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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jun 1903, p. 9

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THE BIO STORE Does it pay you to read our advertisement? It has paid you over and over again this season. That is what many of you have told us, but we know it in other ways-- actions speak louder than words. So the store full of eager purchasers, which is sure to follow, the advertisement of special offers assures us more strongly than any words can do that it pays you well to read them because you know that WE BO WHAT WE SAY. 81bs Tapioca for-.-----.- BlackCeylonTca 35c pcrlbfor......................2oc This is the Biggest Snap ever offered in Durham. WOOL WANTED DON’T FORGET WE HAVE A FULL STOCK oF.nAR0WARE. ALEX. RUSSELL Of these goods we handle as large a range as many stores which handle nothing else. Customers say to us " That Underwear I bought from you is the best thing I have ever worn ,, and no one can dispute the fact that our 25c Cashmere Sock is the best in the trade. (ht Illlllli'fl FURNISHINGS These are only a. fear lines in which we excel as indeed we do in every line we handle. A FEW FACTS Our Stock is new and therefore up to-date as we buy nothing but the. best goods at the lowest possible prices. We are always on the lookout for Bargains for our customers and we share our profits with them. We buy for Cash and sell for Cash and mark our Goods at a lower rate of profit than if we did a credit business. We have been brought to the conclusion that we handle ex- ceptionally nice goods from the remarks of our customers Each day people are admiring the new styles we are showing and remarking on their excellence and cheapness. We do not sell everything but what we do sell is the best in that line and at the lowest possible price. We want your trade so along your "You have the nicest Muslims and summer Fabrics in tt has been told us over and over again. ABOUT OUR MUSLINS ABOUT Our SHOES FARMERS ' For Friday and Saturday w. IT. lVIOCKLER Dress BUTTER, EGGS. WOOL, ch. Highest Prices Paid in either CASH Ott TRADE. Me-le-e""-""" _--.-.----. CASH OR TRA DE. a In Groceries SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUNTER. The tumor: In howling for rluin.| --- Still than is 'reuon to be thunk“: us Mr Ham. Allen who former! lived ',',tt,tlf, tt Nan" ltr" wlums " here and whose wile Instill berg. came In“! "0 SSt1 r0wn . . down from Little Current, but-intends My: J Ferguson. .hu'eer 'loittl'ts Jtiit: to go back soon. ir, J Ferguson, farmer John's wife. has been very poorly all spring. She Is not much improved. The homo of Mia: En. Booth has been overhauled and repaired in tine order by Mrs Robert Cumpbell. Witt in- tends to come nnd liw at Bootlmiic, where she will be near her brother. She u a sister of the Wilson‘s of this place. Mrs Campbell is from Port Hope when she moved from here oyer twenty years ago. We, welcome Mrs Camllhell to our neigltirorcood again. Our blacksmith [m bought a driver from W Kinsman. Councillor David McIntyre let the. contract of pulling a railing on our bridge here. Willis Wilson is contractor I no there is tk change in tome of our Itrother eorrsspondenM, Maple Park and Balsam Valley. I hope more wall ha an improvement in regal-rim. We hear Jul: is Itouttt to the have“ excursion. Ho uvu bejwill visit tho Indian school at Births. Min Edie Campbell in home for a week from Hopeville. while her teacher is May to the conference. Her state: Gertie Wilson is expected home this: week from B. c. Mr tusd Mrs Geo Lawrence visiwl at Mr Noble Wilson's. Glad to hear he is Improving in health. Mia Florence McKeolmie visited Mrs J McQueen after coming home irom W. W: city. Mr Campbell, SohOuI Inspector. visi- ted our school end was highly pleased With the program of the pupils in the put year. He was butprised " the randy tun/5n given by the pumls. also in singing which is above the average. and the order was excellent. So pleased TG Ti, "eGnpbea with we "Got (but be granted Miss Gordon and the school a halt holiday. FREE KICKS (AT DROIORE). At a football match recently held at Dromore with a team from Pricevilie the latter got worsted 3 to none. How- ever the best of good feeling prevailed on both sides. Peter McArthur. of the latter town, reiereelng the game with impartiality and satisfaction to all. They proved themselves agreeable and courteous fellows-ana right here we mav say the apparent discourtesy in not notilying Dromore sooner on the last occasion arose from a misunder- standingaa to the time it tool: the mail The tmum/ has begun at the founda- tion of the school 116080. .------i.e------- "iriav"irSGlsin' the two hubs. In- stead of going straight across the axle, it has to go all round the waggon box. Physically the boys from Priceville are a stalwart lot and it sealed with, Capt Robbie Ta(i)lor's needles, would' no doubt give them the hoist. After a little more practice at the game and in combination play, We have no doubt the Priceville boys may yet be heard of. Some half dozen of Prieeville'ts fairest and best graced the field with their presence. Later We see in Priceville correspon- dent that the Dromore boys are going to catch fitty when they return the match. Now none ot the boys here are at all epileptic, they IBlay to catch the ball however, and rieeville you just need to watch they don't catch some of four fair ones and take them home with them, not but that we have lots of them around here. But I must hurry to catch the mail or I will catch it from the boys, who will be loath to catch on to any excuses for delay in reporting Dromore'g famous victory. Mr and Mrs Wm. Smith. accuumanicd by their daughter. Miss Lizzie, left last week tor an uxtended trip to the Prairie Province, After sprnding a. pleasant fortnight ratrtieatiutt with friends in the burst. Miss Annie McDonald left on Saturday ior the Queen City. Mr Ed Sullivan is visiting the old home after an absence of two years in the viein. ity of Sudbmy. part of the British Empire! l. Such has been declared a possibility of Bri- tain adopts a protective policy. which would mean to them such economic min as would lead them to desire Mrs Wesley Follis of the County Town is visiting her mother. Mrs Alex. Me. Iutosh. Mr Donald Smith left Inst, Week for Vancouver. B C. as a delegate to the Gen- oml Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. The \Velbeck Pieme was a grand suc- cess. There was sport galore. The eat- ablee were sumptuous. the stands loaded with all the delicacies and riauds of the season. and the program of songs. music. solos. reeitations, are. showed elooutinn of n high standard and systematic prepara- tion. The music supplied by the orches- tra. was Al and the dancing plsttorm was in greet demsnd by the trippers of the light lsntestie toe. Aspirit of unsnmity pervaded the scene till the evening when excitement rsn high and was productive of msgnsnimous results. The strenuous efforts made by the committee to pro- VIde a good dsy's sport were crowned with success sud ell went home highly elsted with the dsy's outing. Mr Peter George of Sault Ste Marie. is waiting hi. brother John. --Atnontr the most diabolic proposals we have seen is that threatened by Macedonian insurgents to spread the bacilli ot the Indian Plague among their enemies. --The Duke of Argyle. said to be hard HE. is considering the sale ot Iona Me. e must be, if this be true. -King Edward and lthe Queen in- tend to visit Ireland in July. --Norw1tr..ftrr.1t and ptmert. THE DURHAM REVIEW BOOTEVILLB. Dornoeh. fine TORONTO The Evangelist Church has com- menced revival meetings here. Rev. Mr. Kenning arrived here Saturday. We hear that the old evangelist, Geo. McLeach and possibly others. are to come in a few days We do nut know how long the meetings will be held but it's rumored they will becon- tinued a considerable time if prospects are good. Proton Council this year is laying out considerable money on roads. They are hard pressed for grants by the rate-payers. A handsome tent is erected in a yard here brought for the accommoda- giqn 9f the evangelists. It is well tin- ishcd off, The council mot May M. and than muting “can" dealarntionr, organized as I Court of Revision. All the members preunl. the Reeve mu appointed as chair- man. Channel were nude In follows: Alex Lyons. untamed for Lot IO, Con 9, Dugetld McKechuio assessed for Lot tr, Gun 2 R G ll, instead of Robert. McCIy- went; Wm ll Billings amassed " the Hammer property Instead of Aretie Me- Leo ', Armament of Jun tl Ron» mu re- duced to 81500; Lionel Rel-mu entered an tenant for Lots 8 & 4. Con l, N D R. Archie Little emu-ml " helm"! for Lot 18 Con I, S D tt; Thomas Jack and Joseph Young assessed ior new Ind mart half ot Lot l, Con 12 respectiveh; George Twum- Ivy a-umd for Lot 10. Con 25. E G' H ', W l) Duns entered for Lots 1 & 2. Con ll, N D ll ', Geo McKeclmie entered f, r Loo 2 and 3. Con 2. N D ll; Matthew Scull. ma» penned for " Pricovlllu Lots; Emma. Brawn'u assessment reduced to $8oo ; Richard B mks assessed for sl of Lot 80, Con 8. E G' it. The annexation“ ot Thu! (1 Math" and Wm Ectur were reduced 850 each. The assea‘ment of J A Canon was reduced '40. The Court. adjourue" to June Il-tttt l p m. Alter adjournment. of Court, of Rub-ion the Councll met for generui luminesa. Minutes of lasst meeting read and eoutirur ed. The Treasurer presented Ins tune- ment of Receipts and En euditures up-to- date. commuuieatious read an tullowu: David McIntyre re Townliue c, * HJvom Robert. Legals re Railway Baum-inn. from Hugh McDonald and 27 Minus, petition " lowulme G & E. A.rro-itu--Kertiey-- That the ward appropriation be $200 for mull dhision and that nu comnlinsiuuer exceed that a mount without the Function of Couueil.-. Carried. kerntv--suilivan--TGt Thos Dunn lo pun! $1.25 per week fur tlie kw. oi' Mus Furneaux. until further .mhce Vi given. commencing 18th of April IO ,3 Unwind. 1)"virc-1ieruey---Tltat the c'erk he "ml is hum-y Instruclc-d tr “.91an Imlvifv the COIIUCIIS of Hoiland and lienliuck to forward to the Treasurer ot Glenda their alum: of cost. of repairs an Low"- liuea a & fl and G k B and If not. paid wuhiu n o-olde tim.. that our sum-I- tor he mstrmsted to take lead new." " the eolleetirm of the same. Carried. Keruey---Atrowritrryh--Tltst the t'eeve antl‘cmnmissioner for ward l be u com- "abuse to wuit on the (mun-rs of Iota 49, 50 and 51, con 8. E Cr lt to arrange terms of grant in regard to opening ditch "cross tmid Iota and report " next m-etmu of eotuMtil.-turried. Mr Wm McCracken is having a sale of farm stuck and implements on Fri- day, June 12th. He is retiring from the farm and everything must be sold. Arrowsuutu-kermt-Th" A 8 Walk- er bt, paid the sum of .45 for work at. lot 98, Iuwuline a a A 4 cost, also Geo Leilch $75 part [my on timlur far bridge at lot 20. can. 11. Carried. Davis-Sullivan-Tut John Staples be paid fifty cents for repairing brides at. lot 60, can 2. E G' R. Also Hugh Baird 82 5o tur new tongue and other repulra of road scraper. Curried. Ihuus--Sullivtsn - That the reeve and Wm lieruey be a committee to examine the roads at lot 6, con 9, and report at next meeting of council. Carried. The council adjourned to June 18th at lo a. m. J. S. BLACK. Clerk. Davis-Fi-That the assessor be paid 825 being the bnlnnce of his salary as assessor for 1903. Carried. Kerney--Arrowtsutitu--'Ntt Geo Fur- neux be paid the sum of " being the balance due him for keep of Mrs Far. nenx. and lhat o. Sound hospital he paid MI for keep of Miss Wise. Car. Mr Fred Staples is working " Glen- roaden mill at present. Mr Robs Eetor J r. left last week for Stratford to mnsult a. specinlist. Mr and Mrs Jas Gowanlbck. of town, visited at Mr D McFayden’s one day last week. Mr and Mrs H Moeet, of Owen Bound, visited friends around here lately. Mr Guy Williams is working at Glenroaden for the last cough ot weeks. A number from around ere attend- ed the Inneral of the late Joseph Lind- say. who died in Wtukerton and vns buried at Zion last Tuesday, J nne 2nd. Be was a former resident. of Edge Hill, and was s tmother-in-law to our post master Mr Jas Mae. Mrs Chris Williams arrived home from Toronto utter I brief visit with friends there. The- prayer meeting held in the mange hall last Tuesday night by the Rev Mr Farqnharson was fairly well Mr and Mrs D Greenwood visited friends near Walkerton for I. few days last week. Mr J and Wm McFayden purchued a fancy driver last Week. attended. GLENELG COUNCIL. HOPEVIU B. Edge Bill. -- mm; 11, no: l h, _ " Mix 1 J CTC ‘Gmm, man» 3 W33: My Mutual”! ‘g We Can 't J?et .71” g " ','jiy,s',',r,th' I 'Gheobatd, ta, Ctothier. , "Cs-at/seats-s/ss-sa/seo-docs"' 'Thc beet ting here starts on June 16th. The meat will be ready on the 17th. Mrs Heffernan, of Guelph, of Guelph, was visiting her daughter. Mrs Thus Morrison, last week. . Messrs Thos and Dan Greenwood and Wm Ritchie, of Edge Hill, at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs Brigham. at Allan Park. ")hewemmmemeeseme/ irs Jas MoCracken, of the Avenue, is visiting friends in town this week. Vickers. Born-To Mr and Mrs Alex Grier- son, a daughter. Miss Jeanie Newell visited her old friend Mrs Jno Milligan for a tew days last week, - A - - . . Mr and Mrs And Derby are spending this week wish friends in Chatswunh and Owen Sound. Mr Herb Hunt had his new barn raised last Thursgiay afternoon. It is one of the finest frames we hare seen. the size is 45 x 62 With min poets 24 ft high. Mr Ben Sharp ms trainer so everything was a good tit. Thou Lawrence and Will Scarf were chosen uptains end an exciting race followed which resulted in a tie. non. B. Henry. A. Lee. G. nuance. J. Ferguuun. Pt 20d Jr-Cecil Davis. Maggie Each-s. Bert Ferguson. Roy Becks. Mary Hamilton T. Brown. Pt "t--Euie Eccles. Jessie Reid, Irene Watson, M. Ferguson. Report of S. S. No. 12. Egremont for tle months of April and May. UM gtts--R. D. Henry. tth-Sadie' Brown, Grace Reid, Gladys Lawrence. Annie Nelson. Br SrdcMntrttie Hamilton, Harold Hunter. Mary Brown. " Ft.-. John Ferguson. Bert strence. Aggie Adams. Ethel McKenzie. Mary Wilson. 81- 2mf--Bunehe Reid. Funny Patter. son. Belle Ferguson. John Brown. Fm Lawrence. May B..1€eid. Jr 2nd-.. Edith Pstterson. Renter: Watson. 0. Nelson. Wm. Wilson. N. IcF-dden Martin Wilson, C. McKenzie. Pt hi Br-John, Davin, gsblejkgles. G. Wil.. {WWW The Ready-to-wear Clothing Trade that in to be clone in Durham ; Bat we can get the bulk of it end sup- ply the very best ; As to that line we devote innate! our time and are continually looking for the test that is to be had at the lowest price. We buy nothing but that which fits perfectly. broke the Best and IS THE BEST. Now we are going to give you some snnpc in Serge Suits for the week only. The price of those Suite is 18% more to-day than they were one week ago but we bot early and the advantage goes to the observing buyer. JUST TAKE A LOOK. Men's Blue and Black Serge Suits, Regular, $7.so. Now 3550 6s Fine fancy worsted, " $10 a 15.00, " $7.50& ”.50 ' Grey Tweed, 14 " & 8.50. B6 8.00 & 6.00 Newest and up-to-date Summer Clothing " prices to A nice Fell or an nu . -..-_. -_-_,,, Mat Mtrout New York Blocks?” UNDERWEAR everything in (Summer 3Gtt Au,, Men's wear, cool for summer. in 8hirts At our nectwear, wuua. - " fave of JUok Invictus Shoes, Working Shirts,&c. 6..»me a We]: Wear: 'ttr-to-dw. H. G. RUNNER Teacher. Newest and up suit any buyer. We have the best and most up-to-dntc: supply anyone. A nice Felt or Straw New York Blocks. At our neckwett Honor Roll for S. S. No. 10, Gleneig and Egremont for May um 4th Clue ~Snrah McKinnon, John McKinnon. Bertha Hooper, Bertha McIntyre. John S McDermid. 8td--hLuT maxing. [Edna Uhisrlett, Lizzie McClain. 2...] , iJohn tdcEachern, Maggie Hartford. (lv!" Hooper. Jr 2nd-Kate McCunur. .J A Dixon. Part 2nd-Bernie Hartford. "lnssie Sullivan. Average attendance 29. W11. L. DIXON, Teacher. _ Report of Boothville School. May 1903. Only Euplli of average class ‘smnding, or igher are mentioned in lthis report. Class Sr 3rd, funry Wil. son. Bessie Weir and Emily Wilson. eq. Hugh McKechnie. Jr 3rxr-Alex lint. Edgar Wilson. Ida Wilson and Gturfieid Ferguson. eq. John McDonald and George Campbell. eq John Haw. tir 2nd-Bertha Lane. Lillie Sachem. - Earnest and Jennie Clerk. . Jr 2mrl lC-lnm Wilson. Eve Haw. T,. Pt 2nd-- Jennie McConnel. Rob Cam hell and Mary McQueen, at Reedy h"ed,'f, \Vealey Lute end T on Weir. eq Annie McDonald and Christie Cameron. eq. grungned to J, r Pt t,",1, this month.-: " iereon. ennie emu-on. Niel Mc. Donald. Donnld Ferguson. Br Int-- 1)..in How and Jennie Clerk. eq Jeanine Ernest and Lydin Fm. Whet Bor. Anne Smell. Stanley Valium; " 1at--MtRe new end Robbie Lena. eq Maxie Snail. Jennie Her-hull and Janet cDonnld eq. “an. , James new And Anthem. eq Joe Wileon, Ifaer Fez-gum. Ben. lErnest. Cher-lie Sunni. Renew hr The Review urban. Sr 8ed-Jeaie Smith. [Aun- erroon. Annie Club 3r8ed--kakiik Wilson. Thoma Puthwhough. Willa- McN-Jg. " ltmt---ArttuG Wilton. Clam unwell. Maggie Macon. tk Pt 'eta-atom Mennm a fs-.-, ‘l_‘v I ---H "__. Um“ ICN-l' t, " Pt 2ad---Prket “moon. Mable ith. Robert Putherbough. Br law lay Oriana. Perry Cave“. " Ist, IA”:- lick-n. Evelyn Helena. Wes- av - AW 01 a. a. no. 10. Relaunch. for m. '.""lhi1'steu'1'lid new. tttt l'-l'lla,' Horton. Hutu“ Smith. Neil you“. 'r 8ed-Jeaie Smith. nus- “sport of FA. _No. lo, m. 6tere In Stes. Hat ? The latest Don DAvmoox. Teacher lumr Gonnox. Teacher- t is to be dotte of it and in!" devote moatot tr the but that :rfectly. link; ' illth in Serge :of thou Suits , week ago but a the observing Now $s.so " ‘7.50&12.50 te 8.00 & 6.00 " at prices to t ? The latest tt everything in no! for summer. p-to-date i Can Dollars, Slntcr's king Shirts, &c. r A" ftrer. , ." Jot/nor. W! VOL. X Mylar/l-hh", 5f2g,'y','/y'll Phone No. 6 Mryy"t) " READ Tllli I CHAD CLO DOR NE FE PM "

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