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Durham Review (1897), 16 Apr 1903, p. 8

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you can mak AGENTS WANTED ) LE AXLE GREASE Has No & PWP CC 2 e " uks " child, softens the curee wing the beâ€"t n::od( fim&m IPBELL MFC. c ILTON, ONTARIO. NTRE A N« Â¥. Chicago Caterers F ALLâ€"WAYS READY aCN4 ©¢3 ent EL, M. H., 2 ‘teet vihe Hamilton, Ont. « algia M Flavor ucts WB str Â¥&s new ..D; > Phjligpm is much prac. hed. We mail Rt Stamps and 50 **%> oie sysilem so that s all drawn from the just the same trouâ€" FIFTEEN D&YS lda D’A':‘?.‘ A PROFESSION D« al e increased. USE 4/ ol lings & *# Booth: 8 tor Chfldnr:n " 2048 to by‘s At. w maps, largest mt the West, estern Ry ut the Wostminâ€" te. Full LGual wWa mel Loro . Agents, M PLY â€" low rlo and . Utah, Oregon, . 16, 1903, Bigk‘s Biood Purifier . % hen she hen she Purifer ind invi frow rIYE To ulare write to all the keeping get only make ird liIs raal to, to mil Qâ€" prof iniStep It ; Commen t tg situated i ber, 1,450 m salem. The | far off land Christia as t ly secking tl visited them to do &s0. A hopes were dil not g£0 a public officiat and to ag aut bor im\ avenger of wrong. onorâ€"Do not behave disrespectfully to any person, and to those in authority «how reverence and respect on acâ€" count of the dignity of the office, even though you eannot re«pect the Sunday School. potel, for instead ol going volunâ€" tarlly as a misgionary, he was comâ€" pllei to go as a Roman prisoner, under bon«ls. * J Civil dutiesâ€"vs. 1â€"7. in these rerses it is stated as a ?‘rlmary truth that civil authority a diâ€" vine institution. Nothing is said of the forms of government, but revoâ€" Jutionary action in a Christian is distinetly forbidden. » 7. To allâ€"To all those in authority over you. Triluteâ€"Tax on person or property. Customâ€"Revenue. Toll on mercha ndise. Fearâ€"Such as is due to II. The law of loveâ€"vs. 8â€"10. 8. Owe no man.â€""It cannot be supposed trt the apostle meant to prohibit the contracting of debts on any acâ€" count. Christians are indeed under the highest obligations to pay all legal demainds _ without â€" reluctance INTERNATIONAL LEssOox APRIL 19, 1903. or needlegs delay and with great punetuality, and they should avoid all superfluous expense and careâ€" fully guard agninst econtracting any dehts which they have not a reasonâ€" ahle prospect of discharging." Love ons anotherâ€"In the precseding verses the apostle has tbeen showing the duty, reverence and obedience which all Christians, from the highest to the lowest, owe to the civil magisâ€" trate, whether he be emperor, king, proconsul or other _ state officer ; here he shows them their duty to one another, but this is _ widely diferent from that which they owe to the eivil government ; to the first they owe sgubjection, reverence, obeâ€" dience and tribate; to the latter they owe nothing but mutual love, ami those oftices which necessarily «pring from it. j 9. Shalt not commit, ete.â€"In this verse the apostle quotes from the law as though he would say that the perfect love which he declares they owe to one another will enâ€" tions of this law. And whatever he has omitted, which the law contains, is all covered in keeping the law of love. ‘Thy neighbor as _ thysellâ€" When this is done in reality there s completeness and we keep the Wh ¢ p of Delicious "SALADA" Ceylon Tea (Black, Mixed or Natural Green) will be sent to any person filling in this coupon and sending it t@ us with a 2â€"cent stamp for postage. Write Phll:l'y I::t‘“ ':e:g:am-ck. Mixed Nm:é«i};.'::f::::.’:f’.’..’.’::::.’::'::.'.':'.'.:.'.'::::.'.':::: Address "SALADA" TBA CO.. Teranta ANY 10 PACKETS 2 5C. VECETAZLE®. 1. Beans, Go)lden Wax. : =p¢: ;«\H‘pfl. round. ee a ptian. & Beet. W'flwt"l- & Cabbage, Winniagâ€" "A Free 10. Worketh no illâ€"The law of vo forbiis the doing of anything at would injure myself or others. Yhore love reigns the golden rule practised, and he who loves, acts ward his neighbor as he would that s neizhbor should act toward him, anmammmmmmmececerreeccemmmeemeenaeeite e s sOLD BY LEADING IERCHM!TS IN SEALED PACKAGES oR pinECT FROM SEEDS| aiw of Love.â€"Rom. 13:;: 7.14. Study Verses 1+14. mentiry,â€"£xplanatory. Rome mtedi in Ita‘y on the River Tiâ€" , 4120 miles northwest of Jeruâ€" The gospel had reached this l land anud there were a few laas thore who were diligentâ€" king the truth. Paul had never TAKE YOUR CHOICE. _ BY MAIL POSTPAID. m, but bhe greatly desired \ lew years after this his o realized, although he ) to them as he had exâ€" Mammoth Red. Holds the record for heaviest welqM grown. Roots of giganâ€" tie size. A single spocimen, 89 pounds untrimmed and 73 pounds trimmed. . Posserses extraordinary feoding qualities. Vory free from fibrous roots and readily clonned for storing. } 1b. 10¢., $ 15. suc. Add 5¢. per pound if manted Add {e. per pound if wanted Umpnestlo.ably the most Profitable Root for Stock Feeding. â€"Out yielding the famous Mamâ€" raoth hed Mangel in weight per acre. Valuable cither for producing milk or as a Lesh former. Handsome, porfect shaped roots of pinkâ€" ish white color, ‘now'h. high ont of ground. Easy to harvest. The richest aud sweetest of all roots. Pound 30c. 6 Pounds $1.40 WM. RENNIE, Toronto. P GIANT SUGAR MANGEL, Pound 2%. 4 Pounds $1.00, 15. Cacumber, White by m« + Sample Packet" 31. Pumphkin, Large Ece ce on 00. donel .0 CC N 1 _Chriptian practice (vs,. 11â€"14). 1i. Knowing: the timeâ€"The nature and character of the period in which we live. High timeâ€"That is, the hour has arrived. To awakeâ€"How many soâ€"called Christians are fast asleep ! The accursed liquor traffic is becomâ€", ing powerful, bold, Cefiant: is deâ€" strO.\‘lng‘ our best brains and blood ; !.-4 ruining our morals ; is underiminâ€" Ing the Christian Sabbath, .one . of the pillars on which our nation rests; is filling the land with panâ€" pors, disease and crime, and yet we sleep on peacefully as though we had no responsibility in this matter! Aaks '].‘.ne nightâ€"Of heathon â€" darkâ€" ness, ignorance, immorality â€" and wretchedness. _ Far spentâ€"Heathen darkness was rapidly coming to an end. ‘*‘The fuli mAmiestation «of the un of righteqousness in the iHluominaâ€" tion of. uhe whote Gentile worl approaches rapidly." _ The dayâ€"Of the deliverance from evil; of true Christian knowledge ; of purity, hapâ€" piness and peace ; of ternal blessedâ€" ness "is at hand." Let us cast off â€"The works of darkness described in the next verse. 13. Walk honestlyâ€"*"Be decent, orâ€" derly and sincere in all deportment, an example for all eyes to Jook upon. Men choose might : for their revels of sin and â€" superstitious Soings, but children of light (Eph. vi. 11â€"18) must behave becomingly and live above such censure." As in the dayâ€"In an open way which everyone may see and know. Not in rioting and drunkâ€" ennessâ€""‘Taey are not to indulige, in revels Th‘ere intemperance in eating and drinking is common and where indecent exercise in games, etc., folâ€" lows, and where conversation is corâ€" rupt. This was what the heatben did _whom they so condemned. Thisâ€"was not the thing for Christians to do, certainly. But they are to be so fully engaged in a pure flife and in ° its duties, that the temptation will not overtake them and they ;be led astray." > ‘_â€"'“. therefore this law of love can never work ill toward another;. and thus tho law is fulfilled byâ€" love." 14. Put â€"ye on......Christâ€"Without | further comment on heathen pracâ€"; tises, the apostle plainly oxplains\ what the armor of light means. _ It j was pliin to be seen what they must | put aside, and this exhortation would | apply to all who might hear it. To , put on Christ signifies receiving and ; believing the Gospel. This fully done | amd held to, would stop all thought | of following any «inful inclination of | their nature. To be clothed with a , person, means to enteor into his views, | to imitate him, and to be wholly on j his side. ‘Dhe fleshâ€"By flesh here we | are to understand the carnal nature, | the gratification of which led to the [ abominations jJuast mentioned. b Thoughtsâ€"Love,. "Pure love is ever true to the requirements of the diâ€" vine law. Love never faileth. Heathen darkness will vanish under the force of this law. Love rejoiceth not in iniguity, and in every heart where love is the law sin cannot remain. Heavenly love cannot be â€" resisted. Pride molts away under its warm breath : «ellishnoss disapprars under its glowing influence :; angerâ€"cannot stand before its gentle force. Put on love ; wear it as a garment. PRACTICAL SURVEY. The Law of Love. The law of love. "God is love." This is the supreme fact, and this clement the supreme principle of the universe. Beneath to sustain, above ICANGAROO SWEDE. «, Toronto. ~_The grandest of al Swedes. Keeps ion ger thon any other sort and produces hcary crops everywhere. Very hardy. Similar in size and growth to the Eleâ€" phant. Color broz:e greem. This is the most popular Swede in eultiâ€" vation. Particularly ad .}?uf N:‘ ;!‘S:.trlcu whu: the land exposed. 1b. 12¢, $ 1b. 23¢. ADELAIDE AND JARVIS STS. 4. Everlastings, M‘x‘d. . Mignomestc. Swesl. ‘ orn o Iued.n. s {*. Nasturtiam, Tall _ b. Nusturtinua, Dwar. 61. Pemay, Mixed. 52. Petunina, Mized. 53. NPimks (Dianthus), Mixed. 54. Pl‘%ox Prummonâ€" 5. Aweet Peas, Mized: i. Verben®, Mixod. 51. Wild Garden, Flowent. _ _ i Timnin, Mizod. 4. Climbers, Mized. NEVER IX BULK. 1 Double Dahlia, 1 Single Dahlia, 3 grandest and richâ€" est . colored Iarge flowering Canous, all different. The 5 tor 25c. (Buibs and Roots ready April 15. Orâ€" der toâ€"day.) 4 Single 6 2 Ddousie 50° Scarlet, White, Yellow. Rose. By Mail, Postpald. DARNLIA®S 5 cannas 20° DANLIAS to crown and complete, and allâ€" enfolding to beautify &nd â€" bliess, reigns this universal law. It blosâ€" somse.in the beauties of earth, and beams in the benefits of grace. â€"It speaks in the thunders of God‘s law, and whispers in the voices of: the Comforter. The law applied to rulers. "The powers that be are ordained of God." Human government is divinely orâ€" daine‘:i, but exists not for the agâ€" F udueP utvetralzr : > B S Pvacitle s a c3cd OB grandizement of the few, but for the benefit of the many. Its design is not Oppressive, but beneficent. Govâ€" ernors do not rale for their own pleasure, but for the wellâ€"being of their subjects. ‘"‘They are Cod‘s minâ€" istere." "The higher the honor and the greater the power, the more overwheiming â€" the responsibility. Sq:_c-reignty means service. The law applied to subjects. Love enjoins both dominion and subjection. They are equally honorable and sacred. It is as royal to serve as to tule. . All kings do not wear visible Crowns and true sovereignty cannot be conferred by coronation coreâ€" monies, Anarchy has no place in the Christian system." Citizenship is a sacred thing, and its duties are essential to a complete Christian life. The narrow sphuere of personal < inâ€" terests and action does not: fili} the measure of _ responsibility. _ Every citizen is a factorn in ‘the national life, and makes or. mars the national honor.; for "no life can be pure in its purpose and strong in.its strife, and all life not be purer and stronger thereby." The law between insiijuals "Renâ€" l der to all their dues." "Owe nothing but love." The brief but comprehenâ€" sive command, *‘Thou shalt love thy i neighbor as thyself," covers in prinâ€"| ciple and fulfils in practice the enâ€" i tire measure of mutual obligation. | It forbids every spirit or action | which violates the rights of anothor | in feelings, person of possessions, and j enjoins ‘the same care for all these | interests which we demand of ‘anâ€" ; other. At London _ .... Tower Interesting discoveries have reâ€" cently been made at the Tower of London ‘of some inscriptions made on the wualls by persons confined there in past times. In the work of repairing a defective window opening in the St. Martin‘s Tower, a piece of deal framing had to be removed. _ Bshind this was found the name of Ambrose . Rookwood, â€" a wealthy younrg Suifo‘k squire, who was concerned in the gunpower plot. It was finely carved, and the surâ€" name was divided, "Rookâ€"wood," inâ€" dicating the nature of its derivation. The urfortunate culprit wa«s draw»n and thanged in palace yard, Westâ€" minrster. with other of the conspiraâ€" tors, on the last day of January, 1606. . Mr. Hepworth Dixon, in "Her Majesty‘s Tower," gives an account of Rookwood‘s exciting ride out of London to his home at Coldham Hall. Suffolk, after the gunpowdor plot waus discovered. _ He covered thirty wiles on a single horse, and by weans of relays of animals made the ontire distance of eightyâ€"one miles, in less than seven hours, a remarkâ€" able performarce, considering _ the state of the roads at that period. A more claborate inscription than that of Rookwood‘s and one of the finest of the whole series in iAt. Marâ€" tin‘s Tower, is one that has been found through the removal of some coats of whitewash. Beneath an emâ€" blem of the Trinity appear the sacâ€" red letters "I. H. 8.." ana then the nrame, "George Beisley, Prist." On the left is a sh‘leld containing the flear de lis. the word Maria, and the date, "1500."_ A Latin inscripâ€" tior which follows is supposed to be a verse from the Psalms, "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, «o panteth my soul after Thee, O God." â€" But this cannot be stated with absolute certainty, as several words are wanting.â€"London â€" Teleâ€" graph. give me i mealljlor notiing. earn it, will you?" asked t of the house. "Certainly I : 1 ask for is the opportunity you particular about . the : "Not in the least! ‘Iry me "Not in the least! Try me at any hlessed thing . you want . doing." "Yery woli. My wile‘s out of town, and Ivo gora servant wao has been rumning the house for a woeek or so, and T haven‘t the moral courage to discharge ther. Come in and work her out." "Let me see her, sir. I‘ll go to the back door and size her up." He wwras gone about two minâ€" utes. and ‘when‘ he came back he nearly carried the side gates off its hinges in his haurry to gou through. lle. didn‘t even. stop in the front yard, but as he kept on he turned hi face to the cradk in the door and said; "Thank you. rery kindly,. sir, but I find 1 ain‘t hungry, and can amake these old clothes do me voery well till next summer!" Jumped the Job "I‘m perfectly willing t sort of work," he argaed, the door open. "I don‘t a Wanted a Chinese Song. + Most of the policemen in Australia are Irishmen, whose genius for humâ€" orous blundering loses nothing of its quality under the Southern Cross«. Here is an instance: Many Chinese names are reminiscent of a burâ€" lesque and are probably merely barâ€" barian caricatures of the originals. O these Fong Fat, Ah Su and Ah Foo are the most common. A newly appointed crier in a county court was ordered by tho judge in a case in which a Chinese was witness to call for Ah Song. The son of Erin lcoked puzzled and darted a look at the bench to try to discover if this was a colonial joke : but, secing the judge as grave as anundertaker, he turned to the audience and blandiy inauired, "Gintlomen, will any of you favor his honor with a song ?" Played a Higher Trump. Philadeldhia Record. I swore she was my queen, and yet xo trace of joy suffused her face, She simply answered, "F regret To say 1 am another‘s ace." â€" ectly willing to do any rk," he argaed, as he held pen. "I don‘t ask you to meal for nothing." "You‘ll u?2?" asked the head Certainly I will. All e opportunity." "Are M Toronto Farmers‘ Market. April 13.â€"Wheatâ€"Two â€" hundred bushels of white sold firmer at 71 to 73¢ per bushel, 200 of red sold at 71¢, and 200 of goosq at 65¢. _ Oatsâ€"Roceipts were fairly large. and the market was steady; 500 bushels sold at 35% to 364%e¢ per bush. Barleyâ€"Quotations about. steady ; 100 bushels sold at 44 to 45¢ per bushel. Butterâ€"A large number of {farmers had butter on the market, and a brisk trado was done throughout the morning. Prices are about steady. Pound rolls are ‘quoted at Dressed Hogsâ€"There was a ‘fair run of hogs offering, and the marâ€" ket is quoted steady at $8.40 to #8.60 per cwt. for choice lightâ€" weight hogs and $7.50 to #7.75 for hea vies. 18 to 25¢, and large at 16 to 20e per pound. Eggsâ€"There were. pleoty offering, and prices wore steady at 12 to l4¢ por dozen for new laid. 6. % v Hakâ€"About 20 loads wore on the market. and prices are steady. No 1 timothy is quoted at £12 to $1q per ton, and mixed orsclover ‘at $% to £9. s » y Straw â€"There Queiations are $9 per ton. _ Wheat, white, 71 to 730; â€"red, 7i to. T1% : goose, 624 to G65¢; spring, 68e ; oats, 354 to 864 ; barley, 44 to ‘45e: rye, Slc; poas, 79¢ ;. buckâ€" wheat. 52%e¢; hay, timothy $12 . to $14:: clover. mixed, $5 to s3 ; straw, sheal, @8 to $9 ; loose, 8¢ ; dressed hogs. . ecwt., heavy, $7.50 to $7.75: light. $8.140 to $8.60; butter, pound rolls, 18 to 25 : large rolls. 16 to 20¢; eges, new laid, 12 to ‘4¢:; chickens, per pair. 60c to $1; turkeys, per Ib. 12 to i7¢: geese, per Ib., 10 to 11¢; ducks, per pair, 80c to $1 : apples, per bushel, 25 to 600; per barrel. 75¢ to $1.75; potatoes, per bas, $1.20 to $1 CRIEIRO .ucvk vie ces ameneeie n TD 1â€"2 POLOGH) ... ..4... . .ocls .10 75 1â€"2 Duluth, No. 1 s Northern ... ... ... .. 75 1â€"8 74 7â€"8 Fri‘‘sh Live stock Markets. London, April 13.â€"Prices are unâ€" changed ; Canadian eattle are quotâ€" ed at 11. to 12 1â€"2¢ per, 1b. (dressed weight) ; American â€" cattle, 12,+1â€"3¢ to 13 1â€"2¢ per Ib.; sheep steady at 14 to 1I5¢ per lb.:; refrigerator beef is firm at 10 to 11c per Ib. 7 Torcnto Dairy Markets. Butterâ€"The market continues firm for cho‘ce qualities. which are scarce. We quote: Fresh, large rolls, 18 to 18 1â€"2¢ ; finest 1â€"1b. prints, 19.t0 20¢; poorer grades, rolls and tubs. 15 to 17¢:; creamery prints, 23 to 25¢ ; soâ€" lid, iresh made, 20 to 22¢c. Leading Wheat Following are the tions at important toâ€"day : do common.......... Milch cows, each........ Export ewes, CWE......« Bucks, per CWb........ . Grainâ€"fed ewes, wethers Grainâ€"fed bucks......... Spring lambe............ Barnyard lambs... ..... CalÂ¥t®,_C8A0L ............ 1100 20â€"A ds ie t w ind d o t tb AEvstracrt Eggsâ€"The market is steady. with dem# 2d, good. The price is unchanged at 12¢ per dozen. â€" Cheeseâ€"Market firm, with good deâ€" mand. We quote:{ Finest, 14 to 14â€" 1â€"2¢; twins, 14 1â€"2 to 15¢; new Cheese 13 to 13 1â€"4c. Canton, N. Y., April 41.â€"Cheese, 12¢; no‘sales; butter, 26c¢. Toronto Live Stock. Export cattle, choice ewt.. $ 4 70 _ to 4 85 do medium .. .......... & 10 _ to 4 63 do cows. per Cwt........ 3 30 to 4 00 Inferior cows................ 0 275 to 32 Butchber=‘ picked............ 4 20 _ to 4 60 dufiood to choice........ 390 to 420 © do fair to medium....... 3(0 . to 3 55 do rough to common.... 2 75 to 3 1f Balls, export heavy ........ 3 50 to 4 25 dolikhnt:,................" $ 00 . 10 â€"2 :80 Feeders, shortâ€"keep......... *3 9C to â€" 4 25 do medium ............. 860 â€" to 3 90 dolight. .>.............,. | 8 2b {so ‘{+2.00 Stockers, choice............. 32 to 3 40 Tae whnoie®nie nell Ambitions fity are good whiare of the requiroments of the in‘ the, wost and D shipments . continu« good whiare of the increased trade requiroments of the country, both in‘ the, wost and m Onstario, »~and shipments . continue on a large seale. The firm tone of the marâ€" kets costinues to stipulate purchases for the fall. At London this woeek the whoiccijers dave neen quite iyIgy with sorting owuders for the spring and summer trade, and the fall trade is . also increasing. Ottawn wholeâ€" sale trade is very active for this searon.â€" General business at Quebea during the week has been active. a dozen students who accompanied him in his rounds. Pausing at the bedside of a doubtful ease, he said: "Now, gentlemen, do you think this is, or is not, a casa for operation ?" One by one the stuwlents made their diagno«is, and all of them answered in the negative. "Well, gentlemen, you are all wrong," said the wielder of ‘the free and flawhing sealpel, "and I am going to operate toâ€"morrow." "No, you won‘t," exclaimed the paâ€" thent, as he rose in his bed. "Six to one is a good majority ; gimme my elothes." A wellâ€"known surgeon was impartâ€" ing some clinical instruction to half Even with Him.â€" Mr. Flirty (tauntingly)â€"IL saw Mrs, Berryman on ‘the street topday. She looked charming in her mourning gown. Mre. Flirty (sarcastically)â€"lIndeed! It‘s a pity we all can‘t be widows, â€"Detroit Free Press. f m wad L Six to One. was none offering. unchanged. at $8to Cash. May Market. closing quotaâ€" wheat centres 2 00 0 04 mite hisw to to to to to to woeek. the, very 6 00 5 00 5 00 8 00 0 05 0 0u ( 00 0. 00 ' Kansas City Journal. k Furniture Dealerâ€"Yes, mvam, this hedroom set will last you {fiftsen years. Purchaserâ€"And if it doosn‘t ? Dealerâ€"Then come back _ and we will well you a better one. you can do s0o with very lit«le exâ€" pense, as the UNION PACIFIC will sell Oneâ€"way Colonist Tickets RVERY DAY untii June 15th at the foliowâ€" ing. rates from Missouri River terâ€" minals: §25.00 to San Francisco, Los Anâ€" geles and many | other Califoruia pdints. f $20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Anaconda and Hcolena. $22.00 to Spolkane and Wenatchee. $25.00 to Portiand, Pacoma, Soatâ€" tle, amid many coeiher QOregon and Wasghington points. » Prom Chicago and Sf. Louis proâ€" portionately low rates are in effect by. lines connecting with the Union From Missouri River terminals To many, pniqts in Kaneas, Nebraska, Pacilic. The UNION PACIFIC has also exâ€" tended territory to which round trip Homoseeker‘s Excursion ‘Pickets will be sold as follows: and Colorado ; To many poiuts in Wyomirg, Utah, Montanma and Idaho ; To many points in Oregon and Washâ€" ington. One Tare plus $2.00 for the round trip.~ * 4 it +4% CC oT Lt For full information call on or adâ€" dress > F Nekets on sale April 7 and . 21, May 15 and 19, June 2 and 16, 1903. "What , was that noise, Katie ?" whouted ‘the lady from her boudoir. "Oh, mum, it was orly the baby urder ‘the piano, and ho hit himâ€" THAT WBABY SPRING FEELING "Oh, mum, it was orliy t urder ‘the piano, and ho J «olf, muam," replied the girl "Dear little boy. Did he hurt himâ€" solf, Katie" They Tone Up the Kidneys, Ensurmg Pure Blood, Good Circulation, and as a Consequence, Vigor and Energy. Is Quickly Disposed of by Dodd‘s Kidney Pills Nearly everyone needs toning up in the «pring. Some are altogether i!l, others just feel {agged and worn oul. They bave little Inclination to work and less to cat. They are simply useâ€" less. In the wister the body fortifies itâ€" sel against cold. With the coming of sprihg it throws off this fortiliâ€" cation, which consists of extra.tisâ€" sue, uand additional waste maiter is given to the blood to carry away. If the Kidneys are in condition to do extra work thils waste material is quickly expelled Jrom the body in the usual way. But if the Kidneys are tired or worn out the waste remains‘ in the blogd and the cireulation is clogged. The remody ig simple. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills put the Kidteys in good working order. The Kidneys in good working order ensure pure bood and good "No, mum : sure it was the soft pedal he hit, mum." It is the Kidneys that are not doing their work. Pirey need to be toned up with Dodd‘s Kidaey FPills. Why? Because they are being overworked and need help. But if th worn out t blogd and t! The remody Pills put the bid you ever &«lop to think that there is a reason for all this ,and that if the complaint is attacked inâ€" telligently it will yieid readily, the lazy feeling wili depart, and in its place will come vigor and energy and appetite ? 4 circulationâ€"ensure | brightness energy, Trousands of people wi you so, can tell you sa out of own experienceé, Geiting (Rid of them Cheaply. A certain man, a market gardethst er, with a famiiy of four daughters, was most desirous to gel uis giris married _ as they became *‘ol age. He waited till Sarah, the eldest, was her own mistress, but, as she reached the age of 25, and Mary, the eecons daughcer, tso, became of age, and still no signs of marryp» ing them, <the "father began to worry very much. "Well," he said to the neighbors who (wanted to know â€" what hes was going to do with all his dJaughters, "if any man will have one of my daughters, I will give him a hundred with her." Then the girls were crowded with euitors, and finally Sarah was marâ€" ried. And the next day the inidee groom received from his [fatherâ€"inâ€" lawâ€"oure hundred cabbages, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR HomESEEKERS Willing to be Accoommodating. The 1ro wires and 6 stay fence has heavy ugn'ghts. There is not a weak spot in its construction. It will last three times as long as other fences. Place your order for Frost Fence, sstisfaction guaranteed. Write for catalogue, Frost Wire Fence is a Strong Fence Y onkers Staicman The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd., Welland, Ont., and Winnipeg . F. CARTELR, T. P. A., 14, Janes Building, Toronto, Canada F. R. CHOATE, G. A., Pianissimo 120 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO If you are looking â€" for a home anu w.int to visit the Woaost 4 A bfldm flyp'.kcx;ml;gh an m\?a?‘.‘n holo aa it a&: cra‘ , BO ‘orliry Neting is made wi small meshes at boitom and l.nr,:' st to‘pr No. !2 gauge wire tos and boitomâ€"ro sag. Gelb Page feacts and gatesâ€"they‘re best. The Page Wire Fence Co.,. Limited, Walzerrille, Ont. Montreal, P.Q., sx4 8t. Join, KX § Page Acme Pouitry Netting rood and tell The Preacher Cangbt on Aftor Many Interruptions. JA writer in the Dhmixielphia Ledâ€" ger gives the {ovilowling intcoresting Â¥ariation of «&n (nld4_ story has odâ€"~ on â€" a â€" confuston ul . the Names of Iwo kincs of gra®s,. At a cortain revivail mocting ul colored folks in a charch in North Carolisa â€" tho awvini¢ter agaâ€" nouneed from the prlpit, "My te® is ‘Let de woman» larn in «lenee wid all subjection,". You will 4one fin‘ it fn de ececout chaptor, evoBdtD SECOND CHaPTFER OF CLOYEP triflin‘. My tex‘ will not b»> fount‘ In de secon‘ chapter, ‘leventh varse, ob Clover; bat in do «2>cow chaptor, ‘leveath varseo ob Timothy. I knowâ€" ed it was some kird ob grass." ble the hearl is apnt to beat rapidâ€" Iyv, _ drrogu‘lar hiblis worry, «MAses!â€" pition. overworking until the norâ€" ous «yetom is & ayrsck, is a sure wiay to croate a 90 paulse rate. How»â€" cvor, when th re is no o gan‘e trou« ble; the remedly is to correet the errors o living. «looping regularly, eating regularly, exereising well, thus making hotter blowi. If there is no keart trouble this is the best way to correet that consdition.â€"Health. h1 Weaver‘s Corate in the country is useâ€" ful to relieve the pain caused by bites of aniâ€" mn]u. stings of insects, and in treating burne A lawyer was crossâ€"examining ap Irish woman, the point undor engquiry being the relative positions of the doors, windows, ete., in a house which a certain transaction had occurred. "And now, my good woman," the lawyer swaid, "will you hbe good enough to tell the court how the stairs run in your house." "How do the stairs run?" the witness replied. "Shure, whin I am upstairs they run down, and whir I am dlownstairs they run up*"â€"Ram‘s Horn. phrey W Daughte: the bookstores â€" for ®1.50. The story _ alltracioed much _ attention while it was runoing as a serial in Harper‘s Magazine, opinions â€" varyâ€" ing with regard to the merits of the heroine, Julie Breton, who asâ€" «ists in presidiog over the «dGrawâ€" ingâ€"room o{/ her patronees, and is so successlal . socially _ thari se awrouses the older â€" woman‘s jealâ€" ousy, This leads 1to her «lismissal. Kome of the influential friends she has learned _ to know in Lady Henry‘s saion rally _ to her rival slandard, but without great enâ€" thusiasm, except in the case of her loyal cousin, the Duchess of Crowâ€" borough ; Jacob Dela{ield, who is in bove with her, and a few Othore, Meanwhile, Julie, â€" having _ exerted all â€" her _ political influence â€" with Lady Menury‘s friends for Captain Warkworth, a young man, poor, ambitions, «<ietermined to sueeccelin lite, has become «leeply interested in him. Her efforts are successful, and Warkworth gets the foreign appointment he covets. Thon Julie learas that he is engaged to her own courin, a voundg girl whom he ind sealds cach other with It â€" is unquestior greatest triumph the Oul In aln c the 18 ti Heari BC ais. lhrot all cases of organi .e heart is apt to beat Irrogwars hiblis worry i. overworking until t «ysmiom is & atrock, is to croate a 90 palse rat whea th re is no o gam he remedly is to correc ana<an Clear About the Stairs Lady Bose SGf h has on rally _ to her rival ut without ~ great enâ€" eept in the case of her , the Duchess of Crow»â€" wwob Dela{ield, who is in rer, and a few Othors, Julie, _ having _ exerted olitical influence _ with y‘s friends for Capiain a young man, poor, ietermined to sueeccelin come «leeply interested ‘ efforts are successful, orth gets the forcign . he covets. Thon Julie he is engaged to her a youg girl whom he a bofore he kAew Julie, Warkworth _ face tire n > kincs * of in revivail mocting in aâ€" Charch in tho avinieter â€" agâ€" dra radol Daughter m of Mrs. Humâ€" i "Lady Rose‘s n published by Richmood «tre % illy _ ghar slye woman‘s â€" jealâ€" > her «lismissal. itial friends she now _ in â€" Lady pit, ‘"My tex rn in «llenee ou wilt <Gone not be foun‘ leventh varse, seon‘ chaptor, NiA organie trou» » beat rapidâ€" worry. «iMsg‘~ B 11 it 1s a reâ€" cd‘ty, and in n. Throughe t scenes of best «uccood tic rapikity. Mrs. Wards Man t ¢* at + 64

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