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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jul 1903, p. 6

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it') cu tl a gentleman was telling in the "rain the other day a curious bat pox-(ecu: pat retort he got from a. canny native ot Fifeohire. Driv- hg "trough the "Kingdom" one a, he came to a nice little VII- M. and he hailed a passer-by and add the name of the place. "Tt'tt Q‘d Fronchle." "on. Ere-acme. Mk; a the {once _ 7.7..‘. ‘v “nu-taunt: once. It was IO o‘clock that night when he finally Wave in; and some- how ho felt he had experienced a. m phase of the strike Maine». It lee different trom the other tride " ' .-, "That’s you busineu.” voted. "I offered to nrhitr adored.“ v. - -"Mearrinsr, the "I don't thiak they are." ! “You‘re no judge." "You‘re the Judge ot your own de- mands when you strike. and I'm as wood a judge as you are when I want Ia?Touviag. It's. no use talking. The strike is on." She folded her arms tn th deter- mined way, and he subsided. It was ”Imps half all hour later when he looked up and said: "Mary. is the slrlke still on T "It in mu Orr" an“ rrmnllm‘ "I want a. new dress." she can. when he asked what the trouble was. “I know. You've been bothering me tor that dres- for a month." he said. "but how about supper?" "Theta isn‘t any," she replied. "This in a strikex" "A Mri%r'.8' , "You. a general tie-up I‘ve been trying to secure a peaceable settle- ment ot this trouble for some time; now I‘ve struck." "Mary, do you dare-r' _ "Oh, don‘t talk to me that way}! M I can't get you to arbitrate, why. I‘ve got to strike. I dort't care It it dam back the wheels of trade." "But Mary, you don't understand." "Oh, you. I do. I've made my de- mands. and they've been refused. I’ve bled for a 'compromise, and that has also been refused. A strike in all there in left, and Pre struck." "But your demands are unreasou- ' " belie :‘lleanlng the And that night wligu he came home pa found that the table was 71 ll- VL' uln‘lllh. it (I L,=su,'iiiUi'd,',2"i2u'j The walking delegate never tired of talking of the strike. relates the Colorado Springs Gazette. He held that Lt was Jusr.irtablo it Over a. ctrlko "no. and it was perfectly proper to utrike to secure a deslred mun. He told his wire so. and she wound to agree wile him. She said it "eenled _tlte easiest way. "Aren‘t you 1asarfec"""" [ "Na 1 saw I had something in De treasury. before the strike was "A-- " .. 'Hsexts'r.serssessssetxxret driven up and down between the rows of trees. The liquid I: forced from a tank on the wagon through two lines ot small rubber hose. By the use ot bamboo rods, with a chi-tor of Mx small nozzles at the end. It In possible to reach the topmost parts of the trees. and the mm]. which In as flue an a . . __ -- -. - --u--u 5W1“!!! engine on .the wagon and the opraying done while the horses are driven pp and down between the -- - 7.7 v. urn a; In“ "GNU valuable, and it " generally ad- mitted that they were. this new plan must prove infinitely better. It In thorough and rapid and In accomplished with little or no ex- ertion or inconvenience. The pres- . _.v ..--v -v "I; cllWI-IVU- Farmer. have reason to feel 1n- dcbted to Mr. W. A. MacKlnnon. chic! ot the fruit division. for bringing to their attention the mum of the power sprayer. If the old methods of Spraying ware --In_|‘|‘ 7 . ., . 7 - -"ei" _..._.v.. "nun - "'NF- lac would be done. consequent'iy It I. ma: 1931:9106 entirely. or post- poned untll_too late to be effective. - V..- ..r...., """" .. - at all, is done In a careless. halt- hearted way by men who do not knew but when or how the work would bo performed. Farmers are 'vevry busy at the mason when spray- -.. .L.-.J4 L, . tr wow that a dozen or more for“ my profitably combine to pure: o paw-er lprayer. place It In ch of come mith mm as usually "ttsq thumbing. who can anally make It cal! thoroughly conversant with ' best methods ot waving. and - pago him to make regumr visit- to their orchards. At each farm the - pert lprayer will only require the eminence of a teameter. and thus tho regular work ot the farm need not he Interrupted. Under meant method- every farmer In the fruit dietrlct- requires a spraying oqgttit of bl- own. and the spraying. It done] 01 come sum: “rattling. who "if thoroughly but methods 1 wage him to 11 their orchards. pert lprayer , mlotanoo of I tho regular wt not be irsterrut latitud- every (mu, both practical lumen. 1 have made a succeu ot fruit Bro And who give careful anemic: an the details of their spraying’. 33mm The chief object in mums mama's 1flff GY STRIKE. thowcr SprayerDou Rn “emu Wort I; new tic-o Contact“ by a Deal-lo. Fruit Division. The Fruit Division ot the Do cloud of vapor. (all. lightly upon Mutant of Agriculture in ttut treea. and “or" much W M thin l t h T , tor than if applied in a. mans g a oer ea o orc uni. . lspray. an in minutiae. done. he Wuhan in Oninrio and in l prosenre of a, to 100 pound. to to inmate the great advent the inchI ensure. a spray no fine which follow the use ot the po that it penetrate-to all PM“ ot my". During the past week ,. the trees. 2Bfd in one ot the all“ bellman carried on in the vicini . advantages ot the new, sprayer. Woodstock and Ingersoll, Ont. The difficulty in. been to reach Mun. P. J. Carey, Dominion J: the top. of tree: (without a waste Equator, and J. C. Harrie, West of the preparation used, which has lord. both practical farmers. been .the invariable remit when . have made a six-oer: of fruit Bro heavy m was turned on. Again And who give careful ntteniio “y the appliance. lined by most Pe all tho details of their spraying' _ mere have only one nozzle. while oration The chief object i. this. as has been stated. has Bl! wow that a dozen or more tar on each line or hose. and the [one my profitably combine to pure” is much greater and the mist liner. I power sprayer. place it in charge which is all-importaat, ot come with man as usually do". Under favorable conditions -the tine-hing. who can easily make till-i Operators ot this machine could [all thoroughly conversant with ' probably. spray from an to 800 best methods ot nprnving. and tl trees per day. Forty tree. some of rage him to make regular Visit! to them dilllcult to get at, were "Prtlrr :helr orchards. At each tarm the ex- " tn m1 “martin mug“; gt. Aprt lprayer will only require the ter "aMate may“ “a . dar, lasintanco of a. teameter, and time some or them long once, the opera.- lho mrutar work of the farm need tore have been averaging between. Iot_be interrupted, Under present am no: am =--, - A- 'lp"""""------..";;;.","," eve I'll _ v V - _ w---vuvy- ‘5‘” yrs:- ll applied by a small gasoline 'our business.” she ons- offered to arbitrate once." 10 o‘clock that night 't.-tr... ----- . - is the strike still on T' still on," she replied. you tusyarr, l"' THE SPRAYING OF ORCHARDS Fin, Story. Pantry." she return Wnlry?" he remark- an W cloud I z, the t]: P tor t ad: Spray. Ot . prosau at the in that t f,',', ' tho " ai C ', mam It. . d 'Lt the to at ot the _ . been .1 'O heavy o the ar IE V mere 1 i. this. a mud- on m The Athlete and His Stomach. Probably the most important con- Irrltieratioti tor an athlrtio in train.. [ing- is the comlltlon of hie stomach. The quantity and quality of food [ and tho regularity of meals and sleep are all carefully watched, because In is necessary tor the stomach to bo in perfect running order it the athlete would make the most of his was. For this important organ “new the nervous system as well as the muscles. and the nerves and. head have as much to do with winning a race as the slnews. There la danger in over-eating as there is in ineuttieient nourishment, the trainers guy: because, while the latter may weaken a man. the for. mer produces dullness and inertia. "A man with his stomach full."nld Trainer Hirshburg. at Columbia University. “hasn't the clan. l This was tho battle of Culioden Moor, April 16. 1746. O. S. It was Joughrt on a plain about five miles erm Invorneas, Scotland. It was the Must attempt on the part or the 'Stuarts to got possession ot the ithrone of Great Britain. This at., f tempt was made by Cttarles Edward lstucirt, "Bonnie Prince Charlie.” a 'gmndson or James II. He defeated Ethel English in the battle ol Far. kirk, but in a second battle, at .Cuiioden, was: finally defeated by I the Duke ot Cumberland. He wand- !ered as a fugitive in the highlands l tor five months. finally succeded in [ getting out of the country and died in Rome. Jan. 80, 1788. ' Removes all hard, soft or ' [mum and blemishes Iron blood spawn. curbs, splints, t awe-envy, stiflcs, sprains, s: awoken throat, coughs, etc. t by use ot one bottle. Warra most wonderful blemish on known. te What’s this thing ?" asked admin. who was inspecting a music empor- ium. "That? Oh, that’s used on violins. vWe call it a. iy'lii'.7,et7l "Gimme one ."' exclaimed the visitor.; “S'poxe it would work on my wife P' I I Slice the crust trom the bottom Ior g fresh loaf ot sandwich bread lengthwise, continue slicing the loaf fin very thin slices until you have [out it all up; remove the crust and spread each slice with mayonualse; lay crisp heart lettuce leaves first dipped quickly in French dressing; drain well and lay on each slice of bread, letting the edge of leaves ex- tend over the slices of bread a trifle. Roll slices and fasten them with a wooden toothpick until ready to serve :pick must then be removed! Nasturtium blossoms may be used instead ot lettuce leaves or the very thinnest slices of cold chicken or turkey; trufflexi partridge makes a tine filling tor these sandwiches.- Elizabeth o. Hiller in June Hume- keeper. . In " called Freuchle t-whtt does Freuchle mean I."' "Whaur dae ye come true T' asked the native. “We comeUrom Glasgow." "Ou, ar; Glasgow. An' what dh, Glasgow mean ? An' hoo is It ca'd Glas- gow?" was tho retort. The stran- wer inquirer invited the horse to "gee up." ,‘___-- v-uvuuua ' 'm.'., in order to familiarise him?! with the merits imd demerth of the vari- ous machines now 'on the market. it is contended that it farmers will only unite to carry out a. syste- matic campaign of spraying. accord. ing to the latest met-balms great deal may be done towards eradicat- Ing the enemies of fruit. Exporters who are familiar with the results of spraying and the systematic cars ot orchards, strongly endorse spray‘ lug, claiming that it is certain to improve the quality of the fruit, and 3 in support or their claim they refer to orchards where the system has been carried out, the fruit ot which always commands the highest price. Last Battle in Great ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT - "e"i" u*"" v-wuwuu lcuultm The efficiency: of the machine will shortly be Increased. as It is the in.. tentton to use either nine or twelve nozzles instead ot six on each line. Mr. MacKlnnon la this week attend- ing a public competition of power sprayer-s In the famous mummy. retard. incur 1o,t,1,ttt.orttrry1turh N.7., sprayed will be given-We. regular court-Nur opium. at lea-t. It is hoped by the Department of Agriculture that the-a tents will bring about the general adaption of the power sprayer. A limllar spray- ing apparatus is being used by pri- vate owners In the Niagara District, max}. is said to give excellent results. 5'8” A Much Felt Want. Buffalo News Bridal Sandwicheo 500 tread as, sprains, sore and ' coughs, etc. Save $50 bottle. Jtarranted the a Prince Charlie,” a mes II. He defeated the battle ol Far. secoad battle, at cotlund. It was the tho part ot the Possession ot the Britain. This at- by (Humps Edward , splints, Brit->53}: I a dtishs, trees Sign: a. _regular or calloused Britain. cure ever ho_rses ; tn Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains is uforded by the South American Rheumatic Cure. Cures in one o Aree days and does it thorirughhr Att “had-LI. ---_:n_ _- unease! IS me nerve centers'. Cure them -build up nerve force there-and you cure the disease. This is the secret of ', the amazing results attending the use of {the South American Netrvtise-a vet. ‘itable life-builder and eradicator of disease. Cures Stomach and Liver Complaints. General Debility, Impure, Blood. Female Complaints, and every disease which indicat"es im aired nerv- ous force. Read what it diffor the farm 'll, of A. W. Stephens, Strathaven, Ont. ewrites: "A bottle of South American Net-vine Tonic did more for my sister Ida than a whole summer's ddctyipg and dragging for after elfedts of LI Grip . It cured my father after 'al','l'ttit of torture from boils. Only and two bottles and has not been :roubled now for seven yeam It's the greatest of remedies." The seat of the majority a diseases is the nerve centers. ( -baild up nerve force there We: the. disease, This in the South Amer. ican Nervine. This Makes the Perfect Mann-the Happy Woman. N. Y. Herald. Baxtor-.a suppose you’re going to the Camique to-night to see the wom- an with the iron Jaw , ,' Hertnpox-No, I'm going to stay at home and hear her. Its success in the heavy crops of recent years has been marked. Its ex- cellent work and wearing qualities pronounce It a suitable mate tor the 'fastrer.uBairrlts Gram Binder, which Is sold by; the tens ot thousands ev- ery y I The maul-Harris Corn Harvester has an all-steel Frame. The Gears are the largest tn use on corn bind. em The Dividers are ot ample length. ti",'.'""'",'"' tsaatswhtirramidi Tho Butt Pan Nut. be fused or low.. ered to suit different lengths ot corn. This admits at the Bundles being pro- l pore bound. l The Knitter ls the famous Massey- Harris Knitter. which has done such unlalllln work on the Grain Binder. The 'llu7J'ld'hi1' Corn Harvester should he the choice of every progres- sive farmer who uppreclates quality. and wants good value for his money. MASSEY-HARRIS CORN HARVESTER Massey-Harris Co., Limited, added tho Corn Harvester to their long line ot up-to-date farming imple- ments because their numerous pat- rons wanted a. Matssey.-Harria Corn Harvester. ( Charity. Lite, "Papa. what in charity P' - "Charity. my son, is giving away what you don't want." " What is scientific charity P' "Scientific charity is giving ‘away what you don't want to some one who does not want it." " What is organized charity t" . " Organized charity, my son, is giving away something that you don't want to some a'ociety which will give it away to some one who does not want it. new mom: mm mm. _ St. Martin, Qne., May 16, 1895\. ' C. C. RICHARDS & Cth: _ Gerttltnmyn,-Latrt November my child stuck a nail. in his knee, caus- ing Inflammation so severe'that I was advised to take him to Mont- real and have'tho limb amputated to save his lite. A neighbor advised as to try MIN.. ARD'S LINIMENT. which we did, and within three days my child was all right. an_d [tech-o grateful that Stay Home and Mar-But I hear she sits with her back toward them. Ida-That 15 why they like her. She Is the chaperon. ' Chicago News. tda-She In very popular with the ngng people. l uve mean. I was a totdl’wreck tte. ‘fore I started to use mac's Kid.. ‘nev pun. MIG I trotlqttt of bed In tlt. word " could gnu: put my not on at trg,r, y were swam} no mach ram .;. _ Per.. "My arms used to a at times no that I could not pat my coat on. Before I had taken two boxes ot “11:1“on A Jilelt great- tr rm ttire; a" cured me completely. I also had umtraao,fkit since I used head‘s Kldne‘y Pills I don't know what It la to be slot." Droprr. Lumbago and Rheumatism are all caused by dlseuled Kidneys. There can be no dlaeased Kldnevs when Dodd's Kidney Pills are used. Roman-kale Cute att by” by Dodd’s Kldqqy an. GOULDN'T PUT Why They Inked Her. the majqrity of chronic NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Save Money. HIS GOAT tlf No.75 "Pia said that old Earl at Wax-wit " personage very hiatarwlck) Distal-led his physician, _A no at podc‘lan, ' body was evidently vex-y happy. The whole house glittcred with jewels and beautiful women. Every seat In the big auditorium was occupied. and everybody was In evening dress. and tho effect was almost startling In [to brilliancy. A row. of seats had even to be put around the inside of the rlng tor the accommodation ot s couple of hundred unaccomphnled bachelors who made a nice study In black and white sitting close toge- ther side by ride In a. oompiete circle. -Eleanor Franklin's Pam letter In l Leslie's Weekly, ' ' I "Wonderful i" I exclalmed, and turned again to where fashionable Paris was disportlng itself in the circus ring. Some of the women were beautifully gowned and managed to make themselves as attractive as a. woman can be In that unbmutlful dance. But the men.' Well, the most melancholy sight on, earth is a man- a weIGdritaaed, well-groomed, well- brcd. ordinarily dignified man-mah- ing ac00trtunmatc, idiot of'himaelf tor the amusement of a jeering crowd. He looks weak, helpless, simple. Pitt-, able. and all the time he seems to; halt realize it and to be laboring to ovevmome It. The only man in that crowd of twenty-four fashionable cake-walkers that I didn't feel pro- tound pity for was the one who was entirely encased In a grotesque bear- hido. Everybody knew everybody. and the conversation between the ring and the boxes was sworn], lndllcrlln- mate. and entertaining. and every- ML --__ --I_E__a_. . -- - ~â€"v-v-â€"-- vi the way, who knows a. business pro- poaiuan when he sees it-told me later in the evening that it ia the greatest tad he has ever seen In twenty-five years as a circus and theatrical manager. That he has elven his public rug-time and cake- walk now for seven months without a. change ot bill, and that it gets more and more popular every day and that the Nouveau Cirque' has 1:me all business records In theat- rical Paris. the V v ------ my wvuuulg. "A Hot Time In the Old Town." and the rut ot the old taaniiiara. Amer- loa at its worst never imagined tsuch -lb rag-time epidemic an io raging in -Paeu today. Tito manager ot the Y.yee U'trquts-tus American, by . A .-- _L, . - ,, ,7 V, _-__ vv-rbw me out into the circus ring and made glowing idiots or “waives a. In Americalne to the tunes ot “Whitt- limp Mus," "You Are My Honey- suckle." "A Peripy f?r,ay.trmaetinf/' "t “no rm...“ _. LL- 1“. - -- Gay Comm] Quite Captivated and Performing Strange Antics. Bat then the cake-walk started and "a. {eating of 3:41am and longing"' began to creep upon us as one alter another ot twenty-four couples came nub t-.6, AL- I . CAKE-WALK CRAZE IN PARIS Minurd‘s Cows. "In: was so long ago that even I don't remember it." "O-o Gee'." exclaimed one ot the boys. Meat Ancient. Philadelphia Ledger. In the northwestern section ot this cltx there is a teacher who has charge ot a. primary class. 810 was one morning giving her pupils a lesson on the civil war and warmed to impress on their minds how long ago it happened. ' /yttt think: cluldron.’_ aha laid. mung ham dribk patxseamrtit, -'e"'i"Mr9 vleUc‘ 50 we DIOIOK‘ ice! Department of the Ontario Agri- cultural College. Minn-11's Liniment ace-. Distemper, aack or has. and BUS] 061 containing three very hot or boiling , atone will usually aim minutes. strain the a barrel of the spray}; with cold water to gallons. This is know cent. solution. tl pom In G gallons of “mum- i .._.....J qua; vamp. amen " I! use! for the spraying of fruit trmth an a cart or Light wagon; (the along slowly through the laid mums the solution to the mustard mm; In the form ot a. tim, felt What the new to badly inntrted. It In 'dviaatge to may tho crop in strip- in order that no mustard plants ea- cape the spray. '. M. How the blue-stone aolutlon In made-put nine (9) pounds ot blue- 8:01.19 mapper oulphate) in ' course a. n _ Av- - -7 ' -- - Limerick Intelligence. Penn. Punch Bowl. i he Manon: given In may put; of the Province In 1901 and 1902 were uniform: mental In the attraction ot growing wild mu:- turd manta In growing cereal crops; and 1t I: believed that the blue-atone treatmmt ot mustard mu be wel- comed by hundreds ot farmers thrown“: Ontario. 1. Bow the blue-atone is applied- Pup. an ordinal-v ml'nv nv-Inn nut-I'- no Attic-luau Coma. W GM Demon-outlast. The matter ot Agriculture In. In“: author-ha! tho Ontario Agri- 'ttsitu-at College to give dmnonotra- tinn- In Inward sprains. 't)e Liniment Cures Gal-get Jn KILLING MUSTARD. much' 3395“de it In :E: or to make 40 or " 5 known as the 2 per tl ppund ot blue-atone rec (3) gallons ot lg water. We blue- alsoolve in " or 20 no solution into the y-pump. 9.99 till up 'j,giirg 'iiiitg'd 7‘2 the .miJGF. . "----"eH.r ”w? Powder is I boon to my home. " duin. hcu ad clean- " the “In. time. a. The fisherman now begin: an the reel thing. the cricket new?" " That's Lord nindairrimurehuv,, son, and whenever he talks too much we make him run three times round dB... -_.:..I__L "J... Some years ago he Visited Harrow and noting a. boy running around the cricket Held all by himself asked what he was going- it for. The Duke of Argyle tells this story ot Winston Churchill, which shows that the talent for talk developed young In the quttgpr trnd member ot Parliament. - INBIST kiuii'ciiGFirdro' - __ a, __.., _.., ........u.aw-cu uy "1131p??- lonced person: without tear or accident. For nll bowel cumplulntn itits a Bure upecmc. LAvlold 1e,t.1t.u.e1, "there II but one "Pain- tll um; um.»- .-- t- PEIFECTLY HAIILBS and pf, electuu Painkiller may be udmlni-te by inexper. lent-ad non-mm. uni-Mn... 1...- __. ___ is . u SUPERIOR Some people EéE'ErEEt‘t' iG Tia'..' on hearts when they. have slmplx [out their nerve. It takes one to make a. and. two to make a. bargain, three to make a marriage. . _ It is natural that the man who gives himself away should feel cheap. What a good world this would be It all men did what ther. boost of. A postponed task more toll begets, arid borrowod money pays no debts. Uvera Ya (Wine Hand) Diainfeetaatt Chicago J ournnl. A laugh Its worth a hundred groan- in an; market. It is natural that the man who gives himseit away should feel There le but one way to properly appreciate the advantages, of a. trip to New York or Barton on the train. of the New York Centred Railway, and: that Is to use the line. See your ticket agent. Then cool the pudding. cover it with an lclng and serve. no make- a firm cake. whiett should. be well flavored with orange extracted and garnished with a. little acid jelly. 2he orange extract lo made by soaking the yellow: peel of 5 Cai.. lfornle orange In 90 per cent. at- cohol for at least two weeks. Grate the peel Into the alcohol of pack lt in tllln slices. and see th'at there is enough of It to tIll the bottle 'tompietelr--Tribttne. an hour. Add Mx heaping table- spoonfule of lugar. and stir them In well. {then add three whole egg. and flavor with a ttstriopoontui of orange tlower water or orange extract. Roll some good putt paste yer: thin. line a tin pudding mould. holding about three pinto. with this paste; add the rice with the 9339. sugar and flavoring. and put the pudding in a moderate oven to tee. for forty minutes. the milk tor twenty minutes. then oool_1t ln AY saucepan for half A delicate rice cake for deuert may be made a. follow: Put a pint ot cold. from milk In a. sauce- pan over a, hot tire. When It boll- add a heaping- cup or well washed rloe. Let the rice cook slowly In Getting anti-motion n In... Clovohud Hun Met. "wau did you come out with your lawsuit?” . "I won It." ' ' "Get, damn.” t" "tgum. I not almost enough to pay my lawyer." Atuattat1ttetatttetioa. “So you quarreiled with your wife t" "No, mth-atte quarrelled wid me." “Don't you ever amel- back P' "Jody." replied the witness. "Pm forty you" old 1" _ PC. 3:an tint' this Liap, tannins my form of “alteration Mum. or cont-ins any injurious chemicals. Mlnu-d'l Llnlment Cure: Mphthe 85.000 no"! tf mm, 70mph. may gan'jgha Minn-d" Llnlment Cum Colds, etc Punishment for Talking. Wisdom of' a Kind “THE ONLY way “MMMIQI'. u; The Whaom or Age. Dick's Blood Purifier DICK’S ives 110nm a smooth 10-, can and puts 15; and spirit into “an: t. 'f Try a pa with any tun-dawn mind you my I'm-dad you will be convinced 50 ”at. I ”on... LII-mg. llttl I 00.. any; Iain-n aloe cm. tilorses and Cattle X It meow-in Peeteethealth, and has”, ' 75c?" of milk. For - -__’ r “'0 by all ttmt dug _ In the but Tonic [or will be _to pose contains - - - - and - form of “chin I Headland jl'tl',tg?iNtit'Si 1 the maul-43mm have cur-mood it. ta+ .tlmoniala in the duly pros. and ask your neigh- hon what they think of". You out no It and get our money back if not cured. one A box. a. I.“ dream or Bonn-01.8"]: t 00"!ng Dr. Chang's Ointmont ruul'nce-w'SIIB can some one VII pleased to hear her talk for an hour. Pittriet--versiu she w.“ tulktng to herself. Patience-i, plgnsed to hear ALI- 01-ng. L B. EDDY’S I up Chm and 9nd Chicago Pttst. "he boyo are throwing atonea a poor peddler." "Outrageous." “Thaw. what I think." 5 j "Whose boys are they?" "Your." "Oh, well. boys will be bore. t the childnen play." any; um 7038. PAILs. no "- A“.-;, - ,, v_-_... - un- mourn U] In" country than all other ("new put together. and until the loot low your: want uuppooed to be lncurable. Fore rent many year- doo. tom pronounced It A ocal diturtae' und preo- crlbed local remedleu and by constantly lul- luz to cure with local treatment, pronounced it lucurable. Selena- hu prawn outnrrh who u constitutional dueturi, und mentor: ro- qulm u eomrtttutionat tn-uuuent. Hair-Co- turrh Cure, mnnulncturrd be F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, I: the onlv coprrtitttttdrtat cure on the market. " I. when internally tn dose. from 1 0 drops to a u-uupoonlul. Itietq directly on the blood and mucous surface. at the Intern. Th7 otter one hundred dolla- for any one it fat a to cure. Bend tor elm- luu and mtlmonlua. Address F. J.CRENEY & CO., Tobdo. o. Bold 'tM,'grgtp,iii,e,. Hall‘s and y mu. are the beat. Chicago Tribune. He met her Just a. he stepped on the car. She cur he wu smoklng u che eittur, " Ha apoke not. and she wa- equally dumb, For Ite aw he saw the was chew- INDURATED leRE WARE There ia more Catarrt m un- occtlon ortho nutty-v 0h... all ”.1.-- AnAA, _ on... t. KEIMLL M., “038088 mum. . -_“_- ---- - T.=TCUftV.' . . a. '" we“, "tftis?2mirituai'iiii'i'iiir"a mama... ot on” iikiifitV ‘s Mee" is???" Trp, fit".." ht',', J1Rrg'e,2oMh' 32.3 km: Lancing Batman": you B. P. mam tt lg " Abacus! ten-bl. "may (or - Splints, Curbs, 'lard'fd'f, ete. Remove. CG' bunchud lemma-r. Pure 31; an (or " " I 1itMmerr.ttf6y “le1304: It tau no grand. Auk a: m mm. New York. lend. um. an B, I. KENDALL 00.. 13etttl--t humane: VII Cm - 'ilil,roE#iisltyreifftiit?'] ,v'tr7,tiif,i"i?,t1'. no tt cv . Mt,"sWt,'d yearbook. 1|»ch found very useful. It you In" say Inc can“ of the "new. on tho Home and hum-," wlll you klndly send an on. " I!” I. tau-l [unbound only by THIAQAQPIILL are. M100 MILE AXLE GREASE r Doc . 1000 mu d ' B f hl'Al attire-co. wnlzonga? 8Stlt, Murray Bu. Blur du Loup, futon-u. amen-y Blur. Stooge” Iorgntp. Kamton AGENT 'rANi-Yo HANDLE on “food commllclon. our Elev-ton In chi an " A reliable In: or pttuu-hratrtr connected with building bun-Inna. Add: 'heee Gig-AElevntor Company. Ltatt ' samba. 1hid can -q in? iFie%tWrerrrosiiwea - -- "EiUA' "(G the 'hi,iit2eiitf, null was In a. United “at. on con-halo. ' unveiling a- gno- adv-mod. Adan- no. box No. a salmon. on. Mre,,f,,he/sr2v, I II I I 0 I T " you: not Iron the has. with good, may... ll flick can! to and Its, 'IS? Pf..." m- " ”WISE!!! of HAIILTOI. oiihiiro." For ale bx att loading denier: Iln Wm - tdiitci'h'iriir21,i, tqtienmdtrth_ii" Further tttter-ttogg u to B. Four also, Wooten Pun-(er t, Toronto Qutie a Dim-rem Mutter. inc sum useo saunas: vans mm coon nesuus.’ J" ll [GI A A) iili'lt Cattle ‘ and hm ' , l Ski-y can, ( 'metvinead. ' V ulso by "meerpertna, Spur}.- Ve n 0 mm: 7 ' TiF :DDV'; NEW Count-tempo. -""i" ,..-H. w gun ,m l‘ Chuck o.ittt.minLtiiriiikiii an} t!.teiyttferiLriCii'a" hid -caaraiL NO. cr. 1903 Thinga. be hon. Lot Summer Excursions "it 2.0-!“ that c We is hurpr.~w,. " .0.“ I am ttr 11. an- 2rBB6eetal for what _\’U11 'ttA"----, JANET VA m,',','; New Yum (“1 --- yf about letter Dim --____,___ _ -- tPerd them stand, Ivory working :1 "I I! cordial!) t'rtl " In. Pillklmm. “Pavia; it isfrm “tutored thousa nu, Paine's E $311371”. m pompouml l m. m rights of " Mt. Wonk of the 1 m spank his mu: " own opinion. He t willy what Hwy y painted in 1 “(It Samuel Pr they pensisted In on. they mus". - wide open ((1 God at“! “an”: "rar lt in Ulvir p thee MW .1” “on. are on the part “I“ of thaw u tr, B. navn [or-salt they had commut- Ept werv “(1.11m mud was 1n pit M hive" This 1 rd,",',",', that llIa- pm b and " 'NN' Mrs: minim-tuition um In merely rryvtol “or had P03801011 lint wt " Ito. III N their Interests Wntmem lo _ NIL-durum my. ”other loader “Pliny [nun]: Iortunm m n “It guVrrmuvnt. W and uI-pmntnr-l M. God's answur l) CD. 6-9. 6. [Aqua-AM was. l. SJmuvl - ahout to repet thr pm ot God. I'.. It m “and. til-Ir .1qu I T. 'uathert---God mrtttt them, but all I‘ve their. wa., "t tn [no displl-nmu'o ”It in Hit: Int-n ”acted tr.eo--Frwn that Stmuo-l in r.,,- Sunday “I. iii. 16). Tho t. aired an orhcutt wi1dtrrrt- M... -trcil of nun-nu- 1 whole body. Aftcr of Canaan wt' Yul-I “I. ot eittets wit) “drawn IL') 0-qu “New; tlt, tho .1 a united body u! m tribear."--t'aumri, tr. Thou art old-) all: adv,-." n no] appears to l out. Inning mwut l tb are: and but "ainem. Mukv us l Mr tributr (If a (“once could a pm] aver-nor than to l his hands the re tr. Not In his wag all not follow in I tblr godly mun-r. DOB. who (Ingram: “noun prom-emu qta.-"The ttttwr or “and cannot no l ”bated In " juclgu d. Elders ol hr; Clad!“ lax-av! you.» utlon of vldvrs u - directed to dl'l under the can: Jr _ Enamel W hat a: the Hebrew b nun-ed charge "DIV. tribe. were Ion both morally . Induced them t mu]. treext them $qtate Foke, tsdmi ""1 “tor and im .oted educauon an GL Chron. Auuc 1 “be. and ruined "a male of unlit a. Jol-'rtu, [no-mi of Bun-era sous udiuatioo of the "ertntm. Joel, "J Ahiah. "Jethovah in “bl-"1‘10” chief I. Samuel’s wan Paqi. a “11. FREE MEDH‘AI " want to thank y I. done for me. Ill Wllll “mun-u. JULY th, Cttammrattarr.-a. 1: " 5 “I; (n. 1 G). 0th , Prophet and no substitll L Pinklmm‘ wheat very of out Inklmm bro-1 at

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