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Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1903, p. 6

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h. i) ['1 Men Who More the World. The world min be divided into two classes. The first is composed of the zrest mule oi men without strong ambitions, without strong principles. without either the need or power to think out things tor themsives. Thuy are content to live, as it were. from hand to mouth ..-trt so fur as they are virtuous. clo- ing ttwir autism in so tar as ther are vicious, moidiug them, with no inquiry into the deeper tenuous ot things and the tumliunrntat differ- ence httwwn vlytuc uni Vite. The second ciass is a comparativelv Imuli one, .though its limits cannot be defined with any great exact- ness. It consists of mm with minds and wills so active that they van- not takv timiga thus quietly. 'Inwre are two questiomv. one of which they will ask, and wry o‘tor. both oi them. What meaning can be wrung out of llte1' and how can we ou~aelvvu wring out this meaning? Thule are tho men who, in a great»:- on has 11"grsss, approach the ideals o; sanctity or heroism. or of gmius Tin-arr ar" the suit of the earth, thn liiilu l-nvvn, hid in tt bur-re! or m w'cun we imagine that a solid atrection may be the continuation of a caprieo felt tor a. person whom you had never seen belore and of whose character you are absolutely ignorant? In certain cm attec. tiwn may {chow a. first impression. but only when she can Inspire as much uiicciwn by her merit as she coid product: a. good impression by her charms. Only in this case can love bceome sincere and profound. To form at once a. charming impres- sion of A woman is not to tall madly in ion" wlui not. In the presence ot certain bean- tUul women I have felt ready to tall Into contusion ot admiration, as I have in the presence of Niagara Ellis. Vesuvius In eruption, the Venus ot Milo, or any other grand numterpiece or nature and art; but I have never felt that I could, or unmet. right away implOre them to murr, me or let use die at their lent. To {an tn love at nvat sight u a great proof or weakness of the mind, or utter absence of self-con- trol. and or wretched atttmutlhtetrtr. I believe I may affirm. without fear of contradiction. that love at tirat night has never proved to be love of_lontr duration. . . - IL Woman. you may be sure that one single Word will soon be sufficient to unblnd them. Lasting; love comes alowiy. progressively! Heart alone has never been' mrticulariy success~ lui unless in ptrtnertrhip with that sober and wise counsellor that is called Reason. No love is placed on a. solid basis which is not governed try reason as well as by the heart. or loan d-‘gre: of sanctity. o Tut-99 are the little Iravnn, ttrat The" ma the Paula of the wo-ld, and tho voltairea, also , the Lynne; and tho B nctrtms. Thme am Yh-tl gi't'wl minority by whom Int thors Cotton Jiopt Emma. How much' preferable u that love gradually increasing through the bet- ter knowledge of the beloved one! It I; no longer an ephemeral fancy, but " solid affection. In order to love well and truly you must know wrll and thoroughly. There must tro ‘m tho cuplllus in love tlut bllnd Confluence. that complete abandon, wh’.ch can only be born of the sweet habit to constantly see each other nnd to understand each other bet- ter and better every day. With tax-ch love you can bravo all obsta- men. tor if a caprice, it vanlshas at the moat violent storms. Sincere. serious love is never love at first sight. When one look, and tho first one. too, binds u. man and wot "edinrmsnded b all arusirfArin-iti"i if; amnion of Cumin. Mane; to lay “are. 22.22:“ ota.r1et,theAhrts Letpoaum There are women who are proud to say that they inspired ardent love at ttrat night. They should not be proud of It. tor it ta only the love of a retitsotttttr, lotcy man that should make a. woman proud. Men may feel Immediate admiration tor a woman. - _ _ est Ncvr York families.” “It's always tt painful duty to have to deny " story of that kind.” "You hot It b. The young woman has a million or so in her own name." "-C1cert md Plain Dealer. t - Prepared in two degrees of , ltrength. No. 1 and Nm 2. No. 1.--F'or ordinary cues - has?! fl", the treat dollar In e no mu. ttes B-Por special easetr-10 m dollar: per hour. 1'a8=2T',','f,! drugtttat for Cook’- Mo- loot Conpound. Tun no other a m wills. mixture. and Imitation: m imm_ 159. 1 tyd, No. jug sold and man, no solidity, no reliability. no possible fidelity In him. He is on. ratio and unmanly. He may be a good poet, a talented aft‘ist, aver-y Eood 'aoi'or. But certainly Ite will never be a good husband. not even a decent we. In WF. I re a. - rbi'. can de 'a and tin ' Preps [mat No. L is by u N medlclx to I would always advise a. woman, or at. all events always wish her to marry a lover and admirer of her nex. but a man who madly falls in love with women at. nrat sight. never. There Is no swamps-ash that her toe the first time; but I decliné to can such a fancy love. and woe to the woman who marries such a man, for were is no guarantee tor her that he will not many times again take such violent fancies for other women; indeed, there is ev- ery probablllty that he will. We, all of us. have heard o: peo- ple falling many In love at first night, men, especially. No doubt there are men who are exuding” mmceptible, passionate. artistic and ardent natures who may. take a vio- Ieut mucy (for u. Promiu'PP 'eti.utr " T one that a western humorist has m1 tho story that ho is engaged a daughter of one of the wealth]- mixing Hnmnmus Attottt Tm: {EDI blim d Instincts go: an n; p by ritnttt': 3 ow may Favorite, " the only safe. tenable regulator on which women can depend "tn the hour, ang? time Af need." and H. M'Illock. ity by whom Rr." vomertod in ip', s whewn by Wham the “ham the -Mmagraw‘ l’. For Conundrum Lovers- Iratralo Commercial. Whom the M-r's turn came he ask- ed the convivial pundits to answer him this: What is it that has two eyes and sees not, tour legs and runs not, turd yet can jump as high as ihe WaAou1gtort Munumcnt 2' Obviously " dead cat." Tjittn the man who wants "s0 know always points out the weak link in tho chain. and the proponent crushes him with the query, “Well. how high can the monument Jump I"' This Jen d'esprit is likcly to have a great run in the Diplomatic Corps next winter. Perhaps the M-r will start a swap-Wk again-st the social exigencies ot the coming campaign at the naibnal capital. It so his army ot ttiemys here will gladly contrib- ute thereto. Here is a. modest yet choice specimen with which we cheerfully start the subscription: "What is the difference beaveen a. girl riding up a hill and a. young man giving- a young lady a, dog? One is taking a gallop up, and one is giving a gal a. pup. You see it-ian" half bad when you atop and think it out. Ht tank that $35 Manchu]! hob." g " In universally conceded that to properly appreciate a. trip to New York or Boston, one must take the beat road. That road in the New York Central. Treherne. Jan. 6, 1902. Massey-Harris Co., Limited,. Winnipeg, Man. Gtrntlcrnen,-It gives me very much pleasure to inform you that the No. 4 Binder which I purchas- ed from your Agent here last sum- mer has given me the very best of satisfaction. doing its work to perfection and drawing Iight-ver, .-much lighter than I expected. My crop was very heavy and some of it very badly down. but your binder did ite work splendid. I had no trouble whatever. I hope you will sell lots of binders tor 1903 and save my brother farmers lots of trouble. I wish you every success. Fortunate in one war. Chicngo Post. ”glare was the prettiest girl at the cha ty bazaar last night who was "lie, kisses at a dollar “an.” " til t" “Well. I was broke, and tthtt wouldn‘t do a. ctedit bushes. What 60.103131an of that f" of one of them, and, to her great surprise, askcd for her daughter's trand in marriage. In Perfect Accord. Some years ago there came to an American city a delightful German. Herr von Blitz. who intended to sup- port himself by giving lessons in his native tongue. When he had been here several months, and had secured n. moderate number of pu- pils, he went one day to the mother "Mo, too .'" was the smiling re- Joinder. "But, Herr von Blitz. aim will never be able to manage affairs." "Mo, too I" rejoined the lover. “And I feel obliged to tell you that my daughter has a very hlgh temper." "Me, too! Mo, too !" That was enough. The mother ra- tired from the contest. and the pro- fessor won his suit. Another Tender Heart. New York weekly. Clara-Going in tor charity again. are you [What is it this time? In the east, there is a legend, how.. ever, that dyspepsia la a. direct im- portatlon from the superheated hereafter. They say that one time the lid was left off hades and the chief torment, dyspepsia. escaped out Into the world. Since that tlme hell has not been Itself, and the arch fiend has sought in vain for a. tor.. ture to take ta place. There iq, then, a compensating thought that those who have dye- pppsia in this life will find nothing worse on the other side. After one has had this disease all other ca- lamities look as may as a nun- set tn a cheap chroma. t "But, my dear sir," said she, "my daughter has no fortune." The mitor smiled upon her In an expansive generosity. , "Mo, too I” said ho reaampririirlr "And although we are not rich, we haw: thus tar been "rrhle to give her every comfort. She is. indeed, used to luxury." Dora-We are going to distribute cheap copies of Beethoven‘s sym- phonies among the poor. Music In such an aid to digestion, you know! Ere, not having a. mother to teach her how to cook, fed Adam pies and cakes and things that were not fit tor his digestive apparatus. Very soon he experienced an the tortures of the damned, and from that day to this, so it is averted by some. there has been dyspepsia in the land. It is the most persistent, the moat exasperatiug and the moat du.. agreeable ailment that the human neat, is air to, and it is 'heir to sev- eral yet-y painful complaints. It not only makes you feel unhappy, but puts you in a frame ot mind to make every one with whom you come in contact miserable. It Ls not 0. pain. It is not an ache. It is simply the most consummate torture ever invented. The early his- tory of the disease is wrapped in im- penetrable mystery, but It is thought it started Jn _the garden of Eden, Now We Learn That He “is the PM ortrpeartio. Petite' that curse of humm- lty. would be abolished. Too long it has been allowed to work havoc among the people. The time has come to call a. halt. All good men and true should come to the aid of humanity and stamp out the dreadful disease. Whiskey has slain its thousands, kerosene its tens of thousands, automobiles thelr millions, but dyspepsia. has made several uncomfortable. A RECOGNIZED FACT, ADAM'S WOES. . R, IL FERRIS. are "dAaTiteuFRGF,rtammo- W. P. CAMPBBLL,arand W"'""""" nton. an. Organ-9n wan The beat guaranme ofSTABILITY furnish- ed by any FRATERNAL SOCIETY In the ablllty to tshow-- 1) a growing RESERVE FUND. 2) a growing MEMBERSHIP. , 3) up to date features in every respect. The {allowing} table exemplifies' briefly and comprehensive y the standing ot (lg An Insurance in clue ot death ot8600, .10 0, 81600 or 32000. Jil,), A disability beneitt ot one-half [m ' no of ttertltteate. 3 An OLD AGE BENEFIT. l A FUNERAL BENEFIT,thiI inoptionsl 5 A SICK BENEFIT, thin-aha options! For further particular “are. 't . W. P. HONTAGU§ My"! Mud-r Anna-15“ from the ttnrt two points ot view--. Year. Membership. 1 1887 175 ... 1888 84-7 ... 1889 862 ll ' 1890 - 18.06 1891 8145 1 1892 . 5032 t tl 1898 7803 [ a 1894 9710 , 7 1895 11364 10 1896 12693 " 1897 15027 18 1898 16152 " 1899 17888 20 1900 19918 21 1901 22164 Stl 1902 28829 A 81 - “Guess ah'd be ridln' alone, can." Jim replied.--Washington Star. Senator Hanna. told to a group of his fellow senatOrs the other day this story: "In Lisbon. where I was horn, they say a. black man and a white man were once riding togeth- or along a lonely road. Thte road ted past a Jail, and m the courtyard of the Jail, thcv saw, rising above the hlgb and dismal stone wall, a $9119".- "- .. -.. .. . -'mm," said the white man, "where would you be it that gallows had It: due " . It la in accord with the eternal fitness of Wings when a. million- aire works harder than his employ- ees; he gets more pay. (lMllilljlll ORDER ti: iNltiill FRIENDS A doctor was attending a danger- ous case where a Scotch butler was wtmgml. On calling in the fore- noon, he said to Donald; "1 hope your master’s temperature is much lower to-day than it was last night." "Pm nae sue vera. sure aboot that," replied the butler, "for he deed this mornin'." SCOTT a BOWNE. Chemlata. Toronto. Ontario. Boo. And $1.00: all drugglata. Port Mulgravo, June G, 1897. C. C. RICHARDS & LO. Dear BIrs.-MTNARDYe', LINIMENT Is my remedy tor colds. etc. It in the beat Maine“ I have ever used. To children Scott's Emul- sion gives food and strength for growth of flesh and bone and blood. For pale girls, for thin and sickly boys Scott's Emulsion is a great help. Bend for free sample. John Bull is o K. Toronto Globe. Durtntr the tUNtal year 1902 the United Kingdom exported manufac- tured goods to the value or 2230,- 000,000. Germany to the value ot SL50,000,000, France £85,000.- ooo, and the United States. £80.- To the men Scott's Emul.. sion gives the flesh and strength so necessary for the cure of consumption and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease. "And why not t" naked the young man anxiously). i "Well, you Know what kind of a. time_ I always have on a sea. voy- For women Scott's Emul- sion does this and more. It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the special trials that women have to bear. "I wish," said the girl thoughtfully. "that they wouldn't use that ex- pression “launched upon the sea or irrrtritrtonp"' ._.. _ -'.. 011 City, Feb. 6, 190% Massey-Harris Co., Limited. Toronto. Ont. thantlernen,--Pieasre. send me one ot your 1903 catalogues ot farm machinery. I have used no ma.- chlnery that gives at good satia- ttuttion as Massey-Harris. Scott's Ern’ulsion is the means of life and of the en- joyment of life of thousands of men, women and children. MLnurd‘a Llnlment Lurnttermtut'tt him I . SCOTT’S EMULSION The Canadian Order at Chosen Friends Up to Date' Features "rr. ~34 STABILITY Cautious Donald Her Analogy. \Vashington Times. Jim Knew. 347 852 '1806 8145 5032 7803 9710 11364 12693 15027 16152 17888 19918 22164 28829 MRS. JOSIAH HART. J OHN MAR RIOTT. " 1.648 89 4,488 M 11,665 68 21.188 77 52,713 40 72,501 98 100,734 00 108,277 78 189,234 27 164,280 68 208,047 Bl 214,254 " 234.872 05 318,769 " ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Ream-v0. 'Nitm MaihctGnce-ule hadn't any relations that Tcould send his chil- dren to. Reason Enough. N.S. Weekly. Friend-Why did you refuse that hpndsome gyoug widower 1' Miss Perth lu-lr, course, you "on't. dear. It would be simply impossible. A sprained ankle is not an uncommon accident. Painkiller relieves unxlcures almost an it by magic. The greatest household rem- edy. Avoid Buturtitutea. Tttere is but one "Paiukiller"-l'erry Davin'. The Etiquette of Divorces. Is it not time that a little book on the etiquette to be observed by " vorced persons was published ? "How to be Easy though Divorced" might serve as a title indicating the help- ful character of the work. A few reflections in the Boston Journal will perhaps give the author or such a. manual a few hint/s. "It seems to us that a divorced husband should treat his divorced wife when, he meets her at a. social gathering with the distinguished considera- tion that he should pay my women. He should not presume on any: form- er intimacy). mus he 'Ihonld not wink at her knowingiz or pole her .51; in the ribs. Nor should he in the course of general conversation my in “we vely cheerful tones: {You remember. Elizabeth. I never could at mussels meats, It would also be in bad taste to at: 'Who be]. you in mind of tour engage- mulhmt" ,i ,. .. .1: Trutht‘ul for Once. Boston Transcript. Miss Btoyler--Everrbody says I don't. look mtake, - _ r I '63 and abaoluto cure for each and every form ot itching. bleedinttahd protruding piles. the mnnfnoturem have guarahtoed it. bee tea- timonials in the daily [mess and ask your neitriv bots what they think of it. You can use it 3nd thtt yoqr mung; back if P?.t cur-ct}. £00 t,ryystt Stag, money back If not cured. we a. box. at. :11 adorn or ED-SON/Tas a: Co..Tpronto. "ii"FRiiriiiurii"6ihtrkerA To Eat Cold Food Only the Latest Plan otlbeduclng one's Weight. me new Parisian cure tor too much tlaals to to take all food. or t"sarly all, cold. The early break- fast ot toast and eggs is eaten cold, and the food is washed down with cold coffee or milk. One of the mod curious bridges ever, built, perhaps unique in the history of the' world, was that made by the British troupe in 1860. They were marching on Pekin, but found their pragrpsa barred by a flooded river ot considerable width and depth. A timber party was formed, but found nothing to put down ar borrow suitable for a. bridge. At last a huge store of cot- fins was discovered in the village, and with these the soldiers built Mr bridge and crossod alive over the receptacles for the dead. At luncheon there is nothing but tsold meats and cold puddings. with breast cheese and salads. At night the meal cousins or only mayon- naise ot fish. cold entrees and entre- peu; no hot vegetables, but Per- I Ttt provqm yonJhah Dr. Chase’s Ointment. is aoortaia and absolute cure for each and every form ot itchinn. Imps. as a Donne bouche. a haircut- let. least, of course. Many people in Paris who are in- clined to be stout. especially among the women, are assiduously follow- ing the new cure, and most or those who have, tried it assert that they have obtained satisfactory reaults. volt as President of Harvard that they are hunting up texts tor his “sermons of occasion." ti we mar use the Impression. The Washmgtqn Poet offers this little collecuon: “Thy servant. slew both the lion and the bet1r.'U-I. Samuel. xvii. 36. "Thy children, like olive plan“. round they 1abie.'u-Psaltus, texxviii. 3. “With thee will I tweak in pieces the b.ortre."-aevemiau, ll. 21. "Hanna W), why weepest thou t" --l.fsarnuet, l. Ir. Some ot the humorlsts are so de.. lighted with the nouon or to! Roose- "Bo is my? strength now tor war." Joshua. xiv. IL Ask for Minard's and take no other This Woman is Unhappy IN E SHORES her breath is bad, been“: of Catarrh Itiq “new; to tell her that no Anucw c omnnmnl Down“: "If“: 11?; in}: anger from Pulmonary dim“. which so inevitably follows Chronic Catarrh._ - _ -- _ "'"Wi'iaFGGiiiislete only costs IOctI. a bottle. Relief instantly mad the patient "trt 'tty'ed.. - A” .- .___-., -41 will lately Gingham .. iiiGir, TuraG ur. qttaek-Aew's carpi-sulph- _ - _ - “R BREE soothes; it hull. Colds and Acute nun-h relievtrd,and head- ache cured in ten minutes. ttitruWEiif0ifiiiitiiki POWDER N have used n great many Catar.rh. remedies and have never had my relief untilluled one box of Br. “II"I Ca. “will Powder. which cured me after I had beep troqINed with, Catarrh for titty George Lewis, of Hoilenbnck & Egypt, Shut-19km, mu, writes“: _ . -feuru - i ii ESQ“: old. DR. AGNEW'S HEART CURE keeps the heart going, which keegs the nerves toned. which act atom“: and liver and the whole system in order; and that's tho right way and the only way to do it. 15 PARIS' NEW FAD. A Untam- Bidder. Roo-tttt Texts. V." p, P-Aa' What shrunk your woolens P Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. Sat? When a yldow appears in half- mourning it’s the wise bachelor'l‘cue to take to the tall timber. Another Veteran. Chicago News. "Boss." said the wanderer. I "went through three battles." "Shake!" exclaimed the man in the cottage. "I went through three my- self." "You did t" "Yea, I we.- married three times." We otter One Hundred Donal-3' Reward for any use of Cntarrh that cannot be cured by Hull'u Catarrh Cure. F. J. HENRY & CO., Toledo. o. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney tor the In". 15 years and believe him pergectly ltoyortskle, In All buslneu trunn- ledo, o. WALmNo. litmus a Martvrrr, Wholonlo Druggllu, Toledo. o Hall'u Court-h Cure in taken "tterntslir.aet. In: directly upon the blood and mucous nur- tures of the ”sum. Testimonials ten: free. Price-75o per bottle. Sold by all drum-u. Hall'c Family Plll- Are the but. Minard'a Lmlment le used by Phy- atom". A genteel can er always we when he carves. tNkb'tt a work on eti- quette. _ Perhaps' he does: but it to pretty certain that there are than; when he yearnfully yum-us to ttat one loot on the table and the other on the bird while itwggiing with the fowl. "The “sage ot Montlcello' has been called on iatfidel, but the charge In a. llbel. Jefferson was not a. devotee of any particular form ot serous- ticlam, but he was a believer tt God, in the higher lite and ln purlty. He practiced the golden rule far bet- tor than many statesmen of a later date. A fine example ot the studlous. painstaking. methodical. perseverirqr, elmplo. eoopomlcal. and withal pow- erful man of affalrs. Thomas Jeffer- son will remain for all time. “The following ten rules of conduct from his pen might Well he pasted in the hat of - clerk. stenogra- pher. bookkeeper-emmor.er and em- bloyed--in Chleago. Cut out, framed and given a. place on every desk in this great heart of Amerlcan com- merclallsm. these maxima, studied as men hustle. would make us all wiser and better: hcuonn'nnd tttttttMolly, abit, miairy on? Tif, Obligation“ made In their tirm. w.P.T f, Tutu, A"tiiiiaiii, Drugguu. To. Washington Star. "Do you think that women are u brave as men P' - --. -. "Bravor," answered Misc Cayenne. "You will observe that the sclentlsu who keep talk1ng with terror about the bacilli in a kiss are all males." 7 "Never gut ott till to-morrow what 399.0811 , toy.1ar. _ Keep Minn-db Llnlment " Home. Chicago Post. "Would you call her mercenary t" "Well, perhaps it would be better to any that in matrimonial matters she displays good business Judgment." “"7Prlde costs mire than hunger, thirst and cold. ”"Wo seldom repent of having eat- en too little. _ "Never troutrteurtother tor what rw.. can do yogi-sell. . - "Never spend your money before you have earned St. "Never buy what you do not want because Lt ls cheap. "Nothing is troublesome that we dt?_wulingir. . .. " - "Row [Eden pain evils hare cost no that havgnevetj tusptrsned, - "When angry count ton before you speak; if very angry count I huttdred."-E2E. "Take thlngs atwaf.ii by the smooth handle. A Better Way or Putting it ill-ll“ EXPENSE All lb! the .0932 Bar. "5 Jetrerson's Maxims. MW'S THlS ? St. Jacobs Oil The Brave Sex “is Inclination. Rheumatism gNeuralgia continues to be the we can d Just the same " ever W “DUCES "_'-"---- IPr6qo. 25:. on. Soo. " " so you can make trom rm: YO "I ”hull A DAY. For particular.- writ; Lever's lug (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, soften: the water and disinfect; 33 "I let him hold my hand [an even- tng." she told her dearest friend. "Well?" "Weil," she "id, with a regrettul sigh. "he was trtstitatied with tint." LEARN A PROFESSION h. HANSEL, M. H ISSUE NO. IS. Jr a?" iltftifiifi% M trd. . tlll?d1 an, em 'llftA'lllt1rA411l'k'l)fyulc' an - Skin We! and Wain Minna - W. Sell: " can. Good 'rxAtt. m as out! let -ttte and lean: to menu. BRUSH & CO., DEPT. H., TORONTO. |.000 MILE AXLE GREASE THE CAMPBELL MFG. GO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. For Isle by winding design. Continued In Our Next. Hun-uni Lampoon. Dinwit-Say, our backbonec are like serial norms, aren't they? Thinwit-Prxrve it. Duwit-continpml in our neck; "Gii"GUi" in?“ GiiiddF UM AGENTS WANTED SPAM/v @LWRE T " “no lo Equal Motutaeturod only by Horse Health It tones up the system, rids stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which under- mine an animal's health. so cts. I package. LEEMING MILES & CO. AGENTS. - " - MONTREAL. is one of the most Important things for awry farmer to consider. will build up I run down horse. Dick's Blood Purifier Bl HFIEEN DAYS " ”minimum! Her. . 2 w EL, M. H... 'M'.'ltU, Hamilton. Cm. USE 1&3] ttil Annuity) " m [out ol “kirk Manama “a tough [rm " Columbia. ( who. W" calm a, were. but! - upon: most bond of butt 0; - of tue tt d blue [IF'IUW 0.. morning I A“. butt, took wok ort mm W root-ttills. T [or about Ax hu Me"': win-rt 31-h. I swam “I”. bl't-uthm no 'r"'""'"" " u tar mun CD no“ two In - gradual ih tBr. mill umrr g. gnaw. l rn d dirk-gran“ “a. I. gnaw In“! the that. Ar tt---a bu: - of Nu. (m ”pl-ted them “futon Un- um. I long“ wlod. 08mm; I'd mam-mud) -e, tops. i - the open I m begin Ulr u. after on ”and the ll w covered a.- - Lake. T no mated pit we the pa any; to ch wild and bi no“ River; 1 Wiring tybovtt u ridges ot I rho-now was pt. Ind cram-um m of two Id tron one pol a. where the m away 'td “pun; lichen u” had etop9 ”raped the rm: My boots. a View of t “Mrs. Tupm, My of Ruhr sufferer with lens how she I surmised th not. than a (m Mat, and at our - Br. way u bannuck an noticed “A“ rt Insurance o.’ - ot black down trom tne at utter pz-uli changing u Increased and I " For Imm- y hekmche. NV“: Uncorrhmn. and: t tried many t [in Olly P With " comxm-nm Ptntchnmh., V! In June, 11M. , Cree half In '11:". at. and have “at the rvr.v.lt worn (in. hrrelete n .1, 96 P' '"lte In I 1 “an: tth St... In wood " to bin I tact. hall on In to the do": w tho morntng. On my way I call"! which I have seen wl M'd,'d had no t ot (In Without misc!” “One whmh l ti I In“! climbed on t went Haydn“ 'ulklng. (m m I; had born cu lion walnut n n Mt my quick (I gutting mu tum u brought to I ture object an “In. I mom»: up clothes I had guns ha .0. wnen the 4 h blinding snow wind. In tive I was following Muted. and I We baton m "Now 1 Wm] I. quickly as I brink walk When a mom; atttqful in mum GIGS, IS it ju~1 tf, without Ir e la; it uotil1 SIN!" Y"" (1 mu "Y'.., ”2:4 Mrs. Piulsitu OLynn. Mm»: llly and v ith, “man! to In maps 4.0 In tn that will It: unlaw- [new you a m tire. In any. in» THE "eget thaw I"! anon oouti

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