West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Jul 1903, p. 8

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il' We are after your Factory Cotton, regular 'te Pure Linen Towelling, " toe Pure Linen Glass Toweiling, " toe 200 yds Fine Dress Ginghams " IGe, White Curtain Serine, 40 in wide, worth 12.he Bleached Cotton " 1m. Space will not The Goods that you use the greatest quantity of, these Are will sell you cheaper than elsewhere. The following are a few snaps we have on hand for this week : Embroideries, We want everybody to know what a great many people are finding out-that we lead in Staple Dry Goods. ALEX. RUSSELL WE AIM to make th WE SEARCH the GROCERIES FORFRIDAY AND SATURDAY DON'T FORGET F OR BO Nti9 SURPRISIN G VALUES IN WOOL WANTED FOR CASH oe TRADE. HAVE A LOOK AT" THE BIG STORE JULY HEAT . The Closest Prices on Dry Goods. 2. The Nicest Stock of Shoes. 3. The Best Values in Hosiery. 4. The finest Selection of Underwear. 5. The most ap-to-date Hats. 6. The prettiest Ladies' Furnishings 7. Choicest lines in Groceries e are after your trade and will strive to make it worth your while to deal at our Store. Watch our advertisements STAPLE DRY GOODS Bring Along Your BUTTER AND MOS, a; mun; tour 50!le AND EGGS, and sell them to us for the Highest prices paid either in Cash or Trade. u. BIOCKLER That our HARDWARE DEPARTMENT is right next our Main Floor and in it we stock nearly everything in Hardware\> Hollywood Paints, Oils, Machine Oil Me aGall.. Window Screens 25c, 30c and 350, Screen Doors $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 complete. We have a large stock of Scythes, Forks, tke. 8 lbs Tupioca for Me. Black Tea Me for 2N We have the best Japan Tea in the Market for Me per 1b Boys' State are nicely made, Sailor Blouses trim- med with white braid, with long or short trousers. The youngsters look well in these Summer Suits. The prices range from 850 to $2.25. Child's Print Dresses Me. Child’s Blouses 45e Ladies' Blue & Black Duck Skirts $2.25 for $1.69 Suggests the wearing of Light Summer Apparel. Our Stock of Muslims. Lawns. Silks, ao., is com- plete, the very newest money can buy. Don't wait until your favorite piece is. sold. Come in and make your selection. Fl. MOCKLER permit our quoting many prices see for yourself that we have to make this our strong point SUCCESSOR T0 J. A. HUNTER. markets for Special Snaps. regular "ie tor Ge per yd 10c for Se toe " Te but come and C C McFayden was in our locality part of lost week amending to his exten. sive business, but we fancy that there is somewhat " an attraction for C C somewhere between here and Irish Luke hence the necessity of killing two birds with one stone. Dugeld .McLeen and Hector McKin- non were busy the most of last week performing their duties as road masters in our town. From the result of their labors in the meantime swift drivers hove to teke the center of the road or the whole of the ditch if preferable, bat they will find that a good solid coat of gravel such as there is on‘eorne of our streets will be very useful next fall when our present smooth mod mule are knee deep in mud. County Com'r MoArthur spent all last week In Markdale attending to county matters. Our local commissioners are letting out jobs 'on the roads thin week and part of last, so we look for good mode in town. A number from our Jown and country took advantage of going to see tho laying of the corner stone of the House of Refuge at Markdule on Thursday last. Piper MoArthur was there to entertain the Indience with the sweet strains trom his Heeland pipes. Rey Mr Watson, who is as present till- ing the vacancy in the Presbyterian Church here gave an excellent lecture on India. the habits and customs in the church on Friday evening East. Mr Wat- son spent some years as missionary in India so he thoroughly understood the custom and manner of the people of that country. Intended tor Int wee! It is not our intention to write much this week as we see the " REVIEW " will contain letters of more importance than ours daring the coming weeks. We refer to the able letters of Rev Mr Mathew", pastor of :tlie Presbyterian church 02 this place. As Mr Matheson is.au able writes his letters will be appreciated by all read- ers of the REVIEW. Cha n-urrain dhuin a. bhi lnhairt, ma na nithenn uile a chunnuic mu: 9. cbuula. siun ach s-urlean dhuin a channtean gut e semmonach sgnirteall a. thn 88. Rosaach urramach ugus gur e seinnidear gasda tha’n a MacUoinneach Loch. Charron. We congratulate Mr and Mrs Arch Shearnonich Maistair Rossach do chomh-thionneal mor a. chrmnneach as a. hhalla agus an duthaich mu Cutrt. bho'n cheann-tengasz 2. Peader 1, 3-4. agus 's urminn dhuin a rahd gun d'fhuie ind mm ghnrdeachaa anus achonmsa hha aca seurmon Ghaelic a chluintenn non unir eile. Char wirhhais Ghnelic nchunmilan de anus a. cheud eaglais eleirach lexe na. ministearan so Alasdair Rossrueh, Domnhuill Duhhaiiach Murachadh Mac Comneach. Tur'nndh Mm-Lemd. ugus Iain A Mathonach. Mr Hossmreaehed an excellentsermon from lst Peter 3, J, in which helium-ess- ed upon a. large congregation of earnest. and appreciative listeners the precious- ness and the trettuirsemass of the Chlis- Lmn’s hope. reality and the durability of the Christian's Inheritance. as contrasted with the transitory things of this life. At the close of the service Mr Mathe- son spoke uppreciatingly of the kind- ness shown to the Assembly hy the people of Vancouver. a. kindness that would never he forgotten. He referred also to the evident Interest that is taken by his guellc speaking heaters in this new land in Christian work and at the same time expressed the hope that they would never forget the lessons taught in the homes from which they came and that the gold tried in the tire in n. spiri- tual sense would be the gold for which they would most earnestly strive. The singing which was first class was led by Mr H McKenzie. formerly of Loch-Curran, Scotland, hut now an es- teemed resident of this city. Gaelic serviws wm'e held in theGt Presbyterian Chum-h in which the fol- lowing ministers took mrt. Rev A. Ross, Rev 1) Mt-Dnngall. lie-v M Mcken. zie. Rev N McLeod and Rev J A Madl- eson. Minnistearan lsho' cum and mi. h-oag- his a. lahhairt arms achamm Alhnnnnch. As to the Assembly whose labors will soon he ended I must. say that it was a pawl withering. I mu told that. " is the largest yet. in the history of the church.' All the meetings were intense- ly tnteretrtiutttutd Were largely attend- ed. especially those in the evenings"! which nmny of the people ofthe city took advantage. These were two facts that, We could mic pnssihly get uwuy from. lst. the aniril of hn,thevliuetm and mmnimily thut was numifesied ouall sides. 2nd. the tto-ahead. lmginew. states- nmnlike “numer- of doitw, thiug, that, characterized all ll e prm-eediugs. I will not attempt, at digest nf what has heen accomplishml for you will kuow that. frnm the (hulv papers lulu: "efore thin leller can he puhlmhed. Ellt-lusefd you will find an aux-(mm of the Gaelic service that was held an the Assembly Sabbath. well of it and they never hesitate to en- courage the Ihusttrrners (for they have a far greater regard for them than the Chmumen) to come to dwell here. This time we meet in the "wild and woolly West" as it is sometimes called, vet I have no hesitation in saying that mem- bers of Assembly have never. beep treat ed with greater kindness and generosity than they have been by citizens of Bri- tlsh Columbia. I am somewhat afraid that we are being spoilt. and progressive city considering in age of only seventeen years. There are splendid buildings, wide streets, and the "mag modern of imprpsrernen" and com. veniences. The people mke'freat pride in t..heiy.eptn.ttyi love it, hey speak labors being not yet. only uy thilthis in n Dear Mr. Esme. Since! came here I have been too busy to write to you. my impression- of this growing city or of the meeting of Assembly held herein, Ind now our labors being pot yet fully ended I can Vaneoueer, B. u., Jane Itith, was. "OI “I! PAR W381. ?s,'ijf'i"'d5g'k': SEARMON GHAELIC. THE DURHAM REVIEW PRICEVILLE. Yours sincerely. J. A. MATUEsoN. TRIO ARCHIVES TORONTO _ - ___ he“. ....,. l Mr. Hurry Hunt, our genial Ind enterprising I merchnnt. has sold his entire stock of goods to Mr Walker, of Mooretield, who takes Pi1tit'i,fy short- 1 . We are very sorry to lose Mr. um and his es- Jmable life partner As they won a host of friends by their generous, courteous treatment of their many customers. A The Roman Catholic ionic which was pained on secount of the increment weather if? week came ott on Tuesdny Inst and Wu In all round suc- cess. The daruas not I desirable one and conse- quently the crowd we: not as lune u it otherwise would have been hut I true, soda] feeling prenu- ed and all seemed to thoroughly enjoy themaelves, The tables were loaded with tempting delicacies, the sands with 'g2'i'Sing drinks on anetizmg viands and the dancing p ationn wen we I mm". ized. The committee are to be Congmttrltited in bringing this annual event to so succcuful a ter- minution. Mysterious Night! That follows day {is 't"J,t,igt Ielgthgrig, Ana n t ty magic wan no t s sway (Yer meadow, hill and plain. When moon. the monarch of the night, ll Illunlihmltes the iscellile'si h oer'uy orious at e g t 'er MI 3nd forest green. How calm it is! The silence deep _ Is bound by such a chain, That Nature seems to be asleep. Ne'er to Awake again. Now sleep. son of the sable night, The poor man's wealth and peace. Relieve our cares, and till the light. Let all our troubles (ease. Rev. Mr. McClellan mangled the rulpit of Me Ptesttyterian Church Bun tl mom as. His dir- coune we; den. pointed an impressive ma he in a specie: of exceptionally mm power. mu Jennie Scott, of Chstsworth. is spending . few pleasant days with hertumt, Mn. Baht. Buy. n. In... a“... -___r_ fl, . . - Sunday school pieuio held in Colin Me. Le Ln's bush on Monday last. On account at the shortness of notice it was not as well attended as it would have been if longer mvtice had been given. Mr Dixon. of lo G & E. entertained his enn-anne wholars at. his residence on Mon- duy evening last. The Inspectors report of Mr Dixon's standing. as teacher, is highly appreciated by hun for his fauhlul- means In attending to the duties depending upon him as teacher. Councillors Muir mm Sullivan were letting jobs on town hue. Arteuussia and Glenelg. lass week. Our toot ball boys are getting to be chumpiouuatthe play now. They won four tunes during the last couple of weeks ind instead of calling themselves the " Gophers " we think the Caledonians would be more suitable for them as they have acquitted taetnselve,, admirably goon wherever they go. Allted Him%i, scum Lina. sold $330.00 worth of stock last. week. old man giving him "atria skiers to any " home in future, as the action in ques- tion smuggosgs a. sample; of bu carelessness. --- -- _.."...-V --. - ._...-... Av v- - unloanBuUaE. Mrs Hepburn, of Durham. visited at tht McUnnnel's thu: wank. The young man who lett the gate open in the morning after being with his be- loved all night. better be careful the next time he comes or else the proprietor will be hauling him up for damages donate crop. by wny of admitting all animals run- ning at large on highways auto his out tield. besides ranging a great risk of the Rauald McDuugall. of Montana. and stems spent a couple of weeks at the old home, South Lula. Artemesia. A uumhexj trum here attended the ex- cursion to Guelph on Saturday last aud enjoyed themselves Immense”. Da Atkinson is enjoying himself at homehcre and Will moume his practice tor some lime in this place. All are pleased w seems linppy smiles amongst us again. Mines Kate and Minnie McIntyre, of Tor. onto. are spending their hozidugs at home at their mother‘s Mrs Msiutyre't,, Smash Line. Our old friend Dr Bovlo in muting at Prweville this week. Ho looks well and appears that life amongst the Africans and Indians agreed with him. Malcolm Cameron is visiting his family at Toronto this Week. Rev Mr Varley preached his farewell sermon here on Sunday inst. His not is cast. again in Simcoo couuiy tor the next three years. Mr Varley made many irieuda during his ministry in the Metho- dist Church in this place. Rev Mr Watson will be young to Town- to on Dominion day. but Will return be- tory, Sunday; “at of 'l'op can. South and! V --_ - __ - "gSe'tiASet tyr) .'tt 1:392:21: PPIr.ft',Uli G AseF,ASe'h - Dornoch. M"eh" Ll Ind enterprising :ock of goods to Mr 'AM Eurasian short. lr. um and hilt es- n a host of friends treatment of their M ' Mn 8 Whitmore is at present smynng I with her daughter Mrs w P \Vatson. Some .13 or 14 cream neparutotn' have been sold in this local“; by that genial agent Wm Jaw McFad en. of Durham. and all giving good satisfaction. The stonework for a new barn has been completed for Herbert A Hooper on__lot IO,, con m, _ Mrs A Hann returned on Wednesday. from the deathbed of her sister, Mrs Peter Devoider. (nee Katie Bell) of Tor. onto. and well known here. She leaves a husband and 3 boys to mourn het low. Mr Hum-has again returned to his old job of night watchman on the acow at the lake. We react to learn of the severe illness of Mrs Rom Henry and Mr J no Lawrence, and hope they may soon recover to their usual strength. - Me Peter Reid recently sold a bnndsome trolt to Mr Alfred Tucker, for something near 080.00. The beef ring in the neiahborhcod has again started. the genial Mr Geo. Wit. tere being the burgh“. - 7, - Me Fulbouer and daughter Martin. from Mono Road are visiting " the Messrs Moore's and Muir's. Mr. Thou. Jiobliwell and Mr Dan. Me. Kinnon of this [an accompanied Irv Mr J. A. Wilson of Dromore, left here for Alberta. district on Tlmre'day of hurt week. Being of a kindly and social dispontiou, their company as wall as their talent in the musical line will be much missed. The Rev. Mr Varley preached his fare, well Sermon at the Ebenezer Church on Sunday last to a large audience. He hon presented hare. sermons of a high order, showing great thought. study, and ability in their composition His and Mrs Var- lcy’s ntfabiliiy and com-tow wtll be long remembered by the people_here.- thar Soldiers from this part, 8tf. 8gt. haulage. and PICS. Moore and Reid have returned from Cum). at Niagara and re- port having had a splendid time. Mrs A Hana and two Llnldren hue been sent for to see her sister Kate who is dangerously ill in Toronto Her lather Mr A Bell has been present With her for sew-ml weeks. 'i, '%eobatd, aa, Ctothier. 3 Cbs/ii-a/tsts".--,--.,--,,--""' JOiser 'tihat An up-to-date Straw or Felt Hat will be needed to complete your comfort. We can safely say we have them and the price-well we will let you be the judge if we cant save you from 15 to 25 per cent. cr. I We Wotish Is reached when we say that we have everything a man needs to complete his wardrobe from head to foot and can save the buyers money on every occasion. We 704" Thing to ensure comfort is a nice soft front Shirt. We have just received , large assortment of the above, beautiful in design and guaranteed not to fade. d me,,, (I: (2 Gime NORTH EGREIONT. In winter you require warm Clothing. In sum- mer the lightest is necessary. We have in stool: the newest Summer Clothing, no old stock or last years patterns but the very newest. All you have to do is to call in and we will be only too pleased to show you them. _ Li? for 6vnyMiny “I‘- nuxecton and Ion of Dundnlk. visited her sister Mm John Hard . Home for holida. Monti: 'sGfa, to Dromore. Hons-1r Wat-on and Eddie Ferguson from O. ft. Business Collage and Miss Ethel Campbell from Ma, Dicku millmery Nome, Durham. -_' vvull my " the Guelph excunion. AlrmsA'faEeG7,i; and 4-1-3 .1. neuderaon. Cleveland. h visit- {ing at her father's. Mr n Ferguson. The funeral at the late Geo. Haw took place. Monday to St Andrew's candor-y. Mrs J. Rich-Moon accompanied her son John Heats and wire on a trip to viisitfrimuG in rune Cm Mica Smith of Niagara in waiting at Mr Wuuon'u and Mia Ferri- of Bruce. at Mun. Fen-105'. In: Bohr. Knox and Mr I H Riehud- '"'hht cill,"ggu,icarti f u took r o y and In: in thaGu'elph amnion. y ,,"...... “mm. nothing dammed Ly slight defeat in Proton, In." amoral with three other teams to Pier for the 325 cu offered bv the ladies' of the Pres. Chung. Proton, to the. chnmpion team at their garden party, Friday. Miss J. Hammye Ipent two weeks With E remonc friends. Mrs f, Henderson. Cleveland. is visit- ing at her father'i, Mr n Ru......:" It is not bet-nus e there are few events wurth recording that the Park hudgeta are so irregulnr. but everybody is busy, picnicing. sporting, excursion trips, to. Few places this size cm haunt of three soldiers of the King. but Corp. Child. with vecruits Ferguson and Mdetid ttave just returned from Itttit mm . three tine specimens, of Can Inn youtg. Our football team. nothing taunted Ly slight defeat in Photon. hike entered with three other teams to pk, for the 825 cug offered bv the ladies' of the Pree. Chu_rc_ ' Proton. to a... .4.-.“- . -qr '-_.N_ " Ipplllm- Messrs D P Coleridge and Austin Hum: have purchased a mower and hay- rake rospectivel y from agent McFadden. and is recovering from her recent. mu. hap very nicely we are pleased to say. The Rev Mr Vurley preached to a large audience at the' hall on Sundnv evening. This being the Last 0(1va v. before leaving for his new 'qrpoittttucni. Though his sermon wan not of the nature of n farewell It was delivered in his usual masterly style It? the have all been here. At the close of the service he. expressed his appreciation of the kindness shown him and Mrs Vulcy by all the people in this locality and Wish- ed then; all prosperity and hummus. hr-,.., " " 1‘ l - - swmrou PARK '.‘-. t VOL. XXX, 'ttrt :2'r _ 1 c, a: nk' “I! g l),llll',,,l,l.l,),ill,ll! a}; a? J}: 'ht Air, h'i1Pch','/xxy:,Rc, Phom 4iliity,tiM w O ply Shaun”, at tselect WE PE WH'I 'INC Nr Then they wan CONSIDER the BUNTsigi BOW' WASH l and linen 01 all tsims... BOYS' RIDES! " and will 'or Samplrx [IDIES' WIN light blue. d name. tttat col hard variety at col SIYHSH IND We Wartt White [fund and edged White Unde med with titt Fanbmiderv, trill White l'nd tucks and? value tit. .1 White Umt gnu“! 'sdtt, 'I Let than they will t " " That u-IM we add tlt want iuv USP: Gran are the pan at at a Pl people by the them a 0 SEE NO ttt h' h' I .astJ

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