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Durham Review (1897), 21 May 1903, p. 4

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Sewing Machine Needles, and all Supplies will be sold at RIGHT PRICES. A Fine Shipment of RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES THE _lll,tEllllMi)lai,i2R,ti-i-l,i: EUQM We have a full Assortment. Call and see Them. MCCLARY STOVES Just To “and Everyone has heard of the famous John Clark. I Pave , our Chum-v. Mr. Joseph Williams, Carrot River, N. w. T., wrote his father. John Will. iams. last week that he had been on the ground where Chas. .Stewart, was killed, saw the tree that killed him. the men who buried him, and the grave where he lies. He was Informed that a sum of $100 in money. some checks and some clothes awaited thef-laim of his Irjends. who have been notified, Mr. \Villiams is 2,'1,,ti'i,int, amo- has met some phe- nomenally ong timber, one spruce tn particular being 127 feet. Not all prair- u: out Nest. Mrs. John A. Clark died Monda afternoon at the residence of her daugg- ter, Mrs. J. Lloyd. She has for many years past been in delicate health. In. terment will take place today. Wednes- day in Trinity Church Cemetery. her pastor. Rey. Mr. Ryan, conducting the services. Mrs. Lloyd, her only child, has the sympathy of the community in the severance of the last parental tie. Mr. Arthur Laidlaw accom nnie Mr. fhttelitfe. came home Cl.l)'t"/lllt,lot for a. week pr 10 days' holiday. They are engaged in the praliminary survey work for the doubling of the Peninsular Uo's. plant at Cement Git ' Mich., six new rotaries being addetfto the six al. ready there. Mr. Turner, of \Vashmgton. D. C. ru- turned Saturday after a two week’s stay with his mother and sisters Mise Turner and Mrs. T. Harris. His mother and sister have taken up residence in A. D. McKenzie's house, who it is seems has changed his mind about coming here. Mrs. Parker. :unl Miss (huncrnn (laugh- ters of thelate Rev. Jas. Cameron and nieces of Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Gainer- Ot have returned from visiting o. S. relatives and will spend the week here Irnfore returning to their homes in Alvinston. Miws Martha Williams, daughter of Mr. Jno. Williams, left last Thursday for Winnipeg with her sister Mrs. Rorke. The latter visited her father-In- law, Mr. Jas. Rorke. Allenford, who is in poopihealth. before leaving. MissiCattienm, Leith, came here last week to spend a few days With her brother Angus and family. The latter intends we believe to return with her this week lo spend a holiday With Mr. Cameron’s mothel during his enforced idleness. Mrs. Urn. “Jul. Winmpeg, came home lust week to Drmnore, accom- panying the lenmins of lu-r nephew, Jas. Hay, who died in Wmniyeg Hos- pital. Before ”turning she will visit amongst friends. Miss Helen Burgess. Ilochestev, who eruue home on 'he occasion of her tustet. irt-law's death, returned Wednesday morning. She visited on Tuesday at, an old friend's, Mrs. C. Mlmncm, and at the REVIEW office. Mr. Finlay Graham at the recent examinations of the Ontario College of Pharmacy, passed his final examination and ts now a. fully "ualified druggist. Cotutrat ttlat ions. Mrs. Arrowsntith, Mrs. Runmgennd little daughterAgnes went to Mt For. est last Saturday and were guests of Mrs, W. S. Hnrulmrgli. Mrs. AI'I‘IHV- smilh untrained for a few days, THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO The principal of Walkertnn public school addressed a public letter to the arents of younger children. in which he says: .. it is the almost unanimous opinion of teachers that no child should attend school until at least six years of age, and many not till reven. While teaching an ungraded school I noted the a e at which every pupil started to schoolfatnd in ever y instance those who started at. seven or eight years passed those who had started at five, in two years or less, with no apparent fatigue or Injurv. while many of those who started at five were permanently injur- ed in bodily and mental powele. At five years of age children hnye not the ideas or command of language to protit by formal teaching, and their brains are not strong enough to study for several hours a day, any more than their little bodies are strong enough to endure regular body wor for the some time. The'vgood work LGUt "iirriulli2','"liii'i season. Don't. be afraid of the saint hrmh. the rake, the hammer an the saw. NIH-2 PREMISES: The following good advice, given by a contemporary, fits Durham so well that we reproduce it, here. All know how much " nice premi- see " add to the attractiveness of at town. Strangers w ho visit a. place are favor- ably or unfuvomhly impressed 2: the general uppenrance of streets, resi ences and grounds. When things are bright. tidy and neat. residents themselves enjoy lite much better and take it or- donnble pride in the home town. Bast. year considerable iinpiovetnent was made in our midst. . New sidewalks Were laid; the council saw to it that thistles and other weeds Were not allow- ed to thrive on the streets. and citizens showed a commendable spirit in beauti- rr,rciyr their residences and mounds. c, _A_‘ ____.L I a. DOCTORS IN THE muuuT.---s'unday evening last Montreal Protestant Church pulpils were occupied by ouc- tors, who diseoursed on the cause, cute and prevention of tuberculosis. availed themselves of the opportunity of presenting a petition, numerously signed by the business portion of the community asking tor farther increased railway accommodation. The. deputa- tion met Mr McGuigan in his private ear and was introduced by the mayor. after which he presented the petition and introduced the matter contained therein. which was discussed in a lice and easy manner. Mr McGuigan stated that in a matter of this kind there were two distinct parties to take into consideration on the one hand there were the parties looking for re- turns irom their investment in the Grand Trunk Railway and on the ether the parties desiring to be accom- modated in their traftie arrangements, both of which had to be taken into con- sideration and concluded by assuring them that their representations would receive lair consideration. The depa, tation then withdrew extra well pleas- ed with the cordial manner in which they had been reeeived.--Gun. On the Wiarton branch there is a freight train despatched from Palmer- Mon at 6 a. m.. going north, by the aid of which freight is delivered at the way stations early in the day. Where- as freight is now delivered in Durham very late in the afternoon, we would suggest that it a change is made by an additional ireight train being placed on this branch that it also should leave Palmerston at 6 a. m., thereby making it more convenient all round for all concerned. At 10 a. m. on Thursday of last week, Mr. MoGuigan and Mr. Jones and one ot the Directors of the G. T. R. 1oemlhill'f arrived in the yard of the N. .. C. Co., by special train to have a. look through the companv’s gigantic works. A deputation consis- ting of the mayorand members of the town council, Chas Mekinnon, County commissioner and ex-Watxien, ; W S Davidson, Secy. of the Durham Gas and Oil Co. ;U. Lefroy McCaul, Soli- citor lor the Durham Furniture Co.; John Livingston, Local Manager of the, Durham Manufacturing Co.. and Gil bert Mekeehnie, Treasurer ofthe.N. P. C. Co., and the first President ol'our local railway when known as the "Georgian Bav and Wellington”. As soon as the cement works com- menced tornn at fullca ity and ship their manufactured prom“; to all parts of the Dominion. it then became up parent to the people of til: town thaton account ot the excessive amount of freight offering there would be some dilllculty experienced in handling the output without a further increase at rolling stock. Later on those anticipa- tions became realized, passengers in coming in to town by rail became annoyed " their detention at the junction of .the cement switch and the trunk line. This was rather disagree- able to the travelling public bat under existing circumstances could not be avoided. Howeverthe G. T. it. th., has now a general knowledge of the extra freight they are now handling and will require to handle in future, so that they can new apply the much desired remedy in order that this con- gestion may be removed. The sched- uled time of the present service is quite satisfactory and if the G. T. It. 00.. could see it in their interest to place an additional daily freight train on the branch. this We think would he all that would be required as the passenger service would then be re- lieved from theextm strain now placed upon it. Mr. Canon. Manager of the Furniture Co.,iaa in Kincardine on Saturday on business. Mr. Wm. McCrucken rented the cen- tral residence in the McKechnie Block. (old British Hotel ) just vacated by Mr. Kepkey. EXTRA TRAIN ACCOIIODATION. Additional Locals. Putz, Pomade, regular price we for use Boys' Knives, reg price we, 2 bt 05c Pancake Hoppers, reg price 25c " 15c Oakey Knife Polish " 254: " 15c Ladies' Garden Gloves " 50c .. 35c Dinner Pails .. 50c " 40c Men's working Gloves“ . 60c " 45c Fancy Lamps st $3.50 for82.75 . An immense shipment of Spades. Shovels, Spading Forks, Manure Forks, Rakes, Hoes and Horse Pokes just to hand. Buy one of our Lawn Mowers ; you will be able to keep your lawn shape quite easily. "t hdlilM I (Ill. (ii: , DRUGGIS'I‘S & SEEDSMENE :t 8ugar gteets j) Carrot For Sale at W. Blacks Store. It 6eteeted Jeodsg: ii) ”angel: it' Flaxseed (recleaned) Buck- itr wheat, Hungarian. Millet ea and Corn. aeseil?siiirqil? 'trsirril?ti)r9ie J BURNETT. We dont back up. We claim to have the best assorted stock of Groceries in town. Flour, MEALS, and other Cereals. Smoked meats, Bo]. ogna, de. Also Coal Oil. When you are scouring the town for good Butter it you wilt remember that we arrange with the best dairy farmers in South Grey to supply our trade. Back Up JY card-ware I It Will Help Some Sole Agents for WESTON’S BREAD. w. Bach. Ure), SNAPS : Steele's Raul Giant. Rennie‘s. Danish All the leading varied ties of Swede and gate, Turnips. ties Evon's Saw Log. Bruce's Gate Post, Mammoth Red, and Yellow Globe. Improved Short White, X) W loo, 2 bg 05 ice 25c" 15 250 $g 15 Soc " 35 SOC " 40 60c " u and _ in _ 1c. A.t ROW bl TRY THE NEW fli)i)ft SHOE STORE, 6" in! Wood: / f 'dlml emu 6erarretora, '0' “or Drill, CACMJJI 3.31:3: We etc It the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or. ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur; More, or at the anw OFFICE, wilt receive our best attention. iiha ~ .2. & F Vii/3 I tS ‘- 1(sr, te jg; ti? 7.1;: WV " Wan BCS 3 r I. "I? I w, Mr] r1.» ' my. ' .-- iliiiillllEijil, ,.; _ -. a \r‘“€:o:; "-t ra--" l ‘ Elscca LI YOUR BREAD SUPPLY Be. it large or small. will ln' " waysof the bestqualily ifolrtair,ru, of us. Our product is ot ullcc pm. wholesome and toothsomv. Cup. : be beat. Made from a superiiu' grade of flour and purl-st ingrcdi nets. Our bread, rolls, buns. ctr are baked in absolute clcanlincs, and are delicious. First class SN' vice. . _ Agents. iia"iii"stsow Rooms opposite Mi, t'dautrtt Stables, Lambton SI For Reliable Footwear. Jordan‘s Old Banal?“ door n Campbell 'ts Implement Wa rehousc Eggs 'lakeu in exclmlge for Goods?“ Also another Shipment oi the renowned and up-to-date Karn Organs. Call and test them, theyare open for ;.... tion. garments earring». which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed fot beauty and second to none in quality. Call and see them and if you do not want to buy out for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is " above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. Jinn: @rgansJ Just arrived at the Show Romos J.. Barclay & Bell, u Car- load Ready for Spring ggraole now its Guy's agad their "tttttation has been gained “by by their excellence Only Drill in the Market geared ttom both "51' and full llireru Peter Hamilton's Goods in MAY 21, 1903 . B. McARTHUR Uudhopo give III a can R. PARKER. talking CA s" Stock . cutters m And l Caldo (Ended I White up to "luck I ukirh. hull‘ “and [mi Line ot ti Hulk-r Il TAN:- LI White H Flour (Di NEW P THE tis l )wn Will cl Shortlll comp I and ki thaw Spring“ enter a! “In to 1 Calder "M' KN TW GRE 'dit,',', 2 c the Ithud Ilium] l Key-bunt For t Miss S’dn lo ‘ML w ll Tttis MOI

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