West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Jun 1903, p. 4

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b# 4 YÂ¥e>Some useful horses for sale. Ohe PPush to Clark‘s o see, to test, to be convinced That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Palâ€" merston and London makes, The Great Prize Winâ€" ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons : Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Churnus, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there‘s room for more John Clark A number of the young people here ‘spent a most pleasant eveniug at xr Runciman‘s last week. There was music galore. _ 9¢ [ s Dan mcCannel has treated himself to a new top buggy. xr Wm Smilie visited at Neil Cameron‘s on Saturday. nesses has aroused a feeling that will not be gratified unless the evil is punishâ€" ed as it deserves, Seldom haye two Judges bad such a tangled web of eviâ€" dence before them, but they have shown such a calm judicial spirit during the trial that the public will receive their verdict with the greatest respect, though doubtless there will be points of disagreeâ€" Neil mcQueen visited at Bunossan the first of the week. Mr. Forbes Robertson, and daughter Elsie May, Kincardine township, visited his son William here and at his sister‘s Everyone is waiting this week with keen anxiety for the finding of the comâ€" missioners in this famous case. The great trial has done good in awakening public (()Finion to the evil of practices that lead to corruption, and yet which are sanctioned by both parties. The glaring perjury nls:) of some of Ebe wi{- _ xr and urs D F. uxcQueen. of Stavoer, spent a few days at the former‘s cister‘s xrs J xcQueen. iss Gordon visited at xur Dugald Ferâ€" guson‘s the first of the week. Fred Runciman had a number of teams on Friday last drawing stones for the school hruse. Mrs. A. D. Rrowning from Saturday to Tuesday. Miss McRae, a near neighbor of his accompanied him. Rev »ur Watson preached in Swinton Park on Sabbath last in the absence of the Rev xr yatheson. Jas Gardner has the contract to build the stone wall for the new school house. He will begin work in a fow days. Joe Eocles has finished the stome wall for Neil Cameron‘s new hbouse. Tu® GrowING WEST.â€"A letter from Mr. Michae! O‘Neill gives a vivid imâ€" pression of the great invasion. Writing from Saskatoon, be says : ‘"When [ lanâ€" ded here in July 1902, there were only a few bmldings, now it is a town. The inmigration is very large. _ About 2300 English settlers as you will have read, came here and drove to Battleford, 90 miles, some having horses, some oxen. As for myself 1 have homesteaded 22 miles Southâ€"West of Saskatoon, â€" Last fall only one house was in sight, now there are a dozen or more of "shacks" visible. Thirteen familties moved into the township east of us last week, and west of us for 20 miles is all settled this spring, mostly wellâ€"toâ€"do Americans from Dakota. The country here is clay loam, no stone. and water got at from 25 to 30 feet, Wheat yields 25 to 35 bus cats 50 to 100, and fiax about 20 bushels. I have ploughed 20 acres this spring and have i. smali crop in. 1 am enjoying the climate, the country and the home news in the REvIiEw." Br Exact.â€"The post office authoriâ€" ties wish that the public would address all letters for the Ifln'thwest territories with the name of the particular terriâ€" tory for which the letter is intended, The territories are Alberta, Assiniboia, Saskatchewan and Athabasca. THE GAMEYâ€"STRATTON TRIAL. THE DURHAM REVIEW BOOTHVILLE. +4 o e TORONTO The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Farmers‘ Institate will be held in Town Hall, Durham, on TUESDAY, JUNE9, 1903, at 1.30 p. m. For the purpose of receiving the Direcâ€" tors‘ and Auditors‘ Reports, electing officers for the ensuing ?'ear. and transâ€" acting any other business that may come befure the meeting. _ After the usual business Mr A McNeil, Dominion Fruit Inspector will address the meetâ€" ing upon * Pruning gooseberries, curâ€" rants, shrubs, &c.," and upon *" Sprayâ€" Frait trees"". _ A practical deinonstraâ€" tion will be made if possible. wWOMEN‘S INSTITUTE. The Annual Meeting of the Women‘s Institute will be held at tne same time and &ace when officers for the year will elected and general business transacted. Miss Laura Rose, of Guelph, will be present and address the meeting on some important subâ€" jects. JaAs. ALLAXN, _ All are invited to attend both of these meetings. [The following obituary of a wellâ€" known Egremont lady was sent us last week, and her death will call forth deep regrets,â€"Ed.] Death callea away, Monday eyening, May 4. 1903. Janet Galbraith, betoved wife of Chas. Peckover, of Sperling disâ€" trict, at the age of 38 years. She had been ill for some months with tuberculâ€" ar trouble, and other complications setâ€" ting in. a surgical operation was deemed necessatry to afford temporary relief. She bore her suffering with great fortiâ€" tude and patience. She, with her husband, came here 11 Keurs ago from Con. 12, Egremont, and ad won the esteem of a fisrgo circle of friends, _ Besides her sorrowing husâ€" bund, she leayes four daughters and one son, 4 years old. The funeral on May 6th was largely atterded. Beryice at house and grave was conducted by Rev. Jas Little, interment taking place at Carman cemetery The pulf-)hc-un-rs were Geo. Peckover, Robt Nichol, John Wilson, Malcolm McKee, Andrew and Robert Waddel. The brothers and sisâ€" ters supplied a beantiful fAoral wreath in loving regard of her memory. FARMERS‘ INSTITUTE. In memory of Mrs, Chas. Peckover, Sperling, Man,. who died on May 4, 1903, aged 38 years. The beauty and light of the day so bright, Has set in the western sky, The greenâ€"clad hills and the ripplingrills No longer can I descry. That sun shall rise and the day return, But alas ! on this earthly shore The sun and light of that home once bright, Has set for to rise no more. Awuz' from that home of tranquil joy, Where the light of true love shone bright, The angel of death with his sickening breath, Has snatchâ€"ed a flower toâ€"night. That flower was a mother, loving and true _â€"_ By the hand of death laid low, _ In our issue of April 30th we commenâ€" ted on an extract we made from the 0. 8. Times, under the aboye herding, in which a Mrs. Blunden claimed a large interest in the estate of the late Mr.â€"â€" mePherson, of Artemesia. A letter we received last week fsom Mrs, Blunden‘s solicitor, Mr J. W. Frost, Owen Sound, informs us that theWimes‘ article was «* oneâ€"sided, unfair, a misrepresentation and a discredit to journalism," since no fewer than 8 local witnesses and Mr. T. Bengough, an expert from Toronto, maintained that t.ge signature, (on the genuineness or falseness of which the case turned) was genuine and not a tracâ€" ing. _ Besides, the language attributed to Mr _ Fleming " was much stronger than that used by him." and he had been mistaken in a similar case where he gave expert testimony. But bright lf; she blooms in heavenly rooms Where fading she never will know. Into that garden where trees of life, Are nourished by heavenly love : That flower of carth has been given new birth, In the beautiful garden above. No more those hands shall willingly ply, In making an earth home bright, Those beautiful hands wave the viector‘s palm, In regions of endless light. No more those feet shall busity run, On pathways of earthly love, Now tread do these feet on the golden street, Of the city of God above, Oh ! husband wee{) not that your wife has first To the heavenly home been ta‘en, She‘s a guiding star, to shine from far, And lighten your way on life‘s main. And children who often together sang, With mother in earthly home, Bereft though ye be, ye may one day see And sing with her round the throne. ‘Tisa lesson of life we all must learn, To look to a loving God Who will sometime say why He toâ€"day Oft bids us " Come under the rod." THE LATE MRS. PECKOVER. " A CASE OF FORGERY." President. JESSIE WILsoN Gro. BINNIE, Secretary. \ W urprermnus on conrant. WBR For Sale at W. Black‘s Store. g***%** %****flé %What % +# About c B «$ 4 A w & MiufARANE & 60. # DRUGGISTS & SEEDSMEN. You have allowed your bush to be destroyed with caterpillars but do not let your orchard go in a similar way when you can buy a Spray Pump so cheap. Almost any Lawn Mower will run easily and cut cleanly when its new, that‘s not the test. _ It‘s the way the Mower runs and cuts after it has been used a season that distinguishes a good Mower from a poor one. You expect a Lawn Mower to last more than one summer. _ Then come and see the line we carry, â€" Our guarantee of true worth goes with everyone. Keep your Lawn in good shape. We are meeting with such, great success with our Sherwinâ€"Williams Paints that we cannot speak in high enough praise of them. _ Every person their own Painter by using these Paints. _ Our weekly shipment is now in. Lawn VY)owe:s Â¥XÂ¥ppkLpEpPp 44#BPHKIHF Kodak Jf{ardware / We â€" dont back We claim to have the assorted stock of Gro« J BURNETT. and other Cereals. § Smoked meats, Bolâ€" ogna, &c. Also Coal Oil. When you are scouring the town for good Butter if you will remember that we arrange with the best dairy farmers in South Grey t6 supply our trade. It Will Help Some Back Up WESTON‘S BREAD. Spray Pumps up. " It‘s yours if you & take it with a Koâ€"* dak," and so simp g ly done a child can # do it. Let us :§, show you. We # have them from $1 i 8 . Black. aints Flour, MEALS, up. Spring Yeeds / / Chatham Buggies ¢ and their reputation has beer gained only by their excellence Also 7“:'0:\.1 Cream Separators. VYew ALoader rill, Only Drill in the Market geared from both wheels and full lines of We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. . Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur‘s store, or at the REvi®Ew OFFICE, will receive our best attention. REMEMBER THE PLACE F="Eggs Taken in lar dressiug, Bunbeanroil, Snincis, ar + hinola, 2 in 1, &c. os TRUNKS, Valises, Club Bags, School Bags, Shawl Straps in stock at luwest prices. What about Shoe Dressings ! oUR ‘.R!AD" AS LIGHT AS A FEATHER. Necessarily it‘s a wholesome bread â€"not heavy, soggy, indigestible. We take pardonable pride in the product of our bakery, and dyspepsia doesn‘t follow in its wake. _ Rowe‘s bread is a household word in many homesâ€"why not in yours. NEW BOO1 & SHOE STORE â€"â€" Have you seen those â€"â€" COLONIAL SLIPPERS at the Just the thing for sammer wear. We have them in all sizes for Ladies. Misses and Children. ALSO other styles of stnr Trilby and Oxtords. _ Try a pair cf our $2.2% Peerless Ladies‘ Bal for wear and RRoeady for Gpring CBrade Agents. Show Rooms opposite Mi daugh Stables, Lambton St. Lately we were talking cutlers now its Gray‘s load of Peter Hamilton‘s Goods in Stock Just arrived at the Show Rooms of Barclay & Bell, a Carâ€" which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed for beauty and second to none in quality. Call and seethem and if you do not want to buy one for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. _ Prices and Styles to suit all. SMarn Organs J. 8. McILRAITH. _ Also another Shipment of the renowned and upâ€"toâ€"date Jordan‘s Old Stand, next door to Campbeil‘s Implement Warehouse . . B. McARTHUR We carry in stock Packard‘s Com bination, Gilt Edge, Nonsuch and E. A. ROWE Tudhope exchange for Goods sz Garriages, "Wu, CASH g" fag J Calder‘s Blo 2\ yas 2 HE SEL Corded Wash sil White, Black: up to . . e . ." 4# 4 White Bed h'wwu‘ Floor Oileloth. 1 1 Roller Window Table Linen, MA Eafkirns, .â€"....â€" 1 NKEW PRINT®S & Don‘t forget fl,od pair of Sha ne of Sterling 1 Cockshutt : Clare Br with Ful Sylvester l Proven Ste Also Br UA Calger‘s Bloc Will enable # Bhorthand an« eome « steno; and kindred thoroughly _ © Spring term T enter at any ! sent to any ad owEX sSsoL x TWEEI GROCE ** The Im; a continuat bestowed on be found ‘IL JE BES" aAaT 1LOW Adopted by « This"desorve Chart Drilis, Ble “:ldefiou bo the child‘s immeé Musical Notatio: Key â€"board Loon! For terms &J PF look in « and you gyains 1 BJ long 30 in We can AT THE anous i uU Bishon ISJS \\ Merceriz« NQ DRY C 4 Mye

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