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Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1903, p. 1

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lie. regal 21, 1903 gharns in iow Blue, {us at I.'ie ad Single 12's.: for " dotted 12'i and wices that Il special Bar- goods bought to sell them ht: SHOCK SLINS ' r; . 'tit-)) our Goods. Il in. M r " 30c. it; M an M M M ' 3h Hh, W "t §$$¥W%W% tlt figéfifififififiéflfiékfi (iii' SR, s. d f. 'me0teeh,tie. g ":fi'xiegstanatairygyteategggtMtmtgtanfnglg 3.33.9: Wmmmammgm VOL. xxv.No. sit-, That's the great attraction about our White Waists. Dainty Waists in the correct fabrics with fine insertions, beautiful embroideries. tucks. plaits, hemstitching. medallions, in fact, all the newest and prettiest ideas in styles and trimmings for summer wear. Exceptional Values at 81.00 to $2.00. You can judge the Store by the Muslims as well .as anything. We have a remarkable collection of new and choice fabrics. It's so easy to get a good Muslin Dress for very little money. We can't imagine where it could be easier for you. Don't buy a single new waist urltil you see what we have to show--- the biggest variety, the finest assortment. the choicest styles and the best values here of course. Pretty Muslims. new patterns at So, IOC, [2"30, 15c, SOC, 25c, 30c and 3oc per yd. Youll be looking for something chic in Millinery and you'll find what you want here better than most places. See the really pretty hats we are showing at so little money. Await every customer who visits us this month. This is to be the banner month of our business. We have value for value in every Department and in many lines some Big Surpris- es. Come and bring your friends and share in the harvest that's waiting for you. alturuys ahead in 'Blusthts I 0 Wu s. & f. Melee/mic. a rs' - T 'art' _ WI .4“ , lr P 1lairp,lm'aFitIl Mr, 1IEgrrN g - "aw' 4rii,iuyti'ailEailMilil'iililiilll $tiilli.S1.illi'iiig.llllililMMilllllllllillll" Remember the place Ames Holden (k, blwrouy/zé/ 'thr-to-date Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE SCOTS r am as (lretuaut Po Jummer finely great 0targahts Rubbers THE POPULAp CASH STORE THE POPULAR CASH STORE. LAIDLAW'S Old sd 'iiiiirit) ft r 553*}. t.8,i tiiiiittiiii8ali'!ll tttii, I',!, BAPTIST BocaAL.-TIte Sm ml Fridry a evening was quite unique in its way the V: [ ladies furnishing the whole programme. is. l and doing it well too. Miss Stewart ou- (rcupied the chair and Mrs Newton was t ', accompanist. MISS B. Crawford, a pu nil I/ of Mrs Newton's, sang two solos liicefy. 5 Misses Stewart, Nettie Brown and Iza (i/ Campbell gave good recitatimis and , Miss Jewel McConnI) a nice tending. l, Vocal numbers were. given by Misses ' l Stewart. Dom. Burnet, Bessie Brown and 'd club swinging by Misses Benton and R. ‘McOomh. Dainty refreshments ended - , a. pleasant evening, Proceeds $8 85. t NEW h'vtusKLvm.---The town's new I sprinkler arrived this week and the ! weather man, as if to head " the con- , tnvnnce, sent a copious shower of mm. I We can “and " good In: of this inter. i rnption. Puritan Underwear for ladies. The nicest Good" on the nmrket just arrived at H. H. Mockler's. On page c, will be found an interesting sketch of Glenda township by a. worthy resudent of it. The Rey. me Smith will give " blackboard sermon at Zion on Sunday "ftetnoon. The pupils of the Sunday School will occupy the front centre Heats. Additonal Locals on Page When you want u fit in Spex, Gordon. Pure Munimlm Flour front Ogilvie's Mill. Manitoba. fur aule. at A B. H un ter's. A memorial ts'ervice will be held in the Methoditst, Church. Durham, on Sunday [naming for the late Lloyd Bean. The momhels of the Sunday school and Jun- ior League, of which he was a member, will meet in the basement at 10.45. MIGHT HA YE Bum b'EtuoUs.--While assisting at the hoisting of a ham at his non-in-lnw’s. Mr. Jas Matthews the other day. Me Wm. McFadden got a severe cut on the head. but nn had re- sult is likely to follow. The barn Wm being jacked up and posts Ill below it, and when just about cuuipreted it gave " .. slew " with the above result. Bee our New Black and white Muslim. ()rgandies. Dimities, Chauuhries. Ze- phyr-s. H. H. Mockler. FIRE BY 1i'rrutcRatucEms.--, Last Sat- urday the sound of the Fire Bell about noon brought the Brigade on the run. The danger lay in the stables of Thor. Barclay and Jas. VVnrmiugton which were doomed before help could he ren- dered. However, the residences near by. In danger, were saved. The cause was children plavinc with tirecraekera. BROKEN ELmnv.--The accident to Me Fred Benton at the Foot hull match was more seveye than we thought. His elbow joint it seems is broken,nnd even if the arm Is saved, it will he stiff. lt is expected he will be oft work for 2 tuonthe, which is K serious outlook to a. young man with wife and child. His fellow employes at the cement works are. we hear. planning generous things. A I’AINFUL AccInENT.--One night last week as Mrs Dr. Hutton was re- turning home from a down town visit. she [mule a. slip on a. part of the very had crsssing m. the Moody corner. and, in the fall, broke the shall bone of her leg near the ankle. Mrs. Calder, who was with her, secured the doctor’s help and the limh was at once set. She is progressing favorably and will we hope, soon he herself again. MRS. Rom. BULL 1he.AD.--0n Mon- day last a telegram was received from Miss Mary E. Bull, of Pmuher Creek. announcing the death that morning of her mother. No previous notice wan received of her illness and the news was thm-elore a sad surprise. She was tt sister of Mr. Thos. Harris, and was lon a well-known and respected citizen, of f/ttbl'). Three of her dayyrhrers are with her. Mrs M. Barber, Viirney, is n tsietetsirt-luw. A DELICA'I‘E OvEitATIox,--Last week Miss Katie Black. daughter of John H. Black, Clete of Glenelg. underwent an operation for the vemoyal of a " cystic tumor." Dr. Ego. of Markdale, had the case and Dr. Hutton was called in con- sultation. The operator was Dr. Middle- born. o, Sound. assissted by Dr. Ego. while Dr. Hutton administered chloro. form. The uperation was successful. and at last reports the patient was mak- ing a. good recovery. LAID TO 1tmrr.--The funeral of the Ute Lloyd Bean was very largely at- tended and very marked were the feelings yt sy_mpa_thy_ for'glge liylng an! respect for the dead. The beautiful white casket was covered with flowers, the chief piece being a. "Gates Aiar," inscribed " Our Comrade” the All of the school. Another lovely wreath was sent by the Junior Epworth Leatrue of which he was a. member. Rev. Messrs. Smith and Ferguson. (late Methodist pastor here) improved the occasion by appropriate. remarks. The School children were lined up by the teachers and marched at the head of the procession all the way to the cemetery and very touching it was to see them open oat to allow the Pele between them of their comrade a body. Among those present from a distance were Mrs. Bean’s gamma. Mr. and Mrs. Ina. Pat. teraon. r.. Howick: Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Patterson. Jr., Albert: -Pattergon, Mrs. E. A. Cooper. Miss Nettie Patterson. brothers and sisters of Mrs. Bean, How- ick; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ayres, mother and stepfather of Mr. Bean; Mr. and Mrs. w. T. Armstrong-the latter a. sister-and two children; Mt. c. A. Bean. Newry, " brother and Mrs. Thus. Best, Palmerston. a sister. Muney lo Loan at 41, Ber cent. MACKAY & ass. Dmham. DURHAM, THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1903. {1&1 'fri, fit ilhttrit him“ call on . . . t Inempgrower. These were the li hter _ Monday: Victoria Day , was 1oyallv 1chm octet-s: the others were more :th:- observed In Durham. Walther con- iuoun and diRm'tied, Than. McCloeklln ditions were right, and town and mum waking Aguimtldo. W. S. Davidson. the try seemed to have made up their lScout. and H. H. Mockler in the guise mind to have a holiday outing and wit. [of a ngimd whose impressive threats ness the sights prepared by the F,t:itg1 d Q,"i'rl'"Jl,'l", t,'gur,e,,de,'g".itymuy crosse Club. This attendance was the ft one trt 'I we o y "(ME I relates: yet seen " anv Lacrosse e-i Between the am. Miss King sum: 3 f, h t d re teased " the 1 several selections in her usual Mile num- 'vent ere, an we tt . p b inet and was accorded hearts applause. 'eneouragetmmt this will give the eh . in“. “Mia Davidson was In “we RC- FOOTBALL. ', companist. But it wasn’t all Increase. Holstein l THE Bun. and Varney strove for victory at. foot- l. Not,the least mnong the good things ' hall in the morning and the result show- lot theday was the playing by the hand I ed 1-0 in favor of Holstein. The sides, under Mr. Peel's leadership. thawever. were very evenly niutched.i N TES' l and the play was good though the. Wind. . 0 .. . was rather strong and this "NI-Y have) No entnes were forthcoming ttt the contributed to the provoking frequency ‘_ .. scrub Race " so this promised feature of stop: for "outa." Will Motlnlmon would not he giyen. Same with the 100 made some brilliant work on the Varuoy yin-d late-tttttgt offer bigger prizes, team. while Roht. Taylor, Dromote. led ': Another year. with due pre aration legs all round the hall for liolsteln. and some new leatmes it 'li,l'l1'l'1'l, pus- whenever tt, come near him. li red Ben- ‘sihle to make u. still greater Fucuetm ol' ton, an enthusiastic player. lately from l this popular holidiw. l England. early in the g/ttt.te,aptyicheck. T n... a“, .. ._‘._..n‘..._.-....,_ “J” __-_,' , m. mu... m... B.. um m.u....u. "u“... ', or a trip which sent him ftying and . We Brat a large number who would landing on his arm. broke it near the {like to Bee that, tree trrnlmed out of th." wrist. He bore it manfully and all will grounds before the leet.P'tse ”93m" ts regret the enforced idleness imposed Fic Wh o has authority y upon him by the accident, which happi- - ly' was not, caused by any " foul." , Snoo'rIxu Maren. THE Scrroor. AND THE " SCRUBS." F wtttie the football crowd were engag- Promptly after dinner a Lacrosse led on the Agricultural Grounds. a Rifle Match was played between the ‘Mintou' 21et l",",'! iteing keenly contested at i the School team) and some of the loose {human 1 yk. This W‘s." rermit of the Junior players round town. The match {challenge issued by ex-Lieutenant rg,T ended 2--1 in favor of the school who “yuan helmlfpf the ex-rnemhers of No. excelled their opponents in comhination y, Loy. as against the preuent, members. and in other respects. The, result at. the ado-yd range and on the o second time limit was as helow. \VAI.KERTC.\' Vs. DURHAM. The. tax-members as will he tten scored a The chief attraction of the afternoon tutbtrtantial victory. Wm. J,11Pc1.et centred round this event, as it Is the ly, asplendid record and Capt. hinder fitst, time that either of the learns have ,lewdlng f?,? his owtt side. What a pity played a match this season and expecta- “here rsn t, more of these contests t afar tion ran high. Durham lined up as fol- 1 better way to make an elr.ertive militia lows '. [than many_0f t.he..evolutions and pipe Goal -C. Lavelle. Pomt--Wen. Theo- iclay regulations In torce I 'tttls f CoverJPginkt_ Jet)! deh-acken, l Members 200 yds' tune limit total st e ence- . R er. 2n Defence-- 3 ', . , n PI' . g Glendiilott. 3rd Defence-A. McIntyre. 27.25.1132}: I ll .) 3: Centre-W. N. Hunter. 3rd Homeup. w. Haulage 13 " 22 Matheson. 2nd Home-tr Booth. 1st tl. Moffat II In '.tl" Home-D. Munro. Outside Hmne---ii'. il, Firth l3 " 19] Glass. Inside Home-J. Lavelle. Field IR. Aljoe ll " I7 1i'a.ttir.' P. Gagnon. Referee-. A. l, P2.5 W itney. iEx-memiwm -0 Play had not long started till it was l W ' Yo r 21 ll 32 seen that the Walker-ton boys. itoai-lAvr.'"iv,?uh"t"' Cn" tt _ In some in bright green sweaters. werefw' Aug“ . ii " I;.', clearly outclassed. Of course they have i W Irii T" 11 10 iii good players, hut they lack combina- i, ii.Hii u H tl ii'.i tion work. catching power. and oontld- " if. MCKWI iii t ii ence in themselves. When Durham f . k a ' . f was not winning goals. they generally i ,1 H had the hall under control and only} At the close of the "MHZ“ a snapfoot once in the 2nd t uarter allowed their ' wtbtit Mk?“ Irs Mr. Mn. y,oyne, ot the rivals to score. themselves winning 4 ‘whole to. at; once. Mr. ll. L. Grant, a Roalsinthe first quarter. 4 in the 2nd. (veteran of yo., took Ill lhe match and l in the third. and 5 in the 4th quarter. l'made a creditable twore. 14 in all. Goal-keeper Lavelle had at ------iq+------ snap. especially with Wes. Theobald of} The newest Summer Fabrics. Gruass the men's furnishingstore. It. point, f,teiriiiiir., Linen Batiste. Oxford. Venous; 32:32-06: ".t'1t14,"ett, Je, tt,'i'"l//,,"d,,12' I mm Stripes. lyhitt Madras and many his checks was the wonder of the day. [other new ",.'//tig.t/r,git',1to" numermn. Willie Hunter made brilliant phw as ai, " men ton we ' m” H. Ili. Mocklet's. i-ti‘ntre man while {302mm Sigh seemed i --i' -, -.-... ---- i e a magnet for t re all woul et in. _ to it. Munro. Glass, 's'it'llftllv'U.r Mc- E LACROSSE SCHEDULE Ctacken and Matheaon. have lost none I ---- of their last year’s vnn. and young Jim. Junior District No 2 plays on dates my Lavelle promises to be a star. i“ below t THe RELAY RACE. :June 18--Dartdalk " Uwen Sound. Mr. Baker. of the. Public. School staff. i, 2.3-Owen Sound at Durham. organized this race. and had 2 sets of 4 July 3--Durham " Dundalk. boys each grunt] tale town. Only (Fl-ice- i 17--owen Sound at Dundalk. ville, outsi e. o t e town. entere into, . competition and while not winning heat ' iiledtl9,t'e/e (awe? Sound. prize. they were given second. As its 31.Dnnda at urlam' name implies, four boy-iron one race.? The referees appointed are: J. C. the first going one tound givinga ticket Telford and E. B. Greenwood, Owen to the _second boy waiting. he in turn Sound: w E Theobald and N Mein- to " tltied, &c. tun-n “linhnon . A T? Fnlrvnn nundnlk This event came off successfully, the captains being Thos. G. Laudee foe Glenelg and Robb Lawson fur Bentince. Mr. Baker refereed the affair and the tirst pull went to Gletaelq after a spirit- ed pull. On changing ends, Bentinrk was the victor, nnd on a, third ull, vic. tor again vested with the gentim'k smllvm'ls. It was the heat tug of war we have ever seen. and ended in good feeling. The lining up was as follows, the captains not pulling t Bentinck Glenelz Eli jah Arms trong Walter McDonald Fred Noble Chas Kennedy Thos Lawrence Jae. Smiley John Wilkie David Davis Neil Calms Thos. Watson Cam. Dunsmoor Bert Smith Cam. Dunsmoor R Lawson. Capt. This motley aggregation paraded the streets in the forenoon and their grotes- que outfits Rave no small fun to the on- lookers. "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." The stout old German With his bottle was voted among the best and a shav- ing outfit was the meme of ludicrousness To the crv of "Fire," a grotesque Fire Brigade made its up earance nmnulu- vet-mg the hose in such a manner as to dampen the fire of n. few of the spec-tn.- tors. The weird music rendered hythe Calithumpian band was also a feature. This was a complete success as far as attendance went. the Hall being crowd- ed and evely reserved lest taken. "The Span}: of. the .Phirtpp.iney" I” rub on the boards again by the local m- ent, and some creditable acting was shown. It is a. mixture of farce. come- " and tragedy and the scenic settings and arrangements were quite ambitious. Miss Jessie Laidlaw was a. spirited hero- ine whom no amount of hltindishments. in captivity could win her regard. Miss M. unro on the other hand represent- ed a. character anxious to test matri- mony no matte; who. Lauder Buchan Tue CALITHUMPIANS. THE Tn; up \VAR. THE CONCERT. T. G. Lauder, Capt. TORONTO 3 Another year. with due pre amnion wmd some new Matures it shank? he pus- ‘sihle to make a still greater sum-es: of I this popular holiday. F Wtttie the football crowd were engag- led on the Agricultural Grounds. a Rifle (Match was being keenly contested at 1tggte Park. This was a result of the challenge issued by ex-Lieutenant Tot. iry. on behalf of the ex-members of No. , t Coy. as against the present members. ’The molt at the 200 yd range and on the r, second time limit was as below. The. ex-members as will be we" scored a substantial victory. Wm. Young mak- ly, a splendid record and Capt. Snider ,lewdiug on his own side. What a pity {there isn't more of these routests t a far 1 better way to make an effertwe militia Ithan many of the. evolutions and pipe Iclay regulations in force I 3 Members 200 yds (nnelimil total :(Iapt. Snider 20 l 24 lAllau Bell 15 7 22 "Cloudy" nmde " good negro. D. Munro tied from matrimony and so did w. E. Thenlmlil as a stout German hempgrower. These wete the lighter chmnclers I the others were more stren- uous and dignified, Those. McClocklln taking Aguinuldo. W. S. Davidson. the scout. and H. H. Mockler in the guise of a Sgauioud whose impressive threats and enunciations were exceedineg well done in a well obscured voice. Between the acts. Miss King sung several selection: in her usual Mule mun- nel and was accorded hearty applause. Mill Lottie Davidson was an nhle ac- communist. l Junior District No 2 plays on dates ins below t Ir une IS-Dundalk " Owen Sound. 5 23-Owen Sound " Durham. gJuly 3--Durhtun " Dundalk. t 17-Owen Sound at Dundalk. 1 20-Ihtrhtun " Owen Sound. 3r--Dtmdtuk at Durham. ) The referees a pointed are ', J. C. Telford and E. I: Greenwood, Owen Sound ; W Fl Theobald and N McIn- "yre, Durham l AVE. Colgan. Dundalk w. Hummu- tl. Moffat J. Firth R. Aljoe ‘rRACTICAI, WATCHM A KER So many people are settling in this country that in a short time it will be diftieulttoobtain land along the line of railway. Anyone wishing to have a homestead here will do well to have us select and enter it for you as soon as it is surveyed. We can locate you in any part of Saskatchewan. For full particulars write " once to MOORE MCFADDEN. Prince Albert, Sask. u'nd'J. D. Madin, Shelburne. (li-Jing'- wedding Eresentzs How to get a Homestead the West ! A Jewelry store is the place to get them. This is the store to come to. Nothing else, however costly, can quite take the place of an offering of dainty richness, such as are here to-day in profusion. Hundreds of articles here which are always in favor. and which win their way into the affections like nothing else can. Our stock will help you with you choosing. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ad. Gordon 13 11 I3 ll " Itt " " I l " " 2/?enrsat Gleaming Ctaeassieias ()ltt tt (llaliet, . Mt (llt iltt. KEELER'S This week we are showing " greater number of' trimmed Hats and " more reasonable prices than any previous week. They represent the choicest mentions we have produced this moon. 1iseeptiuolly low prices on Saturday. R. B. KEELBR t " “mung sold out the Durham Bakery business conducted by me for the put. 11 years. I herohy hog to return thanks to the community for their "he- ral patmnnge. and trust they will give the lame hearty cuppa“ to my success- ors. Menu. George Bun-on And Homer Hinds. Jon: “hum". Four young cattle ..--3 yearling: and one iar/ old, one steer mom: them somew t titaggy'. All red. Anyone seeing them please send information tn ALEX. lieDoshim, Crawford, Everybody says Keeler must fix my watch. " If your Watrh or Clock is air]: Kodar (hr Jewrltnr mm tttsake if fick, For Big Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, tec. If you need a pair of Spectacles Keeler can suit you. We guarantee to make you see as good as you ever saw. Hundreds of frames to choose from. CHAS BAMAGE. Pun“ an Pusan“. Miss Dick Whiting, Alabastine, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Furniture Polish, Varnish in Tins, Household Ammonia, Pure Prepared Paints, Gold Paint for Gilding MacFarlane t ih, Druggists t Booksellers. " May CARD or THANKS. JEWELRY Mz'llinery STRAYED. ‘QVM At STORE " PIE

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