West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Jul 1903, p. 5

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b rill; "it: wn and approved be unsurpassed for second to none in l and see them and want to buy one m 8.paretors tved at the Show clay & Bell, a Car- op at the bridge ev- md Saturday. 0r- left at C, McArthur', [F.V,'r'.W 1 tFFItt., will .Lttentlun MA RT HUR Stand. next door " t1plementWaretto-s were talking cutter. n the Market 553d neck and full lines cl Lll'i'rHts' at the reputation has been bv their excellence. , famous rigs which widened. Prices suit all. ring (Trade , 1903 "Mt will be dble to nds the old old ms opposite Mid Lambton St. .ILRAITH. AS LIGHT AS A FEATHER the hoe hm wings l\'( JH" E hope or lit g\\\“.i’7//. 'ceds / od Rt " r Shipment of ml ttp-to-date Cull and test am for New PM tito.ue Agents ANN " ’arriagos. 'kard's Cum- )ionsueh a nd ' very popl' .oil. Shinoll, Hugs, Sehoo in stock . s in Stock our Ff.. wear " repairing iooda, rme bre ad hie. We ' product in doesn 't bread is a "s-why 'r wear. sizes tor ?hildr en. PAS“ "' an a A And look in our Store Window and you will see bar- gains for your life. Catder'n Block, - Durham. M I. oft Corded \Vash Silk Waist lengths in White, Blavk and Odors eaeh $2 upto-.......-.................." "lack Mercerized Sateen Under. skirts, . . . . . . . .81.40, 8150. $1.75. 82.N NEW PRINTS a FANCY GINGHAM’S Roller Wmdow Shades. each.. . . . . . ' TttreLineru)8 in. wide, per yd . . . . .2tie HE SELLS CHEAP. White Bed Spreads each _ _ . .85c ah 3136 Floor Gilt-lulu} yd wide. pet yd ...25c Don't forget us when you want a g: .ch pair of Shut-s as we carry a Full Line of Sterling Bros'. Shoes. . W. H. BEAN THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements, Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, ac. Cockshutt and Percival Plonghs, Clare Bros.' Furnaces & Stoves, Tolton's Implements, Adam's Sleighs. A new MON T116 Orr- EN Scum). Will enable any person to acquire Shorthand and Typewriting and be- come a stenographer or book-keeper and kindred subjects and become a thoroughly competent book-keeper. Spring term now on, Students may vntcr at any "me. Fall particulars sent to any address free. l tW EN HOV N " T. NOBLE - 'roven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES 175,11/0371131/ l, _ . (r"2(' 4/2/41; 'i_'(ii_/',l'://,jvsrr CJ-We ask Melll)ll (ll our was s,, SCOI I .‘ ds ton 30 in wide, taped edge r. 40c y .. 83,, .. " l'! w .. 42 .. " u “if " The Implement Man "asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found lyer's Mattie Method. . Adopted by Ill leading Schoolé in Toronto. This'deservedly In a stem means of Hunt Drills. 'pgll,ierithtiiiia."ii' my other inter" mtinq devices brings the fol owing topics within the child's immediate comprehension. . ,tusiealNotatior?, minim lotion Plano Work Key-board location and History Teasing!" alder": Block; Next the Post 011100 -- V i For terms 3191113110 In: lax-guru Gun, Teacher, ( '. A. FLEMING. STOP l PEEL. AT THE OLD STANDW DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, ‘QOTS & SHOES, ae., We can give you Bargain". T. NOBLE We gt Met)) tl ()lll Jill! Ot best quality. JULY 2, AT THE SHOEMAN. TI IF, y nittert edge "$111) PRINCIPAL CII In ueeordsnee with resolution of adjournment from January session. the I County Council of the County or Grey met in Ilsrsh’s Hall, Markdale. on Monday. the 15th inst. The members were ell present excepting Mr Doyle, who was detained owing to the serious illness ot his lather. The Warden took the chair " 2 p. m., and after the roll was called and the minutes of last day" of January session had been read and signed, he bripfiy addressed the Council. He said he had attended council meetings in the past when there Were vacant chairs, owing toremovals by the hand of death, but he was pleased that this time there were no Vacancies from this cause, bat all Were able to be in their places through the ordering of a kind Providence' He congratulated the Council on the tair prospect ot a good crop; also upon the satisfactory progress being made upon the work of the erection ot the Ilouse of Refuge. Ilcjudged that the County officials having charge of the work had laithlully done their duty. Important business would be laid before the Council at this session. particularly the equalization of the County assess- ment. Fran what he knew of the gentlemen who compose the council, he was satistied they would do what they considered would be tor the best linterests of the County, giving their Inn.“ AI ,, ' r . County Treasurer ’s estimates for 1301 showing that the sum of $30,000 would be required to be levied, being $8,000 in excess of the estimates of last year, largely owing to the expense in con- nection with the erection and mainten- ance of the Home of Refuge, bridges, etc. The Clerk presented and read the followinz documents, which were severally relerred by the Warden to the standing committees to which they respectfully belonged, as noted: best thought and "G'en"iia"'"to""tiii, business which would be brought below them. A Copy of the Presentment of the Grand Jury at the recent sittings ot the County Court and General Sessions referred to the Finance Committee. A brief report from Rev. James Lediard, agent of the Cnildren"s Aid Society. showing a summarv of the work of Suciety since the last report. and asking for the usual grant of 8100 to the Society sent to the Finance Com- mittee. Circular letters were received trom the Eastern and Western Ontario Good Roads Assoeiation respecting meetings of general interest. -Referped to Road and Bridge Committee. An appeal from Certain ratepayers of School sections one, five and twelve of the Township of Sydenham, against the action of the Township ot Syden- ham in refusing to take action in the matter of re-arranging the school see- tions. This arises oat ot the transfer of that portion ct Owen Sound which was last tall transferred tome Town- ship ot Sydenham. The matter was referred to the Education Committee. Electoral District Agricultural So eiety's annual report was presented and referred to the Finance Cimmytee. A statement from Mount Forest High School (1 account to be paid to that school tor extra maintenance tor pupils attending from townships of Egrcmont and Normanby. Reterred to Etittea- im Com mittee. Statement trom the department of Education of the amounts granted to the public schools of the county. and the same wussreferred to the Education Committee. An application was reeeivod from Lt.-Col. A. G. Cnmpbcll of the 31st Regiment asking for the, usual annual gram to the Battalion and application was referred to the Fina neICommittye. _Report of North Grey Farmers In- su.pte tor 1902, Bent to Finance Com mittee. Application from Central Grey Ag- ricultural Society of Walters Falls for a grant to the funds ot the Snciety. Referred to the Finance Committee. An application of Edward Fitzgerald for a free pediar‘s license was refer‘red to Finance Committee. Application ot George Ries, of Han- over, to be appointed caretaker of House of 1boge---sent to House ol Re- tage Committee. Arequest from the Board of Educa- tion of Owen Sound to have a deed of land, granted in 1856 by the Govern- ment ct Canada for a grammar school site, as it is not suitable for the purpose tor which it was granted. Referred to the Education committee. An application trom W. J, of Dundalk to be appointed of the House of Refuge. An account from Owen Sound for ecst of constructing a granolitlye side- walk at Registry office, Owen Sound. Account from Messrs. Lucas, Wright and McArdle for 87.00, fees in the pur. chase of the Marsh farm; also an ae- count of Messrs McKay & Sampson, Countv Solicitors, tor 814 and 835 respectively, for fees in connection with the purchase of aita for House of RefugHent to House of Refuge com- mittee. - . _ A Itil‘- " m A letter from President Mills of Un- tario Agricultural Society re, the matter ofeonmy students at said college-sent to the Finance Committee An account from the McCallum Co. for $15 for miscellaneous printing in- cluding magistrate 'g formr-8ent to Printing Committee. ' - .7- In:_:...,“_ -4 A ea/d from the Deputy Minister ot Education stating the amount of gram l to the Collegiate Institute at $1228.17, t Juno Session hold In idarkdale COUNTY COUNCIL . J. Blakeston ted caretaker r Minister of and to the Meaford High School at 8900.83--sent to Education committee A circular from the "Laura Secord Memorial Fund Committee" asking for a small grant to aid the fttnd-referred to the Finance Committee. A letter from Judge Morrison tiuine for shelving tor his law library-re- Ierred to County Property Oommlttee Mr Allan presented Report No. 1 of Audit Committee, which was on motion adopted. Mr W. J, 8hortill, Reeve of Mark- dale, was introduced. and weleotned the County Council to Markdale. tendering them the "freedom of the pity. " His address was well received by the council. Mr Gordon replied, and suggested the laying ot the corner stone of the House of Refuge, and suggested that Thursday. the' 18th inst. be get apart for this ceremony, Which was agreed.to. On motion of Messrs. Gordon and Paterson, Messrs Pringle, Bell, the Warden, the Clerk and the mover were appointed to draft a letter ot sympathv to the widow and family ot the late respected J ndge Geasor. Messrs Gordon and McKinnon moved that the House o' Refuge Committee report at as early a date as possible the advisability of appointing an overseer, matron and inspector for the House of Refuge at this seasion of the County Cmmeil.-Carried. On motion the Warden and Clerk were authorized to draft a memorial at once and forward same to the Legis- lature, praying that they mnyso amend the proposed amend ment to the County Councils Act now before the House so as to provide that the Reeve, elected for the purpose be the repmsentatives of towns " the County Council Board, instead of the Mayor. as is now provid- ed by the Act as it now stands. On motion of Messrs Bell and Me:'] Anthur. the. licenses of hawkers and it pedlars were to be raised to the, high-i] est amount. in the powerot the Conn-1 cil. The resolution wttsereferred bathe l Finance fhamnittee.. _ Council adjourned to two o'eloek at Tuesda y afternoon. --bundard, tl Gaul i-tttted "an! week.) -----_------- On Friday evening Jane 26. a social gathering consisting of pupils and par- ents of the section washeld in S. S. No. I, Nommnhy. in honovof Miss Methan- nel's departure as teacher and friend from tthis locality. A progrmume was [Handed consisting of recitations by the children together with inst tattnetttal and vocal music. Bite evening was sociatliy ended by indulging in tefrevdr- IIIPNIS provided. The more important, feature. however. was the prmenting Miss Mt'Uannei with a henntiful teaser- vice, together with this addressee S. S. No. I. Narnmnhy. June mum. Miss hit-(tunnel, Dear knit-ml and Teacher: We, the friends and pupils of ant sellout desire to express our regret at the terminu- tion of tour relations with.you as teacher and .m- pits, The two and it half wars that you haw-been with us have been to many-of us the most impor- tant do'elollnlng period of mur lives and we "ieel that wont d reetion and igytiuence has been an in. ii'iorigth1t to all. The instrartion imparted has (been t orough and eolnrlete and the example you have set torus in sehoo and out of school cannot he othvrutit,e than highly lxuntieinl. You have been to us more than a teat-hen“ facts and theories : the lulportanee of living lives of int-reusing undul- tless being itnpressetl u nu our minds with such eftevtiwettess as never to he emu-ell. We have tru- lv been taught by precept tu'tl example to he ' Tot it)Y in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lon ." At the time when our regrets " your tsbserts in the future is mingled with npprvcitttiqn for your [tn-mice in tho past. we prefer that this appttscia- tion should take same mahuriul form and ask you to not-om this small gift as a tokcn of our esteem and affection. hut not in any degree us the mew;- of it. We have much to rem-mum and dosirv tar/sc remembered. While deeply regretting your departure from our school and ircighborhood. we desire you to be Wi- sured or our best wishes for your future L"t'piiig' and happiness and that our rvcollvctiottso ycur sojourn will be among the pleasant nnd protitaub' tr pivttmssthtst hung on memory: wall." Signud on behalf of the li'lmnl : Thumuscnn Byers Grace “allure Wm. Watson. Alma Leith, lllrtl. McNiruv, Lydia “add. There passed awnv from nur midst, on Saturday. June 20th, N03, an old and respected noighlmr. and a. pioneer of l‘lgrelnont. in the person of Mr Geo Haw. He was in puor lu-nllh fur some luunlllS, hm Was able m go about until two weeks ago when he took worse. He sold his farm and stock in March. Mr Haw was horn at, Swahy. Lincoln- shire, England, in 1827 and came to Canada. witthis parents the same year. Cutttie by sailing vessel to Quehm'. the vuyugn lasting 9 weeks. then by boat up the river and lake to Marshes Landing. about 4 miles west of where Poet Hope now is, and had to be put ashore in a. small boat. At that tune Port. Hope was hut. " few scattered lmuqes and was called Smith’s creek. He canine to Eme- munt m 1860 and purchased land there. He owned coneiduml'le [and hath in Egremontand Prutnn. He was of a careful and tidy nature and his build- mgs und farm was a. model of thrift and cleanliness. He was respected and beloved by his neighbors and allwhn knew him. He was of -lyerired, quiet and benevolent. natme. ",He never Emir- ried and those of his own kindred who were less fortunate with this world’s goodswere made happy with handsome donali ms from hm hands from time to time. In politics he was always a re- former and voted for Me Binnie in the last election. The remains were. followed to their. last resting place in St Andrew':, ceme- tery. Proion. by a large number of friends and neighbors. Rev Mr W'ub- Sun oftitrated both at the house and grave and preached a. beautiful salmon. The mlli nun-rs were Wm J., Noble and Hugh \Vilmn. Thomas Conkey. Rich Held and [humid Campbell. five of whom were Port Hope men. The love- lyc ttsket, was nearly covered with healuit'ul wreaths and flowers, silent tributes of love to the departed one. He was 76 years of age. The friends from a. diqmnee were Thomas Haw, Toronto: Miss Smith. Toronto; Robin.. son Haw. Port Hope; Henry Sachem, lFenelnn Falls; Thus Conkey, Dundnlk. F Only one brother Robinson remains of n “family of 8. _ _ ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. ------ -0- B00TiiWLl THE tstJtttfAM REVIEW A COlVIBlNED BUG [{ILLER AND POTATO GROW’ER Is going to take the place of Paris Green because it kills the bugs and makes the potatoes grow instead of killing the plant as Paris Green doea--if you get too much on. We want every potato grower to try it whether a large grower or small but we know you do not like to experiment so we reprint the guarantee given by the manufacturers : " We hereby guarantee Dead Bug-when properly applied-to kill the bugs and increase the yield of potatoes and we further a- gree that if you plant one acre of Mes using Dead Bug on one half and Paris Green on the other, if you don't get more potatoes from the half where Dead Bug is used-providing of course that soil is the sattte,--We will refund the money paid for Dead Bug. " We me agents for Dead Bug. It a cheaper than Paris Green but we can furnish Paris Green at lowest market price. IWlljli(l'8 DRUG STORE Massey i)f.dllararfs $12,020 Rams The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes am roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. Durham, Undertaking promptly at-) ROBINSON & CORBET, tended to. r l Proprietors. FURNITURE W... '..M.WP.WN___'_ W_ir_____ --., w... -"" _ 'ge,', growing. Two Good horns and comfortable ho so, Good bearing orchard and two good wells. 1% miles W. of promote, 7 miles from Holstein. Will Sell reasonable. Timber on the plume will pay tor it. For {other information up- ply on the premises to (nus. McKrzszll. Prop., or to . C. RAMAGR. Review (mm. Loc 10. Con In. Tp. of Egremont, vomistiug of 100 acres more or less. 70301125 cleared remainder goqd htueti,.,1erly., I.xpe.!' soil, suitable ttr: PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL. (Prince Albert.) Grill he for service at Lot 48, Con. 2, E. G. R. for the season of NIB. Peli- gree on application. Cows not return- ed regular 1y will be charged whether in calf or um. Payment to he made on or before February lab 190t. Terms $1.50. Ilhe undersigned offer for sale Two Slim-thorn Bulls. one 12 mos, the other 13 was. old. principally red and likely animals in every rwpecl. Terms on up- plication In proprietors. lots 2% and 2e. Gon, 3, B. D. R, Glenelg. Will sell rea- sonably. A. & J. SEALEY. _ A _ - - P.roprietortr. Alan Purebred Tame and Berkshires. .-.The longest mansion of the Legis- lature during the 37 years of Confeder- ation closed last week. Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale. JAKE KRESS. The Best Quality cheaper than evgr. Jake Kress FARM FOR SALE. pleasure. DEAD _ BUG " A. DARLING, DONALD McFAYDEN. P: op. CH%MIF,T AND DllUGGIST 'fegales or FO R gtshat l , difrirrrs' 22Vu)u west of Middaugh Jinx”. See our second hand wheels. Hyatt. DURHAM Mllllf WORK8 CALDWELL'S LIVERY STAaLE (Opposite Middlugh out.) Direct 1mportations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN MARKERS, HEADSTONHW, & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Intending Students should enter at beginning of term, or u soon utter " possible. Stuff and Equlphcnt. The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving sud ttatgiealation wore, under the following sun Competent Temhen for that Deptrtment '. T2108. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK. B. A., eludes and Modems. FEES: 31.00 per month: Wm. Johnston ' Chairman Durham School Flour......... Oatmeal................... Wheat..................... Peas........................ Boriey..................... Oats........................ Lambs..................... Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs. Live weight..... 1httter,fressh roll per lb Bitter, Tub.............. letter....................... nugl................... .... Hides, per cwt.......... Cullskina, per lb........ gheepskms............... aneepamuu............... Btw........................ "ooo-.....-....- 1htrktsrr.......y .......... Potato'es. per bag....... DURHAM MARKETS. .. "r cwt............ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ’ieyeles 2 rue-I ............. I .................. B All repairing C. Run-go. rieeretarg, 1000 600 190 240 65 r, 8o 6 10 l4 17 ll @ntario. 40 27 " oo 10 1000 2 4o 70 tto 46 8 tro 5 50 6 10 " 17 ll l8 ate “mum to the M' tendon Ophthalmc .onplul. kahuna, and Golden Squuemow nan-cu W. a. SPECIALIST EYE, EAR THROATI: NOE "r----. kEifiiisiviii.' a Will be " the laid-ugh Home. Durham. the P,','. Wednesday ot each month from 12 p. m. an p. m. OHIO! noun '-" B. I. S--d p. In. RESIDENCI - OFFteE-oid Bull UPPER TOWEDUBRAI. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST GF the Du nun: Pharmacy Cluder' Block. Residence first door west of the old Poet OtBee, Durham. W. C. PICKERING B. B s, L. B. S. J. G, BUTTON. M. D HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University; tttottate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Roan“, Calder Block over the Post 0ch. ottute--MW" TOWN. [Willi]. i1oNestim" and Annoy promptly “and“! a Mt; u I Wag. dir. of hoot-nod otttq .ooruc y . I r- oom lookod 53: and Executor- tad Mumb- tnton' Account. prepu-od and PM Sump“ Court Bhutan- Pmm of Wit B. but." of Ad- minmuon Ga Gunman-hip Obtained. son'- phu made in may Ottioo and mm "DOM OHIO. our Momma-rs Bun -- ___ I econoAm. Jammy ma print. Funds to Loon on lounge- at lowest rum of interest. "ttmttog' and. by 100th and min! Vsluuor. ARTHUR GUN. M. D., hymen: a Bruins. MACKAY a DUNN, Barristers. _- Solicitors, Conveyuncers. Ac, Olliees '. Hunter's New Block. cp- posmo Chronicle once. Gminn in., Durham. MONEY TO LOAN A. G. Mack-y K.C. W. F. Dunn 0FF1CE--Mettttyre Blory, a.-typed_ttttrotettoDFteset' woqteaogtdctttMeest. .ARRIOTER. OOLICITOR IN SUPREME COUR) NOTARYPUBLIC. COMMIOIIONER. ETC. lunbc Coll..- th a“ Burnou- ARTHUR H. JACKSON Collections of all kinds Farms bough promptly attended to and sold DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. OFFICE- - McK'nzic‘l Old Stand Durham D. McPHA IL.) (llllilllllll BANK AA Jllilill CAPITAL, Authorized. . . . ...82,000,00t CAPITAL. Pnldup........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ fWMt00 AGENTS in all principnl points m Ontario. Quebec. Mnmmhn. United Stu-tan and England. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection smude on all points. Deposits received Ind inter est allowed it rutrrenr rate- SAVINGS BA!!! meal-en allowed on savings ' deposits of 81.00 and up' wand: Prompt attention and every facility "ordid customers living at diets ce. J KELLY, Amt. Telephono Ct-ttoat No. " DURHAM AGENCY DENTISTRY. arristor, our , Go: voyancor, te., in. . .. . [only to Loan " renown ole rates an on terms to suit borrower. " GEO. tr BURT. IARRIOTI’ R, COIOITOR. . near-v may: sour-uncut. cc. All M- 340402th NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, " CONVEYANCER. vAcua'reR Insurance Agent. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate. Arrangements for Inlet u to dates, &r., must be made u the Review of. tice, Durham. .3 (but-smudence Midland hemono Boga-tile P.0.. will be mommy attended to, cum on application to G. LEFROY McCAUL. HOURS orm MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON. Head Office, Torono. J . P. TELFORD W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Hunger. D. lcPHAIL. Hopeville P. U. l C. RAIAGE. Durham Private Money " Loan, “Over the Bank

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