West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1903, p. 2

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H. Camphor lee. White ttrqellrte, t? ounces; hard paraffin. 5 ounces; camphor. 2 ounces. Ir at the vaseline and para. m, until melted; then add the cam- phor (spirits of camphor is used), and stir slowly until cold. Keep Are you humiliated hr " skin vowrml . m (on), bumlng and 1n-lulm: "ruptlortu? h: tlt" unable and restore your skin to its m" m) fairness with Weaver',, rural». in A porcelain Jar. C'amphor ice " used for many ilits. for roughened hands. for. an eruption of the lacs. or to: any other irritation ot the Then I had tae haul eairry him me his had. att' list tae prevent him oootin' doon own- nuddon I {rand him twa mouthfu'u o' teddy. That did the trick. l Tho halo affair gled me ale a turn. the y“ ken, that Ihlvna got ower't yet. His cronio had telt him it win as may as whustlin' takin' the bath in the caihinot. but Rab swans ho'U haw tlu' influanm. a (anon timerratore hr lock" himsel’ In alc a thing: again. Ye cunna. be ower carefu'VQVl’rnew inw-ntion. Emile. . " wr gn m: . 'Ol "on. Jea.n, I'm teitttin'l Try an' tin' the latch." l win nearly fointln myself. I grew sm- exvlii-d watchin' his contortlons. Mair nor 1h'G1 I had blnwn awa’ my new not o' tooth tryin' tan pit the licht cot. A' sorts o' thochts went through my heid-toltrs killed by Nec.. tricity in a hath: terrible suicide o' a Kirklntilloch cooncillor under the influenza; me a. lane weeds; an' “her awfu' things. Hooever, hitter a let o' examinin' the concern, I man- aged to get at the latch, which Wis inside the .box alfter tC (Rab In his torture o' heat torgettin' a' aboot whaur it Wis). an' dragged him intae the mlturnl air o' the kitchen. live- nniversal "tufaetioas. It. promptly ind p-sotttty cures all forms ot A "rota Wab- Iou. Emulsion. tlpermatorrtus, Impoteatttt, and nuclease! ubmoor cm: the exec-In 'ttttt TtPetro, (My! orAthrtarrte, Mot?" It w inch Git%iGriii,p, :31?!- Gia' but“! blLTil'i/li1'l and n .3“ ki DEEPER-"3231:. "Ytfre" - tmoo-oo-oo--. "no up-tae- date. Jean, or ye wad hae kent a' about this fine invention. Noo, ye'll first of a,' pit n. quid warm pig 1'the bed. Sync ye'll llcht the lamp i' tho etubinet, an' tak' yer wey lntae the paurlour till I‘ve had my bath" -shoo-oo-oo. "Oh that cauld! I'll hr new it this dism. cure me." Ind Drain Wow; 1liGiirisariaiifiii GfGiii"tk Insanity Consumption and An Early Gnu. Prices; ','t,ru't,i,'P.rgi.fg, for 5. (new phase. "tt cure. and you on n- “Utdsdou 'atiyt,.3tet,'UallltfuU.t; m W--ad “my. Weel, I did as I Wis tolt, name. like It dutitu' wire-pit" the pig i' the bed, an' an extra. pair o' blanxets on tnn tap. Sync I stuppit hen in- tzw the parlour-no', hooever, until I hnd nan-nod Rab that if the hoose win hlnwn up it wadnu ho my taut. l'u-u-ntly l hoard u. lot o' hechin' an’ pceltin', " a wee while hitter ttam' n. roar trae Rab. I rush: d Intue the kitchen, an‘. loam " wit: " queer slcht that met my pen. There win my man's heid, wi' a. kin' o' india-rubber nieht-cep on. stickin‘ out at the tap o' the bow an' whit ye could we o' his face wisna face um. bit jig: a rid pentit contortlon. "i-i-irc-Jean!" he gasped. "I-- I'm buxnin’! Pit oo.t the lamp. 0h! get in , “There tti'. Gan that not Nae Coot ye'u has seen the box, tor ith, mmthiu' malr nor less than a. box. A chair is set Inside. an' a Qwrit lump. wi' a dish o' watter on the tap o't, put below the chair. An' more ye are, bit wlmur are ye? Weel, I lookit at the droll atralr whan It cam’ up. an' tor the life o' met I (-ouidna not: hoo on earth Rab " gnu." tau has a hot bath in trut a was drap watter. _ "I hop" it'll cure ye, I'm sham Rab," says I. "But it looks malt likr killin' than eurin'." 7 “Hit. raaii," says I, "hoo ye‘re gmm tar. gvt a. bath in a thimbletu' Inf watter like that, hates me." Bit the truth was sum) oat. Some exude o' Rab’s that had rheumatic. has! got a {rash cure. It wig this new- Iang'lwl cuibinet bath. An' he had promised tae trcn' up the apparctus that vow nicht tau Rab. I can tell ye. Baille. it wis a shindy, an' nae mlstak'. - '_ "Ye'u hue me oot a. riohidoou hab- .u.a1 nut, Joan"-ioo-oo-oo "Bit. at. my rate, lie Bot a. sittin' doou ”mug, or. tanker. a. greetiu’ yiu"-- "'t0c-0o-0o. "Bit I'm gum: we ham a :adical cure this Mum. au’ that is-- = caibmut bath." "A wdiit t" . "A caiblnet bath." ' “Lost: 3 Hoo wall ye mainage that? If " hm: said a Toon Cooucll bath at tne Watter Trip, I mebbe could nae mien-stood ye; but " caibmet yin bum: mo. llis't onythln' tae due wi' Puurliament P' “Kane o' yer lmpidcncc. Jean. $211 " tuso"-----'--."- man Lung. I’ve got the ia-trac-Lenaie." "T,uatt's yer getaway tippua', uae doot." I "Seterday tipplin'.' Ye ken tine. wumi-aoo-oo-oo--"I had only twn or three glass doun qt Dairy." "Whit [mo ye got 1100 P' says l, "U't anlthar Freemturon'a bib. or whit P' "No tao on F' I P-_-rs----- A sr-ar.-."-' -e docwccouwvv covuvovovovvvv “I‘ve got lt, Jean T-tmoo-oo-oo '.- 'I'ge got It!" crux! Rab. the mm mm. k __ - ”:35. c -5355333x99vvvvovv m -0l Wood’s Phosphodine, it not! IMe, somethin', Jean, R. or I'm a. deid man." L'un F" no' come oot ?" Ont? Oh. wuman, Tm lockit in."' m-kit in, an' In his aln noose, tae. “is "wru' tao see him deein' by hiss More my van-n eon. a a "pity I went doon on my knees l.lessr for n,' I was worth through "'" keyhole, bit the licht widna u: not. I JEAN SMA' AND “if. CABLMLI BATHE tuunin'l Pit oo.t, ttie (amp. on! ! I'm smothert!" 'it out the Jump! Hoo did ye creU-a--a. Gan doom on Elihu; the bottles. Rab- "itai3riariiEfafa in)? . on! this m yer knees e. somethln deid man." come cat ?" this ls aw tn' blaw Joan. ('nntnloupes may be plcklod with good results: Take half a dozen small ones, quarter them, remove the qgrrrsils, pure and cover with tine- gar. LN. stand for half " (my. then drain of! the Vinegar. measure it, arid to each quart add three pounds of sugar, one teaspoonful each of whole cloves and all-spice, half as much mace, and two Inches of stick cinnamon. put the spice In 1:285, drop It _into the vinegar, add And after taking; a. kick at the desk he crossed the hall and fell down the elevator shaft. "I thought not. In the poem I wrote a line, which read " love you better than I love my lite.'." “That was a nest llne." _ "And one of your liuotype humor- ists made it read, ‘I love you bet- telyhey I love my wife!” "Exaet1r--mr Wife. And my wire, not being acquaintml with the tall- ings of these kerthumpertr, thinks the pawn was pxintcd exwtly as it was written, and hasn't spoken to mo since It was published." 7 7 The drummm' pullod out a roll ot bills and tossml a lrundtwti-dollttr note on the table. "LL-t me have chips for that," he said. 'rrandilonuently. Then he wont to hang up his coat and hat. When ho returned the hill an" lay on the table. "What’s tho matter, gents?" he haugh-Uly inquim-d. "Isn't my money good?" Exehaneo. Senator Clark, of Montana, is fond ot telling ot the big games of poker they used to play in the old Silver Bow Club in Helena years ago. On one occasion there were sitting in a game Mart-us Italy, George Hearst, afterward Senator from California, and J. B. Haggin, tho millionaire horse ownrr. in. burst a fresh: drum- mer Ii'n'n Lu" cast. Having been pro- vided u Mi " Hire-n “1-ka card tyt' ad- mission to tho institution, the trav- elling man tuttttsluut up to tho card players and rather ptttrortizirutly in- quired if htt might not take a hand in yio proceeding». the sugar and boll to a thick syrup. Drop in the places of mplon. simmer ten minutes, put In hrs. ratios the 'Wrup onv~hnlr. pour " over the mvzon and -mL-.mit"ord 11-».- "Why, 3709, old man." said the grim Haggin. "Hearst, give the gentle- man a, white chip." 0hr Oust; "Certailuly. com?! right Hearst. V "Haven't noticed that any ot them have any failing in that line," answered the editor. "Well, you're u. poor observer. Do you read your own paper t" "Occasionally." "Did you read my poem, 'To Aga- LIME; in ygstcrday's issue t" Futal Mistake. Indianapolis Sun. "You must have a bunch ot humor- ists working on your llnotype ma- chines. haven't you T' asked the poef, as he entered the office. One piece of the round of beet (known as the "pot roast"), weigh- ing from three to fivo pounds. Put two tablespoons of butter in a stew- ing kettle over a hot fire; when butter melts, brown the meat on both sides. Remove the meat tem- porarily and add flour to the butter; let it brown and thicken. then add three pints ot boiling water, one bay loaf, one sprig of celery, some purs- Icy, and one large onion with a clove stuck In it, two carrots, one turnip, one tablespoon of salt and one shake of pepper. Replace the meat in this liquid at once and let it simmer for nt least six hours. Turn the meat over and stir it occasionally. The secret 'or tho success with this dish is slow cooking. When finished it would be as tender as broad. Place tho meat on a. hot platter, strain the gnaw over It and servo garnished with sliced boiled carrots and sprigs of parsley. The gravy should be thick and ot a dark brown color. or voursv you want to know how he did it so that you may astonish some of your friends. Tho powder that he threw on the water was lyropodium. and as he plunged his; hand into the water the lycopodlnm covered it like a waterproof glove, for that whatnnce and water have no affinity for each other. Try it. Ono of the g1 la handed him " ring and having put it into " bowl he stood bar-k so that they might all set: it. Then he took a. little paper pat-Rush tri5m his point and emp- tied trom it a powdrr, distributing it over the surface of tho water. "What'tr that'?" asked his host. "Oh, that's my pabmt antiwot," answered Hm boy. "NOW. watch me; rm going to take that ring out with my hand and it tho hand gets at all wet I promise to drink the water, ring, powder and ati." And he did 131:0 the rindGut with his hand and he did not get his hand wet. ‘Oh. you can't do It!" cried a dozen of his companions. "Whoever heard or putting your hand Into wa- ter without gettzlng It wet?' 'Ot (011183 I didnt expect you to believe me," said the young experi- mmnter, "but wait and I'll show you a thing or two." "I want to show you " trick," an- oweled the boy. "I promise not to spill the water or muss up anything, so you neudn't be afraid to let me try it." "Now," he said. "I want to bor.. row a finger ring, and I’m going to put it into that bowl and turn take it out with my ham] withuut get- ting my hand wet." How the Hand May u. Placed in Water Without Wettin,ur it. A boy or our turquaintnuvo aston- ished his host and the guests at a party the other night by asking that a bowl of water tye brought into the parlor. "You may have the bowl ot water, ot coursv." sail the hoe'., "trut mar, I as}: what you are going to do with it '." "Er--" INTERESTING RING TRICK. y German Government operates 0 central telephone trtatiomg. ("H's are ttr, Inrttest hodies of alum.- structure known- One on the DrIunlm-r (‘numluupe Pickles. ripiced Beet. in,' ST id The revolving spool shown In the out in “and an P. chain tlghtcner. There is only. a rolling n'lctlou here. The Elevator Chain on the Massey- Harris runs a simple pourso. with all the sprockets on Which It travels INSIDE the chain area. This reduces friction. Friction, as every farmer knows. 'mkes heavy work tor plex " will probably give trouble. The simple Knottnr is the one to be chosen. 'me simplest Knotter we know of is the Massey-Harris. Simplicity is to he desired in all farm machinery. Another important feature of the Masséy-Harris Knotter in that It Is so eomrtruetod that any: wear which may occur in course ot time can be readily taken up. No other Knotter equals it in this particular. The Massey-Harris Knotier In great twine saver. too. It uses 11 little twine in tying the knot. Chicago Post. He thought the mothers of the day were inclined to shirk their proper responsibility, and he was arguing against the employment of a maid for tho children. "Eve," he said, "had no nurse girl." "And Cain went wrong," she re- plihd. promptly. Tho man who intends to get a new Binder for next harvest and hatm't yet placed Ills order will be interest- ed in what follows: Tho Knottor is a. very important feature of the Binder. It it is com- Diggs-Wim) gets n, good salary, "rl he linearly always broke. MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at my atom and the only one we keep for sale. All the people, use it. wanted to waltz with me the worst way. l, Pearl-DH ho do it , ‘ I Grace-Yes, the very worst. 1rarisrr--trpends the most ot It In trying to get something {or noth- 'utg.--Chieazo News. ' - Biggs-What 11008 hi, do with his mpnert - \Vawhlnmon St". That love is blind the poets say. To play us sorry tricks, When heir-eases go far away To purchase these gold bricks. Graee--Mr. Cruikshank said he . HARLIN FULTON, Pleasant Bay, C. B. I . ' Ask ry' Mlnard'a and take no other. A hill? Talk on a Great Matter. Hon. George Tayku'. the well known 'politician, o Scranton. Pa.. writes: . Effect of Dr.AONEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER Mn truly say was magical. First apphcq- 'cion cleared my head Instantly. I used it according? to directions. and I have not had the s ightest symptoms since." Curtain-h of twenty you! standing cured in I few days. in a. powder put in the noelril. not in the mouth. It is not a. remedv but the cure, and the healing effect is felt at once. The breath will come "tet filling the system with a new vigor. Co ds and Cutarrh ire relieved, and headache fully cured in ten minutes. In the matter of the ma-called Caiarrh Cures: Others prate and promise; we per- form and prove. , h. Agnew s Catawba] Powder make even a high liver a long liver. For dullness of the skin. eruption]. llnguor and bowel irregularities. q 5 every pill is as good a: a physi-, cian. although they cost only@ h - ten cents for forty doses. IE A Dr. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS Accomplished His Purpose. Brooklyn Eagle. A. h. w. causes ----- if cmnnn cuss f,l.l25, The Marriage Mart ls sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improwd Home, C), Heals the ulcen, Cleans the .r- L passages. stop. droppings m +., , throat and permacarvy cut-n Catarrh and Hay Few-m. How“ true. All dr‘uicrs. or l)r.A. W ("one Medicine Co.. Tomato and Gum!» " is Argument. "is Poolishnvss TORONTO the but The Annual Rush . N. Y. Bun. Friemi--You seem to have as customers now as during the days. H-tttrot/her-Why, thoge are fel- coming to vxchance the nmkties thrlr whes bought them for Christ- __ -i-i" --. MP _-........v "'"t6e"., 1‘0- ledo, o. Burrusu, Kmmx & MARVIN. Wqu Drugglnta, Toledo, o, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken itttermtnr,aet. tng 1iireetly upon the blood and mucoul Iur. {aces of the system. Testimonials lent free. Prfee--7trc per bottle. Sold by all drum“, Hull's Family Pill- are the beat. F. J. HEN EY & co., Toledo, o. We, the undersigned, have known P. a. Cheney tor the {an IG years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business "any actions and ttnaneially ubln to curry on anr obliRatlonn made by their firm. "ttr, , Tulux. Wholesale Druggllu, " n: II I We one-r one Hundred Dollars' Reward tor any also ot Ctttrt rrh that cannot be cured by H tili'st (futurrh Cure. First C'ommutors-so you rode past your nation last night? Been dunking“? Second Commuter. wearity -No; there was a new brakeman who called out tho name of the In. tlon ‘80 distinctly that I didn't ra- The Shah of Persia. is said to have told the Duchess of Westminster that the fame or her beauty had reached Teheran. "Ah," said she to some one who stood by, "he takes me for Must.. mimrter Abbny." cognize tt. Use Levee wash “.ng ., written ... ...... ... ... 2,505.00000 [Income ... ... ... ... r". 288.60100 Increase of tttgtrptN ... 125,682.00 Increase per $1,000 at risk ... ......... ...... ... GOO Information ehcvrfuliy niwn and Organizers wantui. write W. F. Campbell, Grand Organizer, Hamilton, Ont.. W. F. Montague, Grand Record”. Hamilton, Ont. The annual report of the Regis- trar of Insurance furnishes indis- putable evidence regarding the STM\D1NU and PROGRESS of this purely Canadian Order. Total assets ... ... ...... Total membership ....o Members added ... ...... Amount of insurance To take out a kerosene spot from woollen fabrics cover the stain on both sides: with French chalk, and leave it so overnight. Prnss between clean blotting: paper with a warm iron. Cutulltsgreutee spots are bent removed .hy placing blotting paper next the goods on the side.where the grease is, and holding a hot iron close to the surfacn. If the fabric is ironed the grouse will run through to the other side.--Triuune. THE GANADIAN ORDER tf illlilgill FRIENDS Mhln.rd's Llnlmont In used by Phy- alumna. Some one asks me to give direts tions tor removing mildew. I have seen garments that were badly marked with it completely freed from the stains by soaking for a. long time ln milk-sa,y twentrrour hours. A friend of mine once had a. very funny experience with 6. mil.. dewed dress. It was in the summer time and the dress was a thin ma.- terial made In such a. way that in many places it was double. She put it to soul: In a. large pan of milk and left it tlll the next morning. when she found that the milk had thickened to a. solid mass. even in the double parts where it easily pen- etrated when fresh. That dress was Under the old Roman law there were three modes of marruutcsr-oon- tarrmtlo. a. sacramental rite, only permitted to matrieianrr, where, the ceremony consisted of the two par- ties eating a water together; 00- emptio, where a man purchased a. Wife in market, and 1115118, In which case he possessed her, and time form- ed the bond-ttTrails stated as "poss session under 3119 statute of ”unita- tions." _ _ a curiosity} for a. while, but there Is little danger of one having . similar experience at this season ot the yisttr.-u1artrord Courant. you”. This tar/y but gradual and uh causing recognition of the legal status of woman has cvokod much ltgimiution in regard to the domestic relations, the result of which has been to practically abolish the the- ory of entity of man and wife. 80 Ioug " popular fiction in legal ter- minology and practice! We philoso- pher name states that “between married persons the cement of friendship is by the laws suppqsw so strong as to abolish all division of possessions. and has often in real- ity the force assigned to it." In his criticism of this statement Huxley' speaks in the more moderate spirit when he says. “Family alloction in the eighteenth century may have been stronger than in the nineteenth, but Hume's bachelor inexperience can surely alone explain his strange ac- count of the supposition ot the mar- riage law of that day and their cf- focts. The law certainly abolisiwd all division of posscssions. but it did 60 hi, Inhking' tho husband sole propri- e or. sine run Urol yum: Lett woutr win-5n LEGAL ucu tht usual I 'll iu1tttio" Gives Their Mother it ASSESSMENT SYSTEM the g This A F'stttttciertt Reason. HOW’S THIS? autos 1mm tiny To "etttove M Iluew. " is Odd M intake to Kerosene Stains. rccoguniuu " Gives Sex Muny Prh'ilegos Mothers Did Not Enjoy. am the legal y have been ”ginning or tl cungmtuiute progrms mud STM US OF WOMEN YEAR 1002 t-, Soap m. powder) to ax... '-ututeis,--you'1t like of tlm but eunuch mien tal tumudom tlie do ru "305.000 00 2.588.601 00 125.652. 00 cblect es‘cr wo.ld have themselves in recent dual and in- Cite legal rokod much he domeaLlu 364 '012 00 23.829 " 201 many hon- W5 ot to Another woman. a village house-l keeper. devotedly attached to the. old homestead in which she lived! alone. the last of her family. had; the crushing misfortune co lose it! by fire. Only the broken shell oii the main building. and the charred; ell and kitchen remained. The “rel occurred in the evening; early the. next morning. before any one wnsi netir, she slipped out of the neigh-; bor's house. where she had passed; the night, returned to her owtt.tutd; proceeded to sweep the kitchen as clear as possible or soot, splinters, water and the singed feathers, nr-! ing about trom burst beds. Theal she kindled a bright fire on the hearth, brought in a few, broken chairs from tinx littered yard. and when-ae she knew would happen -rrienda and neighbors began to visit the yet mucking ruins she was ready, still the hostess of her home, to receive their condolences with d1gnity.--YottttN Companion. The New York Central, wlth Its'; numerous trains. its four splendid! tracks. and. its depoc (Grand Central 1 Station) In the heart ot tho city ot New York, undoubtedly has no rquul l "Not quite," nimei'ed the cook. oourtcously; “he ll just combing " Keep siriGru Linimeut in the house. “This noise really must bekept in better order, it people are go- lng to drop in so unn:wectedU." Harvard Lampoon. Miss De Fymr--Tlie Rev. Dr. Fourth- ly has denounced divorce as a. pro- tano act. A. . law “an" Miss D. Masrtor-Be'rs right: It cer- tainly constitutes taking someone'i name in vain. Penn. Punch Bowl. _“Is luncheon ready ?”n.dred the can- nibal chief. urrogautly. -- The Ruling lusliuct. The ruling instinct of the hon-e- keeper sometimes persists under sin- gular circumstances. It is told of one mistress of an exquisitely kept home, which never seemed to her quite exquisite enough that her first remark one morning. on be- ing Informed that the house had been entered by burglars during the night, was; yiotycr--JotyTy, I am you! What did you met ing and giggling at your funeral? Mlnard’e Llnlment Lumberman‘u "land. , Sunlight Soap your blankets or wiil make them fleecy. _ -janns-ar, ee '. wasn't my own. ="=rr--=-------------= ecurps . Eiiiia2h LN III Li 'Cf, M f Mfg” am 'l-titll;;;-?, jytt5t2iiiiliil2 " I 'sci;" the passenger traffic. The Juyl‘ulnosn or i Princeton Tiger. Divorce a l’rothne " MAS NO EQUAL. Before the Feast. Soap will not ip ts or harden them. them soft; white :1 was " trind It or Johnny. a; ashamed ot mean by laugh- our dear uncle'. mints It ta"""""' TororttotoMontr. iiGir"ic."tCi'h".l, AIM) to Intermediate "tintti, M, :an m“; 1.1-» Included. tirtettttttn " love Mu,“ V _ l Thursday: In Mts.v--Hamilton I my -,,,‘;, to 7.30 p.111. Furtlu-r informal Irlt r,', " 'i' mut- or H. FOSTER l ”Al-“H 2, 3.,‘..,.I Pamnger Agent It.& 0.. 'l‘.m.;._ . by mail so you can poLuII A DAY. I o h. tthlilSEL, I/allllll,jilll,iiliiliijlt . " Mn. Ho Equal - manhunt-ed only by THE CAMPBELL MFG. co of HAMILTON. ONTARIQ LEARN A PROFESSION -t-oMre.-a'"'rot A"... an“ ”and... “mm -gi.tr-rr_ey3., - m. to a“ BRUSH & CO., DEPT. H., TORONTO 08E [WY -htailr0, WANTED adelicltely seasoned Cambium w. l Harm. Haas and Temple; or mon- 2417‘! I m: for [upper or break an than LIN! "rcorrtedBmg M? 'dl% We Izod and Ben. I“ like all my. (Natural Hum Fond “Cam "My to sent p, t up In convenient key-opening cans. "al-tho booth "How in MrAr Maud Thing-mm " Stud tivo 2- Hump. 3." ubhl'l bk Ads: of the bl arm, Libby, MgNeill & Libby In hot weather thines must I: right. What more damn an - Delicious - Summer Luncheons ntemietrrniitmtdJn on Libby's Melrose Pate IN fIHEEN DAYS Hnmllton M mnke trom mvr. To lor Ina-unnu- write L, M a 2 We» q " Ave. No Milton. ont. Maytxcursmn: m"nuton to "on ml Much In,“ an $12.00 Nom- Nt It Ha m Jl Sand tt 'N'riAtN o If ol tt tt m n " m it tt n tit If per il, "lu iio " is! SUE-’5 Wil or INSI rit " "

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