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Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1903, p. 5

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I; were talking cutters V's mun Joparalon. rm 7, 1903 \BREAD SUPPLY Yup-yin dy for tui, n: " hard, mostly winter etnnd the Parker pro- 'own. For terms and " HIS STORE M t BELL W CILRAITH. " MCARTHUR K SHOE STORE LET ON SHARES Tritt, reputation had been. hv their excellence. " ls'l ”VIC EW Trad.e beds / .I B. Pumas. Sam r Sarriages, W Itnrday. or. C. McArthur', x 0mm. wilt mail Iarket Jeetf 1 full lines of " Tten Is in Stock and Gents w weeks in ms rapidly was mum -t' the beat and Shoe lowest tttttgit mint of p-ttHUte and test ridge t. " tone m an and ty one able to Id old rwhich Prices door a rchuuse. unwed Show 1 Car- and Bur ' Slip Misses mined cal ertor " ll :nring an e an 't high " dl 'te If And look in our Store Window and you will see bar- gains for your life. Catltlv r's Block, HE SELLS CHEAP. - 3 yd, lung Fifi” wide, taped page Pr. My (Ended \Vnsh Silk Waist leng'hs in White, Block and Colors eaeh 82 llpln........... .................83.50 "luck Mm rvrizull Satvrn lfndvr- "irts. ..... . . $1.40, $150. $1.75. 8211) NEW PRINTS & FANCY G1NGHAM'ts' Dum't forget us where you want a ghud pair of Shun-s as we carry a Full Line of Smrling Bros'. Shoes. . Rnllvr Window Shades. each. .‘ Table Lu" n. 5} in. wide, per yd W *ll " W. H. BEAN a; - THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. wath Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements. Famous T udhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs. Clare Bros.' Furnaces & Stoves. Tolton's Implements. Adam's Sleighs. Will enable any person to acquire Shorthand and Typewriting and be- come a stenographer or book-keeper and kindred subjects and become a thoroughly competent book-keeper. Spring term now on, Students may enterat any time. Full particulars sent to any address free. ' - 'roven Steel Hay Forks aSpecialty Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. ow EN BOUND A FE‘V MONTPIS AT GEE _-Cry"--).".'??-?,'"",",?"-,".', _"'.. . 1/) 'i'/'rji'ii)'i(jsi'iii), .." _ TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES tii) We ask I' Mn (j.. nu MS S. SCOTT. .. The Implement Man " asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found Adopted by an legdim: Schoo‘s in Toronto. This Jcsvrvcdl . "walla: system by means of Chart Drills. maximum] Iliumms and othorintgr- Mustdcviccs brings thc following topics within the child‘s immediate comprehension. lush-d Notation Rh‘thmic lotion Piano W3“ Kay-bond London mica] um Team! ue For W Ipblm Ilsa luau“ Gun. Teacher, Ill. I alder} Block C. A. FLEMING: STOP ! PEEL. We can gix a yon Human) BIG Ill AT THE OLD STANDW . NOBLE MAY 7. 1903 DRY GO ms. 0w ITK kity, 001‘s N , I " 'rs, Jun, ot be.“ quallil)‘. Myer's lusic method 48 '. NOVBLE '. HE SHOEMAN. L"? SOUND. Ost. _ Next the Post Office knitted edge person to acquire Du rim m. DRINCIPAL‘ s in Toronto. " 65¢ e6 io. -$1.m '. 1.40 '.W' The place is three years old, pure- ly a mining centre, and a miraculous .rscupu is recorded ot 17 miners who were in the mine the mouth of which ‘WEIS blocked with the tall it being a ‘ level entrance one. They dug their may up and out, timbzring as they went, only two of their number being Startling in its sud'lenncss came the news on Thursday that mime cata- clysm ot nature had destroyed the villain 'ot Frank, in Alberta, afew miles from the B. C. border. The top at Turtle Mountain, over 3000ifeet high standing almost sheer above the vil- latte, was blown off. slid off, or shaken offand descended in a death dealing email. killing and burying about 80 victims. most of them irreooverablu tor ever " ing under hundreds ot feet of rock. The excited feelings of the moment led some to think n new volcano had broken out, firetyallig were seen. rocks were being hurled. smoke was issuing, de., Se., and while there is no need to minimize the catastrophe, la'er re- searehen have shown it to be a gigantic landslide, though whether from an earthquake. or some internal force. such as expanding limcstone, is not known. The length of the fall is about'two miles and the sliding. grinding rocks tell outwards from One to two miles, cmering several miles of railway tmek, (the Crow’s Nest Pass line,) which can not be re-opened, and a new piece has to be located and built Heartrunding scenes and desolating separations of crurse took place, the tirst word enst calms to Premier Lauri- er. who wired instructions to Fort Mc- Leod and other near by centres to send relief. This has been freely done and the survivors with one or two exeep- tions. will soon be all right. lost A thrill of sympathy came, at once from the British press, and no doubt. in many minds " n time, owing to the su‘ange ignorance of Canadian geogra- phy in Britain, it would be feared Canada was anotlwr Martinique! --Another politiall lie husit seems been mailed. One Nelson, of Buffalo, made an "t1idttvit saying that on a visit to Toronto Capt Sullivan intro. duced him to " mm named Smith. who 'old him to go to Stratford during the North Perth election, there to re- eeive lrom Liberals the names of par- ties he was to approach corruptly with monev. He gives the names at re- spectable people in Stratford who one and all deny explicitly transactions with him and dare him to come to Stratiord and stand by his storv. We are not aware that respectable Conser- vatives are building on this freak. who has it is alleged. eontessed that his signature was secured when intoxiea~ has it is alleged. contessed that his signature was secured when intoxica~ ted. l q --lt is satisfactory to learn, from the reply by the Secretary of State to an enquiry made in the House " Ottawa on Monday, that the Rev. Mr. Barr. promoter of the Barr colony in our‘ Northwest, who has been playing guide, philosopher and friend to the many Britishers whom he has got to go thither, w:s never appointed an agent of the interior by the Canadian Government. nor were his statements and promises authorized. Neither had any remuneration been arranged. According to Hon Mr. Scott. the reser- vations were to be open until July 15th. when the list of names was to be sup~ plied to the department and every _ man would be entitled to a homestead entry of " quat'ter-seuyion. Mr. Barr was not to levy any charge upon any member ol'his part). Mr. Ban report- ed 1,541 settlers' names and deposited $2.119. representing tees for 2,132 people and all the homesteads reserved. Possibly Mr Barr does not deserve all the abuse that has been heaped upon him by immigrants/bat he must surely have been romancing. - Monetary The council Incl April lth pursnum to adjournment. All tlie. iiiemluers preseeiit. the reeve in the chair, minutes of lust. meeting read and Cuntivmed. Communi- cations rexul tr..toliowts:---h'roly Wm Ir. wiu. at-conni for priming. from ThOs Dunn account. fur keep of Mrs Fm'nmux. from 40ml board of health special report. from council oftit Mary's te waggou tires. Arrowsmitu---KerueyrTlmt the clerk notify Hulland Council to pny $5 for their shun of wotli done on townline H t G. in 1902. Ctwried. Times. Issues-Sallie-Aust, the special n. port of lucnl bonrd of health be adopted and that accounts thereuf be paid in In”. Carried. Daru--t"sullitrtus-- Tim the treasurer receive 018.81 taxes for 1902 on lots 11 and 12, con 2. N D Tt and that the clprk "01in Ibo County Treasurer to erase the same from his boon. Carried. D.vis---sulrirus-t'htt the account of Wm Irwin of the Durham Chronicle for printing amounting to 028 be paid. Car. Davii,-srowtsmith-Thttt the trauurer accept “.50 in full of accouni mains-t J Yum Demuv It. o. for No. 8 re special Davii,-srowtsmith-Thttt the trauma:- accepl. “.50 m full of accoum mains-t J Tarty, Deputy It. o. for No. 8 " special manager. Carried. Arrowsnnth-Davis--Tlmt Wm Kerney be paid $1.00 for expeuaes, re Mrs Fur. ueux. Carried, Arrowsmitlo - Sullivan - Tim: 1pm nu mum...“ .wr. V{.,,.V_, “my“ 1 M. Dunn be paid " Ti, tor keep of Mrs Far.. tollowi--Lusht export sheep. P2.5 to 140 max for three weeks up to April 13, 1903. lbs, 84.25 to 9475; beavv ewes. 150 to Carried. 190 ll", $3.75 to 84.25: vetrrlinsr. thin barn. Arrowsmith---Kerney-T0t W Tamer YEN] lamina, 3 tO " Spring lsmbs were a Co. be paid 75 one tor stationery. Car. worth $2.5o to " eaeh. saivan--ruviti---That the assessor to .Hosy were "tHer and the prices de. paid tlo on salary. Curried. 1ietd2r.Le...f.t1u-...-.--- Kerner-ahir--'nu" C MoArthur be . . ' ' paid " for txtrn expenses incurred in re- ta,rAaWgtctf,lil?kt)'a"ti't'fltr'stfll', 50%;]; count. re polling place No 4 at Municipal thit, mtutttr miffed) to Wt artdinver. election for 1903. Curried. use old mm ed 'ret bugtttegtr hat. of . solid wall standing. lary Ctt.00 Week! . The council adjourned to meet " . ttt meg'ttu","gi', ml. I" PW.?, in ml. Court of Revision when notified. um and '.1qtir, '2,ttd'JtdlriUdtg"vt J. g. Bgartt. Clank. t Column 00., ",tlt'tgiMt,"8gL'g',.'"""' A GREAT CALAIITY. Glenelg Council. Sullivan - Thin '[l'os The calculation has been made that me people of the United Stun-s. last year. puid for cigars. a. nu less sum than 83l0,000,000.Tfiis is a trightfnl tobacco hill. but the money cost is perhaps, not the worst feature of the (use. What has the huhit cost, the people in health. murals and cleanliness'.' This la n more mumrlunr [mun-r than the cost in mon- ey, butane that is seemingly wry light- ly considered. if considered at all. But Ate calculation shows that the old any- init that, “Tobacco is King " is well founded. What could um be "CCtutt- plluhml with the Worse than [Ht-has cum; of the tobacco and drink lmhils ? Many of the "Me.it men in the inedi- cal profession In this country and in ot her parts of the world are devotees of Our Lady Nicotine, and are not in the least inclined to join an "uii.tolsacco crusade. But all oi them are of one mind as to the injury to health ("MISC-11 by taking smoke into the lungs. whe her the fttizte~ of cigar. pipe or vignette. Moderate indulgence in the use of the dreamy Wet-d Is not likely to shorten life, unless m except imml ewes of . the tnlmc- on heart." At least en the doc'.oy 543's: and In the list of ccnletmrmna oftenowu there have been many unit-til worship- pers of the pipe. But the persistent wisdom of inhaling the Vanni-s of Sir Walter Raleigh's favorite plot works harm in tune. The hrenlhing Apparatus is nut adapt- ed to the "lrsotiritist In the lungs of the (assent ial oil which lms an much to do with the flavor and pnngvm‘y of lulmc- co. Inhalers of smoke I'M-My attain a ripe old age. Stu-h pleasures and t'oti. sulntmnsus may attend the "ortsutuption of tohaccovan hi- enjoyed wiunnn, the indulging of the tlelesetuuts pun-Lire of filling the pulutonaty tract with thick, strung. fuliuriuous clouds. Lct mltalets heed the warnings of experienced lllt‘llh hers of the medical profession. Dear Editor, Lust week we said a few words about tr'parators. Let us look this week at a few. points of " The Dairy Cow. The Dairy Cow is more for giv- ing milk than is the cow of the " beef- ing breeds "--in other words she is a butter milker, and rightly so, for she is kept for her milk, and in order to give more milk, she should. be of the dairy type. The dairy bl eeds are. not so 'blocky' as the beef breeds. The withers are sharper, the ribs longer, the barrel larger and the udder larger than any of the beef breeds of cattle. The neck should be fine and not fleshy. It should join smoothly to the head and shoulders of the animal. The shoulders should not be course or rough; they should come to a point on top and spread gradually as they near the floor. The back should bestraight, as a straight back with broad loins is indi- cative of strength, and this is required in a good dairy cow. The ribs should be long, well arched and broad, giv- ing good large lung and food capacity. The udder, which is the most im- portant part of a dairy cow elmuld be large and well balanced. It should come well up behind and tar forward. It should be level along the bottom and developed in the front halfas well as in the rear. The adder should be well marked with veins which indicates that it is not fleshy. It should be firmly attach- ed to the body and not pendulous. The veins lending may from the udder should De large, numerous, crooked and branching. Where these veins enter the walls of the body is called the milk wells. These veins carry the blood from the udder to the lungs hence the more they carry, the more milk is likely to be formed. Milk is formed from the blood in some mvsneriuus way. These are saw, of the points of a gncd dairy cow. l ours, A READER Live Stock Markets Toronto. The nrrimls of all kinds of cattle. were light. at the Women] Cattle Market ln-.in\ . blatnllers' cattle mare in brisk demand. and or, account of thcirr,earru'tv all sold an]; in the, day. Farmers nwl drovers nus strongly advised nor to t4orul their came lcrwanl until the strike is over, tor buyers here do not want any at all. Any coming in would have to he mum- lainwl " the expense of the cansignor, or else slupped back to where they came from. anlners' cattle for the local trade were active and utrong. We quote V-- Picked lots of fmisshed heifers and sworn. " M to 84.70 ', ttood load-I. 84.25 to ttAo; fair to medium lots. 64.12} to 84.25. Stacker: and feeders were firm and high. All kinds of grazing mule me much wanted, there being . good active enquiry for them. both from Ontario and the West. We quotes-tmort Rot-p feeders. Lloo to 1.250 ll»: anal). 84.50 to 04.80; feeders, loan to 1.100 lbs sub. " M to " Go; stockers. 800 to 900 lbs mush, " 80 to 84.15 ; stockorn, Goo tt Ttio lbs each. $3.75 to M; and lighter ones. 33.5010 08.75. Off colors and rough nnfiuishesil shocker: " up. Milch cows were scarce and firm. We quote :--Best dmumptions Mo to M8; cheaper grades. 336 to Mo each. Sheep and lambs were quiet. There is no demand for export sheep. Quotations follow;--Luzht export sheep. 19.5 to Mo lbs, $4.25 to 94.75; beavv ewes. 15o to 1901M M.76 to 04.25: vearling thin barn- yard lambs. 8 to " Spring lambs were worth 82.50 to " each. wAyrED-SEVEWl PERSONS OF CHAR- m-wr and good reputation ht each state (one tn this oounty HEW) to wt and sliver- tise old estitrlis ed wealth;- business hm. of solid ftnttnefal standing. h lary 921.00 week! . “1th 1Wllllft “Naomi. Bil Ptt,tilt in 'ilillf each , eglnesdgy magnum and (Macs. SMOKE IN Tun LUNGS DAIRY COWS -‘_vâ€". on-.. THE Dummy! REVIEW IpIsrii1I-IINC3- TLACKLE HOOBZS. BAITS. FLIES. J. (A. DARLING, DARLING’S DRUG STORE '?symhoihhhMhhhhhhi wwwwwg A D - ll 'liillllllil' =MEii2 III-l liiikl I =tlE2ii=aE55iiiaii5i+ig tll ., . 5. "iil!.Fii " I Avast-lint: w: II." , alntmF, p‘uv'IpUI s' Ln tl I . I r . u r . , 1 A THE undersigned will keep for service on lot (1 con 3. E. G. R.. (Hench. for mason of Mm, the tine thoroughbred Tamworth Boar bred by David Douglas and b't from the celebnu-d animal "I tual.. mm .. olanworth. Maid Gidéd Ped Term' $1.O. Grill he hr service at Lot 48. Gon. T. E. G. R. for tLe season of mm. Poll gree on application ans not, ru'uru- rd regularly will be chnrgrd who-Hun- in calf or nut. Pawn-m to In- made on nr before February lat um. Terms 81.'.50. DONALD McFAYDEN. Piotr. FURNITURE JEWELERY! The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Undertaking promptly t tended to. J AICE I§RESS Watches and Clocks, Rings, Spex, Flatware and Silverware Flour Peas..................... nour......... ............. Oatmeal................... o-............... Bar:ey................. Wheat..." Lambs..................... Dressed Hogs. per ewt Hogs, Live weight”... Baum, fresh roll per lb Build. Tub.............. Hides, per ttwt.......... Calf-kins. per lb........ Sheovckws............... PURE BRED HEREFURD BULL Hum. Been. "or an '1‘urkeys......... ... Penman. per In: DURHAM MARKETS. Practical Watchmaker. 30 Years' Experience. Runs Smoothiy, Sows Evenly, is NO. Al, HOE DRILL THOROBRED TAM WORTH Jake Kress mm TON. No. _ MytvrWiNllWiMMMMMMMM1 FYPCl nun-noguouuuuuo A. GORDON, . (Prince Albert.) ......... ...-.... For terms and particulars, see BAMBOO RODS from g cents up. See nur Stock of Flies made especially for our trade Bristol Steel Rods. Green heart, Split Bamboo, and Fancy Rods. Wading Trousers, Baskets. gehm, givingston, AGENT ‘KING TOM t THE PEOPLE'S DRUGUIST. DURIIABI. FO R ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO GEO, Son. Mitchell, on, o.Néwctsstle Izrrd"-- ,id "-1494-. Full ex. teen on Bppliention. BOAR. 24o 6 10 17 17 lo STA PLES 6 PRICES RIGHT. " 2.5 00 ALL TCINOS. lo 7 75 6 10 17 17 I go 18 to at- jti.g,li, J,ljlll,l,.,rj.ll(llllfl 'h'lllhlitttll,,,iiiQr ili)MCr(i2.ifsiiE,i, t"L%f,,'iuU%'Lu'JMli5oy Direct Importation from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Intending Student. Ihould enter " beginning of term, or as soon after on possible. St." and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Lenin: 3nd Matrieulntion work, under the following staff Competent Teachers tor that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Modems. FEES: 81.00 per month Wm. Johnston, (‘huirnmn Thorobred Durhams. _ Tlo. "lulu-P signed Marl-s fur S.‘Ill'_ cm.- 2 y'. “Id Lull, “Hit. prize tukn-r during um um yum-s. 2yr.-old hulls. "roi I hull an” all fun” lhmnhrml stock. mull hum litst class animals, Good [\vdigH-ow furnislwd. Thomhred Belkshiln' Pigs lur min. JOHN I‘Zcxunurr. Iliinois-us, P. 0. Carefully consider where they do their business . Many of these men go to H H. MILLER, the Hanover Convey-meet. even though It meat" A few miles of t drove. They any tlot be is " Always prompt,--'""'" negligent." that be hes had 22 year: experience und that It, PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 Acres on Gnrnl‘ruxa A good farm with fine buildings. Oirerrd very cheap as Mr. Cameron has gone west. The T. o. Stewart Farm. Lot 16, Con. 2. w. G. it. Bentinck:100 acres with about 30 cteared l frame house and other buildings. Said to have a lot, of very fine hardwood timber. t ' , ' . n __. '-, ' n Ann-n Inn! He u now offering for Sale '. THE MALCOLM CAMERON uur unnuuuv“ _-ee"" A 100 Acres in BenLinck. In excellent slate. good buildings and fences, good soil. School and Church close at hand, Post Ottiee on the farm. CWner getting up in years and bound to 541. MONEY TO LEND,-- DEBTS "ii?irfL'EcTEioF-, LANDS BOUGHT & 1'sOLD,-- Every kind Durham Scnool ROBINSON & CORBET, . AUT IO US Successful Men Juldgesstr,--H. H. MILLER, Lock Dun: %. Know: that., Bulls for Sale. asy on the Team. Jr tinostG1 basin.“ C. Ram-go. NWTCWV P roprietora. I n e xcellent dec. will be " the tMMqugtt "our. Durham... 11m Wednesda- ot ouch inonth from 12 p. m. (I p. n. - . orrmaOuiFfdnli, find 113.? 155161-711" " trdiCiau" ud Throat Hospital, N .3- M’ECIALIFT EYE, FAR. THROAT & sore ---...-.., EX‘M'NVELY- - , I the Du mun Pharmacy Hilde}. Block. Remdence first dvnr west of the old Post Cake. Durham. W. C. PiCKEitlN0 D. D s., L. o. S. omee--L0WER l OWN. DURH ll. HONOR GRADY‘ATE of Toronto Univmty. gludmne "f Royal Collette of Dental Surgeons of (mun-in. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post (Mice. Jomplny and private Funds to Lou on Hortense- at Iowa-t new ot mun“. anunuon nude “v scompount sud et-tut anunor. _ or?!“ 30088 F-MB. I. Hun. RESIDENCE and OFFieE-old Bank UPPER TOWN.DUBBAI. MACKAY d; DUNN, Barristers. _ A Solicitors. Convoynnoen. to. 0mm t Bunter's New Block. cp posits Chronicle omoe. Gunman St., Durham. MONEY TO LOAN A. G. MuKIy Ke. W. F. Dunn Co‘loctioul and Agency promptly ntuudod . Wills. Doedo. Mortgage“. houses, Aummmtl &e.ssormctiy prepared. Estate- of duet-ed rer- socl looked after Ind Exoeutor'e and Adm uk- trmn' Account: prepared and “used Hun-03.“ Court. (in-{non Prob-be of Wil a. home" of Ad. mlnutntion uni Gnu-lunch“! ()huulnod. sw- chu mud. In Begin” Dulce 1nd Tine- ropoetod J. G, BUTTON. M. D (it: -.itut.tt tts the .3931! _uyytort_optttttqet OFPrCE-Ifrftsfyre Bloey. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN 5UPREMI COUR'I NOTARY PUILIC. COUUIIIIONER. Ere. Piraeus & Snow”. Omoo our Mqruoti'. ”to I R to 10 LI. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all kinda Fame bough promptly altendcd fo and no“ DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. Mamba 00110:. Physician- und ”an OFFICE- -McKr-u|o'u Otd Shin! Durham ARTHUR GUN. M. D., aWhseeulnttetstimo"ettto bluesy Women sud Children. D. McPHAIL.’ mm 1llllrllf (llllllill CAPITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .A000,0ttt CAPITAL, Paid up........... woman RESERVE FUND............ 00.“. AGENTS in all pruncipnl pomta .1: Ontario. Quebec, Iunttoa, United State: and England. w. F. OOWAN. President. GEO. P. REID. Hunger. DURHAM AGENCY noarnv - 'couv5nuc1n. Je' A general Banking husinas "mum-tad Drafts issued and collection ”node on all points. Deposits necked and in» out allowed st "um-en. mm SAVINGS BASE. soul-mt slowed on Innings hulk depot of ".00 nod up wad- onmpt sun-nth!) and even hell!" dial-dad custom". living " DENTISTRY. FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST cr artist», Jroearg, Go: _ voyancor, an" etc..." [any to Loan " reasonule rues an on terms to suit borrower. dint. co. Telephone Cenneetlen Ne.‘.10 "IIUI'CI'ICO Agent. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Heep. Term moderate. Annulment. lor film an to dates, Ar., mart be made It the Review Of- tiee,Durtuutt. at 1'orrxs.pomtettee Bddg-ed hmono Hoqullle P. o., will be group“: attended to, 'e8'm6 on “we-non to DR. GEO. S. BURT. G. LEFROY McCAUL. a. P. TELFO RD. Eggnysren, soucnonx: CONVEVANCER. VALUATOR or to W. S. DAVIDSON. NOTA'V PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, It Round '26] Aid MONEY TO LOAN D, IcPHAlL. Hupeville P. o. C. RAIAGE. Durham Private Money let Loan, J KELLY, Ant. Ge Golden mime his Maser-.12. {(0rd the Bank Co, "

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