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Durham Review (1897), 14 May 1903, p. 5

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met Clown Separation. “er we were talking can. >w its flrny's (ednesulay and Satan! . ted Upper] rd their reputau'on has been lined only by their exeetteuee HOUR BRE TRY THE NEW T (F, SHOE STORE mm 31(9th lly Dr?" in the Market geam* m both which and full 1537:" enntt Lrtes ref Hamilton's Goods (by Wood: / .1 " apply RCLAY 81 BELL Reliable Footwear. 'oadcr 'Dvitt, B. McARTHUR sad .Y 14, 1903 wrussc- Shoes, 3 TO LET 0N SHARES f Yeh l. R()\\'E animm, Flte MGILKAITH. tiitut mm. mostly winter whim] the Parker pm- ?uwn. For terms and i'y for pring h a left at C. MeArthttr's Rnn'LvaWIcn. will attention, AD SUPPLY II. Pa RISER. It the bridge a Trade Sarriagea, md approved nurpnssed for " to none in set them and to buy one Shipment of I up-to-date tl l and test il 'xt door to Warehouse. ll Ai Goods qty, a ' superior ingredi- uns. etc. :zmlincas re be al- Named ce pale Ctttt't in Stock tble to Il old which I' riots CAS" Mid Show pairing? a call. tr Dunn form-t us when you want. a gun! pair of Shun-A us we rm-ry a Full Line of Sic-rung Bvos'. Shoes. W. H. BEAN with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements. Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros.‘ Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton's Implements. Adam's Sleighs. Corded \Vush Silk Waist lengths in White, Blm'k and Colors e"eh 82 l|plll........... ......,......_....8r3.iio Blnvk Mmrvrizml Sun-en l'mler- >kirls. ..... . ..$l.40. $1.50. $1.73. 8t2.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY G INGHAM'b' Will enable anv person to acquire shorthand and Typewriting and be- come a stenogrnpher or book-keeper and kindred subjects and become a thoroughly competent book-keeper. Spring term now on. Students may enter at any time. Full particulars sent to any address free. - Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. owro: SOUND. on (fault-rm Black, Calder-‘3 Block Next 1he Post Office - THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. " KN HIH'ND And look in our Store Window and you will see bar- gains for your life. Table Linemiti in. Wide. per yd .. m .. _ .." .....iik White Bed Spreads each . . . .850. & $1.20 Flotoileiotlt. , yd wide. pm- yd . . . 1.3L -) i Hulk-r Wrndow Shades. each TWEEDS d YARNS HE SELLS CHEAP. GRUCERIES tiii)At [13K liimfl)l MILES Adopted by all leading Schools in Toronto. This deserved? pa in system by means of Hunt Drills, 'pgSu1'n'lG'l'ill.lr, and other inter- esting devices brings the following topics within the child's immediate comprehension. Bimini Notation Rhgthmic Motion Piano Work key-bond location mien! History Technique T. NOBLE Miss 'iiiGirii'dun, Teacher. I.l,l. tt The Implement Man "asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found ( '. A. FLEMING. yds . FEW MONTHS ‘VI‘THE dat)-gtef'rergi,i'4-gr1"',,jy .. We can give you Bargain' . For tam upolyfto STOP ! AT THE OLD STANDN ,," SCOTT. PEEL. BIG 4 lung DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, O0TS & SHOES, te., T. N ( )B L E Ot best quality. Myer's Music Method. MAY 14, 1903 30 in wide, taped edge pr. Mk. 36 .. .. .. 65c 4ts' a HE SHOEMAN. knitted edge I‘RIN( 'IPA " Durham. .81.00 y. 1.40 ~' TI Mc 350 Mr McLeod is making pi'vpurimon to rebuild "i, mill dam. A; the water now is getting low it will Mtbrd opportunity to gel. at the work easier. Died at his residence, one mil-- cimcuf Prieeville, on Tharlte the 30th April. Mr Aicliilmlil McPhnil. native ol the Isle " Tyree. Argyieshim. Scoilund, aged about 65 years. Mr Mel’hul was ailing with a eomolieati III of (lineal-ins " the last few weeks. He was, a long resident of this part and was a quiet and inof- leiisive man. In religion he was an l’ris- bgterinn and in politics a retotmcr. He Was in. man that was well yersed in scripture and in the affairs of our conn- My The funeral which took place to Priceinlle ceiuetet, showed the respect he has held in the community by the Very large procession that l'nllowml him to his hut resting place. Hey Mr Mmhel ~‘on prenchvrl the lunerul F'errriou. 'lhe family him the sympathetic {yelling of the community in llieir'sai bereavcuwnt. There have been three funeral“ in l'riceville in hP‘ICU of tive (in) s. Freder- ick 1leGilhvrny's funeral took plum- on Wetlurrulay lust. He died at 'l'oruuto on Honda) 4th inst and the 1ililtt1lrs were taken up to this place for Infar- uioub where he was lulll to rest beside his, mother and sister who predeceased mm \eurs Ituo. Mr McGilliViuy was horn in the township of l’rohou 35 years ago. He was for a long time one of the ”mun- gers of Toronto Asylum and Was obliged to gnye up his posillon n. couple otyears my on amount of failirt,e health He leaves an ".ng htthor, three sisters and two brothers to mourn " death. Pow Mr Matheson othciated or, the grave here. A goodly number of {mulls ttt- teuded the funeral considering the short notice given. Again on Thursday 7th inst am old pioneer of Glouelg In the person ot Mrs Duqald MeGillwray, whose remains were taken (row Owen Sound where she died with friends there, to be burial lesnde her husband and some members ol her family. Mrs Me. Gillivmv came to Gumslsr about, 52 yin ago, but us we expect. some of her old neighbors to write up more ot an obitu- ary we will not any any more tbm time. Gaelic communion in the Presbyterian church next Sunday at the usual hour, 11.o'elock In the foreuoou. All who are desirous ot upholding that language will munilest the sumo by millifully unend- ing the Iolemu ordinances. Fishing: is the order ot Hue any with thorse that have the time at their dis. pusul. Good iislt yunm will men he on strings now. Dug-dd. the slmuumu. will be missing the mill-punt! this spriug, where he so trequetstly caught some fine Mg n-omin times past but good Augm Ilka Dugalcl will catch fish anywhere. We wonder what has become ui the To," cum, eorrespomleut. We saw a. few splay budgets from there some months ago and we we ttt a loss tu tiud um whether the author Hus laid aside her car. writing "puruplmrnalia." or in iii-r time occupied Ill attending: to other eorrespotnleueo oi " different ham», which "my Prov" to be mare imuef1cial to her in nature time than writzng up tLe events and happenings ot tho locality “Ugh Mefhuil, of Duluth, is spending a tew week:' with his friends in Arcane. sia uni-l Glenelg at present. Mr and Mus Neil Mei'hail. of Culling- woml. attended the late Mr Mel’lmll'a qucml on Saturday. Neil is a brother to the deceased Mr NePhuil. Itoger Melilaehern is raising Ins frame barn to-Gy, Monday, with Muck and tackle. This is it went saying on hav- lng so many Int-u as Immi. us instead cf having nlmm 100. 12 ot' 15 will do all the attendance required by this method. We are sorry to may Lat Hector Me. Donnlu. tiper, 1s laid up With lung trouble fur the lane couple of weeks. We have lo hear nf him being: better soon again. Donald McDuugall Lad Julnmiu Liv. inusluu with uimthe moat of last. week putting in crop on Thomson's Emir, South Lme. Gluuelst Mr Gardiner and Mr Ivyiug, of Tur- ouio, accompanied the remains of their late brotlrer-in-ltsw Mr McGillivmy to Priceville and were the guests of Mr and Mrs Donald Graham for n then while in the al'tcrnoon before returning to Tor- onto. Dr M Scott has moved to our town nud win wht much by his prolesrioutil duties to the nequiremeuos of town and country. There is no surer sign ot summer than to see the small boy throwing aside his winter shoes and hopping off to school on l.i, birthday boots ttnd it he in his hurry bump his big toe against a. stcne he still keeps hopping on one foot, heed- less of pain or anything else. Our rlmrchos mere kind of empty lust Sunday on account. of the rain. but never- theleu the min did not prevent the ven- enable John Campbell, of Swiumn Park. to come out to he“ “who. He Was at-ct-mpauleil by his so“ Dulmlul. Mr Campbell is one of theme good men tGt are always thankful with unall luv-relax whether he gets mule Once or twice I month. No one ever he"); lnm mur- mur. rousequemly it would he a pity to deprive such it faithful member an- Mr Clmpbell of his,. beloved language LEW guellc. Hemy mm on Sunday which moisten- ed the ground and gnu-3 everslhing u better nopearauce. The high Winds of hwt “ah canned a lot ot rolled Ian-I. to be [Initially swept away, cIc-udu of dart could be when fiyiug until the nun came. Some are done seeding u while I20. but there is lots to do yo. M-rtin Murphy. tcoumnllor Sullivan's hired man was run over by a land roller while at work and narrowly escaped being: thttteued out by the accldent. He however is going about Oh a sore side as it result. commissiccer McArthur and Patrick Bolger were in Toronto last week. not on the Gamey case, but on businesa of their own. Our graveyard in thus town is in kind Th is "WP/5x [huh/44. PRICEVILLE. The Municipal Council orithe township or Arleuu-sin. met In the town lmll. Final» mum. on Moudav, the fourth day of May. A. D. PAu. The members were all preuent the n-eve in the chair The llllllulHH of suxsion of April (i. 12M}. were rem] and eov.tirtued. The llv.eve and Mr Giusou, as special committee nppuinted ttt last session to inspect culvert» on valley road, tvtroried thut; 1hey had inspected the cal-nun and had Passed tweuty-hntr of them A let. ter was read trom 1. L'. Lucas, M. P. I'.. aclinoavledp,ius,r receipt of a resolution re taxation rnilxvuys and nthor mrpumuous paused by this council. Leslie-Cronin .-.. That the Reeve pay Sawyer & Mussny Co. for grader by cheque as soon as the name In received isatitstiurtoryc--Carried.--Rauover Post. Crouint-- Crriersou - That a refund of Statute Labor money paid on lot go. con Ib', $2 Jo and on lot I, can 2. north $2 be given to Ihe commissioners in each Division and cheques tlosssue.---Carried. Leslie---Cmereotr-'Nat $350.00 be ap- otvprtated to each 1load Dmswu and .30 for Elm wood.-Cnrried. Lewhe-Griersou--That George, Fisher be paid $11.15 tor coffin for Mrs Me- Connell and that cheque istsae.---%rried. Letstie--0ronitl - That. [ha Clerk pro. cure a wheel pamper price nut to ex- ceed Mo.---'"' Gentlemen, since last meeting of the Conucnl I paid Simon Hulmrmebl half co" of hauling: name to sink hole $7.75; .} day in connection 750. In all $8.50. 1 also paid to Edward Roland and Frank \Vugner, for Work on Roland's hill M: to make it possible one dav in Ponuee. t on 31.50. in all $6.5m. Both is respect- fully submitted. 1: Leslie. Committee Ward No 23. Cro-Grier-u--. That the report of Robert Lislie be adopted and cheques do ist,us.-Caied, Beutmck Couueil met at Elmwood on fuesday the tirth May iusuuu. Mens. bers all present except Mr THIN". Mo- tious Nos. l. 2. 8. 4, G, G, 7 mm H. Leiehe-- Grierson - Than John Putter- son he and ie hereby “maimed ()lwmlor of the towmhip grader at u satiny of 81.75 per day of lo hours w-rk he to have full connol uf teams for wm-kiuu grader and to pay 33 caeh tor such teams put day of lo hours and that [he Commissioners of such Iload Division give tlie said "iterator all the assistance in their power m way of uixiug direc- tions as to Work to Id douc um! farther that the moving of the glader iroru place to plane“ in lriucnxlubre thstturee.,i be done arm working hours. Cnlmou-Bet--Tuat the Clerk is here. by Instructed to mucure tron) clerks of a'ljaiuing townships, amount. of manna labor placed on town lines by them in the year 1901 and 10o2.--Carried. of a dilapitated condiuon and would need t t be looked after. During winter many new erev-n were made end no natural rmnlt those craves are now sunk below the level of the ground. While some are l paying due reapget Ivy ornamentiug the , mounds of their beloved ones others are unless end ueglectful in even looking. after straightening up the slnh that i marks the resting place or a dear wile.; Ion or daughter. father or mother. Letl " u: by all menus respect our dear downed ones bv I-eunufying an to the has: mums stunt disposal the spot where their bodies are at rest. Our cemetery is nearly lull and oehut to be enlarged. Some one was suggesting to us if there could hen possibility of pnrclnning the street im- mediately south of the ceiiieterv and the _ lot opposite the school house. Perhaps ' tome of our good politician" could put up 1 on a way of how to obtain the street. as 'i for the lot we could deal with the owner. l Mckenzie-Best-That the Reeve and Mr Gibson. be a. committee t, examine bridges at Boyd's mill and near Stir- aou's on the Toronto line and report at next session of this: council. as to the kind Of umterinl mor-t advisable to be used for abutmeuos. ete.-Carried. Giln-iou-i',est--Tuat the Reeve and Mr Best be a cmumwtue to enquire us to the advisability and cost. of building an offiee for the use of the Clerk qt thm municipality; otfiee to he of brick and about 16 x 24 feet and 1 story. and re- port at [the next session ot eouneil..-- Curried. Muir-Best-That the tirst sittings nf Court of Revision on the assessment roll of10o3. be held " the Iown hall on Monday. the first day of June. A. D. 1903. " lo O'CIOCK n. m.. and the Clerk awe the required notice thereof --Carried. . To the Reeve and Council of the Towaslnp of Benuuck : Live Stock Markets Toronto. There was a fair trade at. the Tomato Cattle Market to-day. lmaiueas in all lines except in export cattle being quite brisk. Export Cattle-With the chance of tt move in shipments waiting at Montreal. Prices are nominal Andlabout unchanged. Butchers' Cattle- The run was very light and as the demand was brisk prices in some instances went up. Picked lots sold at about 84.50 to $4.80 per ewt and fair to good were about steady at M.lo to "M. - _ - . .. iSVtVockers and Feei1tme-Qaotationts show In advance of about loc. to 15c per cwt. Trade in smokers is quiet. The council 'uljmtrned.--Advaneo Milch cows-Good prices are offering Artemesia (‘ouncil BENTINCK LOUNCIL. THE 1luljli(l'8 DRUG STORE All! 1w for service at Lot ttl, Con. 2, E. G. ll. for the smaun of 1903. Peii. iTr'r't' on "pplicarrop. L'ows not return- ed u-gulm-ly will he charged whether in cah or nut. Payment to hv made on or lwl' .,. lw-hnmry Ist Mot. Terms $1.50. DONALD MvFAYitRs. Prop. Burbs. Tlu, Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster .saves a lot of work; both together make wheeling a pleasure. - " - - -._-. - The Best Quality cheaper than ever. undertaking promptly at- tended to. A. A. 1)AhtLriNC"r-, FURNITURE for rally good cow's. I'u-Gy's mu sold at " range of about $30 to 852 each. Citlves---Qaottuiont' are about steady at $2 to 8lo each and 8le to He per lb. Sheep and Lambs - Prices for spring lambs were inclined to case off. Trade in heavy sheep was a trifle dull and in light sheep ghoul; steadv. With tut inclzuu- tum to firmer prices. Grain-fed ewes and wethers ate quoted easier. I H " )KS. BAITS. FLIES. yuo ululnv- v-..-___ - _ no for a drop in prices before next week quotations are unchwged. Watches and Clocks, Rings, Spex, Flatware and Silverware Hogs--The mu was and“ heavy and the market continues weak. Prospects . . "A ___" JEWELLERY! ld ISHINC} TAC11KL E -- QWasseg jfarm’s $5910 Rooms U Uni-1AM REVIEW l‘lom‘......... ....... otst,ineal............. Wheat............... Oats [humid Hop, per ewt [fog-c, Live weight..... If 'lltc-r, fresh roll per lb [in-luv, Tub...........,.. {all stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. All! DURHAM MARKETS. PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL. .l A, KN K R PISS Practical Watclmmker. 30 Years' Experience. nah-es. per bug....... Jake Kress bs. Iam, A. GORDON, Bfegeles J2 (Prince Albert.) See our Stock of Flies made especially for our trade BAMBOO RODS from 5 cents up. Bristol Steel Rods. Green heart, Split Bamboo, and Fancy Rods. Wading Trousers, Baskets. FO It ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO TH E PEOPLE’S DRUUGIS'I‘. 1H 'RIIA M . gel-m givingston west of Middaugh Jiousa. See cur second hand wheels. 190 220 240 240 6 10 l7 17 lo C, on 25 " oo 6 oo 2 00 I" 90 65 6o 40 27 25 "" PRICES " itll IT. A L] . KIN] tM. .'3 50 6 10 l7 l7 40 7 00 68 t'. o 28 lo on l3 " T) J/7gont, Intending Students should cuter at beginning of term, or us soon miter us possible. Stuff and Equipment. The School is equipped tor full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following sun Competent Teachers for that Department '. THUS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK. B. A., Classics and Modems. FEES; $1.00 per month', LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. DURHAM MIN WORKS CALDWELL'S LIVERY STARLE (Opposite Midi-ugh once! Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, Wm. Johnston, ('hnirman THE undersigned will keep for survive on lot 41 cans. E. G. It.. (Honclg. for wan»: of 11m. thr tltte thoroughbred Tamworth "(In bred by David Douglas and mu. Mitchell, 0m from t te celebngwd Bttipuyl 1syxyyttstle ve Fr 24725:. -iiiiirc?iiiiGGaTNof" 4494.. Full tended Pedigree may he won on appliettCr Term"t.m. -m..m. w-er-q....'".. Carefully consider where they do thei businem Many of these men go to H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Covveymcer, even though It means a few miles of a drive. They Buy this: he is .' Always prompt,-"""'" negligent." that, he has had 22 years experience Incl that It. PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. He Is now offering for Sale .' THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres on Gsral'nxn A good farm with fine buildings. Offered very cheap as Mr. Cameron has gone west. The T. o. Stewart Farm. Lot lo. Cott. 2, W. G. it. Bentinck ' 100 acres with about 30 cleared ; frame house and at her huildinp's. Said to have n. lot, of very Bne hardwood timber: _ - _ A 100 Acres in Bentinck. In excellent state. good buildings and fence, good soil, School and Church close at hand. Post Office on the farm. Cwner getting up in years and bound to sell. MONEY 'ro LEND,-- DEBTS COLLECTED,-- LANDS BOUGHT & t'r0LOc- Every kind of tiooeitd business truanc- C AUT IO US Successful Men Durham Scnool ', ROBINSON & CORBET, hddresa.---H. H. MILLER. THOROBRED TAM WORTH KING TOM. No. -3204, Lock Dawn It8, Hanover Ont., 'fayales J ‘KING TOM , Pt't All repairing C. Ram-go. Seam\ GEO. STAPLES BOAR. (3ntario. "s taken by arristcr, Jinan-y, Go: voyanccr, tlee., etc...” 18ET l Money to Loan " reasonaole rues , l and on terms to suit borrower. roprietors. l oFFICE--Mcltttvtw Blur». ',liV' OFFICEuMcKrnzlo‘s on Sun: Durham "r D. McPHAILJ Jn tate alum-n: 2 theanly-ul [marina 2,SPlltti .osplu.mxlon ' on ttte Go en mun! '0‘. 1 ad The“ Hospital. i .9. t0'ECULtitr EYE. FAR, TIIROATt FOR: I -r--... - FA" in“ YF.LY. - I Witt be at the Hindu-ugh Home. Durham,” I timt WedtteMtty of (mu-h month from 12 p. m. till i, I p. m. I J. G, BUTTON. u. D _ I the Du mun PG/arc/Vaci.'" Block. Residence t1rst dour west of the old Post Oftice, Durham. omee--- LOWER 10WN. DURH‘I. Burlsters. Barristers. _ Solicitors. Conveyancers. tc. once: : Hunter's New Block. cp posits Chronicle omoe. . Gal-Mun St., Durham. MONEY To LOAN A. G. Mushy KC. W. F. Dunn Jompcny and private Fund. to Lo- on language. at Invent when of atterest. \‘Illution made My Acompebent and curolul “mum. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME C0057 Manny Punuc. couulcclouzk. are. ttoNon GitADt'ATE of Tmuow University. gruduule of Ruynl Collette of Dental Surgeons oflrutavio. “mum. Calder Block "ver the I’twl ”Hive. W. C, PICKERING D. D s., L. o. "" ARTHUR H. JACKSON A general Banking business trauma-led Drafts issued and collection rmnde on all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed " "cart-ant mm SAVINGS BA.Hte -memt Mtowrd on Irwin‘s bank deposits of 't.00 and up wads Prompt umrkm cm! every facilitv "orired customers living at distal ce. J KELLY, Ago-t. Collustionu of all kind; Fame booty]: promptly Minded to and sold CAPITAL. Authorized... . . . .62,000,01tt. CAPITAL. Paid up........... 1.000,at0 RESERVE FUND M'..'...... H.000 AGENTS in all prlncipnl pmnta m Ontario. Quebec. Msnltoho. United Slut" and England. (llllilllllil BANK OF (IMAM DURHAM AGENCY ieo?Uretiou. and Annuity promptly stamina Wills. Doedn, Mona-urn. Lens“, Aaron» &e.c9rmetly prepared. Esau-u of "ce-et WT was baked um and Executor: and Admin»:- trlwrs' Accounts prelmred and planned Sunny“ In...“ n....x.._._. n...,L,A - --v~- - -- - Court 'itetsuLri'Fi/drroriVGrriGi'tii7ir%if mtnmuuon and G'uarurttstosttitt (mull-d. sou- chu nude in Mutiny (Mica uud Titles report-d '-" B. I. 9-4 mm. REIIDCNCI and oFFut.-otd But UPPFn TOWN. bunny. NOTARY PUBLIC cowmwlouzk a: CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate. Amnnmonts [or - an to dates. AC., must be made " the Review Of- tire, Durham. tr Coemqtmttteooemdd-d hereorm Hogyvule P. o., will be promptly atlonded to, emu on almllmuon to one. our ”sushi-I'- In” --- t 8 to lo Ll. DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. " Speck! mum given to ”use: a Woman and Children. BARRISTER. SOLtC2trCtre.T. aonrnv punuc couvnmuctn. cc. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., a. P. TELFO RD. Imbal- Coll... Pinata-u and lupus. DENTISTRY. any; newsroom: EAST on? Tniophnnn Connection No. " DR. GEO. S. BURT. or to MACKAY & DUNN, MONEY TO LOAN E S. DAVIDSON. . LEFROY McCAUL. Head Office, Torono. HOURS W. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID. Hunger. Charge- Nader-x. D. IcPHAIL. "opeville P. U. “use“: a: Scams. Private Money to Loan, OFFICE HOURS C. RAIAG E, Durham Jar" the Bank H " A g 1

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