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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jul 1903, p. 2

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a} H BEEF RUSSIAN OFFICERS (T BLACK SEA FLEET Princess Nnckachidze enjoys the Minction of having been con- ,Ibmned to death in Ranch. as one " the principal leaders in the 8:0- ppta conspiracy. She has studied ,nedicine and holds a. diploma as a. whwdcian. Although the facts are put publicly recorded. it u assert- pd that the Prince and Princess have tit various times been expelled from The only foreign representative who participated in the reception ot the King were the Russian Minister, ad. tWharykotr, and the Austrian Minister, Herr Dumm, with the mem- bers ot their respective legations, A guard of honor, with a. band, saluted to King Peter descended from his car and greeted the Cabinet Minis- ters. The Premier, M. AvaAumovies, introduced M. Tehar.vitorf to the King, and the Russian Minister pre- Icnted the Austrian Minister. Thus the Austrian “mister had intercourse with the provisional Government, with which thus far he has had no relation; , : Belgrade cable-King Peter ar- rived here at 10 o'clock this morn- his. He was received yith great onthudnsm. The Ministers, Govern- ment officials, judges, municipal and military authorities and leading citi- nna were assembled on the platform at the railroad station, which was proluseLy decorated. . - Although the King‘s entry Into rhlgrade was distinguished by a diplomatic boycott, his reception my the people was everywhere ,Iarked by heartiness. which up- jronched genuine enthusiasm. In gwhich all classes participated. The officials were in nnilorm and wore all their decorations. Workmen new engaged ail night long in mi.. Idning the erection of venetian This!!! and hiumphnl arches. and some of the latter were only com- pleted as the firing of guns an- nounced King Peter‘s entry into ‘his kingdum. when the train tra- ,Nertrrtt the bridge connecting Ber- am with Austria. ihlotified They May be Required: for Active Service Soon. atr'v' I A procession was then formed and the King proceeded to the cathedral. The streets were lined with troops: and crowdml with people, who had hen pouring into Belgrade from the provinces tor the last day or two. After the celebration at a. mass, which was attendee with all the agrendor or the eastern church, King Peter drove in suite to the new palace. l mm; of their being requitritoned Ito Hm tho naval [lag More the pre- tent year is out. I l t Run-um Pvrtentterr Arreated. Pam. June 29 .-Two Russian anar- 'eihuttr, Prince. Victor Nackachldse and his wife, whose expulsion from hence has been decreed. were ar.. ruted 10-day at Thoma!) he Balm. Bauto-stsvoie, on tho see more at! Lake Geneva. They will be escorted to tho frontier. The prince is said Ro belong to one of the most mun. "trials families ot Russia, closely re. Hated to the Imperial family. The ‘Rvasm autlroritles regard the Prince 0 being an anarchist leader ot an exceptionally dangerope chemeter, :KING PETER IN MiluillhlE; (iREETED BY HIS MINISTERS. A Religious Ceremony at the Cathedral a Feature of the Day. abandon, June 29-12 I. believed the _ m ember section at the Russian. Wants" tleet. w“ b lying idle lit Shannon-I and Odo-1a.. in being we to the Black Sea. for military! ‘onceneieo. say- the Odom corres- Q",',,"',:',', at the Times. He adds that tt is reported that an intimation wan when June son: to the commanders ot these vessels that there is a pos- as Jim"). " is claimed. by the tact "rest ther trace him from place to place and wcurn his expulslom and imprisonment whenever possible. The PHnmr ban on some occasions as- Belgrade etstrlts-Anybitrt great enthusiasm, King Peter this morning took the oath before the stupohtina. SubsequentLv he held a review ot the troops. The oath taken try the King was in the following toying: aUAmi that he is a legitimate pre- moder to the throne of Russia. A "I. Peter Karageorgeritett, on 39- Mr. Wyndham agreed to an exten- vending the throne of the klngdom snon or the limit ot the advance! of Bervia and assuming the royal to be made to purchasers of agri- prerogative. wear by the Almighty cultural farms. from 8etutoo to Mod and by all that is holiest and $35.”. ', 5 l PIN dented to me upon this onrth,thnt no debate tomigh't mu 3 decid- ' Wm protect she independence ot ed love feast. The evening Jul After hi,, arrival at tho new pal- ms tho Kim: received an address of wcieoms nom the Skupshtlna. inf-5; Bervia Mui the unity of Its Govern- ment; that lell keep inviolute the constitution ot the country; will govern in contormity with the, cow stitutlon and the laws, and that in all undertakings and dealings I will keep the welfare of my people before my eyes. Taking this, my oath, sob. emnly before God and the people, I call as witness the Lord God, to Whom I shall give account at the Judgment seat; so help me God. Ament' _ France Gets a Report. Paris 1tabltr..-The French Min- Ister to Berna has reported the cir- cumstances attending the departure of the Ministers from Belgrade as followe: All the Ministers received similar instructions to act together. Accordingly an J1nuerstanding was reached before departing, the step being regarded as tho most emphatic method of expressing the powers' protest against the assassinations of King Alexander and Queen Draga. The Russian and Austrian represen- tatives apparently shared in the principle of the protest, but they did not withdraw, because Russia and Austria were apprehensive that a united withdrawal of the entire diplomatic representation at Bel- grnde would precipitate another re- votution. The officials here my the entente of the Mlnisters to Set-via now becomes an ontente of the powers m expressing a protest. men. This removed one of the main subjects of tho dispute. New Job tor Wu. London, June L'9.--The Times) cor- respondent at Shanghai telegraph that Wu Ting Fang. the former Chinese Minister at Washington. who was recently ordered to pro- ceed to Pekin in connection‘ with tho negotiations concerning the revision of treaties and the in, demnite. has been permitted to re- main in Shanghai until tho Ameri- can treaty is completed. The duration ot the absence of the Ministers from Belgrade is indefin- ite and depends mainly on King Peter's course in the selection ot his Ministers and the terms or Ber- ria's modification to powers ot the Inauguration of the new regime. Servinn one". Insult. Vienna. June :EF-Advices from Buchanan my the King of Roa- mania. has received an insoient tele- gram signed by several officers of its Sixth Servian Infantrv. ot which regiment he recentlv re.. signed tho honorary colonelcy.'1‘he officers declare in oilensive lan- guagu that King Charles is not competent to Judge their actions, any that he himself ascended the throne of Roumania after a. mili- tary breach of faith. and add that tho tyTi'ets arrive n, plcturare in tho distinction of their regiment bearing tho Roumnnlan King‘s name. Work of Conciliation. Buda Patti}. June 29.--Count Red- vertt. 'te Ban ot Croatia, has made so much: progress in his mission ot conciliation here. that he will probably now succeed in forming a now Cabinet. To-dav he in, formed the Koqsuth members or the diet that he had abandoned the postponed increase of the number ot Hungarian recruits for the Im- perial army, and would be con- tent with the usual number ot MII Mill [lllll BILL? Amendment to Objectionable Clause Introduced. THE DEBATE WAS A LOVE FEAST Germany, Spain, austria and Bel.. glam, at the requeqt o; tite Russian police. . sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. the Liberal leader, joined in the congratulations on the spirit ot condition prevailing. and the dan- gerous clause one of the bill was adopted without a division. Later Mr. Wyndham agreed to an exten- sion or the limit of the tM1TtUM5et, to be made to purchasers ot tsgri- cultural farms, from £25” to $85.”. ', 1 my}: London. J une 29.--Tlte resumption of the debate in the House of C01?- mons to-day on the Irish Land Bill Was marked by the introduction by Mr. Wyndham. Chict Secretary_‘0|' Ireland. of an amendment design- ed to remove the dittieultiet' in re- gard to the retention in clause one of a provision tor a minimum price at which tenants may purchase their holdings and permitting bar- gains to be made outside of the Ju- dicial (ones. .The amendment ls hailed on all angel: uni being a great concessipn. John Redmond. ttw Irish leader. declared that Mr. Wyndham had saved the bill. and the amendment Wan agreed to amid cheers and gen- era) congratuiatlons. ' Vancouver, June u9--A victory has 'been won by 311-. unusmuxr in his battle with the culinary workers, sup- ported by the " 8451.811] Federation ot Miners. After a Human wu-ks’ strug- gle the miners hate surrendered un- conditionally. abanuoned the Federa. “on, and accepted the mine-owners' terms. upon when they will resume work uumsdiately wider the con- tract exust'uq beiore the inception oi the trouble. The primary cause on [motion was Mr. bunsmuir‘s rclusul I to acknowiuige the Western Federa- t nan. He bud no objection, he de- clared. to his man forming themselv: a into unions. ho.- Lil he owat to dear in: with such unions instead of with the miners as inuivuinuls. He refused aiwolutcly, lioweser, to deal with any organization oi an international character, through and by WILL-h for- eigners might endeavor to dictate the conditions under which his bud- l nose should be conducted. There was I no dispute as to wages or working ,conditions, the recognition of the Federa,tian was the one issue of dis- putt ' all. STRIKE AT AN. END. The prospects for the adhesion of the Vancouver island m.ners at once waned. and yesterday evening the lust vestige of opposition to a tset- tlement and the return to work dis- appeared. Tne news was received with great rejoicing in Ladysmith.. The mines are to be reopened imme- diately, meeting the miners' own sug- gustion. and the more readily since at number of the men and their Iam- iliea are really in extremities. Tine Cumberland miners will follow the example set by their fellow-workers at Ladysmlth. The resumption ot work ttad subsequent shipments at the Dunnmuir collieriea had not been looked tor, and the Canadian Pacino Railway. in anticipation of a short- age in the local coal supply, had gone to Japan tor coal, and placed a large order. There is now on hand at Tan- couver something less than 10.000 tons of Japanese coal, inferior in quality to the Vancouver Island ar- ticle. and laid down at a. cost of " per ton, whereas Vancouver Island coal. under normal trade conditions, can be laid down for $11.25 a ton. The 1058 to the railway company through the torced buying in the Ori- ental market can be set down at not less than $50,000. and there are other large fuel commers out of pocket. ( i DOUGAL TO BE HANGED. Principal In Moat House Mystery Ben. tenced to Death. London, June 29.-The trial of Samuel Herbert Dougal on the charge of murdering Miss Camille Holland, a wealthy woman with' whom he lived at the Moat House, Saffron-Walden, Essex. which he- gan at Chelmsl'ord yesterday. was continued to-day. The immovable stoicism of the prisoner since his arrest continues to be one of the most interesting features of the proceedings. The prosecution clos- ed its case this morning, and Don- gal, to the and, listened. appur- etnlv unmoved, to the accumula- tion ot circumstantial evidence. The court was again crowded. wo- men being especially anxious to ob- tain an entrance. The evidence pre- sented was simply a reiteration of the testimony of the inquest. About a week ago the miners bc gun to waver in then- allegiance to we international organization, when it was announced that $3 Per' week was all the Federation could allow for the maintenance of the strikers. and a. Guy or no ago it. became known that no more money would be avail- able. The Fccseru,tiou, it was explain- ed, had now a. dozen strikes upon its hands. and less than $10,000 in the treasury. _ _ . A FOREIGNERS DID THE MISCHIEF. Victoria. B. C., June 29.--Mail ad- vices have been received from Kiet- Ing, China, of tho crucifixion ot some Chinese robbers. The Kiating cor- respondent ot the North China Daily: News We; ' In the discussion of clause 3, which provides for advances to owners selling their estates. T. P. O’Connor moved to exclude non- resident landlords from the bene- tits of the bill, but the amendment was subsequently withdrawn. " A hoFrible spectacle is seen here at two men nailed to wooden cross- es and tour others hung in wooden cages. being paraded along the Itneota and followed by thousands of people. All or the men are dead erupt one a the two on the crosses. Mr. Wyndham promised to deal with the evicted tenants under clause "r"atttt and he would .lit'J ble the amount or the advance that the evicted tenants could get. Mt. Redmond said the advance to the evloted tenant's who satlsfa'dt‘bry, but the rejectlon of his amendment would leave a sore spot and mltlo gate the working of the bill. Clause 2, which dealt with ad- British Columbia , Miners Ready to Go to Work. No evidence was put in tor the defence. During the summing up at counsel, Dougal tor the first time. was very nervous. Dougal was found guilty and was sentenced to death. How Chinese Robbers are Treated by Then- Fellow-Countrymen. with 112% existing Manta. He de- clared tht the clan-e. as it stood, looked like a. deliberate policy tA vengennm toward. the evicted ten- Ontl. and the acceptance or the amendment would be a message to Ireland. Other nmemhurruts were offered and afterwards withdrawn. Clause 3 was thou adopted and the House regorted progress and rose. The Hodge {his evening pissed the third reading of the “mince Miul without ditrcutmiou, Clause L', “max dealt with ad. "PCT. to gamma, wats_thett passe-J. an amicable if. then with- drawn ','ll'lutti, 6n. After the d19ner1;ecesé,wu O'Brien pre- lalted'l" n amendm fHmtting the evict” tld/ll', um an equality with thi. existtng tenants. He de- upent in the submission ot amend- ments by the Atstionalittt members. which were succe ' y debated in an amicable it' then with- drawn ','ll'lutti, 6n. After the dWner-,reeeiAvit O'Brien pre- NAILED To CROSSES. R, TORONTO WEE?“ ASSHS HALF [llllll.lfEi, Dominion Cotton Company Denies Yarn About Closing Mills. Montreal, June 29.--tNe ‘mannga meal. of um Dominion Cotton Com- pany denies the report) which haw ‘g'mld Currency to the effect that e mills controlled by the company Hon. F. ll. Lam-Mord has replied to the protest ot the striking paint- ers that the contractors who ham the contracts for painting the in. terior of Government House must pay the union rate of wages. The Judicial Committee yesterday dismissed with costs the appeal Ot the city of Montreal against the Montreal Street Railway Company from the decision of the Quebec Court of King's Bench on Dec. 27th, At the Toronto Buitders' Exchange yesterday it was learnt-d that the master carpenters have rejected Architect Lvnnox's offer to assist in adjusting the strike, and have so in- formed him. They aue quite capable, they say, or handling this matter without outside assistance, It was also stated that the builders are ob- taining plenty of non-union men, both carpenters and laborers. and lime actually had to refuse some of the latter, so numerous have been the applications for employment. At a private meeting of the Na- lRounllst members or tho Dublin corporation, which was held last night, it was decided by :5 votes to 3 not to vote an address ot wrrli. come and loyalty to King Edward on the occasion of His Majesty's com- ing visit to Ireland. Atlas Loan Company State- meat Made Public, St. Thomaa rtorb--'Phe following statement. ot the Lnaucial 'standing of the Atlas Loam Co. was issued to- day by the provisional liquitlnlor. It is not possible at the prose!” (hue to give an trutioluttly accurate acute- ment or the assets and liabilities of tho company; but the todowirttr swatemeut new been prepared from the bust im'o.anation obtainable. and gives come idea ot the position or al- mirs: t.' _ ' The bye-eleut‘on in the Barnard Castle divisluu of Durham, caused by the death of Sir Joseph Reuse, will turn upon the fiscal question. A mass meot'mr, isrto b Bucharest, lloumuni.a, June the puryose or condemning Hun massacres. The French Senate “Mn-med of a acheme to improve ten ports and build new and deepen existing canals at a cost of 256,000,000 francs. The trial of Alfred McDougall, of Toronto, has been udjourntd till July Principal (Yin-en's condition shows continued improvement, the patient having gained in strength. An open verdict was rvturnod hy the jury investigating the shouting of Alex. L'humbers at Islington. Chancellor Boyd has dismissed tho action against the city of Toronto regarding the lease of a lot at Centre Island. 100t OUTLOOK IS NOT PROMISING The condition of Mr. Justice Ar- mour of the Supreme Court remains unchanged. [ . Gresoeso-oesao. The Khulna of Egypt arrived in London on a private visit. The Winnipeg Free Press brings serious charges ot hoodling against the Ilobtin Government. Morttrtgrss ...... ..._.. ...... '.. Mortgages assigna] to M rro.ol.'ttcn Bartrar,,- 9 so, less bank's claim of Loans on personal secur- Loans upon the 'styceurity or stash and bonds ...... Notes given by sharehold- can on account ot rah serve fund ...... ...... ...... Rom estate. loss encum- Stocks. bonds. ctc.. not in various parts of Canada will be closed down nnd several thousand operatives thrown out of employ ment, owing to the unsatisfactory condition of the trade arising out or the competition created by the British preferential tariff. Total ...... ...... ...... ......80G,iMu Reallzauons on unpaid shares to added. I l hyrarthccx'rttsd, par value (Just: on Land ...... ... ......... Cuirency debentures Sterling debentures . Total ...... ...... ...... '.....8iet7,2'G2, tit, Contingent liabilitle; reserve fund paaynarryt1810LiTo..iP. . . - ., The!) follows a brief analysts ot the items In the statement. in Which the liqaidator points out that while ho puts in the various items at par, he Is not sure that they will realize that when sold. He has not included the securities llypothecated with Amos & Co., and Mr. Wallace any: there la a large surplus In these It properly handled. Mr. Wallace. President of the Atlas. has also given out a statement, In which he takes an optimistic View of the company. and hope- the 1m ot the dopocltora win be nominal. ', "They were finally piled at the entrance to the we.“ gate, where they were left exposed alternately. to the rains and suns. The live man on the cross did not diet' tor thyee Deposits .92. "I" da . and the. e was pdponed with whining. \Larg'ne spikes rt, driven through his wrists. and tt legs he: abate the Mines. “Their crimes were robbery ota house, burning and \munler. The two on the crosses bad caught a Ynmah runner. tied him up to utroe and diced him to pieces." NEWS IN BRIEF J' IT WAS A. LIE. LiabmtieS. Assets. ...... ... $474,747 M as ...... 280150000 . ... ... 8:30.300 he held at a 28tli, for g the Scr- PIT 8-0 oo 26477 ttl 45.875 00 12.68) CO 13,500 00 35.3530 Ctr) 10.402 oo 31 [Home L\bie.--trllre public can- sister; (poltponrxi from June 18). waq held to-day with much pomp and circumstance and adstion-il reverence. for in spite of the reas- suring new: concerning the Pope's health many persons believed that this: would be the last conslatory under Leo. XIII. Tire assemblage gazed at tho venerable poutlli with intenoso curiosity and there was rmioublrd onthuuiusm in the cries of "Long Livu Leo." He looked m lit- tle more: wax litre, a. little more Lowrv'. hr, was “as somewhat thin- ner. and it was evident that his attendants: were anxious. There were muny strangers among tho crowd; ol [Maple who gathered In the corridors of the Sula. regs. and Sula Ducale, to witness the pan- aage ot the cox-toga. We pontiff was borne in the Seam. Gestatorin by eight chair. tr'arera, clad in bright red bromine. They were flanked by the lm‘rcrn o! the famous {authored fans. Tlit POPE (TfllClhTfill) AGAIN AT THE CONSISTORY T0=DAY. Fouowtng tlte oontiff Ceure a gorgl-ou's line of scarlet chm enr- diuals, friars. in various, habits, Tho Pop' tm l% wlrie he blag-H1 the crowdn as ire pissed. In Inctnt tint-s he tried to rise so as to bet- tor impart 121.; benediction and it was only wlvut he descended from tne Seam. Gumtorin that hm ex- trrure weakness was apparent. GEN. MANNING SAFE; ARRIVES AT DAMOT. His Holiness Appeared in Good Hea!th, but Was Very Weak. Flying Column From Berbera Joins at That Point. on the workhouse on Monday nltht. got about the streets. He died at B o'clock in the afternoon. and with tYo news of his death went the statement that his wound was of such a nature that it could not have been rived by one of the Compel Release mr-ettira.rf Man Held on Charge of lynching. lynching. .. "w"... Some addition to the already Buf- rlclenuy strong tension was given this afternoon, when the news of the death: of the boy, Peter Smith, who was shot during tho attack Aden, Arabia, June 20.-'rtre aux- details of the new gold but» mar icty regarding General Mnnulnz'u "Aldrbwere brought from the force in Somallland. Eaat Africa. "on F the steamer E-lsior. which c.. . '. b has been allaycd by the reeelpt or gltte,t.e,',', its: Sgrligivf“ i'i','ie,.,Tt',. the new. that a flying column from mites from Valli 1, and ulrvady 800 Berbera got in touch wlth nun ',tlkci,'.t?' 'g,',,.t,',eutt has new sum-d D mot. he . ,. me the last few (luvs bo- I",', _ w re Manning “Wham tore the Excelsior nailed. {In-reward u out encountering any oppool-l quite an iitampxie to the n.'w tion. Und. _ German Socialist- Strong. Berlin, June '29.--L'nomeut re- turns ot the recent election tor members ot the Reichstztg give the followlng figures: Socialists. B.- 050.000 votes. an increase over the preceding general election of 900.- 000 votes. nearly " per cent. Centre party, mama votes. an Increase ot nearig a00,0o0 votes. National Liberals, 1.289.209 voles. an incl-cane ot 276,000 voLez. German Trade. MI au Berlin, June 29.-Germau.r'" for- elgn trade for May is reported as follows: Imports, 4.138.088 tom. an increase over the corresponding month [alt year of 367.018 tons. Exports, 8.218.970 tons. an in.. creme ot 442.436 tons. The New Gold Fields. Battle. Wu., June 29.41110 that Wilmington. Del., June 29.--NMbr" elry reigned here last nitrttt when a. mob or more than 5.0!) per!!!“ rurrounded the City Hall. whore Arthur Conn-ll. who was arrested on tho charge ot being concerned In the lynching of George White, was locked up, and demanded " Immediate release. They came from all over the city. the word being passed around that an attack was to bo made on the police Ita- tion unless Corwcll was let go at a certain time. mm ICIAL 'ifgihit)tikrifi'g! 1'ii'f, 'tAtitf'a', TFr may I mob. an wa- at first supposed. The other! - Ye “hired are Pe- ported "do”: 'lnell. _ T'S"fri"iiiirt. chino). Jane 29PFimeen than. and garment worker: ot Chicago were -ierrrestt hi the National A350- elation of whole-ale clothing mer- chants yesterday with an ultimn. tum which almoet amounts to a notice or a lockout. The effect of the ultimatum remains to be de.. termined within the next two week. Lack of concerted action among the garment workerl led to the ponitive “and taken by the em- ployerl. The garment workers have demanded increase. in wage. amounting to about " per cent. Repeated conferencel have brought about a reduction of these demands until they amount to but little more than 10 per cent., but mm the situation remain- unsettled. Now the mtsnuttusturers hiaVe de- termined to force the hue. The ultimatum of yenterday leaves it priests. and members of tho pupa court. wearing “and knee br e bud and white rally. The church dun:- tarlea were encorted by up: new. Swim and Palatine guards. “all. the Sistine choir damned solvmulv. Speclal tribune. were tretted on both "tes of the Papal throat: tor too accommodation ot Um mem- bers ot the diplomatic Corps. the knlghtu of yum. the Ron...“ an“ tocrocv..tho family of tho Potwaad relatives ot the newlv cncnmd cur- dlnala. The Pope at on the lhmnh Ctr- lag the brocade covered bvnchu where the cardinals were scum]. On approaching the pontiff the three cardinals knelt and 1ritseed, hm foot and his hand. and the Hip» then gave them the double em- brace, tho pontiff remaining son!- al. 'rho - cardinaln slim-ward. C-tmmul ti; other cardinah. the latter qtaadtntr. murnlng to th" pontm. and! ot the new cardinals than rotte"tveU from his, hands a cardinnl‘n hat. which ended the ceremonv. 11-0 ceremonv was made as short as poesible. in oMer to [use-1 the mp_tllf‘s fatigue. The Pope therm por. roar. he- stowod tn" apostolic boanu‘tmn. and. preceded by the pontirioM cross. and surroundvd " tho cardinal. and hi. attendants. Int. prerlvely retired. the choir in.. tonlmr a To beam at he was borne back!!! the amrtnnnts. New York, Jum- L'U. - Two mm "but“ {we lupurtul to Laos '-nearpetl ttisru JL'e Tannin. lllulll early tO-day by" burrowing umbr- IOItk the Batons prison. It is 'ID- tlrttt a: the men had h; (in; tl I 15 t t aorta] tor tite oun- dntlol of the old prlvon. Th vii. cloth” Were found. it Is traid, In the Iubwlv trench at Elm and Leotuuq Streets. The mun eseapcd On the Leona!!! street side. Moll hunch a Chums. Pitt Jer, Porto Rho, June 29- to an garment workers to decide whether they will appoint a. oom- mlttee empowered to settle the whole question. whether they will be saddled with a 5 per cent. 11;. create of was" or whether they will leave the whole matter to . board of arbitration. Anal»: Sim! Ou- Men. POM Ora. Juno Ill-Owing to the large number of suburban trolley Aarf whit) have been held up by Wanna: recently, the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company has armed all its conduc- to" and motormon with revolvers, A mot, of about £01) Humans at Cmuno last night atlarknd a m;- cue. The Cnlploveou defended Hm.)- ache. with Kilns until a fofk-i-nt (om ot halice arrival and quvl'vd the dilorder. Ttrn p"rnons WNW wounded. The riot we." caused br the rem-cl ot tho circus managemeu to I“. dtomttlitttonttsrr ticket; . of Prisoners CHAVEZ" F 'tho morning or u day In Elnlne'l “to the mlendor or June not“. who recs-int of a. picnic at tho " but lukrwann alum ceding evening. are aatie about it now mmuxs. hon-mar. and It I“. we. Elaine, whom he cupy the from envy of Lady [Hui Joctodly tn thv M tervegeent major. Nothing of mu In: the drne. an twice the unit-con cum near upset! his rude tmtmen which he tried to How: Spa-d. But O door-a door quia' privow rll round tows'r--ot looked out, and tend her name. “Come to this turn. my lady." of Funny lnchlc tttttttr to to“ yo, In another in Blanche an as that clones. Just an tho guy lo “art. but!) Bl: .1 that a little he amin- after the ery partner MMJ. to tho ttbboy her room lo Hindu With Kr. Mm an expert the mar ath tl when "tbtttN bar I conch was than 1 part) mummy den the vehicle and M tuned to tho cal-91 guests man-chad of! toqu the Castle. a m the th be ttdl h Fission“: to bvv glen n Nth speak your a ho bolt WI til "M In“. tru When Im; win the (at qtMBe rx w tun Ball!"- "will" t um oN ren cal cern'lng INirlet pun-lug on n, gum)!“ of lit' mum to Ur will tr tl MK box bv ”new! " but Ho lot Doppliéi The utmol every pm The result 'ill you g', no r She me run on) momvnt'l B] tho You and tt amen " marquis drive u M with m. V a M right The ll OHIO! all looks Alger! " In In" win-cl furtlm thr'm now mute tion Oil ctt hi1 ISI h M o n o v ha t'tt T't Own . con tl mm M m by writing Co.. Br pl W the n W n 1|" If"! mm: mgr-co But t mam tttra )DOIK " Dior mun " p Wt stri ou, olh doe will ll W n to bad In um mm M

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