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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jul 1903, p. 6

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Semi guru). was excellent. Few tate- had done so much in behalf of natives as the Congo State had tet Pnbllc opinion abroad regard- " the treatment ot the‘mtivo- had been strangely misled, but the world would eventually recognise the im- mense material hnd moral good that M been effected by the Congo Gor.. 'atr-t. Many American- and Eng- lllhmon had borne witneou to the cxcelienca of its 01-3anth and its humane treatment of the blacks. . Minister Woetite mid thot bloody crimes had been committed in Europe, and, he Inked, how could disorders be avoided in " country 82 times the size of Belgium? As to cutting off the hands of natives as a. punish- ment, of which so much had been made by the attackers of the admin- "tration, that was an ancient native custom. It sum not done at the, bid- ding of Belgian officers. Ho appealed 'to Great Britain to end the cun- p-ign of dirpttrtqremertt against Bei- gium. After the uncritical the Bel- gians had Incurred, who would think of depriving them of the land which {they had saturated with their sweat and blood 7 _ m. Jill: 6.--lrltre debate In the number ot Deputies on the inter- pellation of M. Von der Velde, the Boclaust leader, on the administra- tion ot the Congo Free State was renamed toMay. Baron do Fwereau, wnlner ot Foreign um", con- tinued his detence of the administra- tion. He said that the Free State’s any! gnaw was excellent. Few Cutting Off the Hands of Congo Laborers. M. Woetrttt submitted a motion com- arm-g the Chamber to “rampant with the Gorcrnment, and expressing confidence in the progressIVe devel. opment of the Congo Bate under 330 aegis of King Leopold. The debate was adjourned until to. morrow, when a divitsion on the mo- tion to expected. . DEBATE IN BELGIAN CHAMBER The Anomaly ot the Canada North, wut Land Company returns tor June. 1902. exceeding those of June ending to-dny. is explained by the (act thgit several large deals were HERE” I NATIVE BUSTIJM tillllll.lllt UP ililil al, ”on the Canadian Norihwost is Filling Op. In: of 190'»! ...... ...... ... 198,072.72 Price paid year ending June so. 1902 ... .........81.44J.900.30 In! ot 1903 ...... ...... " 973,106.93 Winona“ SALES ms YEAR Chamberlain to Queen 'nd PNIIdeIIt ot Artillery (Jon-puny. London cable: Lord Colvlllo ot Calm-I. Lon] Chamberlain to Queen “113me and preddcnt of the Honorable Artillery Company. died In London this evening. He was Partly paralyzed some Ween ago. He won born in 1818. and during In- career filled several position- about the court, In 1852 he was thief eqnerry and clerk mnrnhal to Ithe late Queen Victoria, master of tthe buck hounds 1866-68. and chum helium to the Prince ot Walel from I873 to 1901. He was chairman of the Great Northern Runway "on (htm.'. to 1895. I . 1 In)!“ July 6.4m. C. P. R. amment closed my [local ' .CJ’ yum with its recelml ex- I In about 8mm than ot We: preceding. ending June ao, no incl-ape In total mung: It! In; cortenpondxnzly treat. t wants tor MAW, being our 1 mil- lion acres les- than that ot the your asm. ending today. The monthLy re- “ tor June are even more “vor- ' The total acreage sold ha in- --, nearly one-third over that of June. MAL'. but notwithstanding the - prce paid per acre has gone - an aura dollar. but year‘s often being about $3.50 per acre, while this yew-'6 averages about 804m. A " proportion ol this sold " between Battieford and Edmonton. Mtro exact sum! and monthly fig- “ follow: ' tollow: . , A". cold June. 1908...... 20621.33 June. was ...... ...... .e....... 245,481.26 Price paid June. MANK." 142.0790: June. 1902 ...... ... .........81,0P.1g?.i8.ao Wen-to tor Moo acres les- 1903 ...... ...... ...... ...... 843524.43 During June. 190: ... ... 224,673.54 M1 erce. June, MJot...8L4:..'1.Mi.t.3 Julia. 190:3 ...... ... ......... 877,632.18 m I)“ your at 1902 my June 80 ...... ... 1,566,451.39 In: a 1903 ...... ...... ...- $639,529.17 m mice, 190.: ...... ......8.5,tttrtup..oo 199;; - ...... ...... f'"" ......89,698,9G0.L'.'. Acre- aold 1m: ending June so, 1902 ...... ...... In. Logan Forlorn). Operation 'ftrr Appendicitis on not nub-ad. ”fold during June. Bethany. Ill., July ..--Aet6teirrogn China any that Dr. w. H. Logan, lor- - or this city, has entirely recov- ered from an attack of appendicitis. Tye Logan: haw been mkn‘lonarle- In China for a number ot you". heir station be 330 miles from tho nearest Wick”): __ U - _ A Mm. Logan. unassisted. but guided by the msgructions given before her husband's C" bapms into unconscious- ICIII under nnaesthetcs, performed the operation. Under rkil n1 min'ltra- man of the wir, ~nurse. such favorably [71’ng was made toward! recovery In no" than that Mrs. Logan deter- dned to rrmtvvo him whre he could Jun the benefit of skilled tum-goons. Bhe. her hus'h'vn" nml a young baby - took the Journey ot m In- Lattly Dr. Logan was attacked by appendicitis. Realizing that recovery by in an operation involving the re- moval of tho organ, hp called his wife and impartrd u diagnosis ot his own HIS WIFE HIS SURGEON. LORD COLVILLE DEAD. through last'ymr.‘ Tho figures r yum with its receipt: ex- kln. In: about 84.50)” than ot In: procuring. ending June ao, L De incl-ape In total mung: It! cgrtenpondmgly great. tl 828,918.42 198.0717: The promoters ot the iitiie 'JST, clalm that the mum m way. In commence or no high and light construction. does not deprive the ttt,tttt'"'r'. of the homoe-I along w 911 It my”: Str. eithg on light, or free outlook. ral ', ', - In the case of the Barmen-Eitter- neld-Vohwinkel line the conclusion was arrived at that an overhead railway over the River Wapper wee the only kind permissible, as an underground line would have been too costly. and there was abso- lutely DO room for a. surlace rall- way or tramway. The question was whether the railway should be on the plan of the New York elevated railways. with the necesnary gird- ers placed in the bed of the river, or whether the gamma“! plan ot Engineer Langen on” be adopted. The latter. wen the day....., . The inhabitants. who,have shown much artistic feeling in their archi- tecture. do not seem to object to the carrying of the waded line through their towns. This may be accounted for by the fact that the suspended railway is much» less not” than competing systems. The col- lector of the suspended railways emits no noticeable sound. and the aerial vibration from the whole utmture lies, in amount. some- between that com-lug from Bow and trolley systems. Besides aerial vi- bration. aux-lace railways also cause vibrations of much greater euhgy through the earth, and these. al- though they are not everywhere per- ceived, noon develop, in unlavorably situated buildings. trem-bllngs of the walls and floors of more an- noying character than the aerial disturbance. Berlin, July a-ar" Kaiser will open next week the only suspended electric railway In Ithe world. It has been built between Barmen, Elber- tleld and Vohwlnkel. and tor part of the way it runs Over the [Liver Wupper, and for part through these three buoy towne. It does not in- terfere with the street and road trame and it ls \ouealper than an ordinary line. as it can be slung over rivers and back streets and the only land reamed is that nec- esmry to plant the support: of the structure. - - --v- In respect to earth trembling, that canard b33323, “upended rail- way. In very mark Iy less than that caused from street. tramways, whose Md and carving capacity are much less. whili, it is insignificant compared with that emanating from thet ordinary nil-face heavy rail- way, The vibrations from the sus- pended railway do not reach the earth foundations, except after passing through a girder and arch column ; thus they are almost wholly (Haunted. . f . Since experimental trains have been running on the new line the ”Item has been studied by an Eng- tiqh company which has projected a. dimiiar line between London and Brighton, the can to run at a meal of 100 miles an hour. June 14th To be Formally Opened by the Kaiser Shortly. FROM LONDON TO BRIGHTON. Col. Rochfbrt adds that the Abys- sinian- ttave elleotuab'y ciosed to the Mullah all the watering places south ot the Geriogubt-thsiadt line, and he hopes they will soon be In contact with the British forces and thus be able to eo-operate in the pursuit of the Mullah, who is retarded In his movements by the fact that he is crossing a waterless part of the country. (ilMliillill GW fill to-dny received a dental trom COL Roehrort, one ot the Britlsh officers serving with the Abyssinian force in Somaliland, which any. the Lbs-sin- inna on May 81st, after a. series of toreed lunches, struck the ma Mul- lah'a forces near Joya, surprising them at dawn and tilting 1,000 spell!“ men, and capturing almost all their cattle and sheep and 1,000 camels. Pmldenc Mum Will - a Me a we on a Marvellous Trip. a' to-a. miracle Ivlll be the II c of g message around the rid ln [our nun-top on July up. ---- _ London cable: Mm an“ A. Dans, widow ot the qrttu-egtown editor, died last ensuing at her home In East Ninth street from Inna-loo and shock received several Gum when she fell down a flight at In Dan was 79 ,essrtr"oh& , . , President Roosevelt wil nu out a telegraph blank it , T or Buy Saturday. and almost ore the Ink on thtt pen in a" message will be 'nttahed westward over the Puma. through remote ooantrlea and but to his den! attain, Thlo will he two first 161$?!th to be went around the wand. the racent extendon of the _Ptuslr1t, ca- ble Jrom Ban Francisco ~to Hawaii. Guam. usnllu and Chips. making this poo-1N6. The cable frttm tHon. otuitt to Manila. a distance of 6.- BOO miles. will be used tor the first time In the sending ot the from} dent'g message. 2ol',',dlfe,f Bay the manage will on to San Francisco. Rottotulit, Haws“. Manila, Bong Kong Vladivostok. Mom, St. Petersburg. Hamburg. London and back to New! York. Thirty opera- tors will take part in the tram- miuion of ttaog1ot-circliog mea- Dr. Logan had to submit only to a aspen-"cm treatment. and mu con- ttttad in the Wtal but a few. days. War OIIlco Receive. new. of the Egyptian Victory. London. Jul: 6.--lme, War Office by mu and wagon. where attention could be assured. The we astiicaq that tell of thes hes-01¢ work of Mrs. Logan date that Quay Isayo rammed wool-k among the Ctgitstiatn. mhejy?yrrust'tr tuNrtttsth was dated Saw York. Juy twain“ MAO MULLAH DEFEATBD. TO CIRCLE THE WORLD. Mrs. Dunn Dena. Ex Prcatdmt Firmlu and other pro- winent Hartirno were sentenced to perpetual banishment. Venezuelan Revolutionists Plotting to Establish a New Republic. ENTOMBED MINERS CUT OFF; MINE l MASS OF FIRE. Hanna. Wyn. July 6.-lme, startling Information ls received from an ex- periencod miner who penetrated the mine where an explosion occurred Tuesday. that the workings below the seventeenth level are a mass of ttttmeer. lessening hope of rescuing the entombed miners in that section. Efforts are now confined to prevent- ing the flames from reaching the seventeenth and other levels above. Added to the horrors of the tire, which doubtlms destroyed the under- ground workings, hr tho danger of an- other explogton. ‘whtch mey ocqu‘r 1rt Ten miles of rails have been laid on the Teuiskamlng Railway. Fire did $1.000 damage at the Lake Erie & Detroit Railway freight shed. at Walkcrvllle. - . . ' War. Cr , of Ottawa. while rivet- King Edward Td", ”mag“??? ting a 933m at the Trent Vul- Puma trophw to the ','tt"U,'d tr lay Canal, near Peterboro. yester- it at the N. n. A. meet, Ju, dam tell " feet and was killed. Tho tt Grand Trunk engine '3" aw I fatality was causal by the nation! row 11de Park to Mount Brgdgesl breaking. . ttf. W” trtoppc% wlthout doing any It Is reported at Ottawa that the tltt'atrtuttr. 1 des. Cabinet has decided to build a, rall- "he TONI“? Board ot Conte 1 way from Quebec to Winnipeg, but welded to continue Jltg'.',1't1 'hell: the terms of granting companies Mon to the Toronto & mm lton Ita' I other than the Grand Trunk running _ bill at Ottawa. fl . Nights have still to be decided, fur. Rennie. Dew" 'eerie,': Ott, [Struck my a. (and; block ttd wood Inland Ruenue at t,ht,tei,""d"1l1"i,' mritueanatriiisroome aepaim in . well monoted to t', sogector n pta " Daniel Robinson. of Ingersoll, was. ot Itso late A. a. e . d for rendered unconscious. and. after ly- Five white maven arrestt t l, mg helpless at the bottom tor rm tun-gnu} t....fl.e, 1eP1y.i.,o,,r,.,e minutes. was hauled out almost um. . Foxhau Keane wan off last at 8.1? o‘clock. with a poor start. Mrinttytt finally got away at 8.50. Getting Up Speed. Edge repnsaed the stand ot the club first at 8% unofficial time. De Knyff pamred at 8.34. unofficial. Edge thus gained over ten minutes on the first lap over. DeKnyff. Hfiiine'. me bituauon hi decidedly grave. , ' _ Baron De Caters. German. got oft at 7.49 with a good start. Stool“. English. was otf at 7.56. .Wintero shoved his maohlno over the starting line at ten minutes Av, iiomo correspondent ot the Paris 136mm *elegrapha to his papal- that tho Pope was indlcpoeod. Germany‘s first representative. Jenatzy. named Ist Tisb _ .. Morris. the second American starter. made a bad departure at 7.42. hi- chmleur having to push the car. . __ I G, extennlve campaign of Instruc- tion in Women‘s Institute work he Been begun in the Province. Gabriel. who is tirtrt favoritoJol- lowed Jarrott at "I, in a blue torpedo draped car. - _ . BeJIyahanIm cable: DeKnytf, a; Edge was many .eeven minutes Frenchman, f1niahed first It 5.84 guild oghth'etti:e 1t"t.ttyPTe, m.; Janet , a German iinidieds nose " . “a 5 . ' tl','iid at 'ld; PM ' _ 'ard. behind “Jointly. new“ trying to pass the American. and Bauytttttuttton, Jul! 2.-tthe begin-' men was terrific excitement as sing of the Last Var was timed atf. . th flew under the tp,','.",',')."',,',"?, foliows: Deknyfr, 3.57 91;.Jenntzy, :_'.1',t,','g'idgt"t,'i,t'g',fr'll/7,u'ltt' of 4.02 pm. Both men were riding" $','h'g', Ho we. arrortrttr at a. speed turioutriy, and were bareheaded. . Mtf " miles an 'r:Tu,1',e tutu-ice crowd arose and you Iran y. “Grand Stand, Bal1ytrhannoru July Thxhsil Keene came tVIntr lions “' 7.01 a. m.-Tlw automobile '"""'1 ' and or Morris and Stocks at I40. ror the Bennett Cup started this '5 Whined past. making ttu" the morning. Edge, preceded by a pilot: . trt “de miles '0 tar. see. ' . ' ', "it!“ passed on second round tubr, got ott "ary tt T o'elock .‘;.IO"--:lorris arrived on um lap amid the cheers ot the spectators. tt 10.10. Stocks, who Mad not yet At T.OT a. in De Knrtptr blue :(u- arrived. was reported to be out ot went firisttr after Edge. who had the t'tMNh iong since disappeared in a cloud It wa,',",'.',',',':,",'.',:," t1'iot"f,'l,'t,tt had ot dust- hm" Irwlrm! nnrf of QM mp. he a -gtsrririt, the English favorite. mam. oft at 7.28. smoking a cigar- ette. .Whiton was not ready as called as third starter, and Owen took his place. tho “at American car Quinn; ts rather poor start at Five white mu,Were “Tested tor, takln‘part in the lynching ot a' 'negro at Bcottahoro'. Ala.. and were charged with murder. I Many social and other prepara- tiomr are being made tor the gath- ering of the awed colonial univer- sities tn London next week. A party of Tomato alder-men. with Commlulomr Flemlng Inmated the cattle. market and found tt in a moot unnatlafactorv condltlon. The London Times and other pa- pera have whitened. interesting com- prntive statements illustratlve of the development of Canada since Prince Edward Island entered the Dominion In 1878. At a. meeting of the' Welsh Pata- gonian Committee at the High Com- missioner‘s office. Mr. W. L. Grif- tith explained the operations of send- Ing the emlgi‘anta to Canada. A bal- ance of ca, remains In the bank. Edvard Newen. a. New York homecOmgr. was robbed of $100 on Mica Dar in Toronto, while In the crowd that WM “as GREAT MONK RACE RR BENNETT CUP. DeKnyff Finishes First and Jenatzy a Close Second. ""s"s""s""s"'n ms Ill BRIEF J' WW ' TORONTO Tum,' iii"crii.ii?i.i; F crowd arm ’foxhull Kt I-uhead or M It whined .' at timed 'ditrMY9tk" at 10.10. ti arrived, we the race. I A meeting ot the mreholden in ,ihle district of the defunct Weat- ern Loan & Trust Company was ‘held at Woodstock, when an offer ot live cents on the dollar was ac. cepted In full payment of their claims. Twenty-five cents on the doalar had previously been paid. I The bankers' commission has in- I (owned the-French Ministers that the semi-annual instalment ot the Chin.. i ass indemnity has been paid in silver I at Shanghai. and received under the usual protest. on account ot being tendered at a. tool rate 22 cents below the current exchange. President Loubet has declined to receive " suggested deputation from Britiircsthorus, who desired to pro- I sent htm, while M. hunt is in Lon- idun. with a. petition regarding the "persecution or the'Catholic religion WNsatoo,theexpuiston ttrthem- you order-s. and the Attratt-8t- . their property." Janet‘s collar bone was broken and ho was also badly bruised, His chauffeur was ser!onsly injured and the car was smashed to pieces. than! of the the expected. Owen nosed the stand at 8.49. A few .rards behind cane Johnny. Rowan trying to page the American. and there was terrific excitement as both flow under tit arched [rand 'ttand. Johnny. came down the MI! Approtetitw the stand in pundit o! Rumors of Accidents. It was reported that Jarrett had been knocked out or the race by a serious accident at Stradbnlly. When the Baron De Caters passed the stand be slowed up and told the omeuuq that the reports ot the ac- cident had been exaggerated and that Jarrott was not seriously hurt. The total distance or the course is 868 miles and TM yards and there are two loops, known as the major and the minor. The distance around the "mailer loop la about 45 miles, and around them both 102. 1-2 miles. more is: a. dividing stretch of about thirteen miles that must be cov- ered six times. three times around the combined loops. The fifth' lap Began as follows: De Knyfl 2.25, Jenatzy 2.30, Gab- riel 3(1); Do Caters 3.13, Farman 3.21. Edge 8.35, V “to race seems to be developing Into a tremendous struggle be. twstett DeKnyfl. Jonatzy and De Caters. To Split Venezuela. New York, J uly 6.-Newr has been received from 11rinuiad that at a meeting held there by the principal Venezuelan rebel leaders, General Nicolas Rolando was elected unani- mously to succeed General Motor: as chief. It was also decided to found a new repubrc, to be called the Re- public of Gunyann, comprising all the eastern section ot Venezuela. now in the hawk! of the rebels. This extends from the Gulf of Para to the River Chico, and includes the rich Orinoco territory. The proposal is to make Gen. Rolando President of the new republic. It is said certain lingl‘Lsh capitalists are interested in t in programme. , ', , l l , strenuous cflorts to reach the fern that was to take them to the la- crosse match. Sir Charles Rivera Wilson. Presl- dont of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, was one of a large party, who dined with the King at Bucking- ham Palace on Monday night, to meet the Khedlve of Egypt. Carl (nu-sen an employee ut the Emma) mwmlll, Vancouver. B. C., fell norm 3 clrcular law Int night and was Incl-slut out In halves. The {loom wan " native at Lake mm. on"... Winton passed the grand stand at 8.05 p. m., and Owen at 3.24 p. m. My Wore both beginning thair third laps and were hopeless- ly behind. Tim Dominion Government have commissioned Mr. Justice Richards to Inquire into charges of lumber dealers having formed a. combine in restraint of trade. Wm. Craig. ot Ottawa. while rivet- ting a pontoon at the Trent Vul- lay Canal, near Péterm yester- dair, tell " feet and was killed. Tho fatality was cyan! by the “Hold breaking. . Wit. ill-q - ---" - “(out sentenced tor kllllu Ethel Bum Dingle. no tuned in Aa- burn Prluon zen-tends: by Mu lt- .tornez. Mr. Romeo. who was told that Kent was in every 7., a model prisoner. and had are“: re- oelvad twp promotlono tor good con- duct. The prison omcloll a; his Intelligence and roadlnou to per- form e tutu assigned mm have won t good will of his keepers. 7 . . L”.- V---* -.." The supreme hour ot the conven- tion cam» when twprrucntatixe hell- ere from all sections of this country and Europe gave reports of the con- dition of the faith and told ot re- markable cures. One man declared that he had cured " cancer of tit- teen years‘ standing. where the pa.- tlent, a. woman, had been operated upon tour times by the surgeons. The [weaker gave the absent treat- ment. Th! fame of the cure trav- eled one hundred miles and brought live hundred converts. Another cp:'atrer reported e. cure of necrosis of the bone, where por- tions of the bone had dropped out at the hip and ankle. He said the patient was now as well as ever. saw tor a slight limp. -, _ one report, which was received with enthusiasm. was that of George W. Reed. of Berlin, which indicated a. growth of two hundred mr cent. in the your. and showed that the Christian Science text book “rd been circulated in Ruaaim Plunge: r, Bm'aria, Italy, Holland. Belgium and bAruth Africa. ' ' Announcement wan made that the Rev. Irving C. 'Domllnoon. of Con- cond. N. H. had been elected M the now President of the mother Church. This despttch front Ira. Eddy. pan- tor nmorltus. was read; "Givn my sincere thanks to my dear Church tor this Iovln¢ and com- perhenaive desmtch." (SuDGIY'I Inel- sage.) Were the tandem“ of" remarkable trrowttt of tho Church. as shown in tho annual reports. The clerk Ot the mother Church reported an increase in membership ot 3.696 the latrt year. making the total membership -1796. Tin-8 in- cream is the largest for one rear in the history or the Church. There are 566 ortrtutird eintrctteu, a gain of 65 during the year. The number of societies not organized. but hold- ing regular meetings, is LOG, a gain of nineteen. Particular 'ritrnitieanets was at- tachcd by the followers of In. Eddy to the announcement of the death rate among m'mDeH or the Church as being but 2.LU per 1,000. against 18.73 per 1.000 in the city of Bos- ton In 1902. ' According tii the Penal-tn Chris- tian. Science In: now gaining faster In the west than In the east. Pembroke Mun Averted Wreck Wlth Lantern and IN Handkerchlef. 0th." report: The Pembroke local on the Lt P. R. had $1 narrow escape yesterday. When within a mile ot Pembroke the engineer not. Iced the mlmmer ot a. red It“ a chart dtstancc ahead. and applled Boston. m. teport: Gratllylng In the mullet". degree to the 8.000 Chrlatlnu Scientists who crowded melanin“ Hull yesterday alternqou GREATEST GAIN 0N RECORD Montreal Mun Victim or a PM at Huntlnxdon. Montreal. July '..-Rottt. W. Kil- gour, a native of Montreal, now lies in the Royal Victoria Bonita! In a. dying condition, with a. bullet In the rgglop 9t n. his heart, as the result “Um” [Yuan-‘3‘ Vin-v. ___-.-'. - __ - Ir. Rained believes m- cllent could not receive fair treatment at tb, hands ot a Monroe County judge. Mr. Raina and he had dimvorod new evidence. which, he belleveq. wlll be of maetrlul benefit In the event ot a new trial. Kent's rent- hove visited him - mum dar does ho was taken to Auburn. , THE (lilillilllll MllWii Kitgour was In such a critical coo- dition today that his ante-Wen statement was taken at the hocpltul. “out; was subsequently 'srreetat 3-1! In to“ as minimal. 1 , ot a tight which took place at Hunt- ingdon yesterday afternoon between the victim and a man named Duncan McCunlg. The two men., who had not been on good terms, not on the street during the day, and had words, which soon developed Into a strugglt‘. during the progress of which McCualg pulled n. revolver and tired two shots at Kllgour. One of the lullcts utmok the lmtter’s watch, breaking " into pieces. but not wounding the man. Ttle other-Jul] entered the body near the he." and glanced downwards. " Stories of Remarkable Cures That Spread Faith. the air broken. TIP train was brought to a trtandtrtitt, and upon investigation it wan found that three telephone pole. had been blown down by the storm. and were lying across the track. Ahitth board fence used to protect the track from snow driftn was also lying on tho rails. This red light was found to be an ordinary ian. torn. around which a red handker- chief and been tied by a man named begun. a. factory employee of Pembroke. When taken to Auburn. Kent we: placed In the rear ranks at one of the mmhlng compnnlen. and has since been promoted to the front rank and in about to be placed in cammnnd of tho company. He was tirtrt unsigned to work in the broom futon. but was recently transfer- red to the basket {actor}. Kent has grown very Ohln during Mu short 'sotsnnemente - , Work on the appeal of M! can will be started noon. and it anew trial is wound it wlll be held In com-o county other than loam. u - -- q_e, _u-_4 Mil“ Enema}! DYING OF BULLET WOUND. STILL WANTS NEW TRIAL. SAVED THE TRAIN Woll Bound. B! Fi'ri, 'f,"' Mei 1rll'f1ill,'lill.0llihl". Trinity University is to beconw at- riuated with Toronto Unu'crvsitv, all detrree-conterriuq power to be cen- ued in the Chancellor or Toronto University. Trinity University dor Ler autonom. her .ttLolaqtie your. “room. Winn: College In to have the right to teach the doctrine; and can] on an: won-chip ot um Church ot, England. Trinity medical faculty to be III- corporued with Toronto medical teyltr, __ - _ _ .- ONLY ONE MEDICAL FACULTY. Lectureu in arts at Trinity are. to be counted as unin-z'uitv Ico- tureu. and lectures In scientific sub- hcts are to be dupllcalud at hin- ltr. provided there are enough "ad- ems. sufficient uocommodnllun and Nimble apparatus. Although the federation of Trinity University with Toronto Univer- sity In practically an natured fact. those conducting the m‘otiationl have no tar deemed it wise to do no in as quiet a manner as prrteattia. Yentenday. however. a former mem- ber ot Trinity corporation talked Neely, about it. and this is about the way he stated the alluau'uu. Tbe proposition submitted by T0- routo Univerwlv to 'hnmty corpoa ration at the recent meeung. want in onect an lotlowa; M'leeo of Trinity University are to be reduced from $65 to $35 3 yin]? _ _ _ _ -. A “In plan of {alteration was tirrst lubmlttcd to the medical laculty. and while the dean and profmm‘iut were loath to anal-t at the nluoquloo of Trinity medical. they realized that federation was the only solution of the problem. and 00 accepted tho proposition. UNIVERSITY Ellflllflilll. " Ilmher, Moot., July 2.--Wmt- dorm! Medea at locum mad bone. of pexr-Matorie men and mind- are tteLtqrmatuintbohesCmtereomur. try by m. M. B. Farr and I. party at students from Princeton Univer- dty. The remain- ot ' city belong- in; to tho stone age was tound Ll- moct complete. The tekton ot a man nine feet high, and another tel- otoo, somewhat annular. was found near by, probably that ot a woma- Trinity Will Join With the University at Toronto. ulily llrulla to Scale. The plan canu- before Trim” cor. potatlon last week, and tho 'gon- oral principle was endorsed. the do. tailu to bo considered at a ttr'ettut; to be held on the 9th at July. The “Vantage! ot lcderulion to Trinity will be mainly the ability to continue until tip. old nnmo and the old methods. modeled on than of English univerre1tior. tho odtaea.. tion of th- young mm of the i'hlll'l'l of England. At mu can» limo (it. “went: will have all tho advan- tage. which n thoxouxh'y mm mod modern centre of learning can pro- Servinn trmury is absolutely W. Prince Areene. when bearing . crown. aid nothing about the now except that the crown but not not "over 875.000." and must be delivered within three weeks. A sketch deemed by the King! cousin. Prince p, accompanied the order. This web order tor I. may“! crown In; may unused Perish“. Hith- erto there he: been no crown tor Servinn monarchs. and neither King Milan nor King New wore n crown at their coronation coco monies. The firm who no unexpected” have been made Servinn court .kweiere are raking their wite to find a we, to get some guarantee tor their work. or learn It It would b" natr1n.t.eoetrt r"tntlit to land 'bt' costly handset" Belgrade c. O. D. Toronto will gain in prnmlgn and In each. The latter rain will he shout an follows; Fur. tor conferring degrees. In)! $4.000: revenue from “Meats ot Trinity nodlcnl mommy. Ion salaries to [unusual-I. about $9.500. or a total ot about sumo per annual Wonder“! Germ. through his brother. Prune Arum. who Is a resident ot thin olu'. In. adored a lW2'llf crown from a well-known mm (in: ot jewelers. The ttrm, though nun-eel. null; the great honor, to ln s - darr, as they be": had no intlmstlon u to who will pay for the roral ornament, and tt in known the; the Bervlan treasury is 'ytmroltttatlr pup”. Aged Poll“! Took. Drive Men lion:- eude Half. Dome. July 6.-rhe but - that there is nothing ueriouu the matter with the Pope’s health I: that he descended to the Valium“. tandem this morning tor the Jim time thie year, and wan driven about tor an hour end . halt. The Potttitt loaned to enjoy the ope air inn-emu. and noticed the change- made in the gardens dee- laat year. He was We“: [nub acted in the growth of the vine. planted in; him-ell and nude in- quiries regarding the prospect! ot the vintage. When the Pope n- tujned to hie arartmmtta, in m IT MAY BE SENT ON C. 0.'D. French Jewelers are Uneasy About the Payment. not in the least fatigued nod no wind neural bishop- .incindln tho Rtqht Rev. John Rooney. 00.4in was “car at One Town. CID. THE POPE SEEMS WELL PREHISTORIC MAN. Montana. Lt? is to curl-“n- and regulate meaning to Homers from write In taeor 1 lots. proving the tho very bM l “or “In of Int: an. Gum-uuw m Price 2.5 mm or di Williams” Ila-1M Eve prompt ral R. 3. "ab' ”I; "I have tr In tor stoma; “Ignition. from gnu-a1. and tin M produced _ and 1 n1 rumble In any 1 ttle ones." m the mum: Munch In the tmbln; it bs w ”new? Tory l Own ”thins “I kind " “No.” he 6:11. 5 nt playtlnn to hand: an tll,'h1',T, tore, .1, quickly. lur - "Give it “to " to Nair "But I dldn't a Ila inn. and all but to Lad) Perhaps sh. or has had Weak. rich} CIA! to math - both n.‘ w the mull her at tl" “If! thrre held tire Karl Mb to dc t tlrlllod h BSrMMN' nun. your hand:- on] the marquln Into the drawn! "Brtuurxt w b Mte'.' m H .3 I'Ilahw "No. my” 'iuwutdsr as “Rico. .. ddn't the (‘r the mnanls ad; but I [ that than Committing: - "No," she nah I” ot womu Wore you. "Of cour girl Inm- be cure H A. he tent hl he! drew tour) I to hint lie M ”at! words. Elaine wont d II her hand gluten " In tht tton which u... but! mum-d. um “no and land tl Nt hf “It half that [an oul Lady Manchu. In; the qmwu "Can those 0 you think Y' Etaine looked 'anqzlhey hm "My dour E rotortod Lady “potion". .. 'No pyntletttr drowmg-room "Well-u “I. time mm a ---' "Brbuet 1" "Tear l but 7 "Hot to-ttitch! tr; "not trs-ni low. dour lad; a. tho marqu‘ 'Ith n Iovor'm) “It he did , no Immune. l mention he tri all her. and m say he "Wm“ tion to tho" n m, ash-d La A“ .tood Ila-1d datirull.s turmm altering (‘\'I'll 'cre sum: TI other Side of tl - of hm~ am! not prom-m. ho- ttttlingo-room I game. Lady Ttln nvh, Intending: to t ho had put " It up. aho had In- . dream}. ping to u all: a nu "What u Elnim town " Blainv r Wome: that; El] M. ham The m II INN N “(I‘M W brl om'

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