West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 May 1903, p. 8

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l " gym I il m tRi THE BIG STORE ALEX. RUSSELL fart/ware duties , 99oots Jiraw 3tats 0n the morning of arbor any e young boy ceme to the home of J McQueen. Although there was considereble snow on the ground the mtle fellow did not seem to nuud as he wore neither cup nor boots and would not go to school end bed to be attamled to. Arbor dey wee well etund- ed, though eorne of the echolere stared us home to get out of work. by the looks of the school ground. they were not mined away. Much work wee perfumed. (reel credit u due to Min Gordon, teecher. end the pupils, eleo Steve and Alex managed well to be " the school the meme day end took In the program. At the eloee of the day two hoye were eppointed to no to the store for cendiee end null. lieu Gordon, furnished the money which wee good of her. The echolere any they hope Mia Gordon will never leeve no. The knee was repaired by the school. There wee e poor chenee to mete e good eppeerence on account of so much material on the ground for the new eehool, the celler end the drain dug and the tile laid. Mr Jee tierdener VIII commence u the stonework Mews Dug.“ and Donald McCannel were out to rroton last Smithy calling on their brother. Angns and Neil. The lat. ter hits . tine lug. m to nu! hoop: the P. th, of which there is an income pt I few hundred dollars. "ihtrttt,ertttstrtteeetettmtrtt, Ur J c, Marsh“ called on his old homo last Saturday and stayed over Sunday. for Jhuties' &tirts (Don 't Worry "Ntlt or St. Lawrence Sugars, illson’s Pan-Dried Oats, Quaker Oats, Swiss Food, Force, Malta Vita, . Vim and Grape Nuts. These goods are all put up in dirt proof packages. Don't forget the fact that we are headquarters for Green Fruits Fresh Strawberries Arriving Daily. Our famous Velvet Tee Cream is on deck. Nole Agents for Mt. Forest Laundry, 'Gammage’s Cut Flowers, and Nasmiths Bread & (Jake. PICK TSE PLADilCCE1 llllll all] see tit Beam llllll ftthgg. Illtt tll lines (ll For Ludieq and Girls at less thah wholesale prices. Contractors bring in y 11' Bill and we will give you lowest prices. We are Agents for the Durham Cement. A few reasons why you should not worry for the next 10 days r--We will offer Scecial Bargains in Black Figured Dress Goods, just the thing for Skirts, per yillroi)c for Mc, 000 for 40c, 750 for 500, $1.00 for 65c, 1.25 for Ta, 1.50 for 050. Ladies' Dress Skirts $2.50 and 3.00 for 1.75, $4.50 for 2.90. Ladies' Pique Skirts was $2.00 for 1.00. Anymore as to where you should spend your money. Just sit down and think that it was in this Store your father and even your grandfather spent his mon- ey. A history or a record such as this Store enjoys to-day is won only by fair dealings. Every year sees our Stock grow larger, our sales larger and more people satistied. Our whole aim is to furnish you with the best goods at the least money. PHONE Ir. BOOTHVI LLE. 1WhhlthWhhhhhhMhMMMhWhhWhhhWhf i', BEAUTY AND UTILITY! JORDAN & BURNETT. Cash or grade for Produce. FIRST A RRIVALS OF SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUNTER. E J xchneen and Chad" Ferguson spent ' Saturday evening at D Ferguson's, ample .Parlr. Arch Calder called on A Ferguson the other evening and had a Road tune but H was not home. thUl again. The other evening It youth and two ladies were walking southward when they saw a large land roller that WM left " Mrs McKechuie's “to. on the rmsido 1nd they got frightened and took through the fieldg. Neil Cameron visited his brother.in.law Peter McQueen. who had so much troulvle this npriug. They are all well. Also Mrs McEtusiurrn, the old lady, is smart. though over tour score \‘em. Miss Katie Clark is " present " Mr, J McQuoou'a but intends to lone for Bar. riston the last of this week when she will remain for . short time. Mr Orchard is making great improve- ment on his new farm. A new house " erected with . tine fence along the front, which looks " if than was work going on. Win. such men an Chules Ferguson and Tom Watson of the MoKochnio touch, Durham. Ind last but not lent A Calder. who had experience of taming in the by weu, Mr Orchard's work must go'iahead. Willie Kinsman and our blacksmith Mr McCabe went out the town lino in the dlrection of suicide lust Saturday even- mg and no one saw them return. Hugh Wilson, of Singhnmpton, visited 1sutatherin.law WJ Wilson. E? The many friends of Mr Fred Alc- Gillivray were sway to learn of his death last week. 8 died " the home ot his brother-in-luw,-Mr. Gardiner. Toronto, and was buried in Prieeville Cemetery on Wednesday of last week. Fred was 34 years of age and had many warm friends in this vicinity. We all join in sympathy to the bereav- ed family. Rev. Mr. Matheson t'Cll ducted service at the grave. Mr. Herman Haw and the Lmhiun bros. sold a fine, herd of fat cattlu re- cently. For 12 head the Lothian bros. realized 8600 and for 6 head Mr. H tt'iV received 8252. Misa lit Campbell is at present Gums» making in the village of Hopcviilu with Miss Minnie Wilson of Riven-sim- Mr George Haw spent the last eoupl n of weeks in Port Hope. Mr M McCannel let the contract n: 1,; m stonework of his barn to Jos. 1?icey., Miss Amos is a visitor " the Mun-nu- gald's. Mr Robert McMeekin has a brand new violin in his possession now. We expect the burg will be well supplim] with music when he gets a few lesson-4. We extend our best wishes to Mr. Thomas O'Neil and Miss Sarah Quilli- nan who are to be united in marriage this week " Pomona by the Rev. Father Hench. We had the pleasure of hav, :2 " visit from four men that were on the Gamey trml and testified against him. The parties are Mr. Duncan Orr and MrLoehie MeDouguld and his 2 suns. Mr. McDougald is a brother of Angus at this place. He puts it in a very low words what ought to be done toumnoy but we wont pat it in print as it would please some of the Retormers too 't Mi. Mr George Lane has bought for m.“ fort a new buggy from A. McArthnr. Mr and Mrs Lane visited the Mcle"sir- lane's last Sabbath. Seeding is a thing ofthe past, l'ine weather at» present. Mr. Angus Morrison had a huge plowing bee on Thursday ot last “PER. Miss Sarah McGinnis returned hmm from Wiarton last week. Mr. Angus Black is in the employ oi ex-warden Murchison. Mr. W Key- land was elected " warden at Batche- lor’s Corners by aeelturmtion, Mr. Murchison having resigned on account of him now being a marriegi mun. Mr Keyland says he hopes he will not hold the ottiee very long. Mr. Alex Magnum is putting in a crop on Mr R J lack’s farm on shares. Mr Alex. McMillan captured a fine mud turtle on Friday evening. Alex. thinks it came down with the por-n‘s hue and the poet no doubt thought. it was a raven. ' Seeding is now a thing of the past although there has been very 1min growth as yet. Very dry weather. By all appearrance the hay crop will be light. The tarmers are busy now preparing tor mot, crops. Miss Annie McMillan came home Irom Ceylon a fortnight ago. The sad news came to our can 1.: morning from Winnipeg of the mum ot James Ilav. son of Mr. Wm. Hay or this place. It will be rememberm 1-3," many we reported him with othm .x :1)- ing out west about two month, 3;“ He had taken a possession and no; id'd two weeks when he took an attack oi appendicitis and went to his amt: Mir. Geo. Baird in Winnipeg where rot we mained until he had gained sil'(-::;‘i| enough to undergo an operation He. went to the hospital on May 1s, h'ili was operated on a day or so after. uni word came to his parents reporthr.; llm success of the operation and ap, 1r:1n' looked upon as tavorable until thw s "l news reached the home this mori,ing of his death on Sunday morning u: h' o'eloek. Misses Maggie and Jiutis, who were in Toronto came honw tlun- day, also Wm. from Cedarville. 'lie body is expected about Thaw: w. The family have the sympathy oi mix whole community in this that. wro hour of bereavement. Mrs. R. Renwick returned last Week from Waterloo township where she had been attending the wedding oi' bur cousin and. visiting other friends m ::w- vicinity ot Ayr. Mr Wm. and Misses Sarah and MM y Isaac attended the wedding of their cousin, Miss Isaac. near Corbetmn, East week. The home of' Mr Tom Atchosu I It brightened on Sunday morning. 1 3rd inst, when his wife presented l/ with a bouncing baby boy. Ir,, I :: doing well. A quiet little wedding took plum- in Dromore last Wednesday, the 85h inst. when Miss Jean, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm Lester was uniml in wedlock to Mr. L. Oomph. of Tomni. She was supported by Miss Ido. her sister, the groom being ably tt,i,icruu' by Mr. Wm. Aldcorn. The Jim Mr. Campbelltied the knot. The WNW couple left next day for a short trip lots, fore returning to the city. Corp , «my ations. Mr Neil McCuunel and sister Muggiu attended services here last Sund:u3.. Mr JRusscll, of Elmwood, ls \f~11il.g his aunt, Mrs. Taylor at present. Mr J M Findlay is putting up il line stable. Mr R Smail is doing the \wrlc. Needless to say the work will Ir,. slime well. Miss Bell, of Proton, was visi: in: Mr. Colin MeMillan's last week. , "V _ THE DURHAM REVIEW BROWNSVILLE. Scotch Town. Dromore. 0.- 0.. 'ornuuitio ARCHIVES Ill "' at. TORONTO The young people of our burg atten- ded a house warming on Friday ev- ening last. at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. George E. Arrowsmith. tAll 2ilro,.rot, a pleasant time and wish Mr. trow- smith and family prosperity in their new hom 3. FRIDAY. to Butter‘s Hotel, Price- ville. for noon, and to for night. SATURDAY, to Wm. Whiteh, Ty- rone. for noon, and home to his otrn stable for night. He is a dapple bay. well got up and has a fine pedigree. See bills or pro- prietor for particulars. Terms, $8. The many friends of Miss Katie Black. Pomona, regret to learn ot her severe illness and hope she may soon recover to her usual good health. THURSDAY. hy Traverston toJohn McNally 's tor noon, to Paul Nelson 's for one hour and to Dan Mclnnis'. Bun- essan. for night. Will travel for the season on the following routes l MONDAY, will leave his own stable and proceed by the 19th con. of Proton to Alfred Tucker's. Ebenezer, for noon and to Wm. Allan's, con. 2, Egrcmont, for night. WEDNESDAY, to Geo. Twnmley ‘s for noon and to Jog. Boyle's for night. Misses Julia. McRac of the 5th and Jessie Peters at the 6th visited the Me- Intvre's and McLellun's Sunday last. We also sympathize with Mrs. En. right as We learn her little boy is very lowand not expected to recoycr. ' Mr. George Meltae had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable mare recently. Quite a loss to Mr. McRue as he just had the team. Mr and Mrs Wm Finder. Orchard- ville, visited at Mr Dan Greenwood's on Sabbath last. Miss Maud Fairman, Guelph, who is visiting her sister Mrs .Itowe in Dar- ham, paid a visit to the Morrison's of Ed ge Hill. TUESDAY. to Knapp House, Dar. ham, for noon and to Wm. Itiuyhie'tr, Edge Hill, for night. Mrs Fox of town was out to see her father Mr Joe. Firth Sr., who is very ill at present. We hope he may soon be able to be around again. Mrs Geo. Aljoe had a me: bee last Fridnv when a number of her neigh- bor women gathered and spent a very enjoyable afternoon. Mts Aljoe knows how to enjoy her friends too Mr and Mrs Robt. Ectorattendod the funeral of the infant child of Mr Jno. Mekeehnie near town. Mrs Geo. Aljoe returned home after spending a couple ot weeks in Owen Sound. Mr Wm McCracken we understand has rented his place tohistather-in- law Mr Arch Wilson, of Bentinck. Mu: Chris. Williams is visiting friends in Toronto at present. Mr Jno. Collier caught a f"mh last week which measured 11 inches, which we think Was very good for a start. This is a true Cish yarn. Mm Jno. Williams of town visited friends around here ore day lately. Miss Bessie Atkinson hes gone to town to work. Mr Wm Weir purchased an organ last Week from David Smith of the t'wm of Smith & Sons. Mrd1 Hardy Dean is seriouslv ill with pneumonia. His sister is up from Toronto. Mrs Wm. Scarfe of Aberdeen visited lwr parents and other friends around here last Sunday. Macoregor's Last Pure-Bred Clydesdale Stallion Edge Hill. J AS. PATON, Prop. .0. - - ll. ll. MOCKLER This week we offer to our customers some very special Bar- gains in New Seasonuble Goods. These goods bought under several favorable conditions enable us to sell them at prices very much below the ordinary. , MeDonald eq.. Jessie Ciar . Report of Bontmville Selma! tpet/i/iii/ry. Daisy Haw. Lfitlhdge,tt mont. March and lei]: C'lturs " '.7: 'alt 2yitte,, Ethel Haw. Andrew. Maggie CamQIhell. bi- 3rd~M|try ng-l illinms. mit- Snail. Donald Kc- son. Emily l' ilson. Hugh MeKechnie, I Camus]. Stanley William, Annlesmail Bessie Weir. Jr 3rd.. John L. M‘cDon- 5 Je lot since Enter. Robbie Lune iiiiri ald, Edgar Wilson. Alex Haw. 9eoIRerateiii,riia and Jenuet tfehGiiiiii a Campbell. John P. McDom‘le. Br .21}! :Jennie Mlll‘lhl“, Andrew Lune Judi; .--Berthn Lane, Jennie . Clark, Lillie] McDonald, Earle Wilson. . Sackett. and Robert bhmu'i, eq, 3," Ind; use? Gonmx Teacher ---Clam Wilson. Eva. Haw. Pt au:-.,) 1 . . Jennie McCannel and Annie McDonald‘- , “POPE of B. B. No. 6 Hendrick. 5th eq. Rob Campbell and Mary McQueen l Chsni--Li=ie Pomtrr. 4ttt--rda Plum. iif.', Tom Weir and Christie Cameron , Det. urbane-ll. Chime Pineo. Bran] iili'. John Wilron, Wesley Lane and .--irioiet FOP-ten John Clark. Jr 8ent-- John McCunuel eq. Intermediate hes,Alttert Lunacy. John IcKechnie. 2nd fore Easter. Jessie cu: k and Neil Mc-I -ahuad Pitted, Bunch Holmium". Lottie Donald eq., Andrew Williams. Stanley QrItton. Rt 'td---Agrttie McDougall. Williams. Intermediate after Easter. 1lamphel1Cinre.Artii, Lmmer. Jonme Ferguson. Eva Pierson and Niel IRA CAIMELL. Teacher. Following are a. few snaps: Report of Boomville School E re mom. March and April, Class t"t'fi"f M-snie Quack“: 1ifrel--?hgt 3V!" ' THE CLOTHIER. 5 "tsp"')'--"""-'),',"'-,; GINGHAMS AND MO SLINS We Invite anyone to come and examine eptsp-e'"hees,,e-"'i'Nee-sspe'i"es-as,4Sepss t H. H. MOCKLEF? 200 yards fine Scotch and American Ginghams in pretty check and stripe tsffeets in Pink, New Blue, Gray and Mauve, worth 15 cts per yard, - 7 Our Special Price. only I00. Pretty Fancy White Muslim, worth 125:: for only 80 per yd. Several pieces fine dotted Muslin worth from 20 to 25c, Special, Wi and 15c per yard, Several ends of Fancy Satin Stripe Organdie, regular 20etor only 1lie per yd. 42 " Reversible Cretonnes in pretty designs at Me and 250 per yd. Also Art Denims and Single fold Cretonnes from 100 to 20 cts per yard. Our curtains are something special and at prices that will surprise you. We have our new lines of Corsets in : New Tape Girdle, only 76 cts. Dip Hip in White and Drab $1.00. Girdle Corset from 500 to Loo. CALL AND SEE OUR SUMBIER SUITS If you don't want a ready to wear suit, we have the cloth and trimmings and can get you one ordered. 1716114337 ( " J ICI"' n: AGENTN run Tmc 0E0. A. SLATER mvxarvs 8110 I THEOBALD. Our way. For the past few months we have been steadily increasing our business in ready to wear Clothing. On enquiring from a num- ber of our customers as to the satisfaction re- ceived, they told us that never before could they get ready to wear Clothing as good at such a low price. We know ourselves that the quality and price of our goods will sell and we want the people in and around Durham to be convinced of the fact. We only ask them to call and see for themselves. Our up-to-date Hats and in fact everything a man wears is up-to-date in our Store. Noth- ing old. We are continually replacing with new and up-to-date goods. tirl ( ‘( JNI INT ' CURTAINS Yours For Business, CORSETS MAY 14, 1008 No.6 Bentinck. 5th or. 4th--lda Plum. Julie Pineo. 8r3rd nhn Clark. Jr ki-- hn McKechnie. 2nd vit McDonald]. Lottie Am'hie McDongnJl. “A ...----, Goods. , VOL. 4.2 tf 33-15-29: :rj.tj,rt. ilii d L. is Pi) 3:5 tr' [fi',' Ye an: .33; Ph mumps may; gtE 33E Ti, tii. is"; :l'bou No. 6 WI WE'PI‘I.“ ply Sign!!! For Swap! trelert from, N tO uni .,

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