West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1903, p. 5

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_ their reputation has 1,... ed only by their excellencc_ 1y we were talking “My tts Gray's , M, 1903 ne Orchard. mostly wink ted behind the Parker pio- ‘PPer Town. For term: and apply to __-_ " 62y Wood: .’ 4 tit loader rill; OUR BREAD SUPPLY '1 Cream Joparalota. Ian rpb new S. MCILRMTH. B. McARTHUR In. ARD TO LET 0N SHARES. wig for renew ttt Dr Reliable Footwear. lu IAN'I'INM' Show» CLAY i, BELL RY THE NEW fi SHOE STORE Ham £1"!le so the nil in the Market ttearea th wheels and full lines " 'l ake" in " Yu lims. Ete. \. Rfr0' E Tl I k. PLACE tld Stand, next door I. s Implement Warehou- W 'rr,' ttt K ton's Goods in Stock. I'd " , at the bridge CV- ul Saturday. or. 'ft at C. McArthut'I l I my OFFICE. win tuition. tttt N Trade " Shipment of md up-to-date Call and test pen for 4n...” and approved mnrpassed for ad to none in I see them and t to buy one will he able to the old old mus rigs which maul. P rices a . 3 arrears, H. will be at lity if obtained is at once pine hsome. Can't win a superior run-st inttredi- Ms, buns. at. tte cleanlincn 't.'irst class sor- and repairinr for ton St. h us I all. ARKNR. nts Howlers; Show CAS" kn- And look in our Store Window and you will see bar- gains for your life. Calm-rm Block, or HE SELLS CHEAP. Hulk-r Wuulow Shades. each.. Tnlnh- Linen. '58 in. Wide. per yd Whit" Bed Spivauls each ....m- & 81.20 Floor oilrioth. 1 yd wide. pel' yd --?5f 1'orded Wash Silk Waist lvnglhs in White, Black and Colors eneh $2. upto-.---. ............._..Fio Black Met.cerized Salve" Under. skirts. . . . . . . . .8140. $150, $1.75. 82.00 NKW PRINTS & FANCY GING HAM’S Dnn't forget us when put want a gum] pair of Slam-s us we carry a Full Line of Sterling Bros'. Show. W. H. BEAN THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements. Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival P1oughs, Clare Bros.' Furnaces & Stoves. Tolton's Implements, Adam's Sleighs. Will enable anv person to acquire Shorthand and Typewriting and be- eornv at stenogrupher or book-keeper and kindred subjects and become a thoroughly competent book-keeper. Spring term now on. Students may enter at any time. Full particulars sent to any address free. yds - 'rorctt Steel Hay Forks a Specialty Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. (tyYR.rll5,iir Cf, ,7’ . @7477 _ r'iii'ii/ii"ri"/acy ow EN SK "cs' " TWEEDS d YARNS t6 The Implement Man " asksfor a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the Late firm. He can be found GROCERIES alder": Block Next STOP ! At ask Meilig tl ()lll ms S. SCOTT. Adopted by III Inning Schools m’roxonto. Tttitdeserved) p0 In system by mews of Hum Drills. iTif,'lu1'tTl,/i'li'lg and btherinter. Itegttrht', brings the following topies within the ld's immedhte comprehension. Musical Notation PWrdi Motion “no Work “av-m Location natal History Technique ---. For mun sprrlf.to llss Margaret Gun, Teacher. PEEL. long We can give you Bargain' . AT THE OLD STAND " NOBLE MAY 28. 1903 . A. FLEAIING. T. NOBLE "FRY )IONTIIS AT THE DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. ¢')OTS & SHOES. &c., Ot best quality. 2&0 in wide, taped edge pl its' - lusie Method. : HE SHOEMAN. SOUND. k nit ted edge the Post Office Durham. PRINCIPA Ir $1.00 “In: 40c Mc rirP, Hm (lf Milt: IMSIIIP. Interestingly Told try our Pneevmo . empondent. This is one of the most peculiar shaped townships in the County of Grey. Going north on the townline Anemesia and Glenelg the traveller finds himsell. after travelling tive miles due north, Jogging intothe towm ship ot Artemesia and is still in Glenelg and going north lot Mnrkdalo he. finds that he is lway into Hollalm while yet in the good old Glenettt. In Gleuehr there are four principal lakes viz. Bella Lake con. 14, Town- send. cons 12 and 13, McCallum's on the Ga rafraxa road, and McCuskill ‘s on con 9 and we might add Moss Lake, south of Priceville and Top Cliff Lake on lot 40, con 2 S D. R. In some ot these lakes there are some tine fish which are Caught by new and other means. Glenelg has six churches namely: I The Catholic church. Dornoch, which is one of the finest structures in iii/ county tor a country church, beauti- fully situated on elevated grounds so as to command a view on either side. Then we have the catholic church at Pomona which is superior to the one at Dornoch. it was built some eight or ten years ago at a eostof about eight thou- sand dollars. The Methodist church at Zion is another beautiful building, tastefully finished, situated on the 6th con in a good farming community and Zionites are generally a weil-todo class of people Going farther north we come toTownsend lake. There we find an ancient binding which in its time served its purpose for all denomi- nations but now it is generally used by Presbyterian. Going West Jo lot one on the 10th con. we come to another neat and Commodious little chapel be- longing to the Baptist denomination, where services are held generally every Sabbath. Then we go east to lot 80, S. W. T. and S. R. and there we find a beautiful little brick church ( erected by the. United Brethern a few ( ‘ years ago. but tmiortnnately there has ‘ been no service held there for the last year on account of the scarcity of mini- sters of that denomination. Again we come back to Glenelg Centre and there we, firaia neat frame Baptist chapel. whose seating capacity is crowded every Sabbath afternoon with Rev Mr Newton, of Durham. preacner. Mid- way on the Western border of the town- ship is Rocky Saugeen Presbyterian Church, which with Dornoch church at the s. E. corner of Sulliyan. makes a pastoral charge, at present vacant Lastly we come back to old Ebenezer Methodist church at the town line Ulenelg and Egremont on Mr Tucker's tan in, This church too is always tilled with worshippers every Sabbath, Rev Varley, otHYieeville, Pastor. of course many ot Lllenelg's worshippers meet in I the tine churches of Durham and Prieevslle. In nearly all the churches l and in some other localities earnest S. I School work is carried on. There are three principal river:- in Ulenelg namely : The Saugeen. Rocky Saugcen and Black river, all trout streams. Tim big Saugoen Cttits the township tt great deal in keeping up bridges year after your. Besides these tin-re are many small tittittentt, ml clear and sparkling water making it a tine dairy township. There "11- but \‘vry few oi' the old pioneers who titst sAtled in the lawn- ship living. Cf those who are numngsl the nldt-at me Mr John Hall of the south line whuso' memory is yet, as good as emu". for he says he was hum ml the twnlth Svpn-mher in the fear. uuvhlt-en blunder and twal, at ten meenits nfier twa n'clm-k in the mornin. Mr Joseph hr”). of Edge Hill. is unothw- of the oldest. ho being in his Jtineisecoud year. Thete me many others that mnv l he as old. Hit those two are the mat-st on the zusessment roll. l Glenelg has tifteen concessions. north l of the Durham road and four south, l also h' concessions along the west of the township. surveyed with the Gapafraxa Road as a base. Thus the ir')'v"n's',i'ii','.l rather awkwardly. has 3 each of Ist, 2nd l and lint eoncesstous and two 4th eon-l cessions. which are distinguished by N, ".It., S. It. R... E. G. It. respectively. The ith, tilh and mm are chit'fly main roads to Markdale. The west, end of these lines are very good while the east end of all the connessmns areiu some“ institutes impassable for traffic, espec- ( ially along the 8th and 0th cons and 6th and 7th. " would take pretty lively deer to climb some, of the mountains near the town line, At temesin and it is a miracle how some of the poor people that are depending on a livelihood from some of the places along those roads manage to make a living. Tine we find some excellent lots in Glenelg. hut these are few and far between. For instance there are a few good lots im- mediately north of Durham. being the toperty of Messrs J & J Hunter and of 1 Rh Lauder. There are again some fine l i blocks of land , way of Edge. Hill, l the Edge farms. irth’s farm. Mofl'at’s and a few others are as good as could he _ found in the County of Greg: There 1 at: a few good lots along the h and 7th I ccns.. being the Greenivood'tr, Falkiag- I ham's and the old Blair farms and a few I others that are not. quiteas good. Then ' along the 10th there are a few good lots and so all over theta are good lots here and there. ' Glenelg’s population in 2tt,t com- l posed of English. Irish and Beote . Of I these we find that the Scotch are in the ', majority and a good share of them are descendants of the Highlands of Scot- l land. The lush comes second in num- There are three grist mills in Glenels and in reality we might any four. fo! McGowan's in Durham has a better claim to he in Glenelg than in Durham for it was the pioneer mill of the county, but instead of four. we can only claim one that is Traverston. for Fords and Ptewis Mills are taken into Markdale; corporation. PAST AND PRESENT. --Mtttt O'Rell. the famous lecturer. died on Moods»). -A amt meetinr of the Ontario Prohibition Alliance is to be held in Toronto to-duy. The expectation is that hot words will be used nbout the deterring of temperance legislution. Well if they be wise ones. --Another great street car strike in Montreal, men and women injured, 25 nrreqts, cars smashed and over 300 street lights out. 1350 men out. Thus the struggle between capital and labor goes on. Toronto has narrowly aver- ted a similar situation. --.A movement to increase the see- ional allowance of members ot the Legislature from 0600 to t1000 is pro- rosed or is rather on toot. So far we have not heard a whimper of objection by either grit or tory. A wonderfully happy family where sell-interest is concerned! The Premier wants in make it 8800 but will likely have to give way. Last week the evidence was all in and the senior cunnsel on each side de- livered their arguments. Mr Blake first, then Mr. Johnston, Mr. Blake re- plying briefly. Their Lordships prom- ise their findimt about the ti st ot Jane when the House will be still in session. Mr. Blake. naturally, made a great deal of Stratton's remark about " for- getting some things, " was extremely tree with abusive e ithets, which gave opportunity to Mr fohnston to make a most striking opening. Mr. Johnston claims that Gamey and Sullivan eon- cocted the story and we quote a very striking part ot his speech t " Find me the deposit slip t900, and the deposit receipt. 81,500, and find me the miss- ing leaves from the Knife of Mr Gamey. and I have a short step to take to as- certain where the money came from, " In view of nerent. experiences before the Royal Commission and in view of a too common experience in nearly every court in the land, there is M. crying necessity placed on every individual or body exercising a moral force to impress the community with the sanctity of an oath. Untruthfulness will come in like. a. flood in social life if perjury is winked at by the law; if it becomes a light thing to prevaricate or suppress under the obligation of an oath. it will at once be deemed innocent to deceive when no such testraint exists. it will follow. its a. nutttet of course, that one of the most healthy bonds of society will be weak- ened and truth between man and man be an uncertain quantity. The necessity of impressing the Im- porlnnce of truth begins of course with parents and gnardians, carelessness of truth leads to more falsehood than de. liberate intention to deceive. Precept and example in Word and notion (for Ihese are awed lies as well as spake" ones) must both he consistently used. Teachers of all grades must exhibit, and inculcate n horrm- of menducily. Ay/: _ mt I - ~,_I.l 'rIKW.r_-.W.% In l.‘:---r- t - .77,, - day sclwols are n mnml force and should Imam offwclivv ene. hut utter lift yours ot effort. the advance has not been a “Mable one. '1'he yress has a field and V . A1,.,_,__|».._ 'hRFB6U'i, a.“ ...i .V - " power cf its awn Glu no partizunship should ever haul it to gloss nver truth. We may close with the pulpit, though often unaligned. the greatest nun-n1 force of the dav. "The pulpit. of America hustilt- should cunnt uml'v‘ than an army of a millmn men"; we dont know the author of the quutnlinu, but its truth should be apparel and would he uni- vmsnlly true did the pulpit, H'erywhvre mummml the gvnnine respect necessary to convince lut‘n of the unpurlum-e of living the life of integrity and truth. ‘mivc us NIH]. a time likv this domainh “rt-at hearts, stroustmindr. truenith and uill, ing hands : Mon whom the lust of other doc, not kill '. Mon whom the spoils of oftice cannot buy 2 Mon wltoposresi opluiun and a will , l Men who hun- hnnm'. men wltowill not lie." There are three "aw mills in running l order viz. The McKet-lmie bros.. of I G'lenroaden, which is an excellent outfit and has a capacity of doing a large l nantily of business . The manager Mr 1",i'//s'i'/o'i, is a. man who understands his business. consequently the tirm depends upon bun as being faithful in the dis- charge of his duties. Orr Minuls' at Matkdale is another fine sawmill and is doing a. rushing hminess daily, as he. has a large quantity of lumber, shingles. &c.. always on hand of all kinds. Hugh Baird‘s on con 12 is another fine null and has also a. large. quantity of logs in stock and apparently doing good business. as Mr Baird is a pushing man with a good business head. Traverstou saw mill suffered a downfall a year ago and unless rebuilt during the last few weeks _ it remains so still. There is a large i quantity of logs in than)!“ yard, wheth- _. _---.-. u . n .‘muudutnnn n!- .,...-.._v., ._, h - er the rmperty of the proprietms or custom can We cannot any. but unless? the one attended to without delay they ','allllie", rot and decay. There are just three licensed li uor hotels in Glenelg. Ryan’s or Roh W/ Durham road, Rocky Snugeen. and O'Mara’s. Dornoch. showing that the good peogle of Glenelg have not an en- ormous t irst for drink stronger than can he obtained from the many cooling fountains of pure water whichare al- ways free without .license and price. Glenelg can boast of being one at the best townships in Ontario for good 1 water flowing in beautiful spring creeks. In olden times Glenelg was looked upon as stony Glenelg. We heard an aged man tell a story of an old gentle- men in County York. who he came in contact with when gonna and looking for work. The ol :“rent in question viewed him from he to foot and ques- tioned him as to where he hailed trom and on being told he came from the the county of Grey. the old gent mud in his ntstiveutontrye the guelic. "ARuts “an A. B. Glenelg nan clach a thank; thu " or in everyhoy's language. "Are on from stony Glam-lg? Well at is I'e'l'd,'.' to contend with stones on the farm. than to be possessed with a hard and stony heart as possibly this old gentleman was. THE GREAT TRIAL. EDITORIAL. GIVE US MEN. THE DURHAI DARLING’S DRUG STORE FISHING TACKLE IIOOKS. Massey i)fd?atos Egan!) Rams The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. Durham, DURHAM MIN WORKS CALDWELL‘S LIV RY STA LE (Opposite Ml227 WS """"Wisi"aTtCritrddiuiith' Housm Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONHiS & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. THE undersigned will kccp for scrvim- on lot 41 con 3. E. G. IL. lilonclg. for season of km. the fltte thoroughbred Tlmwonh Boar bred M David Douglas and Hon. Mitchell, mm. from the celebrated animal .. Newcastle Lord "-. 2429-. "hun .. Ghmworth Maid tt " 491-. Flu" in. -- I -4 .-.m "IA-J an! ll'l Eadélr Podim'u- may Tennis 31.00. Fs'horthotm Bulls, one 12 mos. the other 13 mos. old. principally red and likely animals in every respect. Terms on ap- plication to proprietors. lots 2% and fre. Con. 3, s. D. It, Glenelg. Will Hell roa- snnahly. A. & J. SEALEY. Proprietors. Aim Purebred Tums and Berkgtures. Ravuzw Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale. can testify from experience that they are composed of was: kindly natures. generous in a. mark degree, always ready to feed the hungry and shelter the IT"d traveller and set him to rest during t e ailent hours of night on the. best sleeping berth in their dwelling with which eompliment we will close at this time and will resume in future Glenelg has the ttnest elm of people in the Domipion " to 1irernuitt. foere issues. The undersigned offer for salt- Two " A. DARLING}, Flour......... ............. Oatmeal................... ROBINSON & CORBET, Wheat. Pen...".................. Bulay............ Oats......... LImbs..................... Dressed Hogs, per cw: Hogs, Live weight..... Butter. fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Illia---:--. .... Hides, per cwt.......... Calf-kins. per lb........ Sheepskin'............... 1Gv................-.. Bees, "1! ttwt............ Turkey!................... Pontoon. per btw...... DURHAM MARKETS. THOROBRED TAMWORTH KING TOM. No. -3204-. saves a lot of pleasure. ...............".... ClubPrice singly r and Daily Witness. "so 34.00 " Weekly " MI) 2.00 " World Wide, 1.59 '.2.!!!.! ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO iayales j BAMBOO RODS from 5 cents up. Bristol Steel Rods. Green heart, Split Bamboo, and Fancy Rods. Wading Trousers, Baskets. See our Stock of Flies made especially for our trade Messenger. gediat l THE PEOPLE'S DRUGHIS'I‘. 1H TR] IA M. west of Middaugh Aurse. he seen .011- 'uplilication ‘KING TOM' See cur ascend hand wheels. GEO. STA I'LES BOAR. 24o PRICES manna work; both together make wheeling a 6 l0 l7 17 ll P roprietors. ALL I{INDS. 25 10 24o 7 " 6 IO 17 17 ll I 5o 18 tto " JEgont, jc) AUT IO US a Successful Men FURNITURE The Best Quality cheaper than ever. undertaking promptly at- tended to. Carefully consider where they do thei business. Many of these men go to B. H. MILLER. the Hauovet Conveyancer. even though It. means a few miles of n drive. They any that he is 66 Always promp',-never negligent." dint be In: Ind 22 years experience and that n. PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. He " now offering for Sale 2 THE MALCOLM CAMERON 100 acres on Glrafrua A good farm with fine buildings. Offered very cheap as Mr. Ctmemn has gone west. The T. 0. Stewart Farm. Lot lo. Con. 2, W. G. it. Bentinck ', 100 acres with about so cleared I frame house and other building. Said to have a lot of very iiiiiriGGroa timhfr. Intending Bandeau should enter at beginning of term, or u noon after " possible. sun and Equlpmon. The School is equipped for full Junior Lenin; und Meal-don work. under the following - competent Tuners for that Den-amen! : rues. ALLAN, maul. was LICK. B. A., Chutes nnd Modems. GiiiiUEE, B. 'A., Claims ma Modems. FEES: 81.00 per month) Wm. Johnna». G. Rama... Will he for service " Lot 48. Con. 2, R. G. R. for the season of NIH. Pert. Bree on apolicstion. Cows not return- ed regularly will bechurged whether in calf or not. Puyment to he made on or before behruary Itrt MIN. Terms 81.50. DONALD McFM'nnx. Prop. ICl'lpuun "an. nu -.... -. --"--" _' Thin to any glue in Canada. United States. Great ritain and Ireland, 'uturdtsr., Key 16. was the golden iu- bilee of rmlroadmg in Ontario. Just 5) years no. May 16, 1853. the ttrst Poo-en- rer train wu run on the ttrat mi way in the Province. from Toronto to Aaron. lt won known on the Ontario. Simone & Huron Railway and shortly after was extended to Barrie. and then to Polling- Omar 50 crtr.--We wilt send the Ite. vntw to friends not now on our Sub- scription list. to Jan 1. Igot for tio cu. _‘ _ - ---- _l_-- 3- f‘-nnlln I'nitnd T WrerE W 'ik" '."Wr'iTicr.eri's7, Jake Kress Durham School J AlCF, K R PISS PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL. iayeles I (Prince Alf-gm) FOR All repairing Ottario. , ARTHUR GUN. . D., [ " GEO. S. BURT- I DENTISTRY. _ Dr. T. G. HOLT L. n.s. “may. to the Roy-l lando- Opium-k .o-plhl. Ballad. and the Golden Gammon! ad m: copied, a. SPECIALIST EYE, EAR. TRROaT& soiM ---,- EXCLCSlVELY' - Witt be a the “Md-ugh Home. www.m- li"' Wednesday at each momh "on " p. In. an {um l I the Du mun Pharmacy Calder" Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Ottice, Durhnm, F-i. I. '--4 p. n. IINDIICI and oFFteE-ou Ink UPPER 1‘0".DOIIAI. W. C. PICKERING D. D s., L. B. S. HONOR GRADI’ATE of Toronto Universily. gmdlmte of Rnyul ('ollo'c of Dental Snrgmms of Ontario. Rooms. Calder Block over the Post Office. J. G, BUTTON. M. D ofBtm------LoW" 1 OWN. DUB" I I. Jammy not {uh-u Fund- to boo- on long-3n at low.- nu- ot mutant. Yunnan mm by acompounl and “Mn! Vclutor. - Woo our ”outlaw- Stoeq I G to " A.I. Co?iqetiott. nd Agency promptly amndod to Wills. Doom. lam-an, Lou“, Wont!- Uc.oornctly pups . Exam ot 2rtr,tt,T. soul look“ attor mad Excoum'n m “I M.- truon' Account. wowed sud ttret Sun-onto Conn. Boning-I, Prob.“ of Wit B. lacun- of Ad. MACKAY & DUNN. Barristers. Solicitors. Conveynncers. Ac. otttees : Hunter‘s New Block. on pouut Chronicle Omee. Gavan-3x3 St., Durham. MONEY To LOAN A. G. MICK-1 K.C. W. F. Dunn mminuoi Gd iGuJJhu-mlpi obiauod . josh chu and. In My Dulce sud Tm.- upon“ lmhaOoll-p Phyduh- adm- - Span] manta stu- to m 0' Woman Ind Children. OFFICE -at " nf yr? mory, B‘RRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COUR? NOTARY PUBLIC. COUMICOIONER. ETC. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collmtixmu of all kinda Farm. (tough promptly attended fo and cold OFFICE- -McKo-|uo'n Old Sun! Durham FF'ICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF DENTISTRY. D. McPHA IL.) Tough... cum No. " BARRIITER, BOLIOITOR.= aoarnv - convince-n. cc. (lllllillilil) BANK 0f (MIMI! CAPITAL, Authorised. . . . . . .nooonx CAPITAL. Paid up........... 1.000.000 RESERVE FUND............ moms arristcr, Jroear , Go: _ voyancar, ete., te. . .. . [any to Loan " reason. ole rates an on terms to suit borrower. AGENTS in all principal pome- m Ontario. Quebec. lumloha. United trtttes and Enghnd. DURHAM AGENCY A general Bulking huaineu transacted Drifts issued 5nd collection “nude on Mt points. Deposits received and into! at “lowed st current at” SAVINGS BASE wiaterest showed on savings bank deposits of .11!) and up wads Prompt attention And every facililv "orrred cuuwmeu living at NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, V CONVEVANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent. G. LEFBOY McCAUL. diu- ce. Licenced Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate. “Imam: (or sin: n to dues. kn. must be en the 'tee6ew m lice. m. - (‘mpondence mus-M been“) Hardin: P. o., will be pomp!” “tended to, am on unite-“on to HOURS '. E l DAVIDSON. orto MONEY TO LOAN I‘lYllClAl & Scum. Head Ottice, Torm. J. P. TELFORD W. P. OOWAI. Widen. D. IcPIlAIL. Hopeville P. U. l C. IAIAGI, Durham Prov-u Money to Loon, J KELLY, - Moderate ll oker the Bunk

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