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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jul 1903, p. 1

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air. it; it: Ilka at: 3423 it'!:', A " iifi, 11"l1TT m. a... LdktDLAttttt Old sun nu er. !fif .5 33% asgxmmxmmmmgmmmmmm 5 $33; a We have what you wnncin this a Department. Just come and see. VOL. XXV. NO. 30 ' EXEREEMEEEEEEEflmmflwgggi iii 3iirst (luatity Sl! -vv-v-w . t WE Pm .. ' WEDDING. NCaTC.Rs and nip- l ply Stationery at Reasonable Ram. For Samples, Prices and Styles to . i kin-I from, Call. at Me . REVIEW UFFICF T Phone No. 6 I ----, Right here is where the Housekeeper can save money. Eyery pair a bargain, 56 in. Curtains. pretty design, 3; yds long, per pair only 8 We don't care what the prices were, though we'll tell you 60c. 75c, 85': and $1.00 to _l_ clear " You never had this chance before and problbly never mll have again. " shooter " Urn, brellns. lull size. double ribb- ed, crook handle, good cover, a regular $2.00 Umbrella, for only gt Carpets, Rugs We Wt Ladies' Colored “Mists First quality, double thread. perfect titune, special value at $1.00 asuiHo clear It a piece, per suit Men’s Balbriggan Under, wear " Shooter Umbrellas " fumes fr alarm! Hummus» tho um Ltht DLAW‘s n... e... Lace Curtains ant Any Quantity of Batter and 'auterprieed fo Clear "s & Mats $1.00 89ets $1 It 380 75e .50 Bargains, all through this Department in New Summer Goods. Hats worth regularly up to $1.00 to clear at Me Men's Colored Shirts. Ladies' Straw Sailors Exclusive designs, splen- did qualities, right prices. Floor Oils, Linolenms Now’s your chance, weut' selling white waists so tha price need be no obstacle in1 the way of your getting a ssyiish waist. Ladies' White Waists 10e 2th, 1 Ge 12e 12.r, "be . . Muslims , All the rest of our Mush“ And we have excellent “I? this season, are going to sit) this way 2 a 80 et Muslims for 25. Eggs. ". -.1 .~---v‘u ._.. UlnlllrU. I” “E See our new Pertumes, very chick -at ail E' Darling’s Drug Store. "a a , Have you $1an the new stock of fiom, 2 _ X Oils and Linoleums. at Jas. Ireland's. t Money to Loan at. 4h per cent. 2 . x, MACKAY & Dvxx. Durham , p, n Ii THE DEATH ROLL-ot the pioneers I keeps on Increasing. the latest to ioin ‘the silent majority being Mrs. Ind. Clark. Sr.. of 3rd Com, Bentinck. near [Aberdeen She died on Monday last after a etynpttrarively brief illness at the advanced age of 70 yrs. Deceased was 'tt native of Mull, Stotlnnd. and came to Ibis country in 1847. She was married ;in unghgm to Mr. Clark and the two tlr {all Willing helper 3‘ ENTRANCE EcrmEs.--We, were wrong ihtwe and enthusi _ last week in stating Mr. Graham had [promises well for laiaded 6 outlot' 7. He lands-d1?“ _e'/; 7 , psrstota-6lom. 'an we are eased to recor t is ad i- 'tion to hisplong list of successes. He; has sent up for examination over oo; HY] pupils and only 3 of these have failed. j - Mr. Tyrenmn. of McGirr’s school passed 5 Ft HE 4 out of G, and has the honor of having . S R-- in his list Arthur Weir, son of w. Weir, I On \Yednesday 1 who heads the list With 832. the onlyleven o'elock, n q one writing at Durham to have over it,1,in.srets solemmzei mo. Mr. Firth of Bunessan School also g Yale, B. c. when passes 4 having in Miss L. Binnie the :hnrton Meredith. t upil of 2nd highest: standing. Mr. W. lThOS- Myedirr, of E. Dixon of No 10, Glenelg. adds 3 to lin marriage l', M the long list he has passed. (Vancouver. B. U. . ' The bride who l if you want bargains-tvs. 1trermd'si'iinit' suit; of fawn store is where you’ll find them. _ km...» " -cs. Dead Bttes-The best Fertilizer in the tnatht Drug Store. ,,_ u-.-u.un. -. Ito. AUTU- 1. McGirr and tiecy. Miss K. Dixon return. ed home on Friday last after attending a series of meetings from Dmmore to Elm wood. in company with the two official lecturers. Misses Roddick and , Beam. Everywhere they were well te- ceived and there can he no doubt that 'the vigorous efforts of the society will accomplish much good in the social and domestic sphere it is its aim to henetit. l They founded severylttua91iars societies ; to carry on the good work locally. An , account of their meeting at Dromore‘ appears elsewhere. which was no doubt ,' a sample of all. l l One Car Barrel Salt. at Parker's ware- I l house. 3! .. FATHER bhtwART."--This remark- 5“ l able gentleman. notwithstanding his oo F, l years is still vigorous enough occasion- {ally to enter the pulpit. Though a i, devout member of the Baptist (Thur-ch , he has a warm feeling towards the E ‘ Presbyterian body here arisingr from old [ E I associations with her pastors and people. l _ especially in the olden days when Rev. 5 IMr. Park was pastor. As a kind of" farewell reminder of old associations , Rev. Mr. Stewart will assist in thel 1Presly.vteriau selvice on Sunday morn-9 , ing next. and all. old timers especmlly. l j will be glad to hear the veteran). wlmse _ ‘fire is not dim when the gospel is the; , theme. ' lit" Men's Rubber Collars, \YOMEX’S INSTITUTES McGirr and Sec-y. Miss I ed home an Fridav last EH ; 35 trimmed Hats on sale foe 75 etc. at , Mins Dick's. , “THE HEDGES" mm Ssrrr:.--owinz a] to the closing up of the estate "The H: Hedges," the rosulence of the hte J. H. 114...”..- u n n . ___ " , MAcrcrovs, Wonk. --Two 810 rewards , I are offerl-d in this issue for information [rewarding some evil-disposed pprsonn, (who have maliciously boon destroying =property. This is. happily. a. rare oc- lcurrence here. and to help in the dis- lcovary of the qqlprittr. We believe the .‘township should supplement the re- [wards offered by the individuals, and .3 thus assist, in unearthing criminals who [ --e V...‘ .-. _ nu.” are " menace to scenery. l A RUN ox THE LryertiEs.-The de- 'c mantle on horsefiesh this summer is pe. l l nmrkahle. It was impoesihle last week I 1 end to secure a horse for love or money. h" the great, demand of course coming from “the Lacrosse Match at Owen Sound on I . Monday. 1 l' Rowet’s English Piekles--at Graut's. (, i GARDEN PAwrv.-The B. Y. P. U. of; Thu ham Baptism Church have arranged i le, a Garden Party on the around»: of, l Mr. Jacob Yandt. near Vavnev, to-day, I I Thursday in the evening. The trand l I will be present and a. sociable time may ( I he expected. _ , Jaw. Irebend's Store is where you l (want to go for you: Carpets. Rugs and l 1 mats. I Church's Bug Finish-Kitts and fertilize the crop. Try i Ii'arlane's Drug Store. I Lndien' Water , value, at Grant's. M inch Lace Curtains. 31, yards fur 81.00--the biggest. snap you saw. Jan. Ireland. l Tlead Theobald’s Ad. Solid facts, no r,'hlutr. , Good values in Table Linen, at. ""rrant's. , Teas-Teas, from 150 a ll). up. at, iParlxer's. Gem Jars at Grant's, DURHAM, Th?fi§fifffii.?§§ 'vrNtt' pHSIOI. As a kind “filmy of Owen Sound met at Laloiiit minder of old associations Churcltand wusduly c'onstituted, Rev. Stewart. will assist in the i Mr. Nelson. the moderator, in the chair. " service on Sunday mom. iThe occasmn of the meeting was the id all. old timers especially, P7l1ipiry of yr. Acheson of Seafortli. to hear the vetemni. wlmse land the inductinp: him into the pastoral im when the gospel is the icharge of Littoim :tnd'ltocky Saugecn 1 Every part of the serwce was in perfect , ' ftaste, every part. added inrprossiveneG Gre Collars, at Grant te. to the whole." but the moment of deep- i Ixsrrrtri.--Pres. Mrs. T. lest solemnity Was when the Presliytery I Set-y. Miss K, Dixon return. "aid hands on Mr Acheson thus in the Friday last after attending gimme of the only King aind ligand of the Meetings from Dioinore to 1'lru,t'oh,, solemnly devoting him to the. 1 company with the two,iwot'kot' ministering. Pets. Misses Roddick and i The sermon was preached by Rev, Mr. 'ywhere they were well ie- anthcson of Chatsworth. the questions here can he no doubt that 'iisked and ordination prayer led by Mr. efforts of the society will iNelson. while minister 1ntrcyyrreGriG inch good in the social and resgectively were addressed by Rev’s. are it is its aim to henettr. rail; aliand Hunter. After usumptuous 1severeuaurirituss societies " repust. an informal reception was given ie. good work locally. An iet which addresses were delivered by heir meeting at Dromore I Rev’s Leslie, Buick. ii)uquharson. Pineo 'here, which was no doubt: l Little and others. Among those con- t itrihuting to the iniisicnl part of the ro- _ l I ill d igritninie were Misses Grant. 't'dd",'d'Jrt --The tttttt "ttt ki 9".“n, innd Clai-kof Durhamaud Messrs. Me. the market. at Darling s i Lellan, S'tudent, Boyle and many more, (xiii Willing helpers. The meeting Wits l 1'crmes.--We were wrong ihtwe and enthusiastic and everything I stating Mr. Graham had {promises well for the newly inducted if 7. He landed all ma T Intuit... mm- mun no nnve over 2mm: was solemmzed in S, . Lr.rp,' FF...- T.esen thool also ;1'ale. B. c. when Miis rgfomggfhwch bliss L. Binnie the hut-ton Meredith. daughter of the CT, 'itt,e,i/s',5 Jh"P/; {11105. Meredith. of Durham “'93 “may? e , a sit .In mania . ' ',.' _ assed. g 0 I 'lt,,,',',','?,,','?,',,'!.",,",', Mr John M Fisher, of ff i.i.i)tytsidiri 2‘ . - ..., ..V%l%.T CAL-Lullllful. "as prevmu-d in Ims. at Jas. Ireland's. down for it week back over the opera- n at. 4.h per mm. lions of the Durham Gas and Oil Co., KAY E Dvxs Durham ,) who. at thr, depth of neat-[yam feet have . _ ' . . [ struck a fiowiriR well of pure and spark- lgrtains. 31, yards long, ding water. which seems to Increase as biggest. snap you ever the days go by. A slrenm is tiourittpr ad. (' {Ham It, s',1'te,tt',t,, it: thiollf as a 'Jil',',",' body. . - ' ' mu it is t mug t, wi rise 1vttett piped ’22:" //fsit.the,,"g.ri,'t)', 40 or 50 ftet. This muv he wropg. Store. . I but, the tiow Is so phenomenal. Inn-mm Proof Coats. extra I as we go to press (Wednesday). we l learn that the incoming p. m. train was _ Solid facts, no FJ/GG a little south of Vnrnev and; iseveral cars " the track. A traveller is e Linen, at {reported hurt. though not supposed se- p-nously. The remains of the late A. C. a “I. up. at, :'" McKenzie were in the overturned our ': but received no injury. Just going to I Coats. extra [ press we. have no further particulars. , we once received many beautiful presents, among them being a. hand- some. silver pudding dish given her by the congregation of Trinity church. Durham. and a very pretty silver cake plate. agift from her S. 8. class. The groom’s present to the bride was a handsome gold watch and chain. iii 9 MR. acumen ORDAINED AT DORNOCH 0 t The bride who wm ling suit; of fawn ch houqet of white rose by her "rother-in.iaw trell. i As OLD 1,lvyAyttt.---hionda, last "ir, A. C. McKenzie. Montreal, son-m- iitw. of Rev. Alex. Stewart. and brother [of Mr. Duncan McKenzie. passed away {at his home. He is being huru'ed Lo-day, l \Vodnesdny. from the home of his t ister. (in-law, Mrs. A. McKenzie. and lies, in ,Snugeen Cemetery. We have no par- iticulars at this writing. On Tuesday of “try of Owun , [Emc- uuwnl My a large majority. i IAwrence's Hall Sunday School in. Htend having n picnic in w. J. Ecmr’s . WNW? on Friday,' July 31. Allure invit- ied. hut each person or family is expect- iezl to help supply provisions. ll Mr. Jas. Irmes, ex-M. P. died last ii week in Cape Breton. For, nmnv years {he was editor and l",t,re'ht,e,r,.' of the gGuelph Mercury, an: was universally 49¢!»de tor many fine personal quali- l ties. g The Manitoba. elections trosulted m the return of (guvernment by a. large mnj I Lawrence‘s Hull Sunday "end having a picnic in Il jgroye on Friday,' July 31. ' ‘veq. hut each person or Lars,', Best Machine Oil 35 cts a gallon, at l Parker’s. , Plain Six-aw Shages. all colors, on sale 3 for. 23 t'ltr---ut Miss Jiek's. ( Paris Green. strictly Put'e--ass cheap as any place. Darling}: Ding Store. No little excitement has prevailed an“ 0.... .. --_I, I ' _ As we go to Railway Smash at who wore a pretty travel- fawn cloth and carried a bite roses was given away min-law Mr. H. V. Cot- HYMENEAL. A FLOWING WELL, -- "OOv -_t F this week Spund met - -0- hick as a man's body. will rise when piped This may he wrong. IrlyyP,memyl. heating Ai. P. died last Far manv years oroptOtor of the was universallv Le personal nuail- t0'1tiiiii). the I’reshy- on Monday the Robin: Varney. I AUourt of Revision will he held on l l Wednesday. the 5th day of August 1903 l at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., tit, the, Council Chamber in the Town Hall, Durham. for the purpose of hearing complaints agtainat the proposed assess- ment or accuracy of the frontage uncu- moments or any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognimhie by the Court. Dnted at Durham this 21st day of J uly t 1903. WM. B. vormrrr, Clerk. i The undersigned offens a reward of ten dollars to the person who will give information that will lead to the eon- viction of the party or parties who, on July 16th, maliciously destroyed about 100 hills of potatoes and a quantity of tall wheat by pulling and rolling it to the ground. , 1903. Wrprtro,s--swsra.ow...-At Jarvis Sc. Baptist Church, Toronto, on 1Vednes= day. July 15th lim, by Rev. If. D. Thomas, D. D.. Miss Eleanor Swal- low. daughter of Mr. Thos. Swallow, Durham. 0nt.. to Mr. Frank Lvnn Wilson. of Homewood. Ingersoll. Ont, I The Review extends hearty congrat- ulntionsJ l gainst Durham in Owen Sound on Mon- l Stock we day. The front. page. of the Saturday I the Sunni Globe would he a suitable place to ttpst I some of th print it. The glnilng cuts Ill wine of! . the sensational American Saturday Ovcr .'.. .1 publications would he fort-ed to take a l . .oroH hack seat for that week. Just imagine I M ear a Barney Quinn and Paddy Kelly. for- 1 33-75 on merly of the Capitals of Ottawa, But by Children 's Lennox. one time favorite of the Te-l H ts ' cumseha of Toronto, and such well I l'? am known lacrosse field personage»: as Tex. l nets reg as Gillard. Quesnel. McKinney and l for ... ., Reutn playing Junior Lacrosse against I Y a..Ad,_, n In- an. ... .c, I ' -. __ 'Eijiiiiiffrti, Tm we would he very sorry to low- l er the reputation of the Shamrock ls: crosse team of Montreal or the Capital Lacroase team of Ottawa, both of which have held the honor of being the world's champion Lacrosse teams. the former lemming that honor to this day. Nor do We desire to lower the standard of the several teams playing in the Seu- ior Series of the C. L. A. But We , would like a group photo of :I. few of the , men who played Junior Lacrosse R- l gainst Durham in Owen Sound on Mou- l day. The front. page. of the Saturday I Globe. would be a suitable place to ttpst i print it. The Mat [no rule III an...“ ." I _ -- ......... "‘7 .cny avrl'y er the reputation of the Shawn“ crosse team of Montreal or the l Lacroase team of Ottawa, both of have held the honor of Min; world's champion Lacrosse teatt, former lemming that humor to thi Nytylo We desire to lowvr the Sm Editor REVIEW t Dear Sir t The teams lined DURHAM C. Law-He Go _ Matheson Po McCracken Co, New lst Glass 2m Irvine 3rd Munro (let Crawford 3rd Booth 2nc' McIntyre lst Jordan Out J, Luella I nd Davidson" Fiol Court of Rewsion Re Grar.oiithie Sidewalks , no home team scored the first goal I I in inmate after the tace-om J. Lawlle l pumng one in for Durham in " minutes I tying the More. The Owen Sound I aggregation managed to secure 3 l map goals in the let. I in the 2nd. I 3 in the 3rd and Durham another and ’ ontyn the 4th quarter. C, anelle in i' god foe Durham deserves special men- ( tiftfor the manner In which he dispos- ed of most of the shots ruined upon him. I A190 Lennox of Owen Sound. for the iitteshot made in a rethning position aft falling, which resulted in a goal. Regrets Kearns Rave good satisfaction, what little rulings he lmd In give lwiml strietand impurtinlt and two o. S. play- l ers Were the only :utorners of the fenve (d dutluk the game. I N. .- "no unluly liyf9t the play. The special iiiRF' money’s worth in wimp faAeiean gunn- of lu-rosse. fast C he expected c.ottsitlerirtr, I (in. of the grounds, which w: w by a terrific downpour of t . rly part, of the game. mu e'lt being the result, The l itrtta. and speedy team kept th moving at it fast clip hut, Mum- combination counted than. n: home team scored the fir, in {minute after the tace-oN. J. pacing one in for Durham in 6 n tying the score. The Owen amt-[Minn managed to an may. goals in the let. I in th " ta .L .. " - $10.00 REWARD. Reteree- tii'. kin" of. Eh?“ , JOHN D. CLARK. Aberdeen. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Mam Loses the 2nd League latch Soon, 9 to 2. a, an...“ kuu out!!!“ tam lost the second match played hdistrict of the Junior Series. c. ' last Monday. By a provision of LL. A. tulea. Owen Sound played terruediati, team. which has im. I greatly by the addition of Out- h from over the Province and by yomutusmg. since Mount, Forest Ited them on their own mounds. Inn had much the same team an in at, match but, felt the loss of Wes. mld, who was unavoidably absent. le, the score was it to i.t,-uhe, t e Durham boys defeated their I tents here. it was haldty " criten- f the play. The spectators Rot) tnonev’u mm”. I., ___., . Owen Sound the Victors. MARRIED. would [larval-y order 4easeure grounds OWEN Sul'sn Goat Thompson Point Quinn Cover Point Glllard let Defence Begun 2nd Defence Quesnel 3rd Defence Kelly Centre Blaine 3rd Home. Mar-ran 2nd Home McLean lst Home Lennon: Outside H. Hammond Inside R. - McKinney I Field Capt. I‘elfnrd I 1' Kearns. Orttngevi0e. . TORONTO up as follows t the mum. much slip. result. The vimtors’ [emu kept the homo _ a. _ .. " rm In Winn-suing H. 'lacrosse. faster than considering the mn- Ids, which WOW ttrude " __ - '._ .... ll‘llllk' fast clip bu}. weight I. Owpn Sound 1i,,),lii'i) MILLINERY against and i, min in Noticcishen-h) :Jiwu that I luvomusmilud or dt'li'm to the penum- mumbled in set-(inn. and 9 $11901me Van-r; Lists Act, the on “on 11/ um laid portions to he no “nominal or ','iiieiuiiliylo'.t the list, 1"t' fl,"',".',',',",' to am act. of a m -1 e mm Am- m 'lillt)rWNlti2e, it when we; tum and 2d,t'lte,1 I -1.“qu Municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF EGREMONT. County of Gm. A reward of $10 is offered to any Per. son giving inforotrmon that will convict the person or pot-sons that. cut haunt-us and WhlPS an the Gavden Social on Mr. H. Mohechnie's grounds on the Hill inst. In connection with Burns’ Church, Rocky Summon. Apply at the Review 0mm. Voters' Liisiriijiii Jim,“ Eyes W? Are Workers. Ladies' Bonnets that were h.oo, and $3.75 selling Ion... .... .01.} so Plain Straw Shapes that were $1.25 & $1.50 selling for only. 25 Beautiful Neck Ribbon for. . .. ....15 Laces & Applique, on Sale. Special lug-in tur-SAT-ttw. m order to make room for our Fall Stock we are compelled to sell out all the Summer Millinery and these are some of the bargains we are offering, Over " Trimmed and Ready-to- wear Hats, regular price $1.00 to 63.75 on sale for...... ...... .. 75c Children's Accordian Plaited Silk Hats and Embroidered Silk Bon- nets reg. 82, & $1.75. selling for ...... ..35c, Soc, 75c and .l.00 MISS DICK l'iiii'i"i, b-ara-ara,,, ()lltt tt (httt,-lllrigi tt BBSI. i Slght is the om; special. sense which 310.00 REWARD. In order to make room le, pe feod,?'itir except g s . Perfect 3:, see without effort. The impirtect ones are constantly under muscular strain. Is it any wonder eye strain is " hurtful? How are your eyes? fio.r.tsyitatktt free. satisfkiiiGii ii sTnteed. Also Cakes. Buscuits and Confectionery. We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomeness. It's a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable price RARE {JIMMY BREAD HIND BROS. Wright's (51d Stand CHAS mums. 7 "__- Pun-n an Punusnn MacFarlane d ih, Bruggists & Booksellers. n uttered to any par- mn that will convict. us that cut humus under} Social on Mr, my...” 'i"2i'Cr.Cl'C1'1'CC5ii2 DAVID ALLAN, cm at Mon At CW office. ' of July 61.50 25c 15c ill El

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