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Durham Review (1897), 14 May 1903, p. 1

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MEN“ "he )1 th the . Ladies oidered a! note many ms MI Sale i " nth t and Ble We have L' New amine them. , T, 1901 ESS W 'owe " ER. " IIS It weaves . tt' s, in the ared for while " are Il um Juan I Car Itne I H15 HOS, fa nuns may both ll " n 'rt. rk I) 9 VOL. XXV. NO. 20 fixExEEEEEEESEEEMWEEMEEEEEMRE ggxx xxxacxxxaxxxxxxaxaxmxxigg. e WEDDING NG7'lC'ks and sup- ply Statumrry at Reasonable Rates. For Numplrs,’ Price., mu! Sig/Ira to select from. Hill at the , REVIEW OFFICE Phone No. 6 Await every customer who visits us this month . This is to be the banner month of our business. We have value for value in every Department and in many lines some Big Surpris- es. Come and bring your friends and share in the harvest tha t's waiting for you. You '11 be looking for something chic in Millinery and you'll find what you want here better than most places. See the really pretty hats we are showing at so little money. "“3321 That's the great attraction about our White Waists, Dainty Waists in the correct fabrics with fine insertions, beautiful cmbroideries, tucks. plaits, hemstitching. medallions. in fact, all the newest and prettiest ideas in styles and trimmings for summer wear. Exceptional Values at $1.00 to $2.00. You can judge the Store by the Muslims as well .as anything. We have a remarkable collection of new and choice fabrics. It's so easy to get a good Muslin Dress for very little money. We cant imagine where it could be easier for you. Don't buy a single new waist until you see what we have to show-- the biggest variety, the finest assortment. the choicest styles and the best values here of course. Pretty Muslins, new patterns at flc, IOC, 12'ic, 150, 20c, 250, 30c and soc per yd. alttoays ahead zh Mus/1'22: it! I _ r. " " g ' ‘ _ "s' 3'" W . -»La - "NB' .4 , .113 es ‘ 1lgiig 3;: i: , Field tlt _.i.-iilii-ltiiig 'i,tt'egtiii. $itMNigaBar P, I 1.1 " M .‘g re rr .. r , 'h n 1/. = Ct.' \TLE'T 1 p, i r. "tt 1tl Pr I ' NV. i, , ' WE PRINT Remembor the place Ames Holden (k, " Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. 'Ghoroughty 'ttp-to-date SEE OUR DISPLAY; OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE BOOTS r ((77263 (rretaud. Rubbers THE POPULAp CASH STORE Pa Jummer Jittery Sreat Qaryains THE POPULAR CASH STORE. _.rift'ifiilii: tlt fi§$§=§i§$§$§$$$¢é¥5$$$ 'it' LAIDLAW'S on: Stl Ev? eehnie. Ev? 90/172129. ii?) 1l1t' ! NEumHour.Y.-Mt. Angus Cameron 1.: l and family move thrs week into the gillonse just vacated by Me T. Swallow. EMA nulnlm of bis fellow workmen met a .1 few days ago at his garden and put it in 5 , good shape for the season. His arm is B. , . . Cs 5 doing finely and he. will soon be able for El his duties. 1 FIRST Prt'src.---Tuesday a number of Ethe young people here got into carryalls :and went off in n dreamy delightful " g ternoon to see how Haywnrd's Falls had (stood the winter. and the moon, we pre- i HUIUP, did duty on the way home. I' Try Mockler for Groceries. l, Hons Mov:xo.-Mr. T. w, Scarf. ore inf our enterprising stockmen, has had an especially good season in the sale. of i his Yorkshires. He has disposed of 13, l mostly around home, and at good prices. 1 Mr. Jno. Cornish, Jr. took two of them l to Lmnsden. ', Ax EXPERT Jtmtur:--1s this year to {he on hand at the S. Grey Fall Show "ind will take the judging of the stock (classes. The date chosen is Monday and Tuesday. Sept. 21 & 22. Tins new :fenture will nnpnrt a fresh interest to i our already line exhilntion. CIVIC 1stPRovRstes"re.--ts'ome good work has been done this spring in tree planting, hut there is great. room for more. The council another year would be wise in having a well matured system inaugurated. whereby. by the payment to them of a certain sum per tree. they would see placed on the streets. living trees and replace any that died in the future. Good men chosen as planters, they could secure a uniformity in the trees, not possuhle. where each chooses as he pleases. Fences are gradually coming down, flowers are appearing on the lawns, and it is to he. hoped the cow by-law will he honestly observed and no rude shock given to those who put their trust in ll. Mens soft from; Shirts and 1Vhite Shirts, at Grant's. VERY F,'Air.--Mvs. John nurgess went to Strutford Hospital some. Weeks ago to undergo lreutment for an abscess of some kind An operation took place last Friday and was successful too. but the shock had proved too much for she died on Sunday even ing. The remains were brought home on Monday after- noon to her husband's residence and the funeral took place on Tuesday to the Snugeen Cemetery. She was 36 years of age, and much sympathy is felt for the berea.ed husband and relatives. Rev. Mr. Fat-qubarson conducted the services at house and grave. Among those from a. distance were the de- censed’s brothers Joseph and Thos Roh. inson. (Jargill. and Jacob. of Peterboro l also her brother-in-law, Mr. Teasdale, Crawford and sisters Mrs. Teasdale t Mrs. Rldley. Bay City. Mich. t Mrs. Tac- kett, Detroit. and Miss Esther Robin- son. Cargill. SCOTCH CLeDrs.---Metssrs Chas. Mc- Kinnon and Alex. Grierson deserve credit for their enterprise in purchasmg "Lord Lochinvar," said to be the best Clydesdale horse that has ever been in these parts, from Mr. Wm. Colquhon. of Mitchell. Mr. Colquhon imported Lord Inchmvar. No. 10797, from Scotland on the 26th of February. 191B. This is a thorough bred imported horse. weighs 2000 lbs. Farmers, look to your inter- ests and see this fine horse before using. For particulars see the proprietors and posters next week. I Pewny's Albertine Kld Gloves in I Black and Colors-at, Grant's. _ Pleated Skirts. up to the minute Nullhy and new -M The Big Store. Money to Loan at tl, per cent. i MACKAY & DUNN. Dulham' I Straws show which wav the wind I biows. Go to Ireland‘s and huynne and i see. Fort b'ALE.--A full line of Window Shades. 0tuad7ft, langlhs. Shewell & Lennhan. A $5 hill in the pocket. That's the way you feel when you buy a clay worsted suit worth $15.00 for $10.00, at. Ireland's. REHECCAS. A visiting band of the Order. of Rehercas. composed of 24 ladies, came to Durham Monday, from Mt Forest and instituted a branch here. A general good time was spent in the Odd Fellow's Hall. The very newest in Wing, High, Turn Down, and Roll Collars for men, at The Bug Store. Try Mockler for Dry Goods. Cotton Sailor Suits and Linen Suits for chlldeen--nt Grant's. Servant Gu-l wanted at, once. Apply to Mma. A. w. H. LAUDER. 1'ii1ii'ag.ii..i,iiomctit DURHAM, THURSDAY. MAY 14, 1903. tttt £32 --.- o u May '08 " If your Iubd bran the alum 'l date it mmm that your Mil:- I wriptiun is paid to thr rm! 'y' 1 ‘. f 'hc month and a prompt w- y y' x. o mural is requrxted. “In/iqiny _ The PlUJLlhWh'll En: Br'rrcrxLm'r.---T. P. Smith. Elm a, eye specialist, will he at the Middnugh i House on May 20. One day only. I We have. on hand some splendid Kid I Gloves for Ladies. wouldn't, you like in) haye them on yours? James Ire- land. BETTER TRAIN SER\'1<‘E.-A petition numeronsly signed is being sent. to G. T. Manager Hays: calling his attention to the wretched service we have got of late and asking for improvement. Not, only is irregularity complained of, but bitter complaints are being made at the practice of leaving the passenger conch half " mile from town while nrun 13 made to the Cement works to leave curs. The hour or more given by the time-tahle is too seldom available. and in one case n. traveller who could have done his business in an hour simply kept his seat when he found he had only 15 minutes. The petition will we hope bring relief. REEVES you Col'NTY CotmTIL,--An important measure is before the Legis- lature giving permission to local muni- cipalities to have the old system buck again in a. tnodtiteu form if a. majority of the councils so desire. This mutt be passed before October lst In the vear preceding the election of Co. Council- lors, and when properly published and attested by the Co. Clerk, no County eleetton takes place. but the Reeves and Mayors elected constitute the council. 1Ve venture to think this will prove popular. The Clothing you lmy at Ireland's has that "made-for-me" look at “Ready- to-wear" prices. THE LATE Jams MrLoiss.--Eariy Tuesday morning. Mr. James Milligan one of the pioneers of S. Bentinck, and the oldest man of the neighborhood. passed to the great heyond, at the patriarchal age of an. About 4 weeks ago he fell and the slight injuries he re. ceived proved the means of, humanly speaking hastening the end. Mr. Milli- gan came from Dulnfriesshire, Scotland. about 50 years ago. and after (pending two years in Pans. moved to the “bush" in Bentinck and took up the fat m on which he died. His wife died 15 yrs ago, and of their family there remains one son John. and three daughters. Mrs Geo. Turnbull, Mrs Geo. Henderson and Mrs Thos. McRonald. Thos, died a few years ago. and the flrret wife ot Mr Charter Smith, was a daughter. De. ceased was always one of the strong moral forces in the communitv. He was strongly attached to Presbyterian- ism. and was one of the organizers of Hampden Presbyterian congregation of which he and the late John Young were the first elders. His funeral takes place to-dav Thursday to the Saugeen ceme- erv. The London News says I .' For lilow- i ing out the brains of a, hoy in Elgini County, a man was given a year in jail. i For stealing ten cents from it buy in! Wentworth county " In-m was given mi year in jail. And in London the [mini who swore he killed old Joseph Sifton: got off suit. free! 1Vhat Kind of justice i is this y Who is to blame for it ? Have; we trot. down to such a grade that we) virtual the theft of ten cents and lhoj spilling of human blood Apt crimes of) equal caliber." ’ Ladies order your Shoes at The Bu: Strre where you get the most Stylish and best made --The Empress. FottEcrEits' 1eseRAL.--We stop the press to say that the funeral ot the late James Hay, who died in the Hospital at Winnipeg, will take place on Saturday. from his father‘s residence. Dromme. to Amos cemetery. The funeral will he conducted by the l. o. it, Nee Dromotse correspondence. page 8. Run”: IN CANAirx.--But. it, is of the startling kind known as a. famine of labor. Tl e prosperity of this country at present, is phenomenal, and the cry from farmer, manufacturer. and rail. rmul builder is " more men wanted." The vast natural resources of this couno try is continually drafting men into in- to independent, positions. Long may it continue. Try Mcckler for Bnms'and Shoés. Buy Hellmgemn for your little pigs and calves. at Grant’s. Lats of Art and Beauty for little money in Ladies' White Ivaists---at Jas. I reland's. Hy an act of the Legislature Hanover _ is now u unit. the Bruce and Grey parts ‘ hemp; muted. There were great rejouc- , inns last week, and we extend cnngrn. I minions to out sister town which elects ‘ to stay in Grey County. 2. Pure Manitoba. Flour from Ogilvie‘s Mill. Manitoba. for sale, at A S. Hunter's. Try Mockler for Hats and Caps ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 3 TRAIN m-‘F TRACK. Last Friday imorning, " few miles this side of Pal. l met-sum. " something " went wrong and ‘tender and several ears were tlnown (fl, tth track but happily no one was (seriously hurt, Conductor Lavelle alone (receiving someinjnry. Three cars of lcetuent went into the ditch. hut. being {in cotton lugs, no great harm would l, result. beyond loss of time. A traveller ithemght previous in our hearing re- ;marked tlmtvthe road was unsafe and , was the roughest, he had rode. on for a :long time. It seems to he generally ad- :mitted that the trittfic, very hugely "d. ided to Cy the enormous cement output, iis more than the present rowdhed is 'rfirted for. If so it is up to the G. T. ll. inuthorities to have It put right. nt once It" trunk: is bound to increase. Dr. |Gun was on the train. on his way to lGuelph to attend the operation on Mrs. 'Burgess. hut was prevented by the (accident from getting there. Provision bu been made for and flu-go posters ere out announcing . gal; .day on May 25. the proclumed King‘s Birthday and Victor“ Day in one, The inputs will consist. of Lacrosse matches --W.ikertm, v Durham and Hanover ‘v. Durham. Football. Holstein v. Var- ‘ney. Cnlithnmpian procession. Band "marie, ke,, &c. In the evening the famous comedy drama, .. The Scout of 5the Philippines " will be presented in the Town Hall. More nest week. Over sr, buildings are in course of "erection, erected, or about In he in Ihus ham this, spring. Before. the sumIm-r IN (over there will be many More. 1 The Guiney case is on this week again. hut the Sparkle has gone outof it for Lthe public conscience "t shocked at the tin-amen perjury some one is guilty oi. T " Where did the money collie from " is ' the question on all sides and it is fond- ly hoped the result of the commission will be to prove some one unlit to sit in (the Legislature. .’ BROUGHT To DtutuAts.-To.da.v, Wed.. lnesday. the remains of Mrs. Marshall '{Rombough are being brought to town .for burial beside her father. She [ was It daughter of the late John Barker tand. besides her husband. leaves one (little girl as chief Innurner. 1Ve have (no details as yet but Mr We friends Will inecord him sincere sympathy. R. McGrvax. Durham, May ll, 1903. The undersigned offer for sale Two Shorthorn Bulls. one 12 mos. the other 13 mos. old, principally red and likely nnimals in every respect. Terms on ap- plication to proprietors. lots 23 and 24, Can. 3, S. D. R, Glenelg. Will sell rea- sonably. A. & J. SEALEY, Proprietors. Struyed from lot W, ad com. Glenelg. on April 19th. a. two year old Bay Mane Colt. small white star on forehead, one hand and one front foot each part white, with dark wane and tail. Finder will be rewarded by returning to WM. KENNY. Edge Hill P. U. The first sitting of the Court of Revi- sion for the Town of Durham for the year 1903 will be held in the Town I {all on FRIDAY, the 29th day of May 1903 {It the hour of 7.30 o'clock in the even- mg. All my accounts must be paid before May 20. This is the last notice and all not paid before that date will be placed in other hands for collection. Also Purehted Tums and Beriorhtres. The ftrgt sitting of the Court of ltevi- sion for the Township of Ulenclg for the year 1903 will be held at the Town. ship Hall on TUESDAY, the 26th day ot May, 1902:, at the hour of 10 o'eloek in the forenoon And Notice is hereby given that a business meeting of the Council will be held at the same place at 1.250 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Dated this 13th day of May, 19(r,. J. S. BLACK, Tp. Clerk. A GREAT CELEBRATION Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale. Dated this 13th day of May, 1303. WM. B. VOLLETT. Town Clerk. GLENELG COURT or REVISION. DURHAM COURT OF REVISION. Monday, May 25th COLT? LOST. NOTICE. si,riM,PsitCiy,yP)Glt'd,uV' W _ m Mum-Huh»? l Tenders will be received by the un. l deraigned up to May 16th for the [Carpenter and Joiner Work, Masonry :and Brickwork. Plastering. Painting land Galvanized Iron and Tin Work I required in the erection of a Residence 4001' Mill and Albert Streets, Durham. [Contractor to supply material. The [lowest or any tender not necessarily "eeepted. Plans and .?peeifiettiops {may beseen " the residence ot the 5 undersigned. 2f cuss Gleaning Jtaeassiisias fl. B. KEELBR 81 " KEELER’S ()llg tt (htlttt,-lllm tt Best. Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. " I f you " [Vail-h or Clock in side Kodrr fhe Jmorllrr mm make if lick. If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. Hundreds of frames to choose from. For Big Bargains in Watches. Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses. &c. TENDERS WANTED. A: Tef 7.1"“... _ 1irit)i, C-i/ [t \ hss" trlir, "Ex 0 V- 7, ; 'li _ Jilii))i, o_.)riier.e,i,'iti'i'j,,r CHAS BAMAGE. Plum-xx no PUBUBIEB. Whiting, Alabastine, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Furniture Polish, Varnish in Tins, Household Ammonia, Pure Prepared Paints, Gold Paint for Gildiug lilltdlttlat d 00., Druggists d Booksellers. JEWELRY A. W. H. Lunar: that your ml;- rl to the and of K a prompt rc- ted. Obliqiug PUBLISHER At STORE “I kt, "

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