West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Jul 1903, p. 4

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5:60 'Rush to Ctark's m see, A, test, fo be convinced That there is no better place in the Countv to These are just the goods you want for summer wear. We have a large range in the newest designs from 750 to 82. JJCCTIUg Machinery, Democrats. Buggies of P: nicrstrm and London rliakes, The Great Prize wr ncr Cream Separator, Road Carts, Ccoking Stove Raymond f‘ewfng Machines, Waggons: Sr.owbal Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Plougl and repairs ', Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, db still lmpleme .80 dies 2am? 't0aists .6 'adies C01 I f. War/06% _ . . tnrmul on Tuesc m IN arerooms .111 the old McKinnon stand “fawn” tlays 1tmues and still there's room for more Thoruluuy, Ilu: 3iumteitettes o .scls Flannellette, regular 7c pe while it lasts at 5c per yd. I yd wide, Regular 12 3/; c, to clear at 7c per yd. 1ll perfect fitting a .iish, unlined from u'rints m ”a.“ 11d ad are made tt2 to $5. 1e County to buy Buggies of Pal.. Grcat Prize Wiu. Ccoking Stoves. --'-"-N.. 115 I], Chaiswovih wit nm! a trip by hm MIN. John Horsburah, Holstein, visi- u-Lllwrdunghter Mrs. lt. Williamson. front F, iday till Monday. I Mrs. C. Mvannn "nd lwn little ', daughters are spending A few wevrs with tvlativcs in Nun-l h Bay. Mr. Jus. A. Hunter is home from \Viunipvg nnd is paying a visit to Us old home and othet. friends at IH'es'eut. Mr. and M: Inn-um! m) Tm of sevvrul da tl Misss Margarw (Sun left on Tuesday to spend u few weeks with flit-mix in To. rnnm and will spend a few days at Port Colirorne with her friend Miss Davey. Mrs. l Hunter and Mis murmur” tst week. Dr. C. l her daughters Mon: umw an an extruded Toronto and North B Mrs, Rowan. of Tumult). and Drum! Mrs. CullrertHon, of Meafovd are gnosm of Dr. and Mrs. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. McCouth, 0." Will iunsford. were visiting at, My. AIL-tr McKinnon‘s but week. Mr. Wut. S. Harris. of the Ttwonto "News" staff. is at home for a week to enjoy Durham life. Pt al Mrs. and Miss Harlmttle, of Gatuafraxa, an: the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har. hotlh- of town. Mr. Arch Campbell, of Bunessm. left on Tuesday last for British Coltunbia. Mr. N. J. McArthm. Is home from wisconsin attending his father's fun. Miss Julia Weir is home holidaying from Alliston. _ Mrs. W. Calder is in Saginpw with het. sister. who has been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Brigham. Allan Park. were, guess- of Mr. and Mrs. Redford. Miss Marmarw w it?“ HM Pa . t ton Purl tt ti v wi to THE DURHAM REVIEW In l'riu'v by his wil " here fun “Chit l I, "' in Iuwumi IIwc-ling wit Minus (m his new hot urs modestly. . . l Arthur McClocklin w- I my fron, n drivmg -Imlr I inking in Flesh-Hun. l Drysd Mung Ill Flt-slum!“ " d, Owen Sound an inH't‘lnvdiulP poin to Iluhny “with. N'L‘dnk Hull: (will hl ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO visilin IV :u-cnmyrmivd by and Ada. have vim, to friends In lat el Ht. m " tuln and dun jmmlnl‘ kt I ll m M .v Week VII ll fr nppuinle d Thund- ound his IN tk w ll wit h ,4er "Ab. ITS' The presents were numerous and beautiful and comprised : silver cake dish,2 butter knchs, 2 sets tea spoons, 2 berry spoons, fish knife, pie knife, 2 cracker jars, butter dish, dozen forks, 2 lemonade Sets water set, 3 glass fruit sets, china fruit set, china cheese dish, 2 large parlor lamps, bedroom lamp, large painting, 2 paper racks, 2 bread- boards and knives, set of knives, 2 sofa cushions, sofa cushion top, pr blankets, 3 pair lace curtains, 2 fancy side board scarfs, large hall-rack and mirror, 2 rocking chairs, set of toilet mats, en- velope with $1, pocket book containing two 5-dollar gold pieces, 2 table-cloths, dozen table napkins. l rizign (fthrth' niece. Miss Maud Ill-Hwy. , to Mr Henry Wilkinson. At the hour [mum-(l. the bride, on tlie mm of her I uncle. Mr Aldred, was led to the side of her low-r, under a beautitul ever- ]grcmi arch trimmed with white, and l there took the vows that made tin-m imnn and who. The cvrcmnny was l performed by Rev. Mr. Newton, Rev. I Mr. Miller assisting with "tidmonition l due " and closing with prayer. The. l bridesmaid was Miss Corn Derby, i while the groom was suppopted by h's ‘brother John. Miss Winnlu Blythe made a delightful ilowen. girl and strewcd clusters of red roses on the bridal path. The bride was attrac- tively attired in whito,spotted muslin, CAsrvuisut---lucCcsicrmv---on Wednes- day, July 8. 1903. at the residence of the bride's brother John Metiosyery, Georgetown. Mr. Allan Campbell, of Glenelg, to Miss Maggie MCCOSkely, of Toronto. i The bride looked very pretty in I gray hopsaeking, trimmed with white I alpaca and satin, and carrying water 1 lilies. The bridesmaid was attractiVe ' in him: eoslunere, alpaca trimming. I The presents so numerous and ,prettv bespcak the high (Isa-em held I lo! the bride: A list of them follows: I 2 bowls, cheese dish, pickle dish. tea- ipotand cake plate, teapot, hull'dcz silver teaspoons, silver butterdish and I knile, salad bowl, (Inzen table napkins, lberry sot, salad bowl, parlor Lop, i sugar set and moustache cup. saltand pepper caster. parlor lump, salt and pepper cruett, berry rot, pickle dish, water pitcher. silver sultand pepper set, butler dish, salt and peppercnstnr, iberry tir't, berry dish, pickle truer, l sugar set, curd rreuin-r, bread plum, I tea set, salad bowl, lump, pickle tray, ' berry set. crayon picture, mustard jar, .Irucking chair, table napkins and stable cltth. silver tish met. curving ', knife Hmlful'k. bread knim and fin-l: Mr J. L urowne tuck a picture of the bridal group, and later or the whole eonumnv. Supper was served in the orchard, picnic fashion, and a very pleasant operation it was. Suic- able games Were indulged in, tine music was rendered by Mrs Newton, Miss Human and Miss May I ,eeSOn, and violin, mouth organ and ziiher, added variety. Hearty congratulations were tendered the happy young maple, and the REVIEW extends the same to his old pupils. lace yoke and lace and ribbon trit ming and carried a bouquet of whi lilies. The bridal veil was caught! with sweet peas. The hridcsnm carried June pinks and she and tl flower girlpverv, also attired in whi muslin and ribbon. The weddir march was played by Miss S. Burm Mr J. L Browne took a picture. § WILSON - STA Nib}. ! W,tdnesday, July 8, the home of Mr I Jno Staples. Glenelg Was the scene ci In pleasing matrimonial event - the i marriage f his daughter Miss Nvllie 5pm bow and pile tork m l [iti, to MrJus Wilson. The Wedding place an 5 p. m., Rev Mr Farqui animating. The bridesmaid was ten: Miss Jennie Staples, and Mr W “son, a cousin of the groom wa man hl0 CHANCE LIKE THE PRESENT ll I, and fork, brand [mile 1' lace curtains, tuble bad, 2 table cloths, 4 mm rls, sugan'sct, Ji dor, goh water pitcher; quilt, ll', her and sidvbourd: so small profits bat wiie selling. N, extra charge for babies or groups Photos taken after " p m. by le Y ing order the dry before at studio Large Mantello Cabinet, best thtith for only 81.50 per doz. till August Ist, 1903. For the past three weeks we have been making things. move in the Photo line. It seems impossible to make such cabinets for so little money, but we do it. They ire fast selling bat long Wearers. Every Photo fully guaranteed. It lathe bust way to advertise. We believe in sun.“ yvohts bat wiiw selling. No extra charge for babies or groups. ilitt Il1ms, \Vn 24 m MARRIED. 150m The wedding to) m., Ilev Mr Fartit1harson The bridesmaid was a sits- bowl, Jump, pickle tray, yon picture, mustard jar, t', table napkins and Eilvu‘ tish was, curving ;. brand [mile and fork. b' id t' boa M 1.5, sugar 2 berry set HYMENEAL e and ribbon trim- a bouquet of white veil was caught up The lwidcsmnid s and she and the [so attired in White n. The wedding bits l) Duly U, at 4 n umbled at the Ct cup. summit] imp, salt and :t, pickle dish, dt and pepper pcppCl' CilSLOl‘, SOC “Home", Inn y mas, watt! batter " ish ), carving and fork mat, buc tl 's'lnves, it Al ma Rev. il Iu'y ery white Water actiw n be: has of Muzzcls and Horse Fakes: 1 Every bird fancier should examine our i assumnent. of Bird Cages. D, you require a Preserving Kettle or anything in the Granite or Tin- “are line, itso, you are invited to insect our variety. Ex ery Bee keeper can get a bargain in Money Cans by calling at THE 11 ARDWARE STORE. We sell the McCormick Binder Twine, which is widely known for its ex- eellent quality. There is no Machine Oil to equal Illoek's Special. A fresh shipment, arrives every week Our American Stock Fond is a sure cure " inMenzie that is raging among horses at the present time. I (Mr cSii For Sale at W. Black's Store a)Fl?ihitciti *4lt%bqtrii' (j.",,' Kodak :What _,",'.' About J BURNETT. Smoked meats, Bol ogna, &0. Also Coal Oil We dont back up. We claim to have the best assorted stock of Groceries in town. Flour, MEALS, and other Cereals. l- at] When you are scouring the town for good Butter if you will remember that we arrange with the best dairy farmers in South Grey to supply our trade. Back Up it Will Help Some DRUGGIS'I'S & SEEDSMEN Show Cases are well filled with Silverware very suitable for Wed- ding Presents. our stock of Binder Whips. Horse a satisfaction to know that the store you trade in is the right kind and that you may depend upon (wt-rytlling it sells. Our store is just that kind. Show Cases are well filled with Flilvepware very suitable " Wed- Sole Agents for WESTON’S BREAD. hdllllllllf I (h. q-fuarauyrr of T; ".' . 'van. J u Al '? " by]? l inMenzie that 15111::ng ' r Itit'ti at the present time. {1&4an ) p, cu - r ( ht fu, ' . Blacit' g t . dak," and so simp- 11 p show you. do it. that makes your horses glad. (y done a child can have them from Sr take it with a . 11.3 _ if 'o . “ It's yours 3 In every town and village L, may behad, in the Mica Axle Grease know that the , the right kind 5' depend upon Our store is "et Shoo: made to order And repairing promptly done at Jordan’s Old Stand, next door to Campbell Implement Warehouse. , J. 'Reatrasth Call and examine threshers' mitts 1 in Calf and horse purchasing cisewh harvest mitts in inch lengths. and have them fitted with a pm; of new Boots, Shoes or Slippers We have them in various stylcc, and qualities at popular prices" Shea Dressings We have in stock a lot of dif-, ferent shoe dressings iv. . liquid, combination, and paste at 10c. Ttct? and on F'--""",- NEW 30018 SHOE SHIRE If you have. b take pardons of our baker follow in its S' household Wt not in Yours. gh, in] Wood: / .7 We are at the shop at the bridge CV cry Wednesday and Saturday. Ur ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur' store, or at the Rr:vrmvornrrcr., wii receive our best attention. ”Ilium! Cream &rprtrettors. Won Ital." rut, Only Drill in the Market L‘tum from both wheels and, in“ " i , Chatham Jihtsurier BAEGLAY tlt d A. B. McARTHUF: thes tion which are known and t of all men to be unsurp beauty and second to quality. Call and sect it you do not want to , for yourself you will b tell your friends the story oi those famous ti; is as above mentioned. and Styles to suit all. th (Famous Just arrived Rooms of 11arctay load of and their reputation has hm gained only by their excencnu Also Lately we were talking cutters now its Gray’s Peter Hamilton's Goods in JULY 16, 1903 cess trn 'ent, 'uou renowned l Organs. " F add ".7 "rc "' Thrashers examine nu examme my stock of I mitts made-to-sea, nd horse hide before g elsewhere. Also Spring wo this so wake ily it's a wl fit . ROWE ftieree 79 ft 'udhepe umber Shi I and dvspepsia does: e . Rowe's head is in many homes-wh ing them t , I5c and 25c AS A FEATHER open for Int " 10 and I Sarriaact, at the & Bell, grade m u ul n Stool (Than can»: l 5hill " Er.si J ll “um EROS; Miss liar o ll And air IN " , rllm JUL

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