West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Jul 1903, p. 8

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f L. tt All“ g H. ll. BIOCKLER 5 H. ll. MVOCKLER: t $ DOLLARS SAVED $ T, ttities/ “atlprof (i2iitir_s,ti.,i,siii,ss, All big values, but too numerous to quote prices ALEX. RUSSE LL THE BIO STORE IO doz only, worth 2OC per pair, while they last, 2 pr for 2 5c GROCERIES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Pure Gold and McLaren Jelly for 7c. 35c Black Tea for 20C 100 packages Eze Compound per package.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . am we Prunes, nice and clean, 5 lbs for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c Ladies Mercerized Openwork Hose like silk duly 25c per pair. Don't Forget that we keep Hardware, Regular $7 Cravenette Coats Ladies' circular flounce Coats, worth at least $6.50 Iculies' Grey Raincoats, regular price $5 In Blue and Black stripes and Dots & Fancy stitched and tucked Bos0ms in all sizes-the best values in Work- ing Shirts in the hand, 50c and 75c. THIS STORE worth from 2 so to 4oc per pair selling from I 5c & 20c pr pair For you by taking advantage of the Bargains we are offering from this week's shipment of goods. sows iiikVriiiiii - ATTRACTIONS AT l, f,lift._' $22? 'lhiiittatt w: Slams l x _. ', C' 5 Elijah all ,ri,irgtll,); f. 3tispur" frieze paid for fruition in Cash or Grade. Egazcliesgx 1rii)l'tr,,t,,tttlr Isiggry Defiance 'ar? _ Brand "lci1flpat, STORE anticipates every possible need of home and family, but instead of trying to make all the money we can, prices are made lowest just when you are likely to need the Goods. At times we buy very large quantities for Cash. These we ex- pect to sell quickly, so as to make room for other regular purchasers. This gives manufacturers an outlet for their goods and a chance to turn their surplus stock into money-that explains the pres- ence here of many bargains which seen almost im- possible and helps us to offer these money saving attractions Following are some very special snaps: Yours For Business, SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUNTER. _,,i.,t.lf",',e.t1rsi 1riis))tirsri)i; wt.i _ V C' " ?fi,', "R. ll ‘2‘ng " see them. for for for $4.90 “4.50 83.75 Quite a. number of the Orangemen here spent the 13th ac the Harriston demonstration. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs Watson on Saturday, mother of Mrs Gray. Miss Derby of Ham den is " a few days with Miss £111; Gadd. Miases Eva and Maud Burma are visiting their, Aunt Mrs Jas. Blyth. Miss M. Leeann is conducting " paint. inglclass which is reported to be doing wel . I’nrslow. John ParsOw, Leslie Watson. As Swinton was one man short we played with ten men. Jas Dixon, one of our best players was laid up with a game leg, bat WP, hope he will soon be betteragain. The S. Park boysnll enjoyed themselws at the garden party, and also at the content at night. I would be pleased to mention at few Items regarding a garden party that came of? at Proton Station. Jane 26th. A silver cup was pat up for four teams to play for, Priceville. Proton St., Flesherton and Swinton Ihtrk. Prion- ville and Proton tit played for one hour and neither scored. but allowed twenty minutes more to break the tie, and the two teams played but neither scored, and then Flosherton and S Park played for one hour and Inesher- ton scored one goal in first half time by apenalty kick and shortlv alter half time Swinton Park scored-a goal and when time was called the game was a tie. but we referee allowed twenty minutes lore to play and Swinton Park boys lined up ready to play, but Flesherton refused to play so the game was given to S. Park. So Priceville and Proton St. have to play off to see who will win and Swin- ton Park will play the winners for the cup. Foot ball will be quiet till alter haying now. - B. ti. Lake Champlain, July 10. m. Editor Review. Dear Mr, As I made a half promise to send you a few lines, I will do whntl can to redeem It. and you will excuse me if it should not prom; very interest- ing. for lam somewhat fagged having written four letters already. Oar football boys took the pleasure of driving out to Priceville last Friday to plav foot ball. There were four teams played ' Dromore and Markdale, Ceylon and Swinton Park. Dromore and Markdale played one hour and fifty minutes, bat neither scored, and Ceylon and S. Park played one, hour, the more being 4-1 in tavor of Swinton Park, the first goal was made in less than one minute after the whistle blew for starting. Swinton Park had choice of goals and Ceylon had first kick off', but it was only played by three players. one of Ceylon men and tWo S. 'ark men played when the ball went flying through. The game came off verv quiet as there was a first-class referee to handle the game. The Swinton Park players are as follows, names and positions they play r-goal keeper, Archie McLean; hacks, Alex 1%gtlson, Jack Weir; half hacks. Noble Wilson, Neil McKenzie, Willie Weir; forwards, Willie Brown, Dick Returning to Montreal, 1 may say that so far M we saw it. it is not 50 nice as Toronto, nor so advanced as we are. for WP huvc entered the Cement nan. whereas they are still in the stone age. and I saw pavings of brick. Our journey yesterdnv was enjoyable hut the country through which the U. P. It. rum is less interesting than that of the G. T. R., articular-1y as we see s0 little ot the St f1"ie,c11'.'e'.' The part. we saw. with its Islands. proved a great, contrast to the News on the Mnsknkn Lakes. The tit. Lawrence Islands are flat nearly level with the water. the others elevated and lucky. hence more picturesque. As we near Montreal, a new feature comes into view, " Mountain range in the distance. At last. we reach the great emporium of trade. and age met. at the station by Mr Carswell, Manager of the McLean Trade journals in Mun- treal, who kindly assisted and accom- pauie'l us till we were safely in uur state moms. We have been fortunate in Ret- ting outside rooms, insuring plenty cf fresh air. This steamer is finely appointed and is beautifully decorated in white and gold. Mr. Cameron says the 2nd Cabin fare and accottuttodruion is quite equal to the first class they enjoyed when he crassed 8 years my). Since coming aboard the heat has been intend). causing the death of six of the poor crvttle luluw. This evening however. a change has come and we are expecting soon to don our wiutet' clothing. The scenery coming down the St. Lawrence is delightful, but I missed the most of it. writing letters. Reached Quebec at, 4 p. II). to day and I looked with great interest at, the his.. torical old place where the destiny of Canada was decided. lt is still a, More of striking uppeamncg thong? less so than 48 years ago. with its roofs of glit- tering zinc. I also observe that. the halritants have modified their taste for color as 48 years ago, the roofs wens all a. bright wallet. _ We are lying at anchor for the last two hours as a fog set in suddenly. It is now, however. mining. which may dis- perse it. These fags come and go so suddenly as to interfere with naviga- tion. An imprmnutu concert is in pro- gress, and you will understand how ditficutlt it is for me to concentrate my thoughts, so with kindest regards to all old friends I close my first letter. Some of our people around this neighborhood have started haying. Max Allan has returned from Galt. orr FOR ENGLAND. THE DURHAM REVIEW SWINTON PARK VARNEY. Mus. J. CAMERON. Trc ‘,, .-- 'iica9'W', , >23?" .. " .uu‘dz?‘ (“judge .r'. I I spending hvlrot, strui's Hi .Hll “hawk all” Slllllllitl' kinds of Ills and tlwv lllll h teach that lands, minus. flu-mus: railroads. it” works, ti-lviihuum. .elwgruphs and "ll public franchises which have passed into the hands of “'va hy individuals or huge curpuratiuns for sulfi<h gain should he owned by the people of the counlry and opemted by the guvemment for the benefit of all the people. but they differ in regard to the possibility of a material aradise from Which both soul and sel- 1'lliffl'J's' are for'evor excluded. The christim socialist cannot get away from the truth. that sin is in the world, that it is in human nature and that it makes hut very little difference what mics may be laid down or what happy condi- lions may be brought about men will refuse to lose themselves wholly in the. is so much tirutpitl with "cttevi " things that the unsi-oii and oti-i-nzil ill‘u entirely left out. of s'iew us is the case with this negative socimlimi of the Pur- ih'c coast and fill'llh‘l if thvrttmthmrnn who spoke to us is it filll' siople of those who mo v.uukiuu: 1m- llw pvrt‘eclion‘of huiuiiu cotcltions. of wiuvl, the chum-h and the gospel tl1't' "lleged to he: incap- able. it he telrtesvntt', the class who is to usher in the day when tjg'nteottmtu'ss shall ri-igii triumphant. in unit y land, when " Hill!) to man the w..nvlrl ("91‘ shall hrotlqu Ins iii) u' that." I :iiii afraid that. How is a long way off yet. Hut l am thinking he is luacuut,us he ('UIHtS with the highest tvcort-tiattious iron) his own quarti-i' and "eiciusi his most oxa- gumH-(l iiiid gl'ull'hqllt‘ r,tttituttents were received with tlciil‘viiiiig applause. Ir, muck, not. he fili‘izottvu that there all a two kinds of sow .ulisut. I liv t 'lwistian socialist and the SHI'iitl ~l l'i'uiii whoce life and teaching mu- <' ritllil)' ii tut uh- sent f,u~toi'. Tlle my; trt' on t lll' point that the systum vitaltl w'v v. :‘lIlIK’Wlll'Jh allows the few Immuni- i'imn.-eives at the exiwiiso- nt' ll!” mun V. " lllt‘ll allows a few men {in “ml by ",'s'iltttmlr'1llf'et', to crush. to hummus and tst prtitiiear.soothers. Thev hoili tir.rirrtrucra I'll‘ Mighty [Filed Ci\'lll'/..‘\liuu Milt-ii pe.rtuits the making of multioi'd Hunk». Hun-nun the pro- ductionsot'sti:s Mum» of " how hard- 1y get Htinixgli to keep bully and soul to- “other. Tin-y join Mantle in wurttcrttitt.stt cotultines li'ii-Is‘. "min-ruliws'. lust for inottlinate “Hullh and poxver. child lahm, 8lu_l'\'itli¢_lll ‘wugfs Iand simjllar ' Cnmhook. B. o., June so. 10tltt . The chief industry of British Columbia is mining and that in course of time is hound to bacon). more extensive. Those hug'e. ugly. yet sublime and awe- innpirmg mountains are tepositarietr of inexhaustible treasures. Gold, silver. lead. copper. coal and other minem‘m are here in unspeakable abundnnm). This fact is well known to every miner and pruspetwr in the rmnm-y. Tlwy know that this apparently etttsPttttutts waste will bye and bye lu- one nf the int-zest sources of Wealth to the Bvitish Empirv. At present tin-9s "tta i-u'hm- Trr, Thrs is due to " (-vzmhin:t'.-.n 'l t‘illlw‘S. in one (Wimp I have viAttul wily In " 1it.tl-ts" out of thin-mu "re tl --- L1H; at g-unuum. The 1'e,urrttls' Kim-u tilFh Ih-- 3' .‘ " Hi. the price of vuppr. and this ittrtt"srs n1 \' ol' gaming vuln- fur the rlIl-‘il v'I P. 'l'lte til at. Ipvesutne i... (NIH l" 'In ”in l, in the fact that so "le) hus tw-wn in “mi u." lildl article dun mg the hit few yruvw til it the tum-Lat u- ttk rtt'P-Iu'llml tlmugh lam told there is 'ull N titstrl l.t|l|:u\.-mr-nt during the Inst few " n-Hka, 'rue sm‘tvtld cause of the Pru'.sr"lit d ttburltv is dun In tho strike nt Frl'tiw. \\"ivn‘ the (null and coke require-d lil this Kin-IPIIHV country for sun-Hing [llll"III.~P.~‘ mum-s ttarm. Strike-Is ttPe \r'l'y urdmury things in British (HIIIHH‘HM. mnrh In the detri- ment of the (-numry's pr-ngruse and to the welG,rs., ot' tlie 'h‘lllllo', No "et'tMUt can depirrthe anguish and the suffering which is the null-nun- ot' n ,irike. Yet as capituhstr, outline fur llu'ix‘ own interests so mm! I‘d-u: et'tl tnr I heirs else in many rum-s then. mmdiliun would he rm heilwr tltan Hut of the wrfs‘ ot Rus- Mia, Still m a IIIL'MIV civilized cmmtrv like nun st: ikes should he made impns- sinks and every nun-f shank] gm. n reason- able recompense- fur his exertions. . J P Morgan who not, very long ago Went. all the way from (lncngo to San Francisco to gtve his experienee. though the only experience he could honestly give is the successful way by which he has organized and reorganized the various cmnhines of which he is the heartless, soulless, conseienelesr. yet Almighty and all powerful head. Thus the Christian church and the (alpha in are merely playing into one another-s hands, a. sm-pmitum thot is urjust, false and rid CJIIHIN‘. For in" own part I have no sympathy with any svatmn on vrgnnizmum that. ignores and ties; ism the Fit't"I'es ren- dered hy the Church of (‘hrtst mid that i.,. so niurh tiruuritl with nmh-rixl 'l‘hm-e is nothing that impresses you more forvihly than the tttvetepat.ettestt of the enmttv that. masts in some cont- munilieu between labor and capital. Oue .nght, I attended aSocinlisLic meet- ing. The large hull Was twowdett-tuost- ly men. The lvctm-vr at the i-otnmontm- tnent of hi: speech announced his topic. -the impeachment of Capital. He hailed from California and brought with him the blow and homlmst that is so pe- culiar to our southern neighLots. He informed Its of the great. things he was going to (lo lwforo he WM done with us, how vwidly he was to illuminate our dark and lwnightmt minds on the sins of the wealthy and on the all Important, theme of sotualistn--the proposed row fcr all human Ills~though I must, con- fess I could not see ho said such grunt, things after all. True he had no hesitat- tion in desceilsingcamtalistsauU money lttvltlt-I'S its thn-vm. robbers. hincklegs, seoundvels, muri'leri-rs and with other high-toned epithets hut sonn- of us are too hard-bonded to helieve that even his own infetior edition of a lt-lllt‘ltllllll is to he brought about. by speeches of that kind, He tit-sitatou not in showing his lurk in sympathy" yen mow. t-tnnity towards the Christian Church. and for that reason alone his (-ft'orls and the " forts of thosv lily lltlll will uovvr In pro- ductive of any lasting good. This N a samplc- of the way Ill" Christ- ian Church is vi-d-Pres/tGui:,"" is usoh-ss In bringing “Mull man’s real mind lwcnuse u (rm-min SI. Andruw’s Church n-w-ivml firm Andrew Carnegie the gift, of an m'gan whose poms ve-echo the dying grunt)»: of those whom his minions murdered at, Hnmuswd. The Baptist Church is doomed LEWHISU she is squirming under the P"W' of the num- stvr (Tupilullst and dares nut, raise hev lnmd to speak the [rm h fur i, nut Rut-ke- feller. invishing mum lsrt his wealth stolen from "tilliorvr--utul the Mmhndisi thin-HI too must Ire brushed aside as a wovthlecos encutmluvsneo “pun suiiet y, for is tlute not within her Communion TORONTO FROI THE FAR WEST. h dvnuum'a 'ttl' n: .u “in“ pumilst In“ HIM-"0N. llu'A-L. Inf miww Mane Hf " mgll to keep l-n-I)’ u TIM-y join hamb- in, ' ll'll-li. mum-puiiw .9 “Hullh and po nI'vnIu-n wnges tht an: rulhor trut. Tlttn :Hiull bl Van-WIS. In Ated Hilly Inn "Luvs Wu: King ut pumr-m. ttte tltra {all “gal: ihe l the illljul~3J| LI‘V (If "etueltt.rs. 'rlsethst illripmlv to the fart “PM! tttttttul ot' tltat, last, few Teitr'm Hut that impresses yuu the tttNretepat.ettess oxmls in srtttte omn- lulmr and capital. M 'tsr. f -_'éSi-,-j"k"s"'F'Jsoxnter-me'h"'* " that there h" l 'hl'islinn Hum whme y 1" an ab- -n I'lw point uz'uluz'whii'h Ham-elves at \hirh allows ttrslrHlH'Pt4 to H! wnlhers. _i.:1, y p-ized the making Agn the pro- ' hum hard- Nnd soul to- u‘urugninst vs. lust, for wear. child Miss Mary Gn and Jane Staples came up from Toronto to attend their sister's wedding. - Mr Geo Smith wheeled from Toronto to attend the wedding of Miss Staples. Edge Hill. Mrs Firth and daughter Hattie. of Flesherton. visited her aged uncle Mr Joseph Firth Sn. who has been in ted the last ten Weeks. Miss Nellie Staples and Mr Jag Wil. son were married last week at her father’s residence, Mr Jno Staples. Oar good wishes go with them. Things can he improvrd for the cum- forts of mankind and they will he im- pvoved by public sentiment being edu. rated alum; proper lines. I)!" if the most POW!“ forces In Gail’s universe are ignored in our pmpuwd refnrnmtion we will only go frottt had to Wot'tip, Any other theory is only a freak of human nature. exactly on n lml' with some of the “fancy religion ., we have in old Ontario. -- he tripg to make iv,; lwlieve that an earthly paradise is to hv created Lhrnugh the medium of denunciating spueclys and iron cast rules which he is forumla- ting in B. C. and elsewhere. interest of ulht‘l". Yea they will stvive for advantage ovvr others until they have a mow extensive knowledge of Christ’s will and an) avtunted by His principles which "lone can vhnngvom- human mum-o- and properly guide human conduct. With him any kind of christian ultould live in pvt-fort. hurnmny, hm the other which IS much in evident e here does inlinllvly mom. harm than good. He holds his martini“ ml the Lord's day thus trampling upon the scutednews of that Institution. He poisons the mindi‘ of his listeners with his agnostirimt and "iateritlimu. He smears at. the church and tvfuses to enter within her wrvllt-livirrrr, up to his doc- trine that moral and religi'nw ioveras are worthless, that, only poliliml or at. lest social forces as viewed by him are de. sorvmg of his notice, Thus whatever gum} is in bis system is veudervd weak aud inetreciive Irv his own attiruae Crt. wnrds the most. essential things and by the orroneons' stnndpoint he takts when E 'Gheobatd, we Ctothier. I CVi"oC,b-w"vsse3CVNe-seD(Lb,w L 'ssssoC,Sa"' it mawwoomaoaOWMa I t STR-AVVBERR I ES. We have 75 C RATES of Strawbierries d the 17th inst. These are on order but orders for next week for another (30. mummmmcm a, -- -H - - """iMeV - if" , MhMMMMMWMMMMMhW MW wyvveMMMF WWW WWWWWWWWW To see coming into our Store is a good, judge. or Clothing, having a keen eye for 're.rfict-P.,i,tt qualities, excellence of finish, and being familiar with the nobbiest styles. . THEN is when our Clothing is our pride. THEN is when our Customer is our best advertiser. THEN is whe.n we feel that our Statements as adver- . tised have taken root. livery day we are confronted with customers who are first at” judges of Clothing who tell us '. That for good Fitting. nice pat- tern, up-to-date, ready-to-wear Clothing, WP. HAVE IT." And go still farther and say for prices, WP. ARE THE LOWEST. All New Clothing. No counter worn garments. A call will suffice we can prove the truth of our as'sertions. Mat We Can , Our Experience has Taught Us That whlle advertisihg is doubtless a stepping stone to success, but the real key-note is QI'A IJTY, first, last and always. THIS FACT has been amply exemplified by the large increase in our Grocery Business. OUR GROCERIIES are bought from the most reliable wholesalers in Canada and we guarantee every article. We carry nothing but the best in Ttoaret-toer--ootseeeirtr-oe. We have 75 CRATES of Strawberries due to arrive on the 17th inst. These are on order but we are booking orders for next week for another (K). Show you unless Jotl call. The best and largest stock of Men 's Fancy Soft Front pleatedShirts. and the largest up- to-date Stock of Neckwear. In Men 's Furnishings we lead. What everybody says must be so,vir. : Theobald is the place to buy your wear for men. Give us a call. Our prices are the lowest. and WIT/{y Wat's 6hoers Teas, Sugars, Spices, Canned Meats and Fruits. J. A. MATHEsox. O . i------" JORDAN & BURNETT inc/name] at: Jlaior Goat," Juno. £12? Quite an undertaking. he having leit at " in the morning, arriving at Mr S. 's about. 10 o'clock at night. Miss Lillie Jopp, of Moosomin. hr rived at her grandfather's .11.- .l-e I Edge on a visit to her numerous friends. 7 The Presbytery nt Owen Sound will ‘meet at Dornoch, Taesdav 21st " : 2 o'eluek for the ordination and induc- tion of the Rev N W Aitchison into the charge of Darnoch and Burns' Church. Rocky Sangeen. Rev Mr Nelson,“ Desboro, is to preside; Mr Mathemn. IofChatsworth, to preach; Mr Currie, :oi' Keady. to address the miniiter; Mr llIunter. Markdale. to address the (people. v I Arrangements will be made after 1'ayer meeting. Thursday. " the ‘Fiocky. tor a reception to the newly inducted minister. Bums' Church in! been greatly improved bv new car- peting of the aisles and the platform of the pulpit and the ladies deserve great Icredit for their work. Miss Maggie Linqu 1nd In Cole. from England visited at In D Itchy- den's one day last week. Mr J no Ritchle, who has been - cently appointed P. S. 1., for his; Rwer and Algoma l8 visiting the home ot his boy hood " Mr Geo Riiishiet. Miss Lizzie Morrison bu been . icing her sister Mrs Barn. in Honor; the past month. . ' Mrs Henry Firth. of the 4th, visited Kilsyth friends has: week and attended the laying ot the corner stone of the new Pres. Church there. My Geo Moffat. of Toronto, came up last week to visit his relatives: around Edge Hill. Quite a large number ot Orangemen from around here took in the excursion to Harriszon. Mr Dan Greenwood is making great improvements to his residence by a new Verandah and cement platform and gothie window to front. _ Haying is the prevailing work now going on and is a good crop. "i'st, 74 Su.' 's :7: Jill J1L 1aAt an: 9:35-13. it! I 1 L. 5.; a” -, It .1: i; v ’7 VOL. I ?'lylylM'x " ' We have wt Department. Lyery pl Curtains yds loam House We don't cm were. thong 00c. 7tre, ti clear It WJEQ ed. crook In . regular as only “all! I on never before and hive again bulbs. tcl Carpet N, m from MSW We w., First quad perfect ti " $1.00 . Piece. Ladies" WEDPIM Men‘s are SEE " N OMI fin or at a p people by the them a Homo Slum Roept't iran Tampa In N Lac arc "

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