ll} A Fine Shipment of RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machine Needles, and all Supplies will be sold at RIGHT PRICES. 3,tejli':lll7,,,iil), 1lbaollllutgliitiiitii, 'llllllistjt3ttlllt We have'a full Assortment. Call and see Them. MCCLARY STOVES Just To Hand Everyone has heard of the famous John Clark. Have 3our Choice. up )ort. of S. S. No 10 Bentinck. for Apri}. Classiitlr Jessie McDonald. 4th --Mary Morton, Maggie Smith. Lizzie Ewen, by 3rd-Annie Clarke, Lizzie Gvierson, Jessie Smith. Jr 3rd---\Vi|lie McNally, Martha Wilson, Thos. Puthee Lough. Sr 2nd--May McDonald. Jr 'r'Iui--Maggie Morton. Arthur Wilson, Thomas Johnson. Sr Pt 2nd -Ross Mc. Donald, Clarence Mr'Nally. Jr PL 2nd-- Robert l'utherbough. Murjolv Clark, Philip Mrhmmld. 1st-Miy Grietson, Perry Caswell, - DECLINE“ Tm: MAYortALTY.. -The village of New Liskeard in the Tennis- emning district, with a population tive or six years of 11. has just blossomed out into a town. and week before last the first nominations were held. Mr. Angus MoKelvie was nominated for the first mayor but declined the honor hut aceepled a. candidature for the council. His parents and friends here are proud of the. estimate his neighbors place up- on him. If you are going to he one of the many June hides or a bridal attendant, and are somewhat, in doubt about any of the fine points of wedding etiquette. you will be able to enlighten yourself by referring to (be article under The Glue-r- vances of Society in the June Delinea- tor. It, H a concise. yet, complete. ex- position of the requirements of good form in this regard. The duties of all who are concerned are explained. and the information is reliable. Those who want. June wedding cauds should apply at the REVIEW OFFICE in time. Strict'. ly private. Twenty-one of the best hens in the l'. S. have sailed from Sun Francisco to engage in an egg-laying contest, with Australian hens. which will continue foe one year. Their expenses Were raid hy the Australian Government, w 1ich will buy the SIX best at $25 apiece. The others will he sold there at public nuts tion.--Ex. Chatsworth people are divided on the question of incorporation of their vil- lage. A petition, signed by Influential residents. has been sent to the Legisla- ture asking it not, to grant. the request of the other pm ty for incorporation. Mr. John Rmnnge. Eden Mills, was a guest at the REVIEW office last week. He came with Mr. Laidlaw to inspect the Cement works and was shown our big plant in operation in every depart- ment. He is already " stockholder in the National and Georgia concerns. and after seeing our wonderland took a few shares more in the Hull Company. Mr Kohl. Kepkey. chief clerk in the McKechnie slot-e for about, three year-:2, left with his family for Port Elgin, on Monday. Mrs Kepkey will remain with her parents there for a time while Bob will leave on Monday next for Miami, Manitoba, where he has secured a good position. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Kepkey. for as neighbors and citi- zens they had many estimable qualities and their many friends here will Wish them Success in the future. Mr Kepkey is an excellent salesman and will make his, mark in the west. WEDDING ETNOETTE, Additional Locals. THE DURHAM REVIEW -- ~90. DORA DAVIDSON. Teacher. -- W-.----------- _ ONTARIO ARCHIVES - w. _ TORONTO Cons 15, 16--A A'les, V Alles, P Mohan. R H Isaac, C A McRobb, Jno Hester. Cons 17, 18---11 Aitken, Wat Fer - son. W J Adams, Geo Luthinn. H Efll, Geo Witter. , Cons 5, 6--ounes S Woods Chas Sehriber, S Peekover, John Mephee, Allan McDougall, Wm Wilkie. Cons. 7, 8--D Hewitt, J T McBride. W H Wallace, A Ray, P Keith. S Shire, Jno Webster. Cons 11, 12-Wm Rice, Geo Spence J R Murdoch, S Robb, Jno Spieer, W Fairbairn. _ Cons 19, 20---Jtas McLaughlin, A Henry, D P Coieridxe, Jno Scott. Jno Wilkinson, J no Campbell. Cons 21, 22-D Hamilton, W J Da- vis, W Ramage. W J Stephenson, D Muir, " Campbell. Extra Beats-lt Mehieeken, ll Dun. net. Jos Lawrence, P Mair, Jones Bar. risen. Total 88. Cons o, IO-im McDougall. A Peek- over, D Hunter, Jos Robb, Jno Isles, Alex McMillan. Cong-.15; ri-P Munch, A’ Ross. t - McInnis, A Mrsfilaehern, Alex Feta: J no Wilson. , this well-known statesman expired in his home " Ottawa. He was active at his duties all day as usual. and was conversing with his family in the even- ine when suddenly a blood venel (as it proved) gave way, and in5 minutes he Was dead. He was a statesman al- most of the first rank, and will be re- membered also by his literary work, both in prose and vase. He was member ot the Commons trom Confed- eration till 1896, except for 1 yr. and after his defeat by Clanev, was made a Senator, and succeeded Sir Oliver Mowat as Minister ot J asiee. . Cons. 2, 3--P Black. F1Johnston, Ben Woods, G Pollock, A Aitken, D Allan Jr., J It Smith, N McDougall. Jno Hunt, Jno Walker, Jas Irvine. Con. 4-R McDonald. John Good- year, J F, Rowland, D Stewart. Jno Belton, E Hall. Con. I-Wm Mountain. J Kerr, W Dann, S Non], A Schram, A MeEwen, J Trev, Jas Myers, J Hastings, D Robertson, W Cowan. For Township of Egremont for 1003. They are required to lay out work for grader in rotation as it is now in opera- tion on Con. 5. He began life as a teacher, wns promoted Superintendent but left it for the law in which he rose to the top. He was born in 1831 in Kent Co. his family being of Puritan and U. Fl Loyalist stock, and will be buried in the lamily burying ground on his own farm. The Globe speaks of him as follows '. .. Dawd Mills wne not a. great. man as. some count greatness. hut he was one of the best influences in Canadian poll. tical life. His political ran-er covered almost the entire history of the Domin- ion; mueh of his most. useful Work was done while his party was in Opposition. and throughout it all he Wan' a power making for strength and steadiness in Parliament andin pnhliv thomzht and action. He was a good man. his good- Hess making him great. and sirtcerit y of character and honest service rathet than nnusualness of genius secured for him a unique place in the coufidence of the people of Canada. There an: needed in politics the raw gifts of imagination 'and intellect and expression ' the plopliet’s vision and tie orator’s voice are needed l hut not out-e optwice in the short history of Canada the good than in politics. the Robert, Baldwin, or the Oliver Mowat. or the David Mills. has been the steadying force upon whom the country In lied for safe passage through times of uncer- tainty and peril." --Alex. Smith, for nine years chief Liberal Organizer for the province, in- tends to resign, and will enter the practice of law at Ottawa. He is a barrister, and holds the B C' L degrees .--The division on the second read- ing of the Irish Land bill, contained the largest number of members on re- cord, 443 ayes, 2.0 noes. --The will of the late Lieut.-G0ver- nor Mowat has been filed and the es- tate is valued at $105,340.79. lie wishes all hia letter hooks, and letters sent or received. destroyed, except those he has marked for preservation. A house that, expresses those qualil :93 of comfort, chuvrwterGtic of the "cot- tage" and at the same time possessos such " substantial nrmugmuem. as to nmke it haltitaltle all the year round is described and illusteated in the June 1)('Iinm!or. Such n dwelling, while hav- ing the advantages of a Summer cottage is fair more ofa home, and the one shown is essentially .. livable†and hmnelike. It. is a. house of moderate cost, mirac- tive in appearance and aviistic in fur- mshing. Hume makers can tind a wealth of suggestion in the whole. DIED. McGimivitAv.--At, Paisley, an May ft, Jam. McGillivray, aged 71 yrs. McGrrmivrtAY.--rn Toronto. on Mon. dav. May 4th, Fred. McGillivmy. aged w, years. Bummer-s "At h'trtU.fovd Hospital, nu Sunday. May 10 Mrs.Julm Burgess, aged w. HAY--ln Winnipeg, on Sunday. May 10. Jas. Hay. of Dromore. aged 2-- yrs 1toMuovou--in Toronto. on Monday, May ll, Mrs. Marshall Rmuhough. aged 25 vrs. 5 mos. MILLIUAN -lit Bentinck, on Tuesday. May 12th, Jas, Milligan, aged 89 yrs†AN ALUTHEI EAR-ROUND COTTAGE. Very suddenly last Friday evening, TOP1GS OF THE WEEK HON. DAVID MILLS DEAD. LIST OF PATHMASTERS D. ALLAN, Clerk. .0-.. 3.5:; i tft=ih'tfJ2 Ilk l gunman-rm. For Sale at W. Black's Store. :Je/ecled Jeea’s: ji) mange]: Ct", Juyar J2?eets atqeebqsrsiFci? sittnsbilzafFeiir The majority of people are using Sher- win-Williams Paints, because they have found out there are no Paints to equal them. Every person their own painter. Call early and secure your Screen Doors and Window Screens. We have some new designs. Examine our Carpet Stretcher and Tacker combined. No home is complete without one. We also have a variety of Tack Pullers. Our stock of Pocket Cutlery, Razors, and Scissors is second to none. We have enough Coolie Cans in Store to supply the wants of every one. Just to hand an immense shipment of PUTZS 1'OMADF. which we are selling at reduced price There is nothing to equal it for cleaning Silverware Tinware and everything of that nature. livery framer should have one of our Lignumvitae Mallets while they are going at reduced prices. Spray your fruit trees just now. ?l* Carrot 4k iii' Flaxseed (recleaned) Buck' Li" wheat, Hungarian, Millet. 54 and Corn. szkwwauaa t3et6setertteWrao We DItUGCilSTS, & SEEDSNEN. J BURNETT. We carry every- thing m Grocer-'es, Meals and Flour. EVERYTHING when you buy your Grocer- ies at Burnett's. You are sure of the quality or your money back. exercise unusual care in the buy- ing of our goods, and sell nothing but what is sure to give satisfaction llilllli'il ill A NAME? i' "urnip w. Bach. mm UPPER TOWN. ardware J Steele's Row! Giant. Ilennie's, Danish Evan 's Saw Log. Bruce's Gate Post, Mammoth Red, and Yellow Globe. All the leading warie-+ ties of Swede and Soft ie, Tarnips. = Improved Short White Also Coal Oil. " 5,9) in; Wood: / .A lately we were talking mitten now its Gray's etc“... as!!!" 8bmuatatt ts-. Jennie". frear [valor lBritt. Only Drill in the Market geared from both wings and full fiiu, of fruit; siiiikuiGisTGi'i tii77ikurr"/2 pertdy in Upper Town. For terms and con Mom apply to h We are " the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. of, den or enquiries left at C. McArthur', store, or at the Ravuiw Otrrrcr:, will receive out best attention. TERMS, lingual: THE PLACE LS’Eggs 'laken in exchange for Custom Work and ropairin Promptly attended to. If you want I pair of Lacrosse Shoes, gire us a 1sll E. A. 1s'OWld, TRY THE NEW BOOT é SHOE STORE Trunks, Valium. Etc. YOUR BREAD SUPPLY Be it largeor small, will hr "l waysof the betrtqttality if obtained of us. Our product is at once Ptllt' wholesome and toothsottw. Can't be beat. Made Iron] a superior grade of fioar and pun-st ingrodi nets. Oar bread, rolls, buns. etc. are baked in absolute cleanlines- and are delicious. First class .w‘r- vice. Ready for Spring Trade ORCHARD TO LET 0N SHARES famous and their mpttutioet has born gained only by their excellence Also Just arrived at the Slum Ramos of Barclay dk Bell. a Car load For Reliable Footwear. which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed fo: beauty and second to nonc in quality. Call and seethem and if you do not want to buy om- for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. Aarn @rganSJ’w Also another Shipment m the ,rcnownud and up-to-tlat: Karn Organs. Call and int them, theyare open for G,.. tion. MAY u, 1903 Peter Hamilton's Goods in Stock Jonian‘s Old Smhdjélxt doin' ! Campbell's Implement Wapelov, J. S. MCILRAITH. Agents. Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Lambton St. . McARTHUR fudhope " {an i. mostly wintry (Nrriasyes, R. PARKER. Goodscrc-g CASH And look and Catuau"s " " HE SE ood itse “In Rollo ll Tatrle I.†w II i " " u NEW PlllN'l THE LE AT ir-s'?,), Cocks} with Full I Sylvester Fat Calder s Bio I tw lax W i l 1 Short coau- and thorn Sprin (inter " nt owns NH TWEE GRUCE hul- “Iâ€: sic, the rhinl' Hulk!“ , Key-hum skin Miss largw up WI "" .. The In a continud bestowed " he found We t I titet ATT nc. MA' " gal: " l'l IN