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Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1903, p. 3

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“MASH, M. II str, NO. fee. 190 AR's' l PROFESSION E CAMPBELL MFG.‘ of HAMILTON. ONTARIO. Med. Ages". _ Wtmuow'. BetqCAA- I " be and for Child!“ ms the child. soften-tho and nu tho but may: stock tb them in tMM"%'9"tr't"tr'-ee-- - - Rheumatism DI Delicious - m me r Luncheons teaill 5.... sun Sun-- at no. and. N Sam I dal- GUI! ”it. I? TNT, rrs":'i'errr1.'rllGlaqt, USE - UMILE AXLE GREASE QIraooaaetrootH-oqqet1t the king Prue. ass. and. 50:. (if l Jacobs Oil rilier 7 08.130 ind This. IN [WHEN DAYS an: and cure: m!) x. r / 1lllk" 7 2f, M5lht , , a " 2, i, "iiirrit,5 u, V. “In! 1>. . N, 'lk ML {w n Has No Equal \ielrose Pate r' rrtt'trrt bl (lame. . ', .. ,.;,p.-nnn: for : x leb ucome u i,,efL'dt"e"iuht'l'd'fld'ff. r's Vuturll FUN)“ t.'. , “he. Fluvi- £8an Id ge l:partttir, “a llaunlltnn to I... real, Magic .7.” GOOD 1"st l' oral-to {ms "-. Q! ' '. I! :.;:;:.':::.20 m , li., 33°32... _ . Ont. - I i WANTED X A an: mum Roi-tho. we 00.1"..an L “min and“ 'v Monday! a tttt 1 P-IIL. Toto. 'annn appw . l H'mz. “a.” EAT & Libby // " God i taste iust Minx Jlfl in " Ill. The condition of those who tot- low the spirit---? 9-14. 9. But-- Paul now gives the picture of the monemto state. The Bpirit-rThr' dqt"..rit of God and the Spirit. of Christ no merely influx-ant expressions for the Holy Spirit, the third person of tho Trinity. Dwell In you - The Holy Spirit is often spoken or as dweliing in the hearts ot t't1ritrtiatttr. 10. Body is lit-r-Ther" are u w- riety ot opinions as to tho meaning ot verses 10 and 11. Some understand this to mean that the body in new] tn respect to in. that in. that the when» at tho body no more pur- tu-m tho works ot gin. Others think 'that tho apostle means that the T. B. In enmity-This is stated as A reason why "the mind of the fleslt " death" (v. 6); It is opposed to God and hates God. Neither . . can he-Thin is absolutely certain, be- cause it is a carnal mind anti re!- lahea earthly and sinful things and mes in open rebellion against God. Mo thcn---Becatttse the carnal mind in enmity against God. therefore “they that are in the tltttm"--those who are led and controlled by the dictates of their corrupt. fleshly na- tare. "cannot please God," and con- sequently are doomed to eternal death. ---. . -. L - . t, G. 11hr righteommerur---The de- mands of ('rod’u righteous law which could bo met by us when we followed tho Mil inclinations of a corrupt. sinful unturn. are now fulfilled in nu who live tun] act as the Spirit guides. PIPE]! . . . . tivpirit--"Men must be under the predominating influence ot one or the other of these two prin- ciples. and according as the one or tlw other has the mastery will tw tho compieston of the life and tho character of the actions." Att evil tree brings forth evil quit and a good tree brings forth good fruit. ll. Tho cariml and spiritual con- trasted. (vs. 6-8). 6. Carmlly mind- eu-To allow the carnal or corrupt nature to train the ascendency and to be controlled and led by it, is death-Not "will lead to death," but In death." --'rn'w refers to Clirist's birth and plainly implies that Christ was) God‘s "own Son" before He was Hunt --that is, before He became tnear- hate. G'. The law-The law of Moms-- the moral code, as is always meant whrn not otherwise 1letined. Weak --The law, was powerless to deliver from sin or to produce holiness. It cc,uld not fulfil its own fulfilment. The flesh-The term flesh has sov- ornl different signincatiomr. In this Instance it has reference to man‘s corrupt and fallen nature. Sending: "mnimatus it with new lite." In t Sunday School, "The ems“ are ir, “justi [ATLKNATIONAL LESSON NO. IX MAY at. 1903. It Has That Clear Liqgor The Lite-Giving Rpirit.--ltom. 8: bit. Uonummtut_ Freedom from sin :rougu Christ (vs. I-GI. 1. Thunder‘s This rotors to the whole pvevioae rgzunrrnt. and trspmiully to the pre- nus chapter. “Hitherto the opisde as ‘Iiscuusu! and t'xplainvd, from any cuties. the great question of LstnncuMou and Ms innncdiute rc- For sale by all first class deal-era r I Mir INSIST ON GETTING EDDY’S‘GI SUPERIOR To ALL. OTHERS lreamed try munurGs drinker). or; Before you 5:0 to a party sewn penny neatly In 0.18 comer of a hand- kerchief. then tout the handkerchief and put it In your pocket. " "'Wllaivyou ar:e ruddy to perform the trick have a small tahIe placed In the mimue of the room and on it Every home nerds u Wmmly that. In adapted tor um In mm- ot swank-n :lcclllent or lllnm. Such a. one is Painkiller. 2Geahottte. Avoid tMttrtrtittttets. There I: but one "Pun- kiiler")rry Davis'. There is not a boy who would not “to to know how to fucks a penny go through the top of a wooden table and drop into a bus- im can; cup held underneath. A trick. of ammo. like the thousand and one tricks you see the magician: perform. A . Assurance of the rrsurrection is given. since the name Spirit that raised up Jesus in in Christians and will quicken thcir mortal bodies. An infallible mark of nonsmp is gin-n. "As many as are led by {he Spirit of God. ther are the sons of God." What a privilvgn we ruby. to he guided by the divine Spirit as we journey through this world ot. sin! J. Emory Coleman. The filth verse shows the differ- Nice between a. sinner and a. Chritr. tian, between an unconverted and a converted manthch-e is much con- troversy in these days even among some prong-hers as to what consti- tutes a Christian. Our lesson says: One follows "the things of the flesh," tho other "the things of the Spir- it." The interest of the one is ‘set on the things of thin world, that of the other on the soul’s eternal in- tnrests. The sixth Verse gives a conclusion. followed by the reason for such a conclusion. Camallx minded means death; spiritually minded means life and pnace. Christianity is a new lite in the world and in the convert. Through its benign iitHpontee the soul has peace. Spiritual death. with all that term Involves, reigns where sin is dominant. _ Another corollary is thrown in, "So then they that are in the flesh can- not please God." Lest this state- mnnt should discourage some one. or be misunderstood. another thought is adddcd. "But ye are not in the flesh. but in the Spirit. it so be that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you." - _ 12-11. Do,lttorsr--We are debtors to the Spirit, hut to the flesh we owe nothing. We disown its un- righteous claims. Shall trie.-Ir you live to indulge your carnal propen- sities you will sink to eternal death. -Barnes. Mortiry--" Put to death, destroy. Sin is mortified whnn its power is destroyed and it ceases to [in active." Deeds of the body-The corrupt inclinations and passions, called deeds of the body because they are. supposed to have their or'- Wm in the fleshly appetites. Shall live~Shall he saved. "Either your sins must die or you must. No man onn he saved in his sins." Led-Sub- mit to his influence and control. Sons of God-Children of God. This ex- pression is Orton applied to Chris- tians in the Bible. tsadhinitsr--rt is our privilege to live and walk in Christ. It takes tho some power that raised Christ trom the (loud to regenerate a soul spiritually dead. Christians should lollow landings of the Spirit. PRACTICAL SURVEY. The apostle in ‘this lesson brings out with great clean-Hess the evi- dences of a true Christian expert- ence. At each step he, turns gems from the main thought and shows tho moral necessity ot each position taken. The preceding chapter, we believe, describes the condition of n. man whose conscience is thoroughly aroused and awakened. who. in con~ sequence of this. desires to he sawed but hopes and tries to work out his own salvation. He desire»: to be good and do right. and attempts to be what he sees he ought to be. The third verse clearly touches the inability of anyone to do right with- out aid from on high. Jesus Christ condemned sun in the flesh because, by divine m-lp. He lived a aimless life. His agonizing cry on the cross, "Why hast thou Iorsuken me'.'" indicates Ills drrpendonce on help from above. Sin in tho flesh was condemned be.. vuuso He thus lived. Thus by divine 1:91p. the- righteousness of the law. may be fulfilled in us. body is doomed to death because ot sin, that w, because of Adam's transgression and the penal re- suits of sin. 11. But U, tyte.-Btumesa thinks this verse does not refer to the resur- rection of the dead. He says: "The sense is that under the gospel. by the irrHueuee of the Spirit, the en- tire man will be made alive in the service of God." my TU BS, FAILS, ETC INDURATED FIBRE WARE The Blaxio Penny. NEW Then there In the other kind that rocks a: boat. Ho la also a wart. He Is also the llmlt. He not onlv drowns Mm'l', but u. u xlly d as: down with hill Innocent victims. who should have known better than to have traded themselves In his company. This wart mmhhow manngu to lrrivo to tho state of adulthood All this time you have been hold- Attr In your right hand, tucked away “between two or the Iingerm the pen- ny that you borrowed. Now take tho has-in, or cup, in that handand past; " under the table. holding It rUrht under the hook. Take care to hold lt so that your fingers may readily release the gently: make two or three passes over the book with Four left hand my "Presto l" and an: the same time let the penny drop from Four right hand into the 1mm. Thls slap-her-In-thte-tttMeir Is not " full-sued. good wart. but In one or thoge. small, pmrtlreroutt varieties. Ha " the quintestrenee ot worseneno. the W?re tag end of all that in pusir. lanimoul. Watts. Webster nan n. wart is a small. unummuv 1mm tumor on the skin run-mm of in; vascular papillae and thickening of the epidermis which covers them. But there are other kinds ot warts. For Inetuncn, there In the person who comes up behind van on the street. and suddenly, without warning, slaps you on the back. He is a wart. This hp'cles usuuly has a hand like a ham and when it comes in con- tact with you it gets your teeth to rattling, your backbmle to wab- bum: and your very soul shaking In its Beat. .7 . Now any to the eorritrtMtrttteytytt' are going to borrow a penny, from some one and alter wrapping ltin Lear handkerchief you will cause it pass down through the top ot tho table and drop into the basin. ‘.Hav‘:ng chained the penny you“ g: lender ot it to put some llttle , tdt on it by means of which he may know it again: then you pretend to wrap it in the handkerchief that you take from your pocket, but you really cotncml it in your right hand, wrapping tue tuutdkerettitst around the penny that you have already lowed in it. l little practice will unable you to do this in a way to Mpe .thrteretion. ', You must do the wrapping '0 that the spectators. to whom you offer the handkerchief tor pxamination, may feel the penny and he sure that It 19 there. Then lay the handker- chief on the table and on it lace the book. which should be Li.'l,til' enough to conceal it entirely. Exchange. Irc-a had a. hard time getting a good wife. fn'he--Croodnestrr. Have you been mnrriod suvoral times l' or course the company will hear It fall; then you bring the basin into View and place it on the table and as the company is looking at it, you take the handkerchief from under tho book, and holding it by the corner "in which the penny is sowed, you shake lt and show that the penny is no longer In It. ILv--Oh, no; hm: I courted my pre- sent one six years. . - __ Mrs. Laura L. Barnes, Wash- ington, D. c., Ladies Auxiliary to Burnside Post, No. 4, (i. A. R., recommends Lydia E. Piakham's Vegetable Compound. $k In dis-cases that come towomen only, us a rule, the doctor is called in, some- times scveral doctors, but still matters Co from bad to worse; but I have never known of a case of female weak- ness which was not hel d when Lydia E. Pinkham’s 's1ri'let'J'led Compound wes used faithfully. For Eating women who are subject to eadaehes, backache. irregular or pain- ful periods, and nervous attacks due to the severe strain on the system by some organic trouble, and for women of advanced yen-s in the most trying time d life, it serves to correct every trouble and restore a healthy action of all organs If, the body. " -- _ .. " Lydia E.Pinrctiarn's Vegetable Compound is a. household reliance in my home, and I would not be with- out it. In all my experience with this medicine, which covers years, I have found nothing to equal it and al- ways recommend it."-Mmt. LAURA L. Iurcrrus, 607 Second St., N. E., Wash- ityruyy D. C:s--tspoo for/ch [Long/up! of oa. left" praying 0GGGU Grinift " piodartad. Such testimony should be ac- cepted try all women as convinc- ing evidence that Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a rem- edy for all the distressing ills of women. medtum sized boot and a. tin basin No Repeats. Thank You. 7“» “I?“ “Lon! Kinny think. his brain In “reeled." "Pooh.' I yonder that he wor- rtnq orer a little thing like that." tkteeer-Provtntg to hit wire that It was twelve when he came home at three. - A busy telephone is tar worse than a. plague. It not only conduces to profanity, but it drives men to '1rinlr. There should be a law against: and) things. Onion seed is about the worst thing injure world, It It Were not tor onion seed wir would have no onions. It it Were hot for onions we would have no onion breathe. Therefore. a. has t'11ertAtion seat}. _ She Mpde :1 Mistake and They All Followed it. That tl.e advice, “Watch how oth- are do and then do 1ikcwlse," Is not always good to social aspirant. was illustrated in a town very near this city the other evening at a dinner given by a young matron in honor of a guast ot acknowledged social standing._ __ ., Royal Cook-That, Biro. was a. female misalonarv trom Boston. “It's hard to lose bne’s relatives," trail the: poor man, ipsintrtyr!nztr. 'Harutr growled the m'.tilonaire. "Why, it'tr almout impossible."' Knieker--Btrw did he become an exp”; "cSourttarttf. -. .- __ _ Life 19 Eat Ml roses and sunshine. A man often has to take quinine with big whiskey. _ k . l -- Whom coffee was served. and with it the indispensable chocolate mints. tho guest was soon to take one of the sweets and toy with " gracefully over her coffee cup. Instantly every woman at the table did likewise. EVI- dontly some new wrinkle of inshlon was about to be exhibited. Every eye was 'on the guest and on that mint drop. Determination to follow tho leader and give no sign that they were not in the habit ot doing this new trick every day was written on every face. The sudden calm caused the guest to look up, and as she did so she inadvertently dropped her mint into tho tiny cup. To her sur- prise a series or cilnks ran around the table as each of the rural ones followed her mistake. Appreciating the situation, the guest hastily gulped down her coffee to hide her mirth. Willie Littlcbow-wltath chore. anyhow” - - _ ___ Tho t?.annlbat King (his teeth chat- bu"mg0--What was it You served with the last meal , I've had a, pro- longed cull urcr wince. It a bell Fang at every chestnut all other sounds would be entirely. drowned out. A good child makec the parents trutrpieioutr., - _ I . A soft answer often maketh a. man 310k. 1 l l lf Life's burdens would he greatly lightened if collars with saw edges were done away. with. C Hob Tlticttnei-h hero 19 n teller that dust to tie a tin can to n. bull-dog's tail. -.'-"e.. s-_--.--- The next (law there is a piece In the paper telling all about the drowning, and a few days after that there are several funerals. Eliminate the warts. Eradicate the excreacencea‘ Put them out of bust- " don't care It It br swell. I don't mm mlnt In my coffee." "Oh, dear." replied the other loftlly. "it Is wally delicious. I never think of taking my doml-tnsse without It." There comes a time when he goes out in a boat. 'limlJ companions shrlck us the little craft is tilted a little, This gives the tlend hls cue. Slowly ho begins to rock the ukll'r. Later in the evening she heard one woman remark to another: Dbubt is one of the greatest curses with which humanity has to contend. ' A snob is a"person with some clg_t]1_l_ng tspd po brains. __ - It it -rained only on the unjust than? woul_d tre, plenty to got wet. It is a pity thdt pléasureii do not leave pleasant scars to match the ones pains leave. The society ot the town was there to see this fur-tamed grand dame, the social lioness and the admiration of all the "cilmbera." without being struck dead. How he escapes so long is " mystery, but his fate finally overtakes him. Innyon’u Romulus for Milan. Children’s Ailments. It has assuredly been s lsbor or love tor me to study the diseases of children with s. view to their reliet sud cure. Many grown people will stubbornly cling to the debilitating drugs end nostrums that are a. relic of barbarian. but 1 hold that it is almost a. crime to give them to children at the risk of physical end mental degeneration. Mr remedies tor children's diseases are "ectives and grompt. but they are entirely harmless. very thoughtful mother should have L Munyon Family Medicine Chest. and should never (all to keep it supplied with Munyon's Cold Cure, Cough Cure. Sore Throat Cure. Fever Cure. D. D. & C. Tab- lets. Croup Cure, Cholera Morbua Cure, Constipation Cur " Worm Cure, Face and Skin Ointment, Munyon's Balm and Mun- yon's Masters. This chest will prove an unfailing silent friend in the hour ot need. A few doses ot the proper remedy given at the right time will prevent long end dangerous spells ot sickness. and save many doctors' tees. h "Train mothers to intelligently look yfter the health of their tdmities and the well-being of a nation is assured." -Munyon. “ Munycm's and :10. Munyon's C mania. and h hours. Price hours. l'rlce 25c. Personal letters addressed to Prof. Munyon, Philadelphia. L'. S. A., contain- ing details of slcrknvss. will be answer- ed promptly and free advice " to treat- ment will be given. 128 Cut out. the proturberanceu. WATCHED HONOR GUESTS. MUNYON’S REMEDIES. From the Smart Set. W“ Cold Cure prevents pneu- breaks up a cold in . tow Medicine Cases. 82.60. . 4:3 Ncw York, May 2.?y.--rt was a badly “mixed" crowd that surround- ed the pit in th motion mar- iket this morning. vLiverpool cab'es {were senacitionnily weak. tho weath.. er map again ruflwetml tavora!rle leonditionn, and early rulimatcu In.. dicated that port rrcolpts for the ey, would once more greatly m- (ttti! last ypur, At the 01-min: tin-rt- scomed a. disposition to let the big linen of either 1-i'h' i'L this pact». Still there was enough business to make the opening active. At the shirt the boars had all tho. best or it, first 'lrrfytr b'in': ll at 1?!) points Imvvr twirl: J.i‘y H'll‘n.r on th . cil' at 1099. ”Miami: 1073, and swimmer at 1970 Thc tragmly too llm'p fur Van's: that took place Ins: week at thr. Hotel ltvginu. in Paris. 1;; too int- mutant to nii Intmw-smd m mil,- tary matters to be pauses! over in silence. The French bhaved with the courtesy of " rhivulrouu nation towards a Uead uoldinr. But the British pablle mrpnssml tt,,vlt in mnddln-headml “mum and stupid "rip,ritslittess Will: only Um vagin- wordlng of a Drum telegram togo on, everyon" in flab, bus. tram "nil stwet Jump-1| to lllu very warm conclusion posslblv. and noel-pun] an well-founded. charge-u that were not even formulutml. Th" only redeem- in: teaturo in the man,- 'r.'rl tho Wah' tho Rectum-n rushrxl together to demand that tite body of their hero would rest in s'eottireh soil. In the ho.artq or thosr loyal country- men of his, Mk bust. memorial will be erected. Thr- rest In silence. La. mart may! tout, Scotland has given us many herons and no doubt will give us many more. but lt will be a. long time before uwan she gives no such a but: ”Idler can on "Phr*tttte Mae."-Prhe London 50'- Now York ..u... ... ...... _-.- F" 79 1-2 Chicago ...... ... ... ... ---- 7411-2 Toledo ..... ... ... ...... 761-8 " Wt Duluth. No. 1 N. ... To B-tt 79kt; British Ln'o Stock with“. London. Muy L'.?,.-- l’rlms are un- changed: Canadian cattle are los to IUie per lb. (“wand weight; Am- erican Battle, Ill.,' to r-ae per lb. retrigerator trent is 9 to 95%: per lb.; chi-9p. "hi to 1359' per lb. . Liverpool Markets. Liscu pool, May '2il.--Closiug when. spot, No. 21nd western. winter. firm, the 4 1-2d. No. 1 northern spring, 68 T 1-2d: No. 1 Cat., steady. as t? 1-Pruru..tNTe, quiet, July, Be next- Their colors are white and gray, And over ther go, and oror thes go, And over me top or the hill. The good little sheep run thick and Bott. - Their colors are gray and white: They follow their leader nose lo tall, For they must be home by night. And one slips over and one comes next, And one runl after behind, The gray one‘s nose at the white one's tall. The top or the hill they find. And TIre they: get to the top at the 1 They quietly slip away. But one rum over and one come- And one slips over and one 00an next, The good little, gray little whoop! 1 watch how the fire burns red and A nd low, And elm lays that I fall malwp --Jmrephine Dodge linukaul. in Me- Clure's Magazine. Export mule. ckoire cu L do mediaur..,., . .. downs. per cm ..... Inferiorcnws. ..... ._.._ .. Butchers' picked W” do good to elm}. 'P. .. _ .. do tatr tomediurn N. do rough to common _ . Bulls, export heavy .... .. dolurht--...... Feeders. short-keep. . . . . ., do medium -."."."... dohght.... ..r......t. Shockers. choim .. . . " _ .. doeommorr....., Milch cow“. grtch, ' FF . . .. Light Sheep .... _...... Hesavrts'beep........ 'tm Bucks. per cwt. . ' . F.-. Grain-led ewes, wethera Grain-ted buck» . . . . . ... Springlambu....v...m. Barnyard lambs .. . _ . _ C4hjcr-.ut_:!| ....'_m..... As soon as the tire burns red and low And the house upstairs is still. She sings me a queer little sleepy song. or sheep that Co over the hill. The tred little sheep run swift and Dressed hogs are dull, light sull- Ing at $3 to ttttro, and Many aft " to $7.20.. Peiitr, " to TNO. “my. tiurothy.prv'; ton. $12 to $13, mixot $1; to $9.; Straw. per ton, t'm to 58.35.. Ap-! pies, per bbl., $1.30 to 53.7.0. Drums-g ad hogs. mm. :58 to $5.25. Egan; new laid. 13 to ric. Butler, duirv., 16 to 200; mmnulz‘ry. 2o to illnl Chickens. W'r 1h. 15 to LOU. Tur-, keys, per lb., :03. Potatoes. “pr: bag. $1.10 to $1.15. 3 Toronto Live titock. , mum: Whom: Markus. Following am the closing quota- tions at tmrv."taut wucut (walrus to-dey; - m " . o, red, doperlb......._ Hogs. select. urn-wt do fat, per cwb.. do light, per cw: TORONTO A Word for Pimning Mac. tin: house upstairs is still. The Sleepy Song "rap in Cotton. Stock 8 4 In Ctsiti; July. _..--.- 79 1-2 ---- 711-2: Te, 1-8 74 Wt To B-yl 79 Ft, 7432C i Oirtts, o 460. hy, [my to $9. quo- Whtbe’tgut your and a. little Into or the mplulnt in nanny motion. was too much rain. Maw tho, (30-. plain! In noun and pmyvrs in L1. "huerehq. au- tnmed ot. How would would it do to ©ONntt9tttttt the Sum Salvo! picnivn and teitturvirni.s In- men!!! . Villemlne Fkhor‘l men-mu. new _ Pains Speed!” Vanished Delhi. the Great Kidney Remedy. Coilingwood. In! 25.4mm».- Every city. mm: and village in on.» ada in reporting remarkable cum by Dodd‘a Kidney Pill: and Collln.‘ wood a not behind the rest. Then are scores of people hero “Odin-15'. used the great 81ng 39.0.! I"! who are not slow to tell of the spioudid results. Valentine Fisher. Will-known in the town and aura rounding country. in one of them. "I was troubled with Kidney Dio- ease tor thirteen years.” Mr. Fisher says In telling ot his cure. "It din veloped into Eviction. which located In my side no that I could not walk without a cane. I had to use: hy- podermic injection! ot morphim- to ease the pain. “I tried dlrterent medical men and modiclues with no good remltu till I wan persuaded to try Dodd's Kid" ney Pills. Three boxes effected I. perfect cure. I can recommnnd Dodd‘s Kidcop Pills to all who are sulfcrlng from Rhenmatlnm or an,“ other form of Kidney Discnmx" dor tabs to Cal to the length to be bins " or at the top Bolts ore a much admired part ot every fashionable bodice, and demand much attention " one make: any pretense otdreraing with tnlte. As on charming example tor home making select black satin or taffeta. Shape the bolt on a proper foundation in n. mulinm width, fastening; with or without Clasps In trout. in the mid- dle of the buck allow two long slen- der tabs to fall down upon the skirt. to the length of five inches. than to be bras silk "loo and out narrow. or at the top than at the bottom. Embroider in the middle ot each tab three white silk star “oven and finish the bottom of each tatt with n, bow of double-face black satin rib- bon very little over an inch wide. hanging" in inure with two or more ands. F Tho effect is most pleading. and additional. to ttt.Aecotttttatmmr. of every waist line, besides it gives a event-My against any accidental opening of the skirt plank-t. Remarkable Cure of a Citizen Dodd's Kidney Pills. Thcse tuttlus are hard in the 1'11an but. Bat in winter they lend to u at" rrtrtrnt. Thrm woe to Lilo-w in the hazy um- Whm the blasts of winter moan. Who strayed from the path to . Bank Amount Ao:i_tho path to n House ot ”new By tho dreamy brook» of Sloop, And In.» rollicking River or Plenum laughs- And gunman down ttte steep, Bat whim the blasts of winter com. The brook and the river are from! P dumb. ' Alb-u- Cottrt.ltqttott. Tim mockingbird alums because (I! song's in him. but lulu of folks an); Domingo they think they have voices. The path that leads to a. has! It Bread Wimis through an Swami»: a: full. And the path that leads w a Suit ot Clothes to-dn; ( f _ In the Lazy "ms may go astray In the Lazy Ilium are troert to oth Gout through the noworlesa ”it. And the path that lands to a Loaf 0' Brand And a Suit ot Clotlus is hard to trmd. And the path that lauds to a Hana ot Your Own Climbs ova tho bouldvrod hills. And.tho paths that load to a “an! Account Are swept by tho mm that Irue. But the ptthtl who "artag in the path. Shauna Pram Georgi- Try a menie or Two ottawa Free Pro“. A Dainty lull WITH THE REST Pat ha. to 'shtuiq M Cl

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