West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1903, p. 4

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l l " l Druggist and Seedsman, Iyririn1. , to-ooo-ooo-e-oo-t A Pine Shipment of RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES 1mm 1tgllMglllgtaltiili $lllitRiltialt Sewing Machine Needles, and all Supplies will be sold. at RIGHT PRICES. We have a full Assortment. Call and see Them. McCLARY STOVES Just To Hand Everyone has heard of the famous John Clark. Have your Choice. Large stocks of Commercial paper and envelopes just received at, the Review Office. '. Old Kent Bond " is bound to give satisfaction. Up-t o-dnte merchants all want it. Call and see samples or let us send. Never say anything in your advertis- ing that you cannot verifv in your store. An advertiser who Imlieves thoroughly in what he is going to my has a far het- ter chance of convincmg people than he who only half believes what; he is saving. Last week's Wroxeter Star records an attempted highway robbery where a. farmer named Casemore. returning from a. pig delivery. was clubbed to unconsciousness. The rubber got no money. however. and has not yet been located, Additional Locals. Fort t5ALR.---A full line of Window Shades. (l and 7 ft lengths. Shewell & L 'nnhan. Conmon Co. - Last week's Ayton Advance contains the Prosper-ms of tho "Ayton Cordage Co.. Jointed." which proposes, if stock enough 'tus securvd, to iuaitufatfcure Binder Twin~ in or nem- the village. The Wenger Bros. offer " free site. A vet-v common chureh Custom. which prevails especially during the winter months, is desrrihed by n writer in this unique way. Praise God from whom all blessings flow., (here wrap vour mumer round your throat t) praise Him all creatures here below l (now get into your ovetcoat t) praise him above. ye heavenly host t (right here you ut your rubbers on t) Praise Father. C,', ind Holy Ghost; (by this time you are Mrs. Arrowsmith on Tuesday turned the key for the last time in the (tum of the houue she has occupied for 28 years. Tln-ugli haying dispersal of this Pt'oper- ty, she into-mls to haveahomeofher own In Durh;ttis. but will likely spend n. few tnonilts with tuw children this tntttrtttr't'. Thr. sale of her furniture. (ha. took plnve (Ila Saturday. and under auvtioruut t'mrson's hammer neiu-Iy everything sold well. Slu- is making her hum" with Mrs. Fort-twin at pre- sent. hut, is negotiating for " small house and lot of ht'l‘ nwn. We hope she may succeed in gutting it. oat and gone.) MP. and Mrs. Thos, Banks left an Tuesday for Owen Sound Lo take up residence. Edge Hill neighborhood and the Union Sabbath Selma] will miss the wprthy citizens, bat good wishes fulluw (hem and new avenues of usefulness will open. Mrs. Rev. Farquharson and Mrs. C. L. Grant, from Durham, and Mrs. Dr. Smith and Miss Skene. Dornoch, left Tuesday morning for Guelph to attend the sessions of the 2hh Annual Convert, tion of the Westpm division of the w. F. M. B. Mrs. (Rev.) D. L. Campbell attended from Dromoro. Mrs. (Rug) Little and Miss Slovenian from Hul- stein, and Mrs Morwison from Cedar- Ville. THE DURHAM REVIEW -7. Q -tll5FttiJTtTt"'R'5 ARCH TORONTO Sun-sum mrmaurromv.-The Mon- treal Witness has of into come into more than usual prominence for Its unswerving and powerful advoe any of righteouness in civil and political life "etpu diess of cost nr consequences. One prominent writter says-I: "There are papers that publish religious things be- cause these may secure for the paper an entrance into homes from which they would otherwise he excluded. Bat the religion of the ' Witness , permeates the whole paper. Long "my it live, nhttu- dnnlly may it prosper. and long may it he spared to inform. educate. inspire and uplift humanity." I THE LATE JAMES SwAxsTos.- The death of thin gentleman removes a very prominent man in the municipal life of Egremont Township. Our North Egre- mont correspondent. refers at some length to his demise and funeral. We may add that tor many years he sat at the Council board of the township. and for part, of the time, as deputy reeve. represented it, at the County Council. He was always a man co be reckoned I with in municipal contests. and he gave a great deal of his time and much of his attention to municipal affairs. He was public-spirited too, and took a generous share. when in good health, of the work and responsibility in connection with Farmers' societies. In the storms of political strife he, a number of years a- go. cast his lot with the Conseryative party, and his counsel and advice weie there sought and valued. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved and sor- rowing relatives. We append part of a notice in last week's Cooled. which was also intended for us but did not, reach us until Tuesday of this Week. “The tleceasedp,rerulemnn came with his par- ents from Scotland in the. year 1852. and lived for some years in the township of Nassagawi-ya. The family then moved to the Orchard Farm, near Holstein. About 40 years ago the present horne- stead, "Spi mg Brook Farm " was bought and James. then a young man of 18, began to take charge of the busi- ness of the farm. He proved to be a man of great. energy and good judgment. In Nov. 1868, at the age of z, years. he was united in marriage. his helpniate in life ably supporting him in building up their beautiful home. The success he achieved bears lasting testimony to his ability. He always took an active inter. est in school and church work. being for so years chairman of the Board of Management of Fairbairn Presbyterian church. He leaves to mourn his loss a family of four sons and live daughters besides his partner in life and a brother and sister. The family are as follows: ---John and Mrs Murdock. Egremont, Wtlluun C. in the North West, James. B. medical student, Toronto. Elizabeth S. High School, Mount Forest, and George,' Alice, Emu and Mary at home. In the deat h of Mr Swanston the town- ship loses an all, officer, tlwcotnmunity 1 faithful and nhhging neighbor, his family a kind and unlulgont father and his Ireloved wife a devoted hu- Gnd. Of him it may truly lw said. "Life is not measured lay the length of time we, live." Th" mmmunity extend to the bereaved family their most sincere sym- pathy. Ann-mg the relatives from a. distance were Mrnnd Mrs Peter Anne. Arkell. George and Mr and Mrs Wm. Swanslon. Emmosa, and Mr James Ferrell, eldest, brother of Mrs Swmston. Glndwin. Mieh. Then from the male oMce we have .. World Wide." tt weekly reprint of at lit-lea from leading journals: and Reviews 1vflecting the current tlmught of hath hemispheres. It isa marvel of intelest and cheapneas. and compares favorably wim umgnzines several times its price It appeals to thinkers. in entertaining as well as instructive and has no axe to grind. The "Northern Messenger " is an old and worthy favorite. with stories And other matter su carefully chosen that they exercise a sweet, ‘ntluence on old and yuung. The paper has several well. conducted special dep u-lmenls and is desel vedly popular in hmue uml Sunday School. CluhPrice Singly REVIEW and Daily Witness. #',2.'30 $4.00 '. ., weekly, " 1.60 2.00 " wt World Wide, 1.50 2.00 .. .' Messenger, Le, 1.30 The Weekly Witness. 1Votld Wide. Northern Messenger and the REVIEW. all four publications will he sent one year for $2.50; worth $3.30. These clubs will, at most, reasonable rates, provide the best rwulmg mutter for every interest of any family. Just try it for " year. "Joe " Martin, neither of whom has been canoniZeil by any other newspaper. The "'1Tlegtuatn," however. hailed the entrance into public life of Gnmey with most. pteposteeous plaudits. declaring titat he had done more for the. Conser- vatiue party than anybody since Sir John A. MacDonald. It welcomed him as the John the Baptist oi the Opposi- tion. HS a. patriot, and as n selfsacrmcing harbinger of purer politics. The lrinity which the . Telegram , worshipped for a time was an odd one and it had been forced to erase the name Gurney. Here. after public men will probably prefer to be in the index expur'gtttor'uts rather than on the roll of honor of the " Tele- grtuu."--b'tsturday N iRhr. The. Toronto "Telegram " how partic- ularly distinguished itself in this Gamey business. Up to the time that the mem- ber' for Manitoulin projected himself in- lo public notice the "Telegram " Gd two heroes. It L. Richardson and 1.60 200' 'iey' 1.50 2.00 Le, 1.30 iiv :Id Wide. REVIEW. ' sent one % For Sale gJe/ected (feeds: ji) Mango/s Spray pumps at)%eihqtseit ***$°R‘ag jt, Juyar fghets It-far-rot ftor Jhfousoouaru'ng We have a fall supply of House,- cleaning articles. See our Stock of Gillet's Lye. Household Am. monia, Whiting, Alabturtine, As- bestine, Water Paints, Furniture Tarnish, Hard Oil Finish and Fur- niture Polish. :g _ 60. t gum:- GGISTS & alumni $$§$$$¢$$ t4iaF4ie4sifst? ftahing flraehu Paints fitiri,i,ii,'i'." J ti,ll,5,El,,?,,lim Flaxseed (recleaned) Buck' wheat, Hungarian, Millet and Corn. Spra y your trait trees at once and iff,",', will be paid ten-fold. We ave numerous kinds and sizes of' Spray Pumps. E1lERYT0li1 when you buy your Grocer- 1es at Burnett's. You are sure of the quality or your money back. - We carry every- thing 1tl Grocer‘es, Meals and Flour. , J BURNETT. JWardu)are I There is no paint to equal the Sherwin-Wilhiums If you want to paint your house use the Sher- win-Williams and get ttatitmtetion. If you wantto paint your buggy use the Sherwin-Williams and every person wilt ask who was your painter. Every person their own painter by using Sherwin- Williams Paints. lllllll'll IN l NAME? that runs on wind-- Bold lamina. , ' - w [m on. 00. Now as your time tn buy Fishing Tackle and we have the variety to pick from. w. Black. -asrnip UPPER TOWN. Steele'g Roval Giant. Rennie 'g, Danish J/iv. Black's Store. Evan‘s Saw Lott, Bruee's Gate Post, Mammoth Red, and Yellow Globe. All the leading varie-Q ties of Swede and 30ft g, Turnips, = Improved Short White. Aho Coal Oil. 6" (by Woods / J Challmu Welland! Crown Joparaforv. Wow We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- dent or enquiries left at C. McArthur's store. or at the REVIEW 09mm. will receive our best attention. The fine Omhud. mostly Winter fruit. situated bchmd the Parker pro- perty In Upper Eva. For terms and conditions apply to - _ gamut: THE PLACE MAY T, 1903 For a nice pair of Boots. Shoes or Slip- pers for Ladies and Gentlemen, Misses and Boys, lino Children's Shoes high end low, due. Custom Work and repairing promptly attended to. A Full Line of Ladies‘ and Gents Rubber Heels on hand. To the People of Durham and sur rounding country '. I have been only a low weeks in business here but trade has rapidly increased. More New Goods have arrived comprising some bf' the best tg,fe'fg,tdtt,Sihr, Boot and Shoo cum. which I will sell " lowest cash E. A. R0 IVF, "H F-- NEW 300T t SHOE STORE A. B. McARTHUR YOUR IREAD SUPPLY Be it large or small, will be " waysof the best-quality if obtained of us. Our ptoduct is at once pme wholesome and toothaome. Can't be beat. Maldc tram I superior grade uf' fiotu. and purest ingredi- nea. . Oar bread, rolls, buns. etc, are baked in absolute cleanliness and are delicious. First class arr- vice. Lately we were talking cutters now its Guy’s Illa-I 33”!" and their reputation has been trtitted only by their excellence. Ready for Spring 7rade ORCHARD TO LET 0N SHARES. Also ftamous . Ital" grill, pn1ypri11 iy the Market geared Just arrived at the Show Ramos of Barclay & Bell, a Car- load 'J. l McILRAITH. trrtk both wiltt1s and full fiiica Peter Hamilton‘s Goods in Stuck. which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed far beauty and second to none in quality. Call and she than and if you do not want to buy one for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of thus: famous rigs which is as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. Aarn 61-3411: Also another Shipmmt of the renowned and up-to-date Karn Organs. Call and test them, theyare open for Tree'." tion. BARCLAY & BELL Jordais Old Stand, mix: door to Campbell 's Implement Warehouse. Agents. Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables. Lambton St. TRY THIS STORE Fudhope E95 Gar-ridges. H And looki and y Cilllll‘ t"s 3-5 tl :i tl .. Bulk-r“ Tethle Ln HE SE Cooled ll “Wu: r. Whit Finn] up t Black slur NEW I‘lilN'l and p tte n! THE, LE) AT LO Cockslxut Clare 1 With Ful Sylvester I Ow ICN Shortha w il M(' a s'.el and kmdre thoroughly Spring term enter at any not to any 1 Calder . Bl o“’EN M " TWEI GRUB yds I rover (that In ifil; chit bestowu be found “and BMW ‘ey-llll'd Lu le,eal ly Ado; Thin For tum» ATT MA' We am My

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