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Durham Review (1897), 23 Apr 1903, p. 2

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1. ) ) 1@ ex lar to Hi he @sf he Pri der iste [ dvat The City Church. Not only in the hush of mountain la mis, Aand on the storms which shroud the boundless deep, Fast matmeate CGat HIt awXlul‘ YIgH Doas nature‘s BACE Here, in this -cl_mrc!l{ though raised by buman hand& Thouzh in the traffic crowded street it a«tands, Gol‘s throme is set; and, while men work or slecp, He wakes, and listens to the hearts that weep, Amd in Hisz love makes straight life‘s tangled strands, Kew generations tome and _ pass away, They pour their anguish into God‘s kooad ear, ; They gaze up mutely towarda His unsoen lTace ; And, compassel with His merci by day, They «tand unshaken, while __ ‘earthly ephere Rolls through the dark in{inity El Dorado. Kan., Republican. i woman who has been working in the heathen business for a good many years says it taikes §$16.75 to got $1 to the heathen. All on _ acâ€" coun‘. of people who take toll for handliog . the contributions. _ She ‘nrther remarks that if one will put $1 into a bottle, cork it up tight and throw it into the river it will stand just as good a chance of arâ€" riving in heathnen lands as it would by g.ving to some collector of heathâ€" Blood When an animal is all run down, has a rough coat and a tight hide, anyone knows that his blood is out L C r+ ts dhpipedpprepa y 9 C000 :?Z%'Z:"f& ;eeâ€"g;l; animal econoâ€" mically he must be in good health. you can do so with very litvle exâ€" pense, as the UNION PACIFIC will sell Oneâ€"way Colonist Tickets EVERY DAY until June 15th at the followâ€" Ing rates from Missouri River terâ€" minals : is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. It tomes up the system, rids the stomach of bots, wort‘s and other parasites that suck the life blood away. Nothing like Dick‘s a run down horse. Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.530 to Spokane and Wenatchee. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seatâ€" tie, and many other Oregon and Washington points. y Prom Caicago and St. portionately low rates a! by lines connecting with Pacific. BLOOD PURIFIER Ah, no; religion is not clmirchâ€"goâ€" tez. Cbristianity is not form. The | tove of Cirist our Lord is simplicity i Iteeli. "Believye and ye shall be ' eave«i!" What could be simpler ? Alâ€" ) mizbty God is truth, and truth is simpte. _ The simple Christian is the true Christian. I believe in churches,. ami 1 believe in forms,. But they are pot all; nay, they are not a titite ! "ruth is mighty, asd it shall preâ€" vail!"?" Prevail if preached from a polpit by a priest in vestments;, preâ€" vail i lived by a, belever in the desert;, prevall if roared on a mountain top by a wiuter gale : prevail if breathed in ihe v«lloy of the most delicate and tiny wil} flower of the spring! ‘"Beâ€" lieve in me and ye shali be saved !" Truth! Truth! Truth! _ No matter One £1a0@ V-!'v.‘l‘l-‘“fii[-)e:zgfi it or who hears it,; no matter whether it be proclaimed in the clarion tones of eloquence or shyâ€" Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound. ly whispered in a secre provail! g;‘::» k S ~* Prepared in two degrees of strength. _ No. 1 and No. 2. No, 1.1â€"For ordinary cases » is by far the best doliar medicine known. Ko. 2â€"For special casesâ€"10 dagrees strongerâ€"three doilars per box. Ladiesâ€"ask your druggist for Cook‘s Cotton Root Compound. Take no other &s alt pills, mixtures and lmltat!o?s are éangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the Doâ€" =lnhn of (;am nantoeg tg uu; address receipt rice and T 2â€"cent postage stamps. fi. Cook Company, _ _ 50 cents a package. ~Ap for the Heathen, DICK‘ S Canon , Miles & Co noNnTREAL. Farrar‘s Words Ladies‘ Favorite, Is the only safe, reliablo regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour and time of need." o h His mercies day i5 Am“n Windsor, Oat t place, for this it will GIvyEN LEAVE TO REMARRY. Unique Petition Presented to an Ala bama Judge by Divorced Man. "I kave been pbracticing law for many yoare and klave seen many unique legal papers on file, but the most uniqueo 1 Lave ever struck was inf Birminghkam, Ala., the other day," said 8. H. Jackson, of Atlanta, at the New Willard. "The paper was so thoroughly uniqueo and original 1 had the clerk of the court make a copy for too.‘It was a petition filed in 1891 by a man asking to be @i~ lowad to remarry, his first wile hayâ€" ing «ecurel a divoree. It reads: "*"To the Honorable H. A. Sharpe, Jwige of the City Court of Birmingâ€" hium, in Equity : Your petitiomer.â€"â€"‘ of Mobile, Ala. would deferentially represent that on the 10th day of January, in the year of grace 1891, your lonor dissolved the connublal ties therefore existing between peâ€" titioner and his sonsort, â€"â€", grantâ€" ing her divorce a vineculo matrimoni, with the beatilic privilege thereto anne«edl ol marrying again, a privâ€" Alege which it goes without saying she availed herself of with alacrity of «pirit and a fastidious levity disâ€" ld:xlning‘ pursuit. But on this vital ipoim your honor extemded to peâ€" titioner only the charity of your Bo "‘His days rapidly verging on the seer and yellow leaf, the fruit and flowers of love all going, the worm, the canker and the gricft in sight, with no one to love and none to carees him, your petitioner feels lence,. an indescribable â€" yearning, longing and heaving to plunge his advenâ€" turous prow once more into the unâ€" vexed waters of the sea of connuâ€" blality, "* KFor comforting as the velvety touch of an angel‘s palm on the feverâ€"racked brow and soothing as! thko strains of an aeolian harp whcn’ ewopt by the fingers of the night | winl and dear as the ruddy drops| which visit those sad hearts of outs : and as swoeet as sacramental wliue to dying lips. it is when life‘s fitful ; fover is ebbing to its close topil-l low one‘s aching head on some fond wifely bosom, and breathe his life gently there. c ut 1 Waslington Star. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contains Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of d& amell and completely derange the whole sysâ€" tem when entering it through the mucous | Then surfaces. . Such Iafllclelfmmuld nevetl;lbo :‘ez | took except on prescriptions from reputable phyiiâ€" | clans, as t.r:e damage they will do is ten !{)ld ) °t§gl] to the good you can possibly derire from | them." Hall‘s Catatzh Cure, manufactured ; €4 % by F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains | close no merecury, and is taken internally, acting | aendg directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces hat of the system. In buying Hall‘s Catarth : &1 Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken ; YTha internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price T5e per bottle. Hall‘s Family Pills are the best. Futures of Wheat. Geo. H. Phillips, Chicago, says: Do not buy the May wheat without stopâ€"loss near to purchase price. â€" It is difficult to follow such a deal, but it is very pro{itable when it can be done. ‘ Sell July wheat from this price up aud back again ; 72¢ was a low price for May wheat for a long time, but it sold under that price last month. If we do not lose more of this year‘s crop than the average loss from other crop prospects, and prospects aro good for a big croplgr oa.tx:_:‘!’x‘dn corn, so as to give us lower prices for theso cereals, I believe _ July, wheat will look high at 72¢c. Proâ€" spects are now above the average for all this to come to pass, and as it lakes but a moment to change one‘s mind, it looks to me like good busiâ€" noss â€" judgment to operate on the basis o{ the legitimate with an eye on the illegitimate. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Dandruf{f. The (Government report out yesâ€" terday â€" afternoon giving condition of 97.3 indicates a crop of winter wheat o( 544,000,000 bush. An averâ€" age crop of spring wheat means & total of $00,000,000 bush. Edward G. Heeman, Chicago, says : When I turned bull on wheat two weeks ago, at the bottom, and before the buying which took place this week was even indicated, I turned on the belief that the steady decline in May wheat since January â€" had extended about far enough, and alâ€" so that scenery or glowing crop prospects had been discounted in the low price (under 70c¢c), ruting for July wheat. I am well aware that the short interest, especially in the July, had become . unwieldyâ€"dangerously soâ€"and I believe it is still yvery large, in fact, it looks ns if it has been inâ€" | creased this week. Outside of the buyâ€" | ing, however, by the Armour conâ€" | cern, there was nothing important in | the news this‘ week different from | the preceding weeks to warrant one | who was bearish then to turn bull . now. Baltimore American. A Fre> Translationâ€"Willie Emerâ€" sonâ€"Smith (reading)â€"And they gathâ€" erml from the dollar of the earth. Willie Emersonâ€"Smithâ€"From â€" ‘the dollar of the earth. C £ Teacher (in astonrishment)â€"From the whaaâ€"at » r h Willie Emersonâ€"Smith â€" Well, aren‘t four quarters a doilar * Teacherâ€"The text says "from the four quarters of the earth" _ _ ;xtit}on was â€" granted."â€" Text Observation. ha _ | I saw a woman in a street car open a sptchel and take out a purse, close the satchel and open the purse, h | take out & dime and close the purse, I oran the satohel and put in the pursge, close the satchel and lock both ends. Then she gave the dime to the conâ€" r‘;f ductor and took a nickel in exchange. us | Then she opened the satchel and ed ‘ took out the purse, closed the satâ€" 'l‘& : chel and opened the purse, put in d | the nicke! and closed the purse, openâ€" ea | ed ‘the gatohel and put in the purse, as | closed the satchel and locked both L!;lg ends. Then she felt to see if her back cCn | hair was all right, and just as sweet! en ; TPhat was & woman. Men of O@k Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing â€" through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. «Men of oak" are men in rugged health, men . whose bodies are made of the soundâ€" est materials. â€"â€" â€"â€" * .Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy conâ€" stitution that will last for years. Scott‘s Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott‘s Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, helps ~themâ€" build a. firm foundation for a sturdy constiâ€" tution. Complicated Process. Youth‘s Companion. Boston people who hbhave seen & long line of hurrying people held up on the steps leading down to the subway station while some woman extracted a nickel from a purse in & pocketbook in her anderskirt, will appreciate the humor of what a writer in the Brooklyn Eagle saw. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 60c. and $1.00 ; all drugegists. What He Should Have Done. Baitimore Herald. Bery!lâ€"Such tabie manners. why, I hear that Jim eats the pie that his wile bakes with a knife. Sibylâ€"If you saw the pies you‘d imagime he‘d have to eat them with a gaw, a chisel and a stonc crushen. UHABCE CPUUAARERTT OR OCLI s and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, bieccding and protmdingepllen. the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tosâ€" timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh: bors what they think of it, You can uso it and wet your money back if not cured. 60c a box, at U ~ nuses t in Teronte. To I es Td and wet your money D&ACK 1t nOS ©UTUA® 2"" sn o aet tm . 5‘{»10\'3 or xgmuson.BAm & g&.m&h * E ESWE * sc anigd Dr. Chase‘s Ointment l A recent bride wore a very charesâ€" Ing gown of solft creaxm sutin with an overdress of chilfon vyolled with !jeweled tulle. The chemisette aad : bertia were of pleated chiffon and | the ekirt was draped with beautiâ€" ‘ ful old lace. _A tulle iace veil was | arrangel over & coronet of orange ‘ blossoms, and she wore a @iamond | and sapphire collar. Her bouquet was i of white heather, orange blossoms | and orthids. The going away gown was of blue spotted foulard, _ with . which was worn a pastel blue hat | and paélo blue coat with white facâ€" in gs. On the road to Epsom, a mougâ€" tached youth on the top of a drag, evidently â€" ambitious of being migâ€" taken for an officer, saluted a fat coachman, who was gravely driving his master and family, with : "Hal- anu i0 , Wwiln . _ HLD Ee . AEEPOERUCETC OMs C tw e loa ! you, sir! Where‘s your shirt, collar ? How dare you come to the Darby without a shirtâ€"collar ?" Johu growled â€" forth, without lifting his eyes from his horses : "Ow the ‘dooce could I havo a shirtâ€"collar when vyour mother ain‘t sent home my Mirarnd‘s Lintmeat â€" Cures â€" Buras, N. Y, Sun. Stollaâ€"What is a sealed proposal? Bollaâ€"Jack sealed his with a kiss. washing ?" For obstinate coughs and colds there is nothing equal to that old reliable remedy Gray‘s Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. Prepared from Red Spruce Gum it is soothing and healing to the Lungs and Throat. â€" It stops that tickâ€" ling in the throat, and after a few doses that tight feeling in the chest is relieved and the cold and cough pass away. Try a 25 cent bottle. Freshness Taken Down. For a Cold that hangs on Gray‘s Syrup Knew His Business Red Spruce Gum Won by a Bride. To prove to you . thab Dr. Chase‘s Ointment is a certain ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO of Elaborate Attempt to Have Fun With a Bridal Couple on a Train. A passenger on a train out of New York the other night observed the most elaborate attempt to have fun with a young married couple that he ever encountered. After the train left Trenton l0E man pasged through the car and laid on every seat a printed handbill. It announced that at Philadelphia a young married eouple then steated in the darwing room ol & cat of which the name was given,. were to leave the train. Théy were described briefly and notice was given that they would be more closely indicated _ W hen _ the traiw stopped. The â€" handbill closed with the announcement that «rice would be. distriputed among â€"the passenzers, and they were requested to make the customary use 0i it. Ety uce P s 1 dn .0. _ BB .02 d ccadv tb anraics T In accordance with the notice the distributor of the original announceâ€" meuts appeared in a lew minutes and laid on the seat of every pAssâ€" enger a paper beg of rice. The train soon reached Ph‘adeliphia and some of the passengers went to the platâ€" form to see what effect this elaborâ€" ate attempt to worry the youug peoâ€" ple wouid have. Apparently it was & fmilure. The brida: couple alighted and a party of fTive or six friends pelted them with rice. But the rest of the passâ€" engers pakl no attention to the matâ€" A NEW WEDDING CUSTOM. | I was cured of a bad case of Grip ‘ lby MINARDS LINIMENT. Bydney, C. B. C. I. LAGUE, | I was cured of loss of voice by MINARDS LINIMENT. ‘ YTarmouth. _ _ CHAS. PLUMMER. 1 was cured of Sciatica Rheumatism | by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. ) Burin, NIld. LEWIS S. BUTLER. Ralimore News. A man once owned a halky mule That blandishments resisted, And, losing patience, he grabbed ! To Cleanse Straw Matting ! _ Straw matting should nevor be ‘ wamhed with soap. â€" A large, coarse cloth should be dipped in sait, and then rubbed the way of the straw. The mat sahould them be thoroughly dried, and if treated in this fashion wiil not turn yellow. . I"apier-njache articleos, Upon his tail and Twisted, Whereon the mule looked back at In mild, reproving sorrow. Apd if the sad remains come down, The funeral‘s toâ€" morrow. too, must not be treated to soap. Mhey should be lightly aponged with cold water, then dredged with fine flour, and finally polished with a soft fiaunel. Before and After Marriage. Dorfbarbier. Aâ€"So you‘ve married the little widow ? Does she smilse as much as she usoed to, and show her teeth ? Bâ€"H‘m | She doesn‘t emile s0 much, but she sbpows me her teeth oftener ! ! Monte Carlo has a special cemeâ€" ! tery for gambling victims who comâ€" mit suiclde. Mnco 1860 over 2,000 gravos have been dug there. $ About the House. A thin paste mado of whiting and cold toa;, is a splendid mixture with which to clean mirrors. To restore an eiderdown quilt to its original flul{y lightness, hang it out of doors in the sunshine for seyâ€" eral hours. Mo renew old bedsteads, bureaus, tables or washstands, polish with 2 ounces of olive oil, 2 ounces of vinâ€" egar and one tablespoonful of gum arabio ( Aboid " ‘ / ipon his tail and twisted If in covering a kitchen table with oilcloth, a layer of brown pgaâ€" per is put on first, it will prevent tho oileloth cracking and wear three times as long. Anr oldâ€"fashioned invalid drink is called crust coffee. Over the equirâ€" alent of two slices of bread torasted a golden brown in the oven, pour one pint of boiling water. Steep gently for fifteen iminutes, strain and serve, adding eugar and croam to taste. Cemetery for Gambling Victims A Calamity in Brief. left Trenton the Sunlight Soap will â€" not burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. the dynamite. One pint "of happiness beats ten bushels of money, but some people are still after the bushe! measure. The man who says this world is & howling . wiilderness ought to shoot the dogs and get happy. 6. C Make bhay when the sund shines, and potato«s _ when it rains, but some folks can‘t stand hot or rainy weaâ€" world pot at oos {olks CAI ther. Buffalo Express. "I see you advertise for a donâ€" key," waid the man who looked as if he bad something for sale. "Oh, yes," said the busy man, stopping his work for a minute to look up; "but I want one with four lega" It is universally conceded properliy appreciate a itrip York or Boston, one must test road. That road is 1 York Central. David Kennedy, senior, has told his experiences in a book with the above title. He was born in Scotland, and came to Capada with his paronts in 1829, when one year old, lived near Guelph from 1830 to 1851, and then started to «py out the land and found a new home near the mouth of the Saugeen River, in Bruce County. The journey to Owen Sound and thence through the woods to Southampton is vividly described, and the method of selecting land, building houses, clearing, bunting, cooking, etc.. is CCC DL P L NE cumma® cnnue Meuedt mt . CSE 1 made plain. "We managed to roo! our ghapty with elm bark, and we chinkâ€" ed the cracks up with pleces of split basswood and moss, and we mado a fireplace with stones from the river, and a chimney place of bent «ticks plagstered with mud, and & floor of basswood slabs, split and hewn with an adze,. There were & good many people looking for land, and «eldom *""l+ ar nicht naseed without hayâ€" Levér‘s YÂ¥â€"Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. _ 34 Lord Alverstone. ‘ The Lord Chief Justice of England ie 60 years of age. It is two years since he ceased to be Sir Richard Webster, nnod became Lord Alverâ€" stone. He was educated at King‘s College, Charterhouse, and Trinâ€" ity College, Cambridge, at which university he graduated . as 25th Wrangler, and with a third class in the Classical Dripos. He spont just ten years as iA stuff gownsâ€" man. and took ailk in 1878. He was then onty 38, and was perhaps the yourgest K. C. of the nineteentb century. At any rate, his career as a junior was the shorteost on reâ€" cord, ‘A further unique bonor was to be his, for in 1885 he was apâ€" pointed Attorneyâ€"General, _ though he had no seeat in the House, A long record of suocess in curing all s@orts of cuts, burns and bruises, as well as all bowel complaints, is held by PainkiNerâ€" over 60 years. Avoid substitutes. There is but one " Patnk1iler‘‘â€"Perry Davis‘, Politeness at Home. Exchange. "Mamma, dear, why don‘t you be polite to your little Johnnie, just the same as you are to vigitors ?" asked, the gflrkle of the family. "Why, what should 1 do, Johnnie?*" "Well, mamma, ask moe if 1 won‘t sit down and take some cake." Not the Kind He Wanted. Atianta Constitution. an who wants to rise has got to foot the Some G;urgin Nug A RECOGNXNIZED FACT, Ask for the Octagon Bar $200.00 IN COLD CIVEN AWAY FREE f. out anything like a complete list. waite us at once enclosing 2â€"«ent stump for our geply. DO NOT DELAY, WRITE AF ONCB, ‘Aduress, PARISIAN NEDICINE CO. beps 89, Loxpom Omanio. F* Pioneer Days St. Jacobs Oil Aches and Pains LPAPE CPAKE Is the greatest remedy in the world for all bodily ic rceded that to i trip to New must â€" take the d is the New for which an external remedy may be used. Price, 25¢ and 50c. rgets in the bili for RCYREH NREOCA 22% ISSUE NO. I7, 1993. Mra. *CP2"" _ Childre always be used for Children ‘Toesthing. +i ”&-mmgmm'\nmflwiu, colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhcsa. LEARNA PROFESSION by mail so you can make pOLLARS A DAY. For parti LADY AGENTS WANTED ‘ Best Selling Skirt Supporter a ever Introduced. Sells at sight. Send 25 cents for sample and . HANSEL, THE HORSE MARKET Lame horses sell at less than are neither desirable for us 1, 000 MILE AXLE GREASE THE CAMPBELL MFC. C of HAMILTON, OonNTARIO. For sale by all leading dealers. Minard‘s Liniment for sale everyâ€" where. to pay in advance. her complete treaument > 2000 Dlone Horse and his send ie a copy of your *‘ Treatise on the Horse and_his Diseases." Yours very truly, CLARK O. PORT. Price $1 ; #ix for $5. Asaliniment for family use it has no equal Ask your dnigist fot Kendali‘s Spavin Cure, also "A Treatise on the Horse," the book free, oraddress DR. B. J. KENDALL CO.. Enosburg Falie, Vt. The New Book. Toronto Star. Just after the publication of the ingenious stories for children that Charles Lamb and hkis sister Mary wrote in collaboration, Lamb aske a fellowâ€"traveller one day : "Have you read Lamb‘s tales "~ "xo," replied the other ; "but I have a black sheepskin rug : Emdh It Has No Equai Manufactured ouly by A man may be as honest as the day is long and still be a lawbrcaker at night. t No Risk 10 the Dentist. Detroit Free Press. Dentistâ€"Will you take gas* Patientâ€"Is there any risk ? Dentistâ€"Not for me. _ You‘ll have Demands Sound Morses Only. YBRAPRSRE Minand‘s Liniment Relieves Nearal IN FIFTEEN DAYS ’Elâ€"' M. “-9 :v‘:.e:;nh Hamilton, Ont. _ an make from riy® To TEx For particulars write alf their actual value and or saie. The remedy and Waist Adjuster Good profit 4 tsms to agents Sunday INTERNA AYtONX AJ APKEIL: Paule Jo: Paul and . @org L mw i is wland 0‘ they coni irtnd of 18 @nesil _ corio leland tas Meditorta Famous f0o twe, 105 1 #@eyien wio: . 1Aandes i Paul found. in wthe opon sonu 1 lng proviaenc« o Syria was mahies to sn dn y 5. L A cordi & Smiall ( ciples. wi bapp»y. |» ing the w lep it is and | a_*=» Gaxd. Aho Coyios SCREE! ful. 1t is as Black s ohwee only. 250 ant hnd a+ 5, 6. Brougut tife! and imnpr( @mirmony ol Cluris the atrength of « And prayed| â€"A«s they pray belore weeting and pa «hould he «easo praise. Taken « farowolls anre ® yet among Chr winated with a or porsou fectiona t« COMME®. 4| P TPyre 15s w@ddyre V ObBel i thirty amslos i era Aere. Here Prolemais _ Fa with the bret travelle! by | miles to CUaes: F0R 1H yeare, 10| wiry in > plan troed aoe t }om ever enc mort. buil named in was Tift y «alom, an Roman ¢« Judon . â€"Bi of the « the «2340 Â¥i 61. B» h+ ’ 4 * o m Siwe Niq #55. Phili LV _ The lwcrid filme JJI tnae #i iation deneso ibe p ® Miss Gan Amateur Ar young wom avoid pain & by female tr Lydia E. Compou: suffering the troub women gener;d that 1 had sh Â¥i8e0 Yoava t on beZrs" changod e.:ry i L’:K py that nxer 10 ¢ Grma GAaX mwu!'.\. Art Associ n CC ‘cung lady ink han‘* will sure!y women : in that Miss € m emne of \: 'l!a‘ vir eine u> »â€"retalri It is C# HigeAfL folNowbt n omm remwrilre! ng «l uscip» compKt i M Journ« wWast Wc m PDO LaP 1€ 143 o

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