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Durham Review (1897), 16 Apr 1903, p. 6

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OLD STORE IMORE 16, 1903 glad to meet all old [;t will be our aim to nce of their trade by oods and selling them inform the residents of vicinity that we have iness at the old stand, ** Taylor‘s Store,"** and ) a General Assortment roceries, Boots & Shoes thing and Hardware, ction of our wvalues i [DO N, techmaker, perience. Ase D suPPLY II, will be alâ€" lity if obtained t is at once pute thsome. Can‘t rom a superior purest ingrediâ€" rolls, buns. etc, ute cleanliness First class sorâ€" Cond o none in and see them and ant to buy one ou will be able to ids the old old amous rigs which itioned. _ Prices m 3. eparators. n the Market geared neelrs and full lines of on‘s Goods in Stock. OWE )g10@s ed at the Show lay & Bell, a Carâ€" were talking cutters reputation has been by their excellence. 0 On« Carriages, n and approved unsurpassed for nA opposite Mid ambton St. ‘ribl, & BELL r & Co To Agents eds Cilocks, ‘Spex, ipment of upâ€"toâ€"date and test r inspecâ€" E:g Corded Wash Silk Waist lengths in White, Black and Colors eaeh $2 tifh UO. . . . «k «erer c errarers«rrs «+s : s{dsdU Black Mercerized Sateen Underâ€" skirts, .... .. .. $1.40, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY GINGHAM‘S Don‘t forget us when you want a good pair of Shoes as we carry a Full Line of Sterling Bros‘. Shoes. THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. W. HAH. BEAN Calder‘s Block, â€" Durham. White Bed Spreads each ....85¢ & $1.20 Floor Qileloth,. 1 ya wide, per yd ....25¢ with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhope Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c, Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleighs. cage e Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmilis and Gasoline Engines. And look in our Store Window and you will see barâ€" gains for your life. HE SELLS CHEAP. Roller Window Shudes, each........35¢ Table Linen, M in. wide, per yd .....25¢ Calder‘s Blockâ€"Noext the Post Office Best college premises. Best courâ€" ses of study, Our courses of study in both Business and Shorthand departâ€" ments are upâ€"tcâ€"date, practical and the ame as used in the best busiuess housâ€" es of the Dominion. Circulars and full particulars free. Address C. A. FLEMING, Principal. If you desire to secure a good busâ€" iness education and be ready for a good position You cannot affore to miss this opportunity, BEGINS APRIL 13, 1903. TWEEDS & YARNS CROCERIES | «&:%e osk Inspection of o TEA S. SCOTT. \ yds long 30 in wide, taped edge pr. 40¢c Myer‘s Music Method. Adopted by ali leading Schools in Toronto. This deaefledlmlu system by means of Chart Drilis, Black Dl':fi'o‘m. and other interâ€" estinhdevioes brings the wing topics within the child‘s immediate comprehension. : Musical Notation Rhithmlc Motion: © Piano Work * C820 2a TLocation Musical History Technique T. NOBLE _ For terms apply,to Miss Margaret Gun, * *The Implement Man ‘‘ asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found &‘t\â€"-/’z'/_i"/â€"/):;f.’. e +, C t termc})" ? OoOwEN soUND, ONT. We can give you Bargain‘. SPRING TERM STOP ! PEF] ,, AT THE OLD STAND~ EY GOODS, CROCKERY, 490TS & SHOES, &c., T. NOBLE April 16, 42 48 AT THE i HE ~SHOEMAN. * knitted edge Teacher, $1,00 John McLean, South Glenelg, has trerted himself to a brand new buggy from Mr Clark. of PDurham,. _ Perhaps John intends to treat himself to someâ€" thing better before long. Rev Mr and Mrs Eastman and daughâ€" ter, of Meaford, visited here for a day and returned on Saturday. Colin McLean is busy chopping every Saturday. Miss Anme Hogarth, formerly of Priceville, is renewing old acquaintances for the last tew days. Pleased to see Mis Reily out to church last Sunday after her long spell of sickâ€" ness. Hugh McLean, wife and little boy, who spent the last four morths at the old home Glenelg, returned on Monday last for their home in Montana Mrs D McDougall, South Line, Glenâ€" elg. visited her sister Mrs~ McGill, of Hamiltor, at Easter. s Regie Mathews, of Toronto, spent a few days at Easter with Norman Mcinâ€" tyre, South Line, Glenelg. * Miss Maggie McCannel is enjoying her bolidays at the old bhome, Tep Cliff, just now. _ Miss Grier, Miss Nichol and Mr Alex McLeod is beixinning to preâ€" pare for to rebuild his mill dam again. Jim McDougall has rented Hector Lamont‘s farm in â€" Egremont near Boothville. We are very sorry to report the sickâ€" ness of Mrs Jack who has been ill for the last two weeks. Dr McDonald is in attendance and we are boping for a speedy recovery. Miss McDonald who are attending the Institute at Owen Sound are home this week and will appear to be the shortest week in the year to them. Our teacher is enjoying himself at bome at Meaford this week. Mr John McLeod, son of late Rev Mcâ€" Leod, is nEendim{ a while with his mother in this place. Mr W Banks Jr. is home for a couple of weeks at the end of which he intends to go to New Ontario. We are all sorry to lose our genial friend but hope he will do well in his travels. Seedi? is now the order of the day at Zion and our worthy yeteran Mr W Greenwood Sr.. is in a double sweat to be through first, well boys it would be lt:"o mean for anything to disappoint imo. Mr Wm Timmins is making things jm:r this spring, he has cut, split and piled upwards of one hundred cords of | wood to be ready for the early market next fall. He‘s a hustler. mratmies ~~ w _ C CCCTF smm WIis qune m Success, _ The teacher Mr Eastman deâ€" serves much credit for the trouble he took in preparing the program which was of a lengthy nature, consisting of Bag&pe selections by Professor Hector McDonald, violin selections by N Mcâ€" Kipnon, A McLachlin,. solos hy Misses Tena McDonald and Miss Tryan, gaelic song hf Miss Eroma McLean, which was well rendered, although Miss Mcâ€" Lean is not much of a gaelic -renker yeu she pronounced every word plainly and properly of that ancient old song " Ged the miLgun Crobh gun Aighean gheibh NR HBD oY ce id " CCC ce h n t s se s eiret e‘ en oi ie O e his first attempt at training a band of young hogu »for military purposes. H:’xhland ing dance by Alex McDonâ€" ald, professor‘s son. welrdone. Recitaâ€" tions by several little girls and boys at intervals were well rendered. Witches parade was also well performed. Priceâ€" ville can boast of some excellent talent, as some of those boys who are now beginning to make their appearance on the platform as reciters will be in future the men of the day to fill po:sitions of honor when their good old predecessors have fallen to rise no more. _ As the programime was so lengthy all those tc whom we did not make mention of parâ€" ticularly will excuse us as we cannot begin to give place to all, every part was acted to perfection. Commissioner John McArthur was to be chairman but could not attend on account of not feelâ€" ing well so Rey Mr Matheson filled the position of chairman. _ The proceeds of the evening amounted to $38 which we understand fwill be applied for school equipments. Mr Alex McDonald, of Toronto. spent a couple of days in and around town bhere at Easter. Mrs W Greenwood Jr., had a very severe attack of la grippe and bronchitis but is fast getting over them both, Miss Rachael Firth has also been very ill for the past few days,. Dr Gun is in attendance and we are boping that he will shoot the illness. clear out of exisâ€" tence. The concert helt in Watson‘s Hall « Friday lugnthe Wth inst was quite @riMrace PW POS. V LE 0BR CC 1 ed to see our friends around again. g22100 0. 0C,, [ O@Z~ 220 ECE â€" HECTOH mi fathast callaig grim, &c.", drill by a gr Jup of girls, which was well performâ€" ed ; speech by Rey Mr Eastman, of Mrs W m Kenng is graduallzeimpro- ving in health and we shall all be pleasâ€" The concert at Zion on Good Friday was a grand success. though the audiâ€" ence was not %uite as large as on former occasions. _ The program was good and the witty sayings of the pastor. Rev Wray Smith. ke,Et all in good humor ull a late hour. The song b{ the Scholâ€" ars of the Sunday School was yery T | AGuditcad B AECC V . P003 42000 CETTRTT OR Me.ford, onrltflwher’n father ; Diaâ€" logues by several boys, which we canâ€" not begin to enumerate, all well perâ€" formed. _ Miss James presided at the organ. The last part of the program the military drill was one of the best performances of the evening and we would not be surprised to bear of our young friend Mr Eastman being yet eXalted to the highest class in military l:pn(}‘u. if we are allowed to judge from rendered. Boy No. three arrived at the home of your humble scribe one day last week and by the surprised look he wore when be opened his eyes and saw half a doz. little faces peeping at him, we guess he thought he bad got to a pretty well he thought he had got to a prellty well settled district and we suppose he was thinking that if the clothes had to be made over and over aiuin they would be pretty well shook when they came to his turn to wear them. . No wonder W Messrs Duncan McGillivray and Tom Timmins ate their easter eggs at the Rocky and yisited friends in general. Tom‘s trips are getting to be quite reguâ€" lar in that direction. L looks so care worn these days and potatoes a dollar a bag, guess they‘ll be mighty swmall and few in a hill and ‘the hills ftew and far between, Some recitations were also we PRICEVILLE. «+ <g e + ZION. ‘a Hall on â€"Without doubt, the Gamey trial now proceeding bids fair to be reâ€" markable beyond anything of the kind in Ontario politics. The commissioners got down to work Monday morning, overrode objections of the lawyers to certain features and had Gamey in the box in 15 minutes. 8u far his own lawyer, Mr Blake, is handling him, and of course drawing irom him what he can, evidence damaging or apparâ€" ently so, to the government. _ It half of what he charges against Stratton be true, the government will fall, but in comimon justice both sides must be heard betore judgments are formed. The letter written to the Premier was signed by Gamey‘s son at his father‘s request. Itappears he had 5 or 6 conâ€" fidantes, aud a few other minor aifferâ€" enees from the first statement have been discovered. The indictmentjgs a serious one and we hope the commission will get at the truth no matter who suffers. ‘Later. â€"In Mr Johnston‘s hbands Mr Gamey shows irritation, for of coursethere fis no kid glove treatâ€" ment, the chiet points so far made by the defence are that Gamey used the first $1500 which he alleges under oath he got as a bribe, that he is not cerâ€" tain of the date ot payment, that Stratâ€" ton gave theimn the money the yery day following Gamey‘s introduction to him, and suspicion attaches to the sheets of the indictment, which are of different paper, written with different ink, and page 8 for instance apparently written after page 9. Gamey sticks well to his story yet nothing in the new eviâ€" dence has added materially to the first sensation. â€"‘*Still they come"â€"is eminently applicable to the inrush to our great west. The Barr English colony arâ€" rived Saturday, 1964 persons and were sent on as fast as special trains could be started. _ The Witness says they are a stulwart, healthy lot, quite unâ€" like the shuffliing foreigners from cenâ€" tral Europe. Besides they have money, and apparently lots ot vim, although a few hundreds of them, the second day on shipboard, did petition the capâ€" tain to put back to some port and: let them off, complaining they were not being treated according to agreement ! It is earnestly to be hoped that no snapping frost may make a failure of this year‘s crops, or there will be some grumbling. 4A Live Stock Markets Toronto. Export Cattleâ€"Choice loads of heavy shippers are worth $4.65 to§$4.85 ; common light exporters, $4.30. to $4.50. â€"Sir Oliver Mowat, our Veteran Lieutâ€"Governor, had his leg broken, in some imnysterious way while being E’repared for bed on Sunday night. he accident and shock at his age, msay prove serious He will soon be 83. â€"Sir Alex. McKenzie, representing British musical cireles is in Canaua conducting a series of musical festivals trom Halifax to Victoria. High class artistes will interpret British ideas. â€"The Legislature meets next Tuesâ€" day after the adjournment for the (Gaâ€" mey trial, though unless by some sudâ€" den collapse of the case, it will not be }I)?ssible for the Commission to report. he papers and letters in connection with the affair on both sides have nenrâ€" ly all been published and nothing very sensational has developed. Mr. Gamâ€" ey‘s letter to Mr. Ross was a distinct surprise for in it he declares his "only motive‘"‘ in turning was ftor the good ot his constituency and otner matter which must have been hard to swallow knowâ€" ing them to be glaringly untrue. Miss Violetta Reynolds visited her friends at Zion on Sunday. taking in church service and making six calls, but she is a hustler. Mr Ed ‘Ries, of your town, nlpent a very enjoyable evening one night last _vlreek with his friends the Colbert famâ€" ily. Butchers‘ Cattieâ€"Chorce picked lots of butchers‘ eautle, equal in quality to best exporters, 1150 to 1200 lbs each, are worth $4.25 to $4.50 ; loads of medium butchers, $3.65 to $8.85. Shortâ€"keep Feedersâ€"Good steers, 1100 to 1150 lbs each, are worth $4 to $4.85 per owt. Feedersâ€"Steers of good quality, 900 to i00o lbs each, are wurth $8.50 to $8.8o per owt. Stockersâ€"Oue | year to bwoâ€"yearâ€"old steers, 400 to 70o lbs each, are worth $3.50 o §8.75 per ewt: off.colors and of poor breeding quality of same weights are worth #$2.75 to §8 per cwt. ; Milch Cowsâ€"Milch cows and springers are worth $35 to $50 each. Calvesâ€"Calves sold at §82 to $8 each, or from $4 to $5.50 per ow$. * Yearling Lambsâ€"Lambs sold at $4.50 to $06.50 Sheepâ€"Prices $4.25 to $4.75 per ewt for ewes, and bueks at $8.50 to $4. Hogsâ€"Best select bacan hboge, off cars, sold at $6.12} per cwt ; lights and fate at §6 ; sows, $4.50 to $5 per owb ; and ategs, §3 per cowt. Flour.... Oatmeal Wheat... Barley Oate... Dressed Hogs, per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Eutter, frosh roll per 1b Butter, Tub.............. EQGGB... .cc ce cess cce en e ec ks Hides, per cwt.......... Calfskins, per lb........ Sheepskina. Hav Potatoes, per bag....... DURHAM MARKETS. eec ces ces see nee sae se e 666 secsceseec00 se e se 8 80898 6 secses cse seesssae0s 660 Y9T CWb...........8 ssse sssese sse ce en 8 se 8 seecceses ces aa6 so+ se 6 eee ces ces se nee se e s 06 asse ces ces se e se 6 8 8 leasess ces nee nee ces 6 1 9o 65 27 17 17 lo 00 10 THKE UUKSMHAKMK 7 10 45 17 17 lo 13 > _ It is now six years since this business was taken under the present management, I therefore beg, on this occasionr, to thank our numerous customers and friends for their liberal patronage in the past and bespeak for a continuance of the same in the future. The Hardware Department and well preserved medicaments here at right prices. have not served you betore, why not try now ? The three R‘s R. R. e our Store motto : Reliable Qoods, Reatonable Qrofits, Right Treatment The Tinware Department McKenzieâ€"Bestâ€"That all parties who| have left obstructions on valley roul be notified by the clerk to remove the same at oneo.â€"Carried. Muirâ€"MecKenzieâ€"That the Reeye and Mr Gibson be a committee to inm& and pass (if satisfactory) culverts built on i valley road. Carried. Muirâ€" McKenzie â€" That pathmasters The Silverware Department The Woodenware Department The Harness Room Is well filled with Light and Heavy, Single and Double Harness, Plow Harness, Trace Chains, Sweat Pads, Robes, Rugs, Dusters, Lap Rubbers, Whips, Gall Cure and Stock Food that cannot be equalled any place. We handle the World Renowned National Portland Cement, McCormick Binder Twine, Genuine Scranton Coal and will be pleased to book your orders. If you have not been a regular customer at our Store, we want to make you so, if square and honest dealings will do it. DARLING‘S DRUG STORF Met April 6tb. Members all present. Minutes read and confirmed. Byâ€"law No. 62%5, to appoint mUunICPpa‘ officers for 1908, was completed in comâ€" mittee of the whole. _ The following adâ€" ditional overseers were appointed. vizâ€"R Wa‘ler, instead of P Quigg : J H Duckett, instead of G L Latimer ; R Genoe. Robt Graham aud John Weber. Gibsonâ€"Muirâ€"That the reeve procure six drag scrapers for the use of this townâ€" ship.â€"Carried. Our 6th Anniversary ! Tarling, g. We want your Trade. We will use you right. Artemesia Council. Is always stocked with the Best of Everything. A good assortâ€" ment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Nails, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Harvest Tools, Spades, Shovels, Glass, Oils, Sherwinâ€" Williams Mixed Paints, etc., and our prices are right. All kinds of Wire and Field Fencing. > Is acknowledged by competent judges to contain a good variety at prices that cannot be beaten any place. _ All the Goods stamped W. BLACK are of excellent wearing quality. Is composed of Fancy Work Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Waste Paper Baskets, Lunch Baskets, Market Baskets, Root Baskets, Clothes Wringers, different kinds of Clothes Racks, Wooden P ails, Fibre Pails, different kinds of Mops, several kinds of Floor Mats, Tubs, Curtain Poles, Pillow Shamholders, Carpet Stretchers and Tackers Churns and Wheel Barrows. Is stocked with all the latest improved Kitchen Utensils of superâ€" ior quality, Water Pails, Milking Pails, Strainer Pails, Galvanâ€" ized Iron Pails and Tubs, Tin and Copper Boilers. W. BLACK. appoint _m.unicipul Stale Drugs $A fNenace To Jiuleh; They not ouly lose their efficacy, but oftentimes become positively poisonous owing to chemical chauges. ; You may firmly count on getâ€" ting the most carefully selected and poundkeepers of this municipality be furnished with a copy of bylaws. referring to their duties as such officers.â€"Carried. Gibsonâ€"Muirâ€"That the accounts of this corporaton with the Bank of Hamilâ€" { ton be kept in the name of the corporaâ€" tion, but that W A Armstrong, the treasâ€" ‘ urer of said corporation. be and he is hereâ€" / by authorized to sign cheques upon the same on behalf of the corporation, in his own name as such treasurer. Muirâ€"Bestâ€"That this council recogâ€" nizes the importance to the township progress of securing increased railway facilities. and belieying that the road known as the Port Burwell and Georgian Bay railway would supply a longâ€"felt want. Therefore the reeve is instructed so proâ€" ceed to Ottawa at the proper time to wait upon the Goyernment in conjunction with the delegates to urge that an adequate subsidy be granted the aboye named railâ€" Iway company.â€"Carried. Council adjourned.â€"Adyance. RDeople‘s Druggist. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 4h If we _ ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Officeâ€"â€"LOWER T0WN. DURHAN. hI Hnalasa .c o TCOE Opavek! â€"ospital, England, and the Golden Square N-= nd Throat Hospital. #a. SPECIALIST EYF, KaR, THRoaT & Xos®¥ APBPDBRteranmmmm.w... . EXCLUSIVELY . «M Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, a first Wednesday of each month from 12 p. m. 4 p. m. OFF!CE FIRST DOOR EAST CE the Du nam Pharmacy Calder‘> Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham., Jompany and priyate Funds to Loar Morigages at lowest rates of interest. Valuma made by a competentand careful Valuator. W.C. PICKERING D. DS..L.D.S HONOR GRADUATE of Toronte University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Calder Block over the Post Office. MACKAY & DUNN, Barristers, â€"â€" _ Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. OfMices : Hunter‘s New Block, cpâ€" posite Chronicle Office. Garatraxa St., Durham. MONEY To Loan A. G. MackKkay K.C. W. F. Dunn BARR!8STER. SoLICITOR iN SUPRENME COURY NOTaARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, £Tc. Collections of all kinds J Farms boug promptly attended to and noldg arrister, Notary, Cor veyancer, Qtc., éto..... lon%y to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. OFFICEâ€"Mclntyre Block, CAPITAL, Authorized . ... ...$2,000,008 CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ $50,000 ARTHUR H. JACKSON STANDARD BAKK OF CAMDA AGENTS in all principal points n Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. COFFICEâ€"â€"MeKenzie‘s Old Stand Durharm P Unb c 6 rcscs ... s &e.correctly prepa sons louked after a trators‘ Accounts v «c.correctly prepared. Estates of deceased perâ€" sons louked after and Executor‘s and Adminisâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and ruud Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills. Letter® of aAdâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained. gearâ€" chas wade in Rogistry Office and Titles reported n ® Collections and Agency promptly attended to zfllu. lloo.d-. Ilortgluo::‘)fouo‘n,_ Agreements A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection :made on all points, _ Deposits received and interâ€" est allowed «t current rates SAVINGS BAN4 .aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and eveay facility afforded customers living al DURMHAM AGENCGY OFFICE MOURS 9â€"12 4. m. 2â€"4 p. m . RESIDENCE and OFFICEâ€"O!4 Bank UPPFR TOWN, DURRAM. J. G, HUTTON, M. D Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, Terms moderate. Anmunenu for sales as to dates, &c., must be e at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. ###" Correspondence addressed here or to Bog.vlllc P.O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to Late assistant to the Royal London Opht nenital Renadama c.ce n o ECOt | NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, CONVEYANCER, VALUVATOR Insurance Agent, BARRISTER, SsoLIciror,.= NOATRY PUBLIC CONYEYANCER, aC. Member College Physicians and Sargeons 4@° Special attention given to Diseases o# Women and Childrer. DENTISTRY. J. P. TELFORD. DENTISTRY,. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. . McPHMHAIL _â€"a4 or to Telephone Connection No.:10 DR GEO. S. BURT. MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON. . LEFROY McCAUL. Head Office, Torono. KOURS : W. F. COWAN, President. Charges Moderate D. MePHAIL, Hopeyille P. 0. . C. RAMAGE, Durbham Purerciiax & Svreron, . over Mclachian‘s Store 8 to 10 a.x. URS : <] 2 to 4 P. 4. Private Money to Loan, J KELLY, Agonb ;(Over the Bank h im pith s 18 th c £ . tap M

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