West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 May 1903, p. 8

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"ll fl Ill THE BIO STORE Beauu'fiu1 whitewear Garpets and anoleums Wardware kdfas' white 51511453 WWW WWW FloorOils.......... Linoleum, square yd We wish to announce to the public that we re- opened our Studio on MONDAY, MAY the 4th. Having purchased instruments of the very la- test design, we are now prepared to furnish Photos equal to any city work. Following are a few cf our special prices t LARGE CABINETS. per dozen,.. .... .... ....$2.50 MANTELM PHOTOS, .. o..........'". 2.00 C. D. VISITI'B, " ........ ..... 1.50 We also make enlargements, Crayon, Pas- telles and Water-colors. Hoping to merit a liberal share of your patronage we are yours for business.; unfit, and Wool Carpets at 50c, 65c, 75c. Tapestry and Brussel Carpet at 50c, 75c, ...............$100 and $1.25. FloorOils..................25c&5oc, CA 811 PAID FOR PRoDIJCIt1 (4N1i)"l"(l8Y) Is a mild way of putting it. Our latest novelties in Whitewear Goods are the finest in the land. There's nothing too good for any of us and we buy the best every time and if you notice the best goods always sell first. Do allow us the pleasure of showing our New Whitewear, they are of the latest. Very special Skirts trimmed with Lace and Lace 1n- sertion half up the skirt at $2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00. 4.75 and 5. so. Skirts with Frills and Lace Inser- tion at 75c, $1.00, 1.25,1.50 and 2.00. Building Contracts, specially looked after. Be sure and bring in your bill and let us figureCon it. We take Butter and Eggs for Hardware. ALEX. RUSSELL PHONE I I idilWqIMeMMMMMMMMllllWll (haauy aorseie (Fears SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUNTER. Eadies’ Blouses . KELSEY. Black Mercerized Sateen Blouses $1. White Muslin Blouse, fancy front of Embroidery and Lace $raro & $1.2 5 At 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00. trp-av-a"' Our township council held a special meeting lot the council and invited the ratepayers to attend on railroad mat- ters were to be brought us. About 100 ratepayers attended an the council appointed Mr Jos Goodfellow councillor and Mr Samuel Rogers ex-reeve to be delegates with delegates from other townships to go to Ottawa tosolicit. a subsidy for the Port Burwell and Col- lmgwood road. Mrs Joseph MeArdle, who is affec- ted with some ailment in the gums and jaw. has been advised by the local doctors to go to Toronto to have an aperation iiertorrpM. She left on hursday April 30th, accompanied by her son l, W McArdle. barrister ot Markdale. who came down to take her there. A number of the women of the village waited on her at her departure and Ind her an affectionate good bye and sate return. News scarce this week. Every body " busy beading Ind getting well through. Mr tnd Mrs Jon Moore, Mr and Mrs J H Moore attended last week the fup.. eral of Mrs Falconer. Mono Road, mocha: of the two ladies. An event commanding the attention of the whole township wad the death of Mr Jon Swanelon whose funeral took place lest week to Reid's cemetery. nenr Holstein. Deceased has not been in ro- bust health for some time back tttsd wan not expected to be an near lus enll.hnt an attack or Juvndice brought death. He was 58 51's ot age and was amen; the best known men of the towndup. Hrs funeral was among the urgent. It not the very largest seen in than town. ship, and the silent testimony of respect to his memory and tsamptitlty for the bereaved ones of puch a Inge number, wee very touching. Mr Wm Lawrence, and Mr Jae Murdoec, old comrades ot the Council board; Messrs Rogers. Ced. tc-ville', Galbraith. Scott. Clarke Ross. of Mt Forest, and ulhor "sproeutative men, were present. Tho pulbearoru were Messrs Jan and Jun Glider. Alex Me. Gilhvny, Thus Weir, Joshua Dodds and Ciuts Melanes. Rev Mr Little improveJ the uccavinn by an tttttttttrt and tlaouglit-eotupellmg sermon from the text: " How Wm thou do in the swelling of Jordan." Hold on now! there are others in Sta. geen Valley besides the poet. who writes to the Chronicle and the young lady cor- respondent so favorably described in last weak'a Chronicle isn't the only parsnn lit Gambol anther. so We are going to have a say in things too. We “ill try to give you a few items but We won't tell you what, happened lust. winter. Mrs" Thus Davis is waiting on her mother Mrs Whittuore, Lumbtou bi. who had the Imbfonune to break her leg this spring. Mrs Chas Amen yi-ited in Proton 19st week. Mrs Jas MeGillivray spent. a munch with friends in OWeu Sound. Mesm Sam and Robb Moore. of Sunli- van,ealfed on their old friends Messrs. Thos Davis and Jas MeG'ilsivray last week. It is almost. thirty )ears since they lust met. Miss Prudence Rielly visited Norman- by friends last week. M233 Cassie McGillivray came home from town a full-fledged dressmuker last week. Miss Edith Edwards, of Owen Sound. t'1tl her uncle Mr il Edwards for a few we B. Thou Binnie, of Gleuelg Centre. passed through here Fnday on Ina way to Guelph where he is unending the Agn- cultural College. One ot our young ladies says that she can't make any more culls tor a while as her mia away. Little Wonder the poet and everyone thinks so much ot the girls around here, just see how they send the head cooks. " on pleasure trips and do all the work themselves in the busiest times too. What We would like to know ..-riow long Tommy hung on the plow-utusdluts with his feet " the ground. and what he thought when the skunk followed him down the furrow 'l When the next lodge night. is and where we are to meet? Who can beat young Charlie cooking trout for lunch 'l Hutton Hill School Report foe April. 4th ciass--Alire Lawrence, George Hut- ton, Dollie Hopkins, Elsie Petty, Bella Petty, Joe Reid. 3rd--Jane Milligun. Selina. Hopkins, Berta Cuff. Sr 2nd A --John Pickett, Will Noble. Bess Milli. gan. Chas Lawrence. Willie Bauer Br 2nd B-morenee Mountain and Mar- lon Petty .. A nee Petty, Willie hells. Jr 1tudgl,'litld Cuff, Victor Noble. Fred Cull. Pt 2nd A--Bettaie Webber. Pt 2nd B-Jean Picken, Leila May Vollett. Maggie Mountain. Si Pt be-i-Lets" Marlee. Ella Cuff. Herb Noble and \Villie Langriil, Sadie Law- rence. Jr Pt 1-Edwtsrd Hutton, Grace Petty, Lm ne Mountain. g no. A. GRAHAM. Teacher. B. B. No. l Glenelg. 4th Glrti-Lizale Binnie. Annie McGillivmy, Violet Brit. ton. Br 8rd--Emmn Benton. Laura Mc. Gillivmy. Annie Whitmore. Jr 3rd- Winnie Binnie, Mary Young. Millie Whitmore, Eva Edwards. P 2nd-.. ; Archie Kennedy. Katie McFarlnne. _ Angeline inis. " '2n.d-..Antiir R'ig- Who will have Iva masterplece poem done tirstf' i2i"'iiiiia Benton. Annie Mathews. Ii.is Pennock. Pt 2nd Br-Ben Whitmore. Thos. ',,'it'Ai Kate McMillen. Pt 2nd Jr--Geor e cInnis. Tom McKeuwn. \Vilfred %lillit Pt lst Sr-Ah-e, Arnett, Charlie McFarlane, Flora. Mc- Millen. Pt lst Jr--Jol nny Mekeown. Average attendance-AT. THE DURHAM REVIEW SAUGEEN VALLEY. No: ROPEV ILLS. mth Egremont. ALEX. FIRTH. Teacher. Mrs Swarson has secured the Ser- vices ot Mr John Mason to carry on farm work. Her son George, ill with intitummstory rheumatism, " time of h"tgfatlier's funeral, is now able to Ko about. ONTARIO ARCHIVEé _ TORONTO Mrs David Sim is quite ill at present. Her sister Mrs Greig, of Rpriistton is visiting her. Miss Lucy Stat is home from Toronto. Seeding operations are almost. done. Rain last Sabbath helped grain and grass. THE LATE MRS. ARCH. McGILLIVRAY. A friend "sends us the following ac. (aunt of the sudden death of the tstrove lady. whose husband is well-known Ionnd the Rocky. .. It, was with genuine sorrow that the friends of Mr A McGillivmy heard of the death of his young wife, which took place at Beautlm‘n Landing on the 2lst of March. Mrs McGillivray had not, been in the heal, of health for some time, hut until her return from a visit to her mother. Mrs Ryan. at Moose Lodge. three days hefme her death. there was apparently nothing to excite alarm. Her condition then grew so serious that medical advice was summoned. but despite the doctor's skill. blood poison- ing set in. and she expired in twenty- two hours. Mrs McGillivrav was the set-0nd daughter of Mrs Ryan. of \Vulngoun. and want just a) years and six months old at the time of her death. She had "Hy been married a little owl-.1 yum The remains weie brought. to Wuhi- goon on Sunday uftrrnoon and conveyed Iant, Portage on Tuesduv morning where they were interred in Rat, Por- tage cemetery. Archie McGhllivray, Mrs Ryan and Mrs T McKenzie. sister of we deceased. nocompnuied the re- nmms to they last resting place. Aretue Was one of the Rocky S-mgoen hoys'where he was well and favorably known and was u favorite with his cun- pmlions who will be sorry to hear of his sore bereavement." How To How YOUR. Papett.--'rhere are other ways in which reader-u of " news apcrcan aid it lweidvs nolnscriln ing Kw it, aptly says an exchange. They can help it by speaking well of it, and also by furnishing it with News. The newspapersare- the collcciors and distributors o" news. and more are people who am- loud in cmnplainl, if an iu-In of local news is omitted, who do noLoI'Ie-n lurnish one. Reporlvrs are supposed lo he uttiquitious, and yet there are little III tters of Inn-rest in evcry colnlnunily which sometimes vs- cupvu notice. but could he gleaned If sutucvihers would either, haul ihe in- formation to a reporter or the office, or give a hint an In where the informal ion could he olilaincd. There " a large chi“ of this kind. hut llwir munla-r might helm-reused with aulvzmlngc to the local newspaper and Lo irs I'I':Ul H's. Mac0 regor's Last The undersigned ttas houuht trom Mr. o, Guelph, the above named stallion out of immrmtion, and will offer him for a llml vim for the salmon"! PAM. Will stand at I stable, - - - ---'_.» -. I!lv'|1_“ln\"“ ouch day except Thursday afternoon of each Week, when he will he It knerupp's Hotel, 1io1steitt. Mtwgrvgor's Last. (11419) imported PAM; fouled July, 1900; is a trtttrfy,1,.tyy.y, 1:130 and 1v//",1ctLt, . I" 1 -__w. A" ..... “min“ an: as his Jul). n-uu. FN a an, Infwsslng July, Jill]; Is I; [mun-u- u“), u...“ ....w . .. _"""" cal, possessing size. quality and action. and. a.- his nanw denotes. he is the his! youngosl oi the trl of the famous Min-gnaw trW7). His dam a the prizc-winning inure. cr Sweet Pm. (129m. and MrcU by the Cawdor Cup winner, Prine of Curaclustt- mull) by the famous old Prince or Wales (673). His g. dam, vaet Lavender (91x0) was ail-‘0 a. winner at many of the largest shows in Scotland and has for her sire the renowned Darnlcy (2‘22). In look- ing over Mulrognr ‘s Lam‘s Pedigree it will be cul- ly twen that he is In exceptions. 1y well-bred mi- mal himself and dam uncl grand dam an: all by champion stallions and possesxaing a strong degree of Dirttley and Prince ot Wales blood, which ins..- llmnc to main- ull the best sires of the present day. t would be impossible here to enumerate All the gins theyand tneir {produvts have won. Any in riding to improve t half stock should ptytronri:ze this exceptionally good you“: horse. Pedigree in full can be seen on. ppl cation to owner. TERMS. Sl'l. PETER MCTCH. P. s..vThis horse was carefully itch-00x1 for me by my brother, Gcongutch, of Linus dun, N . W. T. by my Williravel for the season on the following routes t MONDAY, will leave his own stable and proceed by the 19th eon. of Proton to Altred Tueker's, Ebenezer. for noon and to Wm. Allan's. con. 2, Egremont. for night. n IMPORTED CLYDE STALLION 6 '. Royal Buteman," WEDNESDAY. to Geo. Twamley's for noon and to Joe. Boyle's for night. TUESDAY, to Knnpp House, Dur- ham, for noon and to Wm. Ilitehie'tr, Edge Hill, for night. THURSDAY. by Traverswn toJohn McNallg’s tor noon, to Paul Nelson 'g for one our and to Dan Mclnnis'. Bun- essan. for night. FRIDAY. to Btttterh Hotel, Price- ville. " noon, and to for night, SATURDAY, to Wm. White'a, Ty- rone, for noon, and home to his own stable for night. He is a dapple bay, well got up and has a fine pedigree. See bills or pro- prietor for particulars. Terms, $8. JAS. PATON, Prop. Pure-Bred Clydesdale Stallion LOT 4, CON. 14, EGREMONT. YEOVIL. OOQ‘ o H------- ht trom Mr. o. sonny. alliou out of his 1m tim for a limited wr- Will stand at his own Everybody Enjoys A Genuine Treat New Dress Fabrics Beautiful Goods for the Home Our Specialty Let us show you them We invite you to come and examine them. et-se-s"-,""-")-'-"""--'-"): i, BIG gulothing Sale , THEOBALD’S ' J t,ssaocsseocs/seatsseadst, DOWN-R " Beautiful New Goods fresh from the Hills. showing ell the tastetulneas of the newest putterm with the titteqt wanna modern manufacture. such Goods our New Stuck is waived at. Our buyer spent a Week in searching the markets tor outiml effects and spech values. We believe that nothing is too good for our customers and we have spared no pains to make it. For people to examine our Goods. Numerous people while watching us opening up our new Goods hnve told us they are better value than they have ever seen, in the: We know this to be tpe. We are saving money for van in buying that, in ttttt Atty, . where we have obtained beautiful effeetat manufactured for the any trade which cost no more than ordinary goods. Fancy Organdies, Spots in printed Muslim. plain “flute and fancy spots. Dimities in all shades. plain Omnndlct. S‘ilkolinec. Chambrics. Nainsooks, Lawns. Scotch and Canadinn Gitqthtutta, Pine milled Madras and all those dainty Linen eifgcus so much worn this season. Oar Prints will surprise you, 32 inches wide, beautiful cloths 100 per vd. A large range " 50. to. Sc. also some, beautiful English Sateen Prints at P-'" per yd. Sheetings. Pillow Cloths, Towelings and Towels. Table Linen, Table Cloths and Napkins, Lace Carmine. Scrlmo. Fancy Cur- tain Muslim. Art Draperies, Art Denims ma 1teveeaibie Cretonnes. We are making these Goods And giving extra values. Our Factory ana Bleacneu W1 are the best values that can be bought. We have saved name on a great many buyings ot Husiery and Underwear " bot Ladies' and Gentlemen. Ladies' Vests at all prices. Special 3 pair Ladies' 50e Cashmere Stockings tor.. .. .. . . . .8t.00 Special 3 pair Children's 25e " .' .. .... .. .. .. 50e Sgecial. our 100 and 15e Cotton Hose for Ladies and Children. l' e are also showing Ladies’ Fancy Embroidered and 9pen, work Hosiery. Space will not permit us to quote many prices borne are sure you will be more than pleased With our New Spring Stock. YOURS FOR BUSINESS ' MOGKLBR. THE a, t li'if Factory -tttd. Bleaehtd, Comm MAY T, while Fe t t A VOL. xxxx 'yhh1y'l,h'l t.'iVH1.t,hte It., [ft"' ' A., iff:',, it? nw. $3 Mc, 0') anythi fabric. money Don'l the bi thc Irc I taint cm!) the tt wear. and j the r Th in i for val waitit mt} , "A

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