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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1903, p. 5

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Veter rill, we were talking I l rav 's , 9, 1903 'roam Joparalora. E (llllk " known and approved to he unsurpassed for d second to acacia Call and see them and ot want to buy one If you will be able te friends the old old "st famous rigs which mentioned. Prices F Promptly done 'ld Stand, next hell Implement shop at the bridge a- I)" and Saturday. or ies left at C. McArttmes C" Rr.v I EW OFFICE. will st attention. dv pring '0 Sher: Milton’s Goods 'udhopa unwed a larclay & de to order me my stock of ts made-tomcat arse hide before ewhere. Also it, 10 and " ll tr BELL JCKa 7831/0: MCARTHUR Emmy/l at ldiyU' F. AS LIGHT AS A FEATHER itted with a pair mes or Slippers n various styles popular prices, ragey'n in the Market xe- 'hccls and full rliriri '. a lot of dif- ressings in bination. 'eputation has 5.. by their excellent-Q opposite Mid lmbton St. chi' §C illl//a Sarriagea, 'ceds .l d n them to the Trade at the Show k Bell. a Car- ents h and 25c. Iipment of up-to-date and test he product sia doesnt % bread is a 1ues--whv me bread ble. We in Stoek of fhvr:x SOUND. Own. Will enable any person to acquire shorthand and Typewriting and be. come a stenographer or book-keeper and kindred subjects and become a thoroughly competent book-keeper. Spring term now om Students may "nter at any time. Fall particulars sent to any address free. A FE‘V NIONTIIS C. A. FL I)\\'EN SOUND TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES W. H. BEAN - Proven Steel Hay Forks a Specialty. Also Brantford Windmills and Gasoline Engines. Corded wash Silk Waist lengths in White, Blur]: and Colors each 82 up to--........-)- Black Mo-rcerized Sales-n Under. Mcirts. . . . . ... $1.40, $1.50. $1.75. 82.00 NEW PRINTS & FANCY GINGHAM’S Don't fume-t us when yun want a gum! pair of Shams as we carry a Full Line of Sterling Bros'. Shoes. as 24 21 with Full Lines of Sylvester Farm Implements. Famous Tudhopc Cutters, Bishop Robes, Fur Coats, &c. Cockshutt and Percival Ploughs. Clare Bros. ' Furnaces & Stoves, To1ton's Implements. Adam's Sleighs. Calder: Block~cht the Post Offtqo Q. lyer’s lute lethal. Adopted by uh leading School: in Toronto. This deserved? b mm by mans of chart Brynn. Fiiji',iyiit1i,iiiii'?, um munch tr,tMtegft,',t bring: the fot will. topics within the e ld's nudism communion. - Musics! aN' kTr%iiaiiiLTation __ Calder’s Block, Roller \deow Shades. each Table Linen, I)! in. wide. Der , Give ask Inwecllon tl on! ms s. SCOTT. White Bed spreads eneh ....aciii.'k'i; Floor Oilcioth. ‘1 yd wide. per yd . . . .2Se THE BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICE. _ For terms 315013110 liss largest Gun. Teacher. HE SELLS CHEAP. And look in our Store Window and you will see bar- gains for your life. T. NOBLE C. 4L FLEMING. bh The Implement Man "asks for a continuation of the patronage bestowed on the late firm. He can be found yds y."w gin" wide. taped edge pr " 42 .. " z: We can give you Bargainr. STOP ! AT THE OLD STANDW PEEL. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, “DOTS & SHOPS, &c., BIG 4 Ot best quality. T. NO13LIL" _NORTtfERr, JULY 9, 1903 AU? TIIE jiiiiiiit" Motion Hula Work n mica History Technique THE SHOEMAN. wide, per " , . , , .55: knitteg edge "31% PO, f - Durham. PRINCIPAL i Skunk alter. On Jane 27th a letter was sent to Proton demanding that in view of' the aforesaid proteSt in the approaching contest they should play a strictly Proton team. No reply was received until Wednesday when Proton appear ed with from We to six outside players (authorities ditfered widely as to the number). To put it briefly Priceville again declined to play except under protest. Proton ot'course retueed these wnditions and after a vain attempt to " biutt'" a. game, departed for the Vari- ous localities whence they came. Oar object is ndt todisparage Proton, so We .mll dwell no tanner on tins rather unfortunate incident, but every reasonable perton will agree that com- mon honesty (“nuance that an athleue team should be composed of purely local men. Let all wno are interested 1n manly sport insist upon this in the tuture. The 1Yiceville Buys age will- " at any tune mutually convenient to play a game with a strictly Proton team. Intended for last week. How Mr Kauumg has gone In) '1'oruuto to attend (Jump meeuugs and MI Geo McLeach In unending in bus place here. Some ol our leading men have but! a. law butt in Duudalk. We may be able to repuu some at u. at another tune. There is some grumbling here about not gating the township grade: in this amnion. J W Mum-ale [mid his parents a. mu. last. Sunday. Geo Comte: in back from Manitoba. He was sent. for on account of his wife beng sick. lie Inked the country and Is Laklug up land. His son is Stillman. Mrs Burnett Sr and her 6011 Wm 1Lvotr. to Durham last Sunday to we suck Manda. We have had fine rains hero and crops look well, only buy is short. Miss Ednh Glenister is in Toronto. Th is Week'te Budget. Mrs C (Savannah, from Rainy River district, and some of her family visited her mother Mrs McDonald, of 18th con Proton. Peter McKechme. formerly of Egre. mont, who married Miss Tens McKee-b. nie about 8 years ego and went to Mon- tnna, htts,rtrturysd with his wile and baby, to stay .here a: they like Ibis country the best. iii,"; GG TiiG J ane Meyers who was sick and died. ton 40 years Inc with her brother-in-lnw and sister Mr and Mrs John McDonald uni] settled on 11th con near where Hope- ville now is, died on Tuesday. 8otlr June, " the use of 80 years and was buried on Thursday 2nd July at the Esplin Church cemetery. ‘The Prejsbylterinn ardent Perhaps a few words may be in place to explain the tailnre of the Priceville and Proton teams toplay a match as announced. The Priceville boys decided " the beginning of the season that under no circumstance whatever would they either acceptput- side help themselves or permit cont- peting teams to do so. In this way only canjustice and good feeling pre. vaiL On Friday 26th at agarden party held under the auspices of the Proton Presbyterian Ladies' Aid, Price- ville was pitted against the Proton team. It was discovm'ed that the lat. terhad at least one "ringer Ft from outside, bat after a lengthy debate. in order toavoid disappointment to the spectators, the Priceville team agreed to play under protest. The game re- sult-mg in a tie. it was agreed to play off at the .. Workmen's" picnic on July lat. 7 Mrs "ho,, O'Brine, of Alliston, has been here for a week visiting her mother Mrs McDongld trf Ink con and attending Rev Mr Aldemn is still in Toronto attending conference. Mr McLoach has gone to Toronto. Ed Doze“ has now more work to do. umber pouon tolook altar. Mn J W Armstrong bud over 60 chickens Mlied by I “link. The burying of (Iaamrwuzqnne a job. They gonna Tho foot ball match that was to come " was not contacted and herewith we have received papers trom one of the members of Priceville team which ex- plains for use“. Mr Donald McDonald, who was away atthe Assembly at Vancouver, returned last week. He enjoyed the trip well and called at different points to see old friends whose act of kindness to him will never be forgotten. Born to Mr and Mrs James Black, Oak River. Manitoba. on June 17th, 1903. a son. Mm Black was Miss Mary Ann McLean, South Glenelg. l Ths Workman ‘s picnic held in Sulli- l Ftut'sttrove, on July ls: was quite a success. The amount realized trum tickets sold at the gate amounted to over $100.00, besides sums received from other sources Grand Master [ Gibson, ot Toronto, was there and gave aspeech on the good of the order. The day We: fairly good till neur ever- tng when it came on adownpour of rain which made all look to the east and west, north and south for their homes, but not before some of them Cot at drenching. We heard some one remark that in drv weather it would be a ttood idea for to have the work- men get up a ionic and rain would come sure. “Poll if through the in- 'trtuneptality of the Workmen rains come it only adds to the iprmnteral, good deeds done by them in times past as well as present. 1 M in ','i"fiunariG 2irii%V funeral WILL NOT PLAY OUTSIDERS. Juno Movers, , ho Pum? into Pro. tioekviLiE. PRICEVILLE. 2W W33 ton, Annie Whitmore. To Br III-Eva Edwards. 'ltr, Young, Winnie Binnie. Jennie McGil Wm? Sarah McKinnon, Millie Whitmore. Effie McMillen. Mag- gie Young, Jeannie Fallaise. To Jr III -Angeline Davis. Annie McGillivrny. To Br II-Laura Beaton, Amelia Rigby, Norettts Fallaise, Robert McGillivrny. Bessie Davis. Lawrence McKeown. Em- ma Brown. Jimmy MrGillivray. .Im Pennock. Ellen Gmn. To Jr Ir-Eliza Jane Edwards, Ben Whitmore. Kate McMillen. To Sr Pt II-Torn McKeown George Melnnis, Alex McFarlane. To Jr Pt H-George Amati. - - Report of the Swinton Park School for the last term. IV F"sr--Lizzie Ald- corn. Maggie Knox, Willie Knox, Jen- nie Hardy. IV Jr-Roh Aldeorn, Neil Campbell. Nellie Kinnell. III---.) no Me. Lean. Flossie Campbell. Wm. “'atson. Il ti-Vina Knox, Annie Porter, Rob. Knox. Walt Knox. II tlr-Mary Ald. corn, Vernon Meagher, Jessie Campbell 11 Jr (hh-Rita Kinnell, Jean Aldcorn. Joe Richardson. I (aEJim Men her, Richie Hannam, Belle ay, Bert gnox. I or-qs, Porter, Abbie McNalty, Wm McLeod. I (e)-Ihzje, Watson. Mern Knox, Norrie gichmt‘lgon. ... Donald McDonald returned than \'an- cmwer where he was attending, General Assembly as delegate. The masons have completed the stone- worrs of John 1lrkiuuon's Iver-n which relleete much credit on the coulmcmrrt Well Mr Editor. we will nut trespass mrlher on your valuable space and hop- ing In the mum time to hear from your former eorrewondetrt we close. Ill Sr to IV Jr- -Selina Hopkins. Jane Milligan. Wm Morice. Ed S' Lawrence. Allterta Cuff. ll Sr to Ill Jr7Willie Bauer. John Pieken. Bessie Milligan. John Petty. Edna. Reid. Willie Noble, Chas H Lawvettc's. Earle vollett, Alice Donnelly, Gertie Morice. II Jr to II Sr -Willie Wells. Rehecca Grim-son. Flor- ence Mountain, Albert Wehher, Sadie Imngrill. Marion Petty, Agnee Petty. Pt II to ll JV-Robbie Cuff, Fwd Cutr. Percy Aldretl. Victor Noble, Arthur Morice, Bessie Webber. Pt I to Pt Ir-- Leila vollett, Jean Pickem Maggie Mountain. Leslie Morice. Ella Cuff, Wm Lnngrill. Herb Noble. Sadie Lawrence, Maggie Donnelly. Nana Noble. J No. A. GRAHAM, Teacher. Result of Promotion Examinations, S 3.310; I, (ilenglg. _. m _ _ The muons are busy at Alum Hoop- cr's house which when cmupletéd will add lunch to the appearance of Ins farm. Ned Harrison, the butcher of Fare- well Comm-9. Was around Inns way last week haying fat came. Result of l’rnnmtiun Exmninntinns Hutton Hill School held June 1903. To Jr "Iv-Laro, McGillivray. Sudxe McKeown. Edith Watson. Emma. Bea- Average attendance for J une, 51. Average for half year. 41. A number of people from thi, line "ttended the hum raking at McArtlmr's in the Glen last 'l‘lmmlay. Allen McDuuunll. of Ilentiuek. uccom- pauied by " since-r n-ited at Hugh Ile. Donald's the, tore part "t the week. John McLean purelvred a horse from Hector McDouuul. of l'm-evnlle. Inst woA. Mrs Hepburn. of Durh'nm. and daugh- ter Nullin are at. preset" \Inimm at Mr Neil “dimmers. The Weekly Witness, World Wide. Northern Messenger and the REVIEW. all four publications will be sent one year for $2.50; worth $3.3). Misses Minnie and Kate McIntyre. of Tootrto, we at present epvnding their holidays at. the parental home. Miss Innet McEnclwru visited friends in Owen Sound and Wiarton Inst week nun] relurueu Saturday. The people amnml have are at, pres- ent. tmgaged in lruiulme fences. [lacing roots and various other uccupntlona too 11mm roux to mention. As we have not - any items from Top Cliffs to the BEvrew for some time we thought your former correspondent had either resigned the pontlon or left the country and Nit wo- will endeavor to give you some of the news. We are getting let. ol min now which will bvlp the growth ot the ruots,eto. Mm John McWIlliams of 11th com. who has been sick for tome tune was taken to the hospital at Guelph and we are sorry to hear that she in getting worse. Road work has heeu the order of the tiny herelawly. Considerable improve- ment, is made on the roads here. Those appears to be mule lime poll with the council about the grader. They did not make any arrangements ulmuo it in count-ll. although we are ard that they were asked lo do so by the move and promised to do so. Arrived too late for last week. - P-t ----_i.. PROMOTION EXAMS TOP CLIFFE. ELIZA WILSON, Teacher. ALEX. FIRTH. Teacher. THE UUnHAM REVIEW at Report of B. B. No. 9. Egremont for June. 1vr-4thelWrrsburirb. Br Irr--. Nellie Reid. Ruby Rogers, oA/ie,', Reid. Maud Eccles., Ji IrruEdnn nmilton, Laura Eccles, Mildred Christie, Norburn Horshu h. Br Ir-Teal, Burrows, Lu- la 'liTl'Ea Olive Reid. Jennie Mutch. Jr. Irr-Harry Horsbarqth, Fred Eccles. Alex Smith, Hugh Reid. 2nd Jr Ir-- Nettie Hamilton, Mary Match. Roy Reid. Nettie Rogers. Br Pt Ir-rMrrtfe Whyte. Howard Horsburgh, Clarence Ross, Ferd Hamilton Jr Ptlr--Nor- man Horslmrgh. 'lltr.Piltid; Br T--. Gordon Hutch, Nellie utch, Nettie Troop. Johnny Smith. Jr Ir-gohn_ny Ross, Allan Smith. Rob Bye. Annie Ro- Bees. ' E. E. Rwa. Teacher. How to get a Homestead tn the West ! So many people are settling in this country that in a short time it will be diffieult to obtain land along the line of railway. Anyone wishing to have a homestead here will do well to have as select and enter it tor yon as soon " it is surveyed. We can locate you in any part of Saskatchewan. For full particulars write at once to MOORE MCFADDEN, l Prince Albert. Sank. PURE BRED HEREFORD BULL. (Prince Albert.) Grill he for service at Lot 48, Con. 2, E. G. R. for the season of NIB. Pedi. Bree on application. (lows not return- ed regularly will he charged whether in calf or not. Payment. to he made on or before Itehrttary lat, 190t. Terms $1.50. [he undersigned otter for sale Two Shorthorn Bulls. one 12mos, the other 13 mos. old. principally red and likely animals in every respect. Terms on ap- plication to proprietors, lots 23 and We, Cum. 3, S. D. R, Glenelg. Will sell roa- smmhly. A. & J. SEALEY. . . -. _ _ Proprietors. Lot lo, Con 18, Tp. of Elsa-mum. consisting of ill) times more or leis. 70 acres cleared remainder good hardwood bush. Loamy soil, suitable for fgtt growing. Two Good barns and comfortable no use, Good bearing orchard and two good walls. 114 miles W. of Dromore, 7 miles mm Holstein, Will Sell reasonable. Timber on the place will pay tor it. For father information up- ply on the premises to can. Maximal. hon, or to C. Known. Review ottice. Aim Purelned Tums and Berkshires. Durham, _ q l . I , Buyer as I IFS, es . The Cushioned Frame on our CLEVELAND, MASSEY HARRIS, PERFECT & HYSLOP BICYCLES makes all roads smooth to the rider: the new Morrow Coaster saves a lot of work ; both together make wheeling a pleasure. _ - - - ___ - A full stock of Sundries always on hand. promptly attended to. Massey Maarat1sc Shou; Ream ls going to take the place of Paris Green because it kills the bugs and makes the potatoes grow instead of killing the plant as Paris Green does--if you get too much on. We want every potato grower to try it whether a large grower or small but we know you do not like to experiment so we reprint the guarantee given by the manufacturers '. " We hereby guarantee Dead Bug-when properly applied-to kill the bugs and increase the yield of potatoes and we further a- gree that if you plant one acre of potatoes using Dead Bug on one half and Paris Green on the other, if you don't get more potatoes from the hall where Dead Bug is 1tsed--providhr of course that l soil is the same,-we will refund the money paid for Dead Bug. " i, We are agents for Dead Bug. It is cheaper than Paris Green but we can furnish Paris Green at lowest market price. A (,‘OBIBINED BUG KILLER AND POTATO GRO‘VER Hides. per ttwt.....,.... Calfskin“, per lb........ Sheepirltrme............... IGv........................ Bees, at ttwt............ Eggts...-........... .... oats..-...................... Ltmu..................... Dressed Hogs. per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Buttcr, fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. garley... ... Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale. Flour......... ............. Outmeal................... Peas........................ Wheat............ Average attendance for half yen. 38. l0iilljli(l'8 DRUG STORE DURHAM MARKETS. FARM FOR SALE. J. A. DA.RLINGr, DONALD McFAYImx. mop. CHEMIST AND 13ItIJC4Gr-04r.I? DEAD BUG gal-m. givingston wast of Middaugh Jlfouse. See our second hand whack. tr 8o 6 10 l4 17 ll l 90 '2 4o 65 oo 40 27 10 00 8 60 6 50 6 10 " 17 ll 18 tro " To :yrgant, The Best Quality cheaper than ever. Undertaking promptly at- tended to. . He Inc had 24 YEAWP EXPERIENCE und those who deal with him get the benettt of it. _ IT WILL PAY YOU to take him Tour business though you have to drive 20 miles. Plenty ot Peo- pie come hither and tind it to my. INBL' RANGES, Fire, Life And Accident. laced inegood mummies at lowest noes. Every loss net ti hm. yum! furly. No quibblinx. MOW“ Aiwa I In , never negligent." All business Motly $0533.: HE COLLECTS debts and claims of nil kinda. No churns it no money collect- ed. It not that fair t FURNITURE Intending Student- should enter " beginning of term, or u soon after us possible. _ Staff and Equipment The School ls equipped for full Junior Leaving nnd htatheultstton work, under the following Matt Competent Teachers for that Department: THog. ALLAN, Principal. MISS LICK, B. A., musics 3nd Modems. FEES: 81,00 per month', ins. perhaps the bait lnrdwood bush an the Township and only asks about $2000, Think of It t IF YOU WANT TO BUY I. place or business he can find something to tmit you He just. now has for le 100 ACRES IN BENTINCK with 'ld, bank barn, dwell- Are careful as to who shall do their business. So should you be. Then you had better go to H. H. Miller, the Hano- ver Conveyancer. IV YOU WISH TO SELL your prop- erty be mm do it quicker and better thou you on and he chm-gee nothing If no sale. illllllllll 1illllillf WBRKS fllf Ilf()llll)'il .M HE WILL LEND YOU MONEY on shortest notice. lowest rues, very smallest cost. and on your own terms. CALDWELL‘S LIJERY STARLE (Opposite I‘d-ugh out.) Direct Importations from European. American and Canadian Quarries, LATEST DESIGNS IN'MARKERS, HEADSTONES & MONUMENTS. All work warranted. Orders taken by Messrs Barclay and Bell. Wm. Johnston, Chairman JAKE KRESS. Durham Senool Jake Kress ROBINSON & GORBET, Proprietors. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO H. II. MILLER. The Hanova Conveymm. All repairing C. Ram-go. [lallili1 @ntario. A general Banking business (1'1an Drafts issued and collection made on ail points. Deposit: received and inter out allowed " can-em rue. SAVINGS BAirty interest Allowed on “'2“ bank deposit. of 91.“) 9nd up "rd; Prompt.r atLiniiorGra Sap?!" nfromred customer. living AGENTS in all pnncipnl point. an Ontario. Quebec. launch. United States and England. DURHAM AGENCY CAPITAL. Authoriled. . . . . . 32.me CAPITAL. Paid up........... 1,000.000 RESERVE FUND............ 8501!!) SWEAR!) BANK (lf alilll Collections of all kinda Farms bough promptly attended to and sold D. McPHA IL) OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST GF the Du nun Pharmacy Calder‘ Block. Residence first door west. of the old Post. 0mce. Durham. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Root-m Calder Block over the Post otBee. 0tBee----hoWEtt TOWN. DUB" ll. OFFICE.. -McKr-uh'o on sand Durham W.C PICKERING D. B s., L. B. S. Jompgny Bad private Fund. to Loan on Moran“ ct Iowan nu- of than“. Valuation and. by ucompoteuc and ennui Vuutor. Witt be a the mad-ugh Hm. Burial. the in: Wetland“ ot end: month ttmn 12 p. In. an " III ARTHUR H. JACKSON lp.m .‘RRIBTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREM‘ COURT NOTARVPUILIC. COHUICOIONER, In. MACKAY a; DUNN, Barristers. __ Solicitors. Conveytuteers, Ac. Ofttees : Hunter‘s New Block. op poms Chronicle once. Gmtnxu St., Durham. MONEY To LOAN A. G. Mushy no. W. F. Dunn orTTCE--ufrlnore Bloom Co!locuonn ud Agency promptly attended to Willa. Duds. Hanan-cu. Lona, Amman: to.corrocuy laud. Eat-m ot deco-nod ll,T was looked 3Itl and Executor: cud Ad- nic- trston' Aetttttttnta prepared and fused Sun-om Cqun Bug-luau, {much ot Wit I. Laura ot Ad. -- -. an “aunt-null: UUIIIIEG. 3001‘- chu made in Minty OtBee and Title: "Ported Court. mmitiGi, JiiariirorWiW.7ai'r7,"of' Ad. yttiiititiiiriii? Qqudgggpmp obj-4nd. ter- ate Mm: to the .orNtat, England. an ad mm ttgtdtal. Terms moderate. Amulet". for ales as to dates. Ac., must be nude " the Review or tiee, Durham. - (hummndenoe man-ed haeono ',."rg1,e PAL. will be promptly attended to, can on owumion to NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, " CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR Insurance Agent. arristor, otar , Go: voyancor, can an. ... . Ion? to Loan u reuonule rues an on terms to suit borrower. OFFICE HOURS F-MB. I. 2-4 p. M. RESIDENCE and emu-om Bunk URI-B TOWEDUBEAI. “RRIITE R. ”IOITOR, , noarnv "one co-nn-ccu. ac DENTISTRY. a."hteefsiatteetttttaotveartotuse-so, tro-tut-tree, DENTISTRY. Br. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. J. G, BUTTON. IE D Member Coll..- l’hy-‘elnu tad Surgeon- orto ARTHUR GUN, M. G. LEFROY McCAUL. SPECIALIST EYE, FAR. minor” rem-T. Alt-----,-- Examsxvnu. a DR. GEO. 8. BURT. MONEY TO LOAN 7000900.». 6010000001! No. " E S. DAVIDSON. Head Office, Torono. W. P. OOWAII. President. ROCKS D. IcPHAlL. Hopeville P. o. C. RAIAGE. Durham J. P. TELFORD Chm.- Moderate Milan & Scissor. - Honolulu-rs ..-- t tt to 10 A... J KELLY, Print. Money to Later', Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. the Ron] London Whine Iand the Golden Squamou- “Over the Bank t/l'i' I11 El #

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