West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Jul 1903, p. 2

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v “Janie Datum .' Well, I guess I do“! and a sickly smile oval-spread his withered face. "I courted her con- siderable when we was both young. I u'pooo the was really the woman I should have merrted, but we had a llttle bust-up and she merried old Wit. and I men-led Polly Dud- lor-ami then she was a. wldder and married old Jumper jest alter I mer- rlod B'limtr. and things has always Pun little Janie. also was un Awful any in tho lame Muse with that woman tor a million dollars t" “Well. I can’t think ot anybody. else that could fill the bin, unless It. the winder Jumper over to Dun ham. Don't you remember, she was Jennie Dotson Pi' "How about MW Brown. She is very capable." N don't want her. I coutdn't re- lish her grub. She‘s got false teeth. and I watched her handlin‘ 'em down to the donation when one thought nobody was seein’." "Now would Nancy Green do'?" "Nancy Green I" and he opened hu little eye- in horror. "Cousin Deb Potts. mt you crazy? A woman that’s been diavorsted from three Itvln' huagbands! Wm. I wouldn‘t: “I won't have he: nuther. She 1. owner lookin' than buttermilk and wqgld 'st on 133; _feelitt'tr." "Well," said Ebenezer. In a re- signed tone, "it's pooty cold wea- ther for a man of my years to dart out lookin' up widders, but I n‘posa it'tt got to be done, Do you think ot any pertickler one you can rickermcnd t" - “Well. let me think--tigert, 16 Mis' Holden. She'- as smart as a steel tep." - “Yes. but I won't have her. She Is homller than n. hedge fence." "Mie Davis is a pretty good cook. but me in slow." "Well, there is plenty ot widders. I heard Elder Trigger say there was twenty-seven drawin’ pensions out ot tho government right in this ner1trhbortyood." “I dunno no niee, steady old maids." interrupted Ebenezeruerotra- u. "and I tion'tt want to. "I thouldn’t know how to approach 'em. 1 would rather tackle a wid.. "I know It, Deb." he whimpered. "tmt my poor heart is buried In her grave. Ndbody know my feelin'l but myself. I mall never find an- other to take her plaets-not if I live to be as old as Methusellerl She took all the care of the crit- ters and the milkin’ and the barn and tho house and the young nus and it--" “That Is Four own lookout. There Is plenty of capable women to be had that will come here and look that your butter and egg business and do the housework and keep an eye on the mam-en. Some nice, .hrtyitrid maid." "Look here, Shanon-r. I've advbed end advised, but what has it amounted to '? " there Is anything I despite it is a. anJvelln' man that has not no gummlon. You’ve got to face (acts. B'lindy‘s gone. you've but your benden bearer and all your howlln’ won't bring her back." and Deb {laughed a glance at her eld- erly relative which was far from Mrmptsthetie. __ 'Wd [Hie to know who I'm going to git T' queried Ebenezer. and he "er tutwaritr through his timreetr. "O," broke in Deb, sharply, “you don't stop your wailin's I‘ll leave this house in twenty minutes. bag and baggugo. I've heart) It Jest as long as I'm goin' to. I have been here two months and you have not made the least effort to get a ttotttrekeoper." "I never disputed Job’s troubles," Unified Ebenezer, and he flourished the gingham handkerchief spasmodi- cally. "-eru-ttt, had 'em like me-- but " comforters were angels com- pared to mine. 'Twould melt a heart ot 'otone to see the way Pm (Bed. Bat my qumrrtn't, air about over-- l aha“ never climb winter ttiii-d reel it in my bones. I ain't bad a decent thing to eat since poor B'lindy died, nothing but dough cakes and Mop, and my stummick in all out of Miter. Poor B'lindyl What a treasure I've lost! 80 pro- dent. no clever natered. My inst two we: tannin] partners and fair cooks, bat when it come to buckiin' right down to hard work they couldn't hold a tailor candle to B'iindy. 0 bob. what do you. advise me to do'?" And his subs and groans broke out Candi: Danni: was a. tall, thin. “make with an aggressive nose and a. unplug voice. she wan extremely energetic in her movementa. and as duo (inched about the old lamhouse kitchen. putting things to right; Eboneur wan obliged to duck bl. head more than once to avoid a col- lhlon with broomstlckn. mop han- dlq. mp p94" out! kettlel. Pot “In by all In! an. ouitiri ---'-""" - - v - mung? ON GETTING EDDV'.‘ "Dot" responded Cousin Deb. "Why, wk up and put tho best toot top. want A wlddoror ot your age with nine children on his hand. hu trot to Inn-tin. You can't lay around and at and sleep and smoke old cob at,” nine " you alwuyl have no.” .UPERIOR To ALI- OTHER. "i-r-i-Eur. B. EDDY’S boru-1 amino ,rhietu-had a por- tiekler an. grin me and took de.. light. In plIIln' on the when Who would "or have ipooed A big. no- blo-bokin’ woman like Fundy would have dropped off right 1n the and of winter. when my rhoumatl; and hump And manly and brown- koator. than rage the want kind? o dun what lbw I do?” and Eben- - Part. a little Med man. with pale. yawn! bum gyro-rand utter- lo, watery blue eye. and atten- ttl why. of yellow hair. hurled his none tn the depth. of a. gingham ttandVmsttiet a. yard mute and noisy}! dbmllx. A - - ___ “You. Gouda Deb. there I. no use ulnar. I've can more bad luck than an m llvln’ and It dou seem swiftly! as It thug Lord or the "old halr grow; Brat Even the eyes change when emu-rounded tw wrinkles Ibo little hand grows yellow and unrivaled. But the neatly booted toot may look Just as it did long ago. and the pre_t_ty voice be an harmoniou- “Choose a wife with a. low, soft voice and a pretty foot," said a. vet- eran man ot the world the other day to a man about to marry. “may are the only things which won't change, am when you are old you can close your eyes and listen to your wife’l chatter. or glance down at her little toot resting on the fender, and ima. gine you are stiti young. Now. a pretty figure sometimes grown spare and gaunt, or the contour is covered Epry tt burden of adipose. up sunny "iutr.e,s t" “I’ve thought of you all these yams. Janie. I have, I man. I never sue anyone I loved half as well as I did you. P'haps you don't believe It, but it'a the truth. Now things has worked our way. s'posin' we Jlue con- dmons. Say. Janie, will you her met" "o-o-ot My, my. my. my t---" “Say “Yew: Janie." . “Yes. Ebby." ' i “I mum. Jame. it this don't seem like old times. Come over here and set damn side of me. I want to have a lung talk with you." "In Just a minuto, Mr. Port." "Oh, now. Janie," and his face took on an inJ'xrnl look. "Don't call me Mr. Port. n used to be ‘Ebby' once. Don't you remomber l'" “I know you haves poor soul. but You must try and boar up-it la the only way. I don't mwpose you have much appetite. but do not dowm and force yourself to eat a few mouth- lub anyway. H, re is cold c, i, ken and lemon tnpxocn cream, and boiled catr bago and canned string beans, and a two-quart Jug of old cherry citltrr-- drink every tlctrp--do, now-it will do your soul good." Solemnly. and as though he was performing a sacred duty, Ebenvzvr proceeded to manipulate his knlfe and fork. and when the plump chicken was reduced to bones and tho tapioca cream had vanished from sight. when every fragment of cab- bage and canned string beans had disappeared from the platter and the last drop of old cherry older had gur- gled slowly down his throat he leaned back in Ms chair and smiled upon tho widow with moist eyes. " b‘lleve I never see loveller chicken than you». Mia' Jumper. Rooster or pallet t" I "1 try to, marm, but it’s pesky hard," and he began to mussel: his pockets in quest ot a handkerchief. "Losin' B’Undy was a turrlbae blow I" “It must have been, Mr. Pert,' and the widow rubbed her nose with a. corner ot her white apron sym- pathetically. "But I can feel tor you, dear friend-I have lost two be- lmed c'omparCous--" Book a lovin' lursioanu lot a sewn) machine marb-tan she got her come- uppunce. o marm, I've been called to wade, through was of troutrip-resr, "But four, warm-think of four-. three of 'em as Likely females as ever stirred a bunnock; tho other, to my Ion-or. was a weak vessel, who mr- " Oh, yes. Mr. Pert, such and new. always travels fast. But you must try and reconcile yourself ,to .the ways of Providence." " I am glad to see you, Mr. Port l" and she clasped his numb hands effu- sively. "Let me take your overcoat and muffler. You must be nearly frown! Now set up to the tire and give your poor feet a good toastin'. Have you been to 'rqpptrr--no--weu, then, let me git you sums and a cup of hot tea--nhan't I?" " I should feel turrlbly obleeged If you would. MU' Jumper. I don't mind temn' you I'm jest about on my last ‘Iegs. I s'pose you’ve heard about poor B'lindy t" " Well I guess ldo l" and she threw the door wide Open, letting a stream of warmth and light upon the shiver- irtgwtifrure.ot! the doorstep - "My goodness ms, who can it bet" dis thought. sud she hastily donned her best lace-trimmed white apron and pink worsted shoulder cape. "Who In it?" we inquired. “It's only me, mis' Jumper," tur. Iwered a taint voice from the out- t,'t /Po'" you remember Ebenezer The widow Jumpers' kitchen was as con and comfortable as fresh paint and paper, cretonne covered laminate and any homemade rugs could make It. A cheerful [tag are bland in the old-[ashloned tire- placo. and Janie was in the act ot lighting the evening lamps. when there came a loud rup-m-rap at the "Ssrt'in, Deb. mt‘in. and he sprung to his feet with a. suddennou which tairtr. took away her breath. "Just hum: me up a paper collar and grease my best boots. and don't tor- glt a. clean tusadkerxshief in case I should shed tears. I 'spect the neigh- bors will tax It: any for me to go eourtln' wldders. but what they may don't pu't Incl-wake in my mouth or mend the holes in my atookln'a. No. air-00." and he snapped his nutrera. "Lot 'em cache I' was, FAILS, no "mm they “my to talk, Eben- “or. I that dye would come Over and jump at the chance. All you luck 19 git-up Why? can't you ride over to Durham tonight? Strike while t2yt no!) is lytt, you know." _ - her to keep homo Yin- -i,k, "tswtiiiis", and tN-m-urn.--' and he poked t1t_eoein'.a. ribs. aitrrtiiiotsqtlrs, gone kind a skew-guy tor at both. pooty girl. md cheeks and black one, and shaped Just like a wen-1e. I my. Deb. how I would like to use her and ttit to taWIn' over old 'hneqt Tho {noun but I can coax INDURATED FIBRE WARE Gentlemen Read. NEW Roller Bearing: 'throughout to tiehtern the draft and make the work may for the horses. The beasts know when they are hitched to 3 Manny. BArrirUt run- Mt easily. 1teel-8ulted for handling the crops under all conditions of wet- ther or land. It will te? up tul- trfed or laid grain and " It nestly on the table. It also handles long or inert grain with splendid, aucceu. Floating Eityvatoiw-'Intey literally float. The grain cannot stick or choke In the Haney-Hartl- eleva- tor, no mutter how much It In hunched. Simple Krtotte-0apatt1e of ad- Juatmeng _t_o fakt up your. Some ot the important features of the Massey-Hanna Blinder are: Folding Divider-No bolts or nuts to unscrew. You merely release a. spring on the outside Divider and unhook the inside one to told them. A youngster can do it easily and properly. The Dividers are very rigid in their working positions and remain at whatever angle they are folded 9vtsr_the convezor canvas. Quite a DuncerousWW’ omnn. Lit”. “Hm. Talkyer-Blind can any Dome of the moat cutting things)" “Ya. " she could only keep her mouth closed for tire minutes you could have her arrested for carry- Ing concealed weapons." Hartley Journal. Some women will gobhio up a. whole handful of tho back side ot their areas and skirts. yank up the guy ropes of their comet, until they almost squeeze their livers and immortal 0011.18 out of place, put a dead bird on their hats. go strutting round over town selling tlokmzs tor an en- tertainment to raise money to help send mlssionarlea to some foreign climo tor tho purpose of teaming civilization to the poor heathcns who have never known what it he to wear a corset and have been strug- gllng on in ignorant belief that birth were created to sing- instead of being worn on hats. ' It is sometimes easier to apolo- gize than to explain how you hap- pen_ed to acquire that black Bye; Cuetiintrertr, oolTege graduates and numerous other green things are now in tho market. There are some queer people In this world. omenally a. truthful mgn goes (bathing. at do, caused dressing old at 40. not to speak of drinking themselves old at 40. The young man of 50 or 60 now wean; the natty cheque tweeds or sergee that his son or grandson wears. tipped off with a Jaunty hat. Ho gone to baseball. the races; he keeps up with the pro- cession and is an in for a good time in moderation. h althfu 1y. The young woman with him in white or col- one. with the gay hat, who has the manners of a youthful, but self-re- specting girl of 20 in the last cen- tury, is his wife. perhaps a. grand- mother, but none the less young and happy yet. They feel young. they these young. they believe themselves young-try the Great Horned Spoon, they are ,otlng.-Loaitrviiie Herald. Deafness 1-3 a terrible affliction to 231mm: who likes to hear himself When some people make up their gum they are mighty poor ma- s . Young om People of To-day. People quit growing old at 40 halt a. century ago. They qutt it when they _ceased thinking themselves old Mlnard’s Llnlment Cures Diphtho. Fit down to the Washing Ave., Winnipeg. F Mth-ir. G. Tudhope, Inger-sou. 'tLrt--Joa. Lay, Reaburn, Man. 22na--Mrsr. W. Nickel, Waterloo, Ont. 28rd-D. M. Fleet, Ingeraoll. 24thr-A, R_. Smith, Box 548, Wood- stock,0nt. .- -"--. m“ a6th-ihso. H. Lnrwlll, 628 Broad. way, Winnipeg, Man. Pictou Co., N, B. 18th-Rotrt. Keeping. 10 Windsor Bt., Toronto. 19ttr-A. §._E..Lowman, 275 Portage count. 16th-C. J. Thacher, Wlnnlpeg. Mth-at. W. Torrance, Gait, Ont. ITue-hfitrt' B, J, Harivel, Btelltrrtort, . tho-Lake. I 11th--Mary Forman, Inger-on. 12th--geruite Benton, Lorem Ont. 18th--R. F. Kitlattn New Westmin- ster. 'ep 7 ee-ee? ~77 utr-hm'. Forrest, Robson Bt., Van- Attr-aiki. Hawks, Moose Jaw. 6th-g. Dow, Burr Block, New West- minder. 6ttr--RtUph M. Reade, 252 D'Mgnlion Bt., Quebec. Qua Tu-w. c. Forman, Inger-on. Ont. ttth-at, W. Meredith, Reglnh. 9th--F. D. Smith, 250 King St.. Wim nlpeg. 1o.tlerfera. Chapman, Niagara-on- COMPETITION the labor " Mn; the prize qrtna+ bu take- uvanl weeks. The known; In the successful oo-tttom- "b-t B. Morrow, Ellen Bt.. Win- nipeg. I ' 2nff.Ed.. Dortrn, Westminster Block, Own; “the (no: number at “vacuo- a.qg" waived In the BLUE RIBBON TEA There is nothing washable it will not Taah-perfectly clean-do it in half the time without boiling the clothes. Runs on ball bearings, just a touch does it. Send for des- " criptive circular, better i still. ask any , 3?. hardware a a , man to show TaT.; iia2aiy tt li () it to you. E?iill tallit _ G a - " The Dowstedl CCN ./ , El Mg. Co., Ltd., gl Gl - Il I!" tunylton, [fu' / -- . Winnipeg. . 7 V 7 WW --" --. trrxyc-J./rr. yltgeu. 313 St. Paul at. To economise fabric, time and strength and wash your clothes cleaner use: A: Every One Has Seen it. “vacations of a Cynic. New Century Washing Machine. BINDER TALK. .-r.---'"""'e. I lr, ' w’1‘\.‘,. WHO -rutR5H" TORONTO Remove: all had. sort or callonoed lumps and blow-hon from nor-u: Mood noun. curbs. splints. rlnzbono. "can”. "ities, nprnlnn. no" and swollen throat. comma. etc. Save .50 by use of one bottle. Wan-noted the you wonderful blemish euro our room a basin ot milk should be placed. The milk somehow will dea- den the puma odor and, clues it la the odor that causes the "Inca. no heathen wlll ensue. After a few hours the mllk will have a. dictlnct smell ot patat about It. A been: ot water In a. fresh painted room ill another good preventive of odom and o! headaches. The water. after a Ilttlo while to such a room, n.0- /.Plltst', an all; ortumi'-a'ht1adeégthia :Hthchee From House Paint. At this season, when home- are ins painted everywhere, a. great many headaches are suffered by those who have to breath the fumes of pain. A preventive of these howd- echee was indicated " a painter yea- terday. "It your 'bedroom u being painted," he said. “and you sleep in it while its walls are wet, on it '.our sitting room is being painted, and you work in It, a. headache is " most inevitable and with some per- sons this headache is so eerioul an to ttOtis them to their rooms for several My. Such fumes might be easily} memes]. In the newly minted‘ Wash Your Face. There are few women probably who would believe it if you told them they did not know how to waeh their faces properly. but lt" II a truth that few know how to per- form this little, act so as to get the best results and econome in "beauty" MIU. There In no no In employlng a masseuse to manipu- late the muscles of the face tor a halt hom- once a week and then wash and wipe the face several tlmes a day for the remaining tlme, strok- lng the muscles in exactly the diretr. “one to emphaelze the wrinklee m.- ther than eradicate them. It teem- eo much easier to rah the lace down- ward. hut you notice that your beauty doctor rubs away and up- w_nnd_a,t the comere_ol the mouth. also by the eyes. Remember the tendency of the {lam in to tag. and when you wipe or massage Four own race. rub upmui-"Deborah." I was Cured of Black Eryslpelz by MINARD’S LINIMENTJ (Intrlotrviiits, J. w. RUGGLES. I was Cured of a. terrible sprain by MINARD’S LlljlligNTh 7 I was Cured ot a severe cold by MINARD’S LINIMENT. Oxford. N. a. R. P. Hewson. " tried everything and tried the doctors. bat could get no help till I was advised to use Dodd's Kidney Pius... Ther have made me a new mun. I Mr. Gilchrist is gutting on in years. but he feels young. That's what Dodd's Kidney Pills do tor a man. Port Hope. 0nt., July 20.-Ahtatlai.) --Mr. Charm, Gilchrist. Chief of po. lice he re tor fifteen yeah: and after- wards Dominion Fishery Overseer. is always willing to add his teetimony to the volume of proofs from all parts that Dodd’a Kidney Pills - fall to me any form of Kidney Dip- -. ' "t an) a healthy man. Dodd’n Kidney Pills have done the job." is the may' Mr. Gilchrist puts it. "Whatt I first started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills I was in an awful state. I had been a. sufferer from Diabetes and Kidney Disorder for ten years. My urine was of a. dark bricky color, and I would suffer eornething awful while pausing. Could Not Stand Before Budd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Chm-In Gllchri-t had Dubem for Year-Doo'. Kidney mn. Uured Him. in upon his bad. Wesley uiwsiys re- teined a vivid recollection o the .0000. and more than in]! a. century Itstttr, when. 22,epi, him-ell neu- death, he composed in epitaph. he describes himseli as "a brand pluck- ed from the burning." His mother deemed his renoue a Providentm indication that her son was preserved for some greet work. and resolved. as she can. "to he more Particularly careful of the soul ot this child that Thou but so merci- fully provided for." There is. however. no evidence ot anything precocious in the religious development ot the boy, bat only a Certain staid over-deliber- atenees. which he trot from his mo- ther, but which, to the more mercur- lat temperament of the father. seem- ed. in a lad not yet in his teens. half 'upunintr and half vexatioue. "threeuteartP said the rector to his wife, "I profess I think our boy Jack wouldn't attend to the moat prou- lng necessities ot nature unless he could give a reamn tor it."-Prom c. T. Wlmshmrtesr'a “John Wesley." in the July Century. ' .V; I 'tfllllMlifl (ll? EX- w UHIEF fl? PULIUE Yarmouth, N. s, ENGLISH SPA"! ”NIKE“ m thirteen yearn younger than 8:.an and d: years older than (linden. ot h!- mly boyhood only one incident ls recorded. On a Febru- ary night in 1709 the rectory was burned. Tire family. hurrying out ln terror. left the little boy John sleep- lng In his attic chmbur. and he was taken out through a window only on patent before the blulng_ root felt No Evidence of Any Preach-IDO- In " Rough-n Dunlap-tent. Of the nineteen children born to Sunni and Stu-nun. Wesley. only ten survived the period ot Infancy. and ot ueryrur three were cons. {can THE BOY JOHN WESLEY, ?CBlelr, Eminen- FRED. COULSON. All Truth One. Chicago Chronicle. The scientific ntudiee ot Leo’- youth were retleeted in his life at- titude to nelenee. Keen logioien. he knew that there could be no eon. met between eclenoe and revelation. all truth being one. Every new vic- tory ot men our mutter he claimed on a. victory for pro. gram. All knowledge he rev. emced " addition-.1 lplendor in the ritual of the universe moi-Illin- ug- divine power which renewed for men's inventintion‘ all pinion“. hut all. “Hwy could not understand why this should have kopt hlm from priming. so I had to explaln the reason to them. Do you know the reason? No'? Well, It was this; A Jam-km. to bray. In. to have his tall elevated till " to even with Ma backbone. As long an it hang- down hr, can make no sound. Mr -,lueavy £1090. therefore, served tho " ChicagoPOIt. "Yes," said the father, "we at thoroughly up to date." Then he led the villtorto the wood. Ihed. “This." he explained, “ll our lulu. lug whool. As long an I hare a shingle [alt I intend to use that Wit.. lie ll pmporly trained.” purpose ot in first ua; ..._ _..-. ..-..- ... run-nu pour om chm-gen. Bad blood cause- the trotttrie, [ggaLremedyj- Weaver'. Cent... um , "I bet 7011 $50 that I can step this animal's noise. so that to-night Que won't brat onee.' " “They took the bet and that ev- ening I treated the Jackass for a. minutol 'erfrra. Tito result mu that all night long he was as all- enm as the grave. 'My mews In the morning pald me what wad due, and they "Eattt.. load the animal. The? found a. than: stone tied to his tan. That "I was on a gunning trip with some {Honda ot mine," he would out. "and in a field clone to the house when: we slept a Jaiseatm matured. m: Jackass kept us awake with his braving a good part ot the night. My friends. do what they would, Quid not put a. stop to his noiue. '"I happen to know a good deal about juckasaes. TUsr abound. you know, in Poeen, the country where I come from. So I said to my friends; How the Jackass Wu Gamma. The late Harris Cohen (the "only original Cohen. of Baxter street, used to like to tell Low he once won a. but: ot $50. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pun with Level-’- Dry Soup 3. powder. It will re- move the grease with the greatest ene. 36 xtnurd'l Llnlment Cum Distemper. “Gum-bye. Jean. Ye see whit ye has got to answer for." Leaving the house he wen-dad his way down through the garden towards the canal bank. When about half way fr.." be hand Jean's voice shout- ng: "Johnnie, Johnnie." "Whit d'ye want t" he asks. "Come back at since and pat on your jacket. A bonnie-lookin' corpse y9_wig be wantln' It." . - Needless to tknuir/nnie went back tor his jacket. and forgot to go and thmw himself into the canal. "Wool. I'll lint an’ doon un' tling mysal’ in the ennui." Taking oft his jacket. he threw It down on the tio.." and held out his hand, say- as: 1359053904; trt, mama "his " no' "to i Jean t" m g a me It. "Nest " yo might has man- can” than ask It." real mined ll Weaver's baits: uni-Vidal: "a Syrup In": the potion from the blood "D'yo think I've naethin' eke to the we my duer than trio It to ya to gang " drink? Faul- libre ye was aatrin' me to ttits ye some wid to brat to kindle the fire. Nal John- 'nfs. yo’l: get Am tusppence_0‘ mint," An old mam who we. a bit of n worthy in " own particular way. resided In a. home near the Fourth and Clyde Canal, not a hundred mile. from Kireintiiloett. One day John- nie (for such we; the worthy'l name). being dry. and seeing no way ot raising the wind; to get the price ot a dram, thought he would tackle " wife Jean and. use what she amid do in the way of relieving lilo distract Shutting into the house with a. very forlorn look on his face he accosted his wife as (allows: 7 "I want tuppenee. Jean. I'm no' teelin. vol-ta weal." Tate Who dined with hll girl " 8.08; At: this very late date Truman be hard to relate What Tate and NI hated-tote ate. Totem-tote " tum." N. Y. Earth]. A imminent Insurance man in New York tells ot an old wanna who called on an agent at his common down youth to arrange tor Insurance on their house and furniture. "We- havn't bad no Insurance for tire an." trho explained. “We In" tere n dependln‘ on the Lord; but I m1 to 19y old man. I can, that I {SI-Emu; risky." Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. a, MinarrN Llnlmnt Gum Colds. etc. There was 2GGK porno ”and Hinard'l Llnlment Ga. (ingot In Where the Bor in than A Kirktntllloch Story. Inc'- mete-Mm. "asrrttrte, ma!- WWI Trained. I)?" an: 91-- gag." ty' We}: ma "uh LA? th'o Mat allowed it Phlludolphh- Tic ta good " days. For further particular. on." go or can. Baht. 3. Lewis, Pun-onset ”It. " You. qtregyt. Mute. no IMBHORE 151003310315 '" Atlantic City. Cape In], Bea. [#wClty. 004nm City, vln‘ et, Nd: " Railroad. Alum-t , "I! M. 11¢an onLv no. no 23213:” least Wns‘pn prfdry; icy F6 “my. and that I. to “no the um. 3" N“? that - M u but one my to proper" mm the Idvuntagep or a trip to N" York or Boston on the at!” ot tb Now York Cent"! A Nauru] Inference. CW Post. "It In. very affecting when I 'trho,'.", mm tor " daughter- F, w n’w.v "Did beget as his! " all thstf" MtusirurLmit -isTi - :03,“ aa io. dear. we were jut pretendlug WI Hominy, Punch. Auntie-rem - [an ought not to.Pt._stlar.i.r.yr, up: on Sunday. . we Inna. The one. one hundred donu- tor nay use " 1.15 to can. Bend tor circu- tam and tmttmoniain. Addre- P. J. CHENEY & co., Toledo. o. Bold b D to-Tse. 'ls%4%'lllhntti In the beat. Infnto can with local treatment. pronounerd It curable. Science has prawn catarrh who I. eortatttarttonat (II-cue and theretore ro. qnlm t ttonetttatttomu treatment. Hair-Cs tan-h Cure, mutant-cured bv F. J. Cheney * Co., Toledo. Ohio, 1. the onlv cunntltutlond cure on the market. It I. taken Intern-.1111- do.“ from 10 drop- to . tetotpoontul. lucu directly on the blood and human. nun-cu ot the lyuum. “1:119, otter one hundred doll”! There I. more cum-tr in thin portion of the country than all other til-enam- put together. and until the lust low you. wad summoned to be Incumble. ,Fft"th',t'g many year: dos tom pronounced it I ocal dlueue and pm gribgd local mangle- ud by constantly tall. The thtalor--wttr, ot course It ia, madame! And, besides, it Is the very latest thing In uthuel. Bhe-1 mo” It I; l genuine ur- thue t aha by no..." Hamilton. Split,” and Garden. Further ttttttr-tton nppl to H. Font. chm... Wm Pusan." In“. Tore“. . " In. No aqua “We-lib, TH! CAIPIILL MFG. co. of MAI-luau. ouumo. M100 MILE AXLE GREASE simmers Iorgntp. Kingston W I UP GOES "'""""‘ -e-.e"_ -- d - RT GG" .- " r,'gtLtgu'll'l', PJ'dardgl"f Lf $223: "e Colman. Mil hm Tum]. Sou. tit, Mt, MO mac-u -rooed Int ye meal-£33.22 Iff 12395 21te A...“ iuuauiurd "ed. dry room-2m. but 'oiettgt,','t cud-n. lawn. have 'a2t w. " ' 'Ilk trom "sie. tsod Mil, hood-c. new“. "PM“. ”5:... can Iro- In dbtum per Ink. App” G aa-ttmt." 174 Sal “not. Kiisiritoir, on; Keep In the hope tor emergencies-for sup- pers-lot "?ytyrithes-Hor my time when you grant something good Ind will: it quick. Radon-o “I“ build. “Good Thing-w In" tft- B." In lulu: l at dime-14.13 In my. to Ak I Libby. McNeil & Libby. Chicago. Ill. Veal Lad Potted Turkey Deviled Ham Ox Tongue. ac. For In. by all lesdlng dealer; For mum and". adam- PRINCIPAL DYER, D ALBERT COLLEGE; lollovlllo, Ont. Ibo “My. traatnuare-.Estnmtasr. “PM. I 3". the honor to ro- ttet tbr 9.9-]. ha- rem-aid." " What Luck P' Are u. I. (Iowa-at Inspected. Libby Luncheon nude ready in n lei moments. “I... mm 250 ' “Tm. CURE . " , I. IE!!! 'tne 'tAr: Asst'N m1 "Mfrz‘l'ears (In A ' " THE ONLY WAY." Quickly and: ready to serve, H..- h '3teeCGirrsU, a , tsT,,'ru'o,',': dropplnfs m thc “ mum chm m all!” and algae-inky" WI. " . A. W. C a“ 7W Co. I‘d-u hi - Pretending. Tetereghre. Eli?" ctr-cot. rt Summer Excursions Iatt't bolu- 1% 150 women who have ”not “apply ot {all “out! up u few extra In thnter'sr usv. may a. ot their foresight in may ot a good hair can; in before the n = market is going up a. batch ot tine blonde “I: to prop up the Window. t'Otitti more I an] other time in the 1 - The women who comm " tum in human ha bk! mes-[Mics and wt - mm- to the ha. hep intermod on the I. the Ian few gays Mod and grieved to am - of all kinds of ha .m'lng mommy up. Tn an cdumcv in tho primw [or dayl tor tho unit I) that (It prsmm gm nus Belling tor m to 4ij If cent. mun- than at the your. not to blume h but. In tact. 1 no largo protitr grtqar and swim “ya when 12m) ot half tor “but! ”W " tor (I dour. The. in" though. to find tn this city is at ha. ever bee the tturi"-, In pricey. Although women as a O) not buy Itt so tar u they did a few 5. gtrmtber ot purchasnx'r , this! ot human hair ll, Increased that the do: larger that " was a c." m. This big local d of the [actors helping We“; but it u only The peanuts In Eu people who are sending ot good human hair, etrla on the Continent hall a century. supp“ crop ot the world, ar lilac to realize the l" -srehanditre, and to d woes tor their tram-s The“ the demand for [AI-gar um year, the i; noon; Euclid: and F thgut over before. For “I prlces have gone m ttnot, and the loval bid higher tor their a - to tqeCtlrN? tiw Cr goods which New Tori -snd. The hair-euttin tor this Fear. 'Ply to the tields rar t not! there “N be I ttarrests until tall Wt sell their ha, tune, The buyers no hair hon-m: ol "turning: from th the comment. “I the comment. “they!!! their " nukillg unusual l of their Muses. the largest wh house! in the C Friday from a through Europe human hair. He I of pounds of hair in “untried. which will t through tiw United tital next few month». The chief reason tor to the coat of hair is. the penum- m can [armed and dancing t civilnauon. Trolley w " built Into the Inc . tew years ago an loads. The result in that I one well-dressed pea themselves beginning 1 Of ttouee. if “my we: cannot have their “I In, ls fut passing. 1 we well them-tel" The New iri; Gaiane by Is, hum Vegetable C nlliflll, , nuts Menard ton failed l I" "Lydia E. I'll - (lonlll'und doctors had fad" ether girls to krvnv bg mum: tnty.tse mi and m my I EOE made my as iirud,yel l fi The medium did ttot do mo I m thott tugl doctor wauiwl of mums! I "I dinalty began mum‘s T ad felt better bottle, a“! at h a . Ill,(u““"" 3 for it." ---- M I“ Gm ggr E. tstnd 51 Seq 'e, W If “I." d LLuua-t “was: WWI'" _ 'lraaiit.tre -. I" I“: Wgntin'b' mm [m hogr‘htnnn iraitE (New York " an». [or tact. tue profits I switches Dat ik. Punk!!! and "irurtet York heatT . He pure! of hair i .3 tiad/ to know ll ruation I 1 in low in) 'g Teget» mus country I tour liner tal trp 'd can help Ir l’iukl wapon A par luring My " an- m the ti .v are y wa new ‘ “9W " Ill

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