West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 May 1903, p. 5

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hgr Wood: .1 f Cun- Jonnfm. "(or tBritt, Drill in the Market m Pot}: whgels and In]! Grirar B. McARTHUR aady for Spring the shop at the bridge CV- esday and Satutday. or. quiries left at C. MeArttmes tt the Ravmw OFFICE, will l best attention. y we were talking " Gray 's in @rgansj- so another Shipment of nowned and ttp-to-date Hrgans. Call and test ous It TO LET 0N SHARES. , 21, 1963 are known and approved tten to be unsurpassed for and second to none in C. Call and seethem and do not want to buy one ttrseli you will be able to ‘mr friends the old old nf those famous rigs which hove mentioned. Prices yles to suit all. CLAY tr BELL their reputation In. I... 1 only by their eareetteased, Hamilton's Goods i. Organs. Call a theyare open for I THE NEW f] SHOE STORE eliable Footwear. w rosy“- Shoes, laken in exchange for Gaming “I” Wor k ended u A.is l\’( MVP} Orchard. mostly winter , behind the Parker pro- " Town. For tvrma and -'I1Ir', P92 Old Stand. m gtussiea Vulisos. Ete. MCILRAITH. I ",.,5tts"'%p d Stand. next door ter Implement Warehou- arrived at the Show Barclay & Bell. a Car. 'uclhope EAD SUPPLY B. PARKER. Ga. rriages, Agents. pposite M id lmbton St. md repairimr 7rade W us a all. a superior st ingredi- _ buns. etc. " class 0r nee pm tt '. Can ‘I mnliness PAS" a Car- sined a Funded wash Silk Waist lurgths in White, Him-k and Colors eaeh 82 . uplu.. ........ ..............,..83.50 Black Mercerized Sateen Under- skirts. ..... . . .81A0, $1.50. 81.75. 82.00 N KW PRINTS & FANCY GING HAM’S Culqler’s Block, - Durham. Don't forget us when put want a gmxl pair of Shoes as We carry a Full Line of Sterling Bros'. Shoes. W. H. BEAN And look in our Store Window and you will see bar. gains for your life. Table Littemitt in. wide, per yd Hulk-r Wrrulow Shades. each .. m .. _ ..- .....gise White Bed Spreads each . . . .851: & $1.20 Floor Din-lath. J yd wide. per yd . . . .25c with Full Lines of Sylvestcr Farm Implements, Famous T udhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs, Clare Bros. ' Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton's Implements. Adam's Sleighs. l hv EX SOUND. Will enable unv person to acquire Shorthand and Typewritimt and be- 0mm a stenographer or book-keeper and kindred subjects and become a thoroughly competent book-keeper. Spring term now on, Students may wntcrat any time. Fall particulars sent to any address free. HE SELLS CHEAP. THE BEST GROCEBIES AT LOWEST PRICE. - Pros un Steel Hay Forks aSpecialty Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. " KN H()l'.\' " TWEEDS d YARNS Caldera Block Next the Post Office A b'l4u"U" )"IONTIIS GROCERIES "lt tit Insuecliqu MILE“ Adopted by nil lending Schools in Toronto. This dost-Wail lat sync!!! by means of ' hart Drills. 1'/li1'Lr,'lS'lJ.a'h"llml'a'l'JJ'((('te1't mung devices brings the following topics within the child‘s immediate comprehension. MusiralNotation ththmic loam Plano Work Kl'y-boud Location Huston! History Technique For terms tspols".to Miss [max-ct Gun, Teacher. l.l.l. T. NOBLE .. The Implement Man ,, asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can he found yds AW WIIF, t"l--N0R.ThT'R:1C, f'" . 3/) 44/1/20] / (r/tC'"),:', " We can give you Bargain". _'. A. FLENIING. STOP ! PEEL, . SCOTT. AT THE OLD STAND‘v lung DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, DOTS & SHOPS, Ae., T. NOBLE Ot best quality. MAY 21. 1903 Myer's lusle Method. 30 in wide, taped edge pr. 40c m .. on .. a.” 48 I HE SHOEHAN. it nittetl edge. PR] P" 'TPA I. '81ylo U1“ 2-50 The ridings ot Bothwel.', Broekviile, Cardwell and West Ontario disappear. Dufferin takes the place of Cardwell, and Lennox and Addington are united. Muskoka and Parry Sound become separate constituencies. Algomagaius two new members and Kent, Toronto and Brant, one each. On the other hand, the ridingsofNortolk, Middle- sex. Bruce, Waiington, iniltrrirti, Durham (with Northumberland), lose one each. THE t1ANEY---STHATToN AFFAIR. This contest-some will have it a lying contest with the commissioners " judges of who is the best liar--atin drags on. and among the late moves a lady is to be dragged trom Winnipeg to swear she rode in a carriage with Mrs. Stratton on one of the, famous September days. Mr Gamay found it necessary to explain where he got the 8000ui de- posit to Crossin's credit, and in Buffalo, so four reporters testify, said he had gathered it during the summer. Be. fore the commission he swaars it was part of $1200 he borrowed tron) Frank Sullivan from his (Sullivan's ) share of the bribe money and (Or which he gave him an I. O. U. A startling sequel to this came on Saturday when the two judges ordered Gamay to pay this $1200 also into court, seeing Sulli- van declared he never gave Gamey monov. yet Gamey declares it was bribe money and therefore not his. MrGamey and his counsel kept a dis- ereet silence when the order was given. Essex, Kent, Elgin. Lambton, Bruce, Wellington. Perth, Lanark, Renfrew, Frontenac (including Kingston} Has- tings, Peterboro, Waterloo, xtord, Ontario, Brant, 2 each Norfolk, Ilaldimand, Welland, Lin. coln, Muskhka, Parry Sound, Peel, Duti'crin.Haltou Nipissing. Prctzsott, Glcngarry, Stormont, Russell, Dundas. Lennox and Addington, Prince Ed- ward, Victoria, one each. York, Alirotmr," iiirori/ "rieedi-Gi't Grenville, Durham and Northumber- land3each. Bat Mr Stratum has also gota damn- ging blow, which he has not yethr,ivd or explained. Hammond the Globe, reporter, swears tlotStpatron since the charges ware made asked him to to» get somv of the interview. Mr Hum- mond didn't ilvi'gvt the interview how.. ever, nor did he, forget to tell of the apparently incriminating request of the minister. Nothing the reporter has told is so damaging as the insinua- tion that the minister had something to hide, and it is incumbent on lip Snip ton to explain. Dividing ebcc's population by t.kr Rives (l'pt,9'l','tg.'t 25000... the unit. Dividing Ontario'o populaticn, by this unit given her 86 members. where bu- fore she had 92. Ontario than lose: 6 members as n whole, but as 3 new member: are to be ttiven to the fast developing New Ontario. Old Ontario will really lose 9. Toronto has 5 members. Middle. sex. (including London) 4. Went- worth, (including Hamilton.) Carleton gncluding Ottawa.) Grey, Simone. By the new Redistribution bill. which the government is in duty bound to introduce alter each new cen- sus some interesting changes take plate in the representation. Quebec is. the standard to " representation. nlwuys having 65 members. so that if that province increases in n faster ratiothan the others, the others will lone members. if in a slower ratio the others will gain members. The Terri- tories and Manitoba are in the latter position, out! will gain, Ontario and the maritime provinces. lose. It is gratifying to tind the judges determined to get to the bottom ml the affair, and every IUVer ofoltrfashi,nusd truth will hope they will smeeecd, whoever suffers. --Great dissatisfaction exists among tetuperanee leaders on learning: that government does not intend to intro- duce restrictive legislation at this ses- sion. If it be true, as alleged, that this was ready, and only delayed by the Gamev tizzle, we think the dissat- isfaction is justified, but otherwise it would be unwise and impracticable to begin to lay the foundations of new restrictions amid the dazzling perjury and excitement witnessed in the Gam- ey-Stratton case. Liquor is bad but lying is worse, and the energies of both parties should be spent in clear- ing up the muddle to the satisfaction of the public. before other far-rcaehing measures are entered upon. --tytremetw and Menagerie running more than 20 cars. will by a proposed Act ot the Legislature have to pay in advance nLicensefee of 31(1) a day and $15 and $10 for side shows, for every day they propose exhibiting in the province. --Vaeeinstion or inoculation for Small-pox has of recent years been musing much opposition and an act has been introduced into the Legisla- ture by Mr. Kribs removing every compulsory feature. This may carry but there will be many who look upon the practice as a well proved safe- guard,to predict that the voluntary system will bring about results that may cause the pendulum to swing the other way. wANTED-gEvERAp PERSONS OP CHAR- nuer and good reputation in each state (one of this county teqkllxired) to npment and adver- tise old establls ed weaning. business house in solid tlnancial standing. my Wt.00 gttt with expenses uddidonnl, all payable in as nmh Wednegdgby direct from head omees. in}; iifirirGrike mihai Jtsen necesauy- I References. Enclose unwanted envelope. ' Colonial Co., 3M Don-boa: Bt., Chiago. TOP1CS OF THE WEEK THE REDISTRIBUTION. -. -¢-h¢- 3E bred hp; David Doeudglas and Son. Mitchell, Ont., from: ecelebrat animal "Newcastle Lord "- M'29-. Dam " Glnnwonh Maid " 4494-. Full ex- tended Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms $1.00. GEO. STAPLES. Grill be for service at Lot 48. Con. 2, E. G. R. for the season of 1903. Pedi- gree on ttptslietuiort. Cows not return- ed regularly will he charged whether in calf or not. Payment to he made on or ltefope P ehruary lat. 1901. Terms $1.50. THE undersigned will keep for service on lot 41 con 3. K Cr. R., Glenelg. for season of PAM, the tine thoroughbred Tsmwonh Boar JEWELERY! Hogs-The rm) wad not very heavy. but the markeb was dull and pricen Inn] an easier feehue. Quotations are at. present unchanged. and prospects. are lower. Sheep and Lnmlss-..'rrnde {was fairly good. and evnything was sold. Heavy sheep were dull. and light ware about steady. The market for spring lambs was also firm. Catvea-.-Prieeo an quoted unchanged and prospects are steady. Today "null picked lots of good eattle sold ll high an " per ttwt. and tor the but at“. nnzed from that fittmo down to 84.60 Fair to good an” at About 04.20 to 84 50. and interior sold " about " to $8.6o. Milch Com-Th-rs, was I fair run of about go cowl. The demand was vood 3nd all worn sold. Prices an 1 little Erma-r " .85 to 060 one!) Export Cattle-These Ins u fairly large run of cattle offering. but the domud was not no brink u it Ind been on the prowium any. and prices had In "tier tone. Quouuionn. humor. onminnod tut. channed. with "out 04.85 m 85.15 paid for she but. and "40to 34.75 for medium an o Bulchor Cutle-'rtwre WM u good do- mnnd lot butcher and. both from the local trade and from which pom“. Mlllll lilllilll.f WORKS All lines of out": showed consider-Mo activity " the Toronto Cattle Market this morning. The (outer. of the day'- trndo W“ the still tire- fooling in but. chora' cattle which was the dim! result of an incl-cued demand. Hog prices in unchanged. but the mar- k" fooling is decidedly C8MrMrr. CALDWELUS LIVEHY STABLE (Opposite Middaugh Hons -.._- WiiGTtiOihi-ditLiiiit" Wo'uwso' Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Intending Students should enter at beginning of term, or as soon after as possible. Staff and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following Stat! Competent Teachers for that Department: THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., Classics and Modems. FEES: 91.00 per month, Watches and Clocks, Rings, Spex, Flatware and Silverware Wm . Johnston ' Chairman CAUTIO US Carefully consider where they do thei business. Many of these men go to H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Cotweytrncer, even though It means It few miles of a drive. They say that he is .. Always promph,--ue"r negligent." that he has had 22 your: experience and that It. PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. The T. 0. Stewart Farm. Lot IO, Con. 2, W. G. It. Bentinck;100 acres with about, 30 cleared I frame house and other buildings. Said to have a lot of very fine hardwooAtitttbeT: . - .. He u now offering for Sale .' THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres on Gnrafnxa A good farm with fine buildings. Offered very cheap as Mr. Cameron has gone wet. - - A A 100 Acres in Bentinck. In excellent state. good buildings and fences, good soil, School and Church close at band, Post ott1ee on the farm. CWner getting up in years and bound to sell. MONEY TO LEND,-- DEBTS COLLECTED,-- LANDS BOUGHT & BOLD.- Every kind of tinaneitu business traum- ted. adihxmtr,--B. H. MILLER. Successful Men Durham Scnool Practical wtttchnvakev. 30 Years' Experience. PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL. ROBINSON & UORBET, THOROBRED TAMWORTH KING TON. No. -8204-. A. GORDON, Lin- Stoex Inlet: Toronto. D051 LD M CFAYDEN. p, op. Dork Drawer as. Hanover Ont., (Prince Albert.) ‘KING TOM , . BOAR. C. Ram-go, Secretary. P roprietors. THE Dunn: REVIEW J. A. DA_RLINGr, The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. _ _ - _ ___ ... A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. Durham, lhillljlli(l'8 llflllll STURE/ HOOKS. FISHING TACKLE Massey Jlil?arrfs f5heu) Rooms fr -__ -- -_ ‘ a gPULIGE NUTIGE tii (A e-"'iNe'eisa"Se8w-e'Ne8/sui'tts, ""cv/sa3CsvseoCb-pv"seoCs-w'sss",,3C.9' c Flour......... Oatmeal................... Wheat..................... Pets........................ Barley..................... Oats Lsunbe..................... Dressed Hogs. per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Buttonfreah roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. ttf/U, per cwt.......... Cglflkipn, per lb........ "ooo........-.-.. Turkeys.......:........... Eggs .... Sheepsklué............... Bei....................... Boon. var cm............ Potatou, per bag....... DURHAM MARKETS. SL‘MME R [IN INDltWI%k R HOLE AGENTS FOR T1112 6100. A. SLATER IN\'I(7]‘l'B SHOE EVERYT1UN8 A MAN “'EARS SOLD ”ERIC H, A (iid, THEOBALD, iiii (i5ijii: Ctrr,.r, _ é T " _ Vii-Iatrlix ' Lt 'A'Y. , iayales j ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO See our Stock at Flies made apechlly for our trade Bristol. Steel Rods. Green heart, Split Bamboo, and Fancy Rods. Wading Trousers, Baskets. gala: givingston It. The 'rownspeople and the Farmers notice it.------' fine qualities and perfect fitting ready-to-wear Clothing that we have. No better finish can be put on a suit than that which we have. We have special lines of Summer Clothing, also " nice line of light Trousers. Our up-to-date Hats are still the rage. "Nothing Old," "New Nifty" and "Up to the Minute." TH E I ’EOPLE'S I )RUG (J ItWP. DU RNA BI . IdIsuatrrt' 25mm mast of Middaugh chkuso. THE CLOTHIER. Soc cur second hand wheels. 6 10 l7 l7 lo 10 PRICES RIGHT. ALL KINDS. RODS from 5 cents up. 8 60 7 75 6 10 l7 17 lo 2 tro 18 (ttt 45 Jfrgene, FURNITURE Undertaking promptly at tended to. The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Jake Kress JA]{E II RESS 'iayales I FOR All repairing @ntario. iiii tate Add“: to the [El lando- mhehRtrirge . ' name. And Golden Inn It. tted anal. th .. autumn n3. ma. THROA‘l‘t soar --- "CLUtUVEta'. - Witt be " the I‘M-u h Home. Nita-.9 Pr redhead-y of each Imonth "oh " I. an OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Du nun: Pharmacy Calder Block. Residence and door west of the old Post office, Durham. oMetr----LOWErt TOWN. DURH‘I. W. C. PICKERING o. I) s., L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. mndunle of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Punt (Mice. Jolnpcny and print. Fund- to Leo. on longs." at love» na- ot mun-t. Vslutlol In“. hv a compoan sud mom V-Iutor. MACKAY a; DUNN, Barristers. _- t Solicitors, Conveytuttters, Ac. omces '. Hunter‘s New Block. cp posits Chronicle omee. Gamma; St.. Durham. MONEY To LOAN A. G, MneKay K.C. W. F. Dunn B‘RRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME CODE? NOTARY PUDLIC. COMUICSIONER, ETC. OFFICE - M c l u f y re Blunt. Coturctiomfo,f all kinda Farina bough promptly attcmdrd to and sold ARTHUR H. JACKSON (Blllllllilil BANK (lf (1mm CAPITAL, Authorised. . . . . . .szooomc CAPITAL. Paid up........... will!!!) RESERVE FUND............ MAI!) OFFICE. -McKr-Ixio‘s Old Stand Durham AGENTS in ali pnncilul pmnta m Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United Sun»: and England. Conocuoul ud Annoy promptly otbndod tt Wills. Doom. ,'f,'ger.n'f: 1M, Aenei- ac.cornctly [wept . Estate- ot Iuetedpet son-100k“: “our and Executor- Ind A‘I|-- tmwrl' Account. prop-rod swan-00d Sums... Court Bunion- Prob-ta ot W I. Incur- of Ad. minutution and Guam-hwy Obtained. nou- chu and. in Boat-cw ottuo And rum Md D. McPHA IL) DURHAM AGENCY A general Banking business trnnsactrd Drafts issued and collection made on att points. Deposit. received md inter est allowed " true-rem no” SAVINGS BA!!! -n‘uemst Allowed " uvings ' depo‘o of .111) and up wads Prompt umtbn and every tannin worded customer: living It diam ce. J KELLY. “out. IIIIOINCI I“ OFFICE-0H link DENTISTRY. Dr. T. a. HOLT L. D. s. J. G, BUTTON. M. D Licensed Auctioneer for. the County of Grey. Term, modernw. Amusements tor we. " to dates, Ac., Inns! be made at the Review or lice. Durham. '3' Cpmsrpopt1epre “amt hereono Prget P.0., will be manly attended to, em: on application to Money to Loan at. reasona ole rates and on terms to suit borrower. CONVEYANCER ' VALUATOR Insurance Agent. wwmuumuma Won-Imam. ARTHUR GUN. . D., BARRIOTER. COLIOITOR.: nonrav PHIL“: canard-can. ac. DENTISTRY. mumnmmm G. LEFBOY McCAUL. DB. GEO. 8. BURT. or to um: mumuml. TM... Cum 8.. so NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER. & arristor, JIotary, Go: voyancor, ete., etc..." MONEY TO LOAN Ill, l DAVIDSON. Head Office, Torono. W. P. COWAN. President. .-o".m. Hp... J. P. TELFORD D. IcPHAIL. Hopeville P. ll. C. RAIAGE. Durham Putnam & Wm. Private Money to Lynn, Oh " A... (Otvr the Bun/c i fi,! Vt I: [I '

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