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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jul 1903, p. 4

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Hi, I] " ULAnac.--At the residence of her hus- hand, John Clark, Br., 3rd Concession, . 'e......... Bentinck, on Monday. July 20, Cub- o'oe'..ooooootoooo, i (can. Clark, sued Trrears. W " It $891116 useful horses for sale ta, tRush h, Clark 's ‘0 see, to test, h, A, convinced Balance of our Children's Duck Suits " a Bug Reduction 20 doz. Ludies' Cotton Hose, logular 16 ets, clearing them out for 10 cts a pair. 10 Pieces of Bmycle Suiting 40m 200’yds. fine Muslms. regular 15 eta per yd going att? all 1,50 6g Shamburys. reg. 20 1k 25 cts per yd at 15 cts 200 .. Dimines, 86 Inches wide reg. Me yd at Ile 800 'k beoteh Ginghmms. reg. 12he yd at 10 cts That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal.. merston and London makes, The Great Prize Wire. ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville ; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs; Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. Our Full Stock will amye m a few days Ind to make room for " we Are eleermg all our Summer Good, " big nducuon. We quote you a few of our Bargain: ' SIJMMER CLEARING SALE: _ _ _ _ _ Implement Warerooms in the old McKinnon stand still continues and still there's room for more AI U SLIN sfis' & DIMITIES Cash and John Clark 'ortoek. wide, reg. la, yd for 110 'ortock PYee. Mr. H, A. Hunter, Minneapolis. is spending a few. days around the old home here and of course admiring the " get " the old town is showing. Mr. and Mrs. Buchan and little Ma gie Lauderleft Wednesda for Bay- 'ldtf to visit their daughter, Jars. (Dru) Woods for a couple at weeks. Mrs. G. Moore, of Teeswater. who, with her family, are visinng relatives in Normanhy and Bentinck. called on Mrs. C. Ramage. Tuesday. Mrs. Alex. Robertson, Fergus. and Miss Maggie Robertson. Toronto. Visited Mr. and Mrs Geo. Turnbull, south Bentinck, last week and part of this. Mr. C. McArthur returned last week after a trip to Regina and some inter. mediate points feeling improved in health by the outing. Mrs. W. J. Blakeston. of Dundalk. and Mrs. J. It. Parslow, of Ceylon. spent a. few da tg last week with their Sister, Mrs. E. fr." Lawrence. Mr. Sam. Horn, wife and family, of London, were the guests for a. week at the home of the former's Sister. Mrs. J. A. Darling. Miss Lexie Anderson leaves for her home in Hamilton this week accom- panied by her friend. Miss Sarah Voller. Mr. R. J. S. Dewar, Harriston. is In charge of the bank here for a few weeks, while Mr. Kelly is spending a holiday out west. Mr. L. R. Woolfington, of Cincinnati, Ohio, has been the guest of Mr. Edw. Burnet, for the past few days. Mr. Hornell and his friend, Mr. Cook, of Toronto. Were the guests of the former's cousin. Miss Kate Cameron. Mr. Jas. Ireland was a de! annual meeting of the Ma Lodge in Toronto last, week Mr. will Hart is of the Toronto News. Staff is camping on the banks of the Rocky Snugeen this week. Mr. and Mrs. Boynton. of Toronto, with their children. are visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Lauder. Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Reid spent a couple of weeks visiting their son Robert, in Flint, Michigan. Mr. Jas. Ireland was a delegate to the nunnul .....A.:.__ _. .. -- Mls. Dr. Hutton came Ir from spending it couple of old friends In Pricevifie, Miss Kathleen Grant returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Thorn, nury, on Saturday. Mrs. Jno. McKechnie. with her par- ean and some other friends, are out unuping at Olipham. Mrs. MyGillivrar, Glelwlg. is Visiting her (hummer. Mrs. Webbei, and other friends In town Mr. & Mrs. Jun. McKerey, and Mrs. Lassliv, vituted at, Mr Geo. Turntull's. tsentinck, lately. Mrs. R. A. Gnu visiting her mother at the Hedges. Miss Erma. Schwonk leaves on " ycsit to her former hon dumy, Ohio. Mr. W. V was a calls] parents here. Mr. Wm, Emmet. of Musknkn, lumber of Mr Ed. Burnet. is here on a visit fot, a few days. Mr, T. C. Smith, S. ville, 1s enjuymg part Dnrnnch. Ruhr, and J home Friday pawn“. Mr. Harry A. Hunter. "fhhyneapoiiu, is the guest ot his mothrr. Mrs. J. H. Hunter. Mrs. (Dr.) Jamieson mum home last week and stayed tiil Tuesday ot this week. Miss Dummy Burns. of Cleveland, is nguest of her mother, Mrs. Edward Lauder, Rev. Mr. Boo his family at Mr day. It; M Mias Inzzie McIntosh left'l‘nesduy for Toronto. Miss Dick was holidaying in Toronto, W. Williamson, of Mt. ll caller on Wedruasruv, u . and John Burnet. De u . , _ DIED. Smith, Sues-fall's: in Dunn £33 DURHAM REVIEW BOON. Leuuninglnu, jmned r M. M._n _ ... -- m'nwouk leaves this week hm- furmer home in han- tnn unmet. Detroit. came night, on a Visit lo their nut and children are er. Mrs. J. H. Humor, (he Jursiri/d iiiGiii mm). of Mt. Fun-st, Wedntasdas, in. his Mciooida's"r'ui"is'iir, of his hoiirLiiri't home Sunday d weeks mm NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Bapsrmrats.--.rn Teeswnter. on M July 18, to Mr. and Mn. Jae no”. a daughter. . ' I Yamaha's "-55“, mcUUUKeI‘y, but now Mrs Allan Call an . , _ ” Camphell. The happy couple were mur- I . J BURNETT threshed ,Cxarnme my stock ot ried in Georgetown;, on the 8th. and t . . C lfrs J12 made-to-rear returned to their home. a mile north of . m a an J , here, the same evening. We wish them I t Sole Agents for ' purchasing. 8182:; eliéde It',: all the compliments. ' t . . . so Mr John MoArthur Visited friends ' WESTON'D BREAD. limes: mitts In IO and 14 around Rob Roy and the flltt Mr Mc- f--diciciC2l,'le,?, ' inch lengths] Arthur, opportunely. was ome in time for his fother’s last illness and death. Pure-Bred Bulls For Sale ' 5116.. made ttt orb, Mrs Alex Kennedy. of Toronto, la vie- the undersigned otter for we Tm, And re . . iting the Kennedy family " present Shun-thorn Bt11.r.e,tyrfsrma',' the other P1311115 fromptly done and will rennin for a couple of weekl. 133nm. yd. prancnpelly red Ind like], at IONS I Stand next unmade": every rennet _?ltttiiiiii'i' door to Cam bell ' Sidi-ir-'--;---- Plieation to Kearnemre. lot. as.“ at P Implement Con.8, B. D. ty2f wan-.11... WarehoGC 1'tr,qtt3grr,,vtir; 05 Honda. ' MINNI- A. & . t%afaiF, tt y to r. a m. to. Her:- new. edmghter. A!” Purebred Tom-end 3mm I I J: . muff» Mr John, MoArtlmr visited flit around Rob Roy and the Glen. Mr Arthur, opportunely. was home in t for his father', last illness ttnd donth . J)re..Aucrannedr of Toronto. " . v“- ".111; uvuplt tied in Georgetown, on th returned to their home. a mi here, the same evening. We all the eomplitmrntr. “umm mcuosxery, but now Mrs Allan Campbell. The happy couple were our tied in Georgetown, on the 8th, and returned to their home. a mile north of here, the same evening. We wish them B" the "rtrs.uli.,..- out " didn't fetch 'Jobn. v ”a e We most heartily welcome back one of our old neighbors, formerly Miss Maggie McCoskery, but now Mrs Allan n‘»‘_| ,n n“ _ John Stewart was horse the other day. but it didn't fetch Jo Sam Jackson. of Aberdeen, Ont ted his brother Tom, of the Gr Wednesday. Mrs Culross and her Wilson are holiu'aying family at presem.. Mr and friends in week. Some of the farmers around here have finished caning their hey. Mt ond Mrs Rigby, of x, U. s., are the guests of the farmer's sister Miss Alice Hunter, of Bunessun. Miss Jennie McFarlane. of Boothvilie, yisned her parents here. . ,... -0...“ ouuw yum and Simple. There will he trials ot speed hut only for judging purposes. Points will he allowed for neatness of costume on the part of the driver. All the clam- es in the Exhibition horse show are open to the world. Applications for prize lists and other information should he addressed to Dr. J. o. Orr. Manager, Industrial Exhibition. Toronto. m.“- uuuusneu horse racing and have substituted an open air hora: Show pure and Simple. There will he [Hails m mom! I _ . - - y'/iaraisEifi, I ---Tluy King and Queen left on Mon ,day lor a tour ot Ireland with every expectation ot a loyal reception, even (i'i?:'i'inti' Dublin council churlislily re- fused to pass an address of welcome. i The decorations are being planned on la lavish scale and the whole empire will be pleased if the royal visit should accomplish a Cementing of the emerald isle to its big sister which is greatly needed. King Edward bids fair to be remembered as the "Peacemaker." His recent visit to Portugal. Italy and France was decidedly paeitie, and the return visit by the French President has been concluded under the happiest auspices. This Irish visit is conceived _ in the same spirit and all will hopel that the results will show‘ that royalty l has uses apart from Legislative orl governmental tunctions. d '",Phit'nuratrtly not I vlntmn which an Witlkevion. Mr. S: hut will be hack in further. investigurh v THE ELECTRIC RArrnvAv,--one of the new promote-rs of the Huron Ontario Electric Railway was in town Friday. This Was Mr. Sawyer of Montreal, He started In at Flesherton in drive over the route. with the view of arquainting hunseit' with the business Irttssilu'lities of the tlistrirt, and the probability of living able to HPCIIN‘ water [min-r. He was ac- cmnpnniml from Fleeheitnn to Hanover by Me. Gilbert Mer-lmiu rufr ”min.“ ,,__,.. .-...- vulnu III 100‘. "e, Lord 8.. ind appointed him to his posi- l lion. The Bishop later, was lamenting to the King Loni Salisshury's weakness. when His Majesty laughed heartily and said ' .. He has treated me worse. than that. Not long ago. while having an audience WI”) me, he gave a beautiful example of thinking aloud. On it table close to his Lordshi tstood n photograph ofur.vselt. Lord Salisbury. raking it up. gazed at. it for A few umnwuh mud than unmarked. ' Poor old "utter: I wonder if he is as stupid as he looks ? " u-mmuue snowing for public tttem-Ex HARD ON LORD h'Armmvnv.--A te: on this venerable slutesnmn has wen thoughtunnd enough to he, cabled to the New York Bun, At the King's Levee lust. week. the Bishop of Londnn approached and greeted him. but was mortified to find Lord Salisbury didn't know hnn. The Bishup was forced to explain, reminding ho that in 1901. he, Lord S., Ind llDDninh-d M... In LL, mm: ‘ NON-SMOKERS is THE Cumser,-The recent parliamentary discussion of the cign reite question brought out the fact that the following members of the Dom- inion Cabinet. do not use the weed in any form: Sir \Vilfrul Laurier. Messrs. Fielding, Mulock. Scott. Fisher, Fitz. pntlick. Cartwright. and the late Minis. tee of Public Works. Mr. Tulle. Hon. Dr. Borden might also he put in the same class, because he very rarely uses tobacco in any form. Surely this is a creditable showing for public tttem-Ex I After a. two-week’s struggle With the lust enemy, Death has conquered. and LeoXllI takes his place in the 10:5 roll ofover 260 Popes. having oaths, them all as to use. and outreigned them all but one, his predecessor,' Pals IX. The death struggle was prolonged with- cut a doubt, by the iron Will of the pat‘eut. whose mentality never dropped Into senility. as is cmumon in RRP. He knew too he was being obselved by all the world. He died on Monday at t.0t p. tu., and was in his 94m year. 1 N' Mrs Wm Britten visited north Gleuelg one day this holidaying with N0 RACING. Rott ROY. THE POPE IS DEAD. ------- ._----- time Mr. Suwyvr reach. he had about made up he railway would he a was luminous (mung-h in pay and plenty of wa- um: the “min to run it. usel? as living delightvd __., Ir . I V nut-en. unt.. Visi- ' of the Glen lass oiferea 8160 for a I'retty good pnce sitter: Miss Maud the (In-ii um ,, ___, .....w..u, um. we und Avoident. pinned In [food comranios at lowest Piles. livery 105 set- the! honor-b yum fairly. quuihbling. Norm-" Alwnyl prompt. never negligent." All business strictly cotttittetttiii. He has had 24 YEARS' EXPERIEXFE and those who deal with him get the beuettt of it. IT WI LL PAY YOU to take him your holiness though you have to drive 20 miles. Plenty of peo. ple come further and and it to pay. HE COLLECTS debts and claims o all kinds. No charge if no money collect ed. Is not that fair , '- l'OTRAscEs, Fire. Lily And Annuu-A . _ you can and he charges nothing: If Lo salo_ IF YOU WANT TO BITY a place or business he can find something to suit. yon Hejunt now has for Sula 100 ACRES IN BENTINCK With good bank ham. dwelt. ing, perhaps the best hardwood hush ID the Township and only asks about 92000 Think of tt t . you can and he charges m- erty he can do on molten notice. lowest smallest coat, and on your 0' Are careful us to who slull do their business. So should you be. Then you had better Sto to II. H. Miller, the Hano- ver Conveyancer. flll Wllll)'il llilllilllm ofrna, &e i? DRUGGISTS Back Up gwww wavwg §What iii' §About (il,' ib can ' A si?,, i:" URUGGISTS & SEEDSMEN. Qi',' ' ih4s4utse3egsga FlisiNirsetst? T'or Sale at W. Black's Store. lb' YOU HE WILL LEND YOU Kodak hdlllllllif I 00. al,l,8lei?,,,8,,5lli man-mama: Bold Earn-hon. l WISH TO SELL you; prop- n it quicker ay! better than t . "RF " It's yours if 370mg, take it with a Ko-‘gx" n . gi, dak, and so 51mp- a, ly done a child can t do it. Let us 6 show you. We 3% tie, have them from $1 g, up. 6 thatrunlonwheeb. -. IQLLER. Lite nnd At-vhent. piloed was! an.“ l‘_,,, . YOU MONEY "a tttes, very Own terms. " " Aw»... an”- 'aa t,ii5j.'i", we" . ad?” Ttiiivyif, 'va. 5'J%rcivA4' of not in yours, Necessarily it's a u --not heavy, soggy, im take pardonahle pride of our bakery. and d) follow in its wake . R household word in man OUR BREAD'S AS LIGHT " A FEATH ER Necessarily it's a thlcsomc hrcad --not heavy, soggy. indigestible. We t-I.- - . ‘ ' JULY 28, 1903 We are at the shop at the bridge m cry Wednesday and Saturday. or, ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur', store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. will receive our best attention. Also another Shipment ol the renowned and up-to-date Kam Organs. Call and has: them, theyare open for ‘W _ tion. ”(fl-Old! Cream Joparaiors. ”or Ivalor rill, ' Agents. Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Limb-ten St. now its Gray's Chatham 'tussrio eta" in] Wood: / / Aarn @rgansj“ (8arriages, which are known and approved of all men to be unsurpassed for beauty and second to none in quality. Call and seethem and if you do not want to buy (mg for yourself you will be able to tell your friends the old old story of those famous rigs which is as above mentioned. Prices and Styles to suit all. ftamous Just arrived at the Show Rooms of Barclay &Bell. a Car- load of Ready for Spring Only Drill in the Market ileum! from both wheels and full lime, ol not! their reputatiqn has lsecn glazed only by their excellmuw Peter Hamilton's Goods in . B. McARTHUR Cudhope pride in the product and dyspepsia doesn 't e . Rowe's bread is a in many homes-wh, Frade hiking cutters Stock 1: In mum-e: bun, T lyer's lusm M Adotnetitr.vnrhtv.t 'r.' M ' 1h'gtirasupr,y ". "all. Black tar-1 Inuit“ Mm Man the 11>..4w 'I bleak“ "rtuprvtre It=2t't,t"g Rhythm" MI Won Mutual " unapnlyfm QM ask Insnecno GROCERIES TWEEDS d T. Nt H Callers Block Nut t Peoven Steel ll Also "ranth Cockshutt am Clare Bros with Full Lit Sylvester F arm Famous 'li Bishcr NE“ Bluvl THE 131331 GI AT LOWEey11 IV Fl Culdor's m HESS: T. NO "trl X trot im- ol you can :1 in Bur,in, Typowrix best muil Ow In We can .. The Im a continual bestowed or be found " ll' FA LL I‘EGINS 'l‘l'li Repairitw PIC Fl I A. I YOI _ I'. Cu/y /K/// n DRY GOODS. fl4 MOTh' & 51101-5 AT THE OLD Ot best qua! II (iii i _ Zo per cent your footwe ll 1 as ll W tt Nor, - - - JULY 'l/l'r'n L'LI “I I‘ll "

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