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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jun 1903, p. 2

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Hi l f----' In tho books he writes his heroines are glways slim and willowy. They bend and sway like tall. slender lilies. A tat heroine ls Impossible. A----; I do not think it is quite fair to Name everything on the women. It in true that marriage is no longer the sacred institution " once was. It In true that our divorce law.- are very bad. Bat who made the divorce lawd.’ Not the women. surely. Why does not the good bishop pitch into the men lawmakers at our great and glorious country t Men are very much to but” for tight lacing. Im tell you w y. 1.1119 average man likes a slrnder woman. Me to always talking about a. "trim wnwt' or u "slim. rounded figure." He refers 10 a. stout woman as “3 lat dob." Blendernmm is 4eemed indispensa- ble in society or on the stage. rme nowapapers reek with advice to women on how to get thin. Andoo the poor wretetr Who Is piling up neah and knowing that with " are going her youth! and attraction resorts to the deadly corset to help rostrum her overflowing avolr- dupois. She pulls and tugs and uraps and laces herself Into an Oulrugs‘ous Shnp‘. and an to please Come man Or mnn. 3 [mm HITS Between her divorces and her cor not: me .unencau woman In In a bad way. Tue bishops and clemmen are mthcmlzlug her on divans and the donors are alter her on corsets. And tor whom docs lovely woman squeeze her waist ? For whom doe. Ibo dye her ha.ir and paint her face , For whom does she trick her-elf out like a aquaw l' Not for women. surely. Tho dh'lneo any that In another hundred years we won't have a lured of morals. and th; specialist. declare that at the end or this century she won‘t havet remnant of lung's. . The bishop Ucclaret, that If dlvorce 'tom' on in the present. {rightful ratio there will Be no American wife. The doctor submits that it corsets go on squeezing in the present appalling fashion thaws will be no American mother. P Just now tor corsets. He demands tmrru penalties tor the wearing ot come“. He states that a woman who aquacu- her lungs, heart. ribs. kidney. Intestines. liver. Ipleen and pancreas Is a criininai and deserves to he hated as such. __ __ An eminent bishop got out hla tongs the other day and attacked the di- vorce question very much as he would have handled a polecat. A brii- ljut physician is on the; gamma And who!) airs and and done, you know, a woman without morals or lung» by not a_pretty sight._ _ . “Woman is the rm Roberto Sanglovam will not protect tw be proteetmh Look wwunn Turf "rl n That's all right. Probably tho an- cient Romans admired strong limbs, large broasts and splendid shoul- ders. And their women strove to plume them. Tho modern American hankers after a trim walst. Bo he gets it. Instead of trying to secure leg- [elation against the corset this good and oarttest physician should attempt to beat a little sense into the head or mankind. He should urge parents to teach their boys certain wholesome truths. one of which ohm“: Bo that when they ard about to take wives they would look tor something beside a slim waist. nt-zlurp, with str-xng limbs. largo brv- !~L "trl Al l -tt '.id ghoul him. They Were the mnthnrs of a race of “In grvutest warriors in the wdrid. Their sons were learned men and seminars. Why ? Humane the parent organism was robust. " " there was no demand for dis- torted waists tho-re would be no supply. Women are not the only fools on Earth. Now as to the other oount in the indimnwnt. 'Prrs'onnlly, I am as a rule opposed to divorce. But I can take no stttelt alarmiqt view ot the situation as "oerre the good bishop who broke out all at once. [do not believe tho Amerieatt woman is go- "tct.qtat.ttsip ed,nie'ibW.tt'H.'. 1Ht 1'.-1'. t'i',t'-t'n','- M96914!“ _ l It: 0m! [1:ng Remedy, q F.s an old. well estab- I a labor! and reliable W l d preparation. Basbeeo ,‘v' V w prescribed and used _ "3V 1’, oysrwyeirs. Alldng- . Fisty,u1 the Dominion _ Wr F ot Canada sell and ' recommend as being Before and After. tht .onlr medicine ty . tto kind that cues and gin-s universal satisfaction. It‘pmmptly and permanently cures all forms of Damon: Weak. Mu. Emissionn. Nprrmiorrlura, Immune”. Ind kitefNetaot abuse or excesses: the excessive loo! Tobarco. Opium or Bzimulunla. Mar-lat Win mrr'rar.is.lloewtyeh load to harm“): its Consumption and pl: Early Grave. P110. b' wins. PI'", for u. on: wit: 1'ttttdg his? Muted pmw on m- - m ov treparri " Addt'cat 1»be Paw-sv- - b 9‘07 l a J Vat V = _ Nt F l Before and After. (in! universal sat-{saw Wood’s Phosphodlne. Tlr M POOR MAN ' the men." declares Dr. :iowanni, "and If she not ttorsmlt aha should Look at the Roman "rl not 'tagp the cor- "il' physical condition Thry wen Amazons in strong limbs. Int-1:0 imam. iii-I'm..." I mg to become a degraded being. I do not believe the American home is going to _bp_d93troyed.. -. . . Very tew, I admit. As a. rule be Is an easy-going. kindly disposed, generous. indulgent husband. Bat he loves the social glass and he loves the society of women, especlally those of slim waists and tlny teat. His wife grows a. tritle stout with advancing years and the cares of maternity. He does not mean to be dishonorable. But--- I am suck and tired of having! wo- men jumped on for everything that ha ppvns Irom corsets to divorce. And I serve notice on bishop and physic- tan that men have some retrponaibiiU tins {or both these evils. " Your brother? Then he Isn’t a distant relative." Ot course his wife should overlook his peccuuiilloetr tor the sake ot thq children and the glory ot the church. As a. rule she does. The American wife does a. lot ot tsye-olotdntr. I want divines to do a. little preaching about the degmdatlon of theAmeriean man. AndI want doo-, tors to teach men to choose as moth- era of their children women not of squeezed-up liver and pinched-up pancreas. but those of strongllmba and splendid shoulders an Junollke waitrts.--Edith Sessions Tapper. ' Kansas City J onrnnl. Kind Ltuiy-How many are more In the family besides yourself? Little Amie-Four. Mamma, papa, sister and a. distant relativn. r6 There is onU three. The distant relative is not a member ot the farm. 'tly." - - if _ - " Yes, ma'am--htt is tn the Phlup- pines" ' . ""e ' mine good bishop had best save his mind. He could accomplish more by working for a. liberal, universal dl.. vorce law than by nailing at the American woman. Why, is there no- thing: on earth the matter with the American man , Has he no faults, no blemishes? Moreover. there is more than one way of being degraded. A woman may be degraded through the di- vorco court. Yes. She may be more degraded by living with a drunkard, a libertine. a criminal.an unspeakable has; The divorce: ot fashionable noel- ety. mere subterfuges tor fresh amours. are disgraceful and degrad- lug. But the divorce that sets a. fine man 0.1 a. noble woman free from a/hideous thraldom is 'ts tNttietlt to society. It prevents the Board wearing down and helps to make a better tsaA- than the ordinary Board. 'glw Irixc Whesl of the Massey- ILurris Muwer 1111.; four mwla and twvnty-usiut cog-s. p It rum; all along the bottom of the Board. Thu; in “by tir: Knife on the M us- svy-Hurrr; Mower begins to upwar- au, aw scan ati Um horses move Aor- ward. more is no lost motion. There are, it is true," many light- headed men and women 'who think nothing of throwing on the marri- age yoke and changing partners. Bat there are many more strong souls who suffer in silence. who never air their trials In the courts. Who seek to preserve the home and to uphold honor and decency. MOVVEH FEATURES. Tly, Truck u' Board on the uneasy- Ha: ris M m er had a pm] chug steel shun. It 19 not necessary to back up when starting in the grass. The Mower begins to cut right when: it stands. The Doublctroes can he hitched either above or below the Pole. The attachmcnt 18 very simple. ' Elohim, Jehovah, Hebrew; Gott, Swiss and Lick-mun; Eilalt, Chaldaic; gag-d, Hamish; Eleni). Assyrian; Gout, Dutch. Alan. Turkish and Syr- iuc; Alla, Malay; Goth. Teutonic; Allah, Arabic; Gude, Danish and Sivmiiuh; Tent, old Egyptian: Team new Egyiciau; dude, Norwegian; Tenn. Armuriau; Boga. Polish; Timon. Greek: Bung, Panacea; JubU nat, Lupp; sit-u. Persian; Magatal, Tartar. Duns. Latin; Diex. Latin low: “in, Gulls; Dieu, Frcnel1tMos, Spanish; Duos. Portuguese; Diet, old German; Dian, Provencal; Doue. low Breton; 1ito,itaiusn; Dianlriuh: Lieu. Uiala touguc; Thios. Cretan; Jumaia, Finch; As. Runic; Fetivo. Zomblan: Istu. Punnoniun; Ruin, Hiudostanee; Brama, Coromandel; Puts-m, ('lxinvsv; Lioczttr, Japnnvsa; Zaunah. Madagascar; Puck-cum- mac. Permian. Names of God in Various Tongues Sometimes I . . " believe that one of our greatest strengths lies along the line or our greatest frailty. It all depends upon our point ot view whether we regard tempta- N. Y. Press. A novel remedy for the "drink httbit"--or, rath'T for enabling those who have "sworn ott" to re- main "on the wath eart"-eoutriate of ice water drunk throughl a raw potato. Take a bowl of ice water and a potato. Peel the potato and cut down onecmi of it until it can be easily inserted in the mouth. Dip tho potato in the ice water and suck it every time a craving tor strong drink comes on. It is claimed that this treatment will effect an absolute cure. The why and the 1vhvreCorr, are not stated, but the process is such‘ a. simple one that thore can be no harm ln trylng it ll anyone is atnustmt with a thirst which they really and truly desire to loam Lions as sent by malignannt powers to mil us. or ourselves as sent out by a righteous power to meet them. There is a thought of valor included in the last idea, and ot lxopefulness in the possibility It suggests at our developing into sta- ture and girth. like the soldiers whom we train to meet a. danger. But perhaps there is too little at comfort in it tor most people. Grow- ing pains are an affliction when they once hetrirr--FFm Lime Bam- ilton Frem‘h's "My Old Maid'n Cor- - in the Century. l _ 'or, yes, he is. He is my bro- Remedy tor the Drink Habit. Our Greatest Temptations. Itemote Kin. } Dr. Agnow's Heart Care puts new vigor into every heart, and ninety-nine out of a hundred need It, for that percentage are sick. (Having put that machine in good working order, it has guaranteed the whole system against sickness. Every organ is soon sound. It al- ways relieves in 30 minutes. l A very unique position is held In the city of St. Louis by Mrs. Gm- ' ham Frost. In one of the first banks I there she occupies a position known as that of the "hostess." Ber duty {is to explain banking methods to ithe women patrons, thus relieving them ot embatra4<qmetrt and expe- diting tho course of business. Mrs. Frxrst finds tha.t nearly all women ineed instruction as to the clipping of coupons, renting mate deposit ,borxes. real estate matters, re- demption and exchange of money and so forth. Beneficial rcmlts have accrued to the bank from Mrs. LFrost‘s employment, the volume of business being greatly increased. It 3 has almanac,v 6,000 women depositors. to protect it, to strengthen it, to cure it, and you baffle every other ailment. Mas. EZRA Doorman, Temple, N.B., Canada, miles p.- “ Have had heart trouble for rears ; would hareit " often as three tlmesa week, sometimes lasting twenty-four hours. Was persuaded to give Dr. mews Hem Cure atrial, which I did, with the greatest results. It surely isa peerless remedy, and would advise my one who has heart trouble to try it." . DB. Lam's 0mm. _ He who would be free from piles and skin amnion: must use this cure, which routs them out " once and for all time. A _ - -iiii, JiGt,TpuiGiGlre. because com pounded on correct principles. Fiercest ice of itchm shin diseases. Price. 35 cents 'ld Let " be Grip, Malarla Fever or what not, tM-. ways strike at the Heart Took Experience as His Teacher. In Portland, Me., the other dag the proprietor or a small packing house, who had the opinion that he knew more about running a. boiler than his foreman, went to business very early. After getting the tubes red hot he let In the water, wlth the mean] result. It cost him .150 to learn this lesson trom experience. bf! local applications as they cannot reach t e diseased portion ot the ear. Thereis only one way to cure dealness. and that is by con. imitations] remedies. Deainess is caused by an tntiamed condition ot the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube II in. tiamed you have a, rumbling sound or imper- feet hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. and unless the ttttittttt. mation can be taken out and this tube restor- ed to it; normal condition, hearim; will be destroyed forever; nine cases auto ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an txtfhsmet1leopditlotl pf tht muchous swims. We will give One Hundred Dollars tor any cue of Deutneus (caused by eatarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send tor circulars, tree. Atter the Wedding. ; Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with l 'it/gt!.;""' did you think the bride Lover’s Dry Soap a, powder. It will re- Grace - Oh, remarkably well move the grease with the greatest ease. 36 gmmw. l -- - A I A A; 1.. - I.‘_..,_ . DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED HORSE BOOK FREE. One of the most valuable books for any horse owner to have around the house is Dr. B. J. Kendall Co.'e book, "h treatise on the scientific standpoint, yet in plain practical form, so that anyone can apply its teachings. The horse and his handling are fully described and there is hardly a single trouble which is peculiar to the horse which is not ably discussed. lymp- toms and cause suggested and ap. proved method of treatment given. The work is published by the pro- prietors of Kendall's Spnvin Cure, that world known remedy tor the Ills that horse flesh is heir to, and contains the gist ot their many yearI' experience in dealing with all kinds of horse ailments. killer very useful. There 1» nothing ttre to It In all cases ot bowel troubles. Ava d sub. stunt”. There la but one " Paiutiler".- Porry Davis'. Mft pay a Washwoman They send this practical book ab. solutely tree ot charge and we ad- vise any of our readers who are in- terested in horses to write tor It and mention this paper. Address the Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enosburg Falls, Vt. “Has your cook left you '?" “Yes, she left me. She took pretty nearly everything else in the house, Bold by Druggintu. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Public institutjgns have found Pun- Aim at the Heart. A bird in the hat ls worth two who takes all day rubbing the life out of your clothes to get them clean, you can do the washing you-ttf--. sitling down-with a. =. s' New Century a . mtraeave Washfng , a". " Machine "GUM A “a; 1mm WW " mg.“ .2 A New Job tr Woman. A Considerate Cook. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, o. TORONTO re an "ttpi UH, - yuan nus any; a".-- -- or,” no. the tether, nor the wind blaw doon the haystacks. Grant that we may keep the broon coo, the crum- mie coo, an' Rowtie ; an', oh, preserve us true witches and warlocks. an' beasts wi' lung nebs that gang in among the heather. Grant a' -gyde things, an' guid hairsts to a’ honest fowk. an' a' men present, an' I, my aineeu, wha am as muckle as one sax o' them. Shooer doon a. blessing on a' honest men that wear blue bonueta. sic like as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wore in the holy land o' Canaan. Gie to oorsels. an' to a' the {men's o' Scotland. weal and forti- tude till endure tb' the “In an' unco’a o' this lite, an' as what wtt'tre gotten is a.’ oor ain' it's naebody's business. Grant a. blessing on the present favor. Amen." Devotion. of Scotch Farmer Who Thought Well of Himself. An old Ayrshire farmer. says the Scottish American, used regularly to deliver himself ot the following quaint effusion as a. grace before meat: " Tak' all yer bonnets, honest men l Are they a’ at! , Oh, Lord, weed oot a' the Paplsts oot o' the land; pluck them cot as we do the thrlstle trae oot o' the grand. Pour doon a shooer o' whittles upo' a' the loans that wear the lawn sleeves. tor they eat up the fat and the lean o' the land, and wins, let a puir body like me gang his ain way. Dig a muckte dyke atween uni an' hell, but a. tar muckier ane Between us an' the Wild Irish. Oh, grant that the grey mare brack- No Wonder He CouMn't Find Them. Penn. Punch Bowl. B. E. Morms-0farria- are made in Heaven they say. -. .. .. -Dridr,G.-iiisii, We often thought this thing we can marriages wasn't the real article. London Globe. The following letter has been re- ceived by a. London tirtnr from a na- tive ot India. with whom they only once had trunctionu in the long ago. "it is with pleasure I request your goodpelven to be present at the wedding ot my son K. on Tuesday. the tith Mar, 1903, (Hindoo date 9th of the bright halt or the month or Valsiiakii. 1950). if Four goody-Ives may not be present on account of the distance being very great.may I beg of Four goodselves to enjoy and share the wedding mentally, as it has been Thoosopliieallr acknow- ledged that the power ot the, soul surpasses the waves ot electricity, although your representative or this side would, I trust. certainly par- takty ot the wedding pleasure." Dear Btrar,--WitMn the past year I know of three fatty tumors on the hood having bpen removed bv the application. ot MINARD'S Luo.. MENT without any surgical Opera- tion and there is no indication ofa wizard! Linkment IaunttqrmatN Inn-land, . ms', . return. ml: will be found to be a great addition to your pantry stores. it you are a. salad maker. Take three ounces each of shallots, chives. tar- ragon and sweet savory, two tab- lespoonfu‘ls ot dried mlnt leaves and the same of balm; pound all to.. gether In a. mortar and then put them In a. gallon far. Fill up with strong white vinegar, cork tight- ly and let stand a fortnight ex- posed to the sun each day; then fil- ter through a. flannel bag, bottle and cork securely. The young man with the malicioun gleam in his eyes. who had dropped a dime In the slot ot the public tele- phone and obtained the desired con- nection, inquired in a. faisetto voice: "Hello! Is this Miss Snubbem?" "Yes," said the voice at the other end ot the who. "Who is this?" "Beg pardon. I ea,u't quite under- stand you." "Be pardon. Speak a. little more plainly, please. Is this Minn Snub- bum'.'" “It is. Who are----?' "Beg pardon again. I can’t quite catch your answer.“ "Letty this is Miss Snnbbem. Who "I am very sorry. but I never can understand anybody that is chew- lug gum and using a telephone. You are chewing gum are you not'?" "Well, that's all." _ ' , . Whereat he hang the receiver on the hook again and went out with a cathfied grin on his face. ' l l MW cum w. A. paw. Clifton, N. B., Gondola Ferry, “This in Miss Snubbem. What do "PSase' take It out or Sour mouth. q . Have you taken it out?" War. Marty. Prosperity. Prlda Wa r. GRACE BEFORE MEAT. A Fina Salad Vinegar. mm; cunsrs mum sun: fi2lie, Probably Getting Even. Chicago Tribune. History in SI): Word; Wall Street Journll. Mental Presence. " sent direct to the diseased ms by the Improved Blown. than the nice”. clean the an passages, stops drown? In the throat and human“! v cum Canal: and my Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. w. Chan Medicine Co.. Term and Bai5hi. Who ThT%irsftction of I washing done early in and well done, belongs User of Sunlight Soap. N. Y. Bun. "Look here," exclaimed the Irate dude; "them is a hair in this .0113 water." "Well. chuckled the funny clerk. f'pegtmps It's pcoauae we no waved 'A trip to New York or Boston on the trams or the New York Central Runway [moves b-yond a. doubt that " ls the premier line to these points. For speed. comfort. reliabxllty. and general satisfaction this great tour track line but no equal. . union Sponge. Put half a round of gelatlne ln cold water (the water to cover) to soak for three or four hours. then pour over it a. full pint ot holllng water In which the rind ot one lemon has boiled for about tlve min- utes: add tho Juice ot three or tour lemon. half pound or sugar. or more It not sweet enough; leave It until " lo nearly cold and begins to adhere to the sides ot the basin. then add the whites or two eggs well beaten and whisk all together untll It to Ilka a stiff white sponge: have some molds readv in cold wa- ter, shake out and put ln Four sponge. Vanilla mar be used In- atead of the lemons. rule In a pretty digit for chlldren'c parties Doing and Not Doing. "Mr," said a. lad, coming down to an of the wharrea in Boston and addressing a. well known merchant, "have you any berth on your ship? I want to learn something." "What can you do'."' asked the gentleman 1 Keep Minard’s Liuimem in the house. Javelle water may he male at home. Pour a. quart ot cold mater over, a. quarter or a pound at chlor- lde of lime. Allow- It to settle and pour off the clear mater. A: plnt ot liquid coda. should be odd.. ed, and the mixture kept In a. blue glass bottle, tlghtly corked. Jae velle water is lnvaluhble for remov- lng stains trom white goods. Mimsrd'a Llnlment " used by Phy- Global. "What have you not done t" ask- ed the gentleman. who was a sort or QWEPWW": .. A- a - - "I can try my bent to do what- ever I am put to," answered the boy. " have sawed and split moth- er'a wood tor nign on two years.” "Well, air." said the boy. after a. momeat'a pause. "I have not Whisp- and in school for a whole year." "That's enough." said the gentle- man. "You can ship aboard this ves- sel. and I hope to see you master of her some day. A boy who can master a wootipiln and bridle his tongue must be made of good stun." -Esxshange. London Truth. Were I to Join any particular not ot Christians it would be the Quakers Their tenets appear to me to be'most in accordance with the Sermon on the Mount and they ham no clergy. Mr. Thomas Southworth, Director or Colonization, says that the pro- aspects of a rrurricieticy of farm Inb- orera tor Ontario are bright. Many, of the farmers who had formerly told him that they would need men were already supplied. Laborers sent out to them found no demand for their services and had to be placed elsewhere. Mr. Kyle, the Pror'mcinl agent In England. is directing a number ot men to Ontario, and the Dominion department ls also sending men now to Ontario, because the Northwest demand was well satis- tied. Aahtor.3 gr 8UPERIOR To =uii.. OTHERS 'iue-gititit-igi-GL E. B. E00t"S "P" , For “I. " all ttrut an. dealers - "vans-r on curl-rune coov's-o. No Scarcity of Farm Hands. Lubby Likes the Quakers. ALL DOUBTS REMOVED Presence of Mind. MinamN and take no other. Juvelle Water. of having the y in the day, ongs to every LD. 103 I/MIR/i/III)))" ' Hamlin-n to lump real, Hugh ".00 nt. .12.“) q omnin kilo-iron] Singlo .GJKL .1 [.50 Also to Inter-medium will“. Maul- and berth Included. Summe- a have Mondny. and Thursday! in Mnr---Hatrtilton l p.m.,Torow to 7.30 p.m Further information away Lo menu or ri. FotiTElt CHAFFEE, comr- l’uaunger Agent It. A: o., Toronto. LADY may; WANTED " - - " I!” No Equal Manufactured only by THE OAMPBILL MFG. co. of HAMILTON. oHTAmo. JiGGTGaca-" up.“ H'o‘h-Ibal-uh am BRUSH & 00.. DEPT. B., TORONTO. Johnnycakr. make two cupfull of flour, two at cornmeal. one of sag tr, one run.- spoonful ot vault and mlx all to- gether. Now take the well beaten yolks ot tour eggs. two cups of smut cream and one teaspoonful ot bl- carbonate of soda. sm- the two mlxturoa well together. Rake In a, cake tln headed with I deep rlm of buttered paper. . l f1ll33.l,' x i, - A'j' _ A ~J i " [ii-il - Goon,‘ , A . 'I‘unmt‘. L7. an ' . “a -r1 rmine by a: India on Put a variety into Summer living-- itU not the time of year to live near the kitchen range. Libby's Send to-day for the little booklet. "How to Mttlce Good Things to Eat," full of ideas on quick, dull- cious lunch serving. Libby's Atlas of the World mailed free for 5 two-cent stamps. q Lubby, McNeil! 8. Libby Goona i v, "7777:; "a “H.611 - \ 313 EA? . . t " E CMATUVQ‘ 9.1 a"! ) rlqvcn' ', -ra,sis,. Veal Loaf Potted Turkey Deviled Ham Ox Tongue My we may " Serve. T038, FAILS. ETC INDURATED FIBRE WARE “ammo“. OM. Chlclzo. U. . A, NEW " krtattittt Etc. SPECIAL Sunday "t'TtutthAItohAL I .u Nt, u bias Malt, W h emu lot by the mm Uian W011. hunt. mm k when I tit By Q tt. Paul wa not at th Very pick. “All" Who: wele hralrr honor.“ I with man; Calm tut. held W85 little than new A" a _ " " wk're l million "Nero, Hu- hd uppmla In ttus 414qu care much h “I uccus can“ him This [unity oommoudmi tugr,--4Jruu. I mutant was we hand In Ceylon GREEN TN In sea led lead tens n. The mm Jan Iva. IT-22', -Titreedasa' at Rome, he Ittvttet over the .Iowls him. Hia, fit'et good the nan-n My Cottvt'rur qtoedattee with We. toward I “Instance. did the Jews. " l “was, hp man the: ot the Je come to hm I uni brethren- uu-mbled Jew ture, and u it certain xvi-Mud Jews might quenco. partly mom. partly a .pphllud um rrtly of II rought Iron! W, 19. Let I brienr the PVel 21 to 26.--rtre fatally failed em in hum l cured that "In or had become “rs. because 1 acquittal, to w worms. Judges Be out“ that mmmlou to b U) teal an i Ute wanted Paul to they m' before tuphed that 1 by their " thought of C the) ttpoke . hos In tiee arris1 that cut t? her. pa tlt W ox , of I t ha trite [or and Bum“: t WU the! l t h“ clout t h" pun lflh 1pm hue [Inn tiw so" ill In “8 a.“ IH' rim-v can: rampant" u: “dad. $' At ll [IS Bl ll L lie-5m nu k the P h -Mr"rrr " IV“ In one ”ab. P.“ - - - I . wine comm H in.” UN Morn Bit and” and All m e m p " t h

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