West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Jun 1903, p. 4

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tt; [l ‘WW ta, fRush to Ctark's tttisSome useful horses for sale. a see, A; test, to be convinced Cash and ' Price. That there is’no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville ; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Churns, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more All the newest and latest ideas in trimmed Millinery at reduced prices. Now is your opportunity to secure a new ready-to-wear at an exceptional- ly low price. Large selection of ready-to-wear Hats 'idsummer '0tittht my E War/00k. John Clark Mrs. Hunt is visiting her son Edwin at Travetaton. His: Grace Brown, tugter ot Mrs Thou. Brown, in visiting here Miss Leah McComb, Buneuan. ll via inns Min Norma Paton. Miss Tnylor. of London. is visiting Mrs. Sam Scott. Countess 8t. Mr. Donaghy, Mount Forest. was in town for a few days this week. CCMr. Ianner. of Mt Forest. was in town Saturday on a husinesu trip. Miss K. Shire. Uxbridge, is a. guest of her (‘ouuina the Sparlmgs. for a. few weeks. Mr. Rom. Burnet. Jr, was home for a few days to visit his father who is seri- ously ill. Mrs. Aljoe. Br, is upendlng " few weeks With her daughter. Mrs M. Scott. Priceville. Mrs. Jas. Cal-sun went to Fergus Hos pital but week and underwent a serious operation. Messrs. tleo. Lawrence and Hubert Mornce are In Owen Sound this week on jury duty. Mrs. Thos. C. Morton leaves on Tues- day to visit her daughter. Mrs. Hark- ness. Teeswater. Miss N. Fitzgerald. London. left for home Saturday. after " month's stay with Miss s. Vollett. Mr. and Mrs. Java. Lennhan left Tues- day morning for Owen Sound as Mr Lennlmn is on the Jury. Mr. Cecil Gan left on Tuesday morn- ing tor Buffalo, where he has secured a aimatmn as draughtsman. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Ehrhardt who welcomed a yuung Can- adian boy to thew home on Monday. The Misses Bourne, G' mud Vallee, were when at the REVIEW Monday on their way to Mr. Leeson's. of Varney. Mrs. Matthews, Markdnle. has been the guest for the past few weeks of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mrs. Enright spent" few days with her cousins Mrs. Jas. anelle and Mrs. Jas. Lennhan before going to the west. Mr. and Mia. Dan. McKinnon, of Tor. onto, while np attending his mother's funeral were guests of Mr. C. McKinnon. Mrs. John Benton and Miss It Garson, Drnmure. visited friends in town on Sunday lust. and attended Presbyterian service. Congratulations to Miss Wright and Mr. Truynor of "ear \Vulkerton whom- day, Wednesday. are lo he united in marriage. Mr. B. Wright, hriekmaker, was in town for u couple of days this week on his way from Heathcote to his home In Ki"eardine. Mr. W. H. Heart, went down Tuesday morning to Hamilton, " delegate from Court Durham, C. o. F. to the meeting of the High Court. Mr. Arch. w. Hunter came home last week from McGill (Jollnge. Montreal, having had " successful yam. He re- turn, in the fall. Mr. C. D. Farquharson. nephew of Rev. Mr. Farquharson. passed hie first year extuuinations at Toronto universi- ty very successfully. Mrs. (Dr.) Black "ndchildvern, Paisley, nerusmpartied by Mes. Pickard visited at Mr. Jim. A. MIHCK'S and attended the Baptist Convention here. Mr. Wilkie, late 2nd engineer at the N. P. C. Co, has been promoted chief, in plane of Mr. Card. The change has made a general moving up. Miss Marion Morton. daughter of Mr. Thos. Morton, Aberdeen. is threatened with appendicitis; very unfortunate, especially following her acmdent last year. Congratulations to Miss M. Lick. M. A.. teacher in our High School Depart- ment, on being awarded the Master of Arts degree " Toronto University last week. Dr. Gun lett today for Toronto to at- tend a. meeting of the Ontario Medical Association. Mrs. Gun accompanies tum and they will be absent till next Wednesday. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Cline, Owen Sound attending the Baptist Association, are guests with Rev. Mr. Farquhnrson. Mr Cline was a classmate of M r. Fax quham son in the Metaphysical class of 188B, Mr. 1Vm, McMurdo, Hopeville. was in town. Tnesdav. He intends leaving on Saturday for Sault Ste. Marie. to visit his son James more. A long promised visit there with him on our part. has regretfully to be deferred. Mrs. Arrowsmith left on Tuesday morning to pay an extended visit to her daughters in Saginaw and Sault Ste. Marie. She purposes making Durham her home still. however, and her many friends here wull welcome her back. Baptist Guests : Rev. Mr. Norton, Toronto. Supt. of Baptist Missions, is a. guest, with Rev. Mr. Newton. .Rev. Mr. MrEwen, Wiarton. is with Mr. C. Me- Dougall....Rev. Mr. and Yrs. Allan. Port Elgin. with Mr. Falgoner. ...Mrs. Arch. Patterson, Wiarton, formerly of Durham. with her brother. Mr. D. Kin- nee and other friends. .Rev. Mr. Burns, Strathavon. with Mrs McIntosh. THE DURHAI REVIEW TORONTO The Annual Meeting of this body w held on Tumy. The nttendance was nrtmlurge In usual, but the inure-I and protit of the meeting was not lou- The election of otBeers named as fol- lpws t-Aresi4etlt, Will Ytlung: Ter- Pm.. Wm Irvine: fuer-Tree.. Geo Binnie. Directors t--BenUnck. J no Pic- ken. Sun Dickwn; Egremont. Jets Allan. D Hamilton: Normanhy. Rich Barber. Thoe Gndd :Glonolg. Dan Edge. Will Smith; Durham. R McFarland» Geo Hepburn: Hanover. H. H. Miner. Val. Kirchner. Auditors ..--Arch Da. vndron. c. Range. Mr A McNeil. Dominion Fruit. Inspec- tor, of Essex County. mu present and immediately after the' Installation of the new Chain man and some brief remarks. he was called upon. He opened With some complimentary references to their husinm methods and impressed the. importance of electing good amt era on whom rested largely the success of the institution. Before entering on his upecinlty. Fruit Growing. he Rave some excellent advice as to the Gicessrttrot turmers taking a tmmd view of the whcle situation affecting the roduring as welt as the selling end of their hust- neas. For instance. the selection and number of middlemen. the transporta- tion of their products to the consumer. kc. By a single unjust int-lease. in transportation charges. the farmer might he deorived of "enefits he in. creased intelligence had enabled him to secure. Properly conducted Institutes were valuable aids to the fm-Im-r in sot-- l uring this broad view. He then discussed the ctpatrilitjos of the fruit industry Irv citing unluples of successful oretyurdists whn__fruu) n fe.Y acres had made large profits, by judi-l cious selection of varieties in the fivtrt place and proper atlenti m during growth and marketing. He blamed farmers for not being more careful in selection of trees for themselves. instead of through "pgepts, often irresponsible. Concerted action was nectertMtry to secure. an extensive growth of simulat- kinds in one neighborhood to encourage buyers to come and have something worth buying for export. Me recom- mended as most suitable for export the. Balwin, Gleening. Ben Davis. King. and N. S y kinds as old and reliable. The two 'latter should be top grafted on car- i lier.bearintt trees. At lhisMpoint ndioumutteyt was made i to the Horn orrhurd for practical work. Here on adelightfulafternoon, he handled the tree in the manner of an expert. pointing out. detective trimming. where grafting should he done, (to. &c. Black knot can he eradicated if the law is put in force as in his count y where '30 years ago it was common now seldom seen. Clay and cow Immun- he recom- mended as it simple and efrecrive suh- stitute for wax, which, however, WM easily made by taking llhtullow.20f beeswax. 4 of rosin. meltin ntmdish. and with tallow-ttteased hands pull and work like tatry. A further adjourn- ment was made to Mr. Rose's Orchard. where young trees and small fruit were discussed. A very successful meaning WM held tuuue May, ttt the Lower Hall. The Pres, Mrs. Thus. McGivr gave an excel- lent pupal. and as usual Miss Laura Hose, of Guelph. made a may valuable afternoon. Aptopos of the article in last, week's teams regarding the McPherson-Blur" den case. the following from last " eekU Times is pertinent: His Honor Judge Morrison handed out, his decision this morning in the matter of the McPher- son estate. liy.spectittsrthe claim of Mrs lilnnden. of Chicago. a Sister of deceas- ed, for 82700, thejttdge stated that he believed the note to he a forgery from a signature attached to a letter in the possession ofthe claimant. This con- tention was supported by export evi- dence. though it must he said in tairuess to the claimant that Thomas Bengough. court stenographer. and a recognized expert on handwriting. held the signa- ture to be genuine. In this connection it may be said that in a prex ious refer- ence to the case. where it, was stated that the elatiuumt could not he found the next morning. it might have been said that her departure was because of the receipt of urgent telegrams, and be- cause her solicitor' did not consider it necessary that she should be further detained. since she had given her evi- dence and nothing more was required. J IV Frost a peared for the. claimant. w H Wright for the. executors. NY! H VV .. ......-.,.,-. --_" - E Hampsnn for the widow. Of chums "mounting to almost flee thousand dol- Urs only $64.64 was allowed, the widow's right to almost the entire estate being thus recognized. DIED. Hopicvss.-In Bentinck. on Monday. June 8. Geo, Hopkins. aged 53 yrs. BruarsAsr--At Allan Park, on Thursday June 4. 1903, Rebeca; Brigham. wife of Henry brighnm. aged 63 years. Mckvysos--At her realdencn. nem- Rockv Sunset-n. on Sunduy June 7th, Flow. McCormick. wife of the late John McKinnon. aged 73 yenrs. TORONTO'S HoraDAv.--The City of Toronto is making an interesting depar- tare in Horse Shows and is holding a novel form of equine Exhibition in the open air on the afternoon of July 3rd in connection with the Old Home gather- ing which the Board of Trade of that city has arranged. Instead of extending a Show over one week in Madison Square it Will all be done. in one hour of a sunny summer afternoon. The henn- tiful Queen’s Park and University oval in Toronto furnish roadway around adjoining circles of over two miles and on these Will be ranged upwards of 500 horses and carriages. An army of jud- ges will make the award: simultaneously and.the judging will not, occupy above an hour: Then the whole exhibition will move around the oval and pass in review before His Excellency the Gov- ernor-General of Canada, Lord Minto. It is expected that over 200.C00 people will witness this unique Horse Snow. It is designed to show to the thousands of home-coming Canadians how important a centre of the horse breeding industry Toronto has become. " BELIEVED NOTE A FORGERY.‘ FARIERS’ INSTITUTE. Woarrm's ItovrtTUTe. .-_----- -0- k . nun-Inn“. - For Sale at W. Black's Store. tf"""'" WWW; EWhat ii:, gAbout t g. 4) ens A le, "ji", llgflllllllf I (30% :DRUGGISTS & SEEDSMEN. t apFselMfee4eqsqs ttsqerttsttetts'? Good serviceable hardware, the simple truth about it, and reasonable prices-thee are our principles. See our numerous styles of Screen Doors and Window Screens. Your Buggy is not complete with- out one of our Lap Rugs or Dusters. Sensible people are using our Wire Fence because they know a good thing. All kinds of Fence Wire in Stock. Our weekly supply of Sherwin.. Williams Ready-Mixed Paints has ar- rived. Examine all the fresh painted houses in this vicinity. You do not require to engage a painter when you buy these paints. A large shipment of Bird Cages just to hand, and the prices are right. Any lady wanting a Bicycle will find a bargain by calling at THE HARDWARE STORE. We have an assortment of Door Bells to offer you at prices never before heard of. Spray Pumps, Paris Green and Bluestone in abundance. American and Canadian Coal Oil always in stock. , It Will t, Help Some Kodak JWardu)are f scouring the town for good Butter if you wilt remember that we arrange with the best dairy farmers in South Grey to supply our ttade, We dont back up. We claim to have the best assorted stock of Groceries in town. Flour, MEALS, and other Cereals. Back Up Smoked meats, Bol ogna, &c. Also Coal Oil w. Black. J BURNETT. Sole Agents for, WEST0N'S BREAD. " It's yours if youé, take it with a Ko- 'k dak," and so simp- t ly done a child can 6 do it. Let Its g shpw you. we6 have them from $1 't up. 5p) in] than. any!” fraeiomrt Cm. Janna". 700 denier rill, Only Pri11 in the Market geared _. . _N_. _.‘J L." cCrCTCe We are at the shop " the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. JUNE ll, Lately we m now its Guy's nnd their up! trtieted only by OUR IREAD'S " LIGHT " A FEATHER Necessarily it's a wholesome bread --not heavy, soggy, indigestible. We take pardonable pride in the product of our bakery. and dyspepsia doesn 't follow in its wake. Rowe's bread is a household word in many homes-why not in yours. NEW 8001 I SHOE w. Just the thing for summer wear We have t em in all sizes tor Ladies. Minuet and Children, ALSO other styles of an Trllby an d Oxtords. Try n p151! our 82.25 Peerlee Indies' Ba! for wear and comfort. What about Shoe Dressings t Ego): GtiGiteers and full 1riiGGi - Have you seen those ..--- COLONIAL SLIPPERS at the TRUNKS, Values. Club Bags, SchooI Burs. Shle Strips in stock at lowest prices. Peter Hamilton's Goods in Stock Custom Work a nd repairing promptly attended to. TERMS, - - CA SH Ready for Spring 7rade @Eggs Taken in ILEMEMBER THE PLACE Also another Shipment of the renowned and up-to-date Karn Organs. Call and test them, theyare open for but". tion. Just arrived " the Show Rooms at Barclay & Bell, a Car- load of gamma Agents. Show Rooms opposite Mid- daugh Stables, Lambton St. . B. McARTHUR which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed for beauty and second to none in quality, Call and seetheni and if you do not want to buy one for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. Jlarn Graeme We carry in stock Packard's Com- binuion. Gilt Edge, Nonsuch and Black Cat, which is u very pupa 1,,hr,,dptyt, Sunbeam oil, Shinola. t In " Sin Jordan‘s Old Stand. Ext door ta, Campbell 'tt Implement Ware house J. S. lllitMkml, E. A. 110WF, guilt”. exchange for Goods” It, Ear excellence.. Garrfagos. And look in t and you gains f, Culder's Blew a you w Il 21 ei. HE SEL Bollo-r Wmdow ' Table Linen, ht in .. m White Bod Spre- White Bud Sprv Flour "ilclotit. 1 Dun'l forget tgd pair of Mu ine at" "tttlitre White, "lurk: up to ' -. T Black Morn-run Skirts. ......." NEW PRINTS & THE L EF, loo-(led ly Cocksh utt ant Clare Bros With Full 131 Sylvester Farm Famaus fi) Bishop} and“! @1410; l tsv tax Will enable I Slmlmnd In we I tttettt and kmdred moron”! Spring term eater " an.v not to In." " n I tt r .Idor I Buick ow E‘s M n 'eu" .. The Imp! a continuum bestowed on t be found TWEEE GRocd WI, ST 01M B] the " MM liss Ian: AT THE FF, IN We can DRY ( O0'15 " M I y

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