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Durham Review (1897), 16 Apr 1903, p. 7

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K T line . ui OtK 4 sls ~ot WEStSORT boeotmakor recontly exhibited a pair of sandals h~ had made for a cusâ€" tomer, which would have graced the feet o! a Romarn empress. The boot expert boelieves that the sandal has comse to stay, and that the shoe, which has hold away for over twelve senturies, is at last threatened with & rival. In ‘hs draw beotmakor m of sandals h tomer, which feet ol a BR Ecfore and mX weir, q ready . fppe ir stored. _ Glam‘s, Ont DL EPTETTY J WOL & Dear Sirs,â€"For some years I have had only partial uso of my arm, caused hy a suddon strain. I‘m\'e usal every remedy | without elfect, tntil I got a simp!e bottle of MNARrDs LINIMZENXT. The beneitt I recolwied from it cansed me to conâ€" tinue its use, and now I am happy to say my arm is3 completely _ re. stored. &. W. HARRISON: Rila muelw kss [ T CV SR NeCP T WUT CUoRC, prose, After a while every married man comes to be a firm believer in mind readimg. Along whout this time the new leares we turned over recently begin to y back. Where there‘s a will there‘s a way to break itâ€"unless it‘s a â€" woman‘s will. It was said of a certain great man that he coul! be®sitent In seven lanâ€" guoges. Tt is rarely that a woman performs ons=â€" eventitr of this feat,â€" Pittsburg Despatch, * Wood‘s ty "Yon see, Jackson, that comes from taking too much drink," saild the man of God. ‘"*Yes, sah," replied Jackson, "it miakes de skin very tendah, sai. It do for a fack." Courtship is postry rslt yoar, blank vers Sarby‘s Magazine, f An Episcopal clergyman of Cinâ€" einnati was being shaved by a barâ€" ber who was addeted to occasional sfirees. The razor manipulator cut the rarson‘s face quite considerâ€" PM Sandais the 1 Py PZMC UU the Empress. The presont Empress does not care to wear Jowels except on staite occasions nor does the â€"Emâ€" peror cars to see them on her in daily life henpce weeks often pass without her seeing them. RI ; °_ "U0J+ Snrill poilccme; The valge of the jewels at the dis ’ were fHeard in â€"variouy posal of the German Empress is whereupou Ar.emus tu:a about $1.250.000. Of these, howâ€" | his two comrades and : ever ouly $500,000 worth are her ’ warrior he had Imitate private property. The others belong } the two youngy men c to the crown and are simply lent to | their wits a pf»l'ccyx:lx the Empress. The prejent Empress | :ll"fn:’f the darkness a es not care to wear Jewels except mt y i g:x state occasions nor does the â€"Emâ€" ; m'y"'“"”“ n4 9t 0"1f?fl"|ly = peror care to see them on her in | "xls'll:e‘el'(?e‘;t:Lt'nx:-t M daily life henpce weeks often pass ' tha; orse fox;;'ul;." without her seeing them. I "And then He blew is # O e o n im mm imfi en sgune ,'tf‘ summon help in cas ommancommrom.ra rearmmmmmenvermansms ... abd e sinl A Marrie i *rPrrre t { 2e New Century hy > feg"? Washing «i }é%h’ Machine N cleans by forcing hot L A _ suds forward and /W RY back through, the +2 fibre of the clothes. Ball bearings and two strong spiral springs make it easy work. â€" Your hardware dealers will show it to you or write for booklet. THE DowsweLl Mro. Co., LTD., MAMILTON, ont. J mpressive ritaal E xceptional inducements Nautional repatation gefiuito benefite | econd to none. Full information cheerfally glven. Organizers wanted. Apply to either W.F. Montague,. Grand Recorder, Hamilton ; or W. F. Campbeill, Grand Organizer, Hamilton. Rubbing 4 but Cleaned . ___ft _ 4 by Washing. ASSESSMENT sysTEm DR. A. W. CHASE‘S CATARRH CURE . .; 250 HARDs® & Cco After, the only Not worn by «s dpiadormitratocaibert â€" ! o mflfldflfib.m j ap fiston " had "Lifetl | an re a zfl proparation. Has beon | hy over @ % rug & gists lnytl:;s Dominion I of Canada sell and * .recommend as being SLo Finanrcially sound Roserve unquestionable C areial management H salthy growth grigluul features uperior merit Equitable rates Notable record is sent direct, to the diseased s by the Improved Blowe., ms ‘e ulcers, clears the air ‘ passages, stops droppings in the throat and crmanal:& cures Catarth and Ela Feve lower free. All dealers, or {)r. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronts and Buffale. Canadian fieeeptablo ecessary A ctive D emocratic 1 deal Acmirablo None Such Obtainable R ecasonabie Dsesirable E ssential R cgisterea P h?spllodlne. logs e that the sanda! has and that the shoe, sway for over twelve last threatenai with Her Many Jew Is its kind that eures and ion. _It promptly and tor the Skin oom Latest Fad. i for ladlieg‘ even ‘ Quoer, havre al the shop windows Man‘s Musings, etry ; marriage, verse ; after that, long be seen d y O taqaj ___" efcce make life what no teachers, or accomplishâ€" ments, or means or society, can make itâ€"the opening _ stave of an everâ€" lasting psalm ; the fair beglnnlng of an endless existence ; the godly, modâ€" est, wellâ€"proportioned vrestibale to a temple of God‘s building that shall nerer decay, â€" way old, or vanish away.â€"Dr. John Hally | I have pegred into quiet *‘p: whore the carpet is clean a 'om, and the furniture polish bright into rooms where the are neat and the floor carp into kitchons where the fami and the meals are cooked and and the boys and girls are as as tho sparrows in the thate} head, and I see that it ig ; much wealth and learning, nor ing, nor servants, nor toil, no ness, nor town, nor country station, as tone and temper, render homes hanny or «w.s 4 Nover get grown, And when I‘m sick of And dull as dull can [ shall think how grls L TEWT CETCDTTORUT I‘ll get along all right I shall play at goll the * through, And at bridge the livel I shall have a little sail And ‘a motor ali my o And I shan‘t be plagued | «dnen‘s bills For ° things â€" that the **If No One Ever Marries Me." (By a Bachelor. With Apologies.) If mo one ever marries meâ€" And they don‘t seem very keen, For I can‘t pretend I‘m handsome, And my purse is rather leanâ€" If no one ever marries me, I‘ll get along all rightâ€" I shall play at goll the whote day * through, And at bridge the livelong night. "The mistake was quite pardonâ€" able," said Artemus, with his most distinguished bow, imd he led hisg bewildered _ friends away.â€"Robert Barr in Saturday Evening Post., some girl Who didn‘t marry you." ED 0CP CCC EN MT, | . "Oh. I you kuow the men, «&«ir, it will be all right, awdt I won‘t run them in, but who in thunder let out that bloodâ€"curdling screech ? Didâ€" you hear it, Sip ?" "I did," admitted Artemus, suaveâ€" Iy, and, Iurt}mrmore. not five minâ€" utes since a man ran down in the direction from which I came as hbard as he could £0. I believe that he was the disturber of the peace." "Ah, well," eaid the official, with a sigh of relief, "that‘ll be the â€" man, bad luck to him, and ha‘ll run right into the arms _ of Mulligan, for that‘s ron Mulligan‘s beat, Good morning to you, gentlemen, and my best apologies to the three of vamn " hifte,;© " [ 2.3 VCV SHCrG, a~ tail, digâ€" inlfied genticman in evening _ dress strolled along. - ' "What is the trouble, offizer 2" ; asked _ the newcomer in a most ’urbane tome of voice. ‘{ _ "Drunk . and disorderly," repeated . the policeman. i |" Oh, I beg your pardon," said the i stranger, "but I know these gentleâ€" | men and can vyouch for their soâ€" | briety and respectability." 1 " And who the deuce are you ?" asked â€" the officer, not too well ; pleased â€" atâ€" the interruption, yet | somewhat mollified by the politencess ! of his interlocutor. ! "I am Mr. Artemus Ward," replied | tho other. "I lectured dast night beâ€" ! fore some two thousand of your best ‘ citizons at the Opera House, and SEDRMENTL OE "Ban e es o id e aas S u Cood Sense The policeman dropped his hand from the shoulder of the future amâ€" bassador, for he bad seen the name of Artemus Ward on the boardings* in letters three feet loug, and he had a deep respect for any man who could have his name printed in euch gigantic form. "Oh, if you kmow the men, sir, it will be all right, and I won‘t run them.in, bat CWBHo it thhiI6®" "Ias among my audience I unde your own chief of police wish me to accompany y station I shall be most h x_. mz _ oL (ucr country, . nor } n, as tone and temper, thait r homes happy or wretched And _too, that in town or country | sense and God‘s grace make life | no teachers, or accomplishâ€" / L OF MEnnS mAn mmak s G should turn u;:un had not the slig] Going, but they v at the prospect of ’ "Well," said Artemus, â€" can waken the whole tow I am not surs of arousing dMstant suburbs," and wi; sent forth an earâ€"piorcing nrule the sleeping city "A: wajiate neighborhood thin of Jucgment had come. As o( tho eppalling. > warâ€"wy away, shrill policcmen‘s were heard in varmous whereupoun Ar.emus tu:ne his two comrades and ra warrior he had Imitated. k brassigea ons 12e t between &A between a n ; dere is a story of Artemus Ward ; which has never been in print. It | was told to me by one of the vieâ€" w@lims, who yoirs afterwaria was sent ‘ as ambdesador from ithe â€" United | States to a prominent country in ”Europe. ArtCRMas woase locturing : in | a western city, and two prominient | soviety young men invited him to a ' little supper after the «liscourse was over. It was nearly 2 o‘clock in the morring when his hosts turned out into the silent and _ deserted alroet'a to x'u:ort Artemus to the hoâ€". Â¥ uk ewrdrcsmie 5 Buss c 2 Hn I means Ol" § )e Â¥ nam nten enino g‘..?.(ilet,!’ can make Chorokec w:z;'-;‘:fioC His compsnions a rot tad that ninak« 2 SCV WURE tel where he was stay morist was fecling prei be stopped suddeniy on ment an4 gravely said : "Did you ever hear , °_ a& man ran down in the from which I came as he could go. I believe that he disturber of the peace." ell," said this official, with ectFat © searalluuse and God‘s C ts PUU i that. pleasure, _ said Artemus, * sen the whole town ‘Carning, nor clothâ€" , nor toil._nor idleâ€" youur _ men cocld gather S _ a policeman appeured ie «larkness and arrested who in thunder let odâ€"curdling â€" sereech » i4 YEWw 100r carpetlesy ; > the family live ooked and eaten, rls are as blithe the thatch overâ€" »l polic¢e, so If you ompany you to the be most happy to do a dog and his man and his dis or(lx?rly and an be, glad p clean 'ifix-(i"';xgt > polished and â€"whoop > ol c o us of arousing the they‘ve outâ€" _ own , d with ehild w his whistle again in _ case â€"the two i him, ‘which they W OUs 1 1 2 everything, ouy as he seemed e bobby sarcasticâ€" to try that story in the morning. saild â€" the officer; understand was is not so "ing yacht, -})u nck. cemen‘s _ whistles arous divections, i tu:inei, desâ€"rte 1 Grace. dmilted they had parlors," ve made staying. The huâ€" pretty brisk and m@sm k 4: s chairg VC 50’ clothâ€" ‘idleâ€"| nor | thait : L And untry | e life plishâ€" / make, everâ€" t ng of modâ€" | to a shall inish clig yell that Â¥ "n his imâ€" think the Day _ As the echoes ‘â€"whoop _ fliad ~1ng lnc more with that he ran me give the it will be the p.'u'“e.' J Gray‘s Syrup [ Red Spruce Gum I think I disturbâ€" although like the Before and add one level butter and two si Hivo ready on & t cozen nicely broilc« on, each of those a arnd a fow drops of klo over these the French Dried Beef. Put into a saucepan witk cold water to cover it, one pound of finely simaved dri Let come to a boil. ihan 1. Beware y Archibaldâ€"But it doesn‘t feel like too much untii afterward. is a carefully compounded preparation and is a specific remedy for all throatandlung affections. 25 cents a bottle, One bottle will demonâ€" strate its virtue. Heleneâ€"Mamma eat too much. Just a little tickling cough may not suggest any trouble but it is often the foreâ€"runner of very serious lung disease, Gray‘s Syrup of Red Spruce Gum soothes and heals the irriâ€" tated membrane and the cough passes away. Gray‘s Syrup of Red Spruce Gum Don‘t Monkey with a Cough, The and comniarc1, : _ CR°rOY the sense of and completely derange the wigle sysâ€" vhen entering it through the mucous es. â€"Such articles should never be used on Rrencrlpt.lonn from reputable ph{vnl- as the damage they will do is ten old TL TV GBe p coniis â€"AnP egociy BP Hi vnlhs "e 4 Toronto, Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. . It not only feeds the bloodâ€"making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work. j _ _ The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow sand healthy spleen are full of fat. 3 $ Scott‘s Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver dil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott‘s ; re of Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury carefully gc}mbt;u;d-e'; ONTARIO ARCH f TORONTO â€" Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins <has "to come ‘from somewhere., ° ’ 4 SOFT COBE Lesson Comes Too Late "~ _ ~~‘@ 3, one quarter. nely slmaved: dried beef. > a boil, then drain off * level tablespoontful‘ of two srakos of paprika, on & hot plattor a bhalf broiled mushrooms. Put hose a shake of paprika, ps 0f lemon julce, Sprinâ€" Send for free sample, SCOTT & BOWNE, Ches:is 50. and $1.00 ; all druggists, 2 OM t Letters ‘are Heversed. earson‘s Week]y beef and gl:nvy. says we shouldn‘t . enough emists, E7 IC °: SADSGOTORYNGREY Arritrerees divtncs. Mrs. Bugginsâ€"I gave clock away and had the takep out, . ; Philadelphia Record. Mra, Mugginsâ€"How did y your husband of swearing ? Mre Theailto c oD bo in heay2.} WiHo really, I should bo in .heaven." The exalted notioh of decelving the king of beasts was quite sufficlently alluring to counter. balance the trifling inconvenirmce of wartyrdom by mastication. e rremrmmmmmmae Mirard‘s Linimedt Curea R.... ‘Cense, remarks the London News, the mere layman can. hardly resist the temptation to reportâ€"or evep ta Inventâ€"stories of the kind. . For instance, there is the story of â€" the little boy who dasired in his soul to be devoured by a lion. When asked why, he retorted, "Because, dear motker, the lion would think he had mo in his inside, while really T cnacys Ontario, ‘Mother, I am tired ; can‘t â€" the Biskhop go to ‘ heavea now ? earild a little ginl, during. .one of Dr. Winâ€" nington Ingram‘s sermons. The authority for this boautiful legond is the Bishop of London‘ bimse!*. If Bisrops aro allowed such ancedotal Hiconse, remirks the Tanaa. wl C o Amens 4 2 0 esn C Caue ED £4 be found to fill your need as remedy. Used as a liniment for taken internally for all bowel Avoid substitutes. There is bu killerâ€"Perry Davia‘. water. To Reep Off Old Age. Sometimes as the years go on the muscles of the body, which should be straight and strong, become lax and convex, giving one. the middleâ€"ageq figure which is such a teliâ€"tale. To prevent or overcome this, you must be sure that you walk, stand and sit erect. Walking is the best of all exercises for these muscles. â€" Relax the muscles of the face, keep it seruâ€" pulously ° cloan. and _ taaf‘ix Wuaun Nine ‘ Old Dinklebaum do, buy or sell ? Young Dlnkle‘b‘a-l‘;:m â€" much is two und two ? Getting at C BC EPVE MALL "GLter, and apply hot with a rather coarse nozz)e, Any good force pump is suitable ex. cept for mechanical mixtures. While in use the DUmnDs shond) ha apll . s «In preparing emulsion, the soap and water must be boiling when added to tho oil, and the agitation conâ€" tinued slowly while the cold water Is being added. Soift water is always bost for emuilsions. _ Lime, sulphur and salt ; one pound lime, oneâ€"half pound _ sulphus®, oneâ€" third pound of salt, if sait is used, to the gallon of wash. The sulphur should be puiverized ; slake the lime, which must be fresh, in hot water, add the balance of the material, boil two to three. hours, dilute with hot water, and apply hot with a rather coarse nozz)e, ina rd‘s _ every portion of the â€" better understood when L WD eR adalt tint Aadlih i s dn iescsc Th i h is &1 stifliy.â€" _ @ ‘ , Crude petroloum will emulsi{y with 2% pounis of soap to the gallon of foil. Use 1 in 5 in winter, and I inâ€" 10 on foiliige. The yozzlo should not be too fine. ; Kerosene â€" wili emui ty _ with °: poumi of soap to the gallou of oil, and is recommended only {for sumâ€" rer work, 1 in 5 to 1 in 8, say 1 in 6 for apple, pear and plum, and 1 in 7 for peach trees. Awply with a ratker coarse nozzle in bright, dry, al.ry weather. '(‘lmeg'_Out of Ten Tired of the Crude petroieum, , diluted, must be applied with a reliabto contbination pum}p» and a moedium sized noztle, in the‘ proportions indicated by â€" the size ol the alr . chambers which reut be air {ight, and the pluogers p :‘c:ked so drard that the puimp works sed4f iL eP P Phach taivted s "astaint dlliart Solaciin. sn z5 Fish oil will ewulsiiy with 4 pound Of[ soip to the gallon of oil, and will take the place of soap. Crule ptroleum un«ilutcd, should 560 appiled with a very fine Yermorel nozzle, and every part of thie. tree covered with the least possible quinâ€" iity of oil, 5 R the San Jose Scale. j Trees. must be, thoroughiy pruned, and all rough bark and aicihien â€" reâ€" amoved.. . K Havg a su‘Ticient eupply o matorâ€" Gar on hand, and a prvjper pump {jor applying it. 2o not spray the trees while wet, Thorouginess io preparation â€" ani troiting are fmperati.e. soip imust be use while hot, 214 pounu*s to the gailon, and applieu . ery <thoroughiy after the ll'osui aro over and beiore‘the buds open. Â¥"% 3 ay s SEesy WA Official Instructions for Spraying Liniment R:-liex';s WATCH THE ORCHARDS. S es 1 oronto News the Causes autious Fathep be 1t need ns a household Iniment for stiffneas and all bowel complaints, There !s but one "Painâ€" did you break Bishop. Vat you want to ‘ by attaching an le to a str.alght go Oof direct <dix. all sides of a limb the alarm telephone â€" Fadder how Painkiller wil Burns, tree will tried. Neuralâ€" Toid . While cleaned ga;, _ 3 7 ° ‘rade with Venezuela is trifling in amount.. The statistics for five years show that but oneâ€"{ifth of 1â€"per cent. of Venezuela‘s exports WOre to Finrman. [ 30 9n guite a rumber of men h aged to mount the ladder by hanging on to the coa other :. New York and Boston ViaNew York . Central. ) ‘The numerous trains, the exceilent service, the uniformity of its trains, its fouar tracks and the location of its depots In Boston and New York, make the New York Central the fayâ€" orite line to those points. Any ticket agent will confirm above. Minard‘s Liniment for where Minard‘s Liniment Cures In the ice chest of a Germanâ€" town residence there are always lyâ€" Ing four or five big keys. This is because the nose of the little son of the house bleeds every few days,‘ and nothing stops the hemorrhage like the dropping of a large, cold key down the child‘s back. He suqirms and cries out and then, in a moment, he is woll; his nose stops bleeding. A physician said recontly that the cold key remedy for hemorrhage of the nose was as old, ho supposel, as keys themselves are. "It is a very ‘ good remedy," he went on, "and its curative power is due to the shockl it gives." â€" Philadelphia Record. Quite a rumber of men Reys in Cold Storage ‘‘Oh, Margaret, I wish I had known of this before. My hands might have been like yours toâ€"day. I will try it in my next washing." “Do,sMary. and be sure it is Sunlight Soap, and ask for the Octagon bar. It is an 1deal shape for the laundry. And just a word before I go, Mary, ‘if you find that your grocer does not keep Sunlight Soap you have only got to send his name and address to , Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, and they will send you a sample of Sunlight Soap without cost." * Nots.â€"This is absolutely a fact, and it means in ev i h (anitnet ansinh elouey Sunlight Soap, because this soap is made from oils and fats pure enough to eat : and there is none of that burning sensation that is caused by alkaline ** Well, it was simply this: ‘Thave care fully analyzed specimens of the SNunlight Soap: 1\ .. ‘The Eoint.s in the com position of this Soap that are most valuable are its freedom from free alkali, the large percentage of fatty acids which it contain,;. and the purity of the materials employed in its preparation. â€" I employ the Soap, am| from my actual experience of it can strong!; recommend it."" f "©I have myself found from «experience â€" _and it stands to reasonâ€"that soaps â€"loaded ‘with alkali must ruin the hands and destroy the clothes.* I found there was no sense in burning my hands during the day and rub bing glycerine on during the night. They never got time to get better. Sunlight Soap ‘being made from pure oils and fats cannot hurt the hand or the.clothes. ~«Imagine the foolishneéss of rubbing the adulteration of common soaps into the skin and into the clothes, and then having to wash out not morely the original dirt of the elothes, but the soap adulteration as wellâ€"that is , washing dirt with dirt. Simple Simon could scarcely do worse." Germany and say iimbint â€" 2 oo â€" Sninbiatatint d indls.sc4 22 8 â€" «* What a funny doctor, and what was it you read ?" ‘"He said there was something he used himâ€" self, and he recommended it to women when washing clothes ; and I said to myself, I wil try that. I found out that Qucen Victoria herself used the same in her castles in Engâ€" land, and that further convinced me @©@You know, Mary, these people have a means ‘of knowing things that we poor people take years to find out." «* Well, what did Sir Charles Cameron | for *Seriously, Mary, I am not joking, and J will tell you a secret. Have you ever heard of Sir Charles Cameron ? Well, he is one of the highest authorities in England. He was Presitfent of the Royal College of Surgeons, and has a whole string of letters at the end of his name. Well, I read a simple statement he made one day, and it cured me of sore hands, hard knuckles, aching back, softened the flannels, and preâ€" vent‘og‘the clothes going so soon to tatters.‘ **Oh, the doctor may cure my hands, but he won‘t mend the clothes or soften the flannels." *"* Oh, yes, he will." 4 *A doctor mend clothes and soften flan. nels 1 You always would have your little joke, Margaret." * Why, so they are, Margaret ; now, how is that ?" «* I tell you what, Mary, you want to have a doctor‘s advice." **Why, surely you know, Margaret, you d« washing as welf wg 1.]" *‘ Yes, but I hear no grumbling, and se my hands, they are as soft nmf fresh an any lady‘s." _ ** Yes, but why should the flannels or your knuckles be hard, or your nails or skin be cut up in that way ?" iÂ¥ "Hard knucklss and razgod nails! Rah What is that to me, L wish you heard the grumbling I have to stand about hard flanâ€" nels and ed clothes after I have washed them.‘Hr:fi knuckles and ragged nails are not my only troubles.". . 9 a9 M.'hl.l‘lg back remain." _ «* Why, sakes alive, Mary, what has put your hands in that state® What hard thick knuckles you‘ve got, and how ragged your nails are, too ! "*The bhea'migfnt puu off, Margaret, if that were all ; but my poor sore hands and aching back remain." ‘‘Hello, Mary ! what‘s the matter, you seem out of sorts?"‘ * ** Out of sorts, Margaret, I should think I am. . Life is a burden." » ** Oh, nonsense, Mary, you have a fit of the bluesâ€"it will soon pass off." rather do without the prizes and have a whole skin. _ And as to the mistreas‘ ‘rnrt of the bugn'n-â€"im:fine mbbinf ten dollars‘ worth into the value of five doliars, and then getting a fiftyâ€"eent prize for doing it? It makes one laughâ€"that is, if you haven‘t to Kty for it. But I cannot laugh at. my sore ands. â€" Well, well, I suppose what cannot be cured must be endured. Â¥ Bless heart! Why was Mever born 1/ ®lways Toiling ;i moiling from morning till night, m and never a rest ! If man was made to | â€"______ mourn, what was a laundress made forâ€" certainly not to sing. . My hands are nearly l_[ A charred off â€"working in fif;hy suds, washing other people‘s el:::fiea, and other people‘s fHoors. No wonder soapmakers give prizes | by mail with their soaps. ‘Those who use some | Dorrar *~_â€"LAUNDRESS*~ LAMENT., | ; Venezuela. ut oneâ€"tenth imports came hemorrhage of ho supposed, as "It is a very it‘ on, "and its : to the shock ‘n have manâ€" lder of fame coatâ€"talls of deserve prizes. I would this: ‘Thave care ns of the SNunligh oints in the com at are.most valuable ree alkali, the large s which it contain«. for â€" Nosebleed. sale everyâ€" Dandruff. the Cameron When a fellow can‘ he feels that that is that flesh is hair to Settlers‘ Low Rates West, Via Chicago and Northwostern Ry.! every day fron, February 15th. to April 30th. Colonist one way secâ€" ondâ€"class tidkots at extremely low rates from stations in Ontario and Quebec, to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevaga, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California ; also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Wostminâ€" ster, Nelson, Rossland, letc. Full particulare, ratee and folders can be obtained from B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2 Eact King stroet, Toronto, Ont. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chic The World‘s Greatest Caterers ical use as any ar.. . ".0", 28 much pracâ€" tknluonI:y atlas published, We mail it to any address for 53. _ _2 10C+, WÂ¥ nonkh C d al v€ o" wBina, South Africa, . J:Io | Cuba, Porto Rico, and is of as Hioal mun me 2 .2 20 & t to any address for & Lwo cent :. VC m ittonyld:;‘;sbrSt'o-mtcu-,. L I ats. on . 3 "ORSe Uur y. °) off*_ 40W to Make Good Things to Eat," free to housekeepers," Libby‘s At. las of the World, containing 32 new maps, published expressly for us by the largest map and atlum publishers in America, is ready now, exed, and gives new maps %_9.{‘!.‘- South Africa «1.. 33 NCw ® Hoeoâ€"Will you teach me how to make love to you ? Eheâ€"I will if L can get up a‘class. â€"Philadelphia Inquirer, *ixzsayp These delicions preparations allow of alt gu of ltmpmmptn lapreadx:i without & promptu appearance, an Permit hostess to enioy rather than Slave. Our booklet. "Haw 4. ~@°CC WDan sla : St.Jacobs Oil : $ Libby‘s Natural Flavor Food Products ARMAMRARRRRREN SE THE CAMPBELL MFC. co 1, 000 MILE AXLE GREASE food. It takes just the same trouâ€" ble to care for a cow when she gives three ?)urts as when she gives a pail. Dick‘s Blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. 50 cents a package., Best Selling Skirt Supporter and Waist 4 ever introduced,. Sells at sight. Good prot Send 25 cents for sample and «terms +, strengthens the digestion and inviâ€" gorates the whole ?‘tem so that %he nutriment is all rawn from the o L OR Oe mCt WVle ek of HAMILTORN, ONTARIO For sale by all leading dealers, It Has No Equa! Manufactured only by A. HANSEL, M. H LADY AGENTS WANTED © by mail so you can â€"-;â€"e':om FIYE To DOLLARE@ A Day. For particulars write LEARN A PROFESSION _â€"~_â€"_ IN FIFTEEN :DaYÂ¥s Tw "‘%" sns Tosel always for Children ing. ‘ 1¢ rovtbee i5 se Sn deguni taan . The Flow of Milk â€"â€" will be increased. One Didn‘t Pa? By soothing and subduing the pain, that‘s the weay > and Northwostern Ry.! from February 15th. to ih_Colouhst one way secâ€" How ? , Milles & Co., mONTREAL can‘t raise a Hamilton, Ont. one of NO. 1G6, 1903 onE LLLD the dile Dick‘s Biood Purifier __ 2 West ** Ave. North Adtuster #&4 Tw \6 [E ai Sunday S faur OIL lJand an c.l‘ht!‘lfl.\ hop " ”lnfl the 1 wisited thom, 1: to do so. A lew The Law of INTERNATION AL 1iss APRIL 19, 19¢ truth that civii Â¥ine instlits.tion the forms ol go ldmnr,v retion dlstinetly l orhid« '- To allâ€"To ai over you. ‘Trilut« '“-Bh.llfln-. Fearâ€"Su~q m public ol lciai and to ised avenger ol wrong not behave dierespect!y m. and 10 those ahow â€" neveronce and ns sount ol the dignity o eÂ¥ven though you eanno! mualil,\' and awll euperfiuous fully guard agna depte which thes ahile prospect o! ons anothe:; â€"]n m apos! le din# duty, revern n all Christians the Jowest, 0o trate, wheot ho progonsul ©p different Ir to ‘the eivil OIL The law ol love Owe no maneâ€""lt ecannot bconl"l! Uung © wount. Christians the highaest obligz legal demanwnis . w 10. Work t love forhids that would i "Whore jlovt is practised, roward his n:i his neighbor one anothes, } 9. mhalt not c« verse the apost] law as though the perfect love they owe to on tions of this law has omitted. whi Is all covered in Jove. tPhy neig When this c« do is completences whole law. Comment.»r: $ «ituated in | @r, 1450 inil« mlem. The go ANY 10 of Delicious (Black, Mix "A free sent to any pe sending it to postage. 10, Cotery,® lu. Gorm, / 12 Corp, Er TAKE YOUR CHOICE CTARBLE®. ! 1. Onen: 1 ma, Golden Wak. pin: # Wclipse, round. 16 l’:t & Fiat kgyptian. . | 17. We % Loug #imooth 18. Werk T 3 _..... $ â€"wervent io Warer 1 Cabbage. W £ Oabbage, To tom 1. Carrot, Hall ) ong & ©CATIOE, Gom or 0x i o OX t '.muu.hw 18 Cuenm ber. 150 U Cueumber, 56 [E SOLD BY LEADING WNERC sron*‘ WM RENNIE‘Sâ€"TES C 4 PERFI f Piapching. y M innasota. MM O w\ welg t ¢ Add be. per y Unouestio MMOH Stock Feedi yielding the fxn reoth ied Mang per more. Valu for producing m Lesh former. | Wflmodn ich white colc bigh ont of gre to ha aud 67 Add Le. per p Address .. Address â€" GIANT S MANG 1 4 $ arvest â€" sweetest of Pound : 6 Pounds n}4 tE arte etom Foms Pop uk

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