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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jun 1903, p. 7

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1 t'rl E] Turks Taking Severe Measures . to Suppress Revolutionists. jiijijiiiii “lit- ‘in "che'vitaret ot Adrianople. ”to the Turks are carrying iyit lam-ch" for arms- and putative My among the refuge“. Bee- orat Sights have occurred between Bulgarian bands and Turks and Balm-Bazooka. in wliich man-y were killed. . -- lonaslir. European Turkey. Bum. day. Ju'ne 8- Horrible details are arriving here of the slaughter ot the inhabitants of the Village ot Smardeeh. south of Lake Probe, May 21. by Baehi-Bawuks. It appears that on the arrival of the Bashi- Bazouks. t'hatrttittrorr'ir band of In- surgents withdrew to the mountains without sustaining any loss. As no rebels were left In the village the inhabitants experienced no anxi- ety until, suddenly at sunset.‘ the Turks, who had completely tsurround- ed the plate. commenced a bOmbard- meat. Infantry am) tired. Finally the village was set on tire, and Turks began a general massacre. About three hundred houses "were burned, and upwards of two hundred per- sons mostly women and children. were killed. The women and girls were murdered while resisting out- rage. Whole households were slain. Ono lamily of seven were sleinand their bodies were heaped on the hearth. Rune of the villagers who sought escape in night were cap- tured. and had their ears and noses cut on before they were butchered. ' Landon. June 8.-Axseordintt to de- Watches published in this morn- trttt's Times. a. serious situation ex- WOMEN AND CHILDREN SLAIN 'A Greek notable, who was kid.. napped by " Bulgarian band near Maxine. failed to pay his ransom and was promptly crucified. Regulating Jew. In Russia. .t.g'oterertryrrg" June 'k-The Czar has approved 1he'decision of the committee of ministers. forbidding Jews to acquire real estate, or en- 1lllllili HF ilNHlllllllG. ivy tho Tiroeeeds thereof, exceptm town» within the Jewish pale, un- til the "lawtr concerning the Jews have been revised There are 101 melt towns Where'Jews are per- mitted to settle and acquire realty. A Million Starving. , Washington. Juno 8. -Svs‘cretarv Outrages Perpetrated by the Turkish lrregulars. There was n renewal of the trouble on tho frontier last night. A band ol'l.200 Bulgarians crossed the tmtrttter near Djumabala. and Turk- 19h troops encountered another band of .20 men north of Petrlch (53 miles lrom Salomon). Three of the Bal- prlann were kllled and the re- mainder escaped in the darkness. ; The report adds that 1,500 villa- gers were in the mountains without clothing or food. One band of these, consulting of forty women and chil- dren. were caught by soldiers in a. “who. and were killed alter horri- ble treatment. - . -CCeGiert-rnisrtiat at Salomon has condemned {our Bulgarians to death. 'NllfiM'fil)El) MINERS’ STRIKE OVER CONCILIATION BOARD. but convention ot when at Potts- wulq 00 June 1311; to determine whe- ‘thyr or not a general Meniion d work shall be declared Wion.June R--%he Lisbon oar- rewomient ot the Morning Leader telegraph: that 30.000 workmen at Oporto have Cone oat on strike against excessive hours and small r, .Wilkesbarro, Pa... June g.-at the melon yesterday of the three an- thracite boards ot the United Mine Workers, ic was decided to hold a iiGTriitro Hutu-oak ot disorders and a moral strike are apprehended. no operators' members ot the con- ciliation hoard, Superintendents Lu- thar, Warrtner and Connell, issued a Imminent on their reasons for re- runs to recognize District Presi- d_eMa Nichqls. Trettre.y qua they. United Mine Workers Wish to Choose Miners' Representatives on it. They say the representatives of the opal-atom have been appointed strictly within-the terms of said .ward. and there is no objouion on their part to zwcr-pting Messrs. Nich- qtts Ihrttrey and Fanny as the repre- mtives of the miners. providing - gm elected. by a ‘mnprity of tho ”Workers as specific-d in the mMol tho commission. The objec- t“ l. lowly against their appear- ing u the official mpmsomntives d tho United Mine Workers-oé Am- “, ”pointed by an Exrs tttive unlit!" without authority tor not agrpotyttrt.e A - _ - Writ President Fahey, Chair- m 0: the mine!!! rNrmrertttttiset, - that tho Mineworkers select- od thdr members not by calling a Ml,(ihelMs CRUCIFY k . KIDNAPPED GREEK. Strike in Portugal. l-‘uhlonable Folk In St. Paul Alked rcr lncneaee in Wages. St. Paul, June 8.-Tbe Washerwo- men have formed a. union. Their that demand is an increase tn wages from $1.35 a day to $1.50. The women Include those who are em- ploved throughout. the St. Anthony Hill district. Many of the domestic servants ot.St. Anthony Hill are unionized, and refuse to do waatt- lug. H, nee the washerwonr'n have it in their pow er to force the house- keepers of "Rwandan: Town" to either put up the cash or wear goil- WAstiERW0MEN FORM UNION Shocking Death ofm Attwood Man " Winnipeg. Winnipeg. Mum, June 8-The hor., ribly mangled and decapitated body ot William L. Ixmgmier was found on the muck 0:1.th way line of the Canadian Pacific railway yester- day. It is thought that Longmlar, who was a brakeman, tell from the top of a. our on to the rails. The body will be taken to Attwood, Ont., Ior burial. Longmior was about 25 years ot age and unmarried. of State Bay has received a cable despatch from Consul General Mc- Wade. of Cantu. whlcbuays: Gov. Wong teiegraishit me that over a million natives in Kwang Sin are starving. and earnestly appeals tor help from Multan charity. All relief distribution through the hands or American and British mis- sionarlci." ml silk stockings. The washerxsotuen have served notice that Hwy will hold to the union scale. and that no washing will tre, done unless the increase 15 paid . London, June tr--TNr Tunes cor; respondent at Pekin notes n. great- er disposition on the part of'the foreign ministers to View. with fa- vor Great Britain‘s proposal that China pay her indemnity on u'sll- ver basis for nine years and in gold thereafter. leaving the ques- tion open whether China shall ul- tlmately pay the ditterence. He says that even It the United States accepts payment ot her indemnity in silver it should be remembered that the $5.000.000 that the trt3. claim exceeded her actual losses and leaves a wide margin in her favor, though not so large as 1n the case of some European powers. Sudden End to I School Excursion try Steamer. Hannibal, Mo..June 8.-TItree chil- dren were drowned here to-day by the collision of the steamer Flying Eagle, towing a barge filled with Sunday school excursionists, against a pier of Hannibal bridge. The dead are; Tonny Curtis, aged 13; Laura Coppage, aged 15; Harry Eiehen- berger, aged IT. About 250 ehil- dren from the Park Methodist Church Sunday school at ilhnnibal had boarded the barge, and a num- ber.were on the steamer. The er cursion left for Quincy to afford the children a. view of the swollen Missiesippi. As the boat swung out into the river the swift current bore it straight against the stone pier of the bridge with a. crash. The steamer did not sink immedi- ately. and terroretrieken children and accompanying adults climbed up the pier to the bridge. Before all could reach safety the barge was veered around by the current, and, swinging loose from the pier, float- "That it there khan be a. division of the whole region into three diss tricts In each of which there shall exist an organization representing a. majority -ot the mineworkers of such districts. one or said board ot conciliation shall be appointed by each or said organizations." Judge Gray's Views. Philadelphia, June 8.-'Ne Press says to-day : Judge Gray, at the U. B. Circuit Court, the Chairman of the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission. when asked for his opinion in the pending dispute of the miners and op- erators over the board of concilia- tion, made a state.ment advising moderation. and the avoidance of dis- putma over more technicalities. In reply to the question as to his opin- ion regarding the status of things. he said that he was not [any informed as to the facts or the situation. and couid. Him-More. Express no opinion. He could only express the hope that the settlement intended by the award: would not he thwarted by the meeting of smaller Inerer tech- 'ey point; by eitji2kuiriGiurGir. ruoeting of all their members or stockholders, but by their organiza- tion, tho United Mine Workers. ltte Plan of' the Award. The manner in which the 'miners’ representatives should be chosen was set forth as follows: . THREE WERE DROWNED. The Chinese Indemnity. FELL FROM TRAIN. #it?qtre.aViltuy! 8e--?ft.eryrty' Me- Guitars, of the" 1ararur"Wru"isk, 311-" nounced ttFday several appoints manta on he -, trrstern division _ ot the as _ 'lt/gi',? "h have tutst, be- come at _ _tu'ri:1Mr., x. H. Cornell to appointed ‘magtgr' of trtsniporta- tton. western (llyislbn. vice Mr. A.' H. Lander, with-office at Durand, Mich. V Mud. B. Williams, train- mavter, 3,5“! dint-19L, "C., s, sum" takes cluivtgis"of the Lrth, 28th and 29th diiitrititn in suctedsion ':to Mr, X..'H.. Cornell. with office at Dur- tpast,, Mischa. and Mr. J, w, McCarthy. tttiintusitrter 25th .distrlct. "me? line," rice M". J. .R. “3311mm; th'- tict, at;Battie Creek, Micky, . ed down stream. In the sudden winging ot the barge three chlldren were thrown into the water and were drowned. Con-lad. In .enrglng waters at a rapid rate, the “my with its scream“; children. 'loat.. ed down the magma a fleet of boats put Nana! all left on board were rescued. Prof. C. F. Mueller, one of the heat authorities on Latin in Germany, died. at Breslau yesterday. A Vienna. advocate, named Paul Zinner. is detained at New York on a cablegram from hustro-Uungary. Thirty. thousand woykmen are on strike at Oporto, Portugal. tor short- er hours and Increased pay. ' Principal Caven‘s condition is tttr. changed. A British commissioner reports that many people in Kwan'gsi Pro- vince, China, are stttriing. Aid. A Ramsden has proposed ‘a. plan. for improvements to the Tor- onto waterfront. . .Rev. J. A. Rimkln was elected President of the Toronto Confer- The British Columbia Legislature has been prorogued by the Lieut.- Governor. Dissolution will follow. The newspaper Bessartmetz is blamed tor inciting to Jewish mar- sucrcs. _ leading: wheat importers ot Lisbon have formed " trust, whereby all the milling interests in Portugal are amatgamtsted. The western rivers are falling as rapidly as they rose before the hood. The Missouri has fallen one foot and tune inches in 24 hours. T Toronto builders and striking carpenters held a conference, but. without reaching a settlement. Fire did $2,500 damage to the pre- mises ot Burclmrd & Cu, box man- utacturers, Duke street. 'Doronu). After wandering 111. over the globe tor seVeu years, Chas. Stern, wearied and pennlless, has returned to New York to .tuee charges of bank wreck- log. The steamer Pueblo, Capt. Whit- ney Carr. bound from Kingston, Ont., to Oswego, for coal. is ashore at Salmon Island in the St. Lawrence River. Paul Wagnltz, Missoula, Mont., county assessor, whose remains were found In 1119 river yesterday, was murdered. His skull was crushed in. There is no clue to the murderer. The schooner u. M. Avery was run down at her dock by the steamer Puritan at St. Joseph, Mich. While trying to save his wife, Capt. John D. Bean, of the schconer, was crushed to death. \ [ , Rev. Dr. Carman suggested quar- antiuing the Legislature during the discussiun (n the Gurney com- mitmionere' report. The German Emperor and the Czar ot Rumsia will visit Vienna simultaneously at the beginning of September. The Czar will then con- tinue his journey, to Rome by way ot Trieste. A tract fifteen by twenty miles in the Adirondack forest is on tire, and the fires, are sprmding. A steamer with a gang ot fire tight- ere hats been missing on Long Lake tor three days. A hurricane has swept over the Philippine Islands, and great dam- age has been done to shipping. The U. ti',. transport Shamshus ie report- ed to have been wrecked. Garfield Fraser. aged 11 years. of Campbellrord. lost his lite by falling “no a (mum 'at Fowld's ele- .V'ator. The barn of Mr. Abraham Hamil- ton, near Llstow-el. was burned. with five fine horses. a lot of other live stock. fodder and implements. The lower court of Washington has upheld the will of Abbey it. H. Stew- art, founder of Women's Club] in the Northwest. Mrs. Stewart, in January. 1903. lift an estate or crop $.0J,000 to Mary Lowe Dick- erson, the New York temperance lecturer and authoress. Three textile mills in the Man- yunk district resumed operations today. The strikers in that section are tor the 'mogt part unorganized and the threat of the manufactur- ers to keep their mills closed indefi- nitely is said to have caused the striking operatives to lose heart. The ranks of the strikers in the Kennington district are said by tho leaderg to be unbroken. The importation of pigs” livers from the Umted Suites has been practically forbidden by the Ger- man Government. A decree was is- are, yesterday prohlhithur the im- portation or all livers weighing less than tour kilos (ten pounds). The Toronto coal dealers have adVanced the credit price of hard coal to $6.75 per ton. The cash! quo- tations remain unchanged at $6.50. This is partly owing to two ap- prtseiatiomr, ot 10 cents each recent- tr made at the mines. and also to the desire ot the coal men to do A cable message was received yes- terday morning from Mr. Justice Armour in London. He says that he is very much better. and has no Intention of resigning his mem- bership in the Joint Tribunal to Delimit the Alaska Boundary. a, T. R. APPOINTMENTS. Gog; 'ta.- Che: “may”. Division, TORONTO lUnlon carpenters are on strlke at both Fort William and Calgary. At ’Calgary an mnpiorertf associa- tion was formed. It decided unan- lmoualy that no lumber should hereafter be supplied to union car- penters. that no goods should be recelVedJrom union teamtrterte,and that all union carpenters should be discharged by the txyntractors. Doctor‘s Evidence at Inquest on Murder at Colllngwood; , Colilngwood. Jautrt--The inquest in the Whalen murder Case wag con- tinued to-day; After the evidence of Dr. McFaul‘o post mortem was re- ceived ‘the case was adjourned until June 15th. Dr. McFaul found beyond question that no enort a-t,outrage had been made. The bunet had been tired thrmuth the handkerchief while it was around the girl's head, and It had been scorched by. the powder. The club had caused temporary; un- consciousneu. Little interest was 'ttP"'"'", the 'room being but halt 11 .' . e . SANG HER DEATH REQUIEM. Dramatic Passing or a Famous _ Austrian Opera Singer. Vienna. June 8.-Irma. Gall. an opera singer, who was well known in Austria, died today. aged 29 years. Her death, which abruptly terminated a promising career,was duo to a disease which had already compelled the cancellation ot ar- rangements for a long tour of Enron»..- and America. Her end WM - . . . pathetically dramatic. At mid- night last night bile seemed to be aware that death was near. and she asked that bile be removed from her bed to an arm-chair, and that she be drnwsed in the costume of her favorite character in "La Tra- viata." Having said farewell to her husband and relatives, the'room was brilliantly illuminated at her request, and her brother played Men.. drlssohn‘s "FruhLngsiied" on the piano. "Pile dying woman followed the muaie with her voiee/ singing with indescribable pathos until at the words "earth to earth" she fell forward upon the flour. Her doctors, stooping to raise her, found her dead. . greater cash business tun here- tofore. ' The Flood Suga- Hus Benched That City To-day. St. Louis June tr-The river this morning is at the stage of 33.5 feet, a. rise or 1.4 feet during the past 21 hours. The crest of the flood, which is cxi‘cted by Sunday. may be 36 feet and may go even higher, as the rivers west are all pouring in. North and south, of St. Louis River is several miles wide. All along the river trom it is en- eroachimg on buildings. making nec- essary the moving of household goods and bluslness stocks. {We Mice are now following up a. new clue. Evidence has been (ound that two men, a White man ind a negro, both tramps, were in the im- mediate neighborhood when' the crime was committed, and 'notices have been sent to the chiefs of po- lice In the eastern part of the Pro- vince, with orders to arrest the sue- pects. it found The men were last seen around Thoturamrrsiand June- tion, and " la supposed that they were making their way to the Un- ited States. ' To be Granted to the People of Lupe Colony Hereafter. Cape Town. June B.-lhe Governor, of Cipo Colony, Sir Walter Holy-Hut- chinson, opened l'arliument to-day. in his speech he said he hoped shortly to be able to relax the remaining rexsrtrictimia on liberty, in conse- quence oi the success which had at- ten-ded the policy ot peace and recon- ciliation. All the races were settling down to ordinary life. The present session was caJlui to ratify the cus- toms convention drawn up at Bloem- fontein. and to sanction the con- struction of several new railroads. With the continuance of the present buoyancy of the revenue the increas- ed expenditure would not involve ad- ditional taxation. t . .. . ' Three Masked Men at Work at St. Louis. St. Louis. June b'.-TItree masked men boarded a suburban car to-dar, robbed J. Downs, the motorlnan. and kllled the conductor. John N. Keith, who went to the motoeman', rescue. There were only a few passengers in the can. Th t robbers rLr,tialt "l the car to stop. and boarded tlmlront plat- torm. Keith, In going to the assist,. anon of the molorman, was shot down and killed by the robbers, who then Jumped from the car and e!- caped. LORD SALISBURY ls ILL. London, June th-It was reported this morning that the Marquis ot Salisbury was seriously ill at Hat- field“ House, his Herefordshire seat; but inquiries showed the report was exaggerated. According to the former Premier'tr private secretary, Lon! Salisbury had a chill during the night. which occasioned some alarm. He was better this morning. Shorl. $40.000. Seattle, Wm, irurtei-A; special to the Past 1rttttllitrencer, from Daw- son, says: "W. J. Idelman. Deputy Collector of U. B. custom at the boundary ot the Forty Mlle River, is In Jail at Elturte City), charged with ems-19111953; fits reported Chort- London, June B.-" ls omclally un- nounceh that King Edward and Queen Alexandra will arrive In Dublin July, 21 on their visit to Ireland. use as 040,000." HOLE IN HANDKERCHIEF. KILLED THE CONDUCTOR. ROYAL VISIT TO DUBLIN. WIDER LIBERTY ST. LOUIS WET. THE AMES sIBKlGli0E SOMETHING ABOUT THE CRASH. Bear Raid Caught _ moi-onto report: " a result of tin big bear raid on Canadian locus-incl the walk-known Toronto brokerage firm ot A. E; Amos & Company were forced to the wall Madly morn- " An official statement is-being prepared. and until it is ready any estimate of the firm‘s affairs must necessarily be a matter-of conjec- ture. The liabilities wurrur1 up in the millions. but as there are onsets in the firm of marginal stocks which will in airptobabitiV be taken over by; 'rtromrinteretrt.t) it is confidently expected that with patience and careful management the showing will be much better than at first ex- Pwted. ‘ ak I _ A. E. Amos & Co. have tor the past six months been fighting a plucky battle against tremendous odds. 'Ne present condition of affairs is really the natural sequence of a period of unwarranted speculation. First there was a "bull" inovomint, Which car- ried various issues to an unduly high level. This was followed by a period of prolonged liquidation. in which several international securities largely held by Canadians were singled out for'altnuk by professional ‘cliques in Boston and New York, Ttte general depression in American se- curities favored the manipulators. Injured tn an Accident Thu Canned Nine Dennis. Kansas City, 190:. June 8.--Furtlter detail? of the wreck on the Santa Fe Railroad at. Stillwell, Kansas. yesterday. show that nine people were killed and six seriously hurt. Among the dead are Wm. Newmlller, of Plnlnfleld, N. J.: E. B. Ward, of New Castle. Pa.: and Carlos M. Tor- nado. a Porto lllcan. who was study- ing in Kansas City and who was on hie way to New York. or the itr- jured. Wm. Woods came from Mount Forest. Ont. He is injured internally and Lu in a serious condition. The dead were taken to undertakera' establishments here, and the wound- od to the Misunuri Pacino HospltaL At the Missouri Paclllc Hospital to- day]. it was said that all the injured were doing nlcely and the indica- tions were that all would recover. Naval Cadet Sulcldcd Because Seaman Struck Him. Kiel, June 8.-h seaman ot the Ger- l man navy, named Andreas tii'r)tiiil sch-midt. was condemned by a naval court-martial today to ltd monthe' I imprisonment for striking Ensign i Boston. Jane fe.--ermokts from for- est fires obscured the sun in this vicinity to-day. For " days llttlo rain has fallen, and during that time the losses from tomcat fires in New England have aggregated at least $1,000,000. 'v"iriirirrariG traiiidtrt oi May} 8nd, at Kiel. The case has been you- V ly eommented upon because of von Abel's suicide after he found he was unable to ldentify the man who as- saulted him and personally avenge blame". I .' Belgrade. servia, Juno 8.41112 only foundation for the report that King Alexander's French (look has com- mitted micide at the palace after having been detected in an attempt to poison Queen Irrmura, " that a scallion employed in the palace com- mitted suicide a week ago on ac- count of a. love affair. Honduru’ New Heads. New Orleans, June B.-Mtsi1 ad- vices from Honduras confirm the re- port of the inauguration of Gen. Manuel Bonilla and Manuel Daville. as President and Tiee-pretrident, on May 17th. the National Congress having declared them duly elected to serve trom Feb. lst, 1903. to Feb. lat, 1901. Chicago, June tr-The strike of ho- tei'and restaurant employees has spread to the Chicago Beach and Grand Pacific Hotel. At the Chicago Beach every man and womn em- ployed’ In the hotel was ordered out Md everyone from unambermold to bell boy obeyed the summon. In- “outer. (Erect Indignatlon “mowed WEALTHY WOMEN WASH DISHES In a Chicago Hotel in Which a Strike Was Ordered. Madrid. June 8.-Premier Shula has mun-med the King that the re- beluon In Morocco. led by Bu M- n In .mww. “at "J M luv- cont indigo-man. airidi,,ii unit: the pretender to the throne. Indiana”. Among tho-a who In almolt suppreued. ! . and!“ by the Pout"! were , “a. ' a-mt ot the Amulnluu. . Thet PoreN . [ Jar, Rev. Father Roam Rona. June 8.-Tbe Pops m in, , ttat upped-tn. b The Pope Said to be in "is Usual Good Health To-day. MOROCCO PRETENDER CRUSHED. bNE CANADIAN IN IT. WAS T00 SENSITIVE, No Truth in the Story. Great Forest Fires. I Caught the Firm With Much Declining $tock. ' . and Dominion Cool and Dominion t - were tur-tttfr hen-rod it the Boston crowd. Bum-rd ain‘- ounces. mob, t,Sillttfd in No. t coin liery or the Dominic pool than”. iriaiapedothtimitl holders in loath-l and town“. ho . oo M, irruiSmA " aEi'stit rating. not out by the, We! c wl'-to nave their own endl. . . I 1 Twin Citywide}: wu ”may new in Toronto. was "combine vulner- . able by New York operators. and tnoae-sticttlHd wan glen untied out becaune of its Canadian following. It so happened that the securities than attacked were largeiy'heid Ar An- In the lace of the continued do" don, tho most prolonged in you". Amer: & Co. tried the Herculean tad: I ot carrying these oocui'ities. The {inn showed great resources. but there did not appear to be any bottom to the market. Some conception of the et- iorts which the firm made to item the tide can be gained from the fact that in the past two month. Ame: a Co. rainced their unhiliiiu by ar per ', cent. On the top ot all this come the i bear mid on C. P. R., which precipi- l, tated a, sensational break in Twin l City and S!oss In New York on Mon- i day, the former stock nearing a, net decline ot 3 1-4 points, and the latter shrinking 51-2 pointer. Sir John Lubbock‘a Great Interest in the - or Species. How long may an nut queen live t In their natural habitat some queen- doubtleee have mart lives; but by, ream of the protection afforded them, and the seclusion enforced by the workers, they probahty live much longer than other members ot the community. Within tLrulictal Nth roundiugs they attain n compare tively long lile. The oldest emu-0t queen known to science was one pt.- served under the care of Sir John Lubbock, lutevr Lord Avebur}. A number of year- ago, during a viMt to this distinguished naturalist at his country neat. High Elms. Kent. the writer for the tirst time law this walnut-able novel-elm. living in an. ingenious artificial iormicnry whhh had been prepared tor her. She "I then in the prime of life, an it utter mud appeared, being seven yen." In the summer ot 1887 Sir John was again visited. this time at bl! town house in London. After greet- lngc. he was asked about m. toys! M. L x " have ml new" to tell you.” b answered. “What. I I. the queen dead t" _ "Sh? "dieii"mit, 'yaterday. I In" not had the hurt to tell the new. arret evelg_to guy wife." . . _ Having altered my hearty condol- ence. I asked to vet: the dead queen. Sir John led the way to the room where his artificial nest- were kept. The glass cane which contained the special iormioery in which the old not had lived was opened up. Lying in one of the larger open spaces or rooms was the dead queen. She we; surrounded by a crowd or worker., who were tenderly licking her. touch- Ing her with their antennae. and making other demonstrations u tr soliciting her attention. or desiring to wake her out of sleep. Poor. dumb. loving. faithful creatures! here was no recoonse. Their queen mother my motionless beneath their demon- strationt. “They do not appear to have dio- covered that she in really dead," ro- man-had Mr John. Afterward he wrote me of another queen which died at tho age ot fourteen. The unto drag: cad her body about with them win. they moved until " tell to pi--. H. C. McCook. in Harper-‘1 Mannin- for Juno. Wanted in Montreal air The“. New York.aune 8.-A man giving the lame of Jacdbs. Superior. wan arraigned in the Police Court to-dny by Central Office detectives, who stated the primer was wanted ll Mroxglieal tor the theft ot 1,800 yard. o . among the gum“. who include may prominent and wealthy Chicagoan; They voted to mm by the hotel 'd'lt'td,eg'/n', And richly an.“ wo- men. ntrtntt thglr drone- tor more common bum}. named dinhea. common ones. clean” table- and washed dlnhea. The strike at the Grand Pacific was not no meal. The waiters, waitresses. cooks. bar-tender. and porters were ordered out, but " I. expeeted others will be ordered out At Goshen, Indiana. the old order of German Baptists voted not to permit members to have telephone. in their houses. LIFE OF AN ANT QUEEN LAS' Si tit ii'ik'ilt if it lk'. Fr, "sliu EB a?! Fanny m1 vol- which or detect!" .odo In wh in. bad, vet at the out her aunt's them copied hay trrruly I" asleep I!“ Faun: "er curiu apartments: marquis“ I were II) FiN household tl entered the toe. In}: an! than to the and thn tower F with C atroam. opened unwed - 0 ed at I ottrar, l omen-d u'unne In lnrh “Mom Um ttttttered n tor the Dal Much-ape that the m Fanny. la but tutor-u: piano. wa dummy. an pitta. and of greeting the treated "at! Irma cop! a. qu though he I her "atst'tg hold. aid 'ou- old lady, tuy. "I no moo and gun “and I 8mm" qettt t1 tha nk I wanu to stay and I“ but non IN": a used to dam Th- " a bold, .. H 'ttsu, know. I over the - ._ ot tore." - my. wan grtrou' It 35w wl Mr. intr ”ruse. t ooiurortal nornmg.’ Five of m My your chm be tt tre. :I By I that aunt "tll G Mn: n my to OW TH RIG W " m

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