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Durham Review (1897), 23 Apr 1903, p. 8

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w8 #+ ) | [ BECINNINC T0 HRUW THE BIG STORE COLLARS & BELTS NEW KID GLOV ES HA RDW ARE DEPARTMENT BLOUSE STLKS Monday next we hope every ratepayer of the town entitled to vote, who is not physically prevented, will find his or her way to the polling booth and mark their ballot as below. Loyalty to the town we live in demands this. Now that Spring is here business is beginning to take on life again. _ Like the bear business does seem to hiberate during the rough winter months, at least it seems to crawl away where it is hard to find, and needs a pick and shovel gang in the shape of low prices to discover and dig it out. We‘ve been doing this for the past couple of months and have unearthed quite a bitâ€"but it is big things we‘re after nowâ€"because spring is here. _ All naturc seems to be on the move in‘ spring and if we may be pardoned for comparing business with the bezuties of nature, feel that it is an appropriate time for trade to take on a hustle«: To give it a push we have secured some really good things, these coupled with some lines which we don‘t want and on which we have put a move ‘em quick prices should make a combination that will make business brisk for a while. We have picked up exceptionally good value in Blouse Silks, all bright attractive new Silks including ‘Taf. fetas at 50c, 75¢ aed $1 00, Black Taffeta worth $1.50, our price $1.00, the best ever shown for the money. In all the latest Shades at 75¢, $1.00 & $1.35. A line of Ladies‘ Kid Gloves was $1.00 & $1.25 to be sold at Soc. Ladies‘ Fancy Silk Collars 25c & 50c, Ladies‘ Linen and Pique Collars 15e & 25¢c. Ladies‘ Fancy Silk Belts at 50¢, 60c, 85¢ & $1.00, the very latest. We carry a full line of Builders Supplies. Bring in your bill and we will figure on it for you. _ Hardâ€" ware is very likely to advance, so they all say, but we will protect you for some time as all ours is bought at the lowest price. ALEX. RUSSELL Mark Your Ballot as Below. ACAINST To Authorize Loan and to grant free site and partial exemption from taxes for 10 yrs to the Darham Manufacâ€" turing Company. Limited. THE BIG STORE SUCCKSSOR TO J. A. HUNTER. FOR BYâ€"LAW 447 TOWN OF DURHAU AND WHEREAS the Corporation ef vhe Town of Durham is desirous of aiding in the promotion of the Wholeâ€" sale Dairy Supply Manutacturing esâ€" tablishment by the * Durbam Manuâ€" facturing Company, Limited," to be esâ€" tablished in the said Town of Durham by granting to the said Company a loan to the extent of Seven Thousand Dollars ($700U.00) and issuing debenâ€" tures therefor, said loan to be repaid by the said The Durham Manufacturing Company, Limited in the manner folâ€" lowing, that is to say : The sum of One ‘Thousand Dollars at the cnd of the Fourth year from the date of the comâ€" ing into force uf this Byâ€"law and the sum of One Thousand Dollars annually thereafter in six consecutiye annual inâ€" stalments at the end of the Fitth, Sixth Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth years from the date of the coming into force of this Byâ€"law, without interest, and also by granting to the said Comâ€" pany partial exemption from Munici. pal taxes excepting School taxes on all the land and buildings of the said Comâ€" pany by allowing the said lands, buaildâ€" ings, plant and stockâ€"inâ€"trade to remain at their present assessed value for a period of ten years, THEREFORE the Municipal Counâ€" cil of the Corporation of the Town of Durham enacts as follows : AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Town of Darham amounts to the sum of $35,740.34 (including debentures for local assessments and loan debentures) no principal and no interest being in arrears : 1. It shall and may be lawful for the Municipal Council of the Corporaâ€" tion of the Town of Durham to ai(Y the said "The Durham Manufacturingy Comâ€" pany, Limited" in the erection and comâ€" letion of a factory for the purposes Eereinbefore set forth within the limits of the said Corporation by lending to the said the * Durham Manufacturing Company, Limited" the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000.00) repayable without interest in seven consecutive annual instalments of One Thousand Dollars (1000.00) &ich at the end of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth years from the date of coming into force of this Byâ€"law. 2. For that purpose it shall be lawâ€" ful for the Mayor of the said Town of Durham to borrow the ‘sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000.00) and to issue debentures of the said Municipality to the said amount in sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100,.00) each. : AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures for the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000) as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this byâ€"law) the proâ€" ceeds of said Debentures to be applied to the purposes aforesaid and nouthbher : AND WHEREAS the amount of the whoule rateable property of the said Town of Durham according to the last revised assessment roll thereof being the Assessmmient Roll for the year 1902 is $356,101 OO : Whereas by ‘"The Municipal Act ‘" of the province uf Ontario. 1897 and the amendments thereto, any town in the said Province may grant aid by way of a loun of money, exemption from Municipal taxos, etc., for the enoâ€" couragement and Fromo;ion of Manuâ€" factures within its limits and may pay such sam or sums of money either in one sum or otherwise with or without interest and subject to such terms, conâ€" ditions and restrictions as the said town may deem expedient and may take and receive security for the compliance with the terms and conditions upon which such aid is given : 3. That the said debentures shall bear date on the day hereimnafter apâ€" inted for the coming into force of this Boy-la.w. shall be sealed with the Corporâ€" ate seal of the Town of Durham, be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer thereof and shall bear interest at the rate of Four and one half per centun per annum from the date thereof until respectively due as hereinafter provided which interest shall be payable yearly on the eleyenth day of May at the Standard Bank in the Town ofyDurhnm where the said Debentures shall also be payable. Debenture No. 1. 1907 1000 315 1315 Debenture No. 2. 1908 1000 270 1270 Debenture No. 3. 1909 100C 225 1225 Debenture No. 4. 1910 1000 180 1180 Debenture No. 5. 1911 1000 135 1135 Debenture No. 6. 1912 1000 90 1090 Debenture No. 7. 1913 1000 45 1045 6. That a special rate on the dollar upon the assessed value of all rateable property in the town of Durham over and above and ir, addition to all other rates and taxes, which special rate shall be sufficient to produce in each !ear the sum required as shown by Schedule "A‘ To aid the promotion, erection and equipment of a wholesuile Dairy Supply Maflufacturin% establishâ€" ment in the Town of Durham by * The Durham Manufacturing Co., Limited" to the extent of a loan of 4. The said Debentures shall be payable on the eleventh day of May in each year in accordance wid; Schedule ** A " of this Byâ€"law and Coupons shall be attached thereto for the payment of interest thereon at the rate of Four and oneâ€"half per centum per annum from the date thereof on the eleventh day of May in each and eyery year during the continuance of said Debeniures or any of them at tke Standard Bank in the Town of Durham. #$7,000, lpart ial exemption from Muâ€" micipal taxes and a free site and to issue debentures for the said loan and to authorize the raising of an annual sum for the payment of the said debentures and the interest BYVâ€"LAW NO. 447. THE DURHAM REViEW Year payable Prin. Int. Total 1904 $315 $315 1905 315 315 1906 315 315 No. 1. 1907 1000 315 1315 : No. 2. 1908 1000 270 1270 No. 8. 1909 100C 225 1225 No. 4. 1910 1000 180 1180 No. 5. 1911 1000 1% 1135 SsCHEDULE " A" 1904 $315 $315 1905 315 315 1906 315 315 1. 1907 1000 315 1315 2. 1908 1000 270 1270 3. 1900 100C 225 1225 4. 1910 1000 180 1180 5. 1911 1000 135 1135 6. 1912 1000 90 1080 7. 1913 1000 45 1045 | of this Byâ€"law, shall be annually leyied and collected from the year mo‘? to the I year 1913 both years inclusive. 7. That it shall also be lawful for the Mayor and the Council of the Corâ€" poration of the Town of Durham to purchsse and convey or cause to be conyeyed and they are hereby required t0 purchase and convey or cause to be conveyed to the said The Durham Manâ€" ufacturing Company limited by a good and sufficient deed in fee simple all that certain parcel or tract of land and premiâ€" ses situate in the Town of Durham and being that part of Park Lot Number Seyen, North of South Street West, known as the Russell Lot. said sum of Seven Thousand Dollars is loaned and the said land granted and the other benefits and exemptions conâ€" fetred upon the said Company upon the terms and conditions of a certain agreeâ€" ment hereafter to be entered into beâ€" tween the said Corporation of the Town of Durham and the said The Durhawm Manufacturing Company, Limited, and to be added as Schedule " B" to this Byâ€"law. Council Chamber, Durham, ( TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a true cogy of a proposed Byâ€"law which will be finally passed ty the Council of the Town of Durham in the eyent of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto atter one month from the first ublication in the Durnax Review Flewspu;wr the date of which first pubâ€" lication is the Oth day of April A. D. 1903. and that the votes of the electors of the said Mumcipality will hbe taken thereon at the respective polling plases named in the said Byâ€"law an the 27th day of April A. D. 1903 commencing at nine 0‘clock in the forenoon and continuâ€" ing until five o‘clock in the aft rnoon. Limited, upon all machinet 'Yun""'i"."n’ci Stockâ€"inâ€"trade in or upon u‘d ands and premises for the said period of ten years. 11. That a poll shallibe held and the votes of the ratepayers entitled to vote on this Byâ€"law shall betaken on Monâ€" day the 27th day of April 190%;commencâ€" at the hour of nine o‘clock in the mornâ€" ingl and closing at the hour of five o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day as follows :â€" In the East Ward at the Town Hall by Joseph Burnett as Deputy; Returnâ€" ing Officer : 12. On Saturday the 25th day of April 1908 at the hour of ten o'cloc{ in the forenoon the Mayor will attend at the office of the Town Clerk in the Town of Durham for the %ur se of appointing in writing signed K g?mself. two persons to attend at the final sumâ€" ing up b%the Clerk of the votes polled on this Byâ€"law and also of appointing one person to attend at eacg polling place on behalf of the persons desirous of promoting the pminiof this Byâ€"law and a like number on behalf of persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passeing of this Byâ€"law. 13. On Tuesday the 28th day of April 1903 at the hour of ten o‘clock in the forenoon at.the Town Hall in the Town of Durham the Clerk of the Town will proceed to sum up the number of votes giyen for and against this Byâ€"law. Read the third time and finally passed by the Council of the Town of Durham this _ _ _ ___ day of 10. That this Byâ€"law shall come into force upon the final pasaing thereof by the Council of the Town of Durham. In the North Ward at Norman Kelâ€" sey‘s House by Clifton Elyvidge as Deputy Returning Officer : In the West Ward at 8. P. Saundâ€" ers‘ Shop by Jobn Smith as Depucy Reâ€" turning Officer : King Edward, owing to Gamey trials and other causes is not getting justice. We want to note the fact aâ€" gain to our thousands of readers that he is "doing ‘‘ southern Eusrope in Royal state. Portugal became intoxiâ€" cated (with pleasure) over his visit, in a few days Italy, and Rome especially will dance with joy to have a real English King traterniziztg with them and a few days later, stranger than all, Paris is 4o be en fete and all France will welcome their royal neighâ€" bor although not long ago England was gnashing its teeth at insults to the Queen offered by this same republic. Portugal, Italy. France, why not Spain? We fancy there‘s a reason, but don‘t mention it â€" ‘The late unpleasantâ€" ness with the Uâ€" Sâ€" has not all fadâ€" ed away, and to gush over Spain might give offence at Washington ! Long live King Edward! but he will make the mistake of his life jf he doesâ€" n‘t visit Canada again and while here put in a day and a night in Durham taking in the Cement Works and the new Cream Separator Indastry. Horse Anii"c-rrhfie’ arriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose selfâ€"addressed envelope. Colonial Co., 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. this county required) to represent and adverâ€" tise old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21.00 weekl with expenses additional, all payable in cnfi each Wednesday direct from Lesd offices. WANTEDâ€"SEVERAL PERSONS OF CHARâ€" acter and good reputation in each state (one in ONTARIO ARCHIVES P TORONTO Dated at Durham this 6th day of april 0. It is hereby declared that the THE KING ON A JOURNEY. Wx. B. Vourkt, Clerk of Durham â€"â€"#% 0 %â€"____ NOTICE. Ont. Mayor of Durham. Clerk of Durham. bl s L2 l N Oe ieaie sn CAIneu eâ€" first r virw | \e r puh-l $ A. D. ectors taken plazses e 27th % ing at ntinuâ€" oon. f Aapril ‘ é AM ‘8 F ramey etting fact aâ€" s that pe in ntoxiâ€" sit, in cially _ real them than id all neighâ€" gland to the blic. y not mn, but asantâ€" 1 fadâ€" Spain mi e will doesâ€" : here u;haPl !E URCOORUIA, Ghe Clothier. g Everybody Enjoys A Genuine Treat New Dress Fabrics % tlzeoba/afi Our Specialty We invite you to come and examine them. Let us show you them Beautiful Coods for the Mome Seorge Washington Don‘t SPorget Ohe White Cat H. H. MOCKLER. Looking at Beautifal New Guods fresh from the Mills, showing all the tasteftuiness of the newest patterns with the finest weaves of modern manufacture, such Goods our New Stuock is composed ot. Our buyer spent a week in searching the markets for g;-;q utifal effects and special values. _ We believe that nothing is :oo good for our customers and we have spared no pains to make it. For ieople to examine our Goods. _ Numerous people while watching us epening up onr new Goods have told us they are better value than they have ever seen, in fact we know this to be true. _ We are saving money for you in buying thus, in the true. We are saving money for you in buying l city, where we have obtained beautitul effects manu( the city trade which cost no more than ordinary goods. Fancy Organdies, S in printed Muslins, plain white and fancy spots, Dimities ilml shades, plain Organdies, Silkolines, Chambrics, Nainsooks, Lawns, Scotch and Canadian Ginghams, Fine twilled Madras and all those dainty Linen effects so much worn this season. _ Our Prints will surprise you, 32 inches wide, beautiful cloths 10c per vd. _ A large range at 5¢, 7¢, 8c, also some beautiful English Sateen Prints at 12%¢ per yd. Sheetings, Pillow Cloths, Towelings and Towels, ‘Table Linen, Table Cloths and Napkins, Lace Curtains, Scrims, Fancy Carâ€" tain Muslins, Art Draperies, Art Denims ana Reversible Cretonnes. We are making these Goods And giving extra values. Our Faetory and Bleached Cottons are the best values that can be bought. _ We haye saved money on a great many buyings of Husiery and Underwear for both Ladies‘ and Gentlemen. Ladies‘ Vests at all prices. Special 3 pair Ladies‘ 50c Cashmere Stockings tor.. .. .. .. ..$1.00 Special 3 pair Children‘s 25¢ _ " ** x *« *++++«.« . 50¢ Special, our 10c and 15c Cotton Hose for Ladies and Children. We are also showing Ladies‘ Fancy Embroidered and Open work Hosiery. _ Space will not permit us to quote many prices but we gre skure you will be more than pleased wirth our New Spring tock. YOURS FOR BUSINESS t C Par We bandle the most upâ€"toâ€"date styles in Hats & Caps Sole Agents for the Geo. A. Slater Invictus Shoe. SUMMER UNDERWEAR is the best that can be haa. You cannot be convinced by reading this ad. Call in and examine them. Coutdn‘t tott a tis. We can but don‘t have to. Our Clothing is so perfectly made and has the best and latest patterns in Black and Fancy Worsteds that no one can afford to buy before inspecting our Stock. We haye been telling the people of this country of the superior qualities of our readyâ€"toâ€"wear Clothing. â€" The many who took advantage of being able to get readyâ€" toâ€"wear clothing that was made to fit and made to wear have been the best evidences of the truthfulness of our advertising. k APRIL 23, 1903 vO amk (2 I‘h

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