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Durham Review (1897), 23 Apr 1903, p. 5

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ady for pring : rade o inform the residents of 1 vicinity that we have usiness at the old stand, vn * Taylor‘s Store,""* and up a General Assortment , Groceries, Boots & Shoes Clothing and Hardware. ie shop at the bridge evâ€" day and Saturday. Orâ€" iries left at C. McArthur‘s the REviz:w OFFICE, will best attention. . McARTHUR nuan lor & Go amilton‘s Goods in Stock BREAD SUPPLY ge or small, will be alâ€" e best quality if obtained r product is at once pure e and toothsome. Can‘t Made from a superior lour and purest ingrediâ€" r bread, rolls, buns. etc, i in absolute cleanliness elicious. â€" First class serâ€" cal Watchmaker. ars Experience. ches and Clocks, Rings, Spex, e and Silverware NC 23, 1903 h w ream Separatore. Iâ€"udhop ‘ELERY ! OLD STORE IMORE \. ROWE W LAY & BELL uq g 108 GORDON, arrived at the Show Barclay & Bell, a Carâ€" W eputation ad n of our values is ribl, re talking cutters cods / . A to meet all old i1 be our aim to of their trade by and selling them LY â€" Market geared and full lines oi +1 heir excellence. m \gents 0s ipment of upâ€"toâ€"date and test r inspecâ€" bridge evâ€" ite Mid on St. wX And look in our Store Window and you will see barâ€" gains for your life. Calder‘s Bloc HE SELLS CHEAP. Corded Wash Silk Waist lengths in White, Black and Colors eaeh $2 UP L. .. .+. sls« cosÂ¥rtrrrker>«« «+ 00000 Black Mercerized Sateen Underâ€" skirts, .... .. .. $1.40, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY GINGHAM‘S Roller Window Shades, each........85¢ Table Linen, M in. wide, per yd .....25¢ ** 64 * ** . lu/e + Oe White Bed Spreads each ....85¢c & $1.20 Floor Oilelotb. 1 yd wide, per yd ... .25¢ Don‘t forget us when you want a good pair of Shoes as we carry a Full Line of Sterling Bros‘. Shoes. THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. W. H. BEAN with Full Lines of § Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhope Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton‘s Implements, Adam‘s Sleighs. s2 3@ 0 Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. yds long Calder‘s Blockâ€"Next the Post Offiee STOP ! â€"**The Implement Man ‘‘asksfor a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found _ AT THE OLD STAND owEN sOUND, ONT. sEGINS APRIL 13, 1903 °* has l 3 VW M L6 5. dfi dictbel t P If you desire to secure a good busâ€" iness ecucation and be ready for a good position You cannot affore to miss this opportunity. Best college premises. . Best coutâ€" ses of study, Our course$s of study in both Business and Shorthand departâ€" ments are upâ€"teâ€"date, practical and the ame as used in the best busiuess housâ€" es of the Dominion. Circulars and full particulars free. PE 4, TWEEDS & YARNS CROCERIES _ «:40 OS iSpEouIOll u1 uol 1000 s. sCOTT. Myer‘s Music Method. Adopted by ali leading Sehools in Toronto. ‘This‘deservedly po system by means of Chart Drilis, Bmt‘“rsun%fl and other interâ€" art Drills, BRCEOP® . goliowing toOPI® within This*dmnfilmln SYSC"" O Snarint Chart Drills, Bml mnmln‘mdomamwr- MCiDvy*C gte‘%gfis'v-wl:med!ilh‘:e wm&nm?oplo Archie Beaton, Jr., works witk a good Musical Notation nhimnlem Piano Work will aud is busiling things on a bWo Keyâ€"board Location usical History . Techniq0® bundred acre larm. Archie bas always For terms apply:to been & jolY good fellow acd is worthy i Miss Margaret Gun, Teacher, M.M,M. i of a good and‘ prosperous future. April 23, 1903 SsPRING TERM . NOBLE C. A. FLEMING, Principal. pRY GOODS, CROCKERY, 490TS & SHOES, &¢., We can give you Bargait Address 30 in wide, taped edge pt 42 48 we osk Inspection of our THS . NOBLE AT THE MORTNHER + HE SHOEMAN. knitted edge Durham. Bargaun‘". *« 00c ~$1.00 * 140 . 40c Seeding is the order of the day in and around our burg, the farmers all taking advantage of the dry cool weather to hustle their spring work. Very pleased to hear that Mr Wm. Anderson is «lowly improving under Dr. Smith‘s care. Quite a calm on the 12th. this week when Mr R. Sutherland is away for ms Easter vacation, Some of the fair sex is anxiously awaiting his retarn. The funeral of Mr John White took place last week to vhe Durham Cemetery and was largely attended. Mrs Dr. Swith and son Morrison of Dcrnoch, were the guests of Mr and Mrs Alex McDonald, one day last week. Mt Douga‘ MeDonald Jr., arrived home last Tbhursday after completing his winter term at the Ontaria Agricultural College. No doubt D. will be able to give scome good methods on farming. Mr Hugh MecKechnie has an able gang of men at work framing the timber for Mr Archie McDougall‘s barn. Miss Sarah McDonall who bas been visiting friends in Chesley for some time. Sundayed at the parental home accomâ€" panied by Miss Reevely of that place. It makes the young bachelors smile to see the warer drying off the crossWay at Flamgan‘® beaver meadows. Not vory pleasant to have a foot path in such ecold water at this time of the year. Mrs Smith is at present visiting ber guugbter Mres Jobn McDonald of Aberâ€" cen. What we would like to know :â€"What caused Duncan to drive north so fa«t Sunâ€" day afternoon ? Who found the turkeys nest 2 If A. was lonely last week ? Miss Maggie Alexander, of Hutton Hill, is visiting at Mrs H W Hunt‘s this week. Mr and Mrs Bartman left here recently for :‘Egremont where they intend to reâ€" wain for a while. Mr Chas Lawrenoe returned to Mt Forest after spending his Easter holidays at home here. Rey Mr Smith, of Durham. will fill the pulpit bere next bunday. _ Mr Geo Mighton has bought Mr Robt McNaughton‘s farm on the north line. Mr Geo Alexander bhas purchased a farm from Mrs John Mopkins. Last Saturday afternoon Mr Thos Mighton‘s barn was burnt to the ground. There was an amount of grain in barn. The cause is unknown. We were sorry to hear Mr John Sumpâ€" ton bad died in Manitoba on Saunday April 12th. Mr Sumpton was a resident of this place until about six yenrs ago. . We exâ€" tend our sympathy to the friends and relatives of this place. Mr. Jno. M. Lawrence raised a leanâ€"to to his barn last Weduesdiay. Geo Moore, framer. which means that everything went woll. Glad to see Mrs And. Henry around agarin after her illuess. alrs Bowman, from Doon, is visitâ€" ing the Brown and Henry families. Mr J. McBeth spent a few days at Guelph in a mixture of business and pleaâ€" sure, having shipped a carâ€"load of wood there. Mr Humphrey, Sr., father of a former Methodist Minister, is around, spending his bolidays tuking pbotographs. Miss Weatherhead was threatoned with an attack of Typhoid fever, but is recoverâ€" ing. Mr McKelyey‘s little girl was also qunite ill. John Wilson‘s baby boy. (at the mill ) had his arm broken from a fall. Miss Charlotte Baxter, of Toronto hosâ€" pital, is, we regret to hear ill with appenâ€" dicitis. The chowr at the Isbenezer UNUrCH IA6D Sunday, . furuished appropriate â€" Easter music in line with an appropriate sermon by Pastor Varley. People are all busy seeding although we ae getting March weather in April Mrs Neil Black arrived bhome on Satâ€" urday Jast after spending the past four months with her sons Arclhie and Joe, of Dumfmes, and daughter Mrs Howard, of Elora. Mrs Black looks hale and hearty and reports her family well and doing well and says they aro all readers of the Rxview. Quite an enjoyable time was spent at the residence of Alex Murchison, a fortâ€" se _ _ _ + 0_ Laiaa tha nFARANâ€" _| O Adccctiadd Quite an enjoyable time was spent at |â€" the residence of Alex Murchison, a fortâ€" || night ago. the occasion being the presenâ€" | . tation of a handsome set of disbes to Mr and Mrs Hugh Mcionis, who bave moved to the yicinity of Markdale. Mr and Mrs Mcinuis thanked them all very kindly and hoped if any of them ever came their way they would feel at home and aesured them &A | WArmM welcome. Speeches by Messts John A McMillan. R J Black and xr Dobarty, songs by other members ot the company, and all departed by singing "God save the King." In our budget of a few weeks ago we omitted in the Stewart and Murchison marriage account that the presents were both costly and numerous. We haye not a full list of the presents and we will jast mention a lew of the names .â€"Mr and Mrs Jobn A McMiilao, Mr and Mrs Donald MceDonald, Mr and Mrs Thces Long, Miss Flora and Alex McQuarrie, Miss Katie avd Arch McArtbur, Miss Mary an® Arch McLellan, Miss Eva Ferms and several others. Mr Dan Mcinuis was in Duntroon | last week loading square tunker for N . | McIotyre. _ e arihiy"‘m esn R J Black and | other members of In our omitted marriage both cos! 3 x(- e&l;‘» CRAWFORD. North Egremont. .. see Mrs And. Henory around Vickers. Seotch Town. the Ebevezer Church last rat John G:asvy we are pleased to learn is improviog vicely under Dr Jamnieson‘s care. the cause of his sickness being from & severe kick from one of his own horses in Mr Aljoe‘s blacksmith shop & few weeks ago. Christena mcPhersou. who has spent the past year with? hber son Angus, of Acton, better koown as (Real) returned to her home at Bachelor‘s corners a few weeks ago. She reports Angus weil and his troubles ure nearly all little ones. Auother Jimmy Dunbar arrived on 4th con., during Easter. _ A‘l are doing well. One or twe more Jimmy says and be will bave a baker s dozen. miss Ena Paiterson, who has spect the ? past few mouths with her friends in this burg leaves for her Lome in Fiint. wich., this week. Ena bas many warw friends in this Cavada of ours and leayes more thau one loueiy hbheart to think of fature. Mreâ€" Wuilie and miss Jeunie Beaton spent Easter Sunday with friends at aud around Pomona. wmaster Georgio Heartwell is the smarâ€" test boy in our towo. He weut for his girl mabe!l Beaton on Sunday morning to come and baye Easter eges with bium. Although we have some batchelors in Scotch Town neither of those lovers are six years old and the showing for the fuâ€" ture is likely to stand good. On Wednesday. April 15th, the home of Mr and Mrs T Wallace. 3rd Con., Normanby, was the scene of a pretty wedding, when about 75 guests were assembled to witness the marriage of their eldest daughter Mary to Mr Ed ward Smith of Toronto. Promptly at 5 p. m. the bridal party entered the parlor, the fwedding march being played by Miss Thomasena Byers. The bride. led in by her father, took her place under a beautiful floral bell decorâ€" ated with white, and the groom took his positicn by her side. Rov. Mr Miller of the Varney circuit performed the ceremony, and the words were proâ€" nounced that made the loyers man and wife. Hearty congratulations followed and the company then partook of an elegant wedding repast. Subsequently the evening was spent in music, games, and innocent recreation. The bride looked attractive dressed in fawn ladies‘ cloth trimimed with cream floss and ribbon. and wore a spray of bridal roses and maiden hbair fern in ner hair, also carried in her hand a bougquet of whnte carnations, bridal roses and maiden hair fern. ;The travelling dress was seal brown cloth and white lustre waist. Among the guests were Mr and Mrs | Foster, of Walkerton ; Mr and Mrs Mc:â€" Graw, Mrs Ledgerwood and Mrs Gransâ€" den, of Puaisley ; Mrand Miss Riley, of Glenelg; Miss McGee, of Arthur; Mr Webb and Mrs Hawkins, of Toronto and the Misses Matthews of Egremont,. The happy couple left on morning train (Friday) for their home in Toronâ€" to, accompanied by Mrs Hawkins. amid showers of rice and good wishes, in which latter commodity the bride‘s old teacher (ye editor) wishes to have his share. ® The following is a list of the presents, their number. usefulness and hbeauty bespeaking the respect held for the bride : gold watch and chain, five dollar gold piece, eight day clock, silver pic ke! cruet, silver butter dish, 2 silver frmt spoons, 4 doz silver desert spoons, 1 doz silver teaspoons, 3 lamps, 4 china cheese dishes, 1 china fruit dish and dozen servers, 3 crystal fruit dishes, crystal fruit set and 4 doz servers, crystal water pit cher, lemonade set and tray, 2 glass tea sets, 2 silver syrup jugs. 2 celery trays, 1 doz china bread and butter plates. 7 bed spreads ; 5 linen, 1 chenille, 1 red damask table cloth ; 1 five o‘clock tea set, 4 doz table napkins, 1 linen sideâ€" board scarf, pair of linen dresser scarfs, 2 pair of toweis, carving set, Mrs Brownâ€" ing‘s poeins, pait of bouquet holders, crumb tray and scraper, bread knife, 3 vases, rolling pin and potato wmasher, china cake plate, bread board and knife, 4 doz knives and forks. From 1878 to 1896 the average inâ€" crease of the debt was over $6,000,000 a year, since 1896 this increase is little, if any, over $1,000,000. The country would like to see this record kept up, till it became the rule and not the exâ€" ception to reduce the debt. 2 & un NO in tE riged mb <hstndicininaf Another step has been taken whichl the bulk of tke country will ratify. Wheu Canada gaye Britain a preferâ€" ence Germany resented the step and placed obstacles in the way of Canadian trade, now Canada retaliates by placing a *‘ surtax " on all goods coming from (Germany, even if they come through British sources. * Made in Germany," l will now become less common on many articles. _ The action proves that Canada is «+ Mistress in ber own house," and Briâ€" ti:l;.j;fi;;sli generally approve. THE PROSPERITY OF CANADA. HYMENEAL. THE UVUKAHAM DARLING‘S DRUG STORE W You may fitmly count c ting the most caretully and well preserved medicaments here at right prices. 4ave not served you betore, why not try now ? Teeliable Qoods, Reasonable Containing 131 acres, being the north half of Lots 21 and 22, Con, 22, Tp. of Egremont, in the County of Grey, For particulars apply to _ «. Muir. 31 Coolmime Ave., Toronto. THE undersigned will keep for service on lot 41 con 3, E. G. R., Glenelg, for season of 1908, the fine thoroughbred Tamworth Boar bred by David Dm_x(flu and from the celebrated animal 2429., Dam * Glanworth M tended Pedigree may be Terms $1.00. The fine Orchard, mostly winter fruit, situated behind the Parker proâ€" perty in Upper Town. For terms and conditions apply to _ __ _ Any person reqluirmg a hearse and eâ€" quipments will learn of a bargain by applying to the undersigned. Cash cus tomers willfiet & smg». rsg. J. D. SimPsON, _ _ the six weeks preceding Easter. Clase 5thâ€"Wim. H. Watson, H. Campbell. 4thâ€"M Knox, L Aldcorn, W Knox, J Hardy. 3rdâ€"E Ferguson, F Campbell, C Knisley. 8Sr 2ndâ€"V Knox, R Mceâ€" Nally, R Knox. Jr 2nrndâ€"M Aldcorn, V Meagher, J Campbell. Pt 2nd (a)â€"Reta Kinnell, J Aldcorn. J Richarason, R Richardson. Pt 2nd (b)â€"Willie Knox. lJ McNulty, G Knox. Sr 1stâ€"Bert | Knox, Jim Meagher, Willie Aldcorn. R Harrow. Jr Ist â€" Maggie Aldcorn. ‘ Eimer Richardson, Abbie McNulty. HEARSE FOR SALE. Flout.......» Oatmeali....... BATIOY... ce cce sen s ce esn ee® ORbG... .. cses cce ase se s se6 0e# LAMDB... .ccscc ess s es es e 6 ++ Dressed Hogs, per cwi Hogs, Live weight..... Cutter, fresh roll per lb WDORb. .. cae cee se e se e se e es ORCHARD TO LET ON SHARES. Buster, Elmer Kichardason, A Average attendance 37. Hides, per cwt...,....... Calfskine, per lb........ Sheepsking..............« HAV.......ccccccccsecrceess Beei, @r CW$...........« DURHAM MARKETS. WOOU.. ces sessecson ces cee ne® ‘PUFKOYB.. . cce ecee ce se s6++ Potatoes, per bag......> Report of Swinton Park P. School for Ddf’ling, The Reople‘s Druggist. THOROBRED TAMWORTH KING TOM. No. â€"3204â€". . B..s ce ces ecs ons nnee neee Faim for Sale. dD;lifiu and Son, Mitchell, Ont., brated animal + Newcastle Lord "â€" * Glanworth Maid " â€"1494â€". _ Full exâ€" gree may be seen on application. GEO. STAPLES. leas see se n 60 600 ‘KING TOM ‘ E. J. Wirsox. Teacher, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO H. PARKER. BOAR. Priceville, Ont. 1 90 2 bo 83 26 62 17 17 lo 10 T Jffenace To _ Jfealth They not only lose their efficacy, but oftentimes become positively poisonous owing to chemical changes. 2 bo 7 10 05 17 17 lo Stale Drugs profits, Rright Treatment 13 ‘DORIAX MARBLE WOR CA D WE ougee MJ avugh Wouse) Direct Ifiiportations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN *MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Thorobred Durhams. â€"The underâ€" signed offers for sale, one 2 yr. old bull, firist prize taker during two past years. 2 yr.â€"old bulls. and 1 bull calf. all from thorobred stock, and from first class animals,. _ Good oedllgrees furnished. Thorobred Berkshire Pigs Jfor sale. Joux ECKHARDT, Bunessan, P. O. Carefully consider where they do thei" business. Many of these men go to H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conyeyancer, even though it means a fow miles of a driye. They say thut he is * Always prompt,â€"never negligent." that }no has had 22 years experience and that it, PAYS TO DEAL wITH HIM. Durham Scnool He is now offering for Sale : THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres C n acrenre. / l 7 A IIEL PA PEA AAOAORRATC C $ 0 on Garafraza A good farm with fine| buildimgs. Offered yery cheap as .\dr.i Cameron has gone west. | The T. 0. Stewart Farm, Lot 16, Con. | 2, W. G. &. Bentinck ; 100 acres with | about 30 cleared ; frame house and other | buildings. Said to have a lot of n-ryl . Avod s r. flni ?&ifi?fiifi"fixum-k. In excellentlx DURH AM AGENCY state, good buildings and fences, good\A general Banking business transact ed soil, School and Church close at bhard, | fyrafts issued and collection smade op Post Office on the farm. Cwnergetting| _ points. _ Deposits received and inter up in years and bound to sell. ‘ut allowed «t current rates MorkEy 10 LEXD.â€" \|SAVINGS BANH |aterest allowed om DEBTS C.OL‘LECTED' §OLD,â€" E.Avingc bank deposites of $1.00 and up LANDS BOUGHT & s P t attenti a cial business transac. | Wwards rompt attention and everp Every kind of finan facility efforded customers living at ted. dista ce. ,â€"H. H. MILLER, \ *"""" "Corr? [yrawor 26, Hanover Ont., J KELLY, Agont. ROBINSON & CORBET, CAUTIO US Successful Men Bulls for Sale. The _ three R‘s our Store motto : on getâ€" selected P roprietors. | OFFICEâ€"Mcelntyre Block, If we \/ the Du nam Pharmsacy Calder‘: Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. W. C,. PICKERING D. DS., L. D. S. RESIDENCE and OFFICEâ€"O}a UPPFR TOWN, DURAAM MONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal Colleg of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Roomg Calder Block over the Post Office. J. G, HUTTON, M. D Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, :Iut Wednesday of each month from 12 p. m. p. m. OMceâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN. DURHAK. Late assistant to the Royal London Ophthc* . ospital, Bll{land. and the Golden Bquare N nd Throat Hospital. sa. SPECIALIST EYE, FaR, THRoaT & xoslf ARUDWABLUGD DR nroum,........ EXCLUSIV ELY . m# ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Prverciax & SurcEON®, Office over McLachian‘s Store Member College Physicians and Bergeons Jompany and private Funds to Loan ep Morigages at lowest rates of interest. Yaluation made »y a competentand careful Valuator, .. trators‘ Accounts prepared and fuud Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wilis. Lettere 0f Adâ€" minstration and Guardiapship Obtaimed, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Office and Titles reported DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Loases, Agresiments &e. correctly prepared. Estates of deceased perâ€" sops louked after and Executor‘s and Adminisâ€" A@r §pecial attention given to Discases Of MACKAY & DUNN, Barristers, â€" _ Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. OMices : Hunter‘s New Block, cpâ€" posite Chronicle Offce. | Garatraxa St., Durham. l MmMoNEY To LOAN A. G. MacKay K.C. W. F. Dunn FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF DENTISTRY. Telephone Connection No."10 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC â€" CONYEYANCER, ac. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREMER COURY NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, ETC. All Charges Moderate ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all kinds | Farms bough promptly attended to and aoldg OFFICEâ€"â€"McKenzie‘s Old Stand Durham G. LEFROY McCAUL. arrister, ]Yotary, Gozr veyancer, Qtc., Qto..... Ion%y to Loan at reasonaole rates and on terms to suit borrower. DR GEO. S. BURT. STANDARD BAKK OFf CANMAD CAPITAL, Authorized . ... ... $2,000,00L CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND ........... $50,000 AGENTS in all principal points .n Ontario, Quebec, Manmtoba, United States and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &e, CONVEYANCER, VALUATOR Insurance Agent, HOURS u. P. TELFORD. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Term« moderate, Arl;laemenu for sales as to dates, &c., must be e at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. $#" Correspondence addressed here or to llo%vme P. O., will be promptly attended to, rms on application to D. MecPHAIL, Hopeyvillie P. 0. or to C. RAMAGE, Durham Women and Childrem. W. S. DAVIDSON. . McPHAIL _# MONEY TO LOAN OFFICE HOURS Head Office, Torono. Private Money to Loan, ‘(Over the Bank 4 i# «*

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