fee paid at door. j _ _ Get out in the mornings and in the evâ€" ‘ enings, fellowâ€"citizens, and see what you ‘can do to assist nature in beautifying ; your home property in particular and | the village landscape in general. Plant | a tree or a number of treesâ€"they‘ll grow and future generations will call you blesâ€" sed, even if you don‘t live to enjoy the shade yourself. _ An evergreen hedge will fit in some places, ind a few roseâ€" : busbes in other places, or perbaps you can make the earth bloom in spots where there never before was a flower garden, by purchasing And planting a few packâ€" ets of those seeds that can be got so cheap just now. If it‘s too much trouble ; to grow anzthing but grass, then grow ‘ grass and keep it shorn down with a lawn mower. For any sakes dont allow a forest of burdocks and such stuff t.ol P EoCE E2 ORTTECT SOm C ,VD the prettiest, cleagnest, healthiest and happiest looking town in the universe. Much has been done of late dyeau and more can yet be done in this direction. spring up in the front or back of your lot VR’hat a blot on the landscape is an unâ€" painted house ! Do some painting where it‘s needed. Get out and do something to make the old town look better. Don‘t let it be your fault if Durham isn‘t yet the prettiest, cleagnest, healthiest and ho mm ns Lwe Ned in ns es e oo n s o CC EASTER OBSERVANCE.â€"Seems to be on the increase, especially noticeable being the homing instinct which brings and takes absent members of the family to the old circle. The churches too in pulpit and choir select appropriate offerâ€" ings of word and music to mark the epoch that calls to mind a risen Redeeâ€" mer. The day is second only to Christâ€" mas in its hallowing effect. At the Presbyterian Church in the morning a‘ uartette rendered effectively " I know :}hat my Redeemert lives" Miss B. Crawâ€" ford taking the solo K“t in a most pleusinflnanner. In the evening Mrs. A. W. Lauder gave a fine solo befitting the occasion. ( l APPRECIATED.â€"All the long seryvice Medals applied for in No, 4 Co‘y, 3lst Reg‘t have arrived. ‘Those who got them are Lieut R. Torrx. Sergt G. Mathâ€" ews ; Sergt Wm. Saunders ; Corporal, J Andrews ; Pte,. J. Sanders. _ On Lieut. R. Torry‘s retirement from the Lieutentâ€" ancy he was presented with a handsome me({sl by some of his milita.r{ friends for the great interest he too in the Company and Rifle shooting while an active member of it, ’ wna * held up" many observers. Spray YoUur TrEEs.â€"The time has ’now arrived to begin the eternal fight against insect pests. If you want saleâ€" able fruit get a sprayer and use the beit } insecticides according to rules laid down { and you will see results. Our hardware | men are getting inâ€"the necessary nrpli 'nnces, etc., for the work. A few dollars sgent now will bring back big returns in | i the coming fruit season, | QUEEN ST.â€"Last week in some way , in writing of the improyements contemâ€" plated by the council we used Bruce Street instead of Queen St. Mr Mcâ€" Cracken has made a beginning at the old Moody corner of a new residence which we believe is to be occupied by Dr. Hutton, and the rading is to be done south of this resi(fence from Garaâ€" fraxa to Queen, then south to Laimnbton Street. | _ Renfrew is an enterprising town. The Council thete will spend $200 in fitting ) up and caring for a recreation room for the young men of the town,. It will be | under the supervision of fiye young men, | one from each of the five churches. In taddition to this sum the Coancil also Igunts $300 per year to the public lih-‘ rary.â€"Ex, A RarE Wmnow._Among the pretâ€" ty things in town last week and this is Darling‘s Easter Window. Not alone for the pretty novelties displayed but the artistic arrangement in front of and on a tape structure resembling che nets of a lacrosse goal, beats anything we haye seen in tgis line. It "caught on " and *‘ held up" many observers,. 1 UrF To HoOSPITALâ€"Mr Jas. R. Gun left on Monday for the Hos’piul at Stratford to receive treatment for what threatens to be appendicitis. Mr Gun has had more than an average share of trouble of late feuu and we sincerely hope he may pull through this successâ€" fully and well, Neither young or old of the female sex likes to be seen with a man unless be has up to date garments. Ther can be bought at Theobald‘s as cheaply as out of date goods. Mockler‘s New Goods arrive in days. Bought right and will | right. Watch ad next week. Svaars.â€"Buy Redpath‘s (the best) $4.20 per 100 Ibs in at Parker‘s Drug Store. ROOMS TO RENTâ€"â€"Apply to Jxo. ‘g’lgozmxu.. FOR SALE.â€"A full ine of Windowl Shades 6 and 7 ft lengths. Shewell & i Lenahan. ( ,,fj’fi:},‘?-;;?.,‘.‘!f‘fllpflfl‘.' granulated Pgm wtg _ | T 000 2+ , *~+~ senument of the town is increases the vield, at Parker‘s, pmct.{cally; ununinlx)ous in favor of tlic A First Class Tailoress wanted, apâ€" PrOPosed ‘yâ€"law, but votes, not sentiâ€" ply to J. A. Grass, Merchant Lailor. PS "“ént' are "“fll‘u"‘ed to carry it. jorkt + o veryone knowns no mere majority Moth Camphor, Moth Bags, Paris® | w Green, at MacFarlane‘s Drug Store. .!f:.{'..‘.’fl _§Egul'.i.-th.°_rf_'f not even one Maple Syrup at Grant‘s. 4# Don‘t read Theohalds‘s ad OATs.â€"Formalin prevents s increases the Â¥ield, at Parker DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1903. P bs pi 4 OWNS2 | OPICS er. Jon‘t| target to be 4 ft square with an 8 inch isn‘t yet bulfseye. the next to be the size of a hiest and,mun’s hody, above the ground line, 5 universe. | shots at each target, complete. Arrangeâ€" years and , ments on behalf of the exâ€"members can irection. l be made with R. ToRrRY, Exâ€"Lieut. m 1 ve in a few will be sold marrel lots, smut and Shooting match. The exâ€"members of No. 4 Company 31st Regt would like to have a friendly shooting match with the present active members. with teams of say 10 meny each to be held on the 2ith of May® range to be 200 yds. one target to be 4 ft sauare with an 2 in.L ~Nalan% it or by remissness, when good form deâ€" mands it. A bow can couwgg & goofi deal ; it may be cordial, ceremonious or distant, but it should alâ€" wnf’s be polite. In the May Delineator, under Soâ€" cial Observances, the rules prescribed by socia! usâ€" age i{ln thls} regn‘rd are giveu, covering as well a mimihon m sontks y c g L CC number of particular instances The etl%l:ette of bowing is a nice question. When to bow, when not to bow, and the manner of bowâ€" ing are points about which a great many persons need instruction. It is easy to offend in salutation, either by overâ€"eagerness, when etiquette does not warrant it, or by remissness, when good form deâ€" McALvAYy â€" Row_r. â€" On Wednesday April 15th inst, at the residence of the bride‘s brother. by the Rev. Wm. Farquharson, Mr. Dean T. McAlvay, <'>‘t ({bicago. to Miss Alma Rowe, of JorpAX.â€"In Durbaw, on April 11, the wife of T J Jordan, of a daughter. Farr.â€"1In Durham, on Easter Sunday morning, April 12th, the wife of Rev. Thos. Farr. of a daughter, ¢S(J‘onm-a- tulations, Call her Lily.â€"Ed,.] . , A FinN®E NunBER.â€"By the courtesy of Mr A, W. Laudet we have been given a per usal of the first Anniversary number of the Copper Cliff Courier, which is A revelation of the development of that mining town only some 10 or 12 years old. Some fine views ave given, taking mostly in winter. The town has 3000 Eopulation. has a fire department, a ospital, fine churches and not a saloon, and of course is the centre of the great copper and nickel industries, which ps.y‘ out ;lvnges amountiny to $60000 a, iwonth. I VERY ILL.â€"Very sincere regrets were expressed last week all over town wheu it was lsarned that Miss Annvnie McKenâ€" zie, teacher had been compelled to give up school and was alarmingly ill, At time of writing she is some better, her brother is expected toâ€"day, Monday, from the far gVest.. Warm sympathy is expressed towards the sufferer and her sister Miss Belle in this trying affliction. LEaving Towx.â€"Mr Wm. Wells and family left Tuesday for Winchester in the hope that change of air and scene will benefit the health of Mr Wells, who has been for some time an inyalid. His many friends here will rejoice to hear of his complete recovery. Durhain. Men‘s Black and Blue Overalls with bibs and men‘s printed mole (_;;nnt,s at Grant‘s. } LA GRIPPE.â€"In convalescence from Grippe. use the great restorerâ€" Dr. Budd‘s Tonic Hypophosphites, at Parâ€" ker‘s Drug Store. Houvsrnorp FURNITUORE. â€" M rs. Arâ€" rowsmith intends to sell erly in May all ber valuable bhousehold Furniture, garden tools, &c. Particulars next week. Pearcey‘s Prepared Paints are gxost. reliableâ€"try themâ€"MacFarla 0. MILITARY.â€"LEARN TO SHOOT. Children‘s Suits at Grant‘s. H. H. Mockler‘s for bright new goods We are Headquarters of Window Shadesâ€"MacFarlane & Co. 3 A telegram from Mr Broomalil anâ€" nounces everything right from his end, he will be here in a few days, Meanâ€" while any information Agent Livingâ€" stene or the Council has is at your serâ€" vice. a° sure to yote. and impress your neighior, if he or she is indifferent, i the trdl o+ " aapn oo propertéy‘ owners on | _ Mr H. H. Miller. Hanover, who in the the roll. it will require 241 votes to | early days was for four years connected !carry. ‘z0 make this 241 is no euag task, | with the church, and has been a pillar for many owners are absent, and it is 'of Methodism ever since, was selected as never possible to poll even the full resiâ€" chairman. He made a good opening dent vote, even when there is political ‘ address and very ably conducted the rivalry, | subsequent proceedings. The church in \ _ The council has done its part. _ It | the early days was more of a help to him romptly submitted the byâ€"law. it has | than he to it, he valued its teachings, lru)ught the lot near the station for a|réjoiced at the union of the varicus site, it now remains for the voters to ’Metbodist bodies that had taken place, complete the work by turning out‘ on | 4nd thought the time ripe and l es [the &lh to vote " For" on the Byâ€"law (Ally favored a union with the resbyâ€" . in such numbers as to make the result | teriaD church the differences bet ween . certain. _ Let everyone remember that | the two bodies now being less than beâ€" if two mayors ran, and anly 3 votes polâ€" ‘t.weou the various Methodist bodies hbeâ€" led, one having 2 votes would be elected. fore their union. He dealt with various Not so here, the Inw makes a minimum. ’remuucent. features in a yery pleasant and we must reach it, whether it is 241 way,. or 300. A neighbming town 2 weeks | _ But music. music. music was the feaâ€" ago, lost an industry for lack of this | ture of the evening, and we find it imâ€" minimum vote. WOee : â€" Pepanir ies Peverare i , o mayors ran, and only 3 votes polâ€" led, one having 2 votes would be elected. Nolt so here, the law makes a minimum. +2 mE] {0 LOan al 4§ Ber cent, MacKaÂ¥ & DUXXN. Duacha m F1IGSs.â€"A few matls, 7 Ibs for 25¢, at Parker‘s, Money to Loan at 44 Everyone knowns no mere major ity will do Should there be not even one against,â€"and we expect very few, if anyâ€"there is yet required three fifths of the available votes on the list. so that should there be 400 pmpert{‘ owners on the roll. it will require 241 votes to carry. 0 make this 241 is no ensy task, _ " C trom Monday the property ‘ Monday evening owners of the town will be calied upon : mohy of a unique c| to express an opinion on the byâ€"law now | the methodist Ch before thein for the encouragement of | was to celebrate t the proposed new Cream Sez-mmr ln-’gnor:,axe indebtedr lustry. The sentiment of t e town is | in eXistence for nea pnwt.lca‘l‘ly. unnningou- in favor of the|wasdone hy a man.s. One week from Monday the Hints About Bowing. MARRIED. BORN THE BYâ€"LAw. MAUT, Paimts are the â€"MacFarlane & The lg)rogum owed a great deal to Miss King and Mr Geo. Wright, as acâ€" companist, &c., is a valuable worker. __This over Mr G Sparling mounted the platform with the old mortgage on a tray, Mr Robt, Aljoe. Sr.. as the oldest church trustee present, said a few words and, lighting a match in regulation style, applied it to the document. _ The pastor gave it a turn over to facilitate destruction and the audience rose and sang * Praise God from whomn all blessâ€" ings flow " and were dismissed. As a preliminary to the burning, Miss Irwin gaye an appropriate recitationâ€" ** Since we got the Mortgage paid " and the chief singers of the evening renderâ€" ed * We‘ll have to Mortgage the Farm " in good style, Mr Vickers and Miss Lanuder acted the old couple, Miss King at the organ, and while eyery part was good the rendering of the plaintive yerse was simply superb. Rev. Radiant Smith as the chairman had it f.r the evening. then after praisâ€" ing the song taleunt of the town. rehearâ€" sed the steps taken to liquidate the debt and read a list of 117 names and amounts contributed. He had never needed to ask twice and rejoiced over the willingâ€" ness displayed. _ Rev, Mr Miller of the Varney carcuit. gave a very good speech, urging them not to let thair activities languish beâ€" cause their debt was paid. Messrs Irâ€" win and Ramage were also invited to say something imrromptu and the most interesting part of the evening was then prepared for, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tender.And pathetic, was well done, and on?e%{ae I':st quartettes of the evenâ€" ing " Come where the Lilies bloom " was given by Miss King, Mrs Hopkins, F. Vickers and H. Benton. Miss Jessie Caton charmed every body with a cleyâ€" er recitation. , ma m ,3._ C [000,00C+ THUSIC WAS LNC feaâ€" ) ture of the evening, and we find it imâ€" | possible to do justice to the various perâ€" . | formers. The opening piece * When I can read my title clear" by the Senior Male quartette Messrs W, K. and Thos. [Reid, Charter Smith and Jas. Carson, was rendered with spuit and excellent. harmony. The audience were delighted and demanded an encore. which wase , satisfied by a duett from Thos. Reid and Charter Simnith. A melodious Jr. Male %mltetb-. Messrs â€" McRae, Vickers, right and Yirrs sang Why stand ye here Idie?" _ Misses King, Lauder, Limin. and Mrs Hopkins ( Mr Carson‘s daughter ) gave a quartette with taste and feeling. Miss Maud Irwin is well ’ known as a reciter of great merit, but in her solo " While a great city sleeps " she shows musical talent also. Mrs Whitâ€" church sang sweetly "The fairies." Messrs Yirrs and Wright gave two instrumental duetts, _ Mrs H?)kins, Miss Slatcher, H. Benton and F. Vic-] kers had a pleasing ‘mthetic quartette, and a bright hopeful duett * Hope heâ€" yond" was given by F. Vickers and Miss May Saunders. Miss B. Sparliog‘s solo, kc rlane t ar en uk TW is I w 1129100000000 CCC PCACCE Verween the two bodies now being less than beâ€" tween the various Methodist bodies heâ€" fore their union. Hedealt with various reminscent features in a vervy nlensant L c . 00 °~ CCCOe wiHde Ceres : mohy of a unique character was bheld in the methodist Church, The occasion was to celebrate the extinction of the ’gnol;fnqe indebtedness. which has been in existence for nearly 20 years and this | was done by a congregational tea in the basgment. a musical evening upstairs, followed by the dramatc burning of the mortgage in view of the whole congreâ€" gation. And all this without admmission fee or collection, proving, ns the witty pastor said, that Methodists are not always after money, A BLAZEIN THE METHODIST CHUKCH i. | a social and quipments will learn of a btrgwwuiâ€"l'l--l;v a.pp‘lny.:ni 1to the undersigned. Cash cusâ€" Remember the place, Jordan‘s Old Stand next to Campbell‘s Implement Shop. Also some of the finer lines in Box Calf and Dongola for ladies and gentlemen, misses, boys and children which I will sell at lowest possible priâ€" ces for cash, Will be pleased to have you call and examine stock and prices whether you buy or not. Custom work and REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. just opened uf) a stock of Boots & Shoes in Jordan‘s Old Stand, Durham, which include the wellâ€"known Williams make of English Kip, Chrome Kip, grain and split Blutchers, especially adapted for To the people of Durham and surroundâ€" ing country : N EW BOOT & SHOE STORE TENDERS WANTED. Durham Public School. For (1) The building of a retaining wall around the newly excavated baseâ€" ment of the Public School. (2) For flooring the basement with cement conâ€" crete. (3) For erecting a new chimney. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the office of 8. P. Saunders, Chairman of the Board of works, Sealed Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by 6 p. m. April 20, 1903. C, Raxagk, Secy., Durham School Board. Any person requiring a hearse and eâ€" 1ipn’;enu wimum of a barrain We HEARSE FOR SALE. R. B. KEELBR & SON. KEELER‘S Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. «* If your Watch or Clock is sick Keeler the Jeweller can make it tick. J. S. McILRAITH, If you need a pair of Spectacies Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. _ Hundreds of frames to choose from, For Big Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, &c. Oflén the Cheapest, â€" Always the Best Sfrouse Glea.nz'ng Y ecessitios I beg to announce that I have CHAS RAMAGE, Whiting, Alabastine, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Furniture Polish, Varnish in Tins, Household Ammonia, Pure Prepared Paints, Golid Paint for Gilding At MacFarlane & Co., Druggists & Booksellers. JEWELRY . D. S1mpsox, «4* Priceville, Ont, STORE dn A t U «* d

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