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Durham Review (1897), 28 May 1903, p. 6

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lt, hi, The lion owrrstimutml Its first leap and did not secure a. good hold 3nd Berrott was enabled to twist about and face tho animal. With one hand he gram-d its lower Jaw in ml: " mannrr that It could not use tts toitii and with th" other he man- and to cross the forutcet and hold them against his body so that the claws conht not tra brought into artton. me lion and the man rolled o‘er togrthar. and Sci-90H worked No body in between the beast]; hind “Jen In this position the lion was ablr to do little with its chm-q. '%rqto't bill ml his teeth In th" lion's neck and tore franticallv at the Amrh untll he unwed the' Juan‘s:- sein. The lion " mangled fiercely. but coon ttreame an wank from the was of Mord that S-ri-off was enabled to grim: out of many» and watch it mph-4. H . cmr-rgel from the entom- 'ter with a few painful gushes. Tho, tin of tho animwl measured right he: from tip to tip. Halifax. Min: 2G.--FUr over thirty- le hours half a million dollars in gold and bile has reposed in the ,ratilt of the Royal Inn! ot Canada In this city beyond the reach of the esetieiatt, of the lmtltutlon. The com- :Unntlon of the vault door became .rnnged when the door was closed ,on Saturday night. and it has but- 'lled the most expert locksmiths In Halifax to adjust it. . My affortrwero made to drill “tough the deer. bat these too :hilod. on) naught workmen are en- roll in tuning down ths brick " All this time the hank has, tty forced to borrow fund- from Bank of Nova Soon; to any _- it. lac-hell. and the drawn and " 10.01119 or tsand-to-hand enroulr torn with wild Donate have been thanked by Anson Sen-off. or Ters ray Crvek canon. who killed a moun- tain .lion a In days ago. 8ercott was prospecting. when he ran across a lon'u dun. Dx-turminnug to secure the kittnus. he dug 1fro way into the den. At that Instant the mother- lion sprang upon him from the rear, an_d_ antrugglo ensued. ml! a Million Dollll's locked Too Wen. m and the number of those seriously Injured. mm), women and children, n- estimntwi at about GOO. Most ot Who Juwish workshops, stores and “houses were ransacked and pilinged. ,nnd the greater part ot a. commum 9tr ot thirty thousand has been ren- dered homeless and penniiess. These crimes have been committed in Christian Russia, by a Ciirlstian Hubble. supported and participated in by Russian officials. “This barbaric holocaust which has {taken place in a populous' city ot one hundred and forty thousand in- habltunts appeals tor redress, not to the Jews throughout the world. but to the civilized world; not to those profnssing the religion of the slaughtered. but to those professing La ttdet. (W104 r011. Chicago Triban a New York, May %.-Oscar Strauss, who was twice U3 Minister to Tur- ter, gives the following views re- garding the relations Between the EU. 3 and Russia; "No one can read Without a shudder of horror the re- hports of the fiendish outrages at tNiehenett on Apsil 19, 20 and 21. gmn the unottending Jewish popu~ nation of that acity, by a mob which Was omeiaily incited and officially ,protectmi. . ANIMAL WAS EIGHT FEET LONG hi1. Lord Cranborne. admitted that mutation. wen passing be- heen the Foreign Ottiee and Gere than: regarding the latter: impo- mo! differential duties ngalnst . The under secretary de.. tained to furnish information as to trimmer the Foreign Office had Inn Mieated the possibility of Great Minna rr'tnliating by imposing BPtF Ieiul dating on German imports Into 'the United Kingdom. saying he icould not make any turther state- 'rment at present. Chew: its Throat Till the Beast Mes, Kruger in Paris. . Park my 2.5.-Former President Kruger arrived here to-day, from YIentone, on his way to Holland. and ,rcceh'ed u. sympathetic welcome {tram a small crowd of intimate friends. who boarded his train at the railroad nation. The women ot GERMANY AND CANADA . mscussm Ewcmmous 1llll FIGHTS WITH [lllll, ?Kruger Makes tt Speech td Ad- mirers at a Paris Station. "london, Ma: 2ts.--RepUintr to a. {inaction m the House of Commons 510481. the Under Foreign Secre- “The London Times states that the lumber of Jews killed. men, women ,snd children, was between 60 and Talks About the Shocking Outrages on Jews at Kishineff. U. S. EX-MINISTER TO RUSSIA. BANK VAULT CLOSED. Tp Some ot the Results of Ontario Agri- "uturnt College Examinations. Tho examinations on the work of tbr, fourth year at the Ontario Ag- t'ieattaval.C'oltoge are conducted by the University of T%ronto, and the results will appear in the Uni- wrsity class lists in June. The n-sults of the examinations, ot the following first, second and third year students on the work of the pant session are; 6. nallatstrne, R., Metrrtntrvme. 12. Nikon, 00., St. George, Brant. 13 Munroe, J. F., South End, Wel- land. Ontario. ' " Ketch-uh A. F., St. George. M. Robertson. A.. Brannon]. " woolverton. N. D., Grlmsby. M. Btrlerr, R. B., Paris. BP.. Inca". B. M., Grimoby. It (pod through the forest like a lmllet and mowed down tall timber like a scythe. Many trees were cut on as smoothly as it they had been unwed down. The meteor was still going when they lost sight of it. Berber Tribesmen Leave the Sultan ot Morocco in the Lurch. Tangier. May 25.-Tetttatt is still threatened by hostile tribes. A thousand men belonging to the pow- erful Berber tribes of the Zimiuurl; who were summoned to Fez to Join the expedition against the pre- tender. and whose assistance as cavalry was very important to the Sultan, have mutlnled. Aerotite as Bigas on Barrel Cuts Down Trees in West Virginia. Parkersburg, W. Ta., May 2G.-mu, largest meteor ever seen in West Virginia is reported to have been seen by employees of the Felton Lum- bar Company near Grafton. While in their timber camp last night they. heard. a peculiar whizzlng noise. followed by an lntensely bright light. They rushed out and saw a meteor, which they described as a [all at fit-o as big as an oil barrel, whining in a. smthmsterly direc- The other troops were ordered to lire upon them, whereupon the whole body deserted to their own tribe lands, carrying with them tho whole of their equipment and their horses, and pillaging on the way. The revolt will have serious results. damaging the government’s prestige and pmbably leading to tho revolt ot other tribes. lion acceptors of notes and drafts are obliged to deter payment until the vault is opened and tho papers secured. " ' "Let not a false or misplaced gratitude cheek-tht humane sym- pathies of America, for the despoil- ed Finns, the persecuted Christ- ians and the oppressed and massa- cred J ews." the religion of the trlautthterertr. It Is a. crime against clvllization and Chljlstinnity as well. "Whenever Russian horrors reach American cars we constantly hear about tho long standing friendship between Rusuin. and the United States. If we look beneath the surface. which is not necessary. when Russia ls concerned. we will find that. underlying courtesles to our naval officers and profuse dip- lomatic professions of friendship, will ho found a purpose to accen- tuate hostility toward England. "Tho Russia ot to-dny [ms notin- lng in common with the United States, and Mite would, it who could, caviar our declaration of independ- ence out or existence and wipe liberty from the tace ot tire globe. The graphic forecast of her policy by Britain’s greatest diplomatlst. Stratford Canning, is verified in our day: Tome of old extended its away by conquest. but wherever Its eagles flew the arts of civiliza- tion followed. The Russian bird of prey has no such commission. It turns indeed toward the sun. but the shadow ot its wings is blighti‘ng and moral desolation closes upon its flight.' the party presented the Boer states- man with many bouquet., and Mr. Kruger made a brief speech ot thanks. He said he expected to re- turn to France next year. Mr. Kru- Ker spoke In a, strong voice and seemed to he In fairly tgood health. A Big Loan. London, May Brr.--rme prospectun ot the new Brttxtlitut tive per cent. loan of $25,000,000 tor the improve- ment of the harbor of Rio Janelro. will be issued by the Rochschllds to- marrow. The price will 92. Bulgarians Get Worst of it. Salomon. May 2G.-rme long list of recent deliberate murders in the Tit- lnyot ot Monastlr. with a. prepon- derance of Bulgarian Victims. indl- Gates, it ls asserted. that the Turks are getting beyond control. Out of twenty-one omeial1y admitted mur- ders rllteen Bulgarians were among the victims; In some cases the bodies were mutilated. One man murdered by Turn had his eyes torn out/hu: taco burned and his tongue out out. THOUSAND MEN MUTINY. GREAT METEOR SEEN. SCIENTIFIC FARMERS. """""e'Pe' -h.r....--- The C. P. R. crop report indicates a bountiful harvest In ’the west. An explosion ot firecrackers in Gra- ham's Fair at Gait cans-3d a tire that did about $500 damage. Rev. Dr. Sowerby. ot London, he. announced his acceptance ot the call at the College Street Batpist Chumh. Toronto. CANA DIAN Farmers Import that rain would be too late to mve the hay crop. C The Trwontn Tm'lwny Company has refused the demands of the men. Alex. Campbell, Chief ot Police ot Fort Willmm, is dead. _ A bod: found In the St. Clair River at Courtright. In“ been ldenti'iert as that of Hope Webster. of Sarah. missing since last Good Friday. A tieree onowstorm ls raging In tho went. from Red Deer. Alberta. to the London, May 2G.--h sudden out- breax or enteric [ever on board the reformatory ship Cornwall, lying ott Partleet, has been traced to iuteet- ed blankets from the hospital camps in South Africa. Further investiga- tion, says the Daily Mail, revealed that many thousands of those blen- kets had been sold broadcast in the United Kingdom. How they got on tho market has not yet been disco- vered. A regulation of the War Office enjoins that all disused blankets be shredded so that they will be avail.. able only. for rags. The War Office sold none and sent none home. or the many thousands issued in South Africa the Kailirs used to steel scores and the Boers captured quan- tities, and it is suggested that they! may thus have come into the hands of peddierm' The Cornwall's blank- eta, which examination showed to be blood-stained and filthy, and Bwiirtn- Ing with typhoid bacilli, have been traced through their vendors to a Whitechapel firm, through which it was learned that they Were im- ported trom South Africa. These stores have been seized and disin- fected, but large parcels are known to hch been sold in the United King- dom. The sanitary authorities have been warned, and the pollee are try- ing to trace the importers. EPIDEM€C 0N REFORM SHIP BLANKETS Kill FEVEH. Came a. deposit of " Ottawa', May 2G..-. 'nhe Finan'ce Minister gives notice of u. bill “re- specting penny banks." It will pro- vide for the establishment and in- Hpoction of such banks in Canada. A request was recotly made to the PostmarrtcuuCreneral to ostablish Government penny sun-lugs banks in connection with the post-office on m similar plan to that in vogue in. England. The plan mgcstml is to issue cards with th‘nty spaces on each. A five-cent stamp is to be affixed on each square. and when all are filled tho card is to be taken a. Finance Minister Gives Notice of Milt in the Lommons. made its' decision in the recent stl'i-ké ot the men. As a. cause of the strike, thm men give the discharge ot 258 members or the union by the company since the Chicago Iltotttu of Arbitration And Chicago Mar be Left Without Light Soon. Chicago, Mas 'Ps5.--h' general strike of a." the members or the (hm Work.. ers' Union against the People’s Gas Light and Coke Company was order- ed last night by the Central Council of the Union. Street men, drip- pumpers', meter setters and state- mcnt men to the number ot 1600 are effected by the order. Efforts will be made to draw the teaut.steps Into the strike. Three Churches and Many Buildings Destroyed at mule Bay. St. John's, Nfld., Way 2G.-.F1re has devastated the town ot Little Bay, where a. large copper mine is being worked. Three churches, with the clergymen'a residences. the mining companies" stores, the Government buildings. and forty dwellings were destroyed. The total Jose is estimated at $50,000. Two hundred and tirty persons are hornolcum, and relief is be- ing forwargcd by the authorities. Another tire destroyed the lumber- lng section of Appleton. The mills, much sawn timber, and other pro- perty were consumed. i Yarmoattt Bank Purchased by the Bank. ofMontrenl Halifax. N. 8., May 25.--.The Bank ot Montreal today purchasea the Exchange Bank of Yarmouth. The shareholders ot the latter will re- ceive 380 " share. the par Value ot whlch' is $70. The capital stock of the Exchange Bank is 8366,890paid up. The restate Mud amounts to $59000. The assets are 8752.863. and the total 1iatrititidrarGTiiEiD' 033. The sale is subject to this rat- ification of the shareholders. PENNY BANKS ARE COMING. .. vimlc' t'r, Tp “annulus. 'lit Itt .i11. ttTito,, 'e.: g tt . r " if tt 1e1tft,lt1it,,tl,Lt,jt -4 toe, 52. Hartman. R. W., Hamilton. Th“? Tear-. 7 _ sesxnttryir--c' / “1“?!" ', G. Albright. W. D., Beamsvllle. 6. Eddy. E. D., Scotland. T. Wade, It. W., t3mithville. G. Cari nter, Gull» " ittand B. h'1y,'ll'/'d','f,', T. B. t?."f"ke,t) 47. BIO FIRE AT ST. JOHN’S BANK CHANGES HANDS. Bartcrree, G. L., Corwhin, Hah- From Haspital Camps in South Africa. OAS MEN STRIKE iiSEEi-on TORONTO IT'" Hie Undiplomniic Conduct Gets Him Into Trouble. Washington. D. C.. Mae 26.-Crttb. clam of a complaint. against its eup- po-sed part in the matter has caused the State Department to repudiate responsibility for publication at the Government printing oince of the blue boot containing the Borreqtomb. enoe in the Venezuelan peace nego- iiatione between Herbert W. Bowen. --..---.... "--"wu .uuu-u. u. wwcu. the special envoy ot Venezuela. and Sir Miettact Herbert, the British Am- bassador; Signor Mayor den Ranches, the Italian Ambassador; Baron von Stemberg. the German Minister. and Count Quadt. the Germ Chute d'Amstrqcti. tel',: Mar ' Brim: in Millions of Art t Treasured Duty Free. Nev/v: York, May L'.5,--Under the de- eigmxtion "liourstrl1oid Miocts." J. Pier- pout Morgan will be able to bring into this country most ot his art treasures. that are now scattered through the nmnrums of Europe or rise in hitr house in Park Lane, Lon- don. Mr. Morgan has ordered his agents to gather together all his paintings, bric-a-bran and antiques. and it is traievel Americans " ill have the opportunity of seeing one of the finest private uoilcctions in the world. These objmts of art are ap- p-rnised at not less than $2,000,000, and had Mr. Morgan imported them a year ago he would have been obliged to pay almost $300,000 as duty. Many of the paintings and smaller antiques hare twen in Mr. Morgan’s Park Lane house for more than a year. and therefore they come un- der the head of "houaehuid effects," which are undutlable. Seventy-three Acres Purchased by the Government. The Provincial Secretarv purchas- ed for the Ontario Crovernnrmt on Saturday, by public auction, held pursuant to we (liroction or the Mas- ter-in-Ordinary of thr, Sapoue L'outr of Judicature. thi- hr:Nen farm of 73 nerve, lying Worst of the Mimico Aevlum, properly, tot: the sum of $7,- 100. The ri'srrve bid iised be the court was $7,000. This 73 acres will be addod to the Munico Aevlum property for additional farming pur- DOSES. had will be of much advan- lngu to the institution. furnishing employment for a. munber of pa- tieuta, whom it is desirable to keep empioved. and at the some time moviding a larger area ot [arm lulu! upon which to raise supplies for Um institution. Tho farm and grounds now comprise 291 acres. Painting ot' "The Lmu. Supper" in the Mortntuery at Santa Maria. Vimma. May 2G.--The Milan cor- rowonden: of the Nous-s Wiener Tuglzlatt reports that Leonardo Da. Vincls’ famous muriel painting or “The Last ,'Suppit," in the mon- astery ot Santa Maria, is now hope- lessly ruined. It had bran In a tle- plorablo condition for a long time, and the continual decay of the wall on which it is painted made all at- tempts at restoration futile. Only the head of the Apostle Bartholo- mew and part of the table cloth are now dirrtinguislteihle. Visitors are new not allowed to see the painting. ADDITION TO MIMICO ASYLUM Every union iron mouldor in St. Paul is on strike. Tho trouble was caused by the refusal of the foundry men to concede a modification of the time schedule and wages rate now in force. g The Missouri Supreme Court yester- day reversed the decision of the St. Louis Circuit Court in the cases of former delegates Falconer and Le- iman convicted ot perjury, and re- manded the cases. Tho A1tgtriatrt-1Titrtgariru1 Consul, A. De Brunner, at Manila, in his re- port for 1902, paints a gloomy pie- tum or tho “impoverishment ot the Philippines through the long cam- paign." The US. Court ot Appeals yesterday held that the Penna Railroad had a. legal right to remove the polesand wires ot the Western Union Tele- gaph Company, from along the rail- road‘s right of way. . J. 11. Nollie, City. Solicitor. Wood- stock, has issued a. writ against the Woodstock, Ingersoll & Thames Val- ley Electric Railway. to have the High Court declare that the company has forfeited its franchise in the city, and to restrain the company: trom the exercise of its forfeited rights. T l A letter has been received from Koldewey saying that the excava- tion ot Ishtar Gate at Ancient Babylon is finished. The gate is of imposing size. Six hundred cases of tiles, reliefs and other objects which once decorated the Palace of Ne- buchadnezzar have been shipped to Germany, _ More trouble waa recorded in the Toronto building trade yesterday. when the brlokluyers, who returned to work on Monday, again quit work, refusing to be supplied with mater- ial by non-union luborens. Admiral Melville, U. S. navy. says that ton tor ton, German battle- drips are superior to those ot his own country. ' z At. Ufa, European Russia. Gov-. ernor Bogdnnovitch was instantly killed by two men in the town park. We Prince and Princess ot Wales yesterday opened the Sailors? Pal- ace erected in the Limehouse district ot London. , l Daniel McLaughlin hadlhis arm caught in the carder at the Perth Flax Mill. Stratiord. on Tuesday. and to-day the medical men attending him found It necessary to amputate it. The unfortunate man had the other arm incupadltated at the same tautory. about a year ago. A London despatch says Lord Strathcona intends to visit Mon- treal during July, and August. Crow's Nest A 18,11 ot eighteen inches to two or three test is reported. Independence day was fittinglx celebrated throughout Cuba. Counterfeit tlre-eeat pleoes are in circulation in Wlndwr. They artt plated. -' BRITISH AND FOREIGN. HOPELESSLY RUINED. MORGAN IN LUCK. BOWL N SNUISBED. Annapolis. um. May 25. - Midship- man Arthur o. Barter. from Kent. Ohur, nephvw or the late Pmsidem W'Kinle.v, and a member of the fourth. or hrg'mning, “as. at the Naval Academy, was drowned at about 6 o’clock this morning. Mid- ehipmn Barber had with him n companion midtAipman, Ned L. Chapln. They went tor a swim be- fore breakfast. The place they chum wan the north sea wall ot the lacu- demy grounds. They mam 3mm! tor some time and became separated by thirty or [org yard». Suddenly Chaplin no- Me that young Barber teamed dic- tum-d and at once tried to no to his nut-tame. Soon utter young Bub.- ulled wt for help. A but an on from the unto“ Aim A development of the game In that Interested persons slt behind a known skilful player and bark his sklll. A swrvtary ot one of tho clubs say that who" a membee is known to he an exceptionally good player. but he not rich or flush enough to play heavy points. othor membera wlil carry him. that h. pny his points and draw a percvntam‘ of hit: winnings. Marty n olr-Vnr tnt- low In making',' H.000 n your in this manner without running any risk. No money changna hands durimr tho gamma at these clubs. Each cm- pioya a card-room cashier to keep accounts. These sums considerably exceed tltorm .1“va by ollu'r clubs, but the Atlantic's nieknams or the 'Million- airne' Club" "xplaiuii why high play is allowed there. The tseolrly limit at the Ft. Jumou' Club has been tix.. ed at £300 and at the Buchalurs' Club at £300. while the tine Pointe of the game are llmlted to one shil- ling at each club. Midshipman Barber. lone-s Hire Life- Whue Bathing at, Annapolis. London, May '2G.-de'everat of the West End clubs have found it niece.- szu'y to limit bridge gambling by re- suictlonu similar to those adopted at the houses or soclvty leaders. The newly forum] Atlantic Club has de- cided that no more than £500 a week will be booked to a single mem- ber. Points will be limited to :.N. ouch. with a maximum of £10 on a game. Ivonne B)Ei0l)i'fr Imt'huml" v"," f STIMULATES BRAIN ACTION. Ellavilte, Ga., May 2G.-Detaita ham Just been learned here of the kill- ing of tho five-year-old son of Al.. Itert Wall, tl, well-known citizen of Schlcy County by two negro boys aged ten and twelve years. The negroes entiaxi the toy into a sthnck pen, where, with a heel pin, wrapped In same]: “my attacked him. breaking three ribs and inflicting other injuries. spinal meningitis re- sulted from which the Loy died at- BRIDGE WHIST STAKES. London Clubs Take Steps to Stop Gamb'ing. More Cars Running Unmolested To-day in Bridgeport, Conn. s'i'scirustirieauy and in'atrticallg'aountt Mr. liibon's experiment ls expected to have great results, the more It) as it has Just been discovered that all tle brain processes ot thought and consciousness are ot electrical char- acter. n Is conscquoutly predicted that the MAttno-E1toctrie Titalizer will soon be in as general use in the schools and collages of the United BOYS MURDER A SMALLER LAO The same experiment was made With Public school pupils from tho SLCOIRI grammar grade. These ch11- dun yielded similar results. - To each student there was pro- POulua'ed a problem of moderate ddfi- cults, stops having been taken to measure by suitable apparatus the exact period of time occupied by the mental response of the subject. Upon comparing the result of ten such trials it was found that the average improvement in the mental Immense or the student who wore the Magno- lilr-ctx'lc Ytiauzer was $6710 seconds quicker than that ot the other stu- c.tmt---irt other words. that young Mr. Edison's invention (-nubhxl the wearer To Think More Quickly than was possible without the aid of tlt? appliance. . New York, May 'Pi-One ot the. t1MMrt Interesting and important scl- 'tnutie experiments that have ever been performed but Just been oom- Pleted In the laboratory of Thomas A. Edison.1un.. at No. It stone street. New York. The experiment had for ite purpose the measurement of the exact extent to which young Mr. ,Edison‘s famous invention. the MAgno-Ettmtrio “talker. was able to stimulate and assist the brain in Its mental processes. The tests were made by applying the, units of the Magno-Eicctt'ie, \ltnlizer to one of two students chosen tram the third- Xihttt' class of New York University. The Fecoud student did not wear the appliance. I. Remarkable Results Achieved With the Latest Electrical Invention. M'k'INLEY's NEPttEW, WEEKLY LIMIT IS HXED It7Tpyir,'"RF' FIGHTING WAS HAND TO HAND ""-"'" u---...P-uu;u "Y '9".- Brltlah office". The scene of the Bun-mi nttht is 120 mitt-u panth- wunt of the (Hunter to cla'.1 British force under Cot. Plunkett. April IT. when the colonel. all the British ot- fioeu and practical: MI out!" force of 170 men were annihilated by the (lemma. and In 200 mile. trom Gen. Immuni- meant quar- to" at hohotlm Ubertule. where the Mad Mullah ai.-t.mytqrtito"iiisTCed"T,rii".' from Gel-locum. where. and” lb orlclanl Man. th. mum and Abu- Ilnhl column would has" not. MAD tlill.l.lil (lilllffll Three Huhdred Killed After Desperate Encounter, took place at Bur-rim. Somalilund. May 4th, between an Ab's-inian torce oporatlng in Ctl'o,u,"eflii','l' with Hus Brltllh against the Mad Mullah and a large tome ot the latte-r] "turvitshetc, Atter. a Inna-lq-hund fight lasting 45 minutes. th" der- {‘iRIIBN were driven ott, wlth the low ot 300 mm kllled and 20it wounded. Tho Abyssinian had 21 men killed and ten wounded. Bt_thtrequenur the Abysslniam raided the Wells north- west of Burritt and oapturod IM- oral prisoner-l. “In latter laid the Mullah was at Ubertie. The defeat ot the Mad Mullnh's der- vlshou In the first Mow struck by the .‘lbyulnlan oontln cut. wltireltui computing wlth 'llSil5allftl2t nlngl advance. the Ayn-bun: III-box- 10m. an neatly awed nett& Modern wra- I‘OQIE. _tMIhd "t amt-led hr in. London, May alr..-hn official War Office despatch from Aden. Arabia. under ctr-day‘s date, gives details of the denim-at? encounter which Indianapolis. Ind., May L'.T--Mr» Lulu Hadley, ctusmuoranniu, who wan maximum from a hotel her. because one refund to make up the herd in which Booker T. Washington has slept. received $1.100 from pt-o- plo in the ninth to-day. making ‘2.- GOO which she haa received in. similar source; since her discharge by the tuytet management. Ono dmlt tor $1.000 came by the evening matt from "Souzhemom at New Orleane‘." achnnpaniud by tho statement: "You are one thousand times better than any negro." A but More either could ranch hi- he Hank and was drowned. The “a- tee Wan about " feet deep. Company to-day iunher Lucrvawd the number a! can; operated by mm- union men in the city and suburbs. all the lines except one being ape-n foe hairless. Them were no demon- mmtionn and the guards of deputy sheriffs were Withdrawn Iron many of the an. Who Wouldn‘t Serve Booker 'l'. Trash- ingum In a Hon-l tor much agony. The boy» mm» caught and are being he“ growling a. full inrtwtittation of Linn- crime by the grand jury. More Cur. Running. Bridgeport. Conn., Mn.s 27r-tn" Connecticut Ruihxag' and Lighting "f am determined that this inwn- tion shall not tall Into the hands " thoso who would regard " only as u money-making business. That is why I am "1me attending to the loltvru of patients. You can ten your road- ex's tor no that the poorest mun in as important in my eyes a." the richest. Any man who has a. two- mtnt Champ can write to me hore at No. " Stone street. New York, and obtain my pcesonal amt-u (mm-urn- ing the applicability of tlto Vitalizvr to his case." - "Mn-mus ago I decorum“ tnut perfect health mu dependent upon the amtrlcnl condition of the sTyintal cord. The “minor curcs (Hz-rouse by (applylng' the natural electric {on-e to the Harvest. In addition to this I have Just proved that tito Wttuttr.tu. Is a. powerml brain tonic. It ruuljlns a man to think quicker. lt ptuttllv lucl‘eap'es tuvuutt alertness mm VII- 0.11131. cover): 1" . . . . no iuecmtoc, it io traiat. Euylmnmd the 01hr, because he knew the pun-ham” J:- tended to exploit the Tit,uilva. at the expense ot the public. Fur plriiuu- thropic reasons the young-r unison wishes to keep the price of the lit- anger as tow as possmlu, Ktt that every sick perm may be able to ol, min Its help. _ The Inventor's Burnout. When young Mr. Edi-on was sm-n at his laboratory yesterday he said. tgtAtths " In CID WI. The app i- anus nu ulnar: “undiluted Hun - may Its po to “no! and cum- cmh tgttractahtts ("ceases as locomo, tor ataxia. cllromc rheumatism, mm» pumpucm. nervous protstrntiou, lud- ney “can: and similar complaints. and now at lumen properties a. a brain touc bave boon mam: tltrrr 809mg to be no limit to its splwrr Perhaps the best evidence or thu. freat value of young Mr. Edisou‘a uncut Invention is altordnl " Ito rec-t attempt ot a. ooterie of Wail atreet men to purchase the Patent and manufacturing rights of tho m..- of action. $2,500 FOR GIRL, n . " it... to “I - Jew oontt Miss coup! I]. 131 than wall: clam: sat IF k - Ohm I'll to t ennu but from l thou I his In to pm ter In tom-1: that I from nu ttot--" boil d onto t upon I of thr NIH In“! ctl Wh, Wh, He at no 1 ot tt pout the In“ do 1 ot Hom cane (the Pl Bu own but m ihl- " Meets; _ (bl Ind " mingh tlou|m div " Ind ham! so the rt ofa card hlool Inn-H1 nod Inq J no In ave“; mm It” " uc" In row a]:

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