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Durham Review (1897), 21 May 1903, p. 1

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bths we s wil' nd Dan Ye onh h 122-c for l fine dotted al, IW.., and Insfacnon AUSLINS before could g as good at mrselves that ine our Goods. mess 1n read V , 14, 1903 "rrctq Moo I only I oc. Lli Nu " from a num- " an " Al LE f? " M " " ninth. 5th "da Plum. 1m, Sr3nl AI "I ha " Teacher Jr " dd Jemima rgusnn. Mmai '. Em ll " M " f, VOL. 419-7 'ur. 4, m. 13;: 'YI Hememnertne mac. L... a..." - um a“ _ E1-:E:iiii-DEEEEEEEEHWEEEEEEEEM JL It Au. it? 0 “Jr-«WWW tlt mewfia$fiwmw+é$ 3E Wmmmm bl U tio “no.“ ' - WE PRINT I 9 WE'PI‘INI} .vfi7TC'h'S and nup- - t ply Stationery at Ileasonable Hates. _ 1 ' For Samplu, Prices um! Styles to I t aeleet from, Call at the f il ' J REVIEW OFFICE - . honeNo.6 ' ------.-_____-.---_-.--...-.--, Await every customer who visits us this month. This is to be the banner month of our business. We have value for value in every Department and in many lines some Big Surpris- es. Come and bring your friends and share in the harvest tha t's waiting for you You‘ll be looking for something chic in Millinery and you'll find what you want here better than most places. See the reall y pretty hats we are showing at so little money. -"" That's the great attraction about our White Waists, Dainty Waist; in the correct fabrics with fine insertions, beautiful embroideries, tucks, plaits, Iustnstitching. medallions, in fact, all the newest and prettiest ideas in styles and trimmings for summer wear. Exceptional Values at $1.00 to 82.00. . You can judge the Store by the Muelins as well as anything. We haven remarkable collection of new and choice inhncs. It's so my to get e good Muslin Dress for very little money. We can't imagine where it could be easier for you. Pet buy a single new waist until you see whatwe haveto show-. the biggest variety, the finest usortnaent. the choicest styles and the best values here of course. Pretty Muslins, new patterns " So, tor, Inge, 15c, soc. Me, 3oc and soc per yd. Mtmays ahead in Muslin: . .6, .. . 5 - a , , . "' - - JLIW' wawwwéfim 'tr-Rt-Sli?,,'-',.'-', m'i-Im a .e nlnmnnun, ' kara-CCT .. ttEEatmtMSllr! Ames Holden (k, Remembcrthe place Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE OUR DISPLAY, OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE 'thumsughty 'tht-to-date BOOTS 3Vi7TC'h'S am at Reasonable Prices and St Fall at the r (tmes (lretuatut Rubbers THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULAD CASH STORE er. a 6ummer Jimmy Sreat J??arsrarhs . NO. 21 LAIDLAW‘S om Stl Gd? eehnie. 'e0teehuie, > 'iir)'i" hi) A” mt: ' I " a 13E UAE.' mm my: TN H I An exchange gives some pertinent V hints as to news suitable for local papers which we reproduce. The REVIEW Will ' always be pleased to receive accounts : of the following: " l-Marriages. give '-, as fullv as possnble. 2--Births '3--- I Deaths, give sketch of life. always. 4-- I Removals. Cr-Loss by fire or otherwise. i tr-Land transfers. 7--Roheeries. 8- l Unusual freaks or incidents. F-New or important enterprises. 109ritritora to ior from a. distance. Ir-All township I news, and In fact any kind of news that l ls of interest. Ig-Progress of Agricul- itural operations. Don't forget to Sign '; your name. which is not for publication. l What not to give ' jibes. hints or insinu- l ations which only a. few can make sense I of. and which are unkind in their na- _ ture. The mere calling of one neighbor Eon another unless for some public pur- ipose, Sunday Visiting. and though . "every lassne has her laddie,” she does- n't like the public to know every time he calls on her, and the public doesn't care for it either." THE Nutuiu CAMP.-- The Niagara military camp will commence on June Shh. instead of June 10th, M at iitst an- nounced. There will he no cmnp at, London, all the western Ontario regi- ments drilling at Niagara and the pas- tern Ontario ones at Kingston. The idea of calling out, skeleton regiments and training them was adopted last year and as stated last week, the same plan will he followed this year', except that each regiment will he tepresented by 22.3 ofri. cels and men instead of 180. Consider. able change will be made in the rations. In addition to the allowance allowed in past, years. each man will he given daily two ounceu of bacon. two ounces butter three ounces of jam, one ounce of eva- porat ed vegntahles. two ounces of flour, and one ounce of split peas in lieu of the old allowance of barieyc--Ex. l Paisley Village [me had offered to it a ' handsome and costly drinking fountain {for man and beast if they will elect it :and keep it supplied with good water. l, The donor is a Mrs. Seymour who wishes 1to commemorate her late. husband, and (the .. Advocate " hopes the council will iclosc with the offer. We would like to I see Durham council tested this way. l Bio DAY IN MT. Fortrrt4'r.-s%turGy llast " large number of outsiders joined I with the townspeople at a corner-stone ilaying ceremony. the building being the new carriage works. to which the town _ recently gave encouragement. It is Isituated between the two stations and F when completed will cut " the view of lone from the other but will be finely placed for shipping purposes. Mayor Halstead presided and gave an excellent, address. Others who spoke were the two editors and the local clergy. A special train from Palmerston brought about 100 sightseers who must he a generous lot to come to celebrate in a rival town the foundation of an indus- try just taken from their, own. ) "nan you want something mm. um Serum thet wanted at once. Apply 3 and urtiutic in the line of photon-PM to In. A. W. H. Lumen. puttoniu Kelley. Money to Ioan at 4; per cent. Manna} Tgtotmaaar.---rt- in want MACKAY & Dtrme. Durham. , of notice- prohihiting (W about! The Chat-worth Runner and mee- i aprtr " this one. Bnd W 10 cu for ter Star are “king 5 holiday this week. i 'totiee.. _ DURHAM, THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1903. Having fitted our Studio throughout with the very latest instrtsments, hack grounds and accessories. we are now prepared to turn out pictures equal to any city work and our prices are mode- rate. H. KELSEY. Tenders wanted up to Monday even- ing, May 25, for the handling by the day of the Street Sprinkler purchased by the town. Tenders to specify cost for either one or two horses. A suitable place and appliances for filling the tank will be provided hy1the town. JOHN H. Bnows, Chairurut Bd, of \\'ork<. A very successful meeting was held at the home of Mrs David McCrie’s on Wednesday, April 29th. There were quite a number in attendance. Ad. dresses were given on hospitality. houseeleanint hygiene and vegetable gardening. The next meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, in J une, at which there will be a lady speaker. sent by the Superintendent of Farmers‘ Insti- tutes to address the meeting. } Pure Inuit“. Flour from Ogilvie'n 'Hill. Human. for sale, at A B. Flinnm's. i, When you want something nice. neat , Very seldom have we had occasion to ', record a death so sad as that which took i place this, \Vadnesday morning, whettl Lloydy Bean. only son of Mr, and Mrs. l W. H. Bean passed away. Attacked; last week with appendicitls, his medicall attendants decided on an operation ',, I which took place early Monday morn-l ing. lie came through it apparently all l right, but death was in theleup. and!) Divine providence had decreed that the; lovmg and much beloved son was to bel l separated from earthly ties. Howl much this separation means only those] similarly tried can tell. The parents. yes and grandparents too. know welll, that they have all human sympathy.: but in the trying hour they will also! turn their thoughts heavenward and! draw consolation from the best source. l, Though only 13 years of age Lloyd was i a universal favorite. with young and old. Kindly in speech. civil in manner. I and courteous in all his demeanor he, was a type of boy we have all too few , of. He gave promise too of a useiut' life. for he worked his way througlr‘l school without ever missing an exam-'l ination and was a reader of marked l intelligence foe his age. These, though I but memories now are sweet. memories. ' and he will nor soon he forgotten) by his t companions and never by those who knew his full companionship. It is a' surprising testimony to the intiuence oi _ one young life to observe the gloom cast l . over the. town by his sudden illness and ll later by his death. I'. Emma: Twv.0:.--The puhlic meeting held in Ayton a, week ago Saturday. to consider the establishment of this in- dustry there, was. says the Advance, welt attended. Messrs A. Wenger. Jas. Allan and Geo, Calder lead the plans of the promotels before the meeting. and as the subscription list approximated the 820000 mark it Was decided to secure n charter. Measrs Wenger, G. Calder and A. Schenk were sent to Toronto for that purpose. Cnnndn will have I. Ire-h lane ot camp. on Dominion Du hearing the image of King Edward. The supply of old lamp. having the lineunente of the Queen will be dimmed of before the new stamp. are iuued. Rnuw 10 Gun- Bnn'ux AND IRR. Lnxnpu-Poeuge is now the name on power. to the old lend In in Canada. Pot 50 on: we will lend the REVIEW to Jan I, Ill)! to new nuhcrihera from Land's End to John O'Gronll Home Use this specinl offer to send to wont friends. We tree. to acknowledge receipt. of program of a bday Teacher's Institute. held at. Peekskill N, Y.. from am old friend and teacher in that County. Mile 1. R. Fitzgihhon. of Katonnh. From the report in the Peekskill paper ac- companying we notice they have talk- ing teachers and heavy papers even as in South Grey-m the olden time of course. TENDERS WANTED. _ Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale. S. G. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. i O . O - A MUCH LAMENTED DEATH. Ready for Business. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO AND IRR- gi’igt‘n: ulna on ' I Canada. Iii. rut2,t,', REVIEW to It',',',, ',ltt m from l m ' . . " House ' Tlyt d i, The Fruit Growers Association prem- i business meeting of the Council will be lium will not be distributed to members l held at the same place " 14.0 o clock iuntil tall, on account of misunderstand- l in the, aim-noon of the same day. line with the nursery men. _ Dated this 13th day of Maw. 1901 C. FIRTH. Secretary D. II. S. J. s. BUCK, Tp. Clerk. Strayed front lot 32, 3rd can" Glenelg. on April 19th, " two year old Bay Mire Colt. small white star on forehead, one bind and one front foot each part, white, with dark mane and tail. Finder will be rewarded by returning to 'rar. Kaxxv. ' Edge Hill P. o. The undersigned other for sale Two Shorthom Bulls, one 12 mos. the other 13 mos. old. principally red and likely animals in every respect. Terms on ap- plication to proprietors. lots 23 and '.h, Con. 3, S. D. R, Glenelg. Will sell rea- stmahly. A. & J. HEALEV. Proprietors. The fitst sitting of the Court of Revi- sion for the Town of Durham for the yeer 1903 mil be held in the Town I {all on FRIDAY, the 29th day of May 1903 {It the hour of 7.30 o'eloek in the even- lng. - - - I wish m acknowledge With deep i, gratitude the kindly aid and sympathy ‘ of many friends and neighhms. extend- 1 ed to me during the tlying iilness ol my I wifeand lateral. her death and burial. l The memory of the kindness shown wrll I never he forgotten. Jous Bl'mucss. 5 tl CLARKE. In Durham on Monday, May 18. Mrs Clarke, widow of the late J. A. Clarke, aged m years. l The hem-no Club luv. -tttutt {hawld 'reietttmtioiotttte '0 “malty on My next and Stil' Mn ttrt.tyrtikuii, they will he 1tm'tthdttratamiuiiiidGG.' F announced“ 1.?“kdmhedn in . an mat cum t r. ,l!rhosttitshGetiGil.. It is with us again. Monday next by general consent will be a general holiday. In honoring the day we hon- ot' the king who desires his birthday to be Celebrated that day. Let the flags fly to the breeze, sing ”(de saw. the King. " look around on the beau- ties ot our country and be proud in your heart of our glorious Canada and its British connection. -God Save the king-Long Live Canada. wlne. each man" -driGiuarii, iiGi'i; horse. No whips. Prize, 83. 8. See before. 9. Durham Brass Band will be in at- tendance all day. TICKETS t 25 cts, Ladies and chil- dren 15 cts. will admit holders to both morning and afternoon sports. EVENING. The Royal Stock Co. will assent the Military Melodrama "Thef mat the Philippines," in the Town Hall. with a number of new and up-to-date specialties. Admission 25e, Reserved seats35c. Plan at Darling's Drug Store The memory of the great Queen's birthday will extendon into the future longer than that of her son or her son's son. Her merits us a woman and a queen, the unparalled length of her reign, the brillianey of it in many as- gectsal! tend to make it memorable, at there is no denying the fact that the happy circumstance of its occur- rence in the dd Miracle month of May " goes a long way to make it popular. 0. Exhibition uem-, Inch. Wate. "ttttt " Durham. Both was In in $500.14. A., ttotraeeaathittaGUfd Upland“ nae will result. At 3. l5. 1. William de, beginning as.» 'll'd,tt,Utg, nah. Llhcrnl 2, Path" much: Bktiateitt " Wr- Ber, III cup ulna! " OX2. Time 10.30 3. hero-ac much: Honour " Dur- hum Juniors. Laat yours rink. Time, 1.30. 4. 'Ntt of War. Tums of 6 men from Bantinck and Glenclg. Time 2.30 5. 100 yd race, open. Liberal prizes. 6. Relay race. open to the public School! of Grey Co. Team from ouch school to consist of 4 boys. ls: Prize, " 2M. 82. Dated this 13th day of May, 1303. WM. B. VOLLETT. Town Clerk. RO DURHAM COURT OF REVISION Purebred 'rams and Herktihives IOIDAY’S SPORTS VICTORIA DAY, MAY 25. COLT! LOST. CARD OF THANKS. g .0- Horse NOTICE. DIED. E [EaTx'ch‘ The titat sitting of the Court of Revr sion for the Township of' Gletteltt for the your 1903 will be held at the Town. ship Hall on TUESDAY, the 26th day ot May, 190:3, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the formant: - And Notice: is hy1eby_ttiveT my a 2itotmt Gleaming Jyuucitz'u (lllig HIE (lltlttt,-lllgltt tt Iltt. R. B. KEELBR t " KEELER’S Everybody says Keeler must tix my watch. " I f your Watrh or Clork in "irk Keeler fke Jeweller Ctt " "rake it tivlr For Big Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery. Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, &c. If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. Hundreds of frames to choose from. GLENELG COURT OF REVISION CRAB annex. Pun-u an Ply-ulna. Whiting, Alauatine, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Furniture Polish, Varnish in Tins, Household Ammonia, Pure Prepared Paints, Gold Paint for Gildiug lacFarlane d (h, Druggists t Booksellers. " JEWELRY May At STORE W it" "

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