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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jun 1903, p. 6

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ll, 1903 shop at the bridge cv- 'Y and Saturday. or- ies left at C. McAnhur's nilton's Goods in Stock gyms. La" 1 are open for wheels and full lines a 9’13: it" lake" A. l\’()\\'E fy far pring 'RE‘.’ I EW 1 )FFICE. wilt t attention. I i' SHOE SHIRE. mt Shoe M 6’1 BELL by rill, Bars I. til,1 I'I’ERS at the ng 0 ose in the Market sand Woods / J 3m: "idN*" those " It were talking can“ IT MCILRAITH. reputation has been bv their excellence- Dses W Joparlfon. Trails 1tand, next door D ricmentWaretto-- lr Hub Bags. Sew Straps in stock " AS A FEATHER PLACI and approved usurpassed tor ml to none in J see them and t to buy one will be able to the old old mus rigs which oned. Prices wk; I pai'r (1 oar" 82.25 Hal tor wear and S, a r P fag o s ' r summer - in all sizes tor and Children. strap TrilbyAgn-Q at the Show t Bell. a Car- 1e. Nonsuch all) l isa very povk emu oil, Shino a, Shipment of l up-ttsate all and test " posite ents 'aekard ‘s Colli- l "casings t nSt he product 00003.51 mia doesn't s bt cad is . 'mes-why repairine me bread hie. We Mid- VASE! And look in our Store Window and you will see bar- gains for your life. Calder’s Block, - Durham. 21 Sh 2) .. " .. .. .. I.“ Roller Window Shades. each.. . ... ..35c Table. Linen, St in. wide. per yd . . . . .250 '. (it " .. . . . . .500 White Bed Spreads each .. . .851: & $1.20 Floor Oileloth. l yd wide. per yd . . . .25c a] HE SELLS CHEAP. t'oraled Wash Silk Waist lengths in White, Biack and Colors Geh $2 up to........... .................8r'3.N Black Mercerized San-en Under- skirts ...... . .81.40, 38150. $1.75. 82.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY G ING' HAM’S Don't forget us when you want a [mod pair of Shawn as we carry a. Full Line of {Mel-ling Brns'. Shoes. - W. H. BEAN with Full Lines oi Sylvester Farm Implements. Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs. Clare Bros.' Furnaces & Stoves. Tolton's Implements, Adam's Sleighs. THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. - Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. Owns SOUND. ONT. Calder I Block Next Will enable any person to acqmre Shorthand and Typewritimr and be- come a stenographer or book-keeper and kindred subjects and become a thoroughly competent book-keeper. Spring term now on, Students may l-nter at any time. Full particulars sent to any address free. ow KN SOUND - TWEEDS d YARNS yds lung GROCERIES tk The Implement Man "asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found tiilMt ask ms_uemm_u tL!g,!yl lyer‘s lusic Method. Adopted by all leading Schools in Toronto. Tmis-deserved,! . pr mim- system by mum; of 1'lttbrt Drills. Bhutan“)! Diagrams mid otherinter- mung devices brings the following topics within the child’s immediate comprehension. Musical Notation. ygitl'g'ti Motion Piano Work "icTs.V-hoard mention mic-l History Technique For terms "roMto liss lax-gum. Gun, Teacher, I.l,l. STOP l PEEL. DR-YBOODS, CROCKERY. DOTS & SHOES, &c., We can give you Bargain' . AT THE OLD STANDW _,. NOBLE J' "é“é’bTT "E W' MON TI IS Ot best quality. 30 in wide. taped edge pr. f? 42 '. NO " LE o9'gWr8Ehb, . FLEMING. AT THE SHOEMAN. ll, knitted edge "y!!! TH E person to acquire the Post Office PRINCIPAL . . f “""'~"".2"". .. 'tltr".,',','),')'. the presiding judieial officer. _ :5 within . . This being so. the matter of the "Kim": original charge alone remains, and as ec 'uque to the Provincial Secretary. there, is I I M I the testimony that hasbeen commented n . ' . upon. In our opinion the Corrupt Thnrldny last Chief J ustice Falcon- bridge and Sir John Bnyd gave their flndintt in the famous use arising out of Mr Gamay! charges in the 1tttl.t ture against Hon Mr Stratton for', cor- ruption and the whole government fur conspiracy. . If it was feared that the tIodine would be ttotreommittal, a sort ot “one-as-had-as-the other" alfair. with slaps and warnings for both, such fear was entirely unnecessary. for the jud- Res :1pr out in no uncertain nines and the riding of the eminent juristt‘ is that Mr Stralton is entirely exonera- ted and that the charges of corruption and conspiracy are "disproved by a great body ofevidence." Bo strong and definite is it that the Mail and Empire professes to be tsatisfied Mr Johnston did not write it, tor it is stronger than any of " pleading, and calls It " Sir John Boyd) report tt " it his colleague Chief Justice Falcon. bridge, had nothing to do withit. at was imbecile enough to be a complai- sum. tool or fool. This is a vicious way of receiving such a report. These men have the record of a lifetime behind them, have achieved distinction and lame by hon- esty of purpose as well as by ability, natural and acquired. and to assume and insinuate that at this stage they drop ('Vcl'y good trait and lend them- selves to shield corruption and gerotect wrong-doers is surely a most un liew able proposition. We resent, and the press of the coun- try not wholly bound by party ties should resent. the monstrous assump- tion contained in the campaign tactics ot the Conservative leaders tor some years back. that the Liberal party is steeped in corruption. that their press is venal. and that all of their thoughts. l sleeping and waking, are planning evil things. For instance on May 1, the Mail and Empire in its leadirg editorial wrote '. When one section ol the press takes the side of' evil, We. are face to face with a condition that is fraught with increasing danger to the public." and further on talks of "the system which is doing so much harm." Now the best thing this writer, and all who teel like him. should do is sit down and think real hard to convince themselves that there is no system of corruption. that the Liberal party is as the Premier said, “not ll gang of brqtands," but a combination oi Voters of like stamp to their opponents. We are even willing to say no better no Worse, though during the year, of tour members unseated by the courts tor corruption, only one was a Liberal. We have span for only a iew ex- tracts from the "ftndlng, " which is a lengthy. logical and lucid review of the evidence. Renders of the Mail and Empire, News, or World will perhaps ioel surprised. and call it "an Astound- ing Finding." for they were only par- tially posted during the trial, theGlon and '1 elegmni being the only two papers that published verbatim re- ports. liiierring to Mr Gamay, the Judges any 1 bt It is difficult toirame any consist- ent account at Mr Gamey's career as member, for it was throughout incon- sistent. as he played a double port. But this much appears in the evidence. His politics Was Manizouiin, with G'amey as member, on the side of any Government in power, to the end that. he might serve his constituency. and also secure- shun-s in the various duds supposedp'rtisilole by not ovvr-selmptt. Ions men." Alter rehearsing various vaeil. lating steps taken by Mr Gamev such as promising support, yet helping Conservrttives in N. Perth, ond hv such means "growing indistavor with both parties as. a doubieminded man with an that that suggests," the report continues l “lle surveys the situation. The glowing prospects pictured by Frank Sullivan have tailed to become facts. The prestige ofdirecting Governmental patronage appears to be meager and illusive. And then, it may be, comes the patriotic plan of deliverance bv letting it leak out that monev was at the bottom of his apparent disloyalty. The people supposed he had trotatirm ber concession, and Dr Arthur and Dr Struthers told him that people would say he had been bought. Let him accept and prctit by the belief. or rath- er the assumption of his mercenary defection. but by a desperate effort ‘turn it into success bv epicting his l career as set forth in the statement for the House. The temptation appears ehiefiy to be. the expectation. if he could get corro- boration of his story. that he would become Minister of Mines in a new Ad I ministration. Whether or not this is a _ correct appraisal of the member’s erra- l tie course will depend u n the esti- mate that may be made Tth', report. with its appendices of exhibits and evidence. Mr Gamay had no personal intercourse with any member of the Ministry except the Provincial Secre- tary. With two or three of the others he had some offieial correspondence, but with the rest not even that. With regard to the added charge of con- t spirney. the Commissioners are of the 1 opinion, that as a matter of law, there is no evidence whatever tosustain it, as against the members of the Govern- ment and the other persons charged. And, according to the methods ot an ordinary trial, they would be dis. charged from. the Ailoyyy"tion by c on d d ved by . great In: mum or m: JumlS-_; 1lrrl'l t'iil,i'ei'i'lii'iiis,iiii, h" 'tle mar-d last cm H ti Falcon- ' more ammo . " " t t {hm fl%d Jnlm Ttdll' "clove thir l 'dduoed in "pport HIM." The best laid plans o' mice Ind men gang an agley." Mr Gamay and " contra-’99 will doubtless understand and realize the tall tomcat this expres- sion of Robbie Burns more fully than they had ever done before. The plot of which so much was hope- ed and expected has indeed acted " a boomerang and will do greater injnry to the Conservative party then it can ever do the Reform Government that it had been exrected to ruthlessly any. for the utter fa sity of the charge a. t'tg,reef by the eminent and table ju gee upon the commission, and as appeared u? all Intelligent, fair mind~ Mum, whether Refoi'in dr Cotta- tive, who followed the _e_vi_d_ence. ,.i.ll go far to convince a thinking public that not only this but all of the other charges of corruption that have been so freely made against the Government have been malicious, ttntrttthful, dis- honorable and coward] y. It cannot of course be expected that all of the more violently partisan Con- servacives will accept the finding of the Commission with a good grace. vet, the Toronto World. a newspaper that all will admit to be a very strong and constant supporter of the Conservative party, long before the Commissioners made their report, pronounced Mr Gamey to be an untrustworthy man unworthy of a seat in the Legislature. If M: Gamey be untrustworthy then his unsupported evidence should not be accepted or be considered to he of any value; and his statements that he le- ceived money or any other valuable consideration or bribe. from Mr Strat- ton or from any other member or friend of the. Government are not only unsup- ported by any corroborative evidence but are emphatically denied and clearly proven by outside and disinterested evidence to be absolutely false and the evidence would indicate that Mr Gamer entered the political field as an adven- turer with more ambition and greed than brain and with more brain than integrity. But the Toronto News says: "\Vhete did the money come from?” It Mr Stratton cannot answer the question can Mr Whitney? There does not. ap- [ pear to have been any good or sensible. reason why the Reform Party in the Province in the position that the Gov- ernment was then in. should have run so much risk to add one moresnpporter, and a very doubtful one, to their. num- her in the House. But could (loosen vatives have helped, to hatt-h the plot hoping to have. ex loded a bomb upon the fioor of the' [rouse that would. in the first shock, have caused such a sensation and impression as would have enabled them to engage in an immedi- i ate light. over perhaps the. mode of in- l vestigating the charges, and to have de- I feated the Government in a vote before l any actual investigation should take‘ place? Desperate in having lost the election of 1902 and In the preceding election, at both of which time! they had expected to win; the "My dear Foy " letter having been so readi y seen tlu-ough and laughed at, M r Whiine.v'tr Hotfalo friends' having failed to do the Iutsmess required of them. all other plans having failed. in it. possible that, lite Conservatives could have provided Mr Gamey with funds to put out a (lor- erntm‘nt that a discerning elm-tonaln had so persistently and so wisely refus- ed to vote out ? We do not make the I rharge. We do not, ask any one to be- lieve that the money came from Mr Whitney or his friends. there is no evi- deuce to prove itom whom on from where it came. We simply say that, there is at least as good reason to be- ilieve that the money come from the t',onueryative.s us tiaVvaust, from the Reform party ur frum any menu)»: of [hm party. Mr Gamey promises further revela. Iions in the. House this week. Perhaps he Will explain why he did not tell of his 81'200 loam from Sullivan. why he how-(led a train with instructions to .. Put me off at. Buffalo ". why the pages in the cash look of the. Crossin piano factory were destroyed. why he so taun- pervd with the 8900 deposit sin) and when he now expects to be made Minis- tet. of Mines, . luvnsAH Today was an off day at the Toronto Cattle Market. The run ot mule offering was light. and the demand Was somewhat dull. Prices ruled pretty well as they did yousorclay. however. and quotations all round are unclmnced' Export Cattle-The denmud was. iI'nny- thing. quieter than that of yesterday, Is prices are still low in Chicago. The beat cattle on the market brought wont M.70 to $5 per cw: au- GiiiLnauu, In which there was very little trade, sold at 9480 to $4.50. Butcher Cattle-The run was short. and before the end of the dnv moat of the cat- tle were sold at prices fairly well manu- tained. A few very fino picked lob salt] as high as $5 per ewt, the general run of picked lots running from tGt price down to $4.80. Choice cattle sold " $4.60 to 84.70. and hit to good brought about $4.20 to " 50. Smokers and FewJerir"-Ototatiunt' tiuue stead): an_d unchanged. Uluuv DVUW\~J __--- w, .. c,Mves--Trade was good, with a brisk enough demand to absorb the rather light offerings. Quotations continue unchang- ed Sheep and Lambs--'Trtuie was fairly good. and everything was sold. Prices Ware steady, and quotations all round are unchanged. Lamas 52.50 to 04.00. Hoot-Farmers seem anxious to get rid of their hogs. and the receipts of hogs at, the market are regularly beeoruiog heavy. To-dav'n run was unusuallv so and the market had a dccidedly weaker tone. Es, erythiug was sold however and quotations remain onehanged at 85.75 to 90. THE GAMEY CONSPIRACY. the Stock larkets Toronto. "q---.---""""""'- -.-i-- ----- M, THE con- ONTARIO ARCHIVES DURHAM MARE” WORKS '""'l%e,iftHWlL'lJAtMo) - (Opposite Mlddnugh House) Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. with its three-separators-in-one, simple, self-emptying bowl, and numerous other important fea- tures, is so much superior to others, that users of other makes find it profitable to dispose of ' their separators at a reduction i and buy the U. S., ITHE HOLDER OF WORLD'S SKIMMING RECORD UUMAH REVIEW So many people are settling in this country that in a short time it will be difficult mobtam land along the line of railway. Anyone wishing to have a homestead here will do well to have us select and enter it for you as soon " it is surveyed. We can locate you in any part of Saskatchewan. For lull particulars write at once to MOORE Mcanszx. Prince Albert. Sask. How to get a Homestead tn the West! The undersigned other for sale Two Shorthorn Bulls. one l2 Inns. the other 13 mos. old. principally red and likely animals in every respect. Terms on ap~ plication to propriewrs. lots 23 and 2-). Con. 3, S. D. R, Glenelg. Will sell reu- snnahly. A. a: J. SEALEY. Proprietors. Also Purebred Tums and Berkshires. Grill be for service at Lot. 48. thut. 2, H. G. R. for the seasun of 1903. Pert- gree on application. Cows not. return- ed regularly will he. charged whether in calf or not. Payment to he made on or before February lst mm. Terms $1.50. DONALD MeFAYImx. Prop. Write for Catalogue, The U. s. Cream Separator Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale. Massey 3f,aant1ss dlpieno Rooms The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. Durham, ROBINSON & GORBET, Flour......... oiytmeal....., Wheat......., Peas.........., Barley......., Dressed Hogs. per cwt Hogs, Live weight"... Butter, fresh roll per lb Boner; Tub......]....... Hides, per ttwt.......... Calfskin-t, per lb........ Sheepskins............... Hror........................ Been. "tr ttwt............ Pond“. per bag....... Turkeys........_........... DURHAM MARKETS. PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL. VERIONT FARM MACHINE co., Bellows Falls. Vt. saves a lot of pleasure. (Prince Albert.) 3336195 I gal-m. givingston, west of Middaugh (3irnut. TORONTO Sea cur second hand wheels. l 90 2 4o M 60 4n 27 3 25 7 on 6 10 l7 17 ll P roprietors. on 10 373 tIS 2 40 68 Po 45 8 tio 7 " 6 10 l7 17 ll 2 5o " Paris Green, Bug Finish Ilul.lli(l'8 DRUG STORE The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Undertaking promptly ab. tended to. C AUT IO US Successful Men Carefully consider where they do thoi business. Many of these men go to ' B. H. MILLER, the Hanover Corveytuaeer, even though It menus n low miles of a drive. They say than he is " Always promF--ue"r negligent." that no has had 22 years experience and that It. PAYS TO DEAL WITH HIM. He " now offering for sue l THE MALCOLM CAMERON 199 to!» The T. 0. Stewart Farm. Lot 10. Con. 2, W. G. R. Bentinck l 100 sores with about so cleared I frame house and other huildinvs. Said to have a lot of very fine hardwood tigher, . - .. SJEJJEHWA good farm with fitter buildings. Offered very cheap as Mr. Cameron has gone wept. A 100 Acres in Bentinck. In excellent. state. good buildings and fences, good soil. School and Church close " hand, Post Office on the farm. Cwnevgetting up in years and hound to sell. MONEY '1'0 LEND,-- DEBTS COLLECTED,-- LANDS BOUGHT & tioLD,-- J. A. DARLING, Every hm] of tituuuGl business truanc- ted. hddrems---H. H. MILLER, Lock Drawer 28. Hanover Om... Intending Students should enter at beginning of term, or as soon the! as possible. Stuff and Equipment. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Imtheuutton Work. under the following Sign Competent Tamers for that Depunncm '. THOB. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., Chutes 3nd Modems. FEES: 81.00 per month; Wm. Johnston. c. Rally... Jlriwns, Four young cattle t---3 yenrlings and one if.” old, one steer among them semen " saggy. All red. Anyone seeing them please send information to CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST First Class at Low Prices. FURITURE Jake Kress Durham Scnool JAICE K RESS Biagales I ALEX. McDoxALD, Crawford. STRAYED. All repairing Guam. , ARTHUR GUN. H. D., tttttISI to 'ita't%'ggY mung-ac - ' hand an den we use Meat oqdtnt. " as. vacuum ESE, an "mom & sod! a.--.---- KEéiiiiiviii." - mu to " the [laugh Home. Duh-n. the tur yum-day ot each month from 12 p. m. an " the Du nun Phsrmocy Calder'.. Block. Residence Brat door well of the oid Poet OtBee, Durham. W. C. PICKERING D. B S., L. B. S. "statue: and OFFICE-om not um: romummu. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. walnut: of Roan College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Baum, Calder Block over the Post. “like. otBtte---L0WER TOWN. DURIHI. ".i?.oyetioe as! Agency prgmptly 1ttondod go J. G, HUTTON. M. D Johnny um Nat Fund. to boot: on Mortgage- " low" “to. ot than“. "ltgatioq mm by ucompmm. an! awful van-4m. was loukod that sud Exocuwr'l and Ad-fnh- tmtor.' Account.- propuod Mud fused Sum-m Court, Balines- Prob“. ot wn I. Inna" ol Ad. nun-muo- Ga Guardianship Obtained, gou- chu and. in may one. sud TM" "sported MACKAY a: DUNN, "rristers, _-"- Solicitors. Conveyance“. he. one» t Hunter‘s New Block, GP- potato Chronicle mace. Garth-en St... nut-hum. MONEY To LOAN A. G. Mushy K.C. W. F. Dunn wats.' tudo," 1034-..." -. Tim-cow. A", uiGdeit 7 this &e.ooreoetir prepared. Enab- ot deco-nod ll,12 was loukod um sud Exocuwr'l and All: uh- Put-cult a Scum. all“ - Hollow-o'- “to --- ___ ' Ihl04.l. ”m0”- cult-gnu a-tttter-Stk-ttom-so' Wont-mm. DENTISTRY. Dr. T. a. HOLT L. D. s. 0FFrCE--Me1tttyre Blow. BARRISTER. sOLICITOR IN SUPREME COUR? NOVIRY PUILIC. COMMIOIIONER. ETC. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all kinda Farms bough promptly attended to and wold FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF OFFICE- - McK'nzlo‘u o" Stand . Durham (llllllllilll BANK OF WM DENTISTRY. CAPITAL, Authorised. . . . . . Jamil! CAPITAL, Paid up. . . . . .. . . . . 1.000.000 RESERVE FUND. . .. . . . . . . . . 850M” D. McPHA IL.) AGENTS in all principal pmntr m Ontario. Quebec. Mmlwba. l'nitod Stuns nnd Englnnd. W. P. OOWAI. President. GEO. P. IE"). Inner. DURHAM AGENCY A general Banking business tranrocted Drafts issued and collection enmde on all points. Deposits received and inter out “lowed " Fcrreor ram SAVINGS IAN! mares! allowed on living: hawk deposit! of 81.00 and up wardd Prompt. attention Ind everT faeilite qtrordird customeru living u IARRIITER, SOLICITOR": IOAVDV - Goran-can. ac. diam ce. All Me- Moderate DR. GEO. S. BURT. arriscor, your , Go: l mya‘ncor, etc” te..... Ion? to Loan at reason. ole rues an on terms to suit borrower. C. LEFROY McCAUL. NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, at, CONVEVANCER. VALUATC‘R lacunae. Agent. Terms moderate. Amman! tor ale. u to dates. Ae., Inmt he nude u the Review or :u'W' '31:] c,e.T,.'y,"st"gtegrtr,' mono o . e .0..w prompty attended to, an“ on Ipplimtlon to HOURS t orto E S. DAVIDSON. MONEY TO LOAN ._. Hp... Head Office, Torono. J. P. TELFORD D. .ePBAiL, Hopeville P. U. [ C. IAIAGI. Durham Private Money to Loan, J KELLY, Agent. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. . Amman tor also u :(Urer fhe Bunk No. " " i" "

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