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Durham Review (1897), 21 May 1903, p. 2

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l it A .3110“ whose. 'uchoouer was wrecked on a voya" from the Car, man Islands lo Jamaica a. few years _ '. no. and spent nearly two weeks in . .. a (D. but without food, Was uk- ed how be felt during that time. "t hardly felt at all after thevfirst two days, ' he said. "I seemed to out- grow the farming tor food. and I do not remember suffering any particu- lar pain. i "I drifted along In a, dreamy court of way. not caring what happened Even when I our the gdtitt which plcked me up I was not wildly ex- alted. I was too faint to worry. “The only craving I remember dis- tinctly was for a. glass ot rum and A note of tobacco. and that was any name. because I am practi- Men who have actuaJy been on the you: or mm; mum-Jo the “was at a big on}. in the Janine: of South America. In an open bran at. can. or on the sandy deserts of Aus- "an. give divergent accounts ot their feelings. Their stories go to prove that dit- ferent. men teel manauon in dmcrh ent ways. Sen-e miller intensely ; oth- ers new at all. Soqueel acute physical pain. mule the sufferings ot olners‘qppm ty bo‘purely mental. Gif, v; teel'otlliér and dd not - oaryrtrr snaking." . H B."""'""'". -.-- -__ .__,w - A mm who is now receiving a bk; m tn New York had a hard time who: he tirat came to this city, and may starved. For days and weeks “other he did not have a. decent meal, and. by his own account. he Inland tortures. . N could not keep still." he said. Often. when I was (rightfully hun- ‘ry and hadn‘t a cent to buy any- thm I would go to one of the tree titteariety and try to force myself to dt down and rest. “The faces ot the people In the crowded attest-I got on my nerves. mu. tacos. nothing but faces! They grtreamed by me continually, day and "But " was no use. Some Irresist- fhle Impulse would drive me out into the streets again. and I would pace than restleasly for hours. hungrily “telling the restaurants and won- mum-'9 Teal. ntqtst--not one or them familiar l not (no of them kindly. "It seemed as it It was my fate to “and still and see that awful pro- caution ot faces Hit by forever. They did not strlke me as belonging to run people; they seemed like the faces of ghosts. When I dropped on to deep at night I used to see those {was in my dreams, and tor months After I became prosperous they haunted me day and night like a nightmare. .. My hungf‘r caused me the keenest physical torture. Every bone in my body aclmi; my hem! throbbed Vio- lently; I Inn! trrrilrlr' p'iizis in my stumui-h. and half the time I felt as it lwas just going to faint. " As soon as hunger fairly got hold ot me 110th every ounce of energy. I could not look tor work, as I had been doing; Icoulll not even beg. "Two or three times Iasked men tor money in a timid, treble way, but when they turned aside I did not persist. A poor, ill-dressed woman trave me a. dime one night, although I did not ask her. I got a good meal with it, but afterward I felt hun- grier than ever." An orrhid hunter who nearly per- ished In a Venezuelan Jungle two years ago and lost five of his men try starvation would night after night when ho went to sleep tam- ' and exhausted dream of the markets that he had seen In various rte of the world. He would behold Badenhall market In London piled high with thousands of carcasses out] tons of meat ; and Just as he put out his hand to grasp a leg of beet or a. sirloin steak. the vision would fade, and in its place would be the ‘3ny colored market of Panama, with bananas. pineapples and or- anges. glistening brightly in the tropical euilllght. Those, too, would vanish when ho triad to snatch them; and he would awake hungrier and more ggrttmrabli, than over. This sump explorer, during the month ot semi-starvation which he experienced. unlined constantly from violent headaches, dull gnuwingpalns In the stomach, and bad attacks or malarial fever. And all tho time he could think or nothing but food. which increased his misery tenfold. " I could have borne the real hor- rors of the days a thousand times better." he said, "it It had not been tor the tantalizing miseries ot the nights." . T . Skirts “ell Cut. 1 There is hardly anything so im-l portant in dress as the out of the skirts, and here are some hints which will let you into the secret ot the new ones; In the first place. even the so-culled long gowns are tmort.. er both back and front. A four-inch slope is the right thing. and they nearly all have the yoke piece, which requires the must careful fit- ting: This renders the skirt im- possible tor the home dressxnaker. Many of tho skirts have a pointed yoke buck and front, and almost all are infinitesinmlly tucked and gath- ered. " perfect maze of elaboration. It ir, a necessity that they be per- fectly plain utmut the hips. but trom that point they flare in the sand-- est fashion. some measuring quite “we and a half yards at the hem. -Wash. Star. _ thoes Cotton Root ,Cmptmnd. No. 1.-For ordinary cases is by far the trtst dollar medicine known. Ra. B-Por special cases-10 degrees Btrttntger-three dollars per box. "tttear-ask your drugtlst for Cook’- C5.ttom Root Coupound. Take no other " an pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are cold and "commended a all dusting in the Do. :lnlongg; Fiird Itil',',! 1;”);ka race on our -een 'tetestMlt It“ 5%. 000k 933931”. - . A graduate of Oxford Unlverslty %Gi" f Vwould get another may lav-me, " the only are. reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour and time _o_f need.? - -rrriisrraf in-tdo agrees of Itrgngth._ No. 1__In N9. g tinny-u" . Windsor. on. , "Mr reasbn Told me that in three days I co.uld oat as much, as I liked, but my mind‘oould not take hold ot that fact. It seemed as It I should always be eating one tiny loaf a 'day and watching other people go- 'tttttt restaurants. . “It would. not .have been very trying, he said, "If It I had not seen food .all round me--in the bakers' snaps; in the"reataurants, In the butchern' and in the trreen-sroeera'. I would walk about the streets for nouns. watching the people go In- to Rlttt .resmuranta for lunch ,and wondering what they were going to eat . . b "Wt“ .-- nry meituait "I 'Was aTwarr thinking about food, but in quite a detached sort ot Tfr. as lt It woreotothiog to do with me. I thought of. It as an untra- velled 'est.',',,.?,',"?,',',', think ot Ind]? “Mv rpn'nhn ,nld mo ”nut in tum: "On the firth day I w“ utterly cowed. It a man spoke to me I tremé bled and could not answer. but alum: away. Eur: Nt of moral tibro and every ounce ot phylum pluc_k was gone." . "By vibe -end" or the third day I was in a half comatose state. Prac- tigallyul pay! lost. my Jdentity and After this experience. the gradu- ate in the school of starvation teak keen interest In dimverlng the sensations of other men who had gone hungry. Ho met many of them in the course or his philanthropic work and no disc'overed that in no two cases were thelr emotlona alike. '"Stttrvation," he was tond of anv- lng. “is a mental rather than aphy- ulcal paw. Its principal terrors are connected with the mind and the im- agination. A _ "The cducated and refined man. he who has seen Better days, In the man who suffers most when he goes short of food. We sufferings of a starving man are rcallv a matter of temperament. It he has not a. highly strung temperament, he dons not suffer much. "The more animal a man In. the more comfortably he can starve. Some laborers who nearly died ot ex- posure and lack of food have told me that they hardly suffered at all. They soon drifted into aaemi- conscious state, which dulled their physical pain, and they had not ev.L'iciont intelligence to substitute tho. pangs of the Imagination." A rill-wet nogatlve to this theory ls gin-on by a professor of an Austral- lan 11'.'.lvr?isrt..v, “110 narrowly es- caped dying of s:arvation during an expedition into the desert country at Central Australia. “I am sure," he said. "that I felt the pangs ot hanger much less keenly than my black trackers and servants did. I had heard they could go tor long periods without food, but the second day we put ourselves on short commons they complained bitterly and apparel to he- in extreme pain. "At the time I suffered nothing, nor did I suffer until some days after- ward. Imlncd. although two or three of my ttrm were almost dead from lack of bod, by the time we reached the mam-st settlement I really luf- tered very little. "The only unpleasant sensations I can recall “vs-re occasional bad head- aches, slight pains in the stomach. and now and then a. feeling of faint- ness. At other timas I felt exception- ally strong. although, I had eaten hardly a scrap or tood, for days._ _ "Ift 1 war" to Judge of my own feel- ings. I should say that the agonlee of starvation are much exaggerated. But the sufferings of my men were tel-rims enough. I asked one ot them how he felt when he was lying on the ground one evening, too weak to move. "Boss," he replied, "me full ot devil» elawin' at me inside." "I gave the poor wretch a little brandy. but he declared It made him feel worse. "I did not find that hunger in any way affected my mental powers. On the contrary, it seemed to improve them. I was able to take the keen- est interest in my sclentU!c work. "Possibly the Mat that I had somb thing to occupy my mind saved me from suffering as the others did. They. poor wrptches, had nothing to do but to think of food." believe that was why they suffered so keenly." Judicious Pedestrianism is the Beat Exercise tor au Classes. WALK AND RETAIN HEALTH Walking is the slmplest. and most natural and the most wholesome of all exercises. No athlete ever trains tor a contest, no matter what its nature may be, without walking a considerable distance in the We" air each day. Many keep in vigorous health by this alone, and no matter what other exercise you take you must walk. But, first ot all, learn how to walk. A great many people walk in an aimless, shuffling man- ner and secure but little benefit from the exercise. In walking for exercise the effect is better it the kind ls directed toward some pleasurable end. Walk with consciously directed movement until you have brought every muscle under perfect control of Four will. MOplng along in an aimless. lackaadaisieat manner does little good physically and harms one mentally. The necessity of maintaining a pro- per, erect position of tho body must, says a writqr m the April Cosmopoli- tan, be borne in mind. Bear the weight on the balls ot the feet, keep the shoulders back and down, the chest high. bat do not hold the abdo- men inward, as is taught by many athletic instructors. Let it be re- laxed tor this part or tho body should more in and out with each breath. There should be perfect freedom to breathe normally-New York World. A novel writer doesn't 'teseetrsarily write something hovel. ' r- “-9- -9.N-i'-"'" --___ - v '.il childhood. Bo not mad ot thy t-', father and mother when they come I to visit thee--Dor of the girl trom no thine own town who did not make a. Gl hast. Thou shalt not kill time. Thou " alum: not seek alter the attention. a', ot the young men--iet them do the at; seeking. Thou shalt not steal thy a. I neighbor's work. Thou shalt not lie "* ' -.usnasertrariV: Thou. ohaltpolt covet .Ten Precepts. _ , men accepts no not forth: for young women- In the girls’ Issue ot Northwestern. the students’ publica- tion of the Methodist Unlverdty. Miss Edna Bronson is the young woman who framed them, and here they are: "'mou than not be thy own god. Thou shalt not make for thyself gods of clothes. money. social position or high marks. Thou shalt not talk for the sake ot taWIntp- meaning nothing and saying nothe izNr,_Rattyamttet' The 1rioyltlry,r er. SE}! I Ttt prove. to you me Dr. Chan's Ointment G a certain and absolute cure for each ., end every form of itching, ’-' bleedingend titehPgghlg',: the maneuvers have guaranteed it. tee- timonials in the daily press end ask your neighr bors what they tylnk of it, Yoga PR, use it an? __q, :-_-‘ -.... n. v " not! want: may unu- v: u. -.e.r. v-.. m-ee- -et __ geba'our money back if not. cured. 600 a. box, " all odors or ItoMAHsott,BAin & Co..T9tonto. irGriGGiri'vi5iCiiihtite fluery." 3;:‘55539’5 Ointm'ent During the dinner hour at a. certaln large works some of the men were discussing mavkcxt-garder1intr an a. profitable hobby. Several of them had allotments near " hand. and each. ot course, eonoiutured nun. uis own particular plot of ground was the beat kept. "1 think myself," remarked an imyartial bystander. on being up- penled to, "that old Jim K---" la the best blt." "What'." shouted one of the men. "r11 guarantee to eat all Jim him in the place!" At that mo- ment old Jim K--- himself appeared, and at once took up the challenge. “Though." he added. “in doing so I didna .hlnk ye wad turn cannibal. Bob I" “Cannibal I." ejaculated Bob. "Wot d’yer mean t" "Weel. y'know,“ said the other, dryly. "My owd don- key's down yonder l" Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Touch or Style. Every woman knows what an im- portant finish to a gown is supplied by a pretty bit ot neckwear. Never was that luxury more easily attain- alhie than now. To begin with there never were so many dainty utock collars obtainable tor 25 or 50 cents. Next the leftovers, ot which every woman has a box or drawertul tucked away, the hits ot ribbon and lace and velvet, can all be utilised in making up an attractive adorn- ment tor the throat. Insertion divid- ing strips of gay colored velvet is one pretty thought. Medallions ot embroidery or lace, appliqued upon satin ribbon, form another pretty stock. Frequently emttroideriet, bought by the yard can be treparat- ed into medallions. which are just now so popular. By the way. those top collars are terribly tricky thingl. It you wear one, he sure to attach it firmly where it belongs. Not in- ‘irequentiy one seee an unconscious maiden whose top collar has wriggied ‘0110 end tree in the back, and ham therefore. ceased to be ornamental. ifiiiLii1iiSiryi'..iii Ledger. open l Elev tlstinsi in ' chain; up ttoatrit end linen it‘with e new men. Nine. tn ten sluice will relieve cold or cent-r11 or are the meet obetlneze hMIche. A quick cure- '0 die mire-mit a Blow remedy. w. It can b. done " the no " on. vori sun's . Pineapple will digest taut In I did " IOP. The rest cure [a the hon cure. the only in". for dynpop- " 1111911 tho whole story except that nulls-pubic“ amt-a. a. sum one. “in up an dl-ttre -ati-Prics86utits. .. " giving the digeuin app-nun I healing. wholesomo not! . 'orrrAieio ARCHIVES T TORONTO Why should you. pay 40c to 65¢: for your woven fence when you. can weave " yourself at a cost of 25c to ase, per rod. The Selkirk Fence Machine will build a better fence 9:: the posts than you buy readgwoveu. Our Steel Gates are Strong, arable and Cheap. AN though improved for 190;. they are no dearer than inferior gates Write for a analogue. Dr. “new; (hymn! iGiie,' Eat, drhk'nnd be nurrr4 Juit “I SELKIRK FENCE) CMS. YE'-?2arad, Ont- Bob's Appetite PINEAPPLE “can. Pd,',',' a wholewmaca 01 pan. tom the Interior and move th 5-!!!” women T antrBttttdrerts' . scene pf their lemon. The w . . 2mm“ has often to resc " an. ”gamut to can” MOI was: [and or nth-d to h turnou- .tttU' some _reMtrr1 l The or punt. ot Mexieo 1, s,rai'll'dlris's' mm mm We, 'the gun. as when leavel hll home ltnd Duly, under the moat extraordin- Brr. onetime: can he be Induc- ld to potion-n any, labor. It I. Yer! difrioult to induce one to so to a pan; ot the republic where labor is scarce and wage- double that of his own ,district. Luge contractors have {harm 'ittrttFttit to an expedtent to mire Labor. tmer.. olton so and en- fdt a wholevmece of peasantry, tom the interior and move them all, at; women l amr Guiana. to the scene ttt their More. The welathyg V tuba!“ nu linen to_r_eoort to Mexican Pea-ant. Have a C Inmate Aver-Ion to Work of Any Son. We cilia!“ to ”up. laborer- to row, ma or stud to an: out- ircrrATr" .' ' can; now every. much gt huge dimensionl In Mexico has several small ”village- upon it wMetrttomdtrt wholly'of people and their minute: employed you the As the Mexican peasant is carols-I about money matters. so be is our lees abbtit everything he (mes. Very. tax-elf in. he an: Interact In Lula wary. 'ttttl com: ls anally very ban.. lx dolls. He cannot undernand why anyone“ album waist to hurry. or to do more than he actually ha.- to do. If you leave him alone and expect hlm'to work In your absence there are ninety-nine chances out ot 100 that you will be nutshell. In all mutability he will alt down and pat- n'tl'y, wait for your return, and smoke the tmsvitatiuveigur to pa... sway _the time. \ . - u As the peasant I: with hll work. no he in with'hls family} and his home. In moat easel. though he love. them In hieown way; he take- no thought of them. The wife bu there- fore to exert herself to make both and: meet and she genera“! does. 12eat1ermstt,--Mgf nelghbor’e boy, l learn old, tell into a. tub ot bolllng water and trot scalded tactfully. A few days later hig legs swelled to three lines their natural elm and broke out tn running sores. His par- ent- could get nothing to help him tUI Ireeomtnendttd MIN'ARD'S LIN- AMEENT, which, after using two bottles, completely cured him, and I know ot Metal other was around here almost as remarkable, cured br, the tune Limunent and I can truly my: I never han- dled a. medlelne which has had as good a. sale or given such unlversal sat-lefactiou. - ; Atmsttorit, 4th Aug. 1893. mans C. a momma ' go. N. Y. Weekly. Old Lady-l feel awful nervous. Are you sure we won't have any acci- dents? Conductor ttond of statistics) - Every person who rides on a rail- way takes one chance in 1.491.910 chances of being killed. --- _ "01d LadyLLu' sakes! Why didn't that rascally agent tell me so he tore I bought my ticket? _ We otter One Hundred Domunf Reward tor any can of Cntnrrh that cannot be cured by Hall'- Catnrrh Cure. F. J. HENEY & co., Toledo. o. We, the undersigned, have known F. 4. Cheney tor the last " yearn and belle" him perfectly honorable In all busing“ trans- action- and tluancially able to carry out any obllgaslona made q their tirm. Wins? t Tmux, 'holeuale Drugzlnu, To. e o, . WALDINO Knnux & Luann, Wholecalo iGiiiilu, Toledo, o. _ Hall'- Catarrh Cure ls taken tnterutuir,tseb. in: directly upon the blood and mucou aur- tm of the trrstern. Testimonlall "nt free. PHee-76e per bottle. Sold " all draw-ta. 3511’. Family Pill. are the beat. DEARLY LOVE THEIR EASE. Elmira Telegram. The DtunBel--Bat this is such a, queer. unromantic way to propose to a. girl. Mr. Wellup. In the daytime, and on the way to a suburban train I The Widower-l know it. [in de link. I've generally proposed whilst taking- tb moonlight ride with the :girl. but I thought Pd go at It dit- |ierent this time, just for variety. Lover’- Y-Z (Wise Bead) Disinfectant Sup Powder in . boon to my home. It dinin- hounndolunltt the me time. . PhiladelphU Lodger. "Poor old Miss Maden come near getting herseLt in trouble last night. She started. according to her usual hablt, to look under the bed---" "Yes, yes. Well?" "Well, her bed at the time hap- pened to he an upper berth in a. bieepintr-eesr." His own reflection shame. the man whose face In branded with hen-ma. Lethlm anoint his [wanted “ennui, skin with Weav- er's Cerate and purity his loud with Weav- er'o Syrup Johnny-How old was Methuseluh. auntie? Auntie-Nine hundred years old. ' "And how old axe you. auntie P' f "Thirty. my child.“ I "’nhan papa reckoned wrong by eight hundred and seventy years. He and you were as old as Metuuaeialt." I Jess-ar; she so very p1atn-1ootring'? Tcas-Well, I should think so. Why. the guru who went to animal with her wouldn’t evvn let her appear in the photograph taken ot all the pupils. ' "It sounds funny to hear you talk- ing that way. When you were at collvge you didn't believe In eternal punishment at tul.,'!, BA, , "ui' know. but I didn't have any ene- mies them" "Do you allow drunken people on the train T." aade a fussy clergyman at a. New York elevated station the other day. - . . _ .. “Sometimes, but not when they are too drunk,” replied the brakeman. "Nat take a. seat neaa' the middle of the car and keep quiet, and you'u be all right." A man who insists upon occupying two seats in a railroad train ought to feel like a. cannibal when he ll eating pork. I Looking Under the Wvontr Bed. MW'S THIS ? Alarming Figures. Fond or Variety. Just Fun. Génerdl Merchant. ' ' M?“ " Pure soap I" You’ve heard the words. In Sunlifht S o a p you have the act. " 1- universally conceded that to 9109011: appmclgto s trip to New York " Boston. on. nut 'tta. the Exchange. ." ' 'hmmr--Pop, a diamond will,” clan. will It not? Tommy‘s Pop-Yes my son; and It has even been known to not. an Impression on a woman's but mucous“. "ee-MI" Shapelelxh made her dd- but as a burlesque queen ' hat nigh-t- Tom-Did she come Out with honor? Jack-Well, she didn't come out with any too out on her. York Central. A German clergyman. who was tra- velling. stopped at a. hotel muqh requented by wage and Jokers. The host. not being used to having a clergyman a: his table. looked at 11m with surprise; the guests used all their railiery of wit upon him with- nt eliciting a, remark. The clergy- man ate his dinner quietly. appar- ently without observing the jibes and new ot his neighbors. One ot them, at last. in demir at his torbear- nce. said to him a . mrTiiifi.' T " Oh, yes, but lam used to It. Do you know who lamp' " No, sir." " Well. I will Inform you. I am chuplam of a. lunatic asylum; such remarks have no effect upon me." -ir'sFiii," i’thEm at your patience. Euro you not heard all that has noon and to soy?" ", "' .. “A President Roosevelt and his wife met each other tor the first time in the nursery. and played at “horses" and trundled their hoops together. By and by Miss Caron went to Eur rope to finish her education, and Roosevelt went to college, and when he left it to begin his career he mar- ried a. Miss Lee. who died three years later, leaving him a widow. 1 er with one little girl. Then he came across Ilsa Caron again Just by chance. All these year» she had been talthtul to her first pinalore love. Sin he married her, and they In true story-book style have lived happy ever after. Could Hum Waited. A certain tmtrurbanito was accus- tomed to bring home some little re- membrance tor his little girl, who always ran up to him and put hen hand In his pocket, expectantly. Once, however, he was Uelaped,and at the last moment found that he could not catch the express train that he always took it he stopped to purchase anything. 'When upon his arrival home his little daughter started to put her hand In his poo- ket he shook his head. "I had to disappoint you to-nlght. dear,” he said, and seeing her quiv- ering lip he went on; "It was this way. At the Jast "It was this way. At the Just moment a. man came Into my office which kept me later thun‘umm! and I only Just had time to catch my train. Now,, if I had stopped as usual to get you something I would have had to wait an hour tor an- other train which would have made me get ttome,foo late tor dinner." DEAD FLIES TXCKLE NO NOSES Eli's daughter thought a. moment and said; It " the little worries, that both- er us. and nothing is more annoying than to have mes buzzlng all around you, settling first on your ear, then on ya" nose or race, particularln when you want to rest. To brush: them off " useless. they return at once. The use of Wilson's Fly Pads in the only sure way to get rid ot the little pests. Buy a. packet and clear your-e house in a few hours. Ask tor Mlnu-d'u and take no other. "Well, balm. I could have waited." A 33006111130 FACT. Used to Such Treatment. A Very Herd "s Substance. FiaGhtaouott-.riiii'. “resume-'0' "1' Quinlan} Lumbarmnn'! SOTENESS AND STIFFNESS St. 1:139:25 Oil .. unit ”in!" road ll tho New in: Dick's Blood Purifier It t-itt health, and increases the K; of milkm . I 1'",i,5,'M"t, have. a smooth glossy coat, I; an}! puts , and ggirit into then. . - , Try" a. package wiils any run-down animal t A. you may have and you will be convinced. so gtqtttn . viola-go. LEE-, IILIII & co.. m Imam. g as: what It ms 25 years no. Horses and Cattle iii' The prompt. sure cure tor Woe, 25c. and 50c. Is the beat Tonic for Toronto mlomnu . . r _', - I A100 to tntgrats at; )olnu. Menu “ohm. I Included. Hanna. 1 leave Monday! and Thur-day: In Marr-HAmftton 1 p Myron“. t to T.80 pan. Ftsrtttrfutortttrttion apply to mu or-Ii. FOSTER CBAFFKF., " are" I‘m-cup: Agent, It. i o., Toronto, a” h kw tStttuM.tkfPi “a! lightl- llama. it man... LEhitlil h PROFESSION trr-ttro youeu nacho-mitot- ”Lu-ADAY. [MW I"ff. ISSUE NO. " 1901 LADY AGE!“ NAME} LooomLE'i'iu GEEASE - -rer3t ttt moan a co" m. 'tr.1tG'a%'t. 7" T . "union...“ “murky“ v " nu cauauu. are. co. of HAMILTON. ournuo. miummm. .. Chuvuto Tribune. " Mow did you ever manage to gat " the good side of that rrusly old uncle ot your. t" asked Fan. “Fed him the things he liked when he came to visit us," rvplind Nu; "The good tide of any man is ll] inside." mm. Sin 'e J'dtt.tl'al'i; lane a, m R M U a I “ll -‘ to _ than. I nu 'a'l'Wld to man. .311" . which if! , Jr. " a excellent Ttrw. I "In. Sweeney. 0.11. “can”. an tala'. I have tmu Laue; Mb Llnlmeut " used by clout. trtrotohantidin In said to in moat deadly polson on mum made from an African plum m and alcohol. 89cm Buchanan. tt 1mm. 35”.; and 'rh,li?!,t5'?i?,irris)! Je, no a sin e 'se t e uh pd: of your“ n: Era Sikh-lung my 9% "v........__, w... Indo- a -b-"Natisertetttte a numbing-s" m DR. B. r, KENDALL CO.. 1'1:de of In upon eqnany good mm adol- mum tron la vie. Prim bl ; m for u. l Holman tor many an " has no mun. Ask your dwell-t for Kendlll'n smvm l are. tlgrt "A Truth. on an an" t book tree, a Mt. B. I. KENDALL tht., EIOSBURS FALLS, yt The Old Reliable Remedy GOOD FOR EVERYTHING Bi “NEE" DAYS Feminine Wisdom You." truly. llamcursm: 'itit.1tise' l','It ll. W. LAtttD, iyt th. It h Phy- d, Cur" Mim " Show. que.. It? I at the many poopie . hood who lmvu been health and sin-mun at Dodd'e Navy I better position to beetetit of thrir on WALKER LIL M - [out All Hiv- bi a Hamel. Be etia qutstion--the I must. "I cuflered from three or tour year d. "For two years "three day! oft w continually sick tk like an old man. 1 cm and became "After trying a that only znw tN' wu fortunate en Kidney Pill: boxes I was com Mr. Hamel In 0| mic-u of Dotld'u there in not the I the correctly»:- or dttIqttt. of people 1 “we” and cure TIOIbk- in tho TI When Hutu-In Bero‘u a story J "DB you iumr no bu wite? No? Stu. buying ll went“ I I y “canny that h but hair renal“ dulled the [wad of 'l‘lnomykinu in h: preu'uded tw dldu . cigar and ti two or ttwee of ll m jun! lwiol'o- t “It! kind ol can- tun: _ -"Say, old mu good for, th" I ot grow. you I "on. you." on "Well," mild take n hmm. . regular dude The two non - em“. but tf at? lanll. Tho h when tte m alter loo ham lit " to thank that thing to try a lit qtoror. In up durl wile's cough mud urea it all ow: WM good and a! right on. Mr: Tim kill tit ot cu night and in lot-In at tor her Mini hair rumor” Sn and than Mullen-w "Fire'." Thonmkimi aw There had been pillow also and In made a 'tret had all tire ttoetintt, ttar him so than dine in an I calm- run-Mm qirttattee, m om: taking a hollow-d. um "Fire'. I'D! 'Phe hi with no a it th, qttt CHANG trying period. The minful a “a painful " toms experience: u, this pluiod of) come by iii?) Vegetable Co gully desimlcd 1 mt iomatfs sy', he of clung“ l1 . It is In. I like th pi Hamel g Betore he Um Kidney l value w! td.' tr years an gin“ me, and my back “um 'giurs “rags Uh were very fro triend adviwd B. Pllkhum ”ad, 1 have “a m today f t “not, speak " the medicine and wish every the it . tral.", “I. Ave,, Rosl tWas' " . “pal-eli- I cough med tri Ttir. l) RON Ill " remm w I an trial mining to has dim " The G Ll rt" all Ill or My dru herit 1p 1:2: Ill M .‘4 "

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