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Durham Review (1897), 4 Jun 1903, p. 8

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m We want your trade so along your We do not sell everything but what we do sell is the that line and at the lowest possible price. IPAftMTL0tjiiiii1 : (hr tillli'll FURNISHINGS Of these goods we handle " large a range as many stores . which handle nothing else. Customers say to us " That Underwear I bought from you is the best thing I have ever worn " and no one can diapute the fact that our .26c Cashmere Bock is the best in the trade. These are only a fear lines in which we excel as indeed we in every line we handle. Each day people are admiring the new styles we are1'showing and remarking on their excellence and cheapness. ABOUT OUR SHOES 't You have the nicest Muslins and summer Fabrics in " has been told us over and over again. ABOUT OUR MUSLINS ALEX. RUSSELL Our Stock is new and therefore upto-date as we buy nothing but the best goods at the lowest possible prices. We are always on the lookout for Bargains for our customers and we share our profits with them. We buy for Cash and sell for Cash and mark our Goods at a lower rate of profit than if we did a credit business. . We have been brought to the conclusion that we handle ex- ceptionally nice goods from the remarks of our customers Balance of our Mercer Silk Prints 12yie & ua, for Oe, per yd 3Cana Salmon for.................................-), Slbs Currants for ..-..-.........................Me For Saturday, Bargain Day THE BIO STORE Ladies’ Underskirts, in mercerized sateen at $1.25, 1.50. & $2 Men's RainCoats $3.50 and $4.00 tor . . . . . . ' . . . . . . $2.75 Men's 1tesdy-to-wetir Suits $7.50. and 8.00 for $5.00 & $5.50 Ladiei White Blouses $1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and. . . . . . . .82.26 Ladies' Dress. Skirts, the very latest in style at $2.90, 4.00, a..................................." & $5.50 If :you want to see or do business you must go where business is. Just take one look in this Big Store any nice day in June and you will see a busy lot of salespeople and a big crowd of shoppihg people. It’s an old saying and a true one that " we all like to go where the crowd goes." The larger the amount; of trade we do the cheaper you get your goods, for large selling means heavy buying and closer prices. We dig up a few special bargains for this week. Space will not permit of a full list. Don't forget to bring a written list of wants. He 9. time saver. WOOL Wanted . ll. hiOCKLER BUTTER, EGGS. WOOL, ac. highest Prices Paid in either CASH on TRADE. FEW FACTS SUCCESSOR T0 J. A. HUNTER. do 1n respect for their old neighbors in a tangible manner. by presenting them with a very fitte conch. A very en- joyable evening was agent in speeches songs and games. e regret their loss very much " they were good neighbors and always ready to lend a helping hand in time of need. Mr. Benton left for the West on Tuesday morning and will beiollowed by his tamilv in a. month or two. We wish them every success. . The people around Rob Roy and north met " the home of Mr A C Bee- ton, of Durham, formerly at this vicin- ity, last Thursday evening to have . social evening with Mr. and Mrs Bea.. ton and family before they leave tor the North we. They showed their We have at leut one (l"ril,n.ht! in our burn in the person ot r.CH Kennedy who pulled in the tug-of-wer contest in your town on the 25th. Mr Allan Belt, implement agent of our town. vialwd his parents, Mr and {its Alex Bell recently. Rev Mr and Mrs Newton of Durham called on Mr T MoComb and family on Monday. Mr John Grev has had an attack of throat trouble and 13 under the Doctor's care but we hope he will be better soon Miss Susie Kennedy visited in town one day last week. Mrs Anderson went to Pittsburg last Monday to attend to business matters. She l:rill return to her home here this was . We are pleased to relate that Archie McAnhur who has been laid up for nearly a month is on the mend and is able to be out this week. _ Our chief citizens celebrated Victoria Il?" by picnicing " Bell’s Lake, ‘Some 25 took advantage of the fine day and Journeyed o'er hill and glen till they reached the placid. limpid, waters of that tar-tamed, picturesque summer resort. A tempting lunch was disposed of and the ay spent in hosting and various other amusements The salt voice and rippling laugh at maidens. intermingled with mirth, jol- lity, song and music vibrated and re- echoed throughout the invisible quiet- ness of that romantic spot. A most en- jovable time was spent and as old Sol was wending his way to the western horizon, all embarked on the voyage home, and were unanimous in declar- ing that the day was one long to be remembered. “1 tti Mrs. R. McLaren. of Owen Bound, spent a pleasant fortnight with her par ems, Mr and Mrs Philip McIntosh. - Mr Wm Fame of the County Town. is head clerk in Mr Hunt's mercantile establishment. A Winsome lady is Miss Lizzie Smith whose smiles are again noticed in the social circles utter a year's absence with cousin Jonathan. The Presbyterian pulpit was occupi- ed on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Awhison. His discourse was deep, clear and im- prggsiys. __ Mrs. R. M. Dargavel is " present in Toronto owing to the itMigpuition of her daughter, Mrs J F Klein. Dornoch. Miss Annie McDonald, of the Queen City, is spending a few pleasant days via tine her cousins and other relations in and around the burg. Pedagogue Randall spent Victoria Day at his home in Egremont. Mr Rob: McMeekin of our burg, was seen returning from Glenelg Centre on Sunday evening all smiles. Come a- gain Bob; you need not be lonely nor bashfnl as your lens is always all smiles N ice weather attain after cold snap. Warden Keyland is pow all ready and chuck fall of business Ottiee hours from 7 a, m. till6 p. m. The many friends of Miss Katie Black. Pomona, are pleased to learn she is improving nicely after going through an operation tor the removal of a. tumor. Dr's. Middleboro, Owen Bound, Ego. Markdale, and Button, of Durham. attended the patient. Her nurse. Miss Donelly, who has made many friends in this vicinity, returns to the Queen city this week. Dr John MoGinnh and little boy. of Seaforth. visited the old homestead tor a few days last week. Mrs Jno J Black, who has spent the past fortnight visiting fnends in Tor- onto and vicinity, is expected to return on Monday fittt. t Mr Alex McMillm (Big Sandy.) re- turned to Duluth last week. As Alex is still one ot the jollv boys, he will be much missad. Wejoin in wishing him prosperity and a safe return. Mr Arch If Black and his sister-in- law, Mr: John Black. of St. Charles‘. Mich, who have spent the past month at the old homestead and with friends at Pomona, returned last week. On Saturday. Mty 30, to Mrand Mrs Dan. MoGinnis. a son. Dr. Dixon, ot Prieeviile, was in attendance. All are doing well. Congratulations. Shogun Valley it likely to become . milistic district by last week's re- Fl,'.' from the hard to the Chronicle. belittle boys ot our town are some- what frightened to tto to Durham by way of Sangeen Valley so they go tV round by the Durham Road and some ot them do their shopping in Markdale. Mrs Hugh McLellan is holidaying with friends on the 6th this week. Miss Kate McMillan. who has spent the past few month. with Arch McMil- lan, retained to Mr. Thou. McKeown’s reyyttrr, _. A - Mr kg Black in good cumpany were “nuns those from our burg who spent Victorin Day in your town. THE DURHAM REVIEW SCOTCH TOWN. ROB ROY. TORONTO We have had some frosty nights in Proton and fruit trees, garden stufand some places grain is hurt by the frost. Mr J W McArdle drove here froni Markdale to see his mother who is ttet- ting better. Mr and Mrs A ll Burnett have been yisiting around Markdale and Dug. I Proton Council held the first meeting of the Court of Revision. in Hogville, on Saturday 30th and the the g was largely attended by the ratepayerson account of a large amount of public business including the reports of the Ottawa Delegation on railroad. The court udjourned after part of the busi- ness was over until Saturday 13th June. A large number of grants on mad was made " the council as the ratepavers sihowed the roads to he in a had condi- t on. This being conference week there will be no preaching serviceeon Sun- day next. Sunday School " um]. Everybody come! Misc Maggie Derby was the guest of Miss Aggie Sim on Sunduy. Miss Maggie Aldred spent Sands" with Miss Lydia Gadd. ' A friend from Bruce Co., is visiting at Mrs Wm. Morrison's. The ice cream socitl given by the League last Thursday evening proved a decided success. Mrs Grant. Sn. and son George visnted Mrs Leeson, on Friday last. Little Miss Elsie McCslmon passed away Saturday night after a tedious illness and was laid to rest Monday afternoon in Maplewood Cemetery. Sorrowmg friends have the sympathy ot the community. Mus Chnstenn A McDonald write- home to Top Cliff from o" River. Inuitobn. Slu- m." they had Iota of rain there lately. Farmers are putting in large acreage of wheat and other crupu. She likes the country well. Mr Colin Camila-ll McFugden paid his official visit to our town and "musty during part at lut week. As Mr Me. Fa) den in e men that is pee-med with more than one taunt, his oompeoy will be inc-re tsppreeiated by " entertainers, more especially by hie aged country- men. for be can edify them in their native. tongue the goalie. by mailing a portion of the Holy Book with more than ordiuary ebility. Four of our brave Imya took prizes at Durham nu the 25th May. tie, Chas Mutlnesou. Stanley Fergunou. [nine Me. Aerr and D McRou. Mr nun Mrs Francis steLooCot Col. liuqu-d. xtuttml tor at cvuple of days with lrieudu at Top Oitr lately. Tum Fuller put. up tt new stable on bill lot in Lawn one evening lately. J McDonald, contractor. John McArthur and mu have been bunhfyiug their veranda-h and mlroduced the first eetceut worku into town by putting A tine cement tioor In trout of then More. The Pricevillo boys played foothill wish Dromore Imp! an Saturday lust. We hemd Dromuru boys beat Ilmm. but never mind Dan-more you will catch tits, whan you come to Pricevillo uguiu. Donald McDonald. telcber. left on Monday In! as delegate to the Assemb- ly " Vancouver. He inlemls visiting other pant» of the Wat before return- mg Rev Mr Watson preaclwd in the Presbvtenau clmrclron Sunday [at u d will fill the vnoancy canard by Mr Mntheron being away to the Assembly for two mouths; Mr Watson in an en. . ucnt preacher and no doutrt his service-n Will be well npprrcialed W all bio. hear- on. We me am the Primillo ”mon- Jent to the Flnhorton Advunoe il shill! us n dig for suggesting an mtlargttrnettt of our cement»; lay wny of getting Iota adjacent. He msinuutu tint bowing truth nuisance so near to public pllces might do in the, Highland-s of Scotlun I. Well for hm iulormnlion Wu :1an tell him we III-rovuewr in the Highlands. luunevev- gltoleus that does not. ste bar an from being as good Lluhlumkr all th" mums and we are informed that. they paid due respect. to their dead there as wcll In any other part of the ancient, world. lh, boys by using the lot adjacent. to the school might be the menus p nllutiun the tseltooimslur,ae. Our school wells are polluted now. for there are two of them there Ind etutttot he used. The who do“ not “its from the dry bones of the dead in the old cemelery, 4o todo any. One friend need not ha person-My afraid of being pollnbod by thin nuisance lorhO Inn him dwelIing place not. on devoted ground. to he in “cure from ull munm-r ot due». that might aria. from the under current of the city of our dend- Miss Maggie McLean. Swath Gland-J, had three stitches put into one of Im- tineerr on Monday last. by Dr Dixon, nf this place. cunssd by a cow tie snap coming in contact with Ila-r hand, wlule lttttng loose mm of the animals. Thou no . numb» of PP"" zoning nail " our ottioa, in thin loam of the Illa. name sad it would I). well for thou oormpoudinu with friend: or hun- nou men ot may Kind to give them some distinction or other in their address so us they could he identitUd by the pout. muster when dolinnug mull. For m utauce there are a number of McLean'I McDonald's. MoDongull's. he.. of the suns namr and it would he or any nutter for the post mute: to dining- ulaln them if this wu attended to. Hugh McDonald (red Hugh) brought n uqu ot fall wheat properly lleudvd out. into town and was measured by merchant J McArthur. two fret ten in. Imam. This is early. only 28d: May. ma HOPIVILI . PRICIVILLI. VARNEY. ‘: -i%esescvetr'tee"-he",t M hit-Dogs". Lottie Briana. Pt 2nd-Archie cDougnil. Jacob Neuhn. Artie Lunney. Lst-rr- Britton, Pearle Hopkins. Faith Brown. ISA CAKPnuLL. Teach. r. Report of U. S. S. No. 2. Bentinck and 'tgt for Mag"! 4th Ci-r-Aired McKee nie. Sr --Etu fdrti In“ Morton, Johnnie Neweti, Ea: Hm and Minnie Veuie. eq. J . 8rd--Aiusar Ritchie. Elias Edge. atd--vlu He. Kechnie. Smith Ewen. Aural; Dam. moor, Mable Winner. Gertie Mouton. Pt 2nd---Oeorge Newell, A“? Vacate. Herbie Dunsmooor. Annie wen. Sr Ist-Roy Wismer. Jr lav-Willie Edge, Mable Vessie, Inrnie Newell. AMY i. Emu. Teacher. I Marion and Agnes Petty, fl'tr Jr " (ttc, Robbie Cuff. orc&AIdI-ed lctm No Jr ll ibF-Berrie ebher. tV Pure Ir-- Jean Pickers, Leila '/eL2fth I ie Nountuin. Jr Pt n-- ie Momee. gr Ps b-Nina Noble and Elk Cal. eq. " die Lawrence nod lung: Donnelly. eq. Herb Noble. Jr Pt I-- ward Hutton. Glace Petty, borne Mounuln. Juan A. Gaunt. Teacher. Report of e. B. No. 6. Bentimh. 4th U'uai-idn Pmeo. Dan New Chm-lie Pineo. Br 8td---vioUt Forum. John Clark. Jr grd-Jotttt IcKechnle. Albert - ALgnney." 'tdr-Meet, Pine, ma. Benton. Annie Whitmore, Edith Watson. Jr HI-Millie whimore, Jen- nie McGillivray, Percy Davis. Winnie Binnie. Sr llaAngeline Davis. Archie ‘ Kennedy, Katie Me Fatlane. Jr lr- l Laura Beaton, Noreua Funnier. Robert I MeGiiiivrtsy. Sr Pt II-Elms Jane Ed- l wards. Ben Whitmore Thomas Gruhy. Jr Pt Ir-Alex McFm-lane. George Me. Innis. Tom McKeown. Sr Pt I-Geo. Amen. Flora McMillan. th McFarlune. Jr Pt l-Rott Edmnndn. Christina: Mc- ' Gillivmy, Bert Manli. Aver-u"? anten- l dance, CB. ALEX. FIRTH. ember I Honor Roll of Hutton Hill School for Ma . iv-C-ce Hutton. Joe Reid. Belfa Petty, D illie Hopkins. Elsie Petty Alice Lawrence. lir-Lts'elina Hunting, Ed ti Lawrence. Jane Milligun. Br II (a) --.John Picken. Chas B Lowrance. Wall Noble. Edna. Reid. Gertie MOI-ire. Br " (hy-rFloreee. Hourly-in. tudieJa,.ettriit. Honor Roll of B. S. No. l, Gland}: for May. rv- Annie McGillivrow. Connie Kenquy. Violet Brier., Sr "r-sen.- I 'Gheotsatd, tu, Ctothar. I Ctrw'i2Cb-s/sseoCbt/Neie"9F' Jolt Msrettt Jror m. .900. of. 6tester lumbar: JAN. Summer Clothing Working Shirts Overalls & Smocks Rainproof Coats Heavy & Flue Shoe: At, Ast Jt,ike 'tihis tamor iiuriountry can bogst of and the prices are a little over one half of what any ordered suit will cost you. Your own Eyes and your own Good Judgment will convince you of the truthfulness of our chin. That's what this Store is here for. We certainly have the most up-to-dnte furnishings for men that an be bought. Take a look at the list of some of the things we carry. A true story, if it's a good one. Do you want the best of any of the above at the lowest prices ? We”, f &toutd Jay " r story, if it's a good one. never tires. -We take that view in writing our ads. and telling you of the extra value we carry in Ready-to-wear Clothing. You can't get over the fact if once you visit our store, that for the choicest of goods perfect fit and the same degree of elegance that the best _ - - -. _e__, n“ - um“ Give an I Call. J r Lr/ay-'- INb, _ Huts & Caps Underwear Suspenders Handkerchlc Fine Shirts --- "“'"° "”m‘Wowooh Gi {mm the Cami... c m t"orirj7l8;'il'lllklil'tg,tgd Tim TriiiiCu=u-t-"-e-e--. Ewan!" T Ott My 17th. Stanley setr1ti/iaei;iiert'.7o,i on. n..- ww In uov. woe, one ,diriiii':; Fri ml. on“: .Who.” the “or t! , We of Can“. In. bent mined br flu slurp by h'?.,t5PretiiiiTsi7t fitted MW‘RWGO‘“ men: m . ii'ii'ieict,i “maul Mn. in an, tea. ttht (gory. the Gan-m... A)!!!“ one ---- ""e-. w I. “Wm 1e,,erhitPiitaiGii'G1u"l 1908 to Nov. 1904- n... .2938"- - M--- a.“ m. can“. a“, W- In“ tk 140M: Kerr. I; All-her. h "",t',ir a.“ In, 1” Mountain] M. t'xy'I'11'tN'dad . --t-t-rr-------.LUCC1' 'eeettei ”Kuhn and 2 h' When" 1ir "--a!tmk. “ML- '-- “ Kei.' .__..wâ€". u, rm!“ Reid. Br lat-Nettie fawn. Nettie Troup. 2it'N Smith. Jenni. Bitten. Jr 1tri--0inmt mum. Annie Roan. Geominl. Alla. Bob Bye. AM It- u-ndunce 48. Bl. E. Bwa. M. My rtie Whyte. trat" 11:8.le Ind. :- Nsmmn Halibut-h, 121...: nun. rum". UI M Toronto, w tt ream. Rub Rom" 11:thch Bentiice Eccles. Jr &d-E ton, Mildred Christie. [A Norhurn Homburgh. Br Burrows. Jennie Mulch. Mu fll',t,tdtlf; 'ay-ate: h on: u ' , Ecclet. 2nd J P 2h'l1/drl, Regen. I Roy Reid, Nettie Hamilton. ~Clnrenm Ron. Howard yzrtle‘Whyh. [had Hind CC-CTC---'---.'---------""---"..".-- Report. of B. 8. No. I. Wont f0: May. CM 'ttr-Annie id, Ethel Porky-3h. RekrpLsmptar. tk8rqt.-. You will to BqttMtod. ’""‘ - -m, a Web”. Jr Pt "r-Maia; “c. '. Annie Dun. Jennie (in Meta F, ' L4,“..xmo hi. I... -- __-‘.... nun-unnum- "ram-- m Mind Eccleu. Nellie Reid. Eccles. Jr &d-Ednn Humi- ied Christie. Lute, Eccles, Her-burgh. Br 2nd~nlep~ie Jamie Mulch. Mamie Keith. L- 'atfiatef. ht,t.t 'ttgit. ' , a. nu .' . e-Nettie Roma. “If, Hutch. Ngttle Hyyiiittoii. Br Pt2ml little 4iix (fo " VOL. Mfttity Phone xi Cl " or ty w Appl tack whit fine hem wen elem In": and whit w itl kw: two and wail of fr lune fort the N.

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