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Durham Review (1897), 23 Apr 1903, p. 1

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*3% 1 hP slay a=alasalace an o annlat slase ane a7a a2e anale "o a%e abe aZe ane avelato aalaCele Cele Cole Cele SelaZe VOL. # P E .. &. d ¢ WHeKechnice. %fi + C The duty of the hourâ€"â€"â€"Vote for the New Industry. Not to vote ‘FOR‘ is to put a check on present and future prosperity. Taste is forever open to the pleasure of Fine Millinery. It is totaste that this Millinery Stock appeals. We are showing the latest Styles in Ladies‘ Skirts, gray Homespun, seams strapped and trimaed with black cloth, stitching around bottom.............. ... $4.50 Skirts in black Homespun:, panel front, circular flounce trimmed with stitching and taffeta silk................... $4.75 Skirts in splendid quality, black Homespun, panel front wtth three deep tucks on each side, trimmed with buttons. simulated yoke and flounce of stitching, special............ $5.75 These Skirts are made by one of the best firms in Canada and every one has that fit and hang so essential to the well dressed woman. Ladies‘ Skirts, gray Homespun, stitched seams and around DOHONE .. ... «c crln iakirivksngs avus« <xerrs ohigunysa on aisivel‘s ies "HRge U Ladies‘ Waists, good quality black sateen, front of solid cording and stitching, back stitched to match, extra special 01.25 Ladies‘ Waists, fine glossy sateen, front trimmed with stitchâ€" ing and stitched straps and buttoned back with groups of stitching.cxtt«specal....... .....................+....+«» Pi.00 Ghe Hit of the Season «Ladies‘ Rlack Sateon Warsts h Eflfififlflgflflflflfififlflflfiiflflfixfig *# 9 Ames Holden Co. Remember the place Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. ‘They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. â€" Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. sEE OUR DISPLAY, 0OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU:â€" FACTURED BY THE 3 0 O T S RPadies‘ Cloth Skirts Wili use you Right ‘Try Him. J A mrames Sretand â€" dtytish Vfiltinery Rubbers THE POPULAP CASH STORE THE POPULAR CASH STORE. NEW HMATS and BONNETS, NEW SHAPES and TRIMMINGS, NEW RIBBONS, LACES and FLOWERS. ._â€" NO. 17 want your Butter and Eggs. LAIDLAW‘S Old Stand Qurnd oK echnie. ; ) A Musicat TrrEat.â€"Those who asâ€" BZ sembled on Friday night last in the F ; Baptist Church will bear witness to the ,‘,Lapprnpriateness of our heading. Mrs df , Newton added to her already high repuâ€" f‘ || tation as a musical artiste and Dr Brown ,[L is ever a favorite in Durham for his BG | musical abilities and the public spirit he it displays. To render and interpret to . the popular taste selections from Paderâ€" ; | ewsk1, Gounod, Franz Liszt, and other BB ; famous musicians was no light task, but 6 ; not only in this did Mrs Newton excel, KE she was equally pleasing in her original fF pieces, the Reverie," and the yariaâ€" M | tions on popular airs. In the " Reminiâ€" M§j | sences of Don Juan," the piano stormed 41. : and coaxed, the sun shone and the clouds Li. gathered, and it was quite unnecessary {1’ for the printed program to request that fie no conversation be carried on. The “,l‘; fingering too was a marvel, for the left ‘ hand would be playing a tune all to itâ€" P self in sweet and sober strain, while the 1PE right was skylarking on the higher l!“ keys, taking a race down occasionally to 7@ see what its mate was doing. Her E;‘ yocal solo ‘* Flower Song" was also well B | interpreted. Dr. Brown‘s treatment of "‘ "The Ninety and Nine" was excellent UF and on being recalled gave a fine optiâ€" «'f{ ‘mistic song *"Life was not made for fig sorrow." "*Bandoliero" a quaint Italian s love song. and "See How a Christian ‘, can Die" as an encore were warmly 3: fl)pln.uded. The choir sang only once, B Mrs Newton at the orgau, rendering an .excellent chorus. HoTt®t CHANGES.â€"We mentioned 2 weeks ago that Mr. Allan McDougall had bought the Ries property but omitâ€" ted last week to say that M.s. Hahn of the Middaugh House had sold out to a Mr. Stockton, of St. Thomas. MrHahn informs us be has nothing against the town nor the business but increasing difficulty in getting hired help and other causes led him to the action. The new proprietors take possession on the first Monday in May, and we take occaâ€" sion to wish both of thein a welcome to our town and crust they may successfalâ€" ly cater to the legitimate needs of the district. To the retiring bonifaces who have striven, we belieye, to keep up the record of their houses, we wish good luck in the future. School reâ€"opened on Monday with Miss A. Meredith in charge of Miss Mcâ€" Kenzie‘s room, Miss Wolfe taking Miss Davey‘s place for a few days, the latter being debarred by mumps. Misses Lick, Gun and Grant, Mr. Baker and the Principal are all at their posts preparâ€" ing for the exacting term of work before the summer examinations. HrEars®E AccroENT.â€"While on the way to the McQuarrie funeral on Monâ€" day, Messrs Caldwell and Lenahan met a bull in leading. The horses, when opposite, got scared, jumped aside, the hearse overturned, and the drivers narâ€" rowly escaped serious injury, _ The hearse was righted with nothing more serious than broken glass, and proceedâ€" ed to the funeral. After Mr. John McDonald was appoinâ€" ted postmaster, it was found that owing to the savings and money order system conflicting with his business as a banker he would either have to throw up the ofâ€" fice or keep the postoffice in a separate building. He chose the former.â€"Chatsâ€" worth News. The School Board on Monday night let the contract of finishing off the baseâ€" ment, building the chimney, &¢., in preâ€" paration for the installation of a steam heating plant in the school, to Mr Arch. Dayidson, for the sum of $175. Large stocks of Commercial paper and envelopes just received at the Review Office. *"Old Kent Bond" is bound to give satisfaction. Upâ€"toâ€"date merchants all want it. Call and see samples or let us send. Mepicos CoMINnG HERE..â€"A meeting of the Grey ana Bruce Medical Associaâ€" tion is to be held here on May 13th inst, _ Likely in the Public Library building, The high School entrance examination will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 2th, 25th and 26th of June, which is a week earlier than usual. A First Class Tailoress wanted, apâ€" ply to J. A. Grass, Merchant ‘Lailor. ROOMS TO RENTâ€"â€"Apply to Jxo. O‘Do®NELL. FoR SaALEK.â€"A fuil line of Window Shades, 6 and 7 ft lengths. Shewell & Lenahan. On Sunday next at 11 a. m., the local branch of Oddfellows will asztemble in a body and attend service at the Presbyâ€" terian Church. DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1903. Rooxs To RENT.â€"Apply to Thos. Smith. eAK OW PksoOH ~OW NKz §8P|cs m EVW M Terms 8,mos, credit on approved joint notes. Sums of $5.00 and under cash. 5%, discuunt for cash in lieu of notes. Sale at 1 o‘clock sharp. See Mrs. Arrowsmith offers for sale on Saturday May, 2, at her residence Upper Town, a valuable lot of Houseâ€" hold Furniture, Garden tools, Plants, preserved fruit, Carpenters tools, &e. Most of the Farniture is first class and includes Stoves, parlor, dining room and bed room suites, Beds, bedding, &e., Sugar Kettle, Sausage Machine and many miscellaneous articles. awWill be for service at Lot 40, Con, 2, E. G. R. for the season of 1903. _ Peiiâ€" gree on application. Cows not returnâ€" ed regularly will be charged whether in calf or unot. _ Payment to be made on or before Kebruary 1st 1904. Terms $1.50. Ewaxr.â€"At the home of her brother, Robt. Ewan, 2nd con., Bentinck, on Tuesday, April 21, Miss Ewen. aged 70 years. McQuUaRRIE.â€"At the residence of her niece, Mrs. Butchart, Wiarton, on Saâ€" turday, April 18, Miss Jane McQ uarâ€" rie. |Deceased was a sister of Mrs,. McCormick, Glenroaden, and was wellâ€"known and respected in and aâ€" round Durham. _ The funeral took place on Tuesday, many friends payâ€" ing the last tribute of respect. _ Rev. Mr. Farquharson, her former pastor, conducted the services, Messrs, Jno. McKelyey and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meikle attended from Durham.] bills. MARRIED. KrusEy â€" McQuUr®EsTON,. â€"At the resiâ€" dence of the groom‘s aunt. Buffalo, on 16th inst, Mr Herbert Kelsey, Durâ€" ham, to Miss Delma McQueston, of Sharon, Pennsylvania. BORN > BovL®.â€"In Glenelg, on the 17th inst, to Mr and Mis Jos. Boyle, a son. CoRLETT.â€"In Bentinck, on the 19th inst, to Mr and Mrs Robt. Corlett, a son. COLERIDGE.â€" At Carleton Place, on April 4th, to M1i and Mis F. K. Coleâ€" mdge, a daughter. PrTTigGrEw.â€"In Purham, on the 14th inst, to Mr and Mrs H. Pettigrew, a son. The Education department has issued a circular to school inspectors asking that Arbor Day be properly observed in every school. This year the former falls on Friday, May 1, and the latter on Friday, May 22. Mr, Harcourt reâ€" marks : "Let Arbor Day be a bright. joyous holiday deyoted to the pleasure of imaking beautiful what should be beautiful, and developing in the young minds a keen appreciation of fnature. Let Empire Day be also a day which will foster a hedlthy national patriotism and awaken all the pleasureable emoâ€" tions which the love of our country and empire should inspire." Mr W. Mortimer Clark, K. C. a wellâ€" known â€" Toronto Barrister has been sworn in as Lieutenant Governor of Onâ€" tario, in succession to the late Sir Oliver Mowat. ‘The appointment came as a surprise and the guesses of the World and the ail were Mall astray, The new Governor is 67 years of age, a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, nng a prominent Presbyterian, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. The Chatsworth News has the followâ€" ing complimentary reference to the new proprietor of the Ries House, who takes possession on May 4th next:â€"*"*Mr. Allan McDougail, late of Williamsford, has purchased the Knapp House in Durham. _ Mr and Mrs McDougall are excellent hotel people. as everyone knows, who put up at their hotel in Williamsford. and they can rest assured that they will get the patronage of all their old customers who may go to Durâ€" ham for business or pleasure." Jonx SUMPTOX DEADâ€"A recent issue of a Dauphin paper records the death of John Sumpton, formerly of Allan Park. At present we have no particulars. No ENCLOSURE.â€"A stamped enveâ€" lope, aadressed to the Review, and bearâ€" ing Dornoch postâ€"mark received Tuesâ€" day with nothing enclosed. Money to Loan at 44 per cent. MacKaAaÂ¥ & Doxnx. Durham The Rev. Wm. Ketulewell is expected to preach in the Methodist Church on Sunday inorning and eyening, and at Zion in the afternoon. PUKE BRED HEREFORD BULL. NEW LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. CREDIT AUCTION SALE of Doxaurp McFaAxDEXN, Prop. (Prince Albert.) Jas. Carsox, Auctioneer. DIED. 440 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO * dec 99 But more,â€"every ratepayer is safeâ€" guarded before a liability is involved. â€"the company agrees to secure the town by first mortgage on all buildâ€" |ings, plant, engine, boiler, &c. They | agree to keep insured against damage lb_\' fire, in companies acceptable to the council, their buildings, plant, &c, to the full insureable value, the insurance at any one time not to be less than the amount due on mortgage. A meeting will be held at the home of Mrs David McCrie near Durham,. on Wednesday the 20th inst, commencing at 2 o‘clock p. m, All ladies are cordially invited to atâ€" tend. Several of the members are preparing papers and a good meeting is anticipaâ€" As we explained last week, it is no mere majority that is required. The law demands threeâ€"fifths of the total vote, â€"a very wise provision,â€"so we trust time, and a littie trouble if necesâ€" sary, will be taken by eyery man and woman to record their vote. Durham is a town to be proud of, let us make it more so. At every point the council has acted carefally, tEc proposition is a giltâ€"edgâ€" ed one, and all that is now required is for eyery ratepayerowning property to record his vote " For" on Monday next so that at 5 p. m. our civic pride will be gratified that " progress" is still to be the watchword in Darham. The town for all this promises a loan of $7000, a free site costing $300 and exemption trom Municipal taxes, ( not School taxes,) beyond the present assâ€" essment, for period of 10 years. ‘The loan is to be repaid in seven annual inâ€" stalments beginning with the 4th year. These favors when divided up amongst the ratepayers of a town assessed for $400,000 are a mere triflie, and not to be considered when the benefits accruing are taken into account. Anyone can estimate the good to the town during the construction of such buildings as are required by the cireuâ€" lation of thousands of dollars tfor supplies and wages, and we have a clear idea what the wages of 30 or more hands means by considering the $14000 or $15000 paid every year in wages by the furniture tactory. We say " or more" for we understand the promoâ€" ters have no idea of limiting the emâ€" ployes to 30. The company, the agreement says, is desirous of building, fitting up with the necessary machinery and plant, and operatingâ€"tbis year 1903â€"a facâ€" tory for the manufacture of * Cream Separators and other Dairy Utensils." The buildings are to be in whole or in part, stone, brick or cement, to be subâ€" stantially built and equipped with all necessary boilers, engines, lathes, &2., the whole equipment to cost not less than $15,000. _ ‘They agree to employ for 10 years continuously in and about the factory not fewer than 30 hands, cf whom a certain number will be skilled mechanies We have been favored with a sig ht oltl the azrcegmenc between the town nnlg the,new Company proposing to esta lish another industry here and regret our space forbids giving it in its entireâ€" ty but the bare facts as we shall enâ€" deavor to outline them should be inâ€" ducement enough for every wellwisher of the town to cast his ballot in favor. Most Important For Durham. VOTE FOR THE BYâ€" . WOMEN‘S INSTITUTE. K. L. Dixox, Secretary. KEELER‘S R. B. KEELEBR & SON. For a nice pair of Bouts, Shoes or Slipâ€" pers for Luadies and Gentlemen, Misses and Boys, also Children‘s Shoes high and low, &c. REMEMBER THE PLACE A Fuli Line of Ladies‘ and Gents Ruabber Heels on hana. Custom Work and â€" repairing promptly attended to. I have been only a few weeks in business here but trade has rapidly increased. _ More New Goods have arriyed comprising some of the best groductionsotleuding Boot and Shoe ouses, which I will sell at lowest cash To the People of Durham and sur rounding country : Ollen the Cheapest, â€" Always the Best NE W BOOT & SHOEK STORE prices. JSfrouse Glea.nx'ng . Y ecessitiocs " If your Watch or Clock is sick K eecler the Jeweller can make it tick If you need a pair of Spectaclies Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. _ Hundreds of frames to choose from, Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. For Big Bargains in Watches, Clocks, _ Jewelery, â€" Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, &c. mexrec, ty N | J *"\‘ :) > ‘i &Y h P " 2o _| etfont f‘ /'/// a, _i'a /‘f (zy“/\’) A V‘\i _ T C N _f §# o \’() L e § ?f , ' : (-' "\\\ / ‘ / xi i . " P m » ; M 4’ 4 \\ \' k\ “ f J \\\~ % AIA ‘;A' } k .Q.\:\{&vn \ *A t RBT EDC ‘ Jordan‘s Old Stand, next door to Campbeil‘s Implement Warehouse. J. S. McILRAITH. ote for the flyâ€"faw CHAS RAMAGE, Perster axo Posursuce. TRY THIS STORE Whiting, Alabastine, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Furniture Polish, Varnish in Tins, Household Ammonia, Pure Prepared Paints, Goid Paint for Gilding At MacFarlane & Co., Druggists & Booksellers. JEWELRY STORE M es & S

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