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Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1903, p. 1

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patterns w ' par New bine the LKLBR. id examine them. V4e _ Home if? SINESS Ms Joys " Tc BEN} an thothie, APRIL 30, 190? " tt maple while , us they are W tl wing all waves ot " ttN 'ney . both IN us to De L in the ared for h and nes. L'll. " WV 01 N 4t s iful J I H a a _ M - __ I AM - _ - L' ' Nf HOMCMDCP‘H. P""" LRIULRW a UIC 3‘.". Ill .MEEEEMEEEWEEWEWEEWEEE 55 Fil (8l '.ijrl'io tu it"" :47 25iRTiiiE7iagiitgii"i'i'iTgt"j"g"'i' 'f7g'"d E . a Jprmy 20am is VOL. ',ptw,tR,ii?/,ilMlMiilMi.ellliilll tlt _iflrSilill, I " Tor your Mil/Mary ya to Wver:yshhsr in Will/nary 5125/9 tinen For either rain or dust you want a Raincoat. Your elm nee for a good one at a low price is here. --- . Ladies' 1taineoata, blue and Cray, velvet collar .... ...... $5.50 Ladies' Ramcoats, gray, circular fioanee, shawl collar, Ladies' 1ta1neoats, black, circular f1oanee, large collar " for 95.00 .Fowne’: Jtid Stooes for fadies r,, Me £13292: tDepartment " " Ames Holden Co. Remember the place (17720.9 Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE OUR DISPLAYi OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. " ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE Explains completely and simply how we are situated for the Summer Trade. per yd, reg. $1.50 for.... f... .... .... .. Table Napkins to match upwards per doz. for y, Halt-bleach tabling, all pure linen, special per yd Three-qgarter blereh tabling, pure linen, good qGlity, per yd.... ....i... .... .... A.. .. Full bleach labling. fine quality. worth We tor yd Full bleach taming. verv tine, double Damask, Hare are a few reasons tor the activil y in this Dept : Luge white Towels, borders, fringed ends, each 15e or 25e White Linen Towels. red borders, fringed ends, specialperpaiir...... _..... ...... ...... .... 300 White Linen Towels, hemstitched ends, large, pr. 600 White damask linen Towels, very large, knotted fringe, pcrpair...... .... .... ...... .e..... 85e A Special line, colors black and white guaranteed satisfaction or your money back, only ...... .... . BOOTS Rubbers THE POPULAp CASH STORE THE POPULAR CASH STORE. . NO. 19 LAI DLAW'S Old Stand "e,Reehnie. F . wag-I um“, ii3tttlig, Mittiieitsri3if 81.35 51 2.s ',1.00 650 rst5 9i RE CItotgaItms.--We hope the Cour.- D ' cil will reconsider its action on Monday I 5 night and grant to residents of the Up- iper Town a crossing at the old historic ,spot in front of Bnruet’s. It is reason~ (ably near half way between Chester St. Einnd Durham ltd, is necessary in had {l weather. and would be more used than Eismne others in town. Another one is , 4 badly needed somewhere near or o'ppo. Ejsite Clark's Implement, shop. A few §§weéks ago the street about there was (ei' i impassable for pedestrians. , SOME BIG BALEs.--Mr A. S. Hunter i I this spring has sold 43 head of pure-tired issic-attic. two of them shorthorns and a-;forly-one Herefords. Nearly all of Eithese have gone west to Brandon and 1 CAN’T Hum mmaAst.--The Walker- l ton Telescope says t " On a bright day fthe smoke from the Durham cement "), factory can he seen quite distinctly from 1any of the hills around Walkerton.” The Priceville correspondent of the ;Flesherton Advance says: "Often q upon calm mornings. when looking from the Saugeen valley westward, up 1 over Castle hill and St. columbau spire. _ we see a. black cloud slowly moving in the distance. When this was first ob- served, some people thought Durham Etown to be on tire, hat presently re- [ membered that 9 or 10 smoke stacks of the National Portland Cement Co.'s works must be the crator where it was emitted. just 10 miles down the liver.” Now if we can only call forth comment from Mt. Forest on the South and the village of Owen Sound to the north, the circle will be complete. But '. wait till you see us next year." l ONEOF’I‘HE moserinttr---At tho rim 1 age of 8t years. Mr Thos O'Donnell, one I of the earliest settlers of (Elem-lg, passed away on Tuesday of this week. A fall ( about two weeks ago. outsed by or caus- ing a kind of paralysis hnsleiwd his end. He leaves its chief nmumm's, his son John and daughter Maggie at home. -Another son Thos. is in Cttrrington, N. l D., and three daughters, umrried. are also in the west. His wife died 9 years ego. Deceased came tram Tipperary. ', Ireland. and settled in Glenelg in 1849. a i, few miles east of Durham. and lived I there until tr years ago. when he sold lout and moved to town. He wes reck- goned a. man of strict integrity and val- ( ued as a neighbor and friend. He was is. faithful member ot the R. c. Church '. and will be buried according to its rites Calgary and he has more young stock still to go, and then his herd will not be depleted. As a. breeder of Hetefords Mr Hunter' leads the Dommion. Hav- ing the biggest cement works in the. Do- minion. the leading emporium for Here- fords. and soon to have the leading Cream Separator Industry, we think ourselves no snmll potatoes. Lita BrtoKe.y.--Master Alex Turnbull, 7 yrs old son of John Turnbull. Latonn. while looking at some tuutfRing among bigger lads at school. was knocked down and in the melee got, his leg brok- en above the ankle. Dr. Smith set the injured limb and he is progressing nice. ly. ONLY GO cTB.---We will send the RE- vucw to friends not now an our Buh- scription list. to Jan l, 1904 for 50 etc. This to any place in Canada, United States. Great Britain and Ireland. 8 Barnum RoLrmm,---'Aeven of the totaries have been going foe some time but this week all the eight monsters are licking up coal dust and discharging cement clinkers. The daily output is hampered for want of cars, but still large, quantities are being shipped and orders are rolling in for more. A candidate for the mnyurnlt of Collingwood was defeated by an ad,') and thereupon stopped advertising. He in now ndvextising his business for tsale.-Ear. This week sees n. shipment of the newest styles in Men's and Boys' Cloth- mg, installed in the Clothing Dep't. at J as Ireland’s. You'd better seethem too. Ben Nevis Camp, ti. of S.. meets on Friday of this week. A full attendance requested. Pm AND Box Socmm-will he held in S. S. No. lo, Bentinck. ( Clark's School ) Friday. May 8, MS o'clock. Admission 10 cents. Ladies with piee free. Durham's Population. Gain of over 300 m 2 years. Boon we'll reach for the 2000 mark. Rooms TO ResT.---Apply to Thus. Smith. _ Money to Loan at. 45 per cent. MACKAY & Dmss. Durham. The mid-season’e latest ideas in Milli. nery, both hats and trimmings at Jam Ireland’s. 1714. DURHAM, THURSDAY. MAY 7, 1903. ml If the Dominion Government does not L589 netu? the tstation, The ground is take some action in the nmtmr of re- sSMkt‘d out. Mr. Geo. McKay and a Rang stricting the manufacture and sale of f of men tue busy makung cement 1rlocks cigarettes, it will not he became public (right. on the ground, and a well is being opinion is not in fawn of such a course. icing. Mr. Broonmll evidently-is a hust- The rapid rate at which the consump-fler. tion of cigarettes has been growing in; Is THE BUER WAR.--Mr. Wm. Seat. this countrv is surprismg. and clearly I t,er. N. Dak.. t't'tiewinw fox the REVIEW. indicates that mutt-thing should hedone l "welcome as an old friend," says little to “PPM“? the eyil “Pd save the boys. inhout himself but gives just ll little it- In the United .Statts since 1899 the man- s bout. his hrot her. who has had some ex- Pte'?..' of. .CIgaretLes has 1iecrtyed. l patience. .. Brother Jack was with us It fell 20 millions "? 1900 and on Iullllonu in“ winter, but Id! " short time ago for more in 1901, hot In Canada there has ; Alhvrm. H, “Fwd 27 months in the been a steady Increase every year tori Boer War and got through without a 'ey years. In 1900 we consumed 116 "crtstch. He trot two medals and 5 hull 'eil1io.ey m Isp. 121 million' l In Ian (at lar for each state he fought in.; He 18i mllllonn, VIP“: i. an Increue. over served 16 months with the mounted pl. 1001, of 18 millions. n“ “A 7__,7__, u " . 7 -_.,,, _. -__rar_, 7 CONCRETE BEST FOR. Barnum. - Nearly everyone is pretty well con- vinced that concrete is the best material for the construction of sidewalks. cul- verts and some other things. Elpin is the only county in the whole pro- vince which has demonstrated by actual experience, the superiority of cement flooring foe bridges. The fltat cost is somewhat in excess of wood, but this is more than compensated for by the dure- bility of the cement. There are two cement bridges Withinlthe corporation of tit. Thomas. upon which there isa very heavy tramc. The cement has stood the teat of frost and rain and wear. and it is consideled in everkre- spect more desirable than wood. a- terloo county council hare decided. after investigation. to have cement _flooring placed on a bridge at New Hamburg. The contract price is 8770. We notice that the sidewalk on the Teeswater bridge here is wearing very l thin again. It would possibly be wise for Bruce county council to constder the use of concrete for replaci g bridge coverings that are constantly9 wearing out.--News. , Pure Manitoba Flour from Ogitvie's lMill. Manitoba, for pale. at A S. Hunter's. (human li.\xns.~l¥mh the Lmvor Town hotels changed hands on Monday. Mr Ries gives way to Mr. Allan Me- Dongnll. who had Born 3eavs' experi- ence in \Villinmsford. Mr. Hahn. nfler severulyears in Durham is succoeded hy Mr. b'tockweti, who has had exlwrh ence in St Thomas. The two retiring bonifacos have the good Will and good wishes cf many friends for their future, and the newcomers haw-been warmly welcomed. We trmt they "my find Durham to their liking, and take a worthy part in its development. REVIEW 'm GREAT BRITAIN AND [RR- LAND.-potguge is now the same on papers to the old land as in Canada. Fm 50 en: we will send the REVIEW to Jan l, 190t to new subscribers from Land’s End to John O‘Groata House. Use this special offer to send to your friends. Asses-or lecklvn reports Bentinck'g population to he 3121 l ratepayers, 899 l assessment $1,091,550; acrea fall wheat, 3488: 7769 cows. 4510 sheep, 3543 hogs and 1813 horses. Only 7600 acres of woodland remain and 21341 acres of swamp, nearly 40000 acres being cleared- -Post. THAT BAnv.--We innocently added a note to a birth notice of u. lmhy girl born. as We were infurmud. [Custer tuotminH.-- "Call it, Lily," having Eas- Ier Lilies in mind. Th" Chmfed, im- prove: on this and advises “Esther Lily." Tho Clwrsmcle paints nut that the baby was Inn-n the evening ttMore, and taking his word fur it, sinm- it was the eve of Eusu-r. we move in will it THE LACROSSE thatArros.--By some hitch Durham is out of the Intettnedinte class this yeur, but will hwyeajunior team assocmted for league matches with o. Bound and Dundulk. Walker- ton plays here on May 25th and a. gnod game umv be expected. " Rve " or .. Eva " limping the Confud man will second the nmtiun. Canada will have a fresh issue of stamps on Domlnion Day bearing the image of King Edward. The supply of old stamps hearing the lineaments of the Quéen will be disposed of before the new stamps are issued. BrttutEtg.-- Great strikes are on in Montreal and Toronto, demoralyzing trade. As will be seen in our Market, reports runners nnd drovers um urged notto send cattle forward till settle- ment is made. The host values, in town in umbrellas and parasols at Jun. Ireland’s. Mr. Kenny, Edge Hill. Wants to know l The minutes were read and adopted. where a two-year-old colt Is. Last seen f, Clerk Vollctt formally announced to near Dornoch.. Bee advt. ithe Council the result of the voting on EV)? HDRDIA! um- " P Hn‘hk Rh“; "hes by-low. httrit)ji ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO , -l’c’.n.i<-ns mi pzwpnrpv tsWileN for the lavuxml to pr- rah- an'n sat-Walks on Him (Huang: mes/um “urn presented. ION-e ot tin-Sc Mars front Mandy's cor- ruvr. wvswurd nuns the corner at :bhul'wl' Smim's, w-et, along S side of George St. past, (‘:..wlurd's and Geo Hepburn); an! that north Coilege St in tram " them-w residences erected :by E. Krws. to lliaekbt1rn'g corner. IT he other is by l‘vsnluuts of Bruce St Efrem Redf'ord's residcme north. f The Durham ManutacturingCo., has 1‘ made n vigorous start on the new premi- ;se.s near the station. The ground is ,staked out. Mr. Geo. McKay and a gang 'of men me busy making cement blocks Strand from lot at, 3rd com. Glenelg. on April 19th. a two year old Bay Mare Colt. small white star on forehead, one hand and one front foot mceh part white, with dark wane and mil. Finder will be rewarded by returning to WM. KENNY. Edgn Hill P. o. Al: the regular meetin . ot Grey Lodge No, lat. I. O. O. F.. hela on May 4. a vote of thanks was tenderedto Rev. Mr Fumuhnrson for his very excellent ad. dresa to them on the trut anniversary of the founding ot the order. Also for the yea appropriate use of the collection m e to him by the Oddfellows. Ix THE BUER WAR.--Mr. Wm. Seat- t,er. N. Dak.. t't't"'Witu,r fot the REVIEW. "welcome as im old friend," says little about. himself but, gives just it little it- lwut his hrolhor. who has had some ex- perience. .. Brother Jack was with us all winter, but loft a short lime ago for Alhrrm. He m-rwd 27 mouths in the Boer War and got through without a scrim-h. He trot two medals and 5 him " bar for each state he fought in.; He served 16 months with the mounted n- ttes and enjoyed it." At time of writing Mrs. Sentter was in poor health. We learn from another source that her cuter Ilia Mamie Scott goes west this week. Nays Menuhin", Mckechnie. J. H. Brown, J. L. Browne. J McKechnie-g H Beowtt--That the Mayor be instructed to get legal opin- ion re those in arrears of taxes for grunolilhic sidewalk. Carried. Lav the Dust. A petition signed by a large number of lower town ratepayers was presen» ted asking aid from the council to pro- cure a street Watering apparatus. A long list ofthe business men was read showing omn'ibutions in sums of $1.00 to 85.00, am muting in all to 8191. After discussion the Clerk was instruc- ted to corresgmnd with firms supplying aeriliriers With " view to securing one. his Will cvrtainiv suDDiV tt lone felt The not of the Raga! ArtiticGl Stone Paving Co., was hel over. McKeehtue--y H Brown - That the clerk he instructed to notify assignee of the Mockler estate to haye the store- house on mud pro -rty removed from Gumfmxa St... ','2r-'f,g,di','l' as in on the street. Car. Bhtuqr-Hunter--That the board of works are hereby instructed to build a gmnollthic crossing op (Nile Mrs James Burnett’s store Upper R"lrl'. Lost. The yew: and nuys being called for by Sharp t 'frhis'6nt certainw suppiy a torik Mt want in the dusty days of summer and is a Sun of civic necessity. More Sidewalks _ -l’u’.ir.i<-ns of pz‘wpc'rny tsWileN for the muxml to pr- rah- an'n sat-Walks on the lmntag: mes/um “urn presented. Council adjourned to meet Monday May the 11th for further lyumness. $3 Met in regular meeting on Monday evening. All the members present. Major McIntyre in the chair. Aggie legulggr tttettityi of quy Lodge CARD Ori' THANKS. COLT? LOST. JOSEPH BURNET. Secy. WM. B. Your”. Clerk. Town Council. Yuys A. s. Hunter Wm. Sharp. 3 2/hnrsst #1 Gleaming E Ctaeassieias Tendeis will be received by the un- dersigned up to May 16th for the Carpenter and Joiner Work, Masonry and Brickwork. Plastering. Painting and Galvanized Iron and Tin '."ork required in the erection ola Residence. Cor Mill and Albert Streets. Durham. Contractor to supply material. The lowest or any tender not neceaaarily accepted. Plans and 'peeitieatioms Iff, beeeen " the residence at the an ereigned. mien me (lleiterlltm tt iltt. fl. B. KEELBR 818011. r' 2N'tu.S, _ K _ Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. " ff your Wateh or Clock is air]: Jreeter the chnltcr can make it (ink If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make youfce fs good as you ever saw. choose from For Big Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, &c. TENDERS CHAS BAMAGE. Pun-n an PUBLIBIII. Whiting, Alabastinc, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Furniture Polish, Varnish in Tins, Household Ammonia, Pure Prepared Paints, Gold Paint for Gilding MacFarlane & (h, Druggists ' Booksellers. JEWELRY Hundred§0f frame; to A. W. H. Lumen WANTED. At STORE "

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