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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1903, p. 2

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rd " a young follow she met while _,-u-.lng his mother at Lakewood In the winter. He was summoned to the ' room. {anrlng the worst. and not to the pretty nurse at once. :80 in slightly younger than she. but Jam her, and the mother in reads ”give yer blessing. "Miss JC, good looking brunette - med to a. rich business man in a "southern city. He was brought to ,the, hospital in a serious condition ,5nd nine was one ot his nurses {brooch a. long period of illness and .oonvalescence. Ther. will be mar- ;bd M soon a: tin house which he lg havlng built altar his own plans " nnuhed. " "Miss P., rorteheehed, fair haired girl trom Iowa. She leaves us next (woeir for Rugby-g. The bridegrqop pence her for the weary. protraot- pd vigils- and forbidding duties oT the training school. the hard knocks that were new before she got up to tho SifO-a-weak and bever‘stay- orat night mm. The unala of a oottein training Jami read like this: But whatever the secret, the trained nurse continues her con- quests. translormlng her patlents 1nd her patients' uncles and fathers .nd brothers Into bridegrooms wlth mails; facility. Even the nurse who ls a professed man hater, and who declares that the only advant- age In nursing men patlents ls that they pay her better and have no long hair to comb, will veer around and suddenly annex some well-to.. do patlent for better or tor worse. Tho trained nurse may be said to be uncommonly successful m attach- mg husbands worth the getthg and beplng. and her chances: of happl- mm are above the average. because from tho wry nature or her position as a walling woman alma- mnat bo ioeod unruly and solely for herself. 7 “Mb. W., a plump little nurse. who had a maternal. winning manner. even when aha first came to the “And a. third holds that it is because the nurse looks so radiant- ty healthy and capable that she proves seducth‘e to the ma.n she is nursing, or in whose family she is nursing. She understands the laws ot hygiene, is superior to nerves, no“ is able to keep tranquil at all “men vhen all others in the house- hold are distraught and htslptetra--a picture to incite any man's admir- grtion." Tho apparently eorttirmed bachelor or the widower whom bl. relatives believed sure to leave all his prop- orty to them will succumb to the magic of tho trained nurrue before um interested have time to object. “Miss L., fine looking girl from Can- ndts; one ot the bent nurses we ever had: marl-N last month to a weal- thy manufacturer up In Connecti- out. Ho was a. widower of long .tmrdimg. and she went there to purse his nephew, who lived with phenol. has scored the best match of all She has married a Boston wi- dower without children, who has al- ready settled much property on her besldes fl,'),',?,', her unbounded facin- the tor lplng her own family. who gig living in Vlrglnln. and are poor.' And the nurse usually falls into goal hands when she marries. It is as though lute would make amends tor tho drudgery filled days of her pro- batlou at the houpltal, or recom- ind the misn she “than: are of tho 'rtoadr.-ttoimt domestic type who I070 home and the simpler pleasures. "r don't think there Is a parti- alo of necessity for a woman‘s tell- ”. her age," In}: one woman, add- Q) what I: the use ot keeping tho truth back? You might as _ In“ submit to the inevitable and your”: the exact nttmber ot years you have been on this earth. were II no reason. however, why a woman should go on the house- top and proclnlm to the workl| that M is 50 and glad of It. Don’t “lt'n the uniform." In," one. ”White in to becoming and given th young women men a. look of spot- " Innocence. and". the cap In very fetching and tb wonderful help to tb gm who has not pretty hair "It’s because the appear: when the victim I. In a. weak. helpless. Impnulomblo condition. She helps him out of n. physical hole, and nat- ural gratitude nerve: to that hi. Interelt." layl another. WOMAN'S AGE A SECRET. 138. "But it u equally useless for pr not to tell It. There is al- nyo tome one who known It. and "hereto": it you attempt to pre- tax-lento you are certain to be loam] out." “is is quite true. It never fails that Just at the point when you ttaTe cleared away all difficulties, and convinced everybody that you we quite young some dear. good- Balm-ed friend I. sure to pop up or whit has not the twink tirr are mnulng it mttlly." _ "Whr. yes. such and such athing happened when I was LO, and you we tren Just three year! older ,1 (N. t an.) Inn observer who has kept count Both through the newspapers and by private statistics Isle that the trained nurse needs hend on the “It of women who make good mar- riages through their balloon asso- ciations; that the private secre- tar, comes next, with the protes- donai housekeeper n. little in her woke: that (overnesees and school- teachers appur to have e. very slim chance. and that. the saleswo- men and women engaged in com- mercial ceilings bring up the end ot the procession as regards the con- verting of employers into husbands. Occasionally an srtiet marries his model. a, ehemiet weds the assistant in hie lehorntory. or e dentist takes tar hie life partner the young wo- men who helps him to keep oiilce. me till now the trained nurse hae nude - hevoc with the single- bleeeedness of her employers than has any other order ot worklng wo- men. variows reasons are assigned for her access in this particular lug One day at Whitehall. observed King Charles II. and several of " attendnnts asleep. Stooping down, he cried out to one ot the delin- quantm "My lord. I am sorry to inter- rupt you, but If you more so loud, yogi will wake the King." _ _ Girls from 9 to 15 wear their hair interlaced with red crepe in seemi- ctrcle around the head, the forehead being left tree with ,a. curl at each side. From the ages ot 15 to 30 the hair is dressed very high on the fore- head and gathered up at the back In the shape of a. butterfly or fan, with twiatinga ot silver cord and perhaps a. decoration of colored balls. Beyond the mllestone ot 30 a wo- man twists her hair around a. nhell pin placed horizontally at the back of tho head. Quito dUrerentty, again. a. widow arranges her colfture. and the initiated are able to tell at a glance whether or not she deslres to marry turain.--New York Ban. His Marc, thereupon awoke, and. turning to his neighbor. remarked with his accustomed good nature, "This man must be made a blaring; remind me on the next vacancy. Whitening tbe Skin. If a remedy is wanted to i','it1,1".,",', Immediate and wonderful er ects in whitening; the skin use tar and olive oil, hora-ted together and cooled. Use upon the race when go- ing to bed with a mask ot thin old linen or muslin put on to prevent coming oir--rartluu. protecting the pillows by an old sheet thrown over them. In the morning a hath ot white motile soap and water brings the face out pure and softly tinted [an tar a no a A m. 'l? at”: The "du",Po'lf,r thty best, but one of the most bunnies- and cheapest preparations that can be procured. " The objection made by women to letting their age be known if not approved by the ladies of apan, who actually dimlay their cycle of yen; by the way in which they arrange their hair. "'Shut the doors, the shepherd is asleep. the sheep will get out'." "Some men preach." and Sldney Smith. “as It tlwy thought sin in to be taken out ot a man as Eve was taken put ot Adam, by casting him into a. profound slumber." Bo at any yaw thought not South, who, preach; Good Things to Know. Leather bags can be treahened by rubbing with a cloth slightly moiet- med with salad oil. Polish with dry muster: afterward till every vestige ot oil ia removed. Some Noted Instances of Sleeping in Church. To Clean L’ght Satin Bhotttr-'s'tatt tho shoe with paper and rub with a soft cloth dipped In spirits of wine, turning the cloth as it gets trolled. Strap effects are much Ln vogue on high show; and slippers. The high shoes may be, fastened with eight or nine ot these straps, pact. ornament- ed with a small buckle In 'silver, gilt or bronzv. Thnse straps have super- afded the colonial buckles on low t es. I The low shoes are: generally laced with wide ribbons. Red ribbon 18 thus used In a black Oxford tie. “Shut the doors T cried Father An- dre one day to the t3aimre on duty, what: he otmerved the Archbishop ot Paris asleep during his discoune. Baltimore American. It was in the courtyard ot the Bul- garign ng'al. palace. _ 7 _ "But nobody would ask you, for everyboch knows you are old enough to know better than to be asking a. woman her age." And the nttbrney passed on to the next queqtion. - - .. Yonder come the pnt1-rtsroitttiort- iatl," shoutw the royal chamborlalll to a servant. "Run and call the Kintr view t" refusing to answer my question," said the attorney, coulngLy. " I am sure I would tell you how old Iwne if I were naked." Taking a. card trom his pocket the my camera. at home! i "hatl servant began to spell out' the mule. ._"r,T="Ci,_'."'"'.' ttset It was Kartuteorigevttctt. . Mimud a human Vin-es Distemper. won " And yet," he said, bitter ' nth ---_------ b. expect me to cull him quiet-Ly. T, “There goesn spanking team," 'F who makes me sick '" lurked Willie Brown to Tommy an Suiting the actor: to tlu word he Jones as the tw, hu’i' mother walk. trm' threw up his Jou ed down the Mr .. together. on. "I but your pardon, madam; I! mean how mam years have you panned t" I " None ; the year: have passed me." " How many of them have passed you t" ‘All! raa,3 never heard ot their .toppintp" ' "Madam, you must answer my! question; I want to know yam-f, unco in desired by the other aide." "1 don't see why you insist not ' And what is Four age, madam ?' was the attorney's question. .. My own,"' she answered promptly. " I understand that, madam; I mean how old are you P' I' I am not old, air," with inditrnar. tlon. She was quite right. Twenty-nm In a very proper age at which to remain. . There in no ream why a. woman should be obliged to tell her use in court, If she 18 wise she will not. m preeent King ot England. when Prince of Walee. once noted e pretty woman her use. 8M 1’9- plied: “Just M." Five year. later he met her again and uteri the name queltion. “Jun 25." he again replied. he prince mailed and laid: “Five year. ago you made the name unmet." “Ah! your highnesl." was the rejoin". "ureir you don't think I an a woman who on." one thing tome! and another thing toemor. row .r's me favorite tucking use for wo- men in 25. Me I. proved by the fut that the number ot women ro- turnintt then-elven as between 20 and 26 In far larger nun the num- ber of girl- retnrned 10 you" be- tore " between 10 and 15. '11:. former mun naturally be the lur- vlvore of the latter. Here in a little mystery of wind! the volu- tion must be found In the Intricate maze. ot a. Women's vanity. do It. and don't think you are old. No one nowaday- 11 old. It ll un- ftottiongvttie. “ I 9onlt Jrnyt “at the: WWW Too Much for Endurance. SLEEPY SHEEP. ' “Bonding ot wondertul cure- by I Dodda Kidney Pill: led me to try them. I used three boxes and run completely cured. I can my now I have not had any Paine since I lungs]. Dodd’s Kidney Plllq." 'e ._- Betrothed Before Birth. During the Middle Ages It was ous- tomary tor princes and princesses to become betrothed and married in childhth'd to insure succession or pol- itical advantages. But it was only! in exceptional cases tint unborn children were disposed ot In the same way. Such a. case, however. is on record. It occurred in 1368, when Prince Sigmund. son of Emperor. Charles IV., was born. On his bap- tismal dam he was betrothed to Katherine. daughter ot the Count of Nuremberg. On that occasion it was agreed that a. daughter of Charles rv., with whom he expected to be blessed within live years, should be married to a. son of Count Freder.. lck. of whom it was also hoped that he should so be provided. This is the youngest bridal couple on re- cord. The hoped-for daughter came in 1373, the last year at the al- lotted period.. and she in time be- came the wife ot Jam m., the son or the Count. who also Jutrtified the expectations of his parents. - St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "Tethiie wanted to give a. present to each member ot the family. I en- couraged his generous thought and promised him all the material aid he might need. Bo he made out the list tt) the things he intedned to give and applied to me tor the money to buy them. I asked to see the list and found that the present tor " mother ealled for a. much larger sum than the one for me. "or wunse. I agreed with his idea. that his mother should have the best qt anything that was going, bat I was rather curious to know why he thought so. and I asked him how It was his mother was to get a better present than his dad. Hie enaw_er__ate.ggereq me. " ‘Well.’ he maid. seriously. 'mam- Inn. is mamma always, but you are papa only because you married into the family.‘ "-Exohangts. There is but one way to properly appreciate the advantages ot a trip to New York or Boeton on the trains ot the New York Central Railway. and that is to use the line. Bee your ticket agent. "Children have queer ldeaa," laid the happy father tyt a bright yams boy to a friend the other day. " don't, an a. general thing. repeat the min-gs or tebl of the doings of that young one ot mine, hat really a thing he said. to me Just More (3th is you}: ropeating. Judge. Be-took, look! I think that man out in the breaker: ls drowning! She-Oh, heavens! and Ihave left my camera at home! Removes all hard, soft or calloussd lumps and blemishes from horses; blood “Vin, curbs, splints. rlngbono. sweeney, nines, sprslns. sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save .50 by use ot one bottle. Wax-ranted the most wonderful blemish can our Would Be Glad to Pay. V Illustrated mu. Miss France-Don') you think there should be a tax on bachelor" Mr. Muchlrwad-Pd gladly pa! for the prlvllege ot being one. Others who have (allowed Mr. Baakln’s advice and tried Dodd'a Kidney Pull report luninlar results. No form of Kidney Disease can stand More them. ' “For an Imus." was Mr. Book- In, "I mu laid up wttn Lame use: and Kidney Blues-e. I would at time. become weak and have to have of! work. People who knew me u lumberman pad contractor on the c. P. R, and Parry Sound Eggwqa Itrttw how UK: I walk William N. Min. or Norwood, Give- Good Advice 3nd Others are Fol- lowing " With Splendid Results. Norwood. Ont., July 6.--epersia0 -Witiiarn N. Rankin. the well-known lumbermu and railroad contractor or this place. tell. ot an experience with Dodd'. Kldney Pills that ii band to be ot interest to the pub- tit generally. _ Now now: Kidney Pills Quickly Cured His Lame Back. IMrlllillll00f TELLS HIS JillPlilallnlil ENGLISH SPAVIN ”NIKE“ and . mph of tlve yen old ehitdren- theyuhing need not stand over. Five minutes to I tubtul and you will have no me for val: bonds. It clun- It! perfectly. You unnot “ford to be wlthout it. Order through your dealer. We - mail you a booklet on Ippliutlon. With the U 'SS-ur New Century Ball Bearing Washing Machine The DOSWELI. MFG. co., mm HAMILTON. ONT. A Relation by Mun-use. [not . Good Snapshot. ONTARiC) "ARCHIVES T TORONTO " THE ONLY WAY." SCRATOMING makes An itching skin worse. Weaver's Cert-no allayl the pales, when out "-0 intutntntstion menu the skin oi "up. tt In and sores. Why notbuy a bottle to- usy t Beel-8uited for handling the crops under all conditions of wen: ther or land. It will pick up tan- gled or laid grain and lay it neatly on the table. It also handles long or 'rtLor.t. gran with splendld_ success. She Possum Qualities of Which Her Darker Sinner Cannot Bout. A champion ot the red-headed girl Has come to the front. Not that the girl in queetlon In greatly in need ottsct.ampioa. In Line cases out ot ten she is abundantly able to care for horse" without assistance from any source. But till: advice of "the girl with the auburn hair" dtytlei, the world to dispute the truth of these five propmritiomr. The red-headed girl can- 1. Detect the odor ot a previous high bail further. otieker and wlth more lmerrlng Instinct than any otlter, tytinton eatth. - ' Roller Bearings throughout to lighten the draft and make the work easy tor the horses. The beasts know when they are hitched to a lime!- Harrier-it runs so easily. I m cured Bf a severe attack ot Rheumatism by MINARD'S IaNb "Ptt- give me a pound ot chem.” said Mrs. Nuwed to the grocer. “and, any} slug ganged. mmixx, lu PM? irda, solid cheese; 'the Iturt I got iiarohadtuohairtoitt" N c . ABOUT THE RED-HEADED GIRL Electing mrratore--iy literally Host. The gram cannot stick or choke In the Massey-Harri. eleva- tor, no matter how much it is bunched. Simple Knotter-Alaptote ot nd- )ustment lo take up Fee, _ Ho trnmskV)---Why, I-er-ttrough' my mtqldy't_ot?leat. _ a“ A V tgtttr-Wa1t. I dit, and I'll give you 'dl'.' three hours in which to remove I m cured of Bronchltla And Asthma by MINARD'S LINIMEST. Mono Bar. JOHN MADEB. I was cured of a severe): apt-shed ttar by MINARD’S LINIMEN'P. JOSHUA WYNACBY. Folding Divider-No bolts or nuts to unscrew. You merely release a spring on the outside Divider and unhook the inside one to fold them. A youngster can do it easily and properly. The Dividers are very rigid in their working positions and remain at whatever angle they are rqlged 9ver__tghe oonvemr qnyaa.” Chicago Post. She timlitpttuttVr--8tr. Wat do you mean ttr putting your an around mi Waist t, - m __ A 2. NM] tb Ila and born deeper holes with her penetratim eye in no doing than any other thing that has eyes. B. Make any he aa- of a liar look like thirty cents quicker and with Beau effort than any other living thing. A. Break a man's morning nap and home him to build the fire In the range quicker. Juror and with tem but talk than any other in. of womnkiud. 5. She is the only known 00010! who can throw a. mingle with noon. rate aim and who does not endan- ger the 3'09 of innocent by-ltand- Some of the important tenures ot th_e “Engine: _BMtattr are: “The proletariat ot Pull refer to the pawnsbop an “my aunt." while In London they any. 'my unoie.' n "In Pan-ll prison perform the marriage ceremony; In London they marry themselves. “In Pull the married women are free; in London when a. woman marries [he ceases to be. “Party has more suicides. London more homicides. "Paru works. London trutlea. “In Paris the street crowds fight gyjloks. In London by blow ot the “Perl: han ita portler. London in night key. “Perle gets up early tron lubed. which u mum the well; London urine late Iron ltl bed. which i in the centre of the room. "ParU dines. London trata. "London said Voltaire. ha.- 100 rellglone. and but one ounce; Perla has 100 “use: and no relis- lon at ell. "ParU la gay. London and. "London has too fem eoldlere. Pan-ls too many. The soldier ln Paris wears blue tunlo and pent- eloona. while are London tnan-atb War In clad in a. rod coat and blue trousers. 7 -vizhGGriiidoG' T,r>iirik ’open mm doors. than or laden a. la guillo- “Paris is ootteetieiatigt, It dwell- ln house- which no really 'tartWtMt- IGI'IOI; London in utdW1dtttsitirt1tt, up}! tamps having It: 03711 pangs. this. mt by Felix Pout In tho nun. ox the tortner city. Ha - "ParU doo- mout thing-- with the right and or at the ritrht hind this; London follow. the left. "Pu-wan ooachmen keep to tttet right. than ot London to the left. Parl- mwa by atmorptlon.Loe" don by expansion. “Park in built of stone. London of brick. “Pul- lml high house- and nar- row ltroetn. London’s building-are low and Its “root- wide. --. owl-o sum-sly I""" “a -- W Are on: 0mm. 1!. noun-ut- patented Br Paris ud London on ramm- imaging” Bridgewater. Another Peaoetul Blockade. LONDON AM) PARIS. {E BIN DEB TALK. EBB. A. LIVINGSTONE. Holes In it. In "no mun. "Mt’s a confounded lee P' said a Scotch farmer. " Well." said the Londoner. "rn bet you ten bob 1don't get a. civil an- swer trom the first porter I ask a question of," .. Done.'" replied the old farmer. Looking out of the carriage win.. dow he spied his "green" friend and calling him over naked In his moat polite tone: “Would you kindly tell me the name of this station, porter t" " Gang uwa', ye bacon-facet old buffer! Pit yer daft held In I" was Mrs. Untropttitrt--' uggn's clubs up w Mrs. Vorld)ey--whrt Mrs. L'nsophist-r heard your ha.. band tell mine that he wag playing the whole evening on velvet. " What did you can this station. porter I: - - _ _ .. Those railway ottlélals are about the worst I ever me across; they gan’t be civil," remarked the Lon- "h'thut what Fd%iTirorxsd dirt. with '.r--Littio ankle. - "St. Enoch's. Due ye. no' use the name abune the hotel there t" Just then cue train was shunted In, and our'Englld: friend got com- fortabLy seated In a, third-clas- smoker, along with a. few more pae- sengerl ot the male persuasion. Annie Louise was re-tu'rtutttintr her mother‘s work basket and found . small gourd. an outed what It was. 8999:.qu em. mired: his" widow. hid omni, tune to wait tor his train at St. Enoch station. tulbtstlwysl1t blame“ of s‘ood quo. " What is the name ot tins station, my good man t" he a.“ ot upon-tor. "Bt. Enoch station sir." A few minutes later bu met the same pox-terrain! said: _ A Iayodon commercial. who but! a you ruddy complexion. letter f work... Them Wore tuoaed. "m,,,o-s.sste1rt,rc.fu,?,,',t..- or. in Frank Leslie‘- Muller loath- lg! tor July. this to W: A man who Wood 172 crun- Lnlh tr. dentin " d whom were minced; an upright judge. holding - tor 21 [can our 'rd,000 square mile! ot the molt 1..qu- territory! to the United States; a. Item. tuat ludgo. whose name became a terror to ad! doors; a very kindly, sym- pathetic gentleman and public nplr- md eiti---rtrw clmrncters have been developed ln our west who have ttgf a more striking role than 1w C. Parker. Unwed Stato- Dil- trlct Judge for the Western DI:- trlct ot Alina“ from May. 1875. to September, 1896. m ator, ot hie work, which la told In an article In Leslie's Monthly tor July, in " thrllllng as It l. tum Bow “only he per-nod hit ap- pointed tat and with what nld he wounded in emu-hing It ll drown by the Simple record that. during hm term at otnoe. trutr-nver ot Mo ”the were killed In light. with law-breaks". . . eon. V h GREAT FRONTIER JUDGE. I]. tgerntenoed 172 lion "1t ltt a great- -I;Tstske. Usual. to trifle with the affection. of . an who love! you by mom-aging nono- one one." “Well. he's a. little claw. Auntie. I think he need! . wanker.” "iaihuniiotst.trlre cut glass od other "W until Liruinetutdeds, Sunlight 1'i'pi"irusttitttert"ing'et" " Minus-d1 Linlment Cures Cold.» mnard'l Lumen: onio- Gnu-got " ulnar!!! Llnlnent Cth - "MOIST im tor emu All-onl- 1Fs',l-il, Innocent. at Home Not nu Won the Bet. Life. -'rhey must ttt the» very gorgeoully itt- I Il-D. FAIL-D, E I V Pee m h “I m h - I. I ON °t "'TINO :DDV'. C Fire. piphttte- Butt-c.- The In more - Mt than “on of tho country an all other (“seam put together, sad and! the hut law yours wm- .uppom u betneuratue. Fora 'ig/ld mum yum do. t'ggh1','e"ar,'grf, " a ocal (lb-Hut and pr. er! Iced Mined!“ and by cannmnlLv " M to can with local treatment, prnnuuncod " unable. Science bu prawn CMurrL tobe I eonqtttqtttonal alum and therefore D quire- . constitutional treatmettt. H any}. am Can. mnuhcmred by F. J, Flu-nay l Co., Toledo. Ohio, In the oak tronmtttuthorul can on the and». It to aim: internally u do... Ito-10 drop. to a tearepoordul. lt am directly 0. the blood and muvmu uurfm-r-r ot than“ The otter one hundred dullul gar unsung“ i'h3 yo cm. tieadtor mm iamafiatiUaTaiid -___ -- ""' __ Adam- F. J. CHENEY & Co..Toledor(k Sold b qtar-7tie. Ph'pMWt,l1'; m the beet. C 113.0 News. " an}. “all." quertvd little Elm. "th I... a“ may r', __A_ ”Stan m 603:7. u in nhbrthuol of W." replied the knowing -Entrliahmaas--'t9r- t Why, certainly. It honLv taken a. hunch and a ho and ,tta_tt-tuadahetotipa we.” Journd. Jonathan-I my. Britisher, - 110;”, __ - ---- " Rive. 'ttsei-ttid you hear my rich all Inc): was and , m-tas-tto. What did he tenee m? Berttm-Noth lug l " 1h-ie-Weti, what'l the good or bola. dud , the Lam's Dry Soap " powder) a _ woolen. and funnels,--you'll lib it. 3, - ,M. min-mm .s - --__ ' and Conic-n. n In“ hm tutor-uno- appl to H r M Wan-n Pan-om In“, Torn: I)ltlllllill.)illl1rlilliilltt . n In I. - -- W - by Tom cam-Inn are. co. at HAIILTOI, ONTARIO. si-er, WW9. Kingsto- Pee, I. L. IULVINEY'S TAP ,'r'g'rsrf, one. Writ: 1:13.: - poo and to " m‘ -. Tom“. Queen I M SI. by bl! loading dealer. “mm-Hecate!» iattrrts- ttrhtrtgre.tAer meal. Mth .OITOIIntW‘, H uae. 1t.1ld'Eg, m Bat, ) In: I.“ Ind. he. puma»! a My. cmcuuu. All new Ivor tooo-palatable and whole- »... Ytsurgrocer should have them. "mm to M" oood Shi t,'ltltBtrtt “up for 113w. M; Ile Tuna. runs, are an No Benefit Derived. She Wu Ported. Cockney‘u Spell. Summer Excursion: an " Do not deny sound! 1 ”to. In order to tft - hut-ice. M In nothing wad all a course or “no hurl-bl: the result is b but interests ot - to moiety u Lu Give the chudreu you “I. sphere of exist 'tlf, sympathy and y had: them as you Um "I Important pro you-set! tuntutiuttml “it went: aud umpotsit" outsell to c-u-n‘m- tsat il'l with lhdr weak". they may laun- min-rm these wanna». Att cs control. kiudumu and s: [Nina-t wealth you C Four children. (inc t portutdthw to dun-Lap t and but ctrtiraxttttrtV without too (mm my own new. " you no able to an" in: ot your toil. mm; d “031111113 your dollar Wen luxurious wind not earned or having to Mt over. Tbe worst chartgrterk “two In capable of h - In childron ot ul at. when the dhls'lon t anade-property which had no put in turning. Not in: taco a tiotw( CI! contented iaborcr that u: inheritance 1 Na. and he nl once bu- 'ttir, work. to "Mopt vic commuted suit-M:- In -irinq rngo immun- Ilow In ghlug him all I due. With what hand in brought to the month my load requiring an With the out and the from the I If a gun uemxw ls out mu: m a buggy. and place u next to Uw cu lady sup Ln [inn and I cum pans In {rum ot' the minimum tpt in {I of the "rect, or ghoul the mtlnmm get in l mopping attotWt ho pe to (at out first. or ll get out tint and help Whose place I. " (hug ring t Who consult: the can! to the that!“ I In it the rule toe In magnum! human! t The Indy should Mm flag-u tlrst. and the gm [an in from of hre In Nod-cl. mums itt the Q II no (mo to hold the When the ‘Imllumnn d carriage» and the lady taward. The 'qotte I glint"; out. bur (we 1natrur,tVN" To about tho cermunny. , u to the W giving to whom atite h: alga nan ring. but it ls on Where P. Pamoe Wonk} My to r .an when Nat long an F In!!! women t Bttt recognize the bf, jenny-men! bran until too I assemble Compo ut, 1 mmt‘how m I needed 3nd Bow glad I o bottlm brought at. 3nd after using p felt new life In :wh my win; :choueh there had l gin-nine through trl 'gt-iekyess and pois M and new life tri' CGodti.tee..'r,yle 2td and tor t, dimly. I , pedicures. wore to: thue bel . cure! that ls jun-WWW" -" 1w. E. Pinkh Compound- ooo x ble to cum l . ”n. E. Final ' roupd tuss t falli- Lu'l. ”at. Indium lee L - moo tom" was com“ , - 'dt Tg" -, __ II.- tg, Gtr. Ella Wheeler Ml niche brhiegrooc the wedding rln Instruction. to it t be prol cocaine tl meeting t r served ‘ bum right hum a the fork " to the terrfhie that ring t two , III of dc to

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