West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1903, p. 1

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kiln am n sum- ave in il stock 1":ng be only Fruits. {pain-NV a mce l large der, " my 1903 Us Ns All l VOL. fififlflmflflmflfimfimmflflflflmfl -arft A}: trr. 45 t (1 tt -u, 1!? ij,i ill)fvl,',r,l,ll,),lli.ll! J,l.l,lff)l, $3351:me E o 1% faanes 'retest ii' Fit WISH IND 60m fl)ll SUMMER DRESSES... 9343 “no...“ t IVE' PRINT I . [VF/”737.3 Nr7Trh'.s,' "nd .mp- ' My Ntutlunrry at lu’wrmnmhlr fl"tee. Fur Nam/rim, Price., um! Sty/m to . i sclrct I'rum, Hill (IL the lilt'l'llt'lV ”1'17"," i:::: A It. I; I m t? - - -.,.--.. _.._ ----......,. CONSIDER the holiday comfort of the boys with waist suits and BLOUSES PRICES ARE TRIFLING an BOYS WASH b'UI'rs--in linen, galatea, and linen and linen crash, Sailor and Norfolk styles and allsizcs...... ...r.. ...... ...... ...... ........ iliit , tll, BOYS I%OUsDi--The, regulation Sailor blouses na- 7 5 vy and white galatea, in Extrr Good Quality. C Then they want a good, comfortable. pair of BOOTS. Let them try our Cordova Bals. and you and 1 50 they will be satistied. 82.00 worth of wear for . llDlES' WHIIE (lliilEl--igt ill me (tat and ttt White ['ndcrakirts.‘ good upttop. lawn Py..t,'e, .witb 21%: I'ti.d . CT t W". j1it.e.".i.n.ir.r /i.t.'t (r.i".l., /".'.".? Me That tells the story of our Dress Muslins and Ginghams--when we add that the PRICE IS EASY. Here are a few lines that want investigating "p . ZEPIIYR GINGHAMS. colors red, Uaek, pink, light blue. manna and linen with laney stripe p.at.- 100 terns, last colors and excellent wearing qualities speeial New American DIMITY MUSLINS, in a large 15 variety of colors and patterns, all fast colors, spec. yd C White Unnderskirts, deep lawn iioanee with tucks. and edged with frill of wide embroidery. dust frill White Underskirts, deep tioanee of fine lawn, trim. med with fine tuchs and frill of handsome French Embroidery, dusttrill...... ...... .. ...... . .r..q. White Underskirts, good cotton. lawn fioanee, tuck- ed, and edged with frill of good embroidery, dust l trio...... ...... ...... ------- 7 " Ames Holden (k, HOMO"! her tho place Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE Want Any Quantity of Butter and Eggs. BOOTS r ' times J; eiand Rubbers THE POPULAR CASH STORE. THE POPULA" CASH STORE . NO. 28 --ftllllr ql Becoming. LAI DLAW'S Old Stand 'e,Rechztie. '01 ttrtitniet, '38.??? 2 . 2 5 1.00 1.25 an li ir Domxlox DAY C'o:LisuutAauoss.-- E‘Quite a large crowd left Darham last [r; Wednesday morning for' Hanover to at- F. tend the Dominion Day sports originat- L ed by the Hanover Fire Brigade. A [': large trades procession was formed and _ marched though the town in the morn- E ing whilein the afternoon the crowd E wended its way to the show grounds. The first; attraction was the lacrosse s".. match between Durhatuand Hanover “Juniors, which resulted in a. tie, 3-3. , l Durham took first goal. Hanover next. , in order throughout the game, and had E , rather the beet of the playing in a. keen- 'ly-contested match. After exciting it, l horse races. Durham and Harriston tien. iors, both in the Junior Series. C. L. A., were the opponents. Durham was compelled to use besides other juniors. lthree boys who played in the former lmatch. but they all showed up well. Even with this patched-up tearn,' Dur- ham defeated them with ease by a. some 1of 8--8attd could have made it larger. l0n the defence end, Theobald at point lwns the most conspicuous. while' Mc. lit re. Munro and J. anelle did the [hull of the scoring. Following this. te. the Hose Reel race between Dur. l ham and Hanover Fire Brigades. which gDurhnm also won, though disputed. :The rain prevented the water tilt in l the evening. Mount Forest ca abut. ed the Dog by bowing a. great Catholic ipienie, an a. lacrosse match. in which 1 the Lornes again trimmed Fergus to the Ltune of 2--1. Chatsworth also had a I big celebration. JN floww l iij;._ fi-iii-iii; 'iEi.i.e'.')olPgCt3; I Ir, TrtArH.urnrnv. --31t, Gills. PPre,trh-l E _ ni.e was in cyntyunication on Monday I Elwnth some leading promoters of the, F, _ Electric Railway and to-day, Wednes-i' E , day, a number of them are in town and i E’pring out the land-and the water-- le? l for they have been examining the pow- :'er possibilities of Eugenia and of hay-v Ewan-d3; Falls. We Hope it may go tin l it time. 1 ttttt A FONT-BALI. TUI'RNAMENTu Price- ville on Friday of this week. will he cal. led upon to entertain It large crowd who will surely he on hand to witness and participate in a. (lay of sports and n night of b' need) and song furnished by Ihiceville l'/?J,iUttl/1.d",', Church. Four " Star " football teams will compete for a cash prize of $10. Dromore. Ceylon. Swinton Park and Markdule all send stalwarts and the fiRlitr will be keen. Dromore choir' will be present and Mis. ses Emma James and Anna, McLean. two popular Priceville vocalists. will sing in the evening. Admission to the whole by ticket, only 250. Tea served from 6 to 8. See posters. great merit, is planned for. ' Mr. lhTs- dale, the vocalist who delighted the Presbyterian congregation on Sunday. is to shut. Durham Pres. Choir, local clergy, Dr. Smith. Juo. A. Graham and Commissioners McKinnon and McLean me ali billed to appear. Mr McLellan. student preacher, Llhaivtnan, Tea from " to h'. Admission 15C. See hills. Ilockv Saugoon Presbytermns have made tu'r"uugetnents for .1 great Garden Party on the evening of Tuesday next on the grounds of Mr. Hugh Mekech. me. north of (Zhurcn. .A [vi-pang") of Toronto was excited last week over rm I attempt of the Street Railway Co.. to I put down a. hue over a street, forbidden. ( The mayor was notified about m p. nu. ' and stopped it. It appears that once l over the city limits, this could not have} been done. Osritry:rr.--Niss Gladys Whitmore's name was omitted when the list of [no motions in Durham School from Part II to Je. 11 was made up. This notice "ka9 it right. Not only did she paws, she passed equal With Jamie Fun tthate son who was first. Well done 'ih1'l',T. Remember the Garden Party at Mrs. Gum’s. Sr.. this Thursd..y evening. Fine grounds. hand music, and selections from Mr. '/Tftl,t.; the visiting vocalist are part of t e trout, in store. Admis- sion, 10 cents. Durham Juniors. the .. Mintos, " last week defeated a Mt Forest, Junior La- crosse nine on the grounds here by a arm-e of t --1. Only 9 a. side played, the visitors being short. HOTEL 1'nrAscrE.--Mr. V. Hahn, after a. few months intermission. took pos- session of the Knapp House on Wed. nesdny last, having purchased the pro- perty from Ne Allan McDougall. The Sunday School in S. S. No. o. Glenelg will hold a picmc Friday after- "can. July 10le in Mr. Tom Ritchle’s grove. All are invited and expected to bring n. basket. BRIDGE Duwx. Mr G Mackay has; ngnugnf men at work for the town preparing the ImLments fur it new! bridge on Lamhton St. _ ' Toronto welcomed thousands. of home- xcomers last week. ' Get, your' Hay Fork Track from It, P. I LIEUATE & Uo., Ceylon. Money to Loan at 41, per cunt. Anolher of Mr. Mathesmn‘s “no series 0f letters appears this, week. and au- other has just att.ived and will appear next. week. Tne TWELFTH. The Grunge-men u this District intend celebrating the fa "Ions anniversary in Hurristnn on Mon day next. The Methodist ('lmrch will hold their annual Garden Party. next. Tuesday evening on the Church lawn. Money to Loan at 4; per cunt. MACKAY (c Buss. Durham. Church's Bug Finish-Kills the hug and fertilizers the crop. Try it. Mav- Fnllmle‘a Drug Store. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1903.) (s',,iliiit 1iiibaiitiit), of ', Report of fittruwe t.ottuvittrae.. -hiuni. final World, By-law hook and dog tugs, $6.25; Wm Moore. work on streets with team. 58.25; Chas Brown. do 31.50: :(Ehns Brown. lumber an. 6.88 I John Mc. I Kelvey. work on strpets. (5.75; Heron 1 Valle”. do. l8.00: Geo McLean do 7.50 I l Wm Watson, do 7 50; John McKinnon, lwork and Lean). 49.05: Donald Beaton, iwork. 10.50; John McFadden, do, 12.75 ", nvrn B Valle", salary for June 22.08, (express. postage. &c.. 1.41 t Jas David. ;son, (mute:- salary, paints and work Inuit): Fred Seigncr. sprinkler and ‘freigllt. 207.12: IVttt C Villson & Co, :relmirs for engine. 7 50: J M Latimer. , repairing Wire fence, 2.00: Alex McDon- lflld. , salary as engmeer. $12.50; Shew. tll & liqnirlmn. work and material seats, In PEARL & DIAMOND Brooches our stock is the largest we have ever had. I_tt Diatnon1itfytTttl Stone Rings our Stock was never so complete. SILVERWARE THAT SELLS That a GOOD WATCH makes us regular in our habits. You can get a good one in a few minutes if you call on us. A good watch is the cheapest in the long run, and if it is carefully cleaned and oil. ed, it will last a lifetime. Dunn-ll 114me Wynn” I'll. Bun-r. Mr Ranmge, seen, of the school bond handed in the estimate for the amount. required for school purposes for the coming year $2325.11). HNTter--sSharp-TharC H (Jonery he notified to regair the cement walk built in 1901 w ich requires repairing. Carried. Mckechnie--J H Brown -_-. That the clerk be in itructed to ascertain the names of the lmndsmen which the Maple Leaf Granolithic Co., are pre nir- ed to give us for the fultihnent on their part of the sidewalk contract. (Jar. Town Hall. 12.75 l South Grey Registry office, registering Iry-law 147, 2.00 ', Geo Whitmore. pumps and setting horse power 12.00: Thos Whelan. on ma. as constable. 15.00; Geo A Thompson, 1 salary as fireman to engine, 2.50: Dr Atthur Gun, medical attendance Mrs. Saunders, 15.00: total $552.39. All of which is respectfully submitted. John McKechnie, Chairman. Sharp -J L Brown --That report of finance' committee he accepted and chumes he issued for the several tV umnnts. Carried. Council mervegdiaAuehitik "iii,did,Ti, all, presen t. HoxoRs To STELLA t-isrr'ru.-Nany here. will remember this young lady. grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunter, who attended school here. Last weeks' Brandon nnd \Viunipeg Papers contain results of the recent col. ege examination from which it appears she got. honors in Latin and Mnthenuit- ics and a. scholarship of 800. She was the only one to rank Class A. wh'ch "leans she took over so per cent, and 175 candidates wrote. Besides she took honors and scholarship of $30 in French and German. The Brandon Sun and Winnipeg Free Press both rerun-d her excellent standing. 1Ve heartily con- gratulate the young lady. Another bright young sister. Laura. is laying foundations here at present. The Flesherton Advance nnnnunces that Miss Annie Joy, the Alto singer of the "Joy Slicers” IS to be married to Mr. J. E. Fawcett, principal of the school there on Jul 13. Everyone will wish theteseteetned find much joy and of cunrse 11E getsJoy in the eileemed lady. Mise Allie Joy last week had a painful experience as a. result of a stroke of lightning near her. but happily no seri- ous injury resulted. THE Pom: DYING. - The civilized world has been looking pathetically this week into the death chamber of Len XIH. The aged Pontitf is W. and even with life passing his mind is clear. The last rites of his church have been "d- "tiuisteped. yet he asks: .. Open the shutters, 1 wish to see once more, per- haps for the last, time, the rays of the sun." A FINE NVMrerut.---The Globe ouldid itself lust. Week in the splendid home- comets' number it issued. Not only the illustrations of past and present, hut the letterpress makes it valuable histor- lcally. It is a daisy. The trustee hoard at its meeting last week made an immense of $50 in the salary of Principal Allan. This we are sure. will be endorsed by the town which thoroughly appreciates Mr Al- ian's good work. DrtrcLrNa.--Goes on daily at the big derrick by the side of Camp Creek. and they are down over 100 feet. When gas or ml is struck our readers will know by the head lines of this paper. Ten of our Oddfellows were over at Walkerton on Sunday assiicinp; in the ceremony of decorating the graves of the dead. 150 were in the procession. Did we mention that, Mr. Jun. A. Graham was rte-engaged for 1901 at Hutton Hill s8lchoo1 , Well he ts then and at i normsed Salary. 7 Comic“ Achamfwr Ju_1y (tty. 1003. harden Barty And Open Air Concert isAtJG'EEN fitESBY'ITytr & GUILDS Tomight On Grounds Ot Mrs. Gun. Br, Q p , a , y __ Admission Only 100. I ' MLLT IN HOL‘DTLIN. Ga.rd.en_Per.v Aug] Oprtt (ir Concert A. GORDON, YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Town Council. WM. B. Voan, Clerk. “1:1:an geImggr---Nre make a Specialty. \VATCHMAKER. JEWELLER & ()I’I‘ICIAN 'Hrawiie,% Beauty combined with quality is what we offer. CUT GLASS Local speakers and music will be provided for the Evening Meetings. A cordial invitation is given to all to at- tend these meetings. Young or old, of both sexes. Mrs. T. McGIRR, Wuss.K L. DIXON, MISS, JEANIE RODDICK Cobourg. and MISS LILY M BEAM, Bl. Creek, will address the Meetings. Meetings of the above body will be held at the following places on dates named. Afternoon meetings at 2 and Evening meetings at 7 p. m. Holstein, Robert's Hall, July 11. Durham. Town Hall, July 14. Allan Park, Orange Hall, July 15. Dromore, Russell Hall, July 13, and Elmwood, Bohivuier's Hall, July IO. Good general purpose Mare, fottt'teeu vents old, guaranteed sound. Also a Maro- 4 years old, sound and serviceable. Apply to J. Wissy:rt. Rocky Snugevn. Mr Lothian's paper urged the ealtiv. ation of the evangelical spirit, draw- ing from history illustrations to prove its value in every religious movement. The recognition of brotherhood every- Most commendable. and retieetintt credit on the Convener, Rev. Mr Little us well as un the parties themselves, was the fact that every paperprcmised was given. Those competent tojudge say all were of unusual excellence. Miss Kate Young, Clifford, spoke on 'Coniseerated Service". Miss A. Ren- wick, Hurriston. on " Eneouragements and Diseouragements," Miss Pender, Palmerston, on “Individual Prepara- tion, " Mr Lothian, Dromore, on $s The Society's Mission to the Stranger and the N egleeted"; Rev Mr Reid on "The Bible and how to Study it. " Women's Instit'te4s: Pres, Mr Geo. Lothian, Dromore: igt Vice Pres, Miss Kilgour, Mt Forest: 2nd Vice Pres, Mr Gray, Clifford: Cor. Secy. Mrs A W H Lauder. Durham : Ree. Secy. Miss Dulmage. Palmerston; Treats, Miss Yale, Harriston. An important change was made in the Constitution of the Society, which is ammo be representative ot the sur bath Schools as well as the Guilds. The reports showed up encouraging- ly, especially in contributions, which had mounted from War 9300 to over 8900 in the year inst closed. This tiouritshine condition is leading the So. ciety to plan for keeping a missiunary of their own in some field. and a com- mittee has been appointed to make en- quiriea. The Society meets next year in Durham with the folloying oftieem Mrli'amuluusom Home Missions and Augmentation. Mr Campbell, S School. Mr Little. Young People's Societies. MrKendall, reception ot, and Mr. Ed- misson, examination of students. Mr Methtttoutth, Finance and Statistics. Mr Cameron, Church Life and Work. The Presbyterial Society. Same day and place the 7th annual Conventoiu ot Saugeen Presbyterial Societv was held and proved to be a record breaker in attendance and in general interest and usefulness. Wm. on Finance and Y. P. Socie- ties yvere presented by Messrs. Hanna and Little respectively. The conven- ers of the standing committees for the current year are as tollows : ttNO to help to clear the cost ot build. ing. I‘lThc requests were granted and the bttitfaetion of Presbytery ex pressed " thtt step the congregation is taking. f At the meeting of Presbytery on Tuesday. Mr John G. Reid, in the " sence of the moderator, presided. Iley Mr Auil was absent as he starts to-duy. for the old country, and Rev. Mr. Me, Culloch had found the prairie breezes so sweet that he had not returned. A deputation from Mt. Forest asked “hm to make an exchange of part of ir church property to secure a bend shaped lot for building a munse and Aliso the Presbytery 'it authority to raisaihy mortgage a sum not exceeding Pres., Durham. Secy., Dromorc (Confiuuml an pug/(1 , -- 4- 2d FOR SALE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO BIG_JF.WF.r.F.Rhrii'roRr. See oath Brooches, Necklets, Long Chains, Bracelets and Pins. We certainly have the stock to choose from. The goods are right here waiting for you Silverware“ This week and next we are Show " something entirely new in Summer Millinery. We are offering special iprices in Ready-to-wears and Trimmed Hats. J)f'rairtery at JWalf price Rinzs 'tmh,1lt)lljt)lli,2iNNt ()llg (lit (lleittt,-lllm tt BBSI. Stght is the only special sense which we use constantly except duringsleep. Perfect eyes see without effort. The Imperfect one: are constantly under muscular strain. ts it any wonder eye strain is so hurtful? How are your eyes t Consultation free. Satisfaction guaranteed. Eyes Are Workers. Miss Dick Nothing as nice as Silverware for Wedding Presents and at Keeler's is to be found the largest stock of good Silverware in the county and all our prices are the lowest. AT KEELER’S Solid Gold Wedding Rings in 10k, 14k and 18k. in all the latest styles. Big Stock of Engagement Rings to choose from. "iiiriiiiiii" BREAD j] We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomeness. It's a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable price Also Cakes. Buscults and Confectionery. HINDS BROS. and secure a Bargain. CHAS RAMAGE. Wright 's Old Stand. llIttllttltat d ih, Druggists t Bunksallers. PRINTER no Punusluzn At

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