West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Jul 1903, p. 1

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Fruits. bu. " school “a " . m of “lo lunar. for Our boy. little {allow- first vietorr. 'n “Wee: Hugo: " .0809“th EtholShatpe, N “luscious. with variations The tortuee ly lid cor- Won-Danica Ities Nur, ot Reunion. ". The and e his we the der. at 'ease I n why IIICCQ'SS POW” Wore d e Vott “VS "the clloi eh we" ' Dr I ....E g Ilium“. poor mce large n and Us 1903 W e Hat We we MI Juan all um! t :1 no wel duly .p Sam] I will .. m an hm m M "tttt nu " " LWI If: as; NT 1-0. P " ,w ~¥:"A:L,.lgc. ' ' " f’ 1 - .9tr ' -, Bt . .. 1w» - a» 1 - in". £3 'il(),ll,',,)rl,l,)l,T ' 6.0mm - u 1 died axExxxmxxxamxmmmawammggmx333vm $5.5me S,',) E Gmes fre/am/ g iii' 3mm mm MI ma SUMMER 0mm... , allji,!, .. "m WE' PRINT . WEDDING .Vn'l'IC'ES and sup- . ' ply Stutumrry at IIrIIsonuble Rates. For )rittsttples, Price, and N'telea to .olwt from, (VIII at the _ “EV! KW ()r'r'icr: I'll/u'u' No. 6 tsa-e-,,-....,. VOL. W, -v.... v... VI "VII ulna "'"""""er CONSIDER the holiday comfori of the boys with m BLOUSBS PRICES ARE TRIFLII BOYS' WASH SUITB--in linen, galatea, and linen and linen crash, Sailor and Norfolk styles and allsizes..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. BOYS BLOUSW--Thc regulation Sailor blouses na- " and white galatea, in ExtrT Good Quality.. 'I'lum they want a good, comfortable pair of BOOTS. lllilllt WHIIE $(lli1r-ltit (ll Ile BUNNY a ttt White Undertskirte, good cotton. lawn “ounce, with 23:22:“. .".T1'.le.m..'.t.it.e.h,iy'i, Pf (ri") c'xtra ' That tells the story tf our Dress Muslins and Ginghams-- when ill we add that the PRICE IS EASY. Here are a few linerthat wa nt investigating : , g ZIU'n YR GINUHAMS, colors red, black, pink, light blue. mauve and linen with fancy stripe pat- 1 M terns, last colors and excellent wearing qualities spacial . . C g New American DIMITY MUSLINS, in a large 1 , variety ot colors and patterns, all fast colors, spec. yd F C A We “(ant Any Quantity of Butter and Eggs White Uttttderskiru, deep lawn fioanee with tucks, and edged with frill of wide embroidery. das: frill White. lindertskirts, deep flotrnee of fine lawn; trim. med with tine mobs and frill of handsome French Embroidery, dt1stirili...... ...... .. ...... . "----, " frill Ames Holden (k, White Underskirts, good cotton. lawn tlounge, tuck grad edged with frill of good embroidery, dust 5300Ts ,t Romemhe P the place Granby Rubbers. We have them and are the Sole Agents for Durham. . Every pair are guaranteed by the Makers. SEE orut DISPLAY OF BOOTS IN NORTH WINDOW. ALL MANU- FACTURED BY THE Last week we bought 30 cases of Boots at a price that will certainly interest the people of Durham. They are manufactured by the Ames Holden Co., and every pair of them are made to wear. 1ames fr alarm! THE POPULAR CASH STORE. Rubbers 'ii'f'iife5t'l.iit't'iifc'i'igi. tt 'ih'i4ra-igargrig THE POPULAp CASH STORE f27'I(7I'.'S and sup- I A _ l ‘t Ifrrrmmlblc Hates. . 'I' View and Stylus to I '11 "t the I l 'l'll-IW 0131511)]? “mg . NO. 29 M: comfort of the boys with Gist suits and PRICES ARE TRIFLING "h stylish; and Becoming. LAI DLAW’S Old Stand "e,Rechnie. AHHJHEV! 'nhaAtei.'-i' tucks, sc, trill 1 . 2 5 if"??? Mc 1.50 il9, w tl, 750 o _i'ii,l-:ci.' , 1" i.. ”I: Fifi? .i,iiriii. , ANOTHER Prosuceu.--1oiday last Mrs , ll. Watson, Sn. passed over. to the , gunner number at the ripe age of Si _ years. Forseveml years she has been im'nlided in mind and body and has been assiduously cared for by her idaughter, Mrs Gray and daughter-in- law, Mrs Jas. Watson, She was inter- _ red in Maplewood Cemetery at 5 p. m.. Saturday, a huge concourse, consider- ing the short notice. following her to the grave beside her husband whom _she outlived 25 years. She is among i the last of the old original pioneers on t {the line, Mr Wm. Johnston, still mi f wonderful health. it " being the Last. 1 iHer sons. Robert, John and James are! (well known. Med in her prime {was a. Woman of much force of charac- I’ ter. hospitable to a degree. and devoted Ito the worship of the Presbyterian icttuerstt. Tue memory of her worth! will be cherished by her children. Ffg7,it-'g2 Wmucx's IxssTirtrrr,r---A wry inter- esting "looting in connection with the Wonwn’s Institute was held here Tues- day in the Town Hall. Miss Roddick giving some intox'estlng talks and diuuonsttations on cooking. Miss Beam " pit-mam and useful address on cheer- fulness in the home. These meetings are doing a. good work among the Women. and more might, avail them- selvr-s of the chance to help thetnaelves. Quito M95395” Wore present. and some orumttii't'6,irre added. Mrs. T. McUirr makes iiriiirod president. Miss K. Dix- on the efficient Secretary gme a nice little address on the tenants to be de. rived from the meetings. "CN 'fl7éi s-iii-iii-',-,-- rm' ill! tttIli-iii-iii-tBTI:?)') HOTEL CHANGE ~31: Geo. Ryan sold tho Central Hotel Property on Satur- dayto Messrs M. McGrath and M. Mc. Aulifte, who take possession Aug. 1. Tho price». $5000 was It, good nne and In-mkens returning values. The young men have expepien'ce in the business and will do well, We hope they will maintain the best traditions of the Centval. ll BURY ox s'ATtrnr2Av.- The remmns; :01' John McArthur. who died in Mrinni-l l peg, are expected home on Friday and I the funeral will take place Saturday at, l 52 p. m.. from his III-other Duncan’s. 2nd i' 1Com, Bentinck. Two sisters of deceas- ( ged from Colman. Mich., arrived wed-) nexday after an absence of 12 years. I ,I A Sunmcx DF.irrrr.-.. Last Monday: ivery sad news" came to Mrs, McLean, (and Mrs. Cameron. that Mr. I’m-km. of LAlvinsmu. husband of their niece, hadi died suddenly. A week or 10 days ago- when Miss Ronnie left for hero, he was in his umal health, and likely it has been a luv-'9 of heart failure. as he was anhject to attacks of this kind. I Fon 40 CRNTS.. -The REVIEW will be sent to Jan. l, 1904, to any address in Canada. United States or Great Hritain. Send it to your friend. 81 a your, and cheap clubbing rules with Globe. Mail & Emp. Witness, Mon Star. Tor Star. &e Owing to the unfavorable weather on Tuesday evening. those who attended the Methodsr Gui-don Party tepairrd to the basement of the church where a social time wUs spent and the ice cream. raspberries. ete., disposed of. The sub- stantial sum of $50 was realized. HOT AND CoL0.--liast week the ther- mometer Wm ranging up in the 80's and 90's; this week is again quite chillv and a coat is comfortable. t Rev. Mr. Matheson this week Iii-anch- ing from the physical features of B. C.. gives a. readable let ter en some psychi- cal features he has met With. Socialist readers of the Review may ptofit by a reading. Ominntiun and induction of Rev. Mr. Acheson into Dornuch and Rocky Sum geen moans place at “crunch. Tuesday next at 2 p. m. Read Mockler’s Ad and list of money ' savers for this week. ' Money to Loan at, th, per' cent. _ MACKAY & DUNN. Durham. Church’s Bug Fmish--KiIis the hug and fertilizes the crap. To it, Mne- Fatlane's Drug Store. Kelsey's Manlello Cuisine? Photos, best h'nish at $130 per dozen are splen- did value. Read his ad an I visit his studiu. DURHAM, (irmmuoAirliriih?-iir, iiiijij'."" 0 r'ii;:i-.re-oyrINigte A new In: a): A - - A... dh _ rr,,. nun nah- o "J l A If your l, £- _ 5 'late it mu lg o" : . svriptirm is [tit 1i)f1iit {EM 'hr utoutlt ' y . ' Mural ix “1 _ / - Ti "3 " UNION Pt_csrc.---Fridtts last. in Ritch- Lio’s lmqh. the workers in the Union tl. ll Iuslehool, Wm. anng. '4tyset"t.t,!,t.e.ment, 'ss in had a. pleasant, little picnic. Thu B. B. -. Was organized by Rev Mr Farqnhnrson Iain, (last spring and is e'dling It. felt want in and ithe district. The asunl sports were cat" Mail {rial on and a.d/iressts given by Resui's ' & . _ Newton, Smith and Famuhaison to n. P, c crowd particularly well hulmvpd. espec- spon inlly the children. Me, T. McFadden 'tdvd was chairman. _ settled on the farm just north of town F which he has since occupied. Un April 2711: 1852 he mat'ried Men-on McAvtliue also of Vaughan township. and the two walked together ft om the old settlement. near Toronto to the new one at, Durham and began to carve out, for themselves a home in the woods. .Ten children re- 'suited" from this union. six of whom still survive. tive Sons and one daughter. "they consist of John, Colin and Angus " of Glenelg. Donald on the old homestead _ in Bentiuek, Neil John, Director of the lsiout School of Physical Training at fltlunomonie, Wisconsin, and Mrs. Thos. J. Banks, of Owen Sound. _ On May 9th 1898, after a union of40 l ears. the wife. Merron, died and the :l‘iushand. then 73 years of age became ':somewhat detsponiieut and began to idecline. His remarkable vitality sus- Jainéd him, however. and it was not luntil Jan. of the resent year that he iwaa confined to t 3 house. since then ihe has gradually weakened until relief i icame on Monday night last. l Perm In addition to the sturdy physical characteiistics of that race. he possessed courage, industry. determination and was a man of sterling i,'htggitgi, His death removes one more Iin from the chain that binds the past to l/ig':',':',','),. The funeral took place on W nesday to the Durham cemetery and was large- ly attended. The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian Church and staunch Re. former in politics. He possessed many of the girtu’eg (3f the early Sqotch pipri: The (low-used was born in Mull, Ar- gyleshiro. Scotland, on May 'end. 1825. He emigrated with his parents to Cana- da when only five yam-e of ago. Thev settled in Vaughan Township, York County, nem- Toronto. When 19 years old, he- made " trip on foot, through the region where Durham now stands and two years later fovmed one of the party which surveyed the present, Durham road from Durham to Kincardine, At the conclusiou of that survev in 1840 he, Early this week. mmtlwrof the oldest pioneers in this lurnlity passed aWay in the pun-sun of Donald :tIt-Artlhur. who has resided nlmul, at. mile and a half north of town for more than half a cen- tmy. I 1iiccy.rtstr,rpr, GARDEN PARTY. -Thurs, 1rartviniifi,r last was a dtmghthtl frvert- com-med sweet music, the ice crezuu w.“ voted good and other refreshnwnts Wert' up to the mark, l'XCEpt indeed as to quantity. for the big crowd cleaned tn) most " the lines. A program" ofuo small merit was rendered on the lawn. Rev. Mr. Famuharson in the chair. Mr. Drysdale made four excellent, cuntrihu- tions, and Mr. Walter. Huvhan SJllL' ing for outdoor etrtl/rUj///irirT/.' hence sum-em Urttq we'tten in large letters on thopnrty held on thefhu, grounds of Mrs. Gun. Sr. The electricians had strung wives for lights, the hand dis, Big reducnom in M uslms. Prints and Gingliams--ar H. H. Moekler'e. THE.0R.\.\'GE CirLemiuos.--auite a large num her accompanied three lodges from Durham last Monday to spend the day in Hurriston. Splendid weather favored the holiday makers. and Han-is- ton was taken by storm and uppeu-enllv by sun-3,1 ise. for tales are told of famine for want, of something to eat. owing to the crush and crowd. The historic ‘walk’ was carried out faithfully, and good speaking for those who would hear and ull returned at, night pleased With the day's outing and honomm: its mem- ories. V A number went to Markdale. where also there was a big gathering. l Mount Forest papers lust “ eek record the death of Milford Amos, aged 10. son of the late Wnt. Amos. Not, being a. good swimmer. the lad rashly tried to follow a comrade but sank in seven feet of water and was dlowned. The wid. owed mother was out of town and has the sympathy of all. SHUT Dows.--The Furniture Factory shut down for a few days to have an overhauling of some of the buildings, Imclnnery. &c. This is almost the first shut down smcs starting and a very heavy husiness h as been done this year with the Duh-pert of a busy full. A HIGH RATE.-.The nenghhm inn mu- nicipality of Mourit Forest learns that its council has struck the tax rate for this yearn 29 mills. We are feeling comfottthie in Durham with a rate of nhout 20. THE LATE DONALD McARTHUR A new line-0f av fancy Hosiery for I , THE ENTRANl 16e per pair, at H. H. Mocklers. t f é. , - Bring your Butter and Eggs to A. H. l J8e fntrant,re List, Mockler’n and get highest prion in the] 'ot, 'lr.'r'"y's lualou many bargains that he is showing from i priiitotitude of Inso, his new shipment of Koods. 1 Tereres, who are al thi ----, 'qi------- 'fd'IrsefatL'2'ritr, 5743 CUT GLASS In PEARL & DIAMOND Brooches out stock is the largest we have ever had; In Ii11eltf, ASerofef Stpne_R_ings out Shock was never so complete. WEDDING gersats----.We make 3 Specialty. SILVERWARE 'd'l I A T' S ELLSQ__ That a GOOD WATCH makes us regular in our habits. You can get a good one in a few minutes ii you call on us. A good watch is the cheapest in the long run, and if it is carefully cleaned and oil- " ed, it will last a lifetime. Dvnum HA)!PI)IN WA'I‘CHEH ru- Bra-1:. Crawford and Mr Drysdnle. All Jwen- well received. the clear Scottish Limes of Mr Drysdale calling forth special com- mendation. Pleasing tecitrrtious were rendered by Miss M Huntes and Mr Mv, Lean and altogether a. dvnmmtmtiun was given that neither mid can chill nor wet, can drown the gonna} gIowM' human kindness when kindn-d spirits meet. ROCKY SAUUEEN Gummy PARTY -- Notwithstanding the cold and [in-untru- ing min the garden part y at that ltocky, on Tuesday evening, proved an im, mental: Hue-098%. Gate n-(mipls showed an attendance of 1setween tavo and thrve hundred and every mm swim-d in the happiest mood. Mr Mrlwllan. the studentln charge. ”coupled the chair, and :iddre.oiee were given by Ref-is Newton, F)yrquhatsoi, Pmeo and 1):- Smith. Music was supplied by the Durhmn choir. In addition to anthems and choruses by the whole tlteve were duetts by Miss Burnett. and Mrs Jack- son. Me Drymnle and Miss J Muuro. and snlm by Misses Wilson, McL‘rem-y air! (V......o-_.a _...I .1, n . . - __ S. S. Picsuc.--Tho Ptesltytetian Sull- day School workers will picnic lo [inl- atum on Thursday of next week. They They go by 3 p. Ill. train returning: at night. Tickets Adults ioc, children 20v. A general good time is assured. 32 mole. 11 passed. M “mum 7H. J. Douglas 635). E Shaw ($57. It \Vvllimus W3, Gr Heard 639. A [Missal] (ilu'. Fl Gulla. yzherbm’, L McDonald 592. J Camphell 579. Pearl Sime 537. M Alt-Kev 5.30. 4 wrote. 4 passed. " Schultz 759. War,rner 690, J Farm-s q53, A Weilmrl t mom’s mks, It A C'vawtord 591i. L Wat. mm 585. A A Irvivw 58”. A Is'jchutuison 580. R Nnhlv 574, J Fleshur 573, J M Irv. ing Mo, M Rowe 503., M Slilffnl'd CMI, E Irvmg GOO, R Sum-amt, 555, M Ellmu .354 38 wrote, 21 passed. F" .1 Gilwnn 716. F C Hallaru (H 632. H B Mephe, '4Ot1 626. f M li' _ - w... ‘. BA. -u Kr. 'oo, 14 "Htitt 695. H Iiltehtuta'io, E anum- tor, E Lmenz 691, H Magmmd 388.1: Maurer 678. L,Miehlh:msvn 6.37. L Nivrgm-l (PM. W A Purvos Gil, 0 Quasi oui, H Bray 83i, R Bruerwtnan 025, N Glauset. 810. H Hdmhecker (150. D Irvine Mt, I Knew] 781, n Lunney 770, A Miehl- but 15: J l’nltmmw. P, w Hear. so" 668. N Ursuldt. 780. ll Wildfung mo. FLESHERTON. 29 'rrote, 25 named. E Andaman 608. M r, Brtyrhatn 503. A (is-urge 700, i, Hahn 695. H Iiltehtuta'io, E anum- tor, E [Alan-rm! U u, W-r-m,, - -- \Wunluh’snn f#2t, H I La M . ... ,,6.’)l' Elm J H: ttle....,. (550 E L Ba 6' Itrhottte., (519 (I. Pin, A I0EcGiiiry. .. (£371 A Hoy "r'clocain' (531 - . HANOVER. i525 wrote, 21 tassed. F J Lin-as 717. L hum 716, F ll Hallavd 612. w Trvlfm'd t. H n Mcth Moll 626. A Gillespie (SH try Stafford til3, J J O’Brien 0'05. IT J A. CHDHIDOPir, YOU OUG-HT TO KNOW" THE ENTRANCE RESULTS NEUSTA UT. ll A H K D A LE. DUNDAIJx’ WA'L‘CHMAKMR. JEWELLER .u OPTICIAN DURHAM. . &32 B Mc . 7:13 M 1 .763 ON (it' 832 B Mclulyrp., 793 M Mum-n . 't"a3, O ti Hunter 'rwr D hit-Damn" 743: A Ashley .. P23B “Rey. -..m. "il0 EPeuy...... 713 Iraiupueu. 708 w Derby. . . . 705 J Hal-(Iv heiow, thanks. to the ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ' so eagerly looked Beauty combined with quality is what we offer. 6.31 h 3111:;Silverware~‘..N '.r,See our“ 594 59 1 587 .393 Get, 576 370 571 570 570 M3 200 557 550 (I?! 603 GUI (£00 .399 m? (a 17 “28 ft.?? Cdl (i17 ($12 610 WM 3 Good general purpose Mare. foul-levn ‘years old. guaranteed sound. Also I i Mare 4 years old, sound and servicenhle. 'Applyto J. WmstErt, Rocky Sunset-n. iRings 1316.115 Wlihr.' R Y‘STORI , MacFarlane tl (h, , Druggists d Booksellers. Alia Ile (jllmtl,-lllggrtt Bea. W @UMY . i RRRE (llllljif BRRRR W we use constantly except .dyrings1eep. Perfect eyes see without effort. The imperfect ones are constantly under muscular strain. Is it any wonder eye strain is so hurtful? How are your eyes? Consultation free. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sightis the pull special sense for yo Brooches, Necklets, Long Chains, Bracelets and Pins. We certainly have the stock to choose from. The goods are right here waiting AT KEEILER'S Nothing as nice as Silverware for Wedding Presents and at Keeler's is to be found the largest stock of good Silverware in the county and all our prices are the lowest. Eyes Are Workers. Solid Gold Wedding kin 14k and 18k, in all stvles. Biz Stock of En :{m Also Cakes, Buscults and Confectionery. - g 'c, We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomeness. It's a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent load [numb]; prime tf HIND BROS. CHAS RAMAGE. Pats-ran an Pawn“. sto FOR SALE Wright's old Stand ,d Wedding Rings in wk. 18k, in all the latest Big Stock of Engagement choose from. At «a <<

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