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Durham Review (1897), 14 May 1903, p. 6

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In h til est AHMAD "ruAl .1 '"' . trroa4 A . " " ' V, "101 DW?" Edison’s method or wooing was no use eccentric. One day he strolled into one of ms workrooma and stood bohlnd the chair ot a pretty oper- swr who Was absorbed in her work. When the gu'l glanced round and. looking shyly up at him. Bald, "I knew it was you, Mr. Ellison. I " ways know wnen you are near," he -wered, to her nmazement: That there in no accounting tor the eoceutricitieu of lovers ie sufficient- tr proved " the odd methods in which man! oi the world’s great men have wood and you their wives. When Schumann. the {among com- poser. tell head over heels in love with Cum-n ,Wieck, his master's caught“, his path ot courtship was by no means one of roses. for Herr Wieck had no wish to see him only, daughter the wife ot a. pennilesu musician. and he forbade the young towers to hold any communication with each other. Bat love laughs at parental frowns; and, as Schumann could not e. m write to his lady- lava. he poured out his soul to her in " series ot “Letters to Clara? pru_st.ed. in, a musical Journal, ot A month later the pretty em- ployee was promoted to a “partner- chip" which an: has never since to- grated. .chnw, - - -_...H-i-'_ 'Wee been thinking a great deal about you lately; and if you are willing to marry: me, I would like to marry you." -, _ A Spohr won his wife with equally dramatic uuddcnneas. Alter playing a duet at " court concert with Dorette Scheidler, a beautiful 1nd glued harpist, and while the tumilt ot applause was still ring- ing in their ears. be said to his companion: “Shall we play to- gather that: through we t" For an- Iwer. “the lady burst into tears And sank into his arms.“ which he was editor. When the time was ripe for set- tling hi: destiny, he made music the vehicle ot his passion. and actually! propoyed to Cum on the piano un- der the very nose ot her father, without a. Single word being utter- ed, and reeewed he: Joyful assent: through the same medium. On. day when Mr. Dawson. an eloquent preacher ot a century "o. called to see Miss Corbett. a wealthy admirer of his oratory. tor whom we had conceived a not altogether platonic affection. he found her reading the Bible. Steal- ing up behind her. he looked over her shoulder to see what she was reading. when, without sh0wlng any recognition of his presence, the lady's forefinger rested on the womb of Nathan to David: "Thou art the man." Even a less marked hint would have been sulficient for Dr. Dawson, and We cannot won- der that Bliss some: soon chung- od her hunk. 'iainsboroug,t's wooing was made almost absurdly easy tor 'him. He had commend a portrait ot Miss Burr, a charming young lady or six- teun summt'l's, when his tair sitter was so delighted with her present- memt. that she more than hinted that while she took the copy the artist might claim the original. Gains- borough did not decline such a tempt- lng Otter. Dr. Abernctlry, the famous phy- "sian. was as abrupt in his court- ship as in his treatment of his pa.- tleuts. When. after a slngle meet- Ing. he decided that Miss Anna Threllnll would make a. desirable lite partner. he promptly wrote to tell her so in a direct. businesslike way. Ho told her frankly that he was "much too lousy a. man to have time to spare for love making"; but it she was willing to marry him she might let him know, and the gamer wus favorable. For constancy it would he dittiettrt to find a. rival for Jeremy Bentham. In early manhood Jeremy Bentham proposed tor the hand of a. young lady, who promptly refused him. Forty years later he renewed his otter with tho same result; and, still onally cherishing his love in old age. ho proposed again at the age of eighty in " touching letter. in which he wrote: "Since the day when you presented me with the flower in the lane. not a single day has passed in which you have not engrossed my thoughts." ' Probably no gallant who ever laid his heart at a tair lady's (not was more undecided than Lord Byron when he wrote the letter which com- mitted him to the unhappy marriage with Miss Milbanke. He had Just pro- posed to another lady and, as he held her letter ot refusal ln hls hand, to mid to a [Hum]: "It seems that It is to be Ming Milbanke after all: I Will write to her." He sat down and wrote tho "fatal letter," hand- log it to his friend tor perusal. " A Very pretty letter," the friend remarked. after reading It; "it Is a pity that It shouldn't go." "Then " thall go," exclaimed Byron and thus opened om? ot the most tragic chap- tors of his chequered life-story. as she tore up the li/tter she wag .ritlytrysrid begun all over again." And she couldn‘t understaad why he laughed. the. universal satisfaction. Byromptly and nomad, cums antenna of bdrm Weak. uu. Bandung. 8'permatorrhera, Impotencu, Ind dbffactsol abuse or ”comes: the oxcessin also! Tobacco. Opium or Stimulants. Alena! min Worry. all of which lead to Iptirmity, ithf'Amautription and pu Early Grave. ) Price tt 'lti?t.e,.yy or m: tor 85. One wilt . u: m: cure. Mailed prompt: on n~ of - Band for free mmphlec. “an; no Wood Conan-y, Windsor. Out, (at... When Actions Spook. Chicago Pop. “John." she said. "how do you spell 'eoueeit'"? “Huts what I Ahoutrht," she said. Wood‘s A Ph9sphodine, TuoeeatAnrluttt-th 1% an old, wen estab- lished and relinblc Preparation. Hubeen Prescribed and used oytrho yeus. All drye- (at: m the Dominiiiit of Canada .911 and y,rPtH1send 'Y.' being the ptt/iGTieiiriG'i' Ju kiny that “I?! and Wu In Us: bymmbymnhm Thirty- Slx Hundred Your: Ago. The term mo. which in used to designate a cipher. and in meteorol- ogy the entire absence ot heat in the stmotrpterrt. was. accordigg Ito says: "One bottle of MINARDS LINIMENT cured a. swelling of the gamble joint. and saved a. horse worth $140.00." _ _ Ten Rules or Politeness for Children. Thos. W. Payne, of Bathurst, mved the life of a. Valuable horse that the Vet. had given up, with a few bottJes ot M'INARD’S Iam.. MENT.l,. 1..._ _,, Puck. "She calls her cook a 'chef.' How absurd.'" " Oh, Idon't know. Perhaps that's how she gets her to stay I" The general adoption ot the Hin- doo system was greatly facilitated by tho facts ttfat it was explained in most of the calendars tor more than a. century beginning with' 1200 and that the mediaeval universities frequently offered courses devoted to the use of this notation. a mathematical historian. Moritz Cantor, used by the Babylonian about the year 1700 B. C. This. however. is merely a supposition. It has not been definitely established that new watt in use any earlier than 400 A. D. About this time it was used in India. and several centuries later the Arabs began to employ it. Through the Arabs its use became known to Europeans during the twelfth century. It was not generally adopted In Europe un- til several centuries later, notwith- standing its great aurantagos. For a considerable time there were two parties among the European edu- catara. One party. known as the Al- gorists. favored the adoption of thle Hindoo system of notation (false- tr called Arable), with its possible values, while the other, known as the albaeisrta, favored the Roman notation, without zero or position value. 1. To be polite In to have a kind re- gard tor the feelings and righrts ot others. 2. Be as polite to your parents. brothers. sisters and schoolmates as you are to 'rtrPntrerty . "ii-It 19 not disoburteous to reluse to do wrong. - A A _ _ - G. Look people fairly In the eyes when you speak to them or they speak to yap?» .- _ -. . u, Do no't bluntly contradict any one. t _ 6. Whispering, laughdng. chewing gum, or eating at lectures in school, or at places ot amusement. la rude and vulgar. A __ 7. Be doubly careful to avoid any rudeness to strangers. such us call- lug out to them, Iatuthling or mak- lng remarks about them. Do not stare at visitors. -- A good marrisn't necessarily) a de- sirable neitrhpor. - -- with; bagging}; pen. pencil, knife. or pointer, hand the blunt end to- ward the one who received It. 9. When a classmate ls reciting, do not ralso your hand until after lab has finished. ' 10. When you pass directly in front oi any one. or accidentally annoy him. any. “Excuse me." and never fall to say "Thank you." tor me smallest favor. On no account say "Thttn1rtr."-Wchoo1 Rules tor Santa Barbara. Cal. It takes money. to voice the opin- lou or a, lawyer., A - The man who {ninks' his wife to blind to his (salts is entitled to an- other think. It a. tool possesses tact and assur- ance he will distance the wise guy: who possessga pelther. u - - - Pride goes before a. tali-tUtd it goes much quicker after one. Speculators love dogs-ist least they are totfot good pojpters. A woman'a idea of a. convenient house is one that has three moss“ in each room. A w%nan Isn't necessarily fond of fitrtion because she listens patiently; to her husband's excuses. It Too have paver tried to make any one happy you have no idea. of wltat you haye mlsrpi.. __ .. _ Some'meu who act the hog all their lives haven't anything to show for it except the IU-will of their neighbors. Following are a. few notes that teachers in an east side school have recently received: , " Dear Miss H.: "Pleas axons Minnie and Lena for being absent they got a wedding by a brother." Weddings seem much in vogue among the families of that section, tor another pupil walked pompously into the class-room after a day's absence and presented her teacher with an cplstle that read as fol- lows: , " Miss S: "Please excuzc my daughter Leahs absunts. She went to a wedding, the last'day before by her mother's sla- ter.' a A tardy pupil brought in thll prirq auction : " Dear Miss F.: "Tho reason by which our daughter comes late, it consists In her laziness to leave the bed in the morning butt we hope henceforward to make her be eager and diligent. ' "I was yours respectful." Tho heroes and heroines ot the fol- towing certainly deserve the sympa- thy ot tho public: " Dear Madam : " Kindly excuse Tommy tor being absent. He frll down the seller starol just before school time. At first we thought his internal insides were in- jured but the doctor said It was the brazing of tho ppm-dermys of the outsido was much. However he nar- rowly escaped fatal death." " Dear Teacher: . Please pxruw James tor being ah- spnt. We have a pet goat and he at up his Jammon’ pants. His father couldn't get him any until yester- day. Mrs. ""'""""'-. VI. Ir---.'!,.? have tied up the goat." " P. M.-- Wo have tied --Now York Times. Alfred A. Taylor, ot 149113593, ZERO AN ANCIENT TERM. Keeping in With the Cook. More or Less Pointed. Some School Excuses. The Massey-Harris Stripper-Har- vester. in cormetltlon with some ten other tries. scored a. signal suc- cess at Bmithtivid, South Australla. 'on 28th November, 1902, being awarded a total ot ITIS palate. an having oniy 476 lbs draught. The figures given of the next competitor were 467 2-3 points. and 672 lbs. draught. " Why not t" asked his father. "You generally have a. good ttme, don't youizll J -- I- __ I ___ A - Tho son twisted and turned and then he blubbered: L t l " I am crazy to go. but {hey play nothin' but kissing games, ‘and my lips are all ehapped."--WaAington cor. Chicago Inter-Ocean. . Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must eat the fight food for growth. . Bones must have bone food, blood must have blood food and so on through the list. He Couldn’t Play. The small pen ot a. member ot Con- gress was invited to a. party at the house ot a. girl blend of his. He said he didn't want to go. I The father Erew insistent. "Tell me the reason," he said. "I should thlnk you Would be crMY to go." - Word has recently been received that Masteer-Rarris Company. Lim- ited, have added another laurelto their many successes. This time the victory was scgrod_ln Australia._ scott'srEmulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. Littledoses everyday give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. - " Yes," replied the son, "but Iguana I don't care to go to this? one," - -- The Stripper-Harvester is not used in Canada-it is not suited to tho conditions or the climate; but In Australia. there are more Strip- per-Harvester" used than there are Binders. Bow legs become straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads. Wrong food caused the troyblte. Right fo?d will Sure it. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. Toronto, Ontario. mm report only goes to show that MuttsetBaru'1is machines lead wherever they are. They would not do so if thev were not built well and with good materlala. BONE Mil In thousGds of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Victoria Times. A correspondent sends us the fol- lowing, with an undertaking to "make" his "Alfred David" that it was wafted to his cars as he passed the Colonist ottioe at a. late hour mt night: ' ' , l I ' I Harrahlor .f.‘ " _ i If it were pumping good blood through your system, you could not be sick in any part. - - " " Because of Weak Hearts When you are sick your heart is faint. Ninety-nine out of a hundred have weak hearts-they are some- times sick. Dr. Agnew’s Heart Cure will relieve Heart Disease in thirty minutes. Will with certainty effect n lasting cure. GEORGE Gnu-as. Dominion Custom! Office, Cornwall, Ont., says _ " I was troubled with severe Heart com. tte for a long time. I was under the actor's care, but not receiving benefit, 1 Isked him about ' DR. AGNEW'S Con to: THE Hstattr,' and I used it with good tesults." "rr it waan’t tor my wife," grum- bled the first mm at the reception, "1 would not be here." "Neither would L" replied the other one. "The hostess Is a great friend ot my wite'a. La she a. friend ot yours?"_ _ -- __ Her Gentle Hint. “Are you fond of birds l"' she ask- od, innocently, as she stood at the piano fumbling the music. "I dearly love them," he replied, with never a shadow or suspicion. . Then she ran her slender fingers over the keys and began to sing. "Oh, Would I Were a. Bird." Dr. Agnew‘s Ointment is dd. ding the world of piles and skin rashes, eruptions of all sorts. Its healing powers m marvelous. Price. 35c. It " HALF THE WORLD It SIBK "No ; she's my wife." Ask tor Minud’s and take no other. HONORED ABROAD soc. tad 51.00; all druggisu A New Version. Philadolchia Prom Only His Wife. gl. 'i'lii,)l'! ll"? hc'y T ONTARIO -WoitaaaooaMmretes. There in a. new kind ot circnl girl. but u there in a. new chorus girl. The latest thing in choru- glrls is slight and piqmnt. and in marked physical contrast to the opulent, stalwart beauty who wan formerly considered the only type adapted to stage dimlay. The new kind ot circus girl is striking principally on account of her increased eomelinetm. The hard.. faced. dyed-haired rider with her set smile and ghastly little coquetries i513f thing d the past. - - . They Must luvs Good Look- Now. The women are nowadays fresher. prettier and nearly always better dressed than they ever were In the past. Comellmess seems to be re- garded now as important as their uthletlc skill. One very mediocre acrobat was a woman called "The Beautiful Get-ttl.. dine," who was successful ten years ago {mm one end of Europe to the other, not because she was skilrul In her work. but on account of her supposedly great beauty. Yet to-day she would not seem so much above the average of looks at the Madison Square Garden. 7 A _ _ Their dressing is also more taste- tul In Its colors, and the women who this year ride in habltl are in every way smarter looking than they were io the past. But it is her looks that differentiate the present-day circus girl from her predecessom. She la rapidly becoming a. thing of beauty a; gel! as ot muscle and daring-N. . un. Rich and Poor Alike use Painkiller. Taken Internally for cram Y" colic: and dia- rrohan. Applied external y cured sprains, nwollen muscles, etc. Avoid isubntitutms,tueris in but one "Pairtkuler"-Perrr Davil'. Lifebuoy Botqr-duinftsetant--U strongly recommended by the medical profession to I 'safeguard against infectious dine-lea. a Pittsburg Dispatch. "wa many years doe- it take a. woman to learn not to talk to hex- ttttttpapa-tlite he's shavlng y' ButNo Express. Mrs Homer-you can't go home while It Is raining My. Stay and have dinner with us. "I don't know. I've only Been mae. ried eight years." We otter One Hundred Dollara' Reward for any can ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'l Catarrh Cure. F. J. HENEY & CO., Toledo, o. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years and believe bun perfectly honorable in all business trans- actions and tiruuteUlly able to carry out any obllzutlom made ta, their firm. “:3? t TRUAX, 'holesule Druggllu. To. o, . WALDINO, KINNAN a MARVIN, Wholesale Drugglau, Toledo, 0 Hall’s Catarrh Cure ll taken trtterntar,aet. In; directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the Iystem. Testimonials lent tree. PHee--76e per bottle. Bold by all drum-u. Ball’- Family Pull sre the beat. Mr. Wiuara--0h, no, thank you. It [aft tro bad as all that. Politeness is the salt br Him-you hats to have it rubbed into you when ,msa_raeu_t up. _ - _ _7_ It is all very well to get a. good Start. but tho start you get when some foot puts his cold hands down your neck may be too good. -Princctoa Tiger. 1tet1ectiong of a Bachelor. The meanest trick that a. rail- road can play on a girl is to turn on a. light Just before the train goes through a. tunne}. Women smokc the way boys swear -witltout appreciating how much fun they could get out oft it it they knew how to do it. A woman can win a man by may. lng fine strawberry Shortcake; to bold him she has got to know how to broil steak and bake bread. It ie an indescribable instinct that leads a girl to put on her beat pair ot stockings in the morning when her skirt is going to get caught on a. barbed wire fence in the after- noon. A lat ot people who should (be spending good time getting good money spend good money getting a good time. _ It does not make it right to do what you ought not to do when Fou' don't do what you ought to do. ')t, ie/ct "isis','" ' ‘Sxxlv. Growm From the Tiger. - is no object; most of no believe It I. a. myth _ Moat girls close their eyes when they are kissed, do you blame them? its poor ye have always with you -orttytt so close that ttttttouch you. When a woman makes an uneXpect- ed call on another it is a. Sign that she has heard sometblng disagree. able aald about her and would like a chance to tell it to her an a friend.--New York Press. F "Looney is no Judge ot hum na- ture at all. "Why do you say that t" “He has such sublime faith In him- Street Car Amenities, in Wftthftat Some of the car lines in Wichita. have no conductors. and it devolves upon the motorman to collect the fares. A few days ago a. man had left the car without oaying and the motormmn hailed him. "rt you want your money come and got It." he said. The motox-mmx walked to the corner, whereupon the man offered him a, halt-dollar. The driver took It ma said, "If you want your change come to the car and met. it." The client hesitated and ask! d the motorman to bring: it to him. "I can't waste any more timp," said the motorman. “You will find your change at tire office of the company." Then he turned on In. power and moved. ' Minard'a Liniment LurnttermatN Priand. I ' M. ll. w. GATARBII In * 5:3; 5?: Cat: free. All, Medicine PRETTY CIRCUS WOMEN. Lacking In Experience. Showed His Ignorance. DB. L". CHASES 25 cmnnu cm ..,~ th In sent dine: to the diseased and: bathe Improved Blower. on]: e nice”, clears the an passages. stops droppin s In tho throat and rTl2"n'lf,' cures Catarrh 1nd my Fevelmlower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chm Medicine Co. Tm and Min. Might be Worse Yet. HOW’S THIS? It ll universally conceded that to. properly appreciate a. trip to New,', York or Boston. one must take the, halt road. That road ll the New} "wty? do ye: keep the Jam. mum t" inquired the new hlred girl. who was trying to fumillarlse hen self with her surroundings. "We keep it In different placcS." Bald Mrs. 'Ducker. "until Tommy fuids out where it is and then we don't keep it at all." York Central. you could be induced to go to Am- was. to play)!" “Madame." returned Liszt, "it you stood in need ot that tortuqe. be- Artistic folk frequently have vague notions about business. Some ot them, says Collier‘s Weelrtn are quite Ignorant of it. others utterly indir- {erent to it, and others yet hate the very name of It. One of the last named tsate-toral was Lisst. Be had returned trom a. successful tour, and Princess Met- ternich. the wife ot the celebrated statesman and diplomtstitst, was questioning him regarding the cou- oerts he had been tgiving abroad. "I hear," she said, “that you did good business in Paris?" To which Liszt gave the tart re- ply: "I only played some music there. Btitoetm--tttat I leave to bankers and diplomtstitrtr." To another lady: the musical cleric gave a still more sarcastic answer. "Ah, Abbe." she sighed. “what a. great fortune you would make it only, - I: L- 1_A.-..A.l «A M 4sm In, Keep MinardU Liniment in the house. is" In}; f-irouid go at: once." Gracious Not Yonkers Summon. Maude-t shOuld think automobile riding would be disastrous to a wo- man’s hair. - __ -iiirua2artueioutr, dear! You don't want to wear your hair when you go out In an automobile. Ward's Liniment is used by Phy- clonal. A RECOGNIZED FACT, The Unoommerclul Liszt. Tommy’s Factual-Mes. Chtcuro Tribune. n.5, M100 MILE AXLE GREASE Also to intermediate poll-nut. Mon]! and berth Included. Ste-unen- leave Mondays and Thursday. In Mnyâ€"Bamllton 1 p m.,Toron. to 7.80 pan. Further lnlurmnnon away to agents or H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, ener- Pauenger Agent B. a 0.. Toronto. THE CAMPBELL MFG. co. of HAMILTON. ONTARIO. WEE ETNL DEPT R., TORONTO Gu-a. Sou-nun. mum. In! {any}: 5:11:15!»th mum r " “no lo Equal Munfwturod only by For .16 by all leading deaum. Put a variety into Summer 1ivintr--it's not the time of year to live near the kitchen range. Libby's Veal but Potted Turkey Deviled Ham Ox Tongue, &c. quickly made ready to serve Send to-day for the little booklet, "How to Make Good Things to Eat," full of ideas on quick, de- licious lunch serving. Libby's Atlas of the World mailed free for 5 two-cent stamps. Libby, McNeil! 8. Libby Chicago, U. 8. A. May Excursions atmlllon to Ion!» rent, single 07.00, get. .l2.00 Tumult» Villa-[MAI Single .6,Bt..ll.50 W I t i5! B' was I m THE Ill " to you. harm. Lt 'oo keep "gist, an“ toward , coylon c I. as far ahead of .nd aoc tt.' "Now. to't v, "you on but tho (‘I give me if you my In none ot m. a,“ on I the calm; “ad try I nahril)‘ to be GNP] the bunch " I hum: the row l "l'nin't a: the East. customs to an" She gather "It's “Yep law then take on. you've tr ways. I you'll R" gun out I!!! a trig tttm In out to I!" ttalt-breed extra. Wat - unid l wrlnk nation “Sun Blue it out-h' Ing tir with ll - how. I there at ull pinup I dU.gcd qulvkly. $t in in my clue in t body hm to no " thin I. m will com: [Men In manly t mph it " tl up“! ro no“ SD It ttls a) th te N mum, yea r Una 0; bo " l ax it ll O What tit I! Ian w th " Ol IN W "

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